Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 25, 1920, Image 1

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    The Weafhe
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Average tot Six Months ending
March 31, 1920
52 59
Member of Audit Bureau of Clrculatfcis)
Associated Press Full Loused Wire
fair: WVdc
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t-Y-THIRP YEAR. NO. 125,
Carranza Is
Laid to Rest
Among Poor
jlerico City. Kay 25 In accordance
-,h oft -repeated request, Prest-
att Ve.nustiar.0 Carranza was buried
itte yesterday afternoon In Dolores
fK-ceteiT. where in the shadow of
rhasuletpec, the poorest of Mexicans
kin fr many years found. their last
resting places.
the funeral cortege left the home
of the late chief executive the extraor
dinary sassion was being called to or
der to choose a president ad interim,
to 'hold office until a new president, to
te elected in September is inaugurated.
dofo De La Huerta was named after
congress had been in session for an
Suicide fa Claimed.
Colonel Adolfo Herrero, lender of
revolutionary forces, op whom has
been placed responsibility for the
death of Carranza has telegraphed to
army headquarters here that the presi
dent committed suicide rather than
In the Carranza camp Tlaxcalanton
o, the telegram stated, forty prisoners
jrere captured. Some of these were
later released but eleven generals were
placed on board the train that brought
Cararnaa's body to this city. They are
iaid to have been taken to the prison
at Santiago Tlaltelolco.
The fate of Luis Cabrera, secretary
of the treasury .is unknown.
Provisional President De La Huesta
will take the oath of office June 1st,
jeeording to present plans.
The state government of Chihuahua
has prohibited the sale of liquors con
taining more than 14 per cent of alco
hol. . Jury Says Assassination.
Vera Cruz, May 25. Reports of an
autopsy performed on the bodv of
Venustiano Carranza at Tlaxalantonsro
tail to agree with the claim of Rodoifo
Herrero that the president committed
suicide rather than being taken tap
tive, it is asserted in official quarters
Surgeons found Carranza had been
struck with two rifle bullets, one of
which penetrated his breast and the
other his abdomen. The bullets enter
ed from in front and it was the con
elusion that the president had been as
sassinated. Sugar Combine
Hearing Opens
, Medford, Or., May 25. The federal
trade commission opened hearings at
me reaeral building at 10 o'clock this
morning, on a charge of conspiracy in
restraint of trade against the Utah
Idaho Sugar company of Salt Lake
utr. The hearing is in charge of W.
H. Beers, attorney for the commission.
hile the company is represented by
Mtrrill Nibley of Salt Lake City, gen
eral manager, Judge W. N. Straup of
Bait Lake City and R. W. Young of
raui lane City attorneys, and Atex
Nlbiey of Portland, manager . of the
Utah-Idaho Sugar company at Grants
raw oerore the plant was removed to
Toppenish, Wash. The first witness
was Mayor C. E. Gates of Medford who
told of the efofrt of Medford business
nf to secure a sugar factory and its
suBsequent establishment at Grants
Gold Reserve Is
Guarantee Of No
Panic Is Claim
Cleveland, O. May 25. The mtl-
' of hilars held in reserve by the
wieral government is sufficient guar
antee against any liability of panic.
M i ' chairm'n of the fourth
.oeral ""we board declared in an
MJrew last night before the eighth
nual convention of the AssocUdO
Reserve City BaiAers. He declared
2 fiance of panic to be one of
fundamental reasons for the cre
tti of federal reserve banks.
ing to the breaking of a cable on
fie.n ldge over the Stuslaw traf
Iofenee has been suspended.
Vinson Maintains Lead Over Wood
With State Returns Yet Incomplete
And General's Friends Still Hoping
ortland. 0r., May 25.-Compie;e
m from 17 counties, and tr,.
bu' almost complete returns
18 countiM
j.- "" iiriutiis flMMM-
ram Jv, 1 Curry county, givo
Ci1 hDson a lead of 1,184 votes
for th reBon
mnT':t y frm C
"nation ' " repuniican nom
""lion f- .cpLiuu.:uii 1
fr president -ri. .
WHO. tnfc " nun
imat ,S" " 23T: Wood- 2.078
' at i P 0 the totaI unreported
The Co thin 4'500"
"lw"Ues rf?Prd as complete
tT , ' Claclmas. Coos, Des
Uttoln i , son'"erson, Josephine,
Shot ' Marion- Multnomah.
WiBttn Umatla. Wallowa,
fort ha, h" and Yamhill. Every ef
Cur"1 n,a(,e t0 8ecure returns
'e been ,C0Unty- but " results
Portu1 dTCm,n Conceded
'ator Hi' May25. The lead of
'fifc-rai i " Johnson
nard Wrj in Iast Friday s
lr Hectio
n remained at
early , a "''tou ai skiing tne canuiuait-o io,
h, y' according to figures large. By becoming a Candidate by pe
a r. the Portland fw.,i., n .,iin tn ho state election
S 80 f 'f received s-av. Jnh'l
' "Vot Wood 41,911. j
it jr -
Meek tiossie
-m Jf . , X JUVl XtVUUIUIXia
Join Bearcats Seeking
Education; Clews Few
of Wlih.mB.ta !.,... s
.. ...... .. "-ii.i, were astounal
ea Tuesday mornlno- , ., . ..,,.
Jersey cow, looking particularly
ashamed and out of place, parked on
the front porch, just outside the win-
aow of tne president's- office. At the
same time a. plaintive blatting was
heard from within the building, and
Investigation disclosed a black goat
contentedly chewing the learned vol
umes In the university library on the
second floor. Other unusual features
about the campus were the old chapel
benches, which have been piled outside
Waller -hall while repairs were going
on inside, scattered about the campus
and the state house grounds, and the
university flag-pole, which was adorn
ed with a streamer of Intimate ladies"
wearing apparel, whieh had been left
on the line behind the ladies' dormi
tory the night before.
Cows have always had a peculiar af-
Grand Army to
Meet In Astoria
For Encampment
The thirty-ninth" annual encamp
ment of the order will convene at As
toria on Tuesday June 8th, closing on
Friday, June ll, according to Captain
Daniel .Webster, department com
mander of the Oregon Grand Army of
the Republic.
Arrangements . for transportation
have been made as follows:
Round trip from all points in Ore
gon on the following roads: O-W. R. &
N., Oregon Trunk railway, Oregon
Electric railway, anfl Southern Pacifiv Astoria, will be sold' on the
basis of fare and one-third for the
round trip.
Sale of dates, June 4th to 10th, In
clusive, with return limit June 15th.
One steamer will leave the Alder
street dock fo Astoria at 7:10 in the
morning and at 8 o'clock in the even
ing; another boat will leave the Tay
lor street dock at 2 p. m. The round
trip from Portland will be $2.75.
Tickets at the above reduced rates
will be sold only on presentation of
Identification Certificates of member
ship similar-to those .used last year
at the Thirty-eighth encampment at
the Dalles.
They are .to be given only to the
comrades of the G
A. R. and mem-
bers of the affiliated associations and
their Immediate families. Full instruc
tions will be found on the certificates.
Oklahoma Stock
Men Defy State
Oklahoma City, Okla., May 23.
Governor J. B. A. Robertson was asked
today by John A. Whltehourst, presi
dent of the state board of agriculture
to declare martial law In a district of
Sequoyah county and send state troops
there for the protection of state prop
ei ( y.
Mr. Whitehurst, who returned today
from Sequoyah county nfte- investi
gating the destruction recently of sev
eral cattle dipping vats, declared the
farmers in three townships of the
county were "in open defiance of the
law" relative to dipping cattle for the
eradication of ticks.
Fred O. Buchtel, chairman of the
Oregon public service commission, will
represent the commission on the Ore
gon gateway committee which will
have charge of the movement of
freight cars in this state. Other mem
bers of the committee will Include a
representative of the railroads, a rep
resentative of the shippers and a rep
resentative of the Interstate commerce
commission who will be chairman of
the committee.
Curry county had not yet been heard
from .although every effort had been
made to secure at 'least an unofficial
report of the voting in that section.
The latest compilations are based on
complete official returns from one
county, complete unofficial returns
from 15 counties and incomplete re
turns from 19 counties.
The Oregonlan, which has support
ed Wood, today announced that John
son hml apparently won. Dow V.
Walker, manager of the Wood cam
paign, however, refused to cencede the
etate until tne complete returns are in.
Nine of the ten delegates to the re
publican national convention will vote
tor Johnson, providing he maintains
hie lead when the official count is
completed. The tenth delegate, who
became a candidate by petition and
did not make any pledge to support the
candidate for president receiving the
highest- popular vote, has announced
that he wW not support Johnson at the
ni'A, ugu,ii.iFiiiti, Thin tenth delegate is
Wallace McCamant who to date is lead
fr MM-amant becomes a free 'sumption today.
. fcMiiiEnU, UfiriUUfli ALHiClJAI. 31A i za. I5J20. . nmnn imrn mntmn
and Gnnt
of Willamette
:.ii. in Hit a
cow was found
on the chapel of Waller hall, peaceful
ly grazing on the chapel olatforir
hanel nintrnm.
where the learned faculty sit during
"' "-""ii enercises. many years . overseas iooa supplies, Uerbert Huov
ago a cow was found in the hallway of er declared today in a letter to Rep
the third floor of Waller hall, outside 1 resentative Rlddick. republican, Mon
the literary society rooms. The perpe-1 na. tlng forth the former food ad
trators of these acts were found to be ministrator's views "as to practical
students who had tired of the hum- measures to insure better returns to
drum college work and attempted to'tne farmer for his labor and Invest-
put life Into matters.
It is thought that Monday night's
work, however, which has the dis-
agreeable feature of the former " trained farmers and skilled econom
stunts without the partially redeeming nd financial experts to consider
element of hazard to the perpetrators, i tne causes and remedies for the sit
was done by outsiders, nd an attempt , uation.
will be made to locate the origin of! Says Decrease Coming
the deeds, although clues are few. Lit
tle damage was done and all was set
to rights by Dean Clark and his assist
ants before the first morning classes.
Fpr BergdoWs
Escape Unplaced
rnuaaeipnia, May za. Military au-
thorities, department of justice agents
and the local police, all of whom are
investigating the escape of Grover C.
Bergdoll from army guards appar
ently had made but little headway to
day so far as fixing responsibility or
of obtaininga clue to the fugitive's
whereabouts are concerned. No trace
of Bergdoll has been found.
Federal Agents
Act to Punish
Sugar Hoarders
Boston, May 25. The federal gov
ernment today took action against su
gar refiners here alleged profiteering
and hoarding.
The Revere Sugar Refinery and
Henry E. Worcester, its vice-president
were charged with exacting excessive
prices and with holding sugar from the
market, and the American Sugar Re
fining company and W. K. Green, its
general manager, were charged with
selling sugar at excessive prices. The
complaint asserted that the companies
had made millions of dollars by hold
ing and regulating the price.
Chinese Agents
To Buy Railroad
: Equipment Here
Vancouver, B. C, May 25.-Colonel
P. Rlmsky-Korsakof f, chairman of the
board of the Chinese Eastern railway,
who arrived late yesterday on the S.8.
Empress of Russia from Vladivostok
via Yokohama will represent here the;
interests of the. new state of Verknie-
Udinsk, he announced today. He is ac
companied by M. K. Brldkovsky, also
a member of the railway board. Their
mission, they announced. Is to pur
chase supplies for the road.
Thief Takes Hides
hrn m HUCffitl P Pi tint
rrom cugene riuin
Corvalis, Or., May 25. Jim Arnold
and Fred Williams, the two young men
who held up Virgil Keyt on May 3,
pleaded guilty yesterday before Judge
Skepworth and were sentenced to ten
years in the penitentiary. Both de
clared they were ex-service men, Arn
old claimingto come from Reno and
Williams from Portland.
Railroads Seek
Increased Rate
Washington, May 25. Requests of
railroads of eastern group for in-
creased freight rates again wero be-jto May 1919. Previous to the worll
fore the interstate commerce com- war he saw duty with Company M on
mission today. Arguments ln their be- the Mexican border ln 1916.
half were to be presented by O. M.j Since returning to Salem, Sergeant
Scrlver, vice president of the Balti-1 plant was re-assigned as custodian of
more and Ohio, and Samuel Rea, it the armory. Under his care the park
the Pennsylvania system. lngs surrounding the building havo
An expression of opinion by Daniel assumed a holiday appearance. Ser
Wlllard, president of the Baltimore geant Plant Is making efforts to keep
and Ohio,, of the amount that would the Salem armory in the lead on tne
be involved ln the granting of the ' point of attractiveness of grounds and
rates asked for would not cause an ' good trim on the interior. His duties
increase in the cost of living, but! consist of "policing" the assembly
would aid in combatting It, was one and the various rooms in the build
of the statements f.t the hearing yes
terday that attracted considerable at
tention. Silverton Mail
Carrier Is Sued;
Portland, Or., May 25. Lucy Eaton '
Welcott filed a divorce suit Monday .
against Roscoe Llewellyon Wolcott, a
rural mail carrier at Silverton, Or., al-
lao-inff rtMertion. She says thev were
married at Brooksviile, Kan., January
1, 1889, and that there are eight chil-
rtren rame nf whom are minors, one
asks for a division of property inter-
rstsat Silverton and that allowance be
made for the care of one child who is
a permanent invalid. ;
. I
Martens Case Postponed I
ir..Mnrtin. Mv 25. Hearings on
j ...i ..;n,i seatnst Lud-
atfpuiiauu" " , .
Wig C A. K. Martens, soviet ageni .n
the United States, scheduled for re-
have been postponed in
until Juno I.
- ' - "' ""' ' ' " """"" ' 111 1 11 '
Hoover Seek!
Danger Wheni
xjf s
Prices Drop
Washington, May 25. Decrease in
agricultural nroduction mav oit in
j10'8 country becoming dependent om
Mr. Hoover suggested the creation
ot a commission composed of highly
Asserting that the present high
prices of commodities will "sooner or
later" decrease, Mr. Hoover said "this
deflation must not begin on the far
mer." Shortage in production outside
the United States, will extravagance
and misuse of extended credits for
speculation and profiteering and non
essential production are contributing
factors In the present Inflated prices.
Hon 1 f . ' ' u
"will be able to pass the ereatest Dor
io me oacic or tne farmer, no
matter how carefully handled."
"War deterioration in our transpor
tation facilities has created periodical
strictures in the free flow of food
from the farm to the consumer," tha
letter stated. "This has compelled the
consumer to buy during a local short
age and the farmer to sell his product
during a local glut. The condition l
inflation ot credits since the armis
tice has extended speculation and
profiteering by expanding the bor
rowing facilities to any food distrib
utor who wanted to indulge In such
practices and has widened the mar
gin between the farmer and his mar
ket, likewise increasing the prices of
supplies that the farmer must buy."
The burden of taxation Is wrongly
distributed, Mr. Hoover declared,
pointing out that the excess profit!
tax "Is an appointment to food man
ufacturers and distributors to collect
taxes for the government by adding
them to the margin between the farjn
er and the market."
"The whole marketing system In
many of our commodities is Indirect,
expensive, wasteful, obsolete and In
creases the margin unduly," the let
ter continued. "Our manufacturing In
dustries have developed out ot pace
with our Agriculture and labor Is be
Ing drawn in thousands from the farm
to the town at wages with which tho
farmer cannot contend."
A commission studying the whole
situation, Mr. Hoover declared, would
deal with these things with that same
common sense with which similar
commissions of farmers met the great
economic problems of the food ad
ministration during the war with
equal consideration for farmer, dis
tributor and consumer."
Plant Receives
Service Medal
In recognition of five years faithful
service with Comnanv M. now a. unit
ln the new FiftfT 'Oregon infantry,
Armory Sei.gearit Harry PIant hag re.
celved his five year Bervice medal.
The medal, issued by authority of
the adjutant's office, Fifth Oregon
infantry, is of silver and is inscribed
with the wearer's name.
Immediately upon the expiration of
his fourth enlistment period, Sergeant
Plant signed up for another 12 month
term with the local company.
In presenting the service Insignia,
Captain Leroy Hewlett, commajldar
of the company, expressed his appre
ciation of Sergeant Plant's praise
worthy association with the guard.
During the war, Sergeant Plant
went overseas with the 16 2d Infantry,
to which this company of the old
Third Oregon regiment was assigned,
He was In France, December 11, 1917,
ing used for meeting purposes by vet
erans organizations.
Portland Given
De Moines, Iowa, May 25. Few ,
changes were made in the residences'
on bishops of the -Methodist Episcopal
church In the assignments of those of-
ficials read today at the genertfl con-'.,
ferenee. Among changes were F.
DLeeU from Atlanta to Indianapolis; 1
v. v. oiiepaiu uum n uu,i, nan., iu
Portland, Or.; V. J. McConnell from'a quantity of opium and an opium
Denver to Pittsburg, and !'. F. Thir-ppe j the possession of the travelers
wield, from New Orleans to Mexico 'wno were booked on an open charge,
City. - Four other alleged drug addict
were arrested by the police today and
Maglrl Bests King. a quantity of narcotics and instru-
Karkatton, Sask., May 25. Art Ma-'ments for their administration were
eirl. the Bartlesville. Okla.. welter-
. ... . . . ... -
weignt, oeroatea iicey iving, iorraer
middleweight champion of Australia,
a fifteen round contest here last
ot Fathers. Sons
Chicago. May 25. Two young men
political opponents of a
strange sort sons of two of the can-
didates for the republican nomination'
; for president met yesterday at the
neaaquariera here ot Senator Hiram
W, Johnson.
"I'm Osborne Wood," said the young
man In an army officer's uniform to
the western senator's son. "Heard vou
were ln town and thought you might
!'St!Ti:Xtrir,i'John. F.- Luc?y ana5?r .or Wr
father running tor the presidency."
mat s mignty decent of you," said
young Johnson as they shook hands.
The cards were to tour of the leading
Chicago clubs. .
Marion County Is
Liberal to Hoover
In May Primaries
Hoover's voluntary retirement from'the gtep
the Oregon primaries did not prevent
Oregon republicans from designating
mm as tneir choice over Lowden in
Marlon as In other counties.
The highest vote cast for the relief
administrator in any Marion precinct
was in Salem No. 2, where he received
38 votes. In Precinct 7 where Herbert
Hoover resided as a boy, 19 votes were
cast against 10 for Lowden.
Hoover carried 43 of the 73 pre
cincts ln this county by a majority of
154 ballots over the Illinois candidate.
From Rosedale and Salem Heights "his
respective majorities over Lowden was
18 and five votes. In 1890, "that boy
Bert Hoover" used to pilot prospective
purchasers over tracts in this district
while employed by the Oregon Landlfornl'
company. The Rosedale vote was:
Johnson, 32;- Wood, 27; Hoover, 22;
Lowden, 4.
Aumsvllle, Chemawa, Crolsan, Fair
field, Fairgrounds, Liberty, McCleay,
Mill City, East Salem, Salem 14, Scol
lard and Stayton were other precincts
where ' Hoover received heavy major
vote over Lowden.
Police Are Busy
Hunting for Six
Missing Persons
Search for missing persons, believed
to be or have been In Salem recently,
occupied the attention of police, here
all night Mondny and during the day
Tuesday. With six persons a sister,
mother, brother, another sister, a hus
band and a son missing and with
anxious relatives awaiting word of
them, effects were being made fcy
authorities here and in surrounding
towns Tuesday to locate them.
Harold Lynch, age 16, Bon of M. A
Lynch, of McCoy, was yet unfound
Tuesday afternoon although search
was made for him here by police and
by bloodhounds in the rough country
lying between . McCoy and Dallas.
Young Lynch, declaring that he .was
sick, left school at McCoy Monday
morning at 9:30. It was thought that
he had strayed ln delirium into the
timber belt west of McCoy.. Aided by
dogs brought from Woodburn, a pos
see searched until 2: 30. a. m. Tuesday
for htm, but without avail
It was reported to police that Harold
had been seen in' Salem at noon Mon
day. This could not be verified, and
no trace of him could be found here.
- Husband Is Gone
Declaring that her husband, Lee M.
Gandy, had deserted her three weeks
ago, went to Utah thence to Evanston,
Idaho, where he met a woman named
Dorothea Tanonsteln, Mrs. Gandy ha
written police here asking that efforts
be made to find him. In her letter she
states that she la without means to
provide a living for herself, and that
she needs him.
. Mrs. C. B. Crow of Washington, D.
C, In a letter received Tuesday by po
lice, asks help in finding her sister,
Mrs. L. M. Friend, who with her son,
Harold, was said to have resided in
this city somewhere ' on Commercial
street. The letter said her motner,
Mrs. Jennie r oster once resided here,
and that no trace of her has been
lirnueht to her attention for a long
time. A brother, Albert N. Foster, is
laid to have lived on a farm near Sa
lem. Sisters Sought.
Efforts of police here to locate Mrs.
Philip Nice, for whom Philip R. Doran
of Port Angeles, Wash., is searching,
failed, it was announced at headquar
ters Tuesday. According to Doran's
letter to police here, Mr. Nice was
last heard from by him in this city.
She formerly resided on Harvard ave
nue, in Seattle, the letter said.
Motor Bearing
Oregon License
Carries Drugs
Seattle, Wash., May 25. Seattle po-
'iipo nrnfess to be mystified over the
1(ltnt jty 0( Harry Troy, 40, and John
Browm jg two chauffeurs arrested
today Tne car m Vhlch they drove in
t0 the ety early tills morning bears
rireirnn license and the men claim-
they were on their way from Port-
ianu ,0 Vancouver, B. C.
Th enouce reooriea naving luunu
at - izoit. Although the nolice disclaim
. . . . . .f'i... -
any particular eiion io rounu up ima
class of offenders they admit drug
smuggling ana use or narcotics nave
assumes large proportions i mrami!.
Campaign Fund and Its
Disbursements In Full
Washington, Mar. 25. Expenditures of $66,332, exclusive of
the California primary expense, have been made in the camnaism
of Herbert Hoover for the remthliran nresirlontinl nnmmifmn
seaie investigation, lotai receipts were placed at $62,185.
senator iteeu, Missouri, questioned ,
Mr. Lucey and he asked as to Hoov
er's residence. Mr, Lucey refused to
coincide with the sedator suggestion
that Mr. Hoover's real residence was
London, England, but he was not pos
itive on the point.
"I can give you all the figures but
those In the California campaign,'"
Mr. Lucey said.
Mr. Lucey told of the organization
of the Hoover national republican
club "to act as a clearing house for
the Hoover clubs that had grown up
in various parts of the United States,
but said Mr. Hoover took no part In
$1000 Largest Contribution
The witness said no Individual had
contributed more than $1000 and that
no corporation had contributed any
thing. Expenditures for printing and pub
licity were placed by the witness at
130,033; for salaries! 14,803; on the
Chicago convention committee, $2000
and in Hoover clubs in Washington
state $2000. While $14,000 had been
borrowed to meet expenses, there
was $9852 cash on hand but a defi
cit not covered by contributions was
noted at $4147,
Senator Reed and Chairman Kenyon
asked tor .details' of what the former
described as "hot campaign" ln Call-
Tell me what you want," Mr. Lu
cey replied. "I'll telegraph Instantly
Mr. Gregory there and have him
bring on the full report. I'll draft the
telegram now."
The committee aBked for local and
general expenditures In that state.
"Who Ib it writes these laudatory
articles about Mr. Hoover In the news
papers and periodicals?" Senator
Reed asked.
Publicity Explained
"There is a Hoover publicity league
with Edward Lyre Hunt In charge,"
Mr. Lucey replied.
"Exactly. I knew there was some
thing," Senator Reed retorted. "IJow
about that what have they done?"
"I. understand they were giving
out Information about Mr. Hoover,"
Mr. Lucey said. "Tha only thing I
saw was a pamphlet entitled 'How to
form a Hoover club and how to tk
a straw vote." " 1
"Know anything about Mr. Hoov
er's publication, the Washington Her
ald, or others?" risked Senator Reed.
"Nothing but what I've read," Mr.
Lucey said, adding that he "had only
read about" plans for a Hoover news
paper t operate during the Chicago
Contributors Named
"About this $30, i)00 you note in
your report," continued Senator Reed,
"might this not cover the expense of
these articles Fve asked about?"
"I think not. I can show you all the
vouchers for that."
"Also about this $2000 contribution
to the Washington state club?"
"That was advanced from rian
Francisco and we have not had a
report on It."
Chairman Kenyon asked for the
names of campaign contributors. Mr.
Lucey called in M, W, Thompson, pub
lic accountant.
Reading from records, Thompson
named 26 New York Individuals who
had contributed $1000 each.
8. M. Evans, Baltimore; W. O.
Thompson, Chicago; J. 8. Culllnan,
Houston, Texas; H, R. Lang, St. Louis;
George H. Warrington, Cincinnati and
V. H. Glnder, Duluth also gave $1000
Owens ExiK-nsen Told
Expenditures in behalf of Senator
Owen have beert $11,410, J. W. Bo!
ler, his caninalit i manager testified,
adding that no delegates had been
obtained outside of Oklahoma.
Senator France, appearing In per-
told the committee he had spent
no money.
Charles P. Hepburn
phla, a leader of tha
of Phllndel-Philadelphia
Lobbying Not Violation
of Law Says Bean In
Decision Read Today
Lobbying before a state legislature
er the congress of the United Mates in
the Interest of a Just claim Is either
against public policy nor unlawful ac
oidlngto Justice Bean of the O-egon
supreme court In an opinion funded
down today in the case of Samuel Her
rick vs. Charles W. Banco.
Barzee, according to the testimony
Introduced in the case, had employau
Herrick, a Washington attorney, to
present a claim for $100 repretwnt'n j
the value of Improvements made by
him on a homestead the right tn which
w:i later cancelled, before congress.
The claim was ultimately allowed by
congress and Herrick Instituted suit ln
the Multnomah county circuit court to
collect his fee. Barzee moved for a
u-h iumu uai me
tract was again public policy and I lie
non-suit was granted by Judge Gatens
In his opinion this morning revers
ing the decree of Judge Gatens and re
manding tho case for a new trial, Jus
tice Bean declares:
"A contract for services to be ren-!
dered bv an attorney before thn leuls
i mire or me congress oi me Lni;en'v. . . - -
States In securing the passage of a law iTllamook county; opinion by instlco
ror tne payment or a just claim not
uniuwiui u u aoea not contemplate tne
- Hoover - testified today in
Hoover club, testified thnt In all about
$20,000 was raised ln. Pennsylvania.
Senator Reed, demscrat, Albuoun,
questioned the ewitness about Hi
much discussed -dinner at the . New
York home ot E. M. House last Jan
uary at which it has been said tne
Hoover for president boom aa
launched. Mr. Hepburn said he w.ia
not present; that he had read that
Cyrus H. K. Curtis of Philadelphia
was, but that he know that Mr. Iloov-'
er had not met Mr. Curtis until last
April in Philadelphia.
Mr. Lucey waa recalled by Senator
Reed and also questioned about tha
dinner, but said he knew nothing
about It. He suggested that Mr. Hoov
er could tell about It If called.
B. M, Baruch, . who appeared for
W. G. McAdoo, democrat of New
York, was the first witness at the af
ternoon session. -
Mr. Baruch told the committee ha
knew absolutely nothing about Mr.
McAdoo's campaign or its expenses.
Edwards Fight
Not Financed by
Liquor Money
Washington, May 25. Walter W.
Vick, manager of the presidential cam
paign of Governor Edwards, democrat.
New Jersey, denied before the senate
Investigating committee today that
any liquor Interests were "underwrit
ing" the governor's campaign.
Mr. Vlck testified that the total fund
raised for his candidate was $13,100.
"His campaign is not a 'wet' cam
paign in any sense," said Mr. Vlck.
"He is running solely on tho plat
form ot his personal convictions as to
personal liberty and business efficien
cy. He hasn't himself had a drink ot
anything with alcohol In it for thirty
years." ' ..
"That's not New Jersey favorite," rc
niarked Chairman - Kenyon, ,'
' '''Has there" Men any pledge or prom
ise of office. In case of Governor Ed
wards' election, to anybody?" asked
Senator Reed. . . ;
"Absolutely none," was tha reply.
Bryan Declares
Mandate Is Not
Practical Plan
Washington, May 25. William J.
Bryan took flat iwtue today with Presi
dent Wllron on the question ot an
American mandate over Armenia, de
claring in a statement that "any man
date Is impossible."
The United States, Mr, Bryan said,
could do more toward making tha
world safe for democracy, "even for
democracy In Armenia," by recognis
ing the Armenian republic and enter
ing the liigue ot nations "as the friend
of all little countries,"
Freight Traffic
Condition Better
Washington, May 25. Reports to
the interstate commerce commission
today from Its agents throughout tho
country showed a continued but slow
Improvement In the railway freight
congestion situation. The report ot tho
American Railway association's car
service commission showed a reduction
ln the number of cars tied up from
269,000 April 24 to less than 170.00.
use of improper means and if the serv
Ices to be rendered are such as eppral
to the reason of those whom It is
sought to persuade."
Other opinions were handed down
as follows:
M. M. Gearln vs. Rothchil.l nroth
ers, appellants; appeal from Multno
mah county; controversy over Haie.
Opinion by Justice Johns, Judge Rob
ert Tucker affirmed.
L. S. Whetstone vs. Jens Jensen, ap
pellant; appeal from Lane county: ac
tion to recover money. Opinion l
Chief Justice McBrido. Judgo O. IT.
Skipworth affirmed.
C. J. Allen vs. S. L. Maglll, appe
lant; appeal from Wallowa county;
suit to enjoin drfsndant from dirert
ing water. Opinion by Justice BnrnetC.
Judge J. W. Knowles afflrmeJ.
Alaska Junk company vs. 8. Kteln,
appellant; appeal from Multnoman
.county; suit to recover $37.6f. Opin
ion bv Justice Harris. Judge W. M.
Gatens reverfed and case demanded.
Marlon T. Chance, et al, appellants.
... c uwnn ft ! AnnAiil fV'inv
wean, i-ir i