Latest Mews Covering Central Willamette Ualtev bjLtagitaL I !-. t-w- v-.j hii Lui. w-u - ui.uet.toou mat the weddms wumome vi . -' IDUUhCTi) VI 1 UUI are Oscar Hayter of Dallas. Mr. f(,r ,, , wood for Edgar Johnson. has,. place m afttr tUe close of j 1 fori vice-president of the United ! that at 1, , ' hi familv onto a farm at lirooks. L-.h.,..i n iri Mr. Kinar-: Oliver Jessup of rvrlU d "" niinttPS Iff lit P.P.t 1 -1 u I . r :m? nri-R. i - , .xmwhjii,ji ti.tiiK lit I uii.iiiiii. :iii-i M it nr Mm. :. . i f J nit nw Paving To Be Done Around July 1st I'tcX Tuve was home Tuesday. Msss Klusyie overman returned l'liiioniaih Wediivsuay. Albany, May 23. "Work on the Pa cific highway paving between Jifer "on and Albany will be finished by July 1st," said II. R. Kibbee of the A. Kern company of Portland, con tractor! for the. work, while on a vis It to Albany. He was accompanied by H. I Morrison and K. ilcCoil, also! of the company. Silverton Bank Improves Home; fcilvert.m, Or.. .May 28. Elabor.,. improvements are now In progress at the Kirst National bank in this city. A larse double storage vault is being "We are putting on a force of 160 1 built in the basement and on the first men. and will work two shifts nig'it md day," said Mr. Kibbee. The roadbed is In fine shape fo laying the hot stuff, said all the gen tlemen, and no trouble is anticipated in fulfilling our plans for early com pletion of the work. The company has other contracts la the northern part of Che state, and la eager to move the equipment and crew it has here to those places, it is stated. Polk County Court , Probate Court In re: estate of Dee AV. Dunn de ceased. Proof of publication of ad ministrator's sale. Keport of admin istrators stile filed. Oscar Hayter of Dallas, attorney. In re: estate of Amanda Isabel Bondstun, deceased. Oath of adminis trator filed. Bond and order approv ing bond filed. Letters Issued to D. B. Xoydston. Fletcher and Burrick ot In dependence, attorneys. Circuit Court VT. A. Messner vs R. L. Wells et tix. Transcript of Judgment from Jus tice of peace court district No. S. County Court Citation Issued for J. A. Bushman, guardian of J. C. Keyting a minor, to appear in court June 1st at 1 p. ni. Citation issued for Mrs. J. R. Ds laney, mother of Ed Johnson, to ap pear in court June 1st, at 1 p. m. to chow why Ed Johnson Is not a de linquent minor. 'Albany-Tangent Road Paving This Year Is Sought Albany, May 28. Application to pave the Albany-Tangent sector of the Pacific highway during the present aeason will be mude to the statu high way commission at Its meeting at Sa lem on June 1st, by the Linn county court, according to announcement by tloor. The improvement will necessi tate reducing the sire of the working room of the Silverton Appeal and also of the barber shop belonging to E. E. Taylor. The program of improvement alfo includes a new cement walk at the end of the building on Main street and cement steps to the Appeal office. C. C. Freman has charge of the work. William Davenport, a high school boy who lives In the Silverton hills where speeding is prohibited by reason of high altitude, owns a Ford "bug" which sometimes develops more speed on the streets of Silverton than the laws of the city permit. A few daysj ago the said "bug' was parked in front of the police Judge's office by re quest of Chief of Police Yates, and William willingly willed the city "ten bucks." J. W. Arnett has contracted to build a new school house in district No. 110. in the Skaife neighborhood. His bid waa $3983. Mr. Arnett commenced pre paring the ground yesterday. V The announcement of the engage ment of Miss Josephie Hammond to Karl E. Einarson was made a few days ago at a dinner given In Corvalits. It ...... i... initt-tu-ror in 1h Silver, menus uere we lusi i J. R. Small had tee misfortune t. ton hwh schooL : drop dnlg oa ll!s hand, sever Mrs. Marion palmer, a pioneer rest- ,,: ,i i.rnwi. ,t Mitzner had a narrow e den of Silverton, underwent an opera tion at a hospital in Portland the fore part of the week. She is said to be recovering nicely. Marion 30 "I have not only gained thirty pounds in weight, but I am enjoying so much better health than I have in years I feel just like a new person," said Mrs. Rosa Harris, 444 Twenty sixth ave., North Seattle, Wash., re cently. Continuing, she siiid: "For the three years past I suffer ed so much from stomach trouble and had become so badly run down, jthnt I had given up hope of ever get ting any ueuer. My appetite was ex tremely poor, and I had to force down every mouthful I ate, and most of the time I could not even retain this, I Would hepnnie an hnrilv' Tin lla..n to.l Count yJudge W. R. lii yeu and Couih The lea8t mUe th, x , wou,(, tjr Commissioner I). H. Pierce. ) ga. W()ul(J f()rm an(J ThU sec or comprises seven and m bm,y ,t fraction miles from the city 1 mils t to Rpt nm, , Albany to Drivers crossing, Just be-, h , , , jrond Tangent. !tomeh thv ,i,i Jr, mi , , i i u . .ni.. . a ii ......, ...-.. ij hi'i inc. a court is grunted the court will begin work immediately upon preparing Marion, May 28. Wayne Hammett. who has been working in Independ ence, visited relatives here last Fri day and Saturday. Esther and Paul Holloway of Port land spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Davidson. ' Helen B rower of Turner waa a guesi of her sister, Mrs. Hugh Cook, u&t Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Guy P.oyce of Salem spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Barber. Mack Robins had the misfortune to break his arm last Sunday while cranking a Ford for a friend near Corvallls, where he waa visiting. He broke the same arm in the same place about a year ago, while cranking his car. S. Ensley of Tualatin visited Vt the YOUR fill I Rudolph cape from serious injuries last iun ; day. He was riding his motorcycle on the walk and ran into Rev. Bron iner's gate which was open. The gate jwas demolished, the motorcycle turn led a summersault, and Rudolph land ed with force several feet away. His knees were badly cut and bruised but no bones were broken. Mrs. V. Terhune has been quite ill with an attack ot la grippe. Haiel Lindley of Philomath is vis iting friends here. I Miss Opal Brott of Los Angeles has been the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Lee Farlow, for the past few days. Miss Marie Bronner has returned to her home in California, after a visit with her brother, Rev. Bronner and wife. T Mr. Walter, county Y. M. C. A. secretary, made our school a pleas ant visit last Wednesday. A sale of thoroughbred Jerseys will be held at the state fair grounds June 11. Blood Poisoning Face Need Attention in March or May Stay Covered Now Is the time to take special care of the complexion if you wish to look well the rest of the year. The March winds have a strong tendency to bring out freckles that may stay all summer unless removed. Now is the time to use Othine double strength. This preparation for the removal of freckles was written by a promi nent physician and is usually so suc cessful that it Is sold by druggists under guarantee to refund the money If it tails. Get an ounce of Othine If not satisfied return the bottle and double strength, and even a few ap- set your money back. plications should show a wondertul i Ever constipated or have sick head Hamlin's Wizard Oil a Safe First Aid Treatment How often lockjaw and blood pois oning result from the neglect of 3 slight scratch or little cut! Hamlin's Wizard Oil is a safe and effective first aid treatment. It la a powerful ant septic and should be applied Imme diately to wounds of this kind to pre vent danger of Infection. It is soothing and healing and qul.:k iy drives out pain and inflammation in cases of sprains, bruises, cus. burns, bites and stings. Just as reli able, too, for stiff neck, sore feet cold sores, canker sores, earache and tooth ache. Get it from druggists for 30 cents, Improvement, some of the smaller freckles even vanishing entirely. (Adv) ache? Just try Wisard Liver Whips pleasant little pink pills, 30 cents. Guaranteed. K (Adv) also be commenced throwing up the trade for the Tangent-Shedd sector! during the summer and full in order to allow It to settle during the coming winter, preparatory to paving it in 1921. This sector extends across the bottoms ot the Calapuola river, where It la important to do the grading this season, if paving Is to follow the com ing year. Stayton Girl And Hazel Green Boy whs also badly constipated and had to I take some sort of laxative almost ev iery day. My kidneys bothered me n I great deal and I suffered with pains j across the smnll of my back, and, in fact, had pains all through my body I nearly all the time. My head nched ,sq bad nearly all the time I thought It would burst wide open and at. times I would become so dlziy I would huve to grab hold of something to keep from falling, and I would feel Just like I was going to faint nnd black spots would , dance1 before my eyes. I was so nervous the least little thing would upset me, and at night I was so restless I could get but little sleep as I WOUid mil nnd tnM from nna of the bed to the other all night long M nwinA T tow ti ""a ,he morning I would feel sc I IVIA, I UOOUUy tired and exhausted It was ull I could llasel Green, Or.; ' May 28. The do to Kt out of bed. I lost weight so marriage of Miss Dorothy Smith of rapidly I soon became so weak I could Stayton and Charles Zelllnskl of Hasel no ' y housework, It being all Clreen was solemnized at St. Josenh's could do to get about at all. churoh Tuesday, morning. ' 1,ad B,'en 1,0 niuch about the good The groom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jniac was uoing others, nnd, too, is Charles Zelllnskl and has always lived manv ot biy friends had praised it so In this section. i highly I decided to try it. Well, as I An elaborate dinner was Berved to hlld Klve" uu "" h"ne of ever finding 75 n-latives ami friends at the home of ; any,hln,f tnat woul11 hH,I' me. '" the bride's sister, Mrs. Dltter on the'0"" l,11Hgine my surprise when I be Curden Road. , gltn to Kt bl,tt''' nH "n as I had The vounx counle went to Portland ,aken on a '"W. doses of Tanlac. My III the evening on a brief honeymoon, 1 ""P6"'", Improved until It was soon Mit will make their home at thnih'' 9,r .'' h"" fvw Hm' inituiiiK i lue fcavo nio a pnrticie r trouble afterward. I continued taking it until I was soon rid of all my trou bles. J am never bothered with pains In my stomach or back, and. In fact, never have a pain of any kind. I never have the headache or those dizzy spells any more, and have regained my strength until I can do all Duroc Jersey Hogs for Sale BRED SOW3 SOWS WITH LITTERS BOARS AND GILTS DIABLO STOCK FARM, . E. F. Petersen, Danville, Cal. Superintendent. G. W. Emmons, Oakland, Owner. They are the largest type and the best blood strains to be had anywhere. ", . Herd Boars and some of the Sows Lucy Orlons Model California's Defender Diablo Orion Model Defender Colonel, 70th. Lucy Orlons Mayflower Great Wonder I am Gano Pathfinders Queen Prize of Tulare Belle Twin Oaks Attraction Lady Defendress 70th And 60 others. .Wi.lbbfcl,Vj A ' V ' ... . , i ,. , n ..! 1 i . ... - I males Aaiuoai uaim in x ui.i.uui, una suiuiiuns w!T Independence, Or, May 2S. The j M. O. Plummer of Portland. . 'fore the em! . bankers of Lenlan, Linn, Lincoin and Polk counties, comprising what is known as roup 2 of the Oregon link ers' association .are in session here to day, holding an ail day meeting, ""he convention is held in the Isis theater. Tl,. Juiritua n iMU'StS llf the Illlle- lllc uri.i,1""' 1 1 t- , .1 -tl....n.n..,h htmlfHrfi 11T1 d ' penuence anu .ui"iiiv...ii u - a luncheon was served in the Hotel Beaver at noon. It is said that every bank in the district is represented and and the gathering is one of unusual ve df.- Has Raised a New Standard (or Baking Powder Because it is made in the most careful and scientific manner from absolutely pure materials that re main pure in the baking and insure wholesome, healthful foods. Because it possesses the greatest leavening power. Because it is not affected by time or weather it never loses its strength and never fails. Because it is most economical you save when you buy it and you save when you use it These are the reasons why Calu met is the standard baking powder the choice of millions more being sold than of any other brand. Try it always buy it Your procer can supply you. Calumet contains only such" ingred ients as have been approved officially by the U. S. Food Authorities. HIGHESTawarm - ait-" V. r "9 I HI Sizes 14Vi to 19. Regulars, Slims and extra sizes. Extri Quality. Prices $1.25 to $2.50 Extra Jieavy blue denim overalls, $2.75 Work Shoes $4.00 to $11.00 Salem Woolen Mills Store ; C. P. BISHOP, PROP. , I 138 North Commercial , MeteH4lHMm Weanlings, $15.00 each at ranch. A large number always on hand to choose from. Crates $2.50 each, refunded when returned prepaid in good condition. Mail orders solicited. SATISFACTION OR MONEY BACK. Broom's home in Hasel Green. Auirust Zellinskl has moved to Port land. I M1ss Mildred Williamson went to Pt.iyton Thursday to spend a few days with her sister. I Mr. and .Mis, Charles Zclllnskl Sr.,' moved to Salem this week. Their son, I Charles, will run the home place. Mia Grace Hape has returned from fnlein to keep house fur her folks dur ing Mrs. Rape's advenes. The latter hiw Rone to Red Oak, Iowa. , Ktliel Chapman of Kelner has the measles. niv housework with ease. I enn truthful ly say I believe Tanlac saved my life and I expect to praise It as long as I live." Tanlao Is sold In Salem by Tyler's drug; store and .leadlim druggists in ther towns. (Advi Instant twa Si---, iA U P0STUM A BlVtKAOE Actual Experience coffee is often harm- V ,1 lT 111. 1 S i ui tu i iKcuu i jjecause of Ihe dru "caffeine" which il contains. NSmNTPOSTUM is free from all harm ful substances. It is a delicious cereal bev erage with a coffee -like flavor, fniirely healihfulf Try a tin from the grocer. Made by Postum Cenul Co, Battle Creeh.Mick ' AJMJ.UlMJ..W.WJi Retiring from Business Offering All Remaining FIXTURE; At less than present cost of glass alone. Merchants, big and little, automobile dealers and others may find something suitable for their purpose and certainly at a big saving! Three 8-foot plate glass cases, base with drawers, 2 plate glass shelves, each $85.00 Two "L" shaped cases, large, with 2 shelves, short side 5 feet long, long side 8 feet, width 26 inches, height 42 inches, each $100 Three 9 foot Plate Glass Display Counters, top 28 inches wide, open body, each $65.00 Same as above, 12 feet long $90.00 Same, as above, 9 feet long with 12 drawers in body, 2 at $80.00 Plate Glass Counter 29 inches wide, 32 inches high, 12 feet long, draw ers in base, 2 shelves .... ..$100.00 Same 9 feet long, 7 drawers ....$90.00 Time Recording Clock International, in perfect running order. A 50 card case goes with it at $150 Beautiful Walnut Case $395 This wall case has large plate glass front shelves, mirror and compartments. Size over all is 26 inches deep, 8 feet, 3 inches high, 18 feet, 6 inches long a handsome piece of fur niture that could not be duplicated under about $1400. Two solid plate glass Umbrella-Cases, capacity 176 umbrellas each4 very high grade fixtures, each .......$60.00 One large triple mirror, size of each glass 20x56 inches $125 Glass front Spool Silk Case, capacity 2120 spools ....$15.00 Two Hugh Lyons revolving, piece goods racks, capacity, 24 pieces, each $3.00 Two rolling ladders, track, each $10 Shoe fitters' spools, each 75c Window display fixtures, very cheap. Tables of various widths and lengths. Good seasoned spruce, per foot 8c Sanitary Drinking Fountain With filter, cool er and Jill connec tions. The outfit complete for $50 FOR THE INTERIOR OF YOUR HOME W I WMIMMII.M a I I HI I I II I I III I II I II ITim UTTI WML jflftSBj Will Prove Best , Beautiful pastel shades which are permanent MAX 0. BUREN 179 Norths Commercial Street .. Side a Bicifcte d Day ton Bicycle brings Fun an&HSciltll TAhere is real health, as well as real pleasure in riding a good bicycle. It is a healthful, stimulating exercise, and it gets ypu out in the open out in the fresh air and sunshine! It will stir your blood, take the kinks out of your mus cles and set your pulse tingling. But bicycling is more than a pastime for boys and girls. Many "grown ups" are riding nowadays not merely because it saves time and money, but because it keeps them active and in good health. Ride a bicycle and ride a Dayton Bjcy ( cle because it rides easily, comfortably, -and is long-lasting. Visit our store and see these fine new Daytons for men, wo men, boys and girls. No obligation to purchase but you'll want tol LLOYD E. RAMSDEN 387 Court Street it