PAGE FOUR. THE CAFITAL JOURNAL Capital Journal SCHULDERMANTS REMOVAL. f AH IX'DS,,S"'TD1ENT NEWSPAPER iiioi icquisue ui ciiu-iciitj in auiimiiuuuu ' rutted ".very seeing ept:and there ca? efficiency where discord supercedes har-j fcnndir by Th Capit: joumi punt- j mony and subordinates clandestinely oppose their chief, seek to' U Co., 134 South Commercial street I undermine hia antWitv. thwart his nnlirios snd nrwnlv flannti Telephones Circulation and Busi-., . , Office. SI: Editorial rooms, it. ' their Contempt twtt Balem, Oregon. Y1T LrJ I XT 11 f . it. . tTTri i .. putnam. Editor and Publisher, i io one is io oiame ior me removal 01 nenry ocnuiaerman as filtered aa second daaa mu mt-;-corporation commissioner except Henry Schulderman. Had he 1 shown a decent respect for the governor, he would still be in of- ?w nice. Although aligned with the reactionary element of the party tor three 'and a political enemy, he was retained in office until he had the! f the creatures that walked or rrn '0 Tocountferlecrable taste to emblazon his latent hostility and disdain of the!.;, T H.ZTtZTt THE PLOT ARTHUR SCOTT- BAILEY tnem on ine way io uie creeic. But pn. ,v. near . wnen ne reacnea ri owightful place 'too far t 08 ' ... ... . . . I -.iu ne iouna Eonieming mat forget w something that made him I there lay TimJu r to ' hat he had in his pockets. taking a sunCS I T"a Tim- Anrt onme nwiule said that if othy ever grabbed a boy by his great-j toe, when he was in swimming, that: youngster would limp for many a day le where S5 a year. ((administration in full page advertisements in behalf of his OWnithey ever did anything except throw! thereafter. f order of U. 8. government. H randidaev or anothpr offirp stonea he had never caught them at it. But the bovs went in swimming just kail subscriptions ax payable la ad- ' ?' j ,. . , .. . "Its a wonder" he often re- the same Black Creek would have r2: ! The executive heads of state departments are all members! a wonder that there'nad To ame with turtles to keep Advertising representative W. D.(of the governor's official family, and he is responsible for their" tone left anywhere along this creek-ithem out of it on a hot summer s day. Ward, Tribune Bid., New' York; W. 'conduct of office. Nn nnp ran find fault if ho oliminntoa tho rliaJ1' here a good many years;! indeed Farmer Green often said that ! " kij ever spiea me sunning he wisned his son juuniuo uiu H. Btockwell, Peoples Gas bldg., Chicago. j loyal, so as to secure the peace and harmony necessary to success-' member of associated eress f ul administration and the enforcement of policies to which he is! ins Associated rress is exclusively i ,,,(0l, f tVn rvannU nUtled to the use for publication of " "' i"l"c' i ne governor wouia oe proper suDject ior censure H he toler ated disrespect and disloyalty among his subordinates and so Mr. Schulderman, having resorted to the stilleto, gets the axe. all news dispatches credited to It or atot otherwise credited in this paper Ml also local news published herein. Market Reports A SMOKE SCREEN. cheaThay KseJ'oaty! "otner aspirants look like pikers. Proposed McAdoo slush clover hay 2526; miiiifund eclipses all. $5,000,000 held promised. Senate probes scent overshadowing crime," read first page headlines in the Portland nuuenai creamery - v t; j ..... i. uiv6uiiic.H uiw inc iaiuoau piuimgcuiua uupe sent out Dy lis of the senate This style of journalism went out of vogue years aero when newspapers became newspapers instead of political organs and l eased to color events to suit their politics. Nowadays the news paper does not assume the responsibility for the views of its cor respondents but makes them sign their effusions, so the readers will not confuse news and propaganda. But the Oregonian still clings to the discredited system of prostituting its news columns ior partisan purposes. The McAdoo pipe dream, without a scintilla of evidence to verify it, is simply a smoke screen to conceal the huge expends lures oi republican candidates especially the Leonard Wood slush fund scandal. Grain: oats 95c; run J 35. Butterfat butter bSii&lc Park, veal and mutton: Pork on :special Washington correspondent in his report toot i j-4c; veal, fancy, .i6 & is kc; , campaign fund probe, steers 11c; spring lambs 13c; cowsi rt . . . , . .... . . 7c: ewes 5 6c; sheep, yearling, 0f course the fact that the investigation disclosed that there c had been no campaign expenditures and not even an organized 'jiBhfBhensld28cUhv "hensToc-''Campaign for McAdo0 did not matter. The further fact that roostersei6c;'rT0aerr3o32c! i'he sensational story was fathered by a reporter for the Hearst vegetables: Onions per pound c; newspapers, who failed to substantiate it, was also immaterial. It's 6c'e Oregon 3 ' scbecT'"' 'akim" , !"he Oregonian way of peddling poison for party advantage. It 2; turnips pcsack $TiTo joarota i maintains Washington correspondent to color and distort events per sack $2.50; parsnips per sack 1 -US political propaganda. 3.50; spinach 10c lb; radishes 7.ric dnz; asparagus 15c; new potatoes 11c; bunch beets 45c; cabbage 4c neau lettuce uc uoz; red poppers J5c; rhubarb 4c; peas 10c; tomatoes ItC. r ruit: strawberries $4.50; oranges $6.50 7.00; lemons $5.50; bananas 11 He; honey extract 20c. Retail prices: Eggs dozen 40c; creamery butter 60(362c; country . butter 65c; flour hard wheat $3.00 $.75; soft wheat $3. LIVESTOCK Portland, May 29. Cattla weak; receipts 200; grain and pulp fed Steers $12.25013.00; choice $11,509 12.26; good to choice $11.0011.50; medium to good $10.00 11 00; fair to good $9.00 10.00; common to fall $8.00 (g 9.00; choice cows and helfert 10.25 11.00; good to choice $9,000 10.25; medlu nito good $9.0009.00. fair to medium $7.OO8.0O; canneri $5.00 (g)6.00; bulls $6.0009.00; prlmf light calves $12.00 15.00; medium light ' $S.0011.00; heavy $8.00 8.50; stockers and feeders $7.50 8.60 Hogs steady; receipts none; prime mixed $14.5014.75; medium f 14.00 614.60; smooth heavy $11.00 13.75 ; rough heavy $10.00011.00; pigs $11 13. Sheep steady; receipts none; prhne lambs $13.00013.50; culls $9.00 11.00; yearlings $8.00 Ji 10.00; weth ers 17 (frit; ewes 3ffi8. Butter Portland, Or. May 29. Cubes ex tra 49c; parchment wrapped box lots 54c; cartons 66o; half boxes He more, less than H boxes la mors; butterfat 6152o f. o. I), station; 63c Portland. Poultry and Kggs. Portland, Or., May 29. Eggs sell ing price case count 39c; guying !rlce case count 87c; selling price candled 41c; selected cnndled In car tons 43c. Poultry: Hens 320350; broilers 'SB roosters 16c; turkeys dressed 6! 65c; geese 2225c; ducks 4045o. Wheat $2.20; premium 65o soft, 70c hard; barley feed $06.60 buying; oats feed $G9871; corn No. 3 yellow $7.1 milling price. MllUtuff: Mill run $545S ton. Hay: buying price, timothy $31 t o, b. Portland; alfalfa $37; grain $ 30 clover $32, 1 Vancouver Census Placed At 12,637 Washington, AVaah., 12,637, liercent. ISristol, It. I., 11,3 or 32.8 percent. Bethlehem, Pa., 60.36$, !7,521 or 292.3 percent. Chester, Pa., 68,030, lncrense 49S or 60. S percent. Vunbury, Pn 15,721, Increase 1951 or 14.2 percent. Wllllmuntlc, Conn., 12,330, Increase 1100 or 9.8 perosnt. Ashland, Wis., 11,334, decrease 260 CV 2.2 percent, Hanover, Pa., 8665, increase 1J07 r 22.8 percent. Wilmington, Ohio, 6037, increase t46 or 12.2 percent. Iota, Kan., 8513, decrease C 19 or 6.7 percent. Sharon, Pa., 21,747, Increase 6477 or 42.4 percent. Itny City, Mich., 47.664, Increase 888 or 5.S percent. i'lndlay, Ohio, 17,015, Increase 2157 Cf 14.6 percent. Atchison, Kan., 12.C30, decrease SS9 or 23.1 percent, spend half the time in the hayfield that he wasted around the creeK. When questioned by his fathter, Johnnie said that there was an old turtle in Black Creek that he wanted to catch. "What are you going to do with him make soup of him?" Farmer Green inquired solemnly. ' Johnnie shook his head. 'I want to cut my initials on his shell and let him go," h explained.; "Then if I catch him again when I'm grown up I'll know him when I find him. I'll put the date un der my initials, too," Johnnie added. ; Farmer Green laughed. ( "When you're grown up," he said, "vou'll have something else to do be sides catching snapping turtles. This afternoon you may carve your initials on the hayrake and then take it over to the big meadow and play with it." For a few moments Johnnie Green couldn't help looking glum. He had myself on a rock in the water without, intended to visit the creek that very trying to hit me. I afternoon. But now he knew that his Once in a great while some young- father expected him to work to ster was skillful enough to bounce a' work on one of the finest days of the stone off Mr. Turtle's back. And; whole summer! j when the old scamp flopped into the1 "1 11 let you off all day tomorrow," j water he always heard a great whoop-j Farmer Green said. "And you know( ing from the bank. j there's that calf I told you I'd give At such times as likely as not Tim-' you if you helped me with the hay othy had been awakened from a Ing." j sound sleep. But when that jeering: And then Johnnie actually smiled, noise greeted his ears he knew at once Well, the next morning was just. as what had struck him. fine as the afternoon before. And It was a good thing for him that' Johnnie Green set off early for Black he had a hard back. Nevertheless it Creek, with his pockets stuffed full always made him angry to be dis-j of cherries, because he was afraid he turbed when he was taking a nap. ! might get hungry. He ate a few of I r 1 m l i ) "What are yon going to do " one is very unnappy all the time. In- reasons. deed, one changes from gravs to gay, from sorrow to Joy, from tears to smiles, very quickly and often seem ingly without cause. This morning, when writing my letter to John I was not particularly happy. changed since then, but now that I am walking through this sunshiny street with the fragrance in the air and the melody of children's voices and laughter, I am really and truly happy. Once more It came to me that I had many blessings to count. I was young, healthy; had the temperament to en Joy the little things of life. . This is a very wonderful world, after all, and it struck me all at once that the most wonderful part of it was that shortly I would probably be trundling my Bon down these shady streets. I had not aa yet received the ma terials from John's mother for which I had written, but I was eagerly awaiting them. Meantime it was a! Voltrn fl C Tcr7 sunshiny morning and I was glad tot r fto V toll be alive. I sometimes wonder if we who appreciate the Joy of living most can go down in the depaths and sor row most. I believe I would not give up the capacity for poignant pain that I possess to such a degree if I had to May 29. Vancouver. Increase 3337 or 35.9 increase 2810 Increase 19. Ill "9 iV r lit" 1 Chr i, ther hain't nobudy ever'-j BRAINS AND BONE HEADS. In discussing the functions of the brain, Arthur Brisbane, ,in one of his brilliant studies of the masterpieces of literature that have appeared in the Hearst Sunday papers, says: . "As time passes, the substance of which your brain is made "sets," becomes, mentally speaking, hard as concrete. After a certain age a man cannot change his opinions, he thinks he doesn't want to, but in reality, he cannot." ' This probably applies to a large percentage of humanity, and accounts for the reaction of age, but it seems probable that fail ure to exercise the intellect has as much to do with the stolidity of the brain as age. We frequently find ignorant youth much more stubborn and set in opinion than intellegent age. It is a law of nature, that failure to use any organ of the body results in the atrophy of its powers, and the brain is probably no exception. In the normal person, the mind ought to grow in power and strength as long as health continues, and it does, if used. It has been scientifically proven that persons in intellectual occupations increase in mental power continuously, and outstrip those in pure ly mechanical occupations, even though the latter were naturally superior in mentality in youth. The brain becomes "set" only when its growth and develo pment are checked. This may happen in childhood as with the feeble minded, or in youth, as with the "morons" or in the decade Or tWO following matliritv. ns'spmna tn Via tVia nana r,'fVi o r... maWitv r,f npnnl Tr, tho oooa U tn .a...... i ! B,ve U1 .wi,n niy to the full- ... . .v. vaocc, ii, la uuc iu pny siuui , est the little things that come to cuuHes ana liineruea taints, in tne latter, to failure to use intel lectual powers. Too many use brains as mechanically as muscles and other organs. There is almost no limit to the individual's mental powers, if they are persistently cultivated. But few ever pay any atten tion to tne development ot mentality and are content to let their brains solidify through non-use, and join the great army of bone heads, as long as the brain performs its physical labors of di recting the body, which process Mr. Brisbane thus describes: "One nerve drives the heart faster, another holds it back. And as the heart's action is controlled, so everything within our bodies, 'fearfully and wonderfully made', is controlled from the brain's dark cortex; muscles and nerves that regulate blood pres sure, marvelous system that controls the body's heat so that blood temperature doesn't change a fraction of a degree between the equator ami the North Pole. And about all that automatic man agement we feel and know nothing." Rippling Rhymes OPTIMISM. Are you sad and weary hearted, are you full of prunes? Come and see my lyre get started, hear my cheer-up tunes. Do you think you've cornered sorrow? I have griefs, as well; but I'm banking on tomorrow ; hear my blithesome yell. I have dona a lot more weeping that I'll do again ; I have sown and seen the reaping uone uy oiner men ; i ve naa spuas and Hoped to cook them, greens I wished to eat ; but the sheriff came and took them, in the tinmo of Pete. I have lost an aunt so stately that she beat Lenore ; oven yet I miss her greatly, but I weep no more. For our tears bring home no bacon, bring no fodder in ; when we're stricken and for saken, it is best to grin. Are you beaten down and broken, finding life too hard? Come and hear a glad word spoken by a cornfed bard. Single sorrows soon are double if you weep and sigh ; nothing scares off Old Man Trouble like a courage high. While I have never wished to be a man myself, do not think I would care to inflict femininty on a child of mine if it were possible to designate the sex. V There, I know you are frowning Nothing has. when you read this, and you think I am complaining, but I am not, John. I am only trying to write many things that I have often tried to tell you, but you would never listen or seem to understand. Alice is going home today. She Is to take little Bob with her. I expect to see a great deal of Ruth while Bobby is away, for she will be lonely even if she has the other children. You said nothing in your letter about returning. I expect you will stay there until your business is finished. Will you come this way on your trip? I hope you do, for I love you and al ways want you. Your wife, ' ' KATHERINE. Tomorrow Will Bobby Forget HJs . Mother? Grant School LOVE and MARRIED LIFE By the Noted Author IDAII McGLONE GIBSON in the ordinary course of every day life. Possibly, if some one without im agination slhould read this human document he might think I was a very inconsistent woman, but the more I think about myself and the more I Bee ,of others of my sex the more I am convinced I am Just an average woman living an a vera ire life. Because I was happy I determined .to, er write John another letter, a letter in which I was not complaining about mm or anyone else. So on the Im pulse I wrote tills: "Dearest John: Just because I want you to know, dear, that I love you and am thinking about vou n the time I am writing you a letter to tell you so. I have been all day sewing and thinking of our future. Have not re ceived the materials and little gar ments that I asked Madame Gordon for the other day, but they will be coming on soon and I will be more in terested in the layette of your son than I am now. Of course, I know you will want a son, John a man child to carry on your name. I think I. too, would wish for a boy for many E. E. Dennison and J. T. Neer were guests of the Grant school Friday, representing the G. A. R., and Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Follrich acted as envoys from the Woman's Relief Corps A short patriotic urogram was nre- sented, followed by interesting talks Dy the visitors, and closing with an address by Reverend T. S. Anderson The program: star Spangled Banner, school; in vocation, Reverend T. S. Anderson song, "Hall to the Flag;" "In Fland ers Fields," Fannie Lee; "America's Answer, Vernon Perry;' piano duet, Alphie Holcomb and Lorraine Fletch violin solo, Norma Maier. Railroads Give Proof Of Higher Freight Rate Need Washington, May 27. Preliminary reports of the interstate commerce commission on the cost of reproducing me country s railroads were intro duced before the commission today by me carriers as sustaining -their prop erty investment account figures on which they base their request for freight advances aggregating $1,017.- 000,000 so asto yield the six per cent return allowed under the transporta tion act.- Thoughts of tle Future lawns I passed were springled with mv ittir to John seemed rather the dandelions' gold and clumns of constrained, but for the life of me I. daffodils and Jonquils here and there aaaen more yellow splendor to the Joyous morning. Someone has said, "The world can never b a howling wilderness as long as mere ars sunshiny summer after noons." I would paraphrase that ., iioi.l,,- Ttnth looked ns sentence a little and sav. 'The m-nrlrf though she was burying Bobby ln-,vlli always b a hint of heaven on a siend of sending him t His tamer ior -ii.iB mumms. a little Visit. I r wuiiueriui ining Ruth has a great respect for her "osc oi us. sunshine and flowers umr.i nihr.ri T da not thliiK she ""- air act as a tonic draught would have let him go. Some women tllt pulls up nil our wearying spirits are blgncr on impulse than they fto!,,n(, ,alt('a wJ" all morbid and Intro- could nut write It differently. I busied myself with my sewing most of the morning, only going downstairs to bid Allcs good-bye and to walk with her as far as the station, a fnw blocks away, when we found after trying to reason. As the train left she turned abrupt ly. I knew she did not oven want m with her when she returned to her spectlve thought A Faithful Chronicler If this were an imaginative story A was writing, and I was the heroine, home and realised that little Bobby, I would leave out many of the quick n;lj )cft. changes In moods, variableness of I wandered through the village. It' opposition and inconsistencies of was the flvst time since my num-iase' M""'"". "l" oeing tne truthful that I had been there in the spring. ' e.ti-ouicler of my everyday-self. I just The HI"" " ls rarely beautiful., ,u I'"1 oown me sum ot human nmnMnf- down blde the luke; its nl" ""' numan understandings as coil, Vi-e-Himl streets were just -el-;iv wf to me. 1 know that what Diiilntf (lie limlifijitr rlngttme. Tl-ejexcr the novelists may write, that no WHY- STOP HERE LOOK If you, Mr. Reader, want a used but not abused truck Cheap, investigate. Prices from $200 up to $2250. 34 to 3 1-2 tons. All equipped. Guaranteed. Make your terms. Tires at cost. Storage $3.00 month. Buy a passenger' car. Spend your evenings and Sundays looking over our beautiful country. Guaranteed used, but not abused passenger cars, $175 Up to $650. Notice our repair. department. We can save you money. U. S. Garage Phone 1752 .554 Ferry Street R err r IO STATE g STREET aJ i toCHONeH uriuntiKi5T-0FT!CUn LaddsBush WiWo Polled Herefords A New Importation for Sale Diablo Stock Farm, BULLS at Private Treaty Danville, Calif. Name Sire WIZARD DAIXTY Wisad Atlas WM. DALE Polled Wm. A NX. LILLIMOXT Anxiety 6th NERO Good Lad CAESAR Bell Boy GOOD LAD'S 1ST Good Lad WIZARD FEARLESS Wizard Atlas VICTOR Paul ANXIETY GOLDIE Anxiety POLLED ROSS 1ST Ross POLLED DONALD Ross POLLED ALEX Ross POLLED FRANCIS Ross MARY'S PRIDE Ross MYRTLE'S CHOICE Ross ' POLLEp DALE Ross COWS BEAUTY'S BEST Good Lad MISS FLOSSIE Good Lad MISS MAJOR P Major Pontus WANDA Advance 56 IOLA Advance BERTHA 2d (Bred) King Jewel $ ITO KING 6th Polled Ito (Bull Calf at foot) MAVIS Advance Duni Polled Dainty Lessie Jnd Lilllmont 23rd Polled Lib Lady Peach 2d Lorana 21 Fearless Evelyn Goldie O. Polled Tuge Donald Lass Alice Shadel'd Helen A. Mary Myrtle Ivadel Mill 1-8-11 1-1-1 $11 U-15-1! -H-ll 1-18-11 MMl M5-1I Ml-ll M5-1I 10-11-11 10-21-11 -MS 10-H-ll 1-21-11 Beauty Flossie J Esther Amy Corona Dandy Bertha Flora Polled Lady Sill 4-18-11 1M-1I 12-H-18 12-11-1! 2-31.11 T-21-11 2-2M) Tliose cattle from such herds as those of H. N. Vaushan Sh. lurst, III.; W. M. Stlee, Little York, 111.; Roy W. park, Media, V Tj Johnson, S. J. Apt.ShronKhurst, IIL, and others. To Introduce' sk sold at former's prices. Pedigrees oi application. The consignment contains the best strains of Hereford blood In ato ence. WRITE FOR PRICES AND FURTHER PARTICULARS. - COME AND SEE THEM. DIABLO STOCK FARM, Danville, Calif, G. W. EMMONS, Proprietor. E. P. PETERSON, Manager 7 TTTTSff fl storages "S TRACC MARK StOHTSHtB WE are authorized dealers for the most progressive concern that ever built batteries. We are pledged to carry out those policies of square dealing to which Willard gives widespread publicity. We are authorized to make repairs, -to do recharging and to sell the Still Better Willard with Threaded ' 'Rubber' Insulation. D'ciggc & Buirell Auto Electricians 238 North High Street Through Service We Grow mm J a, i m -- ' -In n IT t i aifSiT - - - m - - . .Illllf .-! ? TTTS .'. . . - - -I ITS 'A TREAT To eat, with or without butt a slice of our light, whig PJJ BAKE-RITE bread. CUfZ and grown-ups both are foaj" our bread; it's so soft Dd flavored, like rich cake, w loaf and judge yourself. Bake-Riie Bakery 157 St.. St FUOH- lLADD & BUSH BANKERS Established 1SG3 General Banking Businesi Office Honrs fren ID &. el to S f.