TACE EIGH1. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL FRIDAY, Hay 3 . n i rtn i tt- in i i w wi ' i i i mil n i -1 MEAT STEUSLOFF BROS. MARKET Courf and Liberty Sts. Phone 1528 T. S. GOVERNMENT INSPECTED GOOD QUALITY FRESH BEEF pieces... 14c ,. 18c Pot Roasts per pound ... 20c Choicest Steer, Brisket, lb Jgc BROILERS AND YOUNG HENS ' For Picnickers and Automobilists DRY OR SUMMER SAUSAGE Made from Choicest Selections of Pork and Beef "STAR," TICKING" and "GOTEBORG" BRANDS "MORTADELLA" Dry Sausage ALSO -VEAL LOAF, MINCED HAM, BOLOGNA, LIVER SAUSAGE, HEAD CHEESE, GARLIC SAUSAGE, FRANKFURTS, POLISH SAUSAGE, VIENNA STYLE "WIENERS" FreRh Ground Hamburger, .... 22c Link Pork Sausage 35c Fresh Ground QH Pure Pork, lb OUC Smoked Pork Sausage, lb.. ,35c SALT PORK, Special, pound ... 24c ALL KINDS FRESH, CURED AND SMOKED MEATS, PURE LARD, ETC. Steuslof f Bros. Market SALEM, OREGON The Sugar Situation Every day people are asking us about the sugar situation and whether cheaper sugar can be expected during the canning season. Our only source of information is the market reports in the daily papers and such items we find in the grocery trade papers. Raw sugar in the New York market is quoted at $23.57 to which must be added $2.50 refining charge plus freight, cartage,' wholesaler's and re tailers' profit which will bring the price to the consumer to about 30c per pound. We have a limited supply of berry sugar which we are able to sell at $24.05 per sack. After this lost is exhausted we have another lot which must be sola" at $25.25 per sack. Each lot must be sold ac cording to cost plus a small margin of profit. Fruits and Vegetables Fresh Pineapple, 50c Each California Grape Fruit, 10c; 3 for 25c Sweet Navel Oranges, 60c and! 65c per dozen Strawberries,' Californias, 2 for 45c Strawberries, Home Grown, 25c per box Gooseberries, 10c per pound Bananas (Ripened Just Right) 15c per pound Asparagus Settlemier's asparagus, 20c per lb. bunch ; 2 for 35c Fresh Tomatoes.Cucumbers, Radishes, Green Onions, Rhubarb, Fresh Peas, New Potatoes, pead Lettuce Canned Pineapple Special Surfriderz broken slices, No. 2 30c, 2 for 55c ; $3.15 per doz. Two Broom Specials Zan's No. 9, a medium weight broom 79c Zan's No. 4 a heavier broom, $1.08 ROTH GROCERY CO. Phone your orders early 1885-6-7 This Store Will Be Closed all day Monday Highland DEE GROCERY ONE PANCAKE TURNER FREE with 10-pound sack of Tip Top pan cake flour. 1 sack hardwheat flour $3.25 100 lbs. Netted Gem potatoes $8.00 100 lbs. wheat $4.50 I bale straw 65c 1 ton straw $10,000 23 bars laundry soap $1.00 12 bars Greame Oil soap $1.00 5 lbs. peanut butter $1.00 $1 brooms 79c 1 lb. cocoa '35c 1 lb. dried prunes ; 15e 1 lb. kippered salmon 35? Fresh milk per quart 14c 1 lb. Ceylon tea 50c 8 cans milk $1.00 5 cans salmon '. .. ..... $1.00 15 bars Crystal White soap $1.00 17 bars Swift White Laundry soap $1.00 Calumet Baking powder'per lb.... 25c FRESH LETTUCE AND CABBAGE 746 HIGHLAND AVENUE Phona 496 v. mm SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS SATURDAY rV For Decoration Day ORJHIS BUSY DAY THESE LOW,'ATTRACTIVE PRICES SPECIALLY SE LECTED TO STIMULATE THE INTEREST O F MONTH-END SHOPPERS GROCERIES! RIGHT A T THE MOST WANTED TIME COMES THESE GREA T SA VINGS FOR DECORA TION DA Y BUYERS Instant Post urn, reg. 30c tor 25c; reg. 50c Kellogg's, Corn Flakes ; and Post Toasties Italian Prunes, , pound Figs, two pounds ;. Wesson Oil, pint Wesson Oil, quart Ripe- Olives, tall cans, special , Borden's Milk, small size can Van Camp's Pork and Beans, No. 3 cans . 42c 12c 12c "35c 39c 77c 20c 6c 32c FLOUR SPECIALS FOR TWO DAYS CROWN FLOUR $3.29 HARD WHEAT FLOUR $2.90 VALLEY FLOUR, SPECIAL ... $2.80 COFFEE SPECIAL EXTRA FANCY BEST COFFEE, Pound 30 c Cookies, Extra Fancy Mixed Cook ies, pound Broken Cookies, . pound Graham Crackers, special pr pound Cottolene No. (T- rf 4 size can JL UU 23c 15c 45c PICNIC HAMS, pound COTTAGE ROLLS, Special, per pound 25c 35c SHORTENING, No. 5 Shortening for 2 CANS CRISCO $1.00 $1.00 PEANUT BUTTER, 5 pounds Peanut Butter ... NUT MARGARINE, pound . 85c 33c WALNUTS, Special 4 pounds $1.00 Japan Rice, ' 2- pounds 1 Best White Navy Beans Special, per pound ,...... Oatmeal, pound ". Meats for Picnics . Libby's Corn '; OA Libby's Roast Beef oQlC Aosetiaie Sliced Beef, Veal Loaf, special Libby's Lunch Tongue Special Libby's Vienna : Sausags ; ...., tabby's Deviled Meat 1-2 pound Libby's Deviled Meat 1-4 pound Crackers (Oyster and Soda) .. Catsup, Special DEL MONTE J..." OLD FAITHFUL Catsup, special White Crown Sanitary Tops, dozen ., Jar Rubbers . Dozen 1 Royal Club Coffee 4 pounds .. .L.v..;... 27c ...8c 7c 26c 37c 14c 8c 5c 18c 20c 20c 20c 5 c $1.48 I The sustenance to be found f in our bread will give you vim and build up your bodi ly vigor. Didn't . you ever try our bread? : If not it is t t about time you started. Order a loaf of it to-day. I PHILIP WINTERS, Prop. 170 N. ComT. St ; Phone 241 We Desire Thl i People Qf Salem And the surrounding vidBit,,. watch for advertisem big sale June 4th fo2ft People's Cash Store i , - I). S. Government Inspected Meats Cross Market "Meats of Quality and Flavor? :V 1 1 LOMBT E conomy ; Sytups No. 5 Caro dark No. 10 Caro dark. .jut No. 5 Caro light .v..:....:l65( 1-2 gal. Uncle Johns Maple 12 1 qt. Uncle John's Maple..-. 1-2 gal. Marshmallow ...lfo 1 gal Marshmailow .;....4l. Pan Cake Flour Olympic ........;....:...3! Golden Rod .. ...........3I Aunt Jemima ".. 11 Open Until 9 p. m. every evei ing. Confectionery " in conne tion with grocery store. Lane Morley Co. 1601-9 Center St. Phone 1492 PR JLO That we put into effect last week has met with the approval of our many patrons, in stead of predicting and enarging higher prices, we are doing just the opposite. These are our regular prices for every day. Ifyou pay more for "Choice Meats" You are are Victim of Profiteers ' - or Sirloin steak, per lb .'. T-bone steak, per lb ........ ......... Prime roasts, per lb Pot Roasts, per lb Beef to boil, per lb Shoulder steak, per pound '.. MILK FED VEAL Legs of Veal, per lb Loin of veal, per lb ...L Veal steak per lb 25c 25c 20c 20c 14c 22c : - GRAIN FED PORK Pork, Steak, per lb .....J...:...... -;28C Loin pork chops, per lb 33C Freshly ground liberty steak ..; ... 20C Fresh sausage in bulk, lb 20C Best shortening, medium pails ..' ,00 ' Best shortening, large pails ... .v.. : 2.00 . Best Creamery Butter, lb -55c In our FISH DEPARTMENT, Mr. C. T. Doty will satisfy your wants with anything in that line. Space does not allow us to name all of the different varieties. Call and see our display and get our prices 25c 25c 22c Originators of Low Prices 351 State Street "Not In The Combine"