Latest Mews Covering Central Willamette Ualley by Capital Journal Special Conm-i, .. SilVeriOil Mill L Pr F''"r"ri SAc-;r- wL- v' WIP RtlTP Fnr very " Friday last, the , a picnic In the Jla.-n!c grove TuesJay . . er Home at Aurora . rr-r- ' ' "v,y i by a passing tram four weeks as-.) . Atfte V Of ., . , . ., a,, Max- jw . 'I Remains Closed r hi! uem,,,,, ws the - Tfj'f A 1 1 t roal traeit ln th' city, is abie to sit Until After 4th up a ,ew hur eacn iay- hi reeov- Silverton, Slay 26. On account )t 'ery 18 s!on". however, and it will be car shortage the Siiverton Lumber ja long time before he can resume his Co. decided yesterday not to start the r , . ,, ,., ,. , ..... . Work of moving the hotel building SL?" after th'tOU!th,i JUl'- est.'rday and .as soon -,s Twenty men were It out of the mi;i;the ,ot is vacateu th9 conatructlon ,)( xno amp torce win oe reduce J ' earar ui!i K. . . , a- -- . .. ...... . i V.V u u , wuC and Saturday. In fact lumberine will Dre tlcally be abandoned until cars can be obtained. It is Jaid that sixty cars of lumber are now on the dock at Sii verton watting for cars. The com pany expected to begin work this week hauling ioga over the new road from , the camps at Mehama, but this has been abandoned. lira, H. E. Browne left thi tnnrn. in for Eugene where she will visit Jer daughter, Mrs. Geo. W. Davis, daring the week end. H. B. Latham is in Albany in the Interest of the 8ilverton Lumber Co. Donald Chinese Caught In Drug Raid Is Released Donald. May 26. After languish ing In the county Jail at Pnrtlnmt f,,.. everal days and having been bound over to the federal grand Jury on a ' charge of having a large quantity of ' opium in his possession, Jim Sing, the young Chinaman arrested at his home near Donald a few days ago, was re leased on 15000 bail furnished by ome of his Portland friends Sing reached home yesterday. A few niichts airn h waa rHn,.,A from Portland by federal officers who eorcnea nig home and siezed $16,800 worth of the drug. It is said that Sing ucu hi me orncers as they neared un nome, nut they returned the fire ".u eventually captured the young iMinniaii anu ms ricn holdings. oing claims that the officers, in earenmg his home, took a sum of money and 5 suits of cldthes. People i uonam, nowever, place no credit ii mis statement. Bins Is said to be a highly educat ed celestial and a financier of more man average ability. He came here few months ago and purchased the Hergerln place and planted a big hop yard. Sing was caught with the goods ana, there Is every reason to believe that he will be convicted at the trial to be held later. Hubbard Police Officer Recovers Hubbard, May 28. Joseph John ton, city marshal, was taken to Port land Monday where he underwent an operation. Despite the fact that Mr. Johnson is seventy two years of age, Ao came out from the ordeal remark ably well and Litis fair to permanent ly recover. He was taken sick a Week ago. RA. DKN.VISON of Los An BxIcm, owner anil trainer of fine trotting lmrst's, who says Tan lac put him right back on his f(vt again, after hcliail Ihvii In Imil health for over a year. Hectares 1 in fortius like his old self now. Polk County Court Circuit Court. In re G. 1). Treat vs. B. P. Rnni-h.v and P.ichard Van Den Bosch. Report of receiver filed: claims fnlloMpa h reeclver filed; order confirming sa'e enierea. tn re J. I. H.inna. v fr t r Holman et aL Summons and return or service filed. In re L. H. Lobbltf vs. L. A. Tripp. Original notice to nrodura iteni.H account filed. Probate. In re estate of Barnev Phil ceased. Inventory and appraisement filed; order annrovlne inwMnr a appraisement In re estate of John L- Oliver a. ceased. Will and proof of will filed; petition for probate of will; order ad mitting will to nrobata: Rih i Oliver appointed executrix; letters! testamentary Issued and oath filed, petition for appointment of appraisers filed; Will Gorsline, John Schindler and Fred Ewing appointed appraisers by order; Carson and Brown of Salem attorneys for petitioner. In re estate of William Wallace Newman, deceased. Petition for fam ily allowance filed; order providing for support of family. t'Polk Race For Commissioner To Be Interesting Dallas. Or., ilay 26. Due to the death nf r..M. i,n.tAi i . f auvui a year i ago Polk county has been short ..! commissioner 83 the county judge and commissioner could not agree upon a third party. This has been the sub ject of much discussion anion? Pniir county people and the need of an im partial business man ia .otr ,-i,ot There were three rrnnhiinam democrats announced their candidacy oeiore tne primary election.' The re publican aspirants developed Into a three-cornered fijtht between aiho- Teal of Falls City. Otis Wolvrtnn -wonmouth and Ezra Hart of Dallas. ttesumng in a victory for Hart The democratic honors went to Chester uaraner, a farmer in the southwest part of the county The race in November looms n ,E one full of great effort for each nom ine. Mr. Hart earrvlnir the rannkiwn nomination has the big party vote to uepena on, yet Mr. Gardner Is a favor ite among the eranae mrmtxen a will undoubtedly a-et the Fall rifv .im port as they believe that part of the county should have a. man tn lonv er their needs. Mr. and Mis. T. F. Yoakum an,l Lawrence Smith motored out to Bridgeport and spent the day Sunday. held June list. Stayton Selects Old Officials To Serve This Year Stayton, Or., May 26. City election outgoing officials bt ing elected to suc ceed themselves wiih no opposition. Those elected are Grant Murphy, may or; Charles Stayton and J. R. Gardner, councilmen; A. D. Gardner, treasurer; J .B. Grier, recorder; Henry Smith, mailial. Two charter amendments- one ln regard to repairing streets, am. the other to water works were snow ed under by about two to one. Mrs. Guy Aydelott of Forest Grove is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Rossell. Angues Leffler, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ltfflpr. is xisitina- his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Cole, near trabtree. The new postoffiee at Mehama Is now open fo business. .Mail for that office is carried from Stayton by tn rural carrier. A committee is busv endeavorinc to raise funds for a celebration of the Fourth of July In Stayton. As there haa been no celebration her ki spx-- eral years, it is thought that the pro ject will meet with success and a regu lar old-time celebration be held. J. W. Maya has returned from Port land where he went for a surgical od- eration. He is recoverine nicelv. Several from h me Chautauqua at Turner this week. and had a fine time. Aurora, May 2t. Chas. Bock is ex- ? , The annual school election will be cavating for a new home to be erec'-i DAM1U 1 1 v , ed on his lot in the southern part of the city. Mr. Beck will have n mn.i iern heme when completed and if ntwnt nl:in jsra iviiuiiiiiu'ita.l I, ,-.n 1 " l"OU Want ,.i t i ifc- . i .. !lifl ! 01 'Em - uc tile muDX uiouerii iiouic in ! city, Pioneer Vehicle Hauls Prospector Length Of Coast , May -6. A striking con- LOmmUmty LlUuS t n .- rx mrulfafn ami anitnnt r Of County Are To Meet, In -Jefferson thisjlifu'' Siossy, siiky Aurora treat between modern and ancient methods of travel was noticed last evening Tn the appearance of C. A. Sayler, who claims to have ridden all the way from Stockton, Cal., in a ve hicle of ancient type drawn by a pair of burros. Passed by the hund reds of automobiles as he drove leis urely over the pax-ed highway the primitive outfit attracted much at tention. Sayler is 70 years old. His harness was mads of rope and the vehicle was evidently built soon af ter his birth. He is a mining pros pector and has spent most of his life traveling from place to place in this fashion. He says he can travel from fifteen to twenty miles a dav. and on good roads like these, pointing to tne paved highway, I can cover near ly thirty miles a day. He has been on the road between here and Stockton The teachers and minita of the first tn inoummcita vi iPn.. ' - w JVVUl IHJ 11VI 111 H and second grades of the schools held some point in Washington. starv eyour don't. " doesiu d0 wuc brush or w;lsh It out. ' ' ay to get rid of a.JZ'V. lve it, then you destn, u - y v wit i " Ja nestrov i. K ordinary li,,uid an.on Ur mgnt when retiring "J 4 Donald, president of the Marion county com munity Club Will call a meeting t Ki ""en held in Jefferson about June 8. The jfy Tuh .'h it call has not been issued as yet. but I n.. 7 upj. plans have been made for that date and a rousing time is anticipated. Mr Bsnv hones that a la will be present. DtCRO'NelD OfTOnETRIST-OPTICIAN laddsDtish BankPuldiiirf STATE STRETI r 1 T - ; v- "i.iiinK, most if , your dandruff win k. " Bot H , or four more applicaCr ' Pletely dissolve , es every single SiK Md ?J you win fid. tasr-i and digging 0f thT d your hair win hundred timea w.- Ma M i liquid arvon at any drujTtu inexpensive and fn... ... will need, no n, 'TantM druff you have. Thl,T-f never fails. m Take good Care of your eyes , hc Mid-Week Attractions Extraordinary TONIGHT TOMORROW NIGHT ' JOURNAL lvivn. - ! " FAT BEs ! ""slisHi ! p1 K I X , : .t i"or (he past year or more I nnve Mot been rlnht physically; I jut didn't feel good at all. but April 23d I hud an awful attack with my stomach which nearly drew me up and I have been worse ever since. "About the best way 1 can describe the way I felt Is to say I was Just leg weary and all in. 1 really did not hav strength to keep going and 1 rave up all Idea of trying to work. For a lona- while I h,i ,. but would eat anyhow though mv food never seemed to do me any good. "I would go to bed at night and would sleep but apparently did not rest for I would get, up Just aa tired when I went to bed. I got so 1 eould scarcely go a block but wnat I Would have to stop and rest. "Well. I read about Tanliic one dav and that reminded me that a triend nan spoken about the .nme medicine. o i got some and lie mm i t.. l i, i liad been taking It aJ.out a week when evening, nfter Supper, 1 started to wan. and before I realiwd It I had waiuea up to First street and back, ab.iut 14 blocks, and never u t all and then I realized that the tonic was netping me. -I have, taken four buttles nownn.1 m Just feeling real good again. I m able to be back at the Exposition Stock Yards every d iy anl have Just m much energy as I ever 'lad. I -,st up refreshed in 'he mornlne now an l . I have a real appetite which link., ma enjoy thres goo.1 s iuare tne l very iay. Anyone 'vim a food tonic will certainly ! t ,iiun,.. ,Vith Tanlac and I am glad to recommend It fi my friends." The above statement was made re-1 rentiy py K. A. I'ennimin. a -ell known owner and trainer nf fine trot tin horses, residing al No. 214 Fstl ith street. Los Angeles, Cal. Mr. I IVnniaon haa lived in California f.v-i Y""- " l J years of age anl1 haa followed his present lina of busi ness for 30 years. He is well known i on (he Pacific coast. j Tanlio la sold in Balem By Tyler's ro store and leading drug!-" n i town. (Adr) ' Prevention is better than Cure" and it is a whole lot cheaper, too. We have the "washes" and "sprays" you need to keep your eyes, ears, nose and throat in first class shape right here in our drug store for you. Come in now and get them so you will have them to use when necessary. 1 We are Careful Druggists. Tyler's Drug Store South Commercial Street , . M MM ETHEL CLAYTON IN "A LADY IN LOVE" WITH HARRISON FORD Concert Numbers 8:45 to 9:15 p.m. h 1 ' t,.Jm sssssssBssaasBSSBassssasi Ye Olden Time Concert BY Chas. W. Hatvleyy Jr. " "LARGO" HANDEL MINUET MOZART JUANITA NORTON COMIN' THRU' THE RYE .. . "IN OLD MADRID" Selections from II Trovatore POSITIVELY NO ONE SEATED -. . DURING CONCERT NUMBERS in hi c q & Q q a m " , ... . . ... v.- :.i i Sizes 1412 to 19. Regulars, Slims and extra sizes. Extra Quality. Prices $1.25 to $2.50 Extra heavy blue denim overalls, $2.75 Work Shoes $4.00 to $11.00 Salem Woolen Mills Store C. P. BISHOP, PROP. ; 138 North Commercial I ""'tU' ' . . POR THE INTERIOR Of YOUR HOME "WWB"lfl,i',',wwR,i,,,,iBim WiU Prove Best Beautiful pastel shades which are permanent MAX O. BUREN 179 North Commercial Street fimm mitgt from CD mi StmsHtm 1 U TO AU WHOM ff HAY CONCtPN. a, ' THIUNITEb STATES A tt TmSOMl. m HUM la tmmm swoia iiw, ..jrrrr J J 0 TO-DAY- Sergeant Trained mechanic Has learned to read and write ' English In perfect physical condition Has saved $250 What the Army didior this man TyORH abroad, unable to read or write Eng. 1J lish, a day laborer, unfitted for a good job Carl Niclson joined the United States . Army! A few months ago he received an honorable In one year he rose from private to corporal, then to sergeant He has learned Eng. lish. He has becomca trained mechanic, a valu able American citizea . Ask if there's a vacancy for you in our new, democratic, peace-time Army. U. S, ARXfT RECRUITING STATION 462 State Street, Salem, Oregon. Lead a food healthy M Learn a trade or it a echoolini Get military training Be with men from your own home Stf Here i JO"' IIonl . State Regiments of the Regular Army 1st Infantry Camp Lewis. Washington 3oth Infantry Camp LeVis, Washington. 57th Art.. C. A. C. Camp Lewis, Washington- 7Sth K. A. '-' Camp Grant, Illinois. Sth Enuiiiwrs (Mta-J El Taso, Tim t ;v. rivalry , Ft. D. A. Ku5H. vrr- UNITED STATES ARMY