Latest Mews Covering Central Willamette Uaileyj MCapifal JpmsjJPMalConPonr i i .i..... ,. , .., . . ' " " . ' "'. i-...'- man h.ins? from these external res- at 1:1 ini i,T7! " " Victor Point By Score Of 7 To 5 (Feeble Minded "VcTm. 'm anUmus and compuno,, coni-jMr. nW- I " - 1 . V, K . Colts Best Turner Children Are To Stage Cantata rinal figures In Polk Vote Tabulated County School To Hold Picnic May 29 wctor romt, or.. May 25. There will be a school picnic In the grove at jthe school house Saturday, May 29. Dallas, Or., May 25. The following iThe Program which will be given by la a complete count of the 37 precincts In Iolk county: Delegate to republican national con vention at large, Boyd 1030, Butler 622 Cameron SS2, Carey 682. Compton 489, Harrison 494. Hiekey 326, Kollock 242. McDonald 412, McLean 536, Maris 4(6. AlcCaniant 630, Olson 429, Rand 648, Btewart 603. Delegate to republican national con vention, first congressional district, Adams C27, Booth 751. Kendall 05. Walter I Tooze Jr. 110, Wright man C87. President, Hoover 284, Johnson 5S8, Lowden 203, Wood 1050. United States senator, Abraham 683, Btanfield 1279. Representative In congress, first dis trict. W. C. Hnwley 1603. Secretary of state, Coburn 88, Jon 352, Kozer 770, Lockley 220, Parsons 260. Schulderman 127, Wood 170. Public service commissioner, Buch tel 1094, Cousin 632. Representative, 12th district, D. E. Fletcher 1179, George T. Gerlinger 758. Senator (democratic), Chamberlain C24, Starkweather 298. Measures, 300 1778, 301 946; 302 1908, 303 1063; 304 1843, 305 1169; 106 1238, 307, 9P5; 308 1483, 309 1339; 110 1905, 311 1202; 312 1520, 313 1355; S14 2093, 315 962; 316 1954, 317, sr. coun.y seven public school of the neighbor hood, will start at 10:30 a. m. H, C Seymour, state industrial club leader, ana several of the Marion school officers will be present The Standard Sewing club of the victor Point school will give an exhi- Diuon of their work. ah are invited to come and bring tuncnes tor a basket dinner at noon. Waconda, Or., May 2a. In a game that is deservedly qualified as fast, the Waconda Colts defeated the Turner team by a 7-5 score in a game on Wa- For three innings, Teddie Girod, minded An all day exhibition of fancy work, basketry and other accomplish- ! ments. will ha heiri t thp futile institution Wednesday, May who usually plays short for Waconda, held down the hurling assignment, but as the Turner batters reached him easily, Manager Russcl put in the reg 26. In the evening the eantata-"LlUle i Boy Blue" will be presented in the I grove surrounding the school. The characters for the cantata have Duroc Swine Men To Hold Annual Rally Here June 5 The annual picnic of the Oregon Ru roc Jersey Breeders accosiation will be held in this city June 5, it was an nounced here Tuesday. Arrangements for the picnic are complete, and a pro gram providing interesting features is ready. A large number of the breeders and fanciers of Uuroc swine will be present, and they will be feted to an old-time picnic dinner. In case of inclement weather, the following program will be held inside: j 10:09 to 10:90 a., m. Gather at Ma rion Square, corner Marlon and Com mercial streets. 10:30 a. m. Visit state cupitol buildings and grounds. 11:00 a. m. Reception by Hon. Ben W. Olcott, governor of Oregon, at his office. 11:30 a. m, to 1:30 p. m. Picnic dinner and get-together meeting at Marlon Square. 1:30 p. m. Address, "The Oregon Duroc," Grant B. Dlmick, Oregon City, Or.; address, "Reminiscences of Eurly Duroc Days," L. H. -Roberts, Sa lem, Or.; address, "Advertising Du rocs,'" W. L. Hheard, D;iyton, Or.; short business session, J. W. Fruit, Brooks, Or., president of th Oregon Duroc as-i nidation, presiding. Cheese Factory At Silverton Selling Direct Silverton, Or. May 25. Taking the sales of their product entirely out of the hands of the middlemen, the Ever r I Cheese Factory association is selling direct to the retail dealers. John Zohlor, the cheesemaker, stated that they find inui'h better profits and quicker sales In this new method. They are now selling nil that can be manu factured to merchants In Silverton, Mt iiiiu vniiiuuiirn, and tney art manufacturing about 250 pounds pet nay. Men stndell. son of Rudolph PTttncn, secretary of the association, is acting as salesman nnd Is meeting with success. The one handicap, he snvs, Is i A ..... .. ... ..,...,i,,r io me mug. Tney are ' nylng 65 cents for butterfat now and would be able tn pav "0 cents If they could secure, enough to keep the fac tory running at Its full capacity. This thi-v hope to do soon. At the recent election of officers and directors J. W. r-r.'iv was elected president. Having int staying" qualifications It R evl dent that the enterprle will be sue. cessful under the new management. The Julius Madder farm In the Kver given district was sold n few days npo , to eastern parties who will take .poses. Hton next fall. p. J. Neuswanger, who , has been living on the place for three years, will move back to Illinois In Oc tnlier, where he has large farming In terest. Mr. Mad ler, Ills father-in-law In now living in Portland and Is said to Be In a critical condition. Ham Kaser Jr., who lost his house by t fire a few months ago, hns erected a ; temporary home nn the farm south rwot of the city nnd will build later when conditions become normal. Farm Specialist To Talk In Club Chambers Tonight iwrauie oi contusion in dates the lecture Tuesday evening by R. A. Kroh, farm specialist, will not be held in the armory, but will be held tn the auditorium of the Salem Com- -anercial club. When the date of his appearance at the armory was first Itiven It was not known that the ar mory would be In use for another purpose. It was explained at the Com mercial club offices Tuesday morning Mr. Kroh'a appearance here Is tin der the auspices of the Marlon coun ty community federation and agrlcul .ture department of the Salem Com--aiercial club. Ha is from Akron, Ohio, and is reputed to be one of the best authorities on farming in the coun try. His address, which Is free and pen to the public, will deal with the .question of keeping young folks on the farm, and of general fucm conditions. Rural Sections Near Silverton Show Progress Silverton Or.. May 25. Silverton is not alone In its development. In all parts of the rural districts thATA fa a spirit of progress manifested and new Ntlinll'll.hAniu Darns ana new farms are being established. Despite the high cost of all kinds of building material, there seems to be more de velopment going on in the vicinity of Silverton than has been seen for many years. August- Llndhalm sold sixty acres oi iana west of the city a few days ago taan eastern party. Thl in. eludes that portion of the place con taining, the house and hum. ir halm will build a modern home near the road on a small tract which he re served for that purpose. He expects to sell off the remainder of his land and will probably retire. H.. F. Lovelin, who came here from Wisconsin a few months ago and pur chased the Schubert place west of the city, has Just finished a modern home which will be ready to occupy th week. In addition to the new home Mr. Lovelin is installing a water sys tem and will later install a lighting system. In speaking of the change he had made Mr. Lovelin thinks the Wil lamette valley is about as near perfect as any oountry that can be found and he is developing his farm with a view of making his permanent home here, Philip Stortz, who bought a portion of the San Kaser farm southwest of the cty recently, has commenced build ing the foundation for a new home and will also build a barn and other out buildings during the summer. On the opposite side of the road from the Stortz buildings, A. R. Mathyas resides having Just purchased the propert from Mr. Kaser. C. Strand living on the adjoining mm is uuuaing an addition to an home. Dan Dybesetler, who recently pur chased the Sam Storts farm near Skandla station, is also making sub stantial Improvements about the place. Adolph Harl is erecting a new barn on his farm in trie Evergreeii district which he purchnsed last fall. S. Torven Is erecting a barn on the Portorff place which ha purchased a few months ago. Others In 'the country tributary to Silverton are making plans for greatei deevlopment and before the winter sets in the farmers near here will have spent many thousands of dollars in Improving their holdings. uiar tosser, nig t eiton. wno neid down been picked from every grade in the hits for the remainder of the game. j institution, and the children best suit Batteries: For Turner Bones. Shots ed for th ni-t hv Wn and Ritchie; Waconda Glrow, Feiton and Jones. Four runs were secured from Girod, while Feiton only issued one score. Bones for the visitors gave five tallies and Shets stood for two more. chosen to delineate thera. The public is extended an invitation to attend both the exhibit and entertainment. address to commissioners of the Pits-,"" i. ......... ...,,...,, ... byterian General Assembly. j front those internal restraints and com "Every conceivable explanation ot pulsions wmen tiKUiiguisn liberty the unree-t, dissatisfaction and disorder: from license." that prevail thrajghout the world hasi been proposed except the one that is ; -j . y- in,, deepest and most important," he said. j UmCCL i aCZOr y Having come to feel himself quite su-1 , jj & J. J perior to all that has gone before .and! j O tSC KeStOTeCt being without faith in anything that! ' . ' lies beyond, man has tended to become Portland. Or., May r an extreme egoist. The wisdom, thejthe immediate rebuilding of the plant !....:. .ian,iitn(.nMi.,imi "f the North Portland Box company., ira ...v...... ....... . , .J 1 Allfl n um. nao , n ... u.u, vu .in Kei.. Mrs. Even asnuigton S urine, has died Hauser Team Lands Game From Weavers And Leads Series Standing of the Trams. W. L. P.C. 0 1.000 0 1.000 e 1 .000 1 .000 1 .000 Hauser Invlncibles ... 2 Spauldlng Loggers 1 Statehouse Stars 1 Y Tigers 0 Valley Motorists 0 Kay Weavers 0 With the score of 10-4 the Hauser Jnvincibles defeated the Kay Weavers nine at Sweetland Field, Monday night Hulsey tossed for the Invlncibles, while Lehman was the Weavers' bat tery lead. With the exception of Hul sey, team personnels were unchanged. This puts the Hauser Invlncibles team two games ahead in the Twilight league series. The next game will be played Wednesday night at 6:10 p. m. The Stars and Tigers crossing willows. The games are free. Where They Play San Francisco, May 25. Pacific Coast league schedule for May 25-30: Oakland at San Francisco. Sacramento at Portland. Salt Lake at Seattle. Vernon at Los Angeles. Deschanel Will Rest Ten Days After Accident Paris, May 25. President Deschanel will occupy rooms at the Chateau Ram bouiilet for at least ten days there, to recover from his harrowing experience yesterday morning when he fell from a moving train near Montargis. The chateau has not been occuoied since President Fallieres was in office. The executive, says the Echo Del Paris, owes his life to the fact that the ' auiuuu striae brought about a sus pension of a Paris bound train due to pass the spot where the president took his plunge from his car at almost the exact time of the incident. the now tested solely by Its immediate results, and these results are increas- inelv measured in terms of the ma terial and emotional satisfaction of the moment. "In a world so constituted and so motived unrest, dissatisfaction and dis order are a necessity. Set free a million or a thousand million human wills to work each for the accomplihment of Its own Immediate material satisfac tion and nothing but unrest, dissatis faction and disorder is possible. "What seems to have happened is that in setting free the individual hu- which swept that section last Sunday, !are now being made, according to an nouncement by Foster Beeson, man ager of the factory. The box factory, which is a ub sidiary of Swift and company, sus tained the greatest loss. The estaimate made Sunday night by other officials. who place dthe loss of the company Christian Faith ' Urged As Remedy For World Ills Philadelphia. Christian faith as a cure for the world's Ills was advocated See C W. Brants Auction Sale Ad 450 S. 14th Street Thursday May 27, 1:30 p. m. See E. L Meyers' Auction Sale Ad 1480 Bellevue St. Friday, May 28, 1:30 p. m. .VICTIMS. RESCUED Kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles are most dangerous be cause cf their insidious attacks. Heed the first warning they give that they need attention by taking GOLD MEDAL mi a The world's standard remedy for the disorders, will often ward off these di. ssu and strengthen the body again: t further attacks. Three sizes, all druggists. Lest far lh name CU Mdl oa arr Ui mad scopt no imiUtioa ne n,v. . after , k., GAIN WEIGHT AND STREHCp 7?il. TV. tvi . V itro-rnosphater- Guaraati ee New York, if yo tn uuwii, weaK br... : nervous. 1 morning, and geriera!l " are the symptoms thatZf you to -take care of y , Four persons in ever, teo ! ing more phosphorus is ft W hen you see thio. and , Pie; or those who are. frai). oft despondent or lacfenT ergy, you may look tat tht J!,' certain elements that nuktTl strong constitution. 'i Some people, after rely 1 preparations composed chiedj of Z. 1 quinine, drastic drugs, im,JZ cod liver oil. etc, wondor .k. f ! find no benefit. That is easily oZ i y "10 mat sucll wrMU j the phorphoric element, which k i most potent essential to hnltn. n' I contained in BITRO-PHOSPiu t the famous health preparatim. Si, t obtainable everywhere. j The right thing for yon to j, J make a trial of BITRO-PH08PHAT? I beginning at once. It is not t , j medicine, the formula it prwtrifet by many physicians for the lilm,,, I and weaknesses mentioned abon. With every box of BITRO-PHGS. ! THATE, are a few simple to I rules and a J300 guarantee. Bjj , box of and recommended by all good in gists everywhere. tii Operation Not Successful "16 years ago I was operated for appendicitis and later operated again for gall stones. Neither did me any good and I suffered all kinds of tor ture since. Five years ago I took Mayr's Wonderful Remedy and have felt no symptoms or pain since. At! stomach sufferers should take It." It Is a simple, harmless preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from the Intestinal tract and allays the inflam mation which causes practically all stomach, liver and intestinal ailments, including appendicitis. One dose will convince or money refunded. J. C. j Perry, 13. J. Fry and druggists every where, (adv) From Portland to The t)alles In TO minutes by airplane is the rvuuict made by Thomas Karghcr of Dufur. EXCESSIVE ACIDITY it at the bottom of moat digestive ills. KhiqidS for Indlgettlon afford pleas ing and prompt relief from the distress of acid-dyspepsia, MADB BY SCOTT A BOWNB MAKERS OF SCOTT'S EMULSION ip Us Your Wool We do cleaning and carding for comforters and mattresses. Manu facturers of pure wool bats CRYSTAL SPRINGS WOOLEN MILLS Portland, Oregon Mills! TOO Umatilla Avenue Office 802 Spalding Bldg. Used for 70 Years jUvA tiiiu us us vjiaiiuiouuin y. WIW'dF youthful sppcarance lias t j remained until vouth has . h . become but a memory. V j rh nfl rlin,l n,.rlu -CE4' whir HnrwArdnrr it renders leaves lb joy rj " f yens rt ,i ,. Ja if iiti Hid, im.'aja I la- i IA asoi I 'lOtoaSHASTAj' J I me S iiortagfe Southern Pacific Company I fl !i W ! Ill I W ' I Ui H 1,1 (k mi? 4 S I 1 P ill il! I! I r rMllliiiitliiilluiiiMtol likiiiiUulliiiuiuliwiiUliililuiiiltlluii KmploKa Nell Property. . Berlin. - Kmpluyes at the anallne dve works at Ludwigahfen stole 0. .00.000 marks worth of the company's proi.rtv last year, according to a dls- fMtrh to the Rundschau. The thieving was going on mo openly and in such a rmatlo manner that the company finally was obliged to call for 140 arm d deputies. When they arrived the workers attacked them and severe tv injured nine. The rest of the deputies ' flel , Series 20 Big-Six i High efficiency and economy even on low grades of fuel, art secured in the BIG-SIX by scien tific carburetion and perfected "hot spot" manifold design. Only by a demonstration can you judge Studebaker perform ance. 60 HJ". eWaeKabU metan fcataiw dutt truuniukm) 126-inck wbaelbasa, tasoriac ample room for wna adults, AM ShaUWW Cm are mipm wta "Thu is a Stadebaker Year" MARION AUTOMOBILE CO Salem. Ore. Is ready to move promptly to any point in this State or any other State it serves Gasoline Distillate Kerosene and Fuel Oil offered it for shipment and is ready to do all in its power to remedy any existing shortage with good service. mthern Pacific Company