Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 28, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Music Graduates
of University to
. Give Recital
A recital will be given by Miss Eve
lyn IV L'jiik anl Misit Lucile lions,
Graduates of the niiniic department of
Willamette university toniirht Fri
day) at the Hint Episcopal church.
The following program will be render
ed: Organ Grand Offertory No. 11 "St
Cecilia-1 K. Initiate
Miss I-.'velyn lxlnt;.
Piano a) 'Komune"..Jcan LiboliuR
I bt Pol;clilncllt."..H. V. lUiehmanu
Hit 'Iulichliif-lle"
Serele V. Rachmaninoff
M Iks Lucile Rosa.
orpin a) "A Springtime Sketch"
J. Brewer
lb) Will V the VIhp"....H. It. Shelley
ilir.t Kvelyn le Lonn.
Organ tirand Offertory No. I, "St.
Cecilia" K- Bat In to
Miss Lucile Rot.
J'lano and Organ Concert In A
Major W. A. Mouirt
riano Min lucllc Rosa.
Organ MiH8 Evelyn PcLong.
Orin (a)"Meditation"..K. J. 8turyr!
lb) Gavotto from MiKnon
Ambroixc Thomas
Mins Lucile Ross.
Organ March Milltairc.H. R. Shelley
Miss Evelyn leLeng.
i;irtnniil of the hlgn is literally di.spens-'J in bale. The old '
tehoul ilinins Ibe school year, has, lu-shii.iittl jocket book no I nKtr istj
finihed h-r work .'mil returned to her sufficiently large to carry one's daily j
home wen of the city the fore part of j or weekly supply of rubles, of which'
the week. , one American dollar will buy fciiout
Cconse V. has purchased i '00- 1,1 "ial ,in" " lne rub'1 "w
I r;orKe KusmII Interest In the form i a" a,ue ut nu,c a
of Rute!l Ilrothcr located north ofilar- I
town near the river. Rex Rus- , 1 c" "lon' ' millionaire re- ,
sell owns that portion of the place i ui;oes in Yalta, a Black Sen port, whij
containing the buildings Hnd it Is un- hav to keep their currency in trunks,
denrtood that Mr. Hubhs intends to t boses and barrels. I
build on his property during the Bum-' The kopek has long since disappear
,n, r ed as a standnrd unit in Russian nion- j
The pers inal property belonging to . . , ,, ,
. ,. ' f , j rubles scarcely exist. I'eople brand h
the estate of Mrs. C. M. Anundson. who
committed suicide a short time ago by
hanging in a woodshed at the Peter-
son farm near here, will be sold at oac-
tion next Tuesday.
. I 5.00 and 10.000 ruble notes as though'
they represented only a few farthinss. I
A correspondent of the Asfoci ittd !
l.HanaU TlBflll flftfiA.
Tokjo, May 26. The suspension
yesterday of the Seventy-Iourtn dsiiik
of Yokohama in which Sobci Mod wis
the principal shareholder, was foli.
d today by the suspension of the Yo
kobama Savings bank of which M.
MuhI Is preiiilent.
Fairmount Project
Seeks Approval Of
State Engineer
Approval of the Kalrmore Irrigation
illytilet, comprising some 300 acre, oi
land adjoining Ontario, Or., has been
requested of the state engineer's offlc
here. ' The project which will use wat
er from Sn.iko river has Just recently
lien organized unil proposes to con
struct ft pumping plant at a cost ot
approximately $15,000.
Applications, for water rights hivt
been filed with the engineers office
lis follows:
By T. C. I icui lnger, lmiscy l' Dear
J user, I'eiry A Bulkhead, S. II. Coli,
I rnnk Colt, S. U. Colt Jr., Mary B. Colt
Mary 11. Colt Jr., and Bella Colt nl
Hereford, Oregon, covering the appro
priation of water from the north fork
Burnt river for Irrigation of approxi
mately 1100 acres of land In link")'
By Aaron V. Morris of I I. M ', Oie, covering the appropriation of
water from Willow creek for Irrigation
of a small area In Malheur county.
By 1. M. Clark of Madras, Oregon,
eive'.lrg the construction of a reser
voir and the appropriation of tile wat
er from Willow creek for the Irriga
tion of 2!)2 acres of land In Jefferson
By Ralph Moore of liny Creek, Ore
gon, covering the appropriation of
water from springs for stock watering
By H. C. MeCiinnls and A. T, Ken
dall of Trouldale, Oregon, covering the
appropriation of water from a spring
for the. irrigation of u small tract in
Multnomah enmity.
By Ralph M. Knight, Cunyonvllle,
Oregon, covering the appropriation of
water from South Untpiia river foi
irrigation of forty acres 111 lamglas
By Max Oelillmr of Salem, Oregon,
covering the appropriation of water
from a small spring for domestic and
irrigation purposes.
By I. C. llnrt.ell of Kreewater, Ore
gon, covering the uproprlallon of wat
er from Sluing Brunch of Crockett
creek for the Irrigation of a small tract
of land In I'liiuUlla county.
Schools In Waldo
Hills Hold Joint
Picnic Festival
Victor Point. Or., Mav 28. A school
p'cnlc will be held In the grove near
the school house here tomorrow. A
1 1 i 1 1 1 u , feature of llie function is a pin
gram to lc rendered bv seven different
schools In the Waldo Hills. The pro
gram will Hart at 10:30 In the fore
noon. II. C Sevmoiir. state Industrial
i luli leader. inl several of the .Marlon
county school officials will he In at
Iciidnnce. The Simulant Sewing club
of till. Victor Point school will give nn
exhibition of their work. A coinniun
llv 1'iiieh Ivislict dinner will lie served
nt the noon hour. Next In Interest to
the I'ioiier iik iclallnn picnics are the
V.r-tor 1'idnt school picnics, ami this
i-t'ii liromlres to surpass all
previous undertakings,
J h 'X who sold h!s herd of
.lersev iiitllc a few weeks ago at pub
i'e .no t'o'i i.,. 1.1 at the stale fair
grounds, leeelved word from a party In
British Columbia, who purchased one
cf the cos at a bljj piiee. In the ef
ect that the animal died In transit.
The cow was insured for full valti"
throuuh the agency of Henry Sshroe
der of Sllverton.
M. M, Saver Is In Salem this week
receiving iiiiillcal treatment nt a pri
vate suiiatoriuni. Mr. Sayer has been
In poor health since he was Injured In
the mill kevenil years ago.
Miss Marie Ilowen, who hns been
teaching in the domestic science de-
I Press who has Just made a tour of the J
Black Sea, towns oa board the Ameri-;
can destroyer, Smith-Thompson, found j
Ye.lta to be unique among all the cl-!
tics in the Blue'.c Sea. It is the only j
! place in southern Russia where on
Iocs not s;'e hunger nor dlstrss.
Memorial Day
To Be Observed
Jn . Q!iiyrtnn Tncre ele upward of 20,000 Rus
III " JHVCI lUlllsiun refugees in Yalta when the cor
Sllverton, May 28. Memorial day i respondent visited the city but the
will be fittingly observed In Sllverton I majority of these were w.'dl-to-do and
next Monday". Stores will close for the able to take care of thems dves.
day and the schools and several ord- Those who were temporarily short
era will participate In the program, of money were peddling their dia-
which starts with a parade from the monds and jewels at a fraction of their
bciiuui nyurc i iv u. uuu in.iitie cost. Kvery second hand stora In the
mg to tne cemetery. .Memorial ser'- ,wn waa a bearing house for valuable
Ices will be held in the sever il i furs. rues, trinkets and other nersnrai
churches Sunday. 1 1 ossessions.
Pile Of Pennies
Puzzles Prophets
"How many pennieo?" The large
pile of coppers last week displayed in
the window of a local business place,
attracted much attention and more
than 2800 persons took part In the
contest for best guesser.
One little boy wrote "six million"
on his card, while another guess ac
counted for only 60 of the nev
Prizes offered for winning otl-
mutea were, a five dollar box of can
dy as a first award and othor special
sweets for second, third and -fourth
best. Oscar Wilde of 1202 Commercial
street, Portland, made the winning
guess of 4131. The other winners are
all Salem residents, their estimates
being as follows: J. A. Pruner 4115,
M. Collins 4113, Mrs, Paula Johnson
41D0, Meyer Samuel 4150, Carl W.
Nelson 4158.
The guess cards bear addresses
from many western states; while
traveling men and showpeople have
given New York, Chicago, New Ze-
land, Canada and Australia as their
residence in "forwarding that box of
Memorable Home
of Dewey Being
Made Into Store
Washington. 'Admiral Dewey's for
mer home, gift of the American peo
ple for his victory ut Manila Bay, is
being remodeled Into it Btore, having
given uway, as ha ve a number of other
historical residences, to the spreading
commercial sections of the city. The
Dewey house, nt 1747 Rhode Island
avenue, Just off Connecticut avenue,
was disposed of some years before thu
Admiral's death.
Value of Russo
Moneys Growing
To the Minimum
On Board the United States Desi-.oj-
er, Black Sea. Russian money is one
of tho cheapest of Russian products. It
Unlet your food b diftited with
out the altarmtth ot painful acidity,
III joy i taken out oi both eating
and living.
ar wonderful In tnelt btlp to the
tomach troubled with Over-acidity.
Pleautnl to take rliel prompt and
Armies of Insects
In Future Wars Is
Scientists Plan
London. Mobilizatlonn of the mos
quiii ,thc houseflv, the louse and var
ious other diseat:e-carrying pests for
the dissemination of deadly germs in
enemy territory Is a possibility of
"tho next war" pictured by Professor
Maxwell Lefroy a scientist.
"I can forsee the mosfluito from Bra
r.ll starting yellow fever in new lands,
the house-fly, duly Infested with chol
era, dysentery or enteric and the typhus-laden
louse doing their deadly
work much more effectively than the
spies in poisoning wells," said the pro
fessor. "This would be port of the work o-
war office of entomologists the vsi
out of strategic .plans for the distri
bution of these pests by airplane. It
seems that the world is intent upon
furnishing an airplane service for these
pests, many of which are now held
somewhat in check by natural enemies
in their native climes. This will give
them Just the means of transit they
have required. It will be a peace-time
danger as well as one that could be
used very offensively in war. The dan
ger from these "winged battalions of
death" is more serious than one dare
Polygamy Dying
Out Over Persia
Teheran. Polygamy is dying tut hi
Persia another result of greatly ad
vanced living costs, together with Jeal
ousy, which is becoming more marked
ih icai math m
Water bugs, rats and mice
if fer tin. Tin iIim, lt u ai.M.
Ship Us Your Wool
We do cleaning and carding for
comforters and mattresses. Manu
facturers of pure wool bats
CRYSTATj springs
Portland, Oregon
"CO Umatilla Avenue
S02 Spalding Bldg.
a characteristic of J Vivian aivis with
i he permeation of western Me is ami
stamlardi in the c-a.-t.
With this ch:.t s has come another
the custom of having family names.
A e:ii.s Oir IVrsim government
made it compuiM'ry for people to ad-
Ol't a surname. Before that only pens-
ants had any common name in the
family, the upper classes possessing
only one. A man. fnr instance, might
A Good Neighbor
Barbara Eaton was plainly up-t "
bout sometbiB. Kr it was most un
usual lor Barbara to scowi.
She had baked a cake to take over
to the Randalls the bride and groom
ho had nioteti next dour. And the
cake had been a failure!
''There's no use." ah thought hope
lessly. "I Just can't bake. I've riercr
made decent otke In my life.. VWtti
a smothered sisli she ran over to the
next bouse.
"I'm Mr. Baton our next-door
neighbor," she eiplalned cheerfully to
the eweet-looklnr bride. "1 Just ran
over to see If 1 could do onvthinr to
help vou." In a few minutes they,
were chatting away like oW friends. As
Viartiara was leaving, she said apolo
getically, "Mrs. Randall. I baked a
take to bring over to you but it was
a failure. I do get so discouraged
sometimes, for Alan loves home-made
Mrs. Randall interrupted. "But do'
you use Ryaon'.''' -"he eked, "and the.
Kyzon Baking Book? Wait a minute.
I'm going to ft mine for you." She
returned, thrusting a book ed can
ef Kvaon into Mna. Katon'9 bands.
"Try "these," she said, "olloaing ex
actly the recipe.i particularly In re
gard to level measurements, and you'll
never have any more trouble." Bet me
know hoar you nmke out!"
"Mie' a darling," Barbara confined
to Alan later hi the evening as he
helped himself to his second Ditee of
chocolate cake. "And to think that I
could ever make such wonderful cake
as triis why, it seems too good to bo
true." . .
The new Rvton Baking Book (nrig
Inal price il.uoi. containing -'"0 prac
tical recipe", ill be mailed, postiaid,
upon receipt of :!0 cents in stumps or
coin. Or if you will purchaao tio or
more pounds of Rysnn nt once from
your grocer, sending us his name and
address promptly, we will mail you a
Kvaon Raking Book free. General
hetnlcal '., Food Department, S5
Broad St., New York, N. V.
be called simply, and his
! li -..vttii Willi nothing to show their n
i lationship.
meuld shf lose him
' . SEE
and an ,t
CtUC-JiV J I -j f I
the ansut'. S: V j iM
V-wi the oriental m
Directed bif'Mn SJiur
tAlaxWeli llaKjcr.
Starts Sumltiv
; Frozen North Calico And Cap
At Palm Beach Parasol And Fur
-adles of Arctic Circle Now
To Blossom Forth In
Gay Prints and Move
l C o i
"ou Juuiiiier .ion 1 r- I
Home, AMI l-W
For Infant
& Invalids
A Nut! itiou3 Diet fcr Ail Afcs
Quick Lunch et Home or Office
Ato:J InIt:t:oni tnJ Sulstitatca
This, is how Eskimos look with
out the aid" of fur clothes and snow
igloos. There isn't the slighest sug
yestiou of perpetual winter or chas
ing polar bears across the ice in
this picture of a spring sun bath in
.Alaska, Mop caps, calico gowns
and bandannas are Eskimo spring
fashions, and certainly do not sug
gest the frigid North. Down at
I'ahn Death they are wearing furs
and carrying parasols.
) Eskimo sod houses are damp and
unhealthy, and the members of this
tunally hardy race living at Nusha
Rak fell easy victims to the influ
c.i:a tpl'Jcn;ic in the winter of 1918
119 when two-thirds of the adults
died. Practically the only available
iioucrn mruicai attention the dwel
lers in remote Alaskan communities
have is furnished by the mission
physicians and hospitals maintained
III the far nm-fhem Wnlrtw h ftl..
thirty evangelical churches co-oner-j
ating under the name of the Inter
chnrch World Movement which
; will seek lo raise in all parts of
"j viiuca stairs inr week ol April
25 a fund of $U6,777.5 to hack
a new program of religious effort
lor the world. O
VTien the Bolshevik! in Russia
abolished the state support of the
' KVl i s. . J IV.:
. S
5;- i
- . . '
The Ekimo lady is just as stylish in hn "Arctic Circle" as the
oilier lady in her social circle
Greek orthodox church nnd confis- Hussion wlnVk bj .' . '
rated ,h, funds. f,e Eskimos in tKncTwJ Ll9
Nushagak were left without any re- ican was alinrf ., l'
hgiou, opportunities. The Ruia. of , upt r"'1
if you want
the genuine
-in bottles
, for the home
at soda fountains
and on draught
ii Bicycles Attracts Indian.
. Wiuniiies. Han. The Indians, who
i were brouctil to Winnie(r from the.
"jfur north to participate in the Hud-;
son's Hay anniversary pageant omo
jot whom had never been in a larc
i city before, when asked what they;
J thouirht was the most wonderful of '
,' the things witnessxd here (Ireland it
; to Ik? the bicycle.
i.j, .
Take the place ot house
lining' for leas.
Max 0. Buren
171 North Commercial
New and Used Cars1
At Special Prices This I
Car ot
Yick So Tong
Chines Medicine and Tea Co.
Baa medicine which will our
any known dJseaae.
Opan Sundaya from 10 a. m.
until S p. m.
16 South High Street
Hlm, Oregon. Phone SSt
Sales conducted everywhere. Farm
sales 3 percent; city sales 5 percent
We save you money on advertising
CoL W. F. Wright Auctioneer
Phone 734
C.S. Hamilton
140 Court Street
Get a car now and save moneys t
have some new iy2 and 2 fon
trucks that must go. Get oar
prices now
Salem Velie Co,
62 iV. Commercial Street
J. W. Jt)NES, Mgr.
Willamette alley
Transfer Co.
PHONE) 1400
Phone 510-511
270 N. Commercial St.
l-ndics Skates Free Friday
IjuIIos Skates 10c Tuesday nnd
Saturday Nights.
Millinery Department
Nice Transparent Hats, dainty and pretty
$7.50 to $12.50. None higher
The very newest and best of materials
We are headquarters for Children's hats
Little hats for little tots at little prices
Good Milan hats, the serviceable kind
All kinds of miljinery trimmings . "
Good Canvass Shoes '
Save money on leather, buy canvass ones .
Brown work shoes for Men, Women, Boys and Girls
See the Sport Shoe for Men and Boys .
White oxfords for ladies. Guaranteed goods
Dry Goods
Pretty Ginghams. See Window Display
Fancy Voiles, good patterns, yard 90c
72-inch Table Cloth, Mercerized, yard $1.50
18-inch Napkins to match, a dozen $2.50
Nice Big Turkish Towels, fancy borders
v Large size bed spreads, cut corners
Bed spread, plain or scalloped
Fine white cotton silkaline comforters
Real Table linens, special, good values
240-246 Commercial Street
Your First Chance
This season for a vacation, camping or fishing, comes this week-end, May 30ti
Make the Most of it !
Camping Equipment and Fishing Tackle
.hand Sist
Bed Rolls
Auto Tents
Folding Cots
Kamp Kook Gasoline Stoves
Kamp Kook Outfits
Shirts, Leggings,
Kamp Clothing
Sweaters, Shoes,
Wet and Dry Flies
Automatic Reels m
Rods, Steel and Bamboo
Spinners, Leaders
Snick Hooks, Sinkers
Bass Bait, Lure Boxes
Fly Books, Leader Boxes
Basket Straps, w
And Other Goods You Can Rely On
Hauser Bros.