-rspAY, JUNE' 1, 1920. PAGE Till lnl Building In All Section of County Encouraged by Sols Rays fr" . . .h- season 1820 is reported Culver, county roadmaster. !Eoutthe many road districts W of men are engaged in put sondreos market laterals the -'-- ass "1 the Paic highway, north of shape. On 'h .. . .n!v has nearly complet- ltia. t ' rtinr the four- .u. worn. 14 .-...k nr Brooks. The con- si" l . " ". .h. s anion. m the accomplishment of i pation of hard surfacing in the future county's road bxullding pro- Xhe three roads radiating from u,' Angel iare nearly ready for paving from the Mt. Angel unit of Marion county's paving plants. Market roads between Butteville and Aurora, and Aurora-Donald, are also noted on the roadmasters field book. Gravel bunk ers are placed on the Pudding river at Aurora and ten thousand yards of the oaiiasung material will be placed on the travel arteries in this section. Saturday, the bunkers and elevator at West Woodburn were . marked "completed." Gravel shipped from Salem will be utilised in preparing the Woodburn-St. Paul highway. Tuesday, work was started on gravel distribu tion to roads radiating from Monitor. These roads are being graded at the present time and 5000 yards of mater ial will be taken from the Monitor bunkers on Butte creek. Road Work. Is General. . Road districts in all parts of the cunty are reported as being active in putting their sectional arteries on the county road map. Grading, graveling and macadazing is being undertaken in these sections especially- in the dis trict that have made special road lev ies for the 1920 season. 11 When the present season terminates Roadmaster Culver estimates that nearly two hundred miles of traffic routes of all classifications will be vastly Improved as a result of the pro gressive roadbuildlng program under taken by the county. li the f "" tave paved three-quarters of : i. nf this stretch, the new surfac ing between the old Reynolds' I '"' and Havsville school house, i south Highway Improved. two crews are graumB ... i HffcWbway south of the capital city c" July 15 the county expects to this road thoroughly prepared to JennTh Salem-Aumsville road, a is now working near the indus school and will soon have com- iMti grading ,rri Another crew Is working l the section between' Turner and fa ille. he hard "-facln n e Vl named portion of the road to be t "L, r0m the county's plant at Aums I The Salem-Turner section will ! ;a from the Salem plant. The V.7 lt onfl ha I five bridges k"' '"- flour' mill metropolis are being re- aodeled and placed in first class con- smaller Roads on Map. f The Salem-Pratum road is also in J the throes of re-construction in antlcl- Mrs. Siegmund Is Dead At MeftamaiFarm WaP? oa Par With City Pay Are Urged Mar-! that the second .delegation headed by H. L. Anderson of Jacksonville is favorable to .Senator -Johnson and that the third headed by A. L. Church of Jacksonville is favorable to the candidacy of Governor Lowden. ' Committee to Deckle When the evidence was all in last night, many of the committeemen said that all three delegations seem ed to them to be "defunct" but an nounced that they would depend up on the sub-committee ; headed by Committeeman Warren, who is act ing as a legal adviser to the com- Contest for Delegates Hot (Continued from page one)' in beginning to stir about the head quarters of the presidential candidates md their managers. Ch.ica.go hotels, jlready overcrowded with an abnor mal business, are beginning to show the first symptoms of a , campaign week of noise and confusion. Head ouarters are blossoming out with ban ners, but me campaign ummwio.iniuee in me contests, to point a way have not yet emerged from the state out of the muddle. , , . of confident predictions. Only two of in the District of Columbia con the candidates, Governor Lowden and tests, the Issues as to candidacies is Major General Wood are in the city, , less clearly ,' defined, ? although the tut Senator Harding and Senator; wood leaders are said to be listing Johnson will arrive late in the week, the delegation headed by Frank J. Estimates of the probable duration Hogan as among those upon whom (the convention are as numerous as they would depend-in the convention., the candidates are various. Some con- I -with the Florida-contest put of the fldent ones have made railroad reser- wayi tne national committee face, the rations to return horns on Thursday 1 mo8t acrimonious contest of the list, oi convention week. The prediction ; thtlt (rora Georgia, Where an official-' that a presidential candidate probably j jy reported delegation, headed by ill be nominated Friday night and a Henry Lincoln Johnson, an Atlanta vice-presidential .candidate Saturday j negro, is counted in the Lowden col umn to be regarded among most of umn and a oontesting delegation head the politicians as probably being more ed by Charles Adamson of Cedartown, iccurate than any other. is counted in the Wood column.' Both The generally accepted tentative delegations had figured in the hear program seems to be Tuesday for tern- lngs of the genate 8Ub-Committee in-i porary organization . and keynote VetigatinB caniDalsrn exnenditur,. . ipeecnes; weunesuay tor permanent, organization and work of the resolu tion! committee framing the platform leaving Thursday and Friday fof bal loting If two, days be needed. All the politicians seem agreed that bo one is going to be nominated on the first ballot. Many of them are go ing so far as to make predictions of what Is going to happen on the first wcond and third. Then come the san guine predictions of what Is going to happen on the fourth. . ".-. H took three ballots in 1916 to nom NosehUed Costsi Millionaire Over - $2J)0Q To Stop Denver, Colo. An attack of nose- Dieemng cost Morris T. streeter, mil lionaire coal mine owner, $2,000 and made necessary the chartering of a special train to carry a Denver special 1st to the isolated point in Moffat inate Charles Evans Hughes and that county,' Colorado, where Streeter was. ai the first time since 1898 that At the end of the dash over the moun more than one ballot had been reqirir- tains in the special train, the apecial ed tovnomlnate a candidate. In 1900 hgt had to ride thirty miles in an au- ano iu4 the nominations were made tomoblle over'the rough roads of Mt. y acclamation. ' : ; : . , Streeter, woon conference Postponed. when Streeter first began to lose - eenator George H. Moses of New, bIood and after flrgt aia measures had Hampshire, Major , General Wood's faile(1 to check the floWj an unsuccess ful campaign manager, ,announc-, ul ef(fcrt wa8 made to gecure an air " i. morning tnat tne proposeo. p , n. t carry the specialist 'the 300 ierence of Wood managers would , mlle Irom Denver to Streeter. - i.u, umu auer. me corneal, Despite the fact that the run was are completed. . ,;-v ( oyer trackg weakened by recent storms rl mea '"'t-'record-breakingtlm was made , -The train, alone cost Mr Streeter Wood, campaign- on the.convent.o ii 7Oe0 lncluding war taXl and the Harry Daugherty; Senator Warren' Phy8itlS , ftnrnanTooo G. Hardin. Mmni mo, or.' brought the total to more than 2,000 Jivea today and took charge of the but the bleeding was stopped. njraing headquarters here. Wood Delegates Favored -i In the .District of, Columbia con 'Mt, the committee Voted, to seat the fepilarly reported 'delegates, Frank Hogan and James A. Cobb of Washington, D. C. Committeeman Howell of Nebraska, characterizing Whole contest as a "disgraceful ihe funeral for Mrs. Mary B","U! oiegmund, age 83, who died Sunday at her home near Mehama, will be held at 1 o'clock Wednesday afternoon at the family residence, with burial following in Lone Oak cemetery at Stayton. Mrs. Siegmund was the wife of Jacob Siegmund. and member of one of the best known families In that vicinity. Mrs. Siegmund was born near Cob lens, Germany, In 183T. At the age of ne came to America with her parents, settling in Wisconsin. She married Jacob Siegmund at Mequon, Wis., in I860. Vntil June 1873 thay resided at Russell. Wis., that yea'r re moving to Portland where they re mained until 1874. That year they moved to the David Peebler donation land claim near Mehama and resided there until her death. Besides her husband, Jacob Sieg-' mund, Mrs. Siegmund's death .s mourned by 10 children, U grand-j children, and four great grandchil dren. The 10 children are: W. M. Siegmund and J. C. Siegmund of Sa lem; E. G. Siegmund, Stayton; A. R. Siegmund and L. k. Siegmund of Gervais; H, A. Siegmund and F. A. Siegmund of Stayton; Mrs. Matilda P. Jones of Seattle; Mrs, Julia M. English, Stayton, and Miss Caroline Siesgnund of Mehama. New York, June 1. The need of making agricultural wages competi tive with city wages and the necessity of the government to find a means of importing fertiliser at a price that American farmers will pay for It, em phasized in reports made public by sub-committees of the republican na tional committee's advisory commit tee on policies and platform. It is planned to submit the sugges tions in the platform committee of the republican national convention at Chi cago. - ' -. .The,, sub-committee reporting-on agriculture, of which United States Senator Arthur Capper of Kansas was chairman, urged that a national com mission be appointed to co-ordinate all rail, water and motor transport with adequate facilities for receiving, handling and transporting food be tween cities. This commission. It was said, would render a great national good at this time. The tntenatlonal trade and credits committee headed by F. A. Vanderlip as chairman, urged the inauguration of an effective co operation at home and abroad between government officials who exercise au thority in America's foreign trade re lations. This co-operation, it was neded to replace what was decribed as a loose and everjapping foreign trade' service, rife with inconsistencies and Inter-departmental controversies. In describing the shift of the United States International position from a debor to a creditor nation, the com mittee's report stated that the ultimate outcome of this shift will mean an ex cess of imports over expors. pounds, and of medium build. - She 'won both games from Portland yes-' j has gray eyes, light complexion, light ! terJny, taking the morning -contest j j hair, and wore a biack plush coat, j to and winning in the afternoon 5 to j blue striped overalls, small straw hit j 2. This gave the visitors five of the' land a pair of man's gura shoes. i eight games played. In the morning) Ro?s ws wild in the first inning, six runs ejecting the plate on three passes j and three hits. Juney held the visitors j sefe th rest of the way. i In the afternoon two errors in the I - 3 Y T II inii.i: save x-vitittim us two ruii'J. round In Portland p?n.nr wn owed omy hit i nnu wie tpvers scoreless lor sne reu Within six days after thieves had 'of the game. Sutherland was hit re taken about $-100 worth of goods from My. Penner drove in three runs in the the I. U RoNrtson store at Turner, ! fifth with his doubles. Sheriff Needhain and deputies had ; Women Narrowly Escape In Smashup Mrs. George Waters, 384 Summer street, riding in a closed car, narrowly escaped injury, and Miss Blanche Stevenson, 161 North 13th street, had a miraculous escape when automobiles they were driving colided Monday aft ernoon at the : corner of Court an Summer streets.. Both cars were bad ly damaged, but the drivers received no hurts. The accident occurred when Miss M ISitl if W OTtiail Of Stevenson was driving behind another iU Wd"S UIUUH JI car. Her view thus obscured she did not see Mrs. Waters signal to turn to the left on Summer street, so when she attempted to pass the Waters car they came together. Traffic Officer Moffit investigated, but placed no blame for the collision. The man who was driving the car that passed Mra. Waters' machine is be lieved to be named Ferguson. Mexico City Dry Lebanon Sought By Salem, Police Goods Taken From Turner Store Are i?r"F o?;tpc t Now is ihe Tun to install the kc:.:er fifeess kdt W'L GAELSDOaF . The Store of Housewares J 133 N. Liberty St. Phone 7 I succeeded in locating the stolen prop- j ert yin a Portland second hand store. As a result an arrest made public Mon day, Harry Brown, proprietor of the place, will appear in Portland munici pal court Wednesday. Nearly all of the goods .Including 28 pairs of shoes, were recovered by the city and county officials. The goao not recovered will not exceed more than $50 in value according. The robbery occurred on the night of May 19, being perpetrated by two or three men who had hired a car In Portland and had made the round trip to the Rose City by 6:30 a m., May 20. After disposing of the goods at the Portland shop the thieves had made their escape some time before officers could locate the stolen prop erty. ' ' . JOURNAL WANT ADS PAT MB. O'Neill ; - OPTOilETRIST-OPTICIAN UJ 8 Xljtfc State z$t Senators Take Two. Portland, Or., June 1. Sacraments ASK FOR and GET B The Ori&ina! Halted EVTiilc for Infants and Invalids Avoid Imitations and Substitute: Acting upon. Information furnished by L. W. Rose of Lebanon, police In this city Tuesday were searching for Nettie Lindey, age 50who ts said o be insane and left her home at Leb anon on the night of May 27, ," According to telephonic word from Mr. Rose late Monday night Mrs. Lindey departed from home carrying - T 1 TT maoe oi gunny buck, onenu UUrinP Dark HOUrS Kendall of Albany, directing the search Mrs. Lindey is 'flescribed as being five feet two Inches tall, weighing ?20 Vera Cruz, May Sl.-President Wll son has offered to send hospital ships, nurses, doctors and medical supplies to Vera. Crui. immediately "to assist in combatting : the bubonic plague which has made its appearance here, eleven authenticated eases having de veloped to date and five deaths re sulting. The outbreak appears to date back to May 19 when the first case Is be lieved now to have been developed. The victim in this case died May 22 and the second victim May 24. Vera Crua J already completely cuti Off, 'from the rest of '.the repub lic. Relief has begun to arrive. Med ical authorities believe , the plague has not yet attained the character of an epidemic. 'Argentine Sends 'Aviators To US. To Study Flying v Buenos Aires. The Argentine navy has uerunmxl tn send a number of a- Mfalr" sought to have all three dele-i viators and mechanicians to the United tttioni thrown out; but his motion 1081, . Hogan and Cobb are! uninstructed 're "aid to favor the canatdacy 'General Wood. The committee then erted to the three cornered F!orr ta contest. Committeeman Warren the report of a sub-committee the law and the facts. Some of the j attorneys. however, were not ."My to go on and the committee "Ted to the Georgia contest which wrnlned to be ; tho most sensational " the crop. The regularly reported ation headed by. Henry Lincoln "wwon, an Atlanta negro, was op J4 by a delegation headed by insries Adamson of Cedarville, rw a the'Roscoe Pickett faction. m Rckett faction has been support fl tae Wood candidacy. , , Florida Case First States navy aviation school at Pensa- cola,' Fla'.t for a course of training m hydro-avlatlon and mechanics. They will be under' the command of Lieut. Marcos Zar. who will also visit Ameri can riirtiiano factories with a view -to studying types of airplanes for adop tlon '.by the 'Argentine navy. : HbnoWiitigion -OpposedTo Bonus , Honolulu: T. H.V-'Honolulu Post of the' American Legion recently voted overwhelmingly against a government cash bonus to soldiers of the great war. Honolulu Post also voted against the farm, home - and vocational training proposals amended and placed before congress by the legion's national exe .Sik.. hf rlpclded in favor of the exe- . Chicago, June I. Hearings on the cutWe s ojigina plan for a long tin, "aim. of contestin deleeatlons v to tnan on easy terras toward a home, to- " WeeV. ...L'.lIj .u. ,ho Tjipb farm nlan and ' ' occupy the attention of . the "paollcan national committee. - fltt ion ln he thr cornered "Mt in Florida was first on the pro 2Wl nd next came the three' c'orner- contert from the District of Colum- A vocational education only tor i who' apply. : ' ' '.; Revised : Pledge To Flag Pro Honolulu, T. H. Miss Bertha Ben Taylor, supervising principal of the schools of West Hawaii, addressing .v.. ni,,i -Rntarv club, recently, and prepared a i aeclared ihtt the pledge to the Flag special sub-committee eompos- r" committeemen Warren of Mich DuPnnf n r-i Do.. N'w Tork Pn' most of the tk. LeMm,nin law and facts in' ' lorma ease. N Claim of 11,8 ""nt ZvTln use In the wheels waa ndefi 0;Jbl)' recommendation for a "W" nothing, and. ru ction by the committee. - lorida case. In which the com !ti, wa called upon to " decide nether there was, in legal" effect, republican party m Florida, prom sense to show the first indl Cn n ,h candidacy of Major Kantr. Leonard Wood, Governor J,i, Lowden aad Senator Hiram "Boson. tB of three contesting dele ' Pledged but the various .' -'"-rs say that the first or reett- - r nlte?and really meant,: IIULC WU ltti.j amid considerable-enthusiasm, she of- fered the following pledge as a ud- stitnte: - ' ,,', r -Flag of our great republic, insplrer in battle, guardian of our homes, whose stars and stripes stand for brav ery, purity, -truth and union. we sa lute thee. We, the children of many tend, who find rest under thy folds- do pledge our Uvea, our . sacred honor to Pro'"4 ": "' " ,a.rr ."d lheintiof theAmeri- ,rfn i.'ili i-r ; President Sisns Agricultural 'Bill Washington, June 1. President Wilson today signed the annual agri cultural appropriation bill which con tinues in force the present cotton fu tures contract under which trading on the cotton exchange is carried on, , Students Bar Jews. Budapest. Exclusion of Jewish stu dents from the University of Budapest is being enforced by coercion squads composed of undergraduates who serv ed in the army. These examine every applicant and.any gUident who desires to register must ofitaln the endorse ment of five of them. The result of this is that the enrollment of students has fallen off from 12,530 in 1919 to a little more than' 2,000. AUTO TOPS AND REPAIRING Also . upholstering of all klndSi 'seat f covers. Service. O. J. Hull Y. M. C. A. Building, Salem, Oregon. Our observance of all the polite nicet ies of the, occasion forms a strong ' ap peal. Our estrtfellHri-' ment is thoroughly equipped. "Ve work fZ out each problem In a mannerllat meets, with the ' approval of mankind,' l ' r PAY AS YOU GO PLAN QUALITY MERCHANDISE AT POPULAR PRICES I. M0 "WHERE SHOPPING IS A PLEASURE" LOST i Six $100 Liberty Bonds have been lost. These bonds bore ser ial numbers 2308145-45-48-48. 51-52, and all coupons had been clipped. Any one finding same will please notify the city mar shall and receive suitable . re ward. Any one knowing of any or all of these bonds being of fered for sale will please notify the city marshall or any mem ber of the Salem , police force immediately. Across the front of each bond was written the name "B, Cunningham." This name may have been erased and )n that ''event there will be the mark of the erasure. The party who lost these bonds has been -placed In Rn embarrassing; pos ition financially' and is very anxious to recover them. If they are returned to the city mar shall no questions will be asked and the finder will be suitably rewarded. S." ... n a " 4rr Be. SATISFIED WITH oun BREAD? ,: It's quite true that you'll 4 De satisnea with our bread. Other folks in this com munity who haVe a dis criminating taste and an exact sense of values eat it and praise it 50 we are sure that you will like , it. We know you will. ' PHUJP WINTERS, Prop. 170 N. Oom'l. St. Phone 141 .tt. mn June w I 3J 1116 We close out all White Shoes t This is to be a big White, Season and we have thousands of pairs at practically one-half of the wholesale cost. If you are .going to need a pair of White Shoes for the Summer, get them now! ?5.00 white strap pumps go at (2 )J S1.95 $3.95 $2.95 $1.95 $2.9) $4.00 white strap pumps, go at ... $7.00 white lace shoes, go at $6.00 white lace, shoes, go" at $3.50 white lace International Bals, go at $4.00 white lace International Bals, go at ALL OTHER WHITE SHOES GREATLY REDUCED Tomorrow is Rubber Heel Day. 50c rub ber heels put on, -2 price 25c v . a. mmimwmm JbwMBJfcJhi,yuMMii . THE PR SHOE Karan Shoes SelbySboes Fox Pumps DtixBaxOil 111 7 tlM m y Ber$jtanBoota VilchEIhDeclf Ball DaTidUoob . 326 Statea-MtocWM; u u (yj. ua n v& n rr II It t O 50 Extra Salespeople lor all Departments f Apply Manager Peoples Cash Store 5?W' Our complete line of SPRING HATS and CAPS is now ready for your . inspection ' She entire window for this week is confined to a display of High Grade Felt and Panama Hats, reasonably priced. High Grade Felt Hats .. ...:. ....:. $5.00 to $8.00 Panama and Straw Hats ..$3.50 to $6.50 Cloth Hats, beautiful siaii.........................50 and $4,00 Snappy line of Silk and Wool Caps $1.50 to $3.50 Watch our Windows The Store for the People Men's Wear Store-416 State Street