Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 28, 1920, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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Convention of .
Eiks Not to Lack
For Live Stunts
T One of the grandest marches and
jKuaut's max nag been staged any
Boxing bouts that will equal any
that have been staged heretofore in
the Mate.
Entertainment such as no other
Convention has had in this city.
These re some of the things that
fcre being arranged by Salem lodge
JS'o. 33S, Elks, for the annual state
convention here July 22-23-24.
ltru"1 aiui the offrrini; of at'verf.!
dtinoal courses is all that is net-ded
do this ,and it will undoubtedly come
to next year. j
Indefinite plans for the gradual en-'
largement of the school are announce 1 :
wtih a separate building fur the law
department in the near future. '
it Boys Will March
Thru Streets On
Way To "Fun Fesf'
Kay Heads Band
p;.iint of iirs. C. K, Tirnme. 40 Nnr:!i . written beneath it:
Commercial street, his sister. Sho i an' you know ".
claims that he entered her house sev-
etai days ago, and during a
guuieui. sii uc& iter, seiciai uajo tfc-.
I er ne returnea, according 'o mr ir-i
, ..u.:,- ,s i.iand t00k away some ci0thins belons-
ume of the Y. M. C. A. laddies big inc to him.
time. At 5:30 p. m. the parade leaves
' the S-ilem
, Commer
m iff m f ! rated automobiles driven by T. E. Mc-
I A VVPInmta I HtfCrok'' an1 J- F- Hutchason will l-ad
V f I VlWlilv tUll
m "Y" headquarters eon South Qfty "J"q Visit Ifl
cial street. Especially deco-1 0 . f
the procession.
The nlain section of the parad.j v ill
T. B. Kay has been appointed head; be given over to the 300 boys, nany
oi me committee to welcome William r wnom have prepared elaborate cos
Howard Taft at the depot Saturday ,' tutmes 'n competing for the prize to V
morning, when he arrives at :45. Gov- i gi " ,,he besl Para3e s""e:.
i . Fn Inn-lnv f Via Knvn .til i r . r
ernor Ben W. Olcott and the justices' Mlet John T. Wejgn anJ , .
In order to make the parade on the of t,,e Oregon supreme court will be on lice reserves. However the polic-s will
evening of July 22 the best affair: lne committee, ana tney will escort the not be on hand for riot duty, bit eim-
ex-presiaeni io Motel Marlon, where 1 ply upon Invitation of members of "1 '
he will devote his time to interviews ' council who are appreciative of the
uiuu me noon luncn at 12:30. (manner in which Chief Welsh works
roiiowine me luncneon, at which; with the boy population of Salem,
most of the prominent business and ; Perhaps the reason for his understand.'
professional men of the city will be ing of the average boy is because Chief
present, sir. lan will go to Sllverton : Welsh has a familv of his own
for a few hours, returning- late In the) The band, Salem hieh school hand
ever held in Salem, Elks here are of
fering attractive prises as follows:
Largest uniformed body in line
trrand prixe Elks head; second prise
-ftltar flag.
Best decorated automobile in line
First, $100; second $50. Prize to be,
awarded to individual owning car.
Most original comic stunt Kirst I afternoon for a few hours rest before
JoO; second J25.
Lodge registering largest number
tot women Loving cup presented by
Hartman Bros. Jewelers.
The parade will begin at eight
lEnd Of Study Term
Is Celebrated At
! Lexington School
I The Livingstone school at Fourth
; and Gaines streets, held its sixth an
, nual school exercises at the school
It's an iil wind May 24, -by returning from Port
land with a bride. The bride, formerly
.Miss Kthel La Veen of Eureka, Utah,
made the trip to Portland alone and
was met in4hat city by Mr. Cooper, the
couple being immediately united in
marriage at the Calvary Eaptist pa-
ionape by Rev. H. T. Cash.
The marriage is the culmination of j
practically everyone I met in Califor-
will be charged.
me leant h;
for itself ui lhe s
ty. Li the .., ""ft;
ne Sm-.i ...
a two p a
The Salem Heish,. V"0 " U
an acquaintainceship that began at aniani1 Hagedorn on th ''i,:!-
arinv' hospital at Salt Lake City, where, anJ "Dutch" and Lu tU'"!!1
.Mr. Cooper received treatment for aft-
er-effects of an attack of
incurred while in France.
er served with company M, 28th in
fantry of the First division ani saw!
active service in four sectors, thi Toul
of St.
lecturing at the armory.
These are the definite plans of the
local Ellison-White representatives,
under whose auspices the distin
guished Euest comes to the ranilal cltv i k.irn, v,....'. n ti- ...
tVJS, t w ? n'"; "A "I',', b?i?nd a" ,.;,ra8 18 now known they wilIi"'' the couresies of the plant to the
headed by W. C. Dyer, who will act
as grand marshal. Entrants to the
parade are to communicate with Os
car B. Gingrich, chairman of the
grand march committee.
. On the night of July 23, at the sta
'dium at the fair grounds, the boxing
bouts will be held. The sports, oom
mlttee of the Elks Is cooperating with
the municipal boxing commission; IS
Arranging the goes.
Stunts, and lots of 'em, will be atng
d by the Salem lodge and visiting
Judges at the state fair grounds. Not
ft day will lack for entertainment of
the highest charucter, according to
the program of the Antlered Herd.
Coming 600 strong, with 300 mem
Ders In uniform, the lodge of Mc-
Wlnnvllle will maka no small show
ing. This lodge has challenged all oth
er lodges In the stale to equal the
fctuntg they plan to stage. Lodges in
the state planning to give special ncls
-are to communicate with Harry Wied
iner, secretary of the Salem ludse;
nd persons planning to attend the
meet should write to E. A. Kurfi
chairman of the accommodations com
be carried out. The lecture In the ! boys.
evening is at 8:30, on "The League of
Nations Up to Date.
Browning Home Is
after a ten days visit In California.
While In California King Bing Clan
cey visited San Francisco, Los Ange
les, Pasadena and Santa Barbara.
'They can say what they please,"
the king? said Friday. "There isn't a
spot in California, unless it is hidden
away in the Santa Clara valley, that
will compare at all with Oregon. I
had to travel all the way to Los Ange
les to find an Oregon mist, and there
certainly was some mist there."
Participation of San Francisco and
Los Angeles as cities in the Rose Fes
tival is doubtful, Mr. Clancey said. A
few details of the festival were at-
o'clock sharp on the dot. the boys will. tended to in these cus by Mr. Clan-
lucmnrivca iu reptlfil OI "V.llCn
the piece de resistance" will be four-
rooms, Thursday evening; the 57 pu-
Tim o CI ' nrt M CTUC ,ils '" attnianc at the school, pre
i ITTlCy KianCy Otljlt sentpd an attractive program to a
Salem had better get ready, for j crowded room.
Mrs. ita Mallory Beatty is principal
of the school. The program was gw-! defensive and the offensives
en in honor of the five c-raduates from I Mh!p1. Irrnnn anil Safari T?aiH
Festival at Portland, and will be lhe eiEhth trade nf the ,-hn,,1 Thnso Th. .ni. mou ihoi. .t
...... .v.! i. T.. 1. . I ""e- -
s. , iu ui, n muni receiving certificates were: Onldie 1 Rtl Ttrnownv
Thi. !- , K , V,. V, . K. ..1, " "
".e ...r.6e "i Brown. .Marjorie Wilson, Theodore
irora tne sunny soutn Dy u. fian- Mad!M) Howard Hutchins
cev. jv.inz Kin? nr rne s-ilem I pr
rians, who returned Friday morning
will follow the police equad and will
bring up the rear of the "march past."
Line of march is: South Commercial to
State; State to Liberty;' north on Lib
erty to the Cherry City baker. At
Did any body say eats? Well, at six;
Willamette Law
School Plans to
Expand Next Year
Heads of the law department of Wll
lametle university met at the Marlon
hotel Friday noon to formulate ptmis
for the enlargement of the law. school
next year. The first essential is a per
manent home for the law classes and
plans were formed and commutes ap
pointed to confer with the botird of
trustees, to obtain accommodation
which would he suitable and woum
for the exclusive use of the law stu
dents. It Is thought that rooms In the
reconstructed Wuller hull will be uwd
next year.
It Is also planned that the depart
ment shall be standardized next yenr
o as to meet the requirements of tho
date bar. A lengthening of the class
teen hundred feet of wenies, nearly a
PrfiM fif ThiatffC tuarterf a mile's length of thj tasty
I I Cy JI A IttCFCO Vienna saugaes. Bread, buns, cookies
The home of Fred Browning, 960; and ice cream are among the other
Soutn 21st, street, was entered by items provided by Manager Wise,
thieves some time Thursday, and sev
eral articles of value were stolen, ac
cording to police, who were Investi
gating the burglary Friday. The barn
on the Browning property also was
entered, but nothing of value was
found removed from there.
Three boys, Tillman Dutton, age 13,
son of Mr. F, A. Dutton, 549 Turner
street, Veiie and Earl Mirier, both age
16, whose father is C. A. Miller, 740
South 21 street, were seen In the
vicinity of the Browning home Thurs-
cey, acting upon the request of Max
Houser, president of the Portland
Rose Festival association.
Bogynska Nabbed
Fpr Beating Sister
John Bogynska, 35, from Oregon
City, for whom police have held a
warrant several days charging disord
erly conduct, walked into police head
quarters Friday morning and submit
ted to arrest. When arraigned before
Police Judge Race he pleaded not
CllUtv in tVrn rtht'oa nnA d -.1 1
dayevening, and when interviewed; under $20 bond. A jury trial will be
j v.umu. J. 1IUB, lUriUHIieU in- h(.M In OOVOnl .lo.,o
muslin uiui niuy leau 10 ine ar
rest of the persons who entered the
home. According to the boys other
luds reHlding In the neighborhood
had' robbed the house, substantiating
the belief of officers that tho place
had been entered by boys.
Bogynska was arrested on com-
Mysterious Note
Mailed To Chief
What Is the meaning of Y. O. P.
B. M. N?
This question was being asked Fri
day by Chief of Police Welsh.
Friday morning the chief received
a postcard, postmarked at Fre3no,
Cal., that has proven ciuite a mys
tery. It read:
"If you don't know who this Is from
it won't do you any harm."
And beneath that Inscription ap
peared the baffling letters as above.
On the opposite side of the card
was a caricature clipping with this
Police To Better
Parking Conditions
Careless parking of aufos In the.
city will merit close attention of offi
cers, if orders issued to patrolman by
Chief of Police Welsh Friday are
minded. The health and police com
mittee of the city council, finding
that numerous cars have been fault-:
ily parked on downtown streets, Fri
day ordered the chief of police to seei
to tne strict enforcement of the park
ing ordinance.
The ordinance calls for the park
ing of autos at an angle of 45 degrees
with the way traffic is moving. Many
cars have been parked square against
the curb, Chief Welsh said. Minimum
fine for violating the parking ordin
ance is 5.
After a shutdown -of two months,
the C. A. Smith shingle mill has tu
sumed sawing.
Our 25 Per Cent Reduction On
it ,-e.A
V . t',ll
' t t v 1
- r
1. m
1 ' : !
l vlr-' II
"j t 7t a . mi
i II
i ii
? II
Has drawn many new customers to our store ta take advan
tage of this unusual saving. There are yet
Two Days Left .', ,
In which to purchase any hat or article of millinery at a 25
per cent reduction. Don't let ths opportunity pass by.
U.S. Flags
For Decoration Day. We have all styles and Sizes
152 North Commercial Street
ard Johnson. The school
national and provides a course
upto and including the tenth grade.
The program-cantata 'The Life of
Christ" was presented as follows:
Song Rally School
Invocation Pastor A. R. Bell
Prophecy of Christ's Advent School
Song "Long Ago" Advanced Class
Dialogue "The Wise Men"
fje.orge Jenkins, Joseph Sproed,
Richard Johnson.
Song "The Star of Bethlehem"
Primary Class
Dialogue "Wishes and Resolu
tions" Six Boys
Duet "Lullaby"
Delphine Way, Marjory Wilson.
Dialogue "Egypt and Return"
Goldie Brown, Grace Darling.' 1 f
Song 'Come Unto Me'. .Primary Class
Dialogue "The Story"
Helen Hutchins, Lois Knapp,
Geneva Beatty. .
Reading "Emmanuel, God With Vs"
Song ''Victory" Advanced Class
Dialogue "Messengers for Jesus"..
: Six Boys
Song "Lift Up Your Heads"
Advanced Classl
Presentation of Certificates Eighth
Grade Supt. I. C. Colcord
Solo "Plains of Peace"
Mrs. Vlia Mallory Beatty
Benediction....:-. Pastor A. R. Bell
r fompleted Count
M, 28th in- T lir .... u,t' '
I""'" primary..
Yest Virginia 7 f Kti. -
Theodore Intelligencer show ed T i
.s den-.. patem Heights i amjsnr,r
se of study n, n O.. J - .state trav- .Z
riuys uear, ounuay
The eleven inning-, 6-7 game which
the Salem Heights ball nine lost to
i the Gear team, at that place Sunday,
has resulted in arrangements for a
game to be played at Kilpatrick field
JJajor Henry Hecklo, , ,
of the ordnance departa,;,,"
Oregon National Guard. hJiL
Salem Ex-Service
Man Weds Utah Girl
Hiram Cooper, former high school
student and well known in this city,
surprised his Salem friends Monday,
Tires and Tubes
Are pioneers in the tire world. You will enjoy using
Michelin Tires
Phone 74
319 N. Commercial Street
Salem, Oregon.
Ladies' Suits
Now Half
William Howard Tali:
Lecturing on
' "League of Nations Up-to-Date"
$1.50 $1.00 75c
War Tax Extra
We have a good variety of splendid materials for one of the
Popular Blouses
You should come in and inspect them and note the reason
able prices for this class of merchandise
Beach Cloth 49c Yard
Voiles .....45c to $1.15 Yard
Organdies ......;....59c and 79c Yard
Marquisettes 69c to $1.49 Yard
'Japanese Crepe 69c Yard
Crepe de Chine ...$2.39 to $2.98 Yard
Fancy Georgettes $1,98 Yard
You will like these, and should not miss your opportunity.
Pure white laundry soap 5C Bar
Crystal White laundry soap, 4 bars 25c
Palmolive soap, 3 bars 25c
Table Oil Cloth, white and colors, per yard 49c
Boys overalls, double seat and knee 98C
Men's work sox, Uncle Sam's, pair'. Z"".."Z"20c
Men's Union Suits ZZZZ.98c
Men's dress socks, black, pair Zl Z25c
Men's felt hats, in black and lights. $1.98 to $2.98
Women's and Misses Tennis Shoes 98c
Men's and Boys' Tennis Shoes v 98c
Men's chambray work shirts Z .$15
Men's khaki work shirts 98c
Men's corduroy pants $4.93 and $5.50
Men's slipoveralls $3.49 to $4.50
Boys' slipoveralls 1 $2.49 to $2.98
Comparison is the true test of value and by this test we
solicit your patronage.
J.C Penney Co,
A Nation-Wide Institution
Suits of all wool, hand tailored French Serges, Tricotines, Wool Poplina are all included in
' this assortment. SuitSythat formerly sold up to $65.00.
All Prices Reduced To '
$19.50 $24.50 $29.50 $34.00 $39.50
Home of Hart Schaffner &Marx Clothes
Mr. Man you will agree with us that it is about time for yon
tobebuyinganewnecktit-Your Christmas gift tiesis
pretty shabby. Let us show you the latest, most distinct
Patterns wonderfully matched colors and the best silks
that we have ever had.
Do not put off doing it. Be here tomorrow. Prices-
$1.00 ro $5.00
Bow Ties 75c
Salem Woolen Mills Store