Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 31, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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f bp,.
nAY, MAY 31, 1920.
Ground Town
ji stores ia tuj uur
j all day. Decoration day.
Ram. ha II. Port-
y !iy -
wad league leader v Salem
r..- oxford park S pjiu
flS DAmllo AIMH
Salem Commercial
I dab. Opera bouse 8 p. m.
June 7 C'W council meet
II 'm. Ctty ball. 7:S0 p. m.
. r mat .... -
. ... . 1 VlN
lunette scnuui u- "
H. E. churcn.
Jnne 1 Final meeting of
guein Arts league. library.
.itiL Fir
eh arch, 8 p. m.
June l. American
j(n. armory. 8 D.
iwei - - ...
Daify Statistics
June 1. Mi?s Hendry's re
UL First Presbyterfan
, m.
tions have been ostponed until June T,
to permit of cross examination. Wil
Hams ates. Presentation of evidence
by the state commissions ha wn
scheduled for the week of June, it to
A. L. Shumaker, of the Willard Bat
tery Station, deposited a bond of 15
with police Monday, following his ar
rest for cutting a corner with an auto
uw intersection of Market and
Capital streets. W. M. Coster, of
Portland, also was reported for a traf
fic violation, having driven past a
standing street car on South Com
mercial streets.
A report of his campaign expenses,
showing that he nairi .!.
lor his election efforts, was filed
unuay with city Recorder Race by
A Jefferson, councilman from
ward five.
Report of the robbery of a store in
McMinnville. anri ih. i.. .
.ucil Ul WQ.
was receivea by police here 'slies- Ualxiels inquiry was made
Sunday night from Sheriff Henderson,! lollowin greecipt of letter from the
of YamMUcounty. A reward of 50!c"wn - Willamette Paper company
is offered for the arrest and convic- and the Blake-McFall company of
tion of the guilty parties, the sheriff Portland to the effect that hereafter
told police, j newsprint would be invoiced at the
gross weight including wrappings and
An auto driven by A. Bartruf. of the! twine
Great Western
Paper Can Be Sold
In Weight Packages
There is no statutory provision pre
venting the sale of newsprint in pack
ages by weight if the sale is made pur
suant to contract specifying this man
ner of "sale, according to an opinion
prepared by Attorney General Brown
tor the guidance of W. A. Dalxiel. o,p
uty state sealer of weighs and meas
ures. The Oregon law requiring the
stamping of exact weight nf
on the outside of the package, applies
uiujio saies where there is no special
contract with reference to the manner
of weiehine th mmmn.ii
to exceed ten years f0 rassault with
j intent to roo. made his escape from
me state prison Saturday. Pauff was
last seen about the prison yard about
11:J0 o'clock but afiled to answer to
roll call at noon. It la believed that
he ma-.' have escaped in one of the
trucks which have been going in and
out of the prison grounds, in anita nf
the fact that each truck is supposed
to bo carefully searched before leav
ing the grounds. Pauff was received
here from Multnomah county Febru
ary 1 J, last.
JORT-Mrs. Susanna n'sn street, and another car. the
i ' f mm m m
the family residence in Rosedale driver of which was not reported to' opent tor
ciini nv mem. jsoa.v hi nniiro flnDtQjnD . . . -
disir".'. - ' --.. .cu uaiuuges wnen they
Bigdon ft Son's. Funeral arrange- collided at the corner of State and
oents not complete. High streets Saturday evening, police
jUVHELD-Calv.n.Henry Mayfield taccidTn waf Zt at iolK.a'ed tahal" f.h "nd-
- one year, at a local hspita.uarters by Mr. Bartruf.' t X2l
iuriui iieiu in xjemeft , - ..... ... o.v-ia
eifiuim campaign, accord nc to a
enriav noon.
! ,mterv. near Silverton,
jirecUon of Webb & Clough.
Wanted woman who wants steady
plice caring for convalescent young
hdy and light housework for two.
BKSonable wages. Phone 1915. 130
lore. Jeweler, watchmaker, Salem.
r rhirlr nf Hfedford will be
umei to succeed W. G. Chandler as'aj
member of tne stato Doara ui arcni
i maminers upon the expiration of
the litter's term May 30, according
to announcement by Governor Olcott
Good Roads Bill
A total of SS374.53. all cnntpihi.t
Red Troops Cross Persia
ConstantinoDle. Mav 37 A mn.
p.....,.. ..aiii,ajgu, accuruuig io a1 -r--.
statements erpriUnrt tt t . ... ' aace rerpiuen hv tha rnnttunHnnnin
,iati alttiCmf,n meu wun tne secretary of! '
former spr-roto ne v,- . .. . -v " mtinniiw. th .,-.. i j
., t , uitKun reu-.m:iif8 oince tnis mnrnincr h r n i ",re,,vii,M.i
Frisco Sugar
Price Raised
Ean Franck-o, May Jl. A price of
JI6.30 a hundredweight was declared
by the California-Hawaiian Sugar Re
fining company here today fbr Its lat
est allotment, the new price being
a raise of J3.05 over the previous v
ure. Jobbers and retailers profit ruies
imposed by the United States attorney
general would mean a price to the con
sumer of 2S J-10 cents a pound In the
ban Francisco bay region. Elsewherv
the freight from the San Francisco
seaboard will be added to the charge.
Recently H. Clav Miller, chairman
of the federal fair trade commission
here .announced that this raise would
be the last one and that future allot
ments of sugar were due to be sold at
a decreased price.
Coquille Valley
MUls Shut Down
Myrtle Point. Or., May 51. -Three
lumber and shingle mills here have!
been shut down because of laek of1
cars, many workers being thrown out
of employment At the R. K. Booth
shingle mill alone 300 men are tem
porarily out of work. Several other
mills in other sections of tha Cnnnma
valley also are aaid in navn .in.i
are contemplating such action because'
' iu car snortage. Bankers, thei
Myrtle Point commercial rhih, nri I
other organisations" have Joined in j
suing me interstate Commerce Com-!
mission for relief. 1
Antwerp Caters To
Booze Demands Of
Yanks And Tourists
Antwerp. The cafes of Antwerp,
where American "Jaxs" music rewound
nightly until the early morning bours
and champagne corks pop conuuuon
ly at ft to 10 francs a pop, are o
crowded even now with tourists sail
or in for a shore celebration, and lo
cal spendthrifts that their proline: is
wonder what more can happen wh,
Antwerp is crowded with victors
the Olypmic games.
There are no spirits sold except
mrreptitiouslv but the wine flows
continually in the gilded cabaivti, wtl
;th beer so continuously in tho sailor
"estaminets ' down near the dock i that
the noise and dancing know no b.aiii,.
Caves May lie Reserved,
Louisville. Ky. Mammoth Cave,
Kentucky's contributed to the won
ders of the world, may soon be pur
chased and transformed into .- exten
sive National Park.
The "Revelation" has violin, banjo,
trombone, marimbaphones, piano and
drums, just a little bunch of harmony
jt Koosc hall tonight. Dancing. 130
About 35 members of the Jipworth
league from the Center street Meth
odist church are having a picnic to
ll; at Silver Creek Falls.
Tonight at Moose hall, dancing
wilb the "Revelation" novelty orches-
In. 130
Dancing tonight, Moose hall, that
Revelation" will be there. 130
J. H. Newklrk, whose address was
Mt recorded at police headquarters.
reported to police Sunday that he col
lided, whila rlrivinff a machine.' with
i motorcycle and rider on East Col-
mtiis street Da mage to Doth motor
cycle and car was slight
. . -- 6"n rtu- uwire mis morning Dy C C. '
finn Tfv. t0r'.and Piven Publica- Chapman, chairman of the executive
Mareh ii . 1 .? Oregonii"' of committee of the Oregon Roads & De-I
u t . 7 -"--v urivtrs veiopmeni association.
for human n IT r i"" largest uem or expense In the,
lor human lives as a result of which '
r0zthTtzzi ot ,he measure-,he staten,ent
stage line, filed with Governor Olcott I T 1 f"'6 Cntrib
by Frederick Hel.lg, Portland alto" ,U"d ln behalf ot the
ney, this morning. .amendment.
Tnnhrht IfnnRA hnll. dnncinff wRav
tltnon novelty niuflc. The banjoman
wu De mere. is
in auto driven by George Vlesko,
amaged Saturday evening when a
fcUwry car of the Weller Brothers
Grocery company, driven by A. gum
nen, cut In ahead of the Viesko ma
chine, causing a collision, according to
police reports Monday. The accident
occurred on High street, between
mill and Bellevue, No one was In
jured. ;
"Revelation" music, dancing, to
night. Moose hall. - 130'
Biddlo Bishop, manager of the Wil
lamette Transfer company, reported
to notice that an auto, beat-ins- license
I No. 83536, was damaged when it col-
I KAmI af 1. - - . . 1
t ma curlier or iiuerty aim
State streets with one of the com
pany's transfer trucks. The truck
not damaged, and no one was in
d. the report of the accident
Calvin Henry Mayfield, one-year-loson
or Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Henry
That banjo man from the U. of 0.
H play with the "Revelation" at
hall, tonight for dancing. 130
Mayfield, Sr., of La Grande, Ore., died
Jnlay noon at a local hospital.
"""W was held Monday ln Bethel
metery, near Silverton, under the
tlon of the Webb & Clough com
""V. of Salem. ; :
Dean Dewall and H. Hanechamp, of
""eene. spent Sunday ln Salem.
Alfred Brotherton, of Stayton, was
wsiness visitor to Salem, Monday.
Jjf. nd Mrs. 3. Bertolson, of Med
k nM a visltor to Salem, Sunday.
"r- Bertolson Is interested in mines
UIS BOUth Ornn Alatwlr-t an.l t
""PPipng at the Bligh Hotel, while
cung business in this city.
jH. Addis, of Woodburn, - so
J01 In Salem for a few hours.
R. Hartley, of North Plains, visited
In Salem Sunday.
W. E. Thomas, of 640 State
JJ" ho has been very 111 during
Past four weeks has fully recov
d 1 able to be about again.
jJH- Dickason and Ed E. Miles of
JjJdence, were Salem visitors,
clgan. of Albany, stopped
j,, B!iRh Hotel while visiting
r"Ms here, Sunday.
JWr B. Jacob, ot Twin Rocks,
ylsitor to this city. Sunday.
Silverton visitor to the Capital
l,-aS T. w. f readgold, who reg
." at the Bligh Hotel. Sunday.
The regular monthly meeting1 of
the Salem War Mothers will be held
in the auditorium of the Commercial
club Tuesday afternoon at 2:30
o'clock. According to Mrs. J. A. Car
son, president of the Salem chapter,
it is imperative that all members be
present at the meeting, and a large
attendance is expected.
Hopes Favorable
. Action For Rates
Hopes for a favorabln ratnMn...
of the west's objections atralnst the
proposed f relent rnla lnnn... -
pending before the intratnt nm
merce commission, are expressed in a
telegram received by the Oregon pub
lic service commission from Commis
sioner Fred A. Williams, who arrived
in Washington Friday morning to rep- j
resent Oregon in the fight against the!
proposed, increases.
Williams' optimism la evidently
uaseo. p0n tne fact that .the railroads
of the southwestern states, which are
also included in the western classifi
cation territory, have filed separate
applications before the interstate com
merce commission, which. If granted
will permit of a material reduction in
the proposed new rates which approxi
mate an increase of 24 per cent over
those now in effect
Hearings on the western classifies-
Pair Escape From
Reformatory; Tie
Bedding Into Rope
Tying bed sheets Into an Improvised
ropo and lowering themselves from n..
upstairs window In the institution,
Clarence Bland alias Bill Shannon, age
17, and Clinton Toung, age It, es
caped sometime Sunday night from
the state training school for boys. A
reward was offered Monday by attach
es of the Institute for information of
the whereabouts of the boys.
Bland, who was committed from
Bend. Or., for burslarv. and Ynnnir
sent up from Portland for auto theft,
naa uen interned in a hospital for the
past five weeks for scarlet fever. Skin
was still peeling from their hands
when they escaped, it is reported.
Younar Is five feet hIt inche lull
weiehed 130. Is dark comnlexlnn. hlna
.' eyes, prominent nose and darg brown
hair. . Bland is described as being five
feet sinv tall, weighing 140 pound, fair
complexion, blue eves and brown hair.
j It Is thought that the boys may steal
an automobile to aid their escape.
Ing their troops ln Krserum says the
Russian bolshevikl have advised him
.hat they are sending two divisions
of Russian bolshevik troops to Erie
rum across Persia. This message, how
ever, is regarded as questionable by
the foreign military men here.
Russian Escapes
From State Prison
Sam Pauff, 42, a Russian doing not
Effective Sunday, May 30th, the S.
P. & 3. Ry.. is making a new and im
proved train schedule between Port
land and Spokane and in connection
with the Great Northern and North
ern Pacific railways and Burlington
Route to Montana points, Minneapo
lis, St. Paul and Chicago. All of the
Spokane trains will arrive and depart
at the Union Station, Portland.
No. 4 will leave Portland (:1S a.
m., arrive Spokane 9:05 p. m., con
nection with (the Northern Pacific
railway for St. Paul and Chicago. On
and after June tth this train will car
ry a standard drawing room sleeping
car from Portland to St. Paul and
Chicago, moving east to Spokane on
the "North Coast Limited" via North
ern Pacific railway.
No. 2 will leave Portland 7:itf n.
m. arrive Spokane 8:50 a. m., con
necting with both the Great Northern
and Northern Pacific for St. Paul and
the east It will carry standard draw
ing room sleeping ear Portland to
j Chicago and tourist sleeping cat
Portland to St. Paul, moving east of
Spokane on Great Northern "Orien
tal Limited" train; also observation
standard and tourist sleeping cars,
dining car and coaches to Spokane,
connecting with similar equipment for
St. Paul and Chicago. This train also
carries standard and tourist sleeping
cars to Bend, Redmond and other cen
tral Oregon points. 131
Buster Brown Shoe Store
125 North Commercial Street
President And
Comming Talk I
Politics Today
Washington, May 31. President
Wilson and Chairman Cummings of
the democratic national committee
conferred for two hours today, dis
cussing the s-eneral nnlltlrnl tit imtlAn
and the forthcoming democratic na-
uunai convention at San rTancisco.
Later they had lunc together.
Mr. Cummings said he had visited
invitation and that he and the pres
ide White House at the president's
ident had talked "verv reelv and
frankly." The League of Nations is
sue, he added, was "sharply defined"
by the president to his "gratification."
Asked as to the Immediate future
of the peace treaty, Mr. CummiuRs
said he had discussed the matter with
the ""resident but did not feel at lib
erty to talk about it.
Asked If the senate investigation
into pre-convention expenditures had
been discussed, Mr. Cummings said he!
had nothing to say on that subject ex
cept that the president was "In good
"The next president of the United'
States nominated at Snnl
Francisco," he added. "If there has
been any doubt of that, the republi
cans have dispelled It."
We are too busy
And Modernizing Our Store To
Write Ads
Good Goods.
Woo dry's Stock
of Furniture, Ranges, Heaters,
Ruga, Tools, etc., before you
v buy
174 N. Coml ..St. Phone 510
or Ml
Think of II
TIRES FOR $12 " .
Guaranteed Tires Not Seconds
30x3 Non-Skid $12.00
30x3V6 Non-Sktd....... 15.50
For Day and Night Service
Phone 44, Opp. Court House
House Furnisher
You get more for your
Money at Moore's.
In the season's latest in Brown
and Black Kidf light weight
shies and French Heels, Mod
erately Priced at
Buy Remnants
Remnant Store
1 ton Ford with express body, top and wind- Cffn
shield, extra good tires. A bargain at vOUU
1919 Maxwell panel body, electric lights, starter (PO
car is just like new with good tires .'....,.. v OU
1918 Maxwell, 1 ton truck with cab and wind- CiQK fl
shield, good stake body, new tfres, bargain price PeOU
1 ton Republic truck, overhauled, repainted (Pi OKA
and guaranteed, new tires, cab and body.....;.. )Xutlvr
1920 1 ton Republic truck, almost new, body tf i f A A
and cab, overhauled and guaranteed tpAOUil
2Va-ton Republic truck, new tires, overhauled Ft f
and guaranteed, extra good value at I) A I OU
1918 212-ton Republic truck, like hew, over- CJOO A A
hauled and guaranteed with new tires ftUtU3
1920 2ia-ton Bethlehem truck C9(? A A
almost new ...... tD6uUU
Call at the Yellow Front Truck Store for Inspection
279 N. Commercial St.
V Phone 675
OXFORDS in Patent and
Plain Kid, French heels,
light weight soles.Very dres
sy summer footwear. Priced
New arrivals in Broque Oxfords in
dark Brown, Military heels, medium
- Weight welt soles. Priced at '
r $10.00
lister orown Dime
' ' 125 North Commercial Street
flu .
1 11 1 11 1 11 L-a 1
For the Sale You Are
Prices are Being Cut to the Limit, Clerks are Busy Loading
Tables With Merchandise Stocks bought at Big Discounts
are arriving daily. Watch for full particulars, June 4 to 12
g For
Store ! MJLJM.3
iwvMiWvirA vt r- vi sv j rv
- .