TSSIFIED RATES. three insertions 5 ?' cents: one month :::; one cents; at ye ,.uiu per ad -a ecu is. inrtion only in New Today. s'v ads cash in advance and not tak-C1'-1 hn unless advertiser has nhone. unless advertiser has I ' v., onthly accouui. . v w. errors. NEW TODAY. . ; JY wanted at u . luuai it otti uxTEl Lad'- dishwasher and ex perienced Iy eooK. Home Rest., Tit X. Com. . 1 S133 -r-jj-i) To hear from owner of a -ood fruit ranch for sale. Address C. H Brown, saiem, nu , box ei, 1133 foR SALE Or trade, stock hogs; will trade for heifer calves or cows -Phone evenings. e!36 tjlxEK MCLAREN Real estate Courts investments. Room 21., 140 N Com'l St. Phone 430. - . BED potatoes. No. 1 Burbank seed u . ..-J .11.. 1 D .. 1 St &C per puunu. vino iaiuaueit, Pratum, Or, Phone UaFSi. cl33 WANTED To trade Uiew !2-ton truck for light car or light truck, jp v.- Jones, 162 N. Commercial ' street- '133 VoR SALK room bungalow and lot 1650. $150 down, balance like rent. Address Box 227 care Journal. " am Slot 10WN Six room house, now va cant, close in, on paved street, new ly papered and planted. $1650; in stalments. Phone 1250J. a!33 WANTED Live, wide awake, courte ous boy to carry route - paying 'about $25 "per month. . Circulation Dept. Capital Journal. , g HASTED Some one to care for 4 year old boy, during day, while '. mother is awa;'. must be kind, and ' permanent place, preferable in N. "' S.dem near car line. Address H ear , journaK ' ' 131 y, ANTED To rent, would like to rent small tract with t room house , for year or season, for cash, with ' opportunity to buy iater. State lo- cutlon and rent. J 8 care Journal. . - 1133 j.'0R SAhE 98 acre farm in Howell Prairie on Salem : and Silverton "road, good house and barn, family orchard, 1-8 -Crop with places wilt ' consider city property in trade., EH vin Herr, Rt. 2, Silverton, Silverton ' phone green' 255. .' ' ' 1 Mti FOR SALE 60 acres, 20 acres prunes 50 acres cleared, balance timber : and. pasture with water the .year round: 3 houses, tram and silo, all t.tock and machinery including trac tor, team and two cows; has a good set of prunes and is located nine n.iles from Vancouver, Wash., on a paved road. If you are -looking ' for a good income proposition see Fred V.urbin, 275 State street. bl35 FOR SALE. For Sale-Housea. WANTED Modern house, uuincmn bered. up to $5000 as first paynrent ,on 20 acre prune orchard with Im- provenients, njar 8alom. Price f 12, 000. S. R. Paareon . Pned,' 405 Oregon bhlg. Phoitg 13. k ' FOR SALE A- beautiful home on .Saginaw, close in; one on Capitol street, close in; -8 room -house --on . Hood street; several houses on Cot tage street; several houses on Win ter street; one on South Liberty; one on South Commercial; one on Ferry street and one on 25th-street. Inquire 492 N. Cottage, phone 1186. Gertrude J. M. Page. 131 FOR SALE 7 room house, good corner lot on car line, all kinds of fruit. Price $1850. Hart & Muller, ' . 308. Oregon bldg. . ; n FOR SALE 5 room house close in; a bargain. Hart 6 Muller, 208 Ore . gon bldg. n FOR SALE 5 room bungalow, 2 , large. lots $1650. Box C care Jour- FOR SALE My apartment house at . 446 Union St. between High ' and . Liberty, five separate apartments, two, three and four rooms each, mostly furnished and all ncclinied bringing1 a nice income; all clear of oncumorance. Price $5000,. 2000 down, balance ten years. Inquire next aoor or plione L. F. Hill 59F4. ; Rt. 8. box 125, Salem, al33 For Sale Farms. I'OR SALE 130 acres on Nevport ; highway, about' 15 acres-In cultiva tion, more easy to clear, some tim ber, about , open.- all good soiTV - several springs, all kinds of fruit- . ana berries, school adjoins place. rnce ?20 acre.jF. E. Dodele, Blod- jett, Or, bl34 WOO FARM CHEAP 40 acres all in crop, goes with sale. Good nam, fair house. aH wire fencell. only 6ft miles out on the highway. ear -ucNiing river. Must be sold t once. $7000.. This is a big snap. Am first' class land. John H. Bcott .Realty Co., 228 Oregon bldg. n ,'oR .SALE 41 acres 2 y, miles from Salem on nnved I-nnfl nnA Vtnilrl. ings. overlooking river and motor " landing and railroad station; excavateq fish lake. This is an x- pnonmiy beautiful farm. 'Price y J1-.500. Hart & Muller, 208 Oregon aJndg.. " , , n .0tt SALE By owner, 19 acres well Improved, good buildings, on good d, 2 V4, miles east of - Salem. J. F Autr.Rc 6; box 117B, Salem, Or. b!3L 4F0R SALE-r,ll 1-3 acres adjoining- " grounds on Silverton paved ,; road, ten mlnrjtes from street: car; 'l in crop; 5 room house, good - Jm' irrimfediate possession. Price. 4o0, teroiB. Hart & Muller,' 30,8 'Orpgnn bldg. ' n , Ofl SALE 20 'acres' aU in cultiva- - tion, good 8 -room plastered house, barn and other- outbuildings, rich J?H; adjoins Chemawa electric sta- 5 miieg from Salem. A bar pun. Hirr. Muller, 2Q8 Oregon Slgg - n rR BALB-Ktl Nacres, 8 miles from wiem, -50 acres In- crop,, balance pasture with ' some good timbsr; tamiiy orchard, good buildings., " fi ,e with crP 1 1.000. Hart & 'Sl!!!.fr' 208. Oregon bldg. ' 'n " ACRES, small building, 2 acres in prunes, close to- town- with frood mgh school, $2650. Box A B CaF'tal' -lin!?1- " n ''m S 1 acres good soil near street car line,' south." 337 Court.; vPngne 448. . b UK SALE 26 acres, of - best bottom "mi nine miles north of Salem, I ver road; this is in afruit. center "rounded by peaches, prunes, lo- " fng and strawberriem do better t section in the valley. I have a new five room' plastered heu.se with replace, two barns, granary,, sheds c, four pumps, gas engine, water P'Pea to house, barn, yard and Rrdea. All town vrire fences, and - -now seeded tacloi-ftr. rye, grass and J Rm keePlnK 160 'hogs, cow nl chickens. This ion a good road -""er and summer; this property cfr of incumbrance. Price .u0, 32000 down, balancer , ten jears. L. p. Hi,,. Rt g box 125i ."m. Phone 59F4. P133 Lost and Found ' ALLBOARD" U -. ue usea ovwi h and nnnn. ....... , . -QBren. 179 N. Com'l. c f I Wat1? Bure- lt N. Com'l. m- DaPr 25c double roll and up. i"OR SALE. afe--AiisceHaneoua i ". . :: . , ; - " ' ' ue 15 Fll. cm I--, U V i , . X piun utpper. we osak ihf best: order now. Sabm 'life Co IS.- Ffont and H, S V?- potithi. " --.-. Pl.ia ------ 1 e are cum. .... stock of table DOtar, .? "?""r . i cents; only a few left ,,.;., " i ! Ph" office Mi 'stare ST' new t.jj ,,.. g machine chean s?a x- r. cml St. ask fo, xT V "ummer: vTT-ityr. c I U SALE Reed bahv conoitKin. want lihj -iv.. "... cart. Phone 63SR, 8 ,131 1 UUOU used italvanirt T I "r..Ba'tu"" e'1 corrugated V. ru"""S tor salt. Phone 114P 13- Vl31 .i" o?". bussy $5, at ml clSl For Sale Nursery Stock. BL"Ra, Ko 121 Wilson . white they last, or will fjrulsh plants on the shareo. Ward K. Richardson, J35 Front. Phone 494 'iiT8AKE1 polatw- Inquire 1267 N. Commercial . street eve- '1w!AJcJ.a.sanbrry "P wantedT icnarason, 2395 Front St. "jo or M. ! FOR. H4I.C T. . ', " pepper and egg plant., Crego asters. Snapdragon " lf kspur plant. W. H. H. 00 ag. Phone 1786 W3. dl46 WHITE Star seed potatoes for sale ne iivrzi, -iitti; WANTkiD 600 loganberry tips. W H Egan, Owais, Rt 2, phone 8F11. ' i KALE plants for sale. 154 Columbia For Sale Livestock. Ulild TJMt iuC mares for saie cheap. 765 i-Jiufrty. el 31 FOR SALE One team of horses and harness. L. L. Vincent, Rt. 7, Sa lem. Phone 41F54 .191 FOR SALE Good fresh milk 1795 S. Libert v cow. el31 OR SALE Young Jersey cow, fresh heavy milker. Call after S eveninirs Jefferson St. 1380. ' el32 f OR SALE Six year old Jersey cow, just fresh. Inquire Rt. 7, box 43. Tel. 7SF13. 13 1 For. Sale Wood. WOOD delivered from Sproed boys' farm, second growth $9, oak $11. Phone 1678W. . ,eel37 WOOD for gale. C. D. Querry. Phone 77F2. , . . -.... OLD FIR WOOD Can make deliv eries of 16 inch at reasonable priees. Nice , straight wood for stove or large furnace wood; also 16-in. fir limbs. Call and see for yourself. 805 South Church, phone 1.542. Fred R. Wells. ee AUTOMOBILES. 1919 CHEVROLET $250 cash, re mainder on easy payments. Cherry City Garage. 170 8. 12th St. q FOR SALE Late 1918 Chevrolet in first class condition. Call 77F12. q!32 FOR SALE One Fordson ' ractor, ,. plow and spring tooth, good as new Phone 107F32. ' C132 LATE model Ford delivery car, best or condition every, way, $375 cash. 644 Ferry St. 0133 1 1918 CHEVROLET for sale chean 171 High St. ql31 MILLER tires are good tires. Salem ql46 Velie Co., 162 N. Com'l. "WALLPASTE" perfect for papei Max O. Bur- oanging, no cooKing. en. 179 N. Com'l. WANTED. Wanted Help. OWING to ill health of our present local manager, we have an opening for a young married man perma nently located in Salem, who can furnish the best of references as to both production and. honesty, to take charge of our Salem district uuHinesH gelling lea, uuuee, iuuu products and etc., direct to consum er. We will furnish new Ford de livery for work. Routes now estab lished and are paying good wages, We furnish everything. Man with ' grocery, bakery, or laundry route experience preferred but will' con sider others. -Bond requied. In ans wering stats' age, selling experience and if -now, employed. All appllca- . tlons treated strictly confidential. Write D. K, Baker, Mgr. Jewel Tea Co., Ino ,-21-23 Grand ave-., Port land, Or.. gun WANTED Man, 85, with family wants position about June 5th. ' farm or whatf Phone 65F11. ht32 WANTED Farm hand with wife or small family; house, garden, wood . and milk furnished; good wages to the right mam Also can use good single man. C. C. Russell, Rt. 2, 1 Gervais, phone 3F3. g " Wanted Miscellaneous, SITUATION wanted driving truck or tractor. Box 27 care Journal. hl?z WAMTPn A pnwhnv from eastern " Washington, a blond-, 38, would like ' to exchange correspondence and hn(na with onma muirla nr widows. ..'Address Bill Drowns, Albany Ore. P. O. box 322. iif WANTED To rent well Improved dairy, stock or mixed fiirm; might consider fruit; 80 to 150 acres, rent on .shares or cash; will buy stock and equipment. Address Box 527 ..Journal. WANTED To rent 5 room furnish ed house with prospects of buying if suitable. Address Rt. , box 7A nr enll nhone 90F12. H32 TvANTED English cluster hop roots Henry Wilauet, Woodburn. Or. 1131 WANTED To rent unfurnished 'house, close in. Phone 278 evenings 135 WANTED Daily delivery of straw berries for the entire season. Peo tjioo fnh utore. ' 1 ' MUTT AND JEFF ill, , a - ..wN. - m fwt, AW STOTUtt "l : ' I Ml'. ARC TV J frt i, .c-r . rs.- IT' V A VTL'll V A.N 1 r.-' i; itt,i7"w., " "riuate. general" office or .iierkJ - ."?. EU enogi-iph. jEiioae 1 0 I W T by youn gentleman, board and room with private fam ily living within six blocks of new nr una. Address Gustaf Lorems, Salem. ilSl ASTED To btrrow farm security. H. R Rnii,, Oreson bide. - ' WAMKU To rent bv Jm is.h's I Or S ranm hrmda v. - !133' WASTED To rent piano, K chii: ""fn. 111,5 Lshe.. . ila . .. ' - : ' ' eoara and room in vate family. P. Q. box S31. - MISCELLANEOUS. pri 213 ROOFS tarred or oainted: alsn tin itui3 parcneq. call SS3 134 SEE J. W. ilanley, cellar digging, heaW team wnrlr r', bams. Phone 199.. " mi49 PORTLAND Eugene Auto Express. Regular trips. Household goods; merchandise. Call Capital Garage, 173 -8. Liberty. Phone 88. 1140 TRANSFER L. A. Barrick Co. Country trips, moving. Wood for ale. Good service. Stand 271 North Commercial. Phone 784. FOR RENT. IF you wish room and board in a pri vate family, call 1781J. ml38 oLLEPLNG rooms by day or month at 493 . Cottage. Phone 1186. J132 FFICE rooms for rent, steam heat. pienaia janitor service. 205' Ore gonbldg. Phone 1427.' FOR RENT Furnished downtown sleeping room for gentlemen, steam heat, by the month, Phone 1427. 205 Oregon bldg. REAL ESTATE. WALDO HILLS FARMS FOR SALE 279 acres of the finest land out of doors; 190 under cultivation and cropped, 80 acres timber, balance pasture, good springs, good fences, fine family orchard, good improve ments. This would make a great prune or loganberry property and is the cheapest land on the market at $100 per acre, y, cash, balance can run ten years at 6 percent. 209 acres with excellent improve ments, 150 irt cultivation and crops go, all first class land; if sold soon will make liberal terms, $100 per acre, $10,000; you can make your own time on remainder. 100 acres, family orchard and TO acres of crop; will give possession at once. $12,500. We can show you some of the best farms in the valley1 priced right and with long time payments. See us 11 you want a good farm for your money JOHN H. SCOTT REALTY " CO, 228 Oregon bldg. n 2850, .a 5 year old bungalow, east front, basement, some young fruit trees,. nea car line and paved street. This is a good comfortable home for some one. Some terms. . ; $4000, a strictly modern bungalow on paved street H block from carline. This is good' property; located in S. Salem. Terms. $5000, $2500 down takes a fine 7 room bungalow on paved street near carline, all modern except furnace and the pipes are in for furnace. We have many other buys to offer. We have a 55 acre farm at $100 per acre we can take a residence on if the price is right Also a 5 acre tract near the city for a house in the city. A. L. SEAMSTER REALTY CO. ' 416 Masonic Temple, phone 353. n" LOOKING FOR A HOME?. ... .1 See us, we can show you some real homes at reasonable prices. JOHN H.. SCOTT REALTY CO. 228 Oregon bldg. n V . . ' , Best Buy8. v 80 acres 4M, miles from Independ-, anra n a o-orwl rnnV rnoH uhnllt Kft In crop, balance In pasture with scatter ing oak trees; 12 acres of beaverdam fine for potatoes, balance good valley learn; new 6 room bungalow, with new barn, machine Bhed, hog house onri nnnltrv hnimp! nil fanned with woven wlrei fine weil and spring. For quick sale $13600, terms. ' p .aryeV """J Y'DU"u'n8M ,V" 220 acres, 100 cleared, 120 timber;1 Sacrifice price $10.- 8 room house, 2 barns, 1 new and l,B0Ji terms. ', - old; spring water piped to buildings; I 1 acres near Salem, 8 room house, a.j mii t tnwn a fine otnclt and; prune orchard near school and dairy farm. Only $60 per acre. 1 40 acres all ln cultivation; iamilyj orchard all bearing; 7 room house,. good barn and other buildings; terms. - - , . miles from Salem on good road; one room modern house, t lots. $2000 of the best locations around Salem, . terms. . " , " $16 000 i 5V acres rlvor bottom land mostly 14 acres all ln; fruit and berrnw, 4 In cultivation, fbulldings, well, near n-. Hoionr hnn. one ', Salem. $6000, easy 'terms. .nri nn s rAnm. eood barn: 12.1 acres in prunes acre logans bear-1 ing; beat valley soil. $13,000, terms. Want to secure loan of $1800 on good city property. . ( . Ford fb rsale, ' - ' Socolofsky. p 341 State street. : ' . IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Bungalow on State street. Two liv- For quick sale $3250 $750 cash, bal ing rooms; dining room, kitchen, parir ance 5 years 6 percent. . try with built in features; three bed , 10 acres highly Improved, first class rooms, bath room, full basement; gas improvements, good family orchard, in house. $4500. , 1 1 acres strawberries, 2 acres tlm- k. ber, 6 acres In crop; a swell home for Kl room bungalow close to High- someone. $3300; $1725 cash, balance land school. -A dandy buy for $1500. $750 cash will buy it Five room bungalow on S. 14th street two bed rooms, living room with fireplace: all modern plumbing throughout. $2000. - $500 cash gives yon possession. Strictly modern, 8 room bungalow at Chemeket and 13th streets; $4500 To see this is to take it I HAVE LOTS MORE Including several small homes on installments. CHA8. W. mEMEYElf "Just ReaP Estate'' . . ( 215-218 Masonic bldg. Phones 1000' Salem, Ore. .. .. . . Safety First, is the little Mlow'smottbs-ByBad Fisher. : t LliTCW, 10V V acl. iMeRnotM& t TT HOUMtk'. IT S x wuew'T UIIT - Full SAX.K 1 room house at til X. H;h. lot 195 foot front, fme shrutibary and bearing frust arni borntss. Has excel lent basement, furnace and fireplace, rooms all .on one floor. Seeds tint ing, painting and porch repaireX Priced for a quick sale at $500. a room bungalow at 1148 N, Com'l i Just painted, tinted, varnished and built in features added. A coiy home for $3009. --v - room house at it! S. 12th. Lance -corner lot "and fine parage, fireplace. gas heating system. Rooms large and airy. Price f 4500. 7 room house at 373 N, Church. House old style architecture with modem conveniences and in good con union, vtouia oe a good home in a else in location. Price $4756. 8 room house in best residence section with large lot, has hardwood floors, sleeping porch, furnace. fir--piace, all built In featmes, in white enamel finish, garage; a first class home in every respect. Price $9500, $ room house near post office. Has hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, finished in white enamel, expensive electric fixtures, electric dishwasher, Ruud water heating , system, gas stove, alt lineoleum, shower bath; all goes at $7509. - - - . t room bungalow on paved street, fireplace and garage. Cash price $4, 000. 7 room- strictly modern house si paved street Price $4500, t attractive bungalow. Price $3500 5 room bungalow. Price $2090. 6 room house. Price $1050, . MRS. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 275 State St. Tel 615. al33 - Good Buys. - i 10 aores, S acres ot three year old prunes, 5 acres pasture and some fine timber, room house, barn, well, family orchard, 5 miles south of Sa lem. Price $3250. 1 acre close to carline, good house, barn, fruit. Price $3000. 5 acres located close to carline, all cultivated. Price $25O0i Well improved 6 acres close to car line, good bungalow, electric flights, bearing fruit, strawberries, logans. Price 6000. Well improved 16 acres located close in on paved highway, good house and barn, 8 Vt acres of bearing pi unes 4 ft acres of bearing logans, some ap ples and pears. Price $25,000. 40acre tract, 25 acres cultivated, balance timber and, pasture; 8 acres Italian prunes just coming into bear ing, spring water to house and barn, 7 acres oats and vetch; 3 horses and implements, some apples and cher ries; Price $9000. - 150 acre ranch located close to Sa lem, nearly all cultivated, house, fine new barn, silo. This would make a fine dairy farm. Price $25,000. 115 acre farm, 85 acres cultivated, 6 acres set to logans. 7 room buna- low and bam, outbuildings, larm I equipment, 7 hogs. Price $20,000. 40 acres fet bearing prunes and lo- ganberries, buildings, good 1 location. Price $22,000. Well improved 9H acre tract lo cated close to carline. Fine modern house, barn, bearing English walnuts and cherries. Price $13,000. . 4 acre tract good buildings, all cultivated.. Price $3600. - 20 acre traot, 12 acres ot walnuts and pears, 6 acres of prunes, Good new house, good crop set Price $9, 000. 105 acre- farm located on the Gar den road, house, two barns, crop goes. Price $300 per acre. HOUSE BUYS 7 room, modern house, paved street, east front. Price $4600. Fine block located on Falrm'ouut hill, 166 by 158 feet, beautiful view. Price $3900, . " - room house located on S. Com mercial street. Price-' $2800. i It rnnm mnriem. cnttflsrA . Innnted fsouth Salem, lots, bearing fruit. ..Pr' 265- . , room nuuB lorawu iv v street. Price $2750. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. 275 State street, n BOMB GOOD BARGAINS 24 acres, 16 bearing prunes, 5 bear ing cherries, large bungalow; good church. .Snap $4000, essy terms. Improye -acres near car Bpod buildings,, Prio $3600, lino, easy See our list, before buying. Perrind &"Marsters. 211-18 .Gray bldg, v x n SNAPS FOR YOU " 30 acres, good 4 room plastered house, barn, wood house, chicken house, running water, lots of raspber ries, 1 acre strawberries, fine fam ily orchard, 8 acres bottom land, 6 acres timber, balance good pasture, can run at 8 percent. See? us about theae, you can't beat them for the money. JOHN H. SCOTT REALTY CO. 228 Oregon bldg. n IF YOTT WANT TO SELL YOUR HOUSE LIST WITH US. WE ARE MAKING A SPECIALTY OF SELLING CITY PROPERTY AND CAN GUARANTEB QUICK RESULTS.- BRING OB MAIL YOUR LISTING. HOUSES WANTED - R. B. DORNBY t Oregon bldg. Phone 961, ' B Water Company.: SALEM WATSi COMPANJ pfflot corner Commercial and .Trad Sts. . Bills payable, monthly in advance , Phon 87. ' :. W"" CHAic tWMCW ' HC AAJ0MT AMY MftS. I'M 60MNr CARfeV HleA, row low- mutt: 1 f-sy l&Au fc.SArs Eight acres of iog-.snberry land wuh just a little timber, 1 aores seeded to oats. 1 H niiies front ear line and paved street, $ii0. 10i acres with five room House and barn; nearly all in fruit and berries; jsssoline puir.p; stock and tools go with place at $MM. hi acres with five room bungalow, barn and silo: 4 acres in clover, bal ance in crop and pasture; price, with crop" and- equipment, including cows ana" ISO chickens. $10,000. 6a acres all in cultivation; 8 room house and S barns; living water and well; situated on main graveled road. 1 s a"7 ' ,,f ,.,. n(i barn; 28 seres in crop; some timber living water and well; a dandy dairy ranch. S cows, team, .wagon and har ness included at the price of $9000, with $3000 cash. - : FOR SALE "' ' room cottage, modern except heat large corner lot fruit and gar age, 8 blocks from carline. $1,700 buys t part ca&h. . . S room coteige, 1 blacks from car paved streets; cement walks This place Is very convenient to state house, and can be bought on easy terms at $1700. :- ' 1 room cottage with Iarwe barn and lots of fruit. Lot 76x165. Two blocks from court house, "A snap at $3600, room house, .modern except heat, with large barn; cement walks, paved streets; three blocks from state house. Terms at $3000. t room old house ana large lot. known as the "McFadden" property on North Capitol street Priced at $3000. W-A. Liston Agent, 484 Conrt street, n!31 HOL'SB BARGAINS 4 room bungalow r.hnixt now, mod ern except basement, good streets, cement walk and eurU'.ng; j'ist the place for small family, 1'rios $1800, terms H cash. 6 room oaUaifJ, ' l:trge lots with plenty of ruil, i li'it soil, irood g.n dtn, barn or gartgj. 1-rlco $2000, Icrins cash. 10 room good semi-modern house, good oorner lot near Statestreet Ex ceptional buy, Price- $1800, terms $500 down. 6 room house close in, one of the beat homes in town, as to location, construction, appearance, arrange ment and finishings of the interior, 2 large lots with fruit and good garden, barn and garage. Price $5000, terms ft cash. We are still in the house business as well as farms large and small. We advertise only property of merit that we know is priced right. This is the only kind we find roady buyers for. If you have such to sell give us a chance and we will find you a buyer. l40B Phone "iX ' . FINE FARM BUYS 8 3-4 aero tract for small home. On good main road 4 miles from state house. Black productive soil. -Good small buildings and 2 chicken hous es and brooder house. Bargain at $1500. Terms, -.."' FINE 80 ACRES Excellent dairy farm with 50 acres cultivated and 80 pasture with good spring. 40 acres in crop. 12 acres of finest beaver dam land in cultivation. Fine new 6 room plaster ed house and good big barn, sheds, etc., all new. On good road and fine community. Real bargain at $12,000. Half cash. 10O ACRE FARM EQUIPPED 60 acres cultivated,. 20 good timber and balance pasture. About 50 acres in crop. Close to school. Would make fine fruit farm. Fair 5 room farm house, barn 30x60, cow barn, ets. 3 good springs. Equipped with set of good machinery, 4 horses, 2 cows, 14 sheep, 16 lambs. Plenty of feed. A fine buy at $100 per acre, Terma FINE DAIRY EQUIPPED 86 acres with 80 acres under culti vation and nearly all in crop, Adjoins city limits ot good little city close to Salem. Good big house, barn 40x60, 2 good silos, ' steam bottle washing plant and all kinds of necessary out buildings. Gas engine for pumping water. Equipped with 14 fine Jer seys, 5 horses, hogs, wagons, complete outfit of farm machinery including hay baler. All crops go with the place. Raise praotieaHy all of own feed. Income of more than $511 per month. Will stand strictest Investiga tion. Price $17,600. Terms. 238 ACRES GRAIN AND DIARY .130, acres cultivated and 100 in crop. Some good timber and balance is good pasture. On main road and close to school. 8 room house with hot and cold water, bath and toilet; etc. 2 barns and plenty of sheds, chicken and brooder houses. Spring water piped Into house. Third of crops go with farm. A snap at $86 per acre. Good terms. We have some fine- small home tracts, fruit tracts and farm lands of all kinds. Te'll us what you want. KINNEY A SMITH 469 State St. Ground floor. b Stove Repairing, STOVES rebuilt and repaired.- 60 years experience; uepot jNaiionai and American fence, sizes 28 to 68 Inches high. Paints, oil and varn ishes,' etc., loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 250 Court strceet. Phone 124 Why Sell for Lean. WE will pay you more cash for youi household goods. Get our mo be fore you sell. Peoples Furnlturt and Hardware Store. 271 N. Com mercial street. Phone 714. Scavenger. SALEM 8CAVA"3ER Garbage and rsfus of all kinds , removed 00 - monthly eontracts at reaaoaabU ., rate. Cess pools cleaned. Dead nl rnnis removed. Office phone laall 'lit..' , " ' " ' rvosippiRi, itt-BfterTl V" ' ". . . 'V. -..;-'" :" -,.' ," - - BeoBy AIN'T (0O 6t t Xk " ' " ' " " ' ' AMY tTttatTtf , ,, "(t'Vel SOT Trie , " J ' ' c Ya ALWAYS'. T 6V t aW P00CH TlSB'TO ; NsecTl f ' ought to ue 0s1w6 if. O THfl ues CP . i ! j j2-" !?'1 -i-4rx ' -.ft - 'J t . -V""-.. 4-. m-m x.jw: A I- A 4.;. i Li r . '. .-'." I- i, . ir i at the price ktt near Salem 4 scro ; 1 svrvs prusi'-s tso:n l1' t . L. jc's'o old; Ht acres toman berrie; lt acres 1 j v:i;tuits, not frozen. "Iwo acre mixed 1 family orchard, two acres timber;! balance cultivated pasture. Splendid j 10 room house, new fruit dryer, cost $;;; barn, warehouse, tank, wind mill, etc., and only 2 miles from Lib erty and State streets; is on paved road. If this place is sold within 3d days the price is $26,000; H uown, balance S to 5 years at S per cent The place Will pay for itself in that time. ' ' A chance for a poor man 68.61 acres, 9 miles east of Lebanon; 45 acres- in cultivation, 1 8 acres beaver dam, balance finest of soil; woven wire fencing, for $4000. Now here is your chance, you can take possession of this place on the following terms: Pay the interest at 7 per cent on $4000 plus the taxes. $30, with $200 cash, $510 in all: the second year pay the interest and taxes, la- the two years you will be required to put $1000 in buildings on place; small payments every year after that; ad joining this place Is 32.5 acres ait in cultivation with, house, barn, out buildings' that can be bought for $4000 on easy terms,. Lebanon has creamery, cannery, paper mill, lc Rocked roads clear to Lebanon. Farm 8 miles east of Salem on rocke road to be paved soon, 140 acres; 70 acres under cultivation; bal ance timber and good pasture, lays fine; 7 room plastered house, fine new barn, one old barn, chicken houses; one third of crop goes and all the clover: running water, two drill ed wells; can be easily divided. Price $15,000. terms. Will take a good oun- galow in Salem a part payments CITY SNAPS Five room cottage, modern In ev ery reapeot, paved street, desirable location, close in. $295.0. Another one off Highland avenue, two lots, house; $1800, terms, Still another in same neighborhood, $M?0, terms. BUSINESS CHANCES One of the best bargains In city. In the most select neighborhoods, six rooms, garage, paved street; $5000, terms. A list of twenty other houses to select from, A restaurant doing fine business, one of the best stores on Commercial ffret A hotel and rooming house in the center of town. FARMS In every part of the country. 1 have a customer waiting for the right kind of a 40 acre tract and another one for a 2 acre traot. It might be yours is the one. Come in and B6 me M. W. ROWLEY 402 Oregon bldg. Plione 708. n 6 OWN YOUR OWN HOMH WH WILL BUILD TOU A HOME YOTJ PAT A SMALL PAYMENT DOWN i - BALANCE LIKE RENT v COMB IN AND TALK WITH US OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS R. B. DORNEY PHONE 961. 829 OREGON bldg. a HCU3E8 TO TRADE FOB SMALL TRACTS We have a number of clients with good city property who want to give their houses as part payment on tracts Phone 1130 and tell us where your traot is located, . KINNEY ft SMITH 469 State St. Ground floor. n DIRECTORY. Money to Loan. On good real estate security THOS. K. FORD s Over- Ladd Bush Bank, Salem, fin Money to Loan. Federal Farm Loans Any amount Long time. 8tt and percent Interest. City building loans. A. C." Eohrnstedt. 401 Masonle Temple, Salem, Oreor FARM LOANS -Any amount, tow rates. Full repayment privileges Very prompt service. Ask about out 20-year loans at 6 per cent Haw kins A Roberts, 808 Oregon bldg Salem, Or. Optician. DR. ALBERT R. MILLER Optoma" triit-optlclany eyes- thoroughly e amlned, glasses made and fitted $10-18 V B. ban. Phone 84t; Osteopathy DHS. WHITE and Marshall, osteo-r-)g, phone 834, Lodge Directory. TOrv CIIEMEKETA 1 dge Wo. 1 J meets every Wednesday evening at 8:00 at I. O. O. F. hall. KNlGHTiToF PYTHIAS meet at Mo Cornaok hall on every Tuesday at 8. J. L Tuoker, 0. C. P. i. Kuata K. R. 8. LN1TED ARTISANS Capital Anew bly No. 84 meets every Thursday at 8 p. m. In I. O. O. F. hall. P. A dresen, M. A.; A. A. Gueffroy, see retary, Salem, Or. TEAM, Auto Truck and Deliver! Drivers Union No, 119 meet every Wednesday evening at the Label Temple, 8 o'clock. SOYAL NE1GHBOR8 OF AMBRICi Oregon Grage camp No, I860 meet every Thursday evening in McCor Back hall. Elevator serviced Oracle ' Mrs Carrie E. Bunn, 848 Union Bt recorder. Melissa persons, 1418 M 4th street, phne1436M. W76.W. SALEM CAMP lli-Meeti every Friday night at 8 o'clock It MsCornack hall, cor, Conrt and LU erty Bt Visiting Woodmen welcome C. D. Rose. C. C: L, S. Jer. elerl MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. $344 meets every Thursday ervening at I o'clock in McCornaek building Court and Liberty streets. H. O Coursey, V. C; Frank A. Turner Clerk. ' - ran $55. Eutterfat: Butterfat Sic; creamery butter 56 u 57c Pork, vtil a:i,l mutton: TV."; en foot 14 " 14 ''4 c; .,1 f-iiicy 16 j 16'--: teers 9 : 10c; i-pt.Pg Umbs 10c; co-4 7 4i 9c; ewes SSlic; -sheep, yearlns, 80. Eggs and piltry: Eggs cash 3Ss: light hens 2Sc; heavy hens SOc; ci.l roosters 15 916c; broilers SO&Stc Vegetables: Onions per pound 4.:; celery do. $1.76; potatoes, Yakima So, Oregon Jc; neets per wun. 12: turnips per sack $4.50; carrots ner sack $2JjO; parsnips per $3.50l spinach 10c lb; radishes 75o dos; asparagus 15c; new potatoes 11c; bunch beets 45c; cabbage 4c; head lettuce 90c do; red peppers 25c; rhubarb 4c; peas 10c; toniawe ISO. - Fruit: Strawberries $4.50; orange $6.60 7.00; lemons $5.50; bananas 11 Ho; honey extract 20c. Retail prices: Eggs dosen 40c; creamery butter 60 62c; country butter 55c; flour hard wheat $3.50 4 3.75; soft wheat $3. , LIVESTOCK . Portland, June 1. Cattle lower; receipts 734; grain and pulp fed. steers $13.0012.50; choice $11.25 U.75; good to choice $10.75 11.25: medium to good $9.7510.75; fair to good $8.759.7B; common to fair $8.008.75; choice cows and heifera $9.75 10.25;. good to choice $8.75 i9 9.75; medium to good $8.00 9.00: fair to medium $7.00 8,00; cannera $5.008.00; bulls $6,0009.00; prime $5.O06.0O; bulls $6.00 8,75; prime light oalves $12.00 13.60; medium 8.50. Hogs steady: receipts 782; prime mixed $I4.7515.00; medium $14.!J 14.75; smooth heavy $11.00 13.00; rough heavy $10.0011.00; pigs $11 13. Sheep steady; receipts 244; prime lambs $13.OO13.60; culls $9,000 11.00; yearlings $8.00 10,00; weth ers $79; ewes $38. Butter ' Portland, Or. June t Cubes ex tra 49o; parchment wrapped dox lots 54c; cartons 65c; half boxes Ho more, lesa than tt boxes lo mores butterfat 61 62c f. o. b. station; 6Sa Portland. Poultry and Eggs Portland, Or. June 1, Eggs sell ing price case count 39c: buying price case count 37c; selling priee candled 41c; selected candled In oar tons 43o. . " ' " Poultry: Hena- SS35c; broilers 18 roosters - 16c; turkeys- dressed 63 55o; geese 2235of ducks 404H5O. Wheat $2.20; premium 65o soft. 70o hard; barley toed $66.60 buying; oats toed $68 71; corn No. 8 yellow $78 milling price. Mlllstuff: Mill run $64 58 ton. Hay: buying price: timothy $31 f. o. b. Portland; alfalfa $37; grain $30; clover $82. LAWN mowers, safety raxors, cutlery, sharpened, loeksmlthlng, saw fit ing. umbrellas, repairing all kinds. Stewart's Repair Shop, 847 Court St. .- : - . OAT Meal Paper, 80-Inch tan, extra special, 84o double roll. Max O. Buren, 178 N. Com'l n Liners To Have New Stabilizers San Francisco. Two new liner the Pacific Steamship oompany is planning will be equipped with gyroscope ata blllserN, it has. been announced. The device, not yet used on the Paclfio coast, consists ot a great flywheel op orated by electricity and revolving on a horlsontal plane. It tends to prevent the rolling of a ship. Labor Slights Prince. Melbourne, Australia. The Mel bourne Trades Hull council has decid ed that It will not be officially repre sented at any function connected with the Prince of Wales; visit here .be cause the money that would be spent ou such functions could be used In the Interests of the wage earners whereas, the council asserted, the proposod ex penditure would bolster up the capital lstic system. The resolution also re quested trades -unionists to refuse to allow their children to participate In the welcome to the Prince or any sim ilar function. MEMORIAL NOUGHT FOB 'pout of Tin: siERnw Oakland, Cal, Cl.'iudo Hamilton Welton, known as "King of the Ho boes" graduate of two universities, lawyer and pnychulOgtot, hae returned to his home here to start a campaign for the establishment of a memorial to Joaquin Miller, "the poet of the 81 errae." -'' Welton plans to begin work In Ala meda county within the next month for the permanent preservation of "The Heights" in East Oakland, where the poet made his home. IriKh Banker finarded. Dublin. The holdups In the south of Ireland of bank officials ha led to an Interetsing counter move, A party of 30" civilians escorted twe official of the Munster and Lelnster bank from TIpperary to a suboffiee at Gal bally, county Limerick, nine miles distant, where a cattle fair was held. Two ot the members of the escort went In front on horseback, and the remainder followed in cars. JOURNAL WANT AT)B PAY BRRT. Copyright, 120, by H. Trrt Mnrh Hea II R C Fisner. P ffloe.