Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 01, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    AYJUNE 1, 1920.
jail Around
. ......
i own
'by which
en- union in th .mni .1 T . . " 1 wsa" ,rsurer. Patrick Bacon. Portland;
-ion u 0 strike V Jrr their opinion Eugene , ,j"lJ dn- Mt
Butte had been without street- made an overnight stop on the north- .
rjm z
gm Arts league, library.
"n(! i Miss Hendry's re
First prebjrtrl
"fil' l.-Anerican Legio.
tlni. armory. S p. m.
"y7j-Rotary dub lunch--.
Hotel Marion, noon.
t-ioi mnntrti ol Wil-
JaUe school tor music. First
June S- Res"1" Pf
aeetlng Salem Commercial
dub. Opera house S p. m.
June 6 Baseball, Oxford
park. Senators vs. Woodburn,
SO n, m.
June I- Business Men
hmcheon, Commercial club.
""june 3 At armory, genefit
dance for Senators. .
June 1 City council meet-
ritv nan, i:ow p.
cate It His machine, a U20 model
Ford, bore license No. 17955.
Neit Friday evening
school concert. Come!
of S.
car service for three weeks.
officers about two weeks ago. Berg- which is included in the above amount
dohl had been sentenced to serve a Bergll)lll, sttcr ticaping trom r
three year sentence In federal prison
after being convicted of desertion null"1 OI"cers in 1918- led lbe amh.jri-
Ruby Ellen Welsh,
Chiefs Daughter
Is Married Today
bound trip, and will more than like
ly be made a noon
on the journey south.
week in each direction, they say, will
oe operated at first.
Court House News
j ' Circuit Court.
I &) Swallow vs. John P. Wilbur, et
1 LFtchers''Flou'ring Mills vs. Charles
i .,. Complaint.
XI S. Hurst vs. J. B. Hill. Mandate.
probate Court,
pan Tiacey estate. Objection to fi-
. Marriage License.
. svkorlin Jr.. 25, 01 bob
Sorts Liberty
The funeral for Ann Nibert, age 51
WhO died at hn.n!lnl I. - n. . i c.l.. .-.. . .
. " - utni Bunoay.i ,iun welsh .daughter of
will be held at the Catholic Church Chief of Police ,nd Mrs. i T Welsh
Stay ton, Wednesday morning at It Tuesday afternoon at S o'clock" beeami
o'clock. Burial will be in the Stayton the bride of John J. Hayes? son ofCap
cemetery under direction of the Rig- tain A. Haves, professor of m MUrV
don Son company. . science a, Oregon Agricultural ni7
P. K. Fullerton. proprietor f P.., J cLlt IPJl"" 'he Swiss
lertons store, with , ., i. " I.-., .""VT" OI ,ms c"y
- nar-." i well Known
Steamer Service
Far Inland Is
Opened Monday
Lewlston, Idaho, June 1. The
steamer Northwestern docked here at
noon Monday direct from Portland.
Or., having made the run through the
government Celilo canal and Inaug
ry iies ana small daughter, ntnm. if u . .. unttlnv Mm.lsr j t i
ed to Salem late Monday night from; graduate of the Salem hiKh school ; nvigtlon ervl Th' Packet of 100
Ti,P " i?ey 8pent ,he "-j wit the class of 1918. Since levg',on brought a capacity car-
end fishing Mr. Fullerton reported a 'school, a. well as while In "coo? 21 nd "Prted at five o'clock on the
l ftCb- 'th. fi8hin condition, was active in aaTm o Lial circt. i Mlurn run lth wo"- "our and pas-
h 1 - oaism. ana has numerous friends.
, " . ' Mrs. Haye, will make their
A blcvcle." h.nn .,., "?me. ,em,,orrty 8t Center and
White, , 2000
belonging to Virgil; church street
North Commercial I
was recovered by Dolire Mnn. a
day night and returned to its owneriiUtO btaPe M D.V
by Night Patrolman Victor. Zj C",46C' "y
Conned Portland
And San Francisco
Frank Poppe, 352 North 21st street
Is reported at police headquarters for
driving his machine past a standlne
street car at the corner of 17th anil
Center streets, Monday. In violation of1 Ju1! 1 That through
city traffio regulations.. According to .-"'"-" rrancieco auto stage
witnesses Mr. Poppe nearly struck anj,nLT ei" operatlon bV J 1
elderly ladv with hi, mhina 01 thls V' nd that Eugene would
she alighted from the car. Police did I0" "kely be made a stPPlnS
not say what action they were taking P CQ ov?,v n'Sht. was the announce
in the matter. intent made Saturday by the men In
. , . charge of the pathfinder car of the
W. J. Page, 411 North Summer! Ctmpany that to start the
street, told police Monday that he col-1 !ja8e line' and who Passed through
lided. while driving mhin. muv, I Eugene on the way to Portland.
street, a salesman, to another auto parked , on South' Com-I The men were J; A- Van Horn F.
lues Kvelyn Stege,
Howard KoDeti
21. of Salem.
IVoo'dburn. 25, of
lM Wiedler street, Portland, a sales
mJi to Doris Sawyer.Ji. of route 3
Ealph W. Lindsay, 26, of 1909 Cen
ter street, an electrician, to-Opal May
reorge U, of 354 North 12th street.
I Haves, 25, of Salem, to Ruby
Elleo Welsh, 19, of Salem. ,
Daily Statistics
QCACKENBUSH To Mr. and Mrs. G.
G.' Quackenbush, 65 North Sum
mer street, May 80, a son.
Um. Jeweler, watchmaker, Salem.
Members of the Epworth League of
the Center street Methodist church
Hient Decoration day picnicking at
Silver Creek falls. The trip was made
For renting of Moose hall see Har-
ley C. Pugh, phone 801 at u
Hear the high school band, or
chestra and glee club and talented
soloists at the high school auditorium
at Friday evening, June 4, 8 p. m.
' las
merclal street, near the entrance to Arcner and Charles Conner. The
City Vitw cemetery. The fender and comPanv is the Pickwick stage corn-
running board of the parked autolpany w,tn headquarters in San Fran
Lewlston is 500 miles inland and
the boat run is the longest In the
United States proper with the excep
tion of the Mississippi service.
- ,
luncheon station Race Holds Bov
jLuvor i oo ureeay
"You boys have rot your pees set
too high. Conditions are changing and
you'll have to watch them. The first '
thing you know you will be getting 10
cents an hour and will be glad to get
that much for your work."
City Recorder Karl Race, head of
the municipal labor bureau, thus dealt
a blow at the modern trend of labor
aspirations Tuesday, In talking to two
lads who had applied for positions.
There is an opening for several
men repairing street car linea on East ,
State street," MA Race had told them. !
"The pay hi 40 cents an hour, eight !
hours." i
"That'a not enough," one of the!
youngsters declared disdainfully. "It's
worth more than that to walk, to the
blame job," I
evasion In connection with the draft.
The Pennsylvania millionaire should
have hard sledding if he ventures
near Salem, for $3550 is offered as a
reward far his ranttim. Th,n
I Weekly has posted a reward of 1S0(
ties on a nation wide chaee until cap
tured late in ItlJ at his home it
Alfred Brotherfon, ef Stayton, was
a business visitor to Salem, Monday.
were damaged.
Twenty-two persons were furnished
employment by the municipal labor
bureau, during last week, according
to a report made to the federal labor
bureau at San Francisco, Monday, by
City Recorder Race. Labor conditions
are held good by the city recorder.
Cisco. They now operate a stage from
Knights Elect
Mickle As State
Treasurer Monday
Portland. Or., June 1. With elec
tion of officers for the ensuing year,
the state council of the' Knights of
Columbus brought to a close Its an
nual convention here last night. Mem
bership in the order in Oregon hits
Increased forty percent In the past I
year, and this increase entitled Ore-
gon to send three delegates to the na-1
tlonal convention. One of the nree
delegates will be selected to go to !
France as a guest of the French gov- j
eminent. , ;
Officers elected were: State oepu-
l ty, J. H. Peare, La Grande; State sec- :
retary, A. A.' Mickle, Salem; state;
Local Post Urged
To Aid In Effort
To Find Bergdohl
A telegram sent by the American
Legion Weekly and received by Millar
McGllchrist, treasurer of Capital post !
No. 9, asks all Oregon posts and es
pecially Capital post members to be
on the alert for G. C. Bergdohl
who escaped from army subordinate
We are too busy
And Modernizing Our Store To
Write Ads
1 r Good Goods. Cd
Mr. Lionas Merrltt and Mrs. C
Lamb, of Duluth. Minnesota and Mr.
H. Woods, of Los Angeles. California. I
were Sunday guests at the -home of'
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Blackwood, of this1
Omar Steelhammer, John Graber,
Ronald Deaart, ' Ivan G. Martin and
Charles Pabst were among Ihe Salem
ltw who spent Monday In Silverton.
All are members of various bands of
the Capital city and went over for the
purpose of assisting in the Silverton
A family reunion was held Sunday
at the J. H. Stanton residence, 103
Marion street; when a party of rela
tives and friends motored from Port
land. Those present were Mr. . and
Mrs. A. M. Dunlap and son Arta; Mr.
and Mrs. George Kaufman, Mr. andl
Mrs. Walter Dunlap and family; Mr.
and Mrs. Will Stanton and daughter
Clara, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stanton
and daughter Mildred.
John W. Cochran, deputy secretary
of state, was a Salem visitor Monday
visiting with friends and giving his
new lob the once over. Cochran who Is
now employed on a Portland news
paper Will be officially Installed In his
new position here next Monday.
Boy wanted at the Spa.
ever 16 years. ',.
Must be
John W. Trov, who, for the past
year has been doing evangelistic work
is the northwest, using Salem as the
center from which he worked, Is spend
lug several weeks In Chicago, where
kc is renewinpt acquaintances with old
friemls-at the Moody Bible Institute of
Mch he is a graduate. .
Notice. I was not connected or In-,
terested in any way with the dance
Memorial day at Moose hall. W. L.
Bryant -. itl
Salem police Tuesday were aiding
n the search for the persons or per
w who stole an auto belonging to
rorter Davis, of Silverton, between
and 9:30 p. m. Monday. Mr. Por
w telephoned police late Monday
""Bit that his car had been stolen
The last meeting of the Salem Arts
League, for the present season will
be held Tuesday evening In the pub
lic library. Mrs. Charles Bowen will
speak on "The Spirit of Japanese
Art." There will be a business session
at which officers for the coming year
will be elected. The public Is Invited
to attend.
The Daughters of Veterans will give
a sliver tea at th ehome of Mrs. E.
T. Busselle, 757 Center street, Friday
afternoon from 2:30 to 6 o'clock. All
members of the order are invited to
bring a friend with them to the meet
The amazing romance of Old Days
Along the Rio Grande,
Robert Louis Stevenson's
Famous Dramatic Story
I n4 asked that efforts be made to lo-
TO ' .
'Effective Sunday, May SOth, the S.
8. Ry., is making a new and im
proved train schedule between fort
4 and Spokane and in connection
the Great Northern and North-
Pacific railways and Burlington
fwts to Montana points, Mlnneapo-
S. Paul and Chicago. All of the
ane trains will arrive and depart
"the Union Station, Portland.
I 4 will leave Portland 9:K .
t Z!Lrrlve 8Pkane 8:05 p. m., con-
J section with (the Northern Pacific
.j for 8t' Paul an Chicago. On
ttler ,une 8th this train will car-
eL'lta,ldara arawmS room sleeping
I cJrom Portland to St. Paul and
I Jr?0, moving east to Spokane on
I 1 ?orth Coast Limited" via North
; pcific railway.
I Ko. i wll! ,eave Poi.tlana 7:1 rt
I 7rTiva 8pokane :50 a. m., con-
I "Sing with w. n t xt
IT" Nortbern Pacific for St. Paul and
,T 11 will carry standard draw
ChLJ00 ",eepln& car Portland to
J and tourist sleeping car
J"" to St Paul, moving east of!
rrane on Great Northern "Orlen
JUmited" train; also observation
JMard and tourist sleeping ears,;
o car and coaches to Spokane,
jjrtlnS with similar equipment for
rH 01 nd ChlcS- This train also
ears T atandara and tourist sleeping
w Bend. Redmond and other cen
Oregon points. "131
WM. FARXra .
10,000 Bushels Of
Silverton Wheat Is
Involved In Action
Suit was filed Tuesday by the
Fischer Flouring Mills, Silverton
branch, against Charles Scott. The
complaint asks for a Judgment of
$4069.89 because of Mr. Scott's al
leged failure to abide with a contract
claimed to have been made March 15
. This contract Is said to have bee t
an agreement whereby the defend
ant was to deliver 10,000 bushels of
good quality valley wheat to the flour
ing' mills on or before May 15, 1920,
at a stipulated remuneration of $2.22
per bushel. !
The milling company states that!
1340 bushels were delivered In ac-1
cordance with Ithls contract ; the
company paying the sum of 12459.95
for this partial delivery. The defend
ant Is alleged to have repudiated the
contract, so far as the remaining turn j
over of grain Is concerned.
The complaint states that since Mr.
Scott's failure to live up to the terms (
of the agreement, wheat has advanc- j
ed in price and on. May 15, 1920, at
the time of the contracts expiration,
the market rate was $2.69 per bushel.
Because of the delay and subsequent
price the company asks the court tor
the Judgment named and cost ot the
.' 1 Butte Cars Rcsnme. -Butte,
Mont., June 1. Streetcar
ervle in Butte was resumed this
morning under the arrangement made
yesterday by Manager J. R- Wharton
m iiimunN i f$V? ' i' ft
'i M ';: I;
j r '
. - -w . , v. .. rf
-ii '" !- JS!
.1 .aJri.J I
? M jEKyiL s, MR. nyPB
j yoH-lAEMMUlr
Jj' lLVt I
1 ton Ford with express body, top and wind
shield, extra good tires. A bargain at
. $600
1919 Maxwell panel body, electric lights, starter
car is just like new with good tires
1918 Maxwell, 1 ton truck with cab and wind- CJ QK A
shield, good stake body, new tires, bargain price P70U
-- . . t
1 ton Republic truck, overhauled, repainted
and guaranteed, new tires, cab and body....:..
T , ..'.'
1920 1 ton Republic truck, almost ney, body
and cab, overhauled and guaranteed.....
2V-ton Republic truck, new tires, overhauled
and guaranteed, extra good value at
1918 2'i-fon Republic truck', like new, over
hauled and guaranteed with new tires
1920 214-ton Bethlehem truck
almost new
Call at the Yellow Front Truck Store for Inspection
W. fl. iilLDEBRANDf & CO.
279 N. Commercial St.
For the Sale Yon Are
Prices are Being Cut to the Limit, Clerks are Busy Loading
Tables With Merchandise Stocks bought at Big Discounts
are arriving daily. , Watch for full particulars, June 4 to 12
jKSMmjmmmsxsxrrr--1 -rsss.
How Can I Save Money?
Wise buying means economy.
The way to buy wisely is to read the advertise
ments BECAUSE advertised products are good products. -
BECAUSE berchants tell you of their bargains thru adver
' ' tisements. .'
BECAUSE almost every new opportunity is offered through
an advertisement.
BECAUSE practically every unusual buy is advertised.
BECAUSE you save lime and trouble by choosing what you
r , want "and where to1 get it from the advertisements, instead
of hunting all over town. ;
How Can I save money? " By reading the adver
tisements. Not today only. .
But every day!
You'll save money by keeping up.t with every op
portunity to get full value in buying-BY READ
.ibcrly Theatres .
Phone 67
" 5