5IFIED RATES. li'cerlions G cents; one 3is: one n onth 2 cents; pt,r month 12 cents; mm- l',J!S: Z,h in advance and not tak 1 Jf Sons, unless advertiser has I "hi Vcounu .No ai,-e for 3 . NEW TODAY. fter 5 P We are cleaning up our r-'l . "e ,.,h;e notatoea at seven "X, nnlv a few left. Mangis Bras, pnone ii'. . dl26 g-jnotTbani. fruit treesj ' .i. r.t , eood light automobile Otraur miwii Fhone mt!6 mall family: house, garden, wood , itt furnished; good wages to ??. rirht man. Also can use good Zzlt man. C. C. Russell. Rt. 2 SS vhone 3F3. ' Tr t of furs near corner iiuu Buh hank Saturday the 15th. Return to Capital Journal. Rev rrirtlKE lor sale and house for -t 1950 North Front tt; ....... n i..,,.... liOO' Good range and some house- inld (roods. Call zoosai arter live thirty p. al2; ToR SALE Fresh goat, $66; buck - for SALE r resn. goou uj um. 110.00. Call 524 N. 15th St. Phone 124 f()K SALE Uood range J la. Phone uaiiM. ' 2lzl TOR SLE Union Bels, at Liberty wore." Phone 21F13. U2o jmR SALE Choice Oregon yellow dtnt seed corn. 2640 Brooks Ave. ?TJ5J SALE House in Kingwoorf Park. 3rd street. Price $2,600. ET J. Minnieh. 23 F.ast Staff onl Street. Portland. Ore. n!29 FOR SALE Two Call 93F2'3. months' old pigs. el20 OLD FIR WOOD Can make deliv eries of 16 inch at reasonable prices. Nice straight wood for stove or large furnace wood; also 16-inch fir limbs. Call and see for yourself. 305 South Church, phoue 1542. Fred E. AVellg, . 1'OR SALE Seed potatoes. Inquire evenings 1267 N. Com'l St. d!23 LOST Table runner on the street Saturday afternoon. Reward if re turned to Capital Journal. 124 WANTED l'oung Jersey cow in vicinity of Salem; must be good milker, and bred to come fresh'be tween Oct. 1 and Dec. 1.; State ad dress and price wanted. W. O. Radkey, Route 6, Box 94, Salem. . 124 FOR SALE 41imi horse and cow. Rt. 9, box 27, phone 31F3. 121 IURL wanted to wait on counter, flood Kntg Rest.'. 129 S. Com; gl'! iO ACRES, small building, 2 acres in prunes, close to town with good high school, $2050. Box A B Capital Journal. n CAULIFLOWER, broccoli and kale Slants for sale. 2123 Broadway. dl27 FOR SALE Or hire, 3 teams, two pair weighing 3000 each, team of mares weight 2600, also two saddle horses for hire or sale. These horses are young, gtnl.e and good work ers. Call ii t Center street feed bun el 26- FOK SALE 6 rabbits, cheap. 700 X. High St. Call 124 FOR SALE Late model . Fold tour ing A-l condition $425; .clnssy Ford bug, 1918 Chevrolet for Ford, 1 complete set Ford fenders, running boards and dust shields cheap, also 1 extra set fenders. 187 S. liberty street. , 124' EO RSALE Hemstitching and dress making establishment, Room 10, McCornack bldg. 126 WANTED Lady -for general house . work. Call at 175 S. 13th or phone 51J, g!26 WANTED Man to hoe logans, 60c . Per hour. Phone 9F4. gl2o FOR SALE. For Sale Houses. FOR SALE 5 room bungalow, 2 large lots $1650. Box C care Jour nal. FOR SALE 7 room house, good corner lot on car line, all kinds of fruit. Price $1850. Hnrt & Muller, jOjOregon bldg. n FOR SALE 5 room house close in; bargain, Hart & Muller, 208- Ore- Sn bldg. - n 0R SALE By owner, 4 room house, electric lights, city water, 1 block from pavement, corner lot. See own er at 1480 Bellevuo betwe-en 9 and 10 a. m. or phone 2075U for ap- Pgmtmei)t, . ai24 lt"?uSALK Three room cottage with dutch pantry, large clost, electric lights, city water, fruit room Woken house and yard, large gar len. all kinds of fruit. S. Cottage Md Judson St. Phone 1787W2. nlS7 fcALE Or rent, two lots In cluding 3 business and . one ware nouse on same lots, including wa ter power. 803 N. Liberty St. W. JSfJjnel. al27 For Sale Farms. ' . oR, SALE 44 acres 7 miles from K"em on good road, all In crop, soon buildings, silo and water sys ' tLtme locatlon. Price with erop J?.500' Hart & Muller, 208 Oregon - n ,"SALE 20. acres all in cultlva on, good 8 room plastered hoose, ra and other outbuildings, victa :"'. adjoins Chemawa- electric sta .n. H miles from Salem. A bar- .- bid"' & Mu,leT, 208 jOregon ?8;A'LE Highly Improved 300 , re farm, 150 seeded to whi-at and -' , " er' 100 acres good pasture, 4aJ- InSL 8uConii growth fir; ne nine nS b.menlow, full qement base ' irat. 'urnace- bath. , hot and cold ' int ' large Darn Bnl garage, hZ.ot.tTul hnrd surface road- in-b- of farm- Pric "H crop $8 isSlbiy Hart mntr' z. SAT V , n . Salem so . m"i, , t ,a."re with some good timber; Zuy orchard, gbod buildings, i with crop $11,009-. Mart - & Muller. ?fi(t n . . mug. - W?,C ae in berry hind. W cr ' Woel. .3nst outW eity UmlU, i - aavi,,!. om Center 8L carUne on iSnm road. all cultivated; pos uS." ,,t,,onoe- Prlc 3500, good - for 5, tend' black ,0m. all ready -ilni40bert 808 0regon bld? ?R EXCHANC GE Ten acres of -; botto f ehan. - . an in crop, io ex- . Pril .?r- nuse and lot In Salem. C? e-'-2000- w- H, Gcabenhorst & "'ate Bt. n!2l SAt V t Hon j m Hrr "'I m cuttiva-roBri- r" out n good, gravel chV 5 T0m house, a fine bam, of loL!;OU',an1 pons' 1Vi acrpa froi . an1 P'nty of family MuL .r " immediate pos-f fn. $6000. $2000 cash, terms fit OtS,?n,t;,Pn and Peed. 405 FOR SALE. 5 A. I I. .! I ,. , Heights, eh.se to ear; also house ... jiuuress K s Jour- nal. n 125 JO AthtS aile out. no buUdin-s all in cr , fine soil. Price $75uV $1090 wvi handle this. Pearson & Pead. i' Oregon Mils. . ruii a.vijf. Jau acres 6 miles out on good road, new 7 room bunga low, large barn in fine shape- 50 acres of crop in; woven wire fenc ing. Place all properly tiled. A " ll"4fr la "buy. Price i i-u an aere, H cash, terms It r,ar ; cent. Pearson and Peed, 405' Ore gon bldg. ACKE& all in cultivation and crop located in Hollywood, no buildings Price $1500, cash. Pearson and Peed. 405 Oregon bldg. For Sale Miscellaneous. A BARN for sale. Inquire at 630 X Winter St. . cl24 FOR SALE Seven tons good, clean retch-oat hay, loose, $15 ton at barn. Phone 6F3. eisr; FOR SALE Strirtlv fM,h .,,...,, '! i .. -' me egsa ior pacmng. Phone 86F22. C128 rvtt b&Lit, uuilding 10x20 suitable for garage. 653 N.. Winter. Phone 1648W. .141 A CUT of twenty per cent. On famiiv account I have to return east in a ' snort time ana must sell my subur ban home first, with stock, Imple ments and furniture, all told worth $9000, will cut to $7200. Good com fortable house, barn, etc, fruit of all kinds, good soil, 10 minutes from car. Write F Capital Journal: al24 FOR SALE Good range stove $25. Call at Leo Doerfler's residence, box 231, Rt. 7, Garden road. cl25 A BARGAIN For sale 20 acres. 5 in loganberries, 400 fruit trees, ap ples and cherries, all kinds of ber ries; horse, wagon and farming tools; house and barn. At Concom ley, Or., Oregon Electric R. R. L. W. Dilley. bl24 CLOSING OUT all used pianos to make room .for new pianos arriv ing. Such makes as Chickering, Ludwig and Hobart M. Cable, at greatly reduced prices. This is your chance to buy a fine piano. The Wiley B. Allen Co., 619 Court St. 124 FOR SALE New improved Morrison hop press and two hop house fur- naces. W. J. Turnidge, Talbot via Jefferson, Or. Tel. Jefferson 36F 22. . . . C127 SOME special low prices on fine used pianos for a few days only. Come today, we havea piano that will please you at a price you can af ford td pay. The Wiley. B. Allen Co., 519 Court St. 124 THREE fine organs at closing out prices. Must make room for new pianos arriving. Easy terms. 619 Court St. ' - - 124 ForSale- Nursery Stock. ETTEHSBURG No 121 and Wilson strawberry plants at reduced prices while they last. Ward K. -Richardson, 2395 Front. Phone 494. d SEED potatoes 7o per' lb. Burbanks and Pride of Multnomah; also for table use. Leo Doerf ler,. Salem, Gar den road end of pavement. d!2 6 FIRSA class loganberry tips wanted. Ward K. Richardson, 2395 Front St. Phone 595 or 1267M. i FOR SALE Tomato, pepper and egg plants, Crego asters, Snapdragon and Larkspur plants. W. H. H. Dodge, Rt. 7, box 38. Phone 1786 W3. - dl46 FOR SALE No. 1 seed potatoes 6c per pound. Claud 'Ramsden, Prat um, Or. Phone 110F32. cl28 For Sate Livestock. FO RSALE Cows, r Phone 1788W4y el26 FOR SALE Frerfh eow and calf, 124 young Jersey. Phone 6oF21. FOR SALE Two Jersey cows, 3 and 4 gallons a day, $75; 1 Jersey and Durham, 5 gallons a day, $85, Rt. 5, box 78, next to cottage farm, el 2 5 HOUSE for sale, 445 Richmond ave, Possession June 1. Call at 68 i S. 25th St. ' a!35 FOR ' SALE Six Chester White pigs, eight weeks old. Phone 95F13. e!25 FOR SALE 4-year old Jersey-Dur ham cow giving 4 gallons per aay, fresh 2!4 months. Melvin Lien, Mnnlenv. Or. 125 For Sale Wood. FOR SALE Second growth fir wood $9.60 per cord, sawed; old fir ' M0. 50. Call 1963. eel26 FOR SALE Wood. First class 16-in. and 4 foot mill wood. Special prio- car lots. Prompt delivery. Also dry cord w'ood. Phone 1542, Office 305 S. Church. Fred E. Wells. if For SalePoultry FOR SALE Hatching eggs reduced, Anconas, strong vigorous laying stock $1.50, $3, $10, W, G. Pear mine. Phone 98F2. f 125 WANTED Fifty to seventy five Rhode Island or Plymouth Rock chickens, six to eight weeks old, good strain. W'hat's your price? Ad dress L. K. Leturgy, Marlon Hotel or Monmouth Orchard Co., Mon mouth, Or. - 124 AUTOMOBILES. 1919 CHEVROLET $250 oash, re mainder on easy payments: Cherry City Oarage 170 S. 12th St. d FOR -SALE One-ton trailer.- B. Zielinski, Salem, Rt. , box 111A. Will sell cheap. llii FOR SALE 6 cylinder Studebaker car, suitable for light truck, will make good -bug. Phone -853. q WE-'glve- liberal terms on our car sales. 1919 Maxwell $850; 1919 Chevrolet $750; both cars are perfect-mechanically. :'lilT Maxwell, a good buy. In addition to these we have some Fords cheap. Cherry : Cllv C.aratre. 170 S. l'th St. q!24 jirrr pn tires are Rood tires. Salem Velie Co., 162 "N. Com'l. , ql8 MUTT, AND JEFF MID"' nnm nv . I MuTT TeUM..Trti YOO VUON Tr V 5 CROSS AN D',fc' WAR J Y0 MUST n ' VcV- i fjt IB Jjaiii MISCELLANEOUS. I WANTED A 8ttrrey.""Xddr!ss Rt box 81. u., ""lt-" Canary birds. Phone 201 6 W or call at 411 x. Summer il4 lO hlY A quantity of used har row teeth. Phone 1205M or box 14 Salem. il2a Ibivb J. S. Munley, cellar digging. heavy team work. Cherry Citv barns. Phone 199. mli , A.rt.D 4000 loganberry tips. ! S. Arnold, Rt. 4, phone 65F11. 1 WHY use mill ru nwhen you can buy our f3ni,i rmi rj . .i our Golden Dairy Food at the same price and get better results? A trial is convincing. Composition, moist ure llpercent, protein at least 14 percent, fat at least 4 percent, fiber not ever 10 percent. Farmers Pro duce Co., 160 S. High. ml25 PECOS valley, Tsias, oil found at 600 feet. Majty wells drilling. Your opportunity to become independ ent. Five year leases; geological re ports and abstract of title. Five acres, $50. C. R. Banning,- 850 Hollywood blvd., Los Angeles. PORTLAND Eueene Autn Exnrea.. . Regular trips. Household goods merchandise. Call Capital Garage, 173 S. Liberty. Phone 88. 1140 TRANSFER L. A. Barrick Co. Country trips, moving. Wood for sale. Good service. Stand 271 North Commercial. Phone 734. WANTED. Wantedr-tfelp. WANTED Man to hoe loganberries, 3 blocks from end of 12th street car line. T. L. Davidson. gl25 WANTED Woman wants work by hour, 50c Call 57J. hl24 WANTED By married man, position In Salem, good penman, can Au bookkeeping, clerking, etc. What have you? Address X CD care Journal. hl25 GIRL r lady wanted for housework. nice nome ana easy worK to com petent person. 1277 S. Commercial. Phone 869. 124 WE want a live, wide awake courte ous boy 16 years old, to carry Cap ital . Journal route paying between $50 and $60 a month. Circulation Dept. Capital Journal. WAiNTJiiu competent dining room and kitchen help, at the state school for the blind, phone 21. g Wanted Miscellaneous. WANTED About 20 boards, second hand, 2x12, 16 feet long. Address J, W. Ransom, 198 W. Lincoln St. Salem. Phone 621M. 1123 WANTED Board and room in pri- vate family. P. O. box 231, 213 Lost and Found. OAT Meal Paper, 20-inch tan, extra special, 34o double roll. Max O Buren. 179 N. Com'l. n "WALLPASTE" perfect for papei hanging, no cooking. Max O. Bur en. 179 N. Com'l. - a WALL paper 26c double roll and up. Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com'l. m FOR RENT. SLEEPING rooms by day or month at 492 . Cottage. Phone 1186. J132 FOR RENT Four unfurnished rooms Phone 2072M. J125 WANTED To rent small modern house close in, for the summer. Ad dress box R G care Journal. 125 FFICE rooms for rent, steam heat, splendid janitor service. 205 Ore gon bldg. Phone 1427. JTOR RENT Furnished downtown sleeping room for gentlemen, steam heat, by the month. Phone 1427. 206 Oregon bldg. . - REAL ESTATE. OWN YOUR OWN HOME -WE5" WILL BUli Ydftf M 'home ' YOU PAT. A SMALL, PAYMENT V.; down ": -"'f ' BALANCE LIKE ReSt COMB IN AND TALK WITH US OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS R. B. DORNEY PHONE 951, 329 OREGON bldg. a FOR SALE 20 'acre orchard, large : trees, mostly prunes; also promising cherry crop, some mixed fruit; 5 room house, barn, hard surfaced - rpad; Rosedale red hill district, 7 miles south of Salem. Trees are loaded with fruit; chance for you to make some money. Immediate 'possession. Price today $10,000, 1-3 Cash, balance 6 per cent. . S. R. PEARSON & PEED 405 Oregon bldg. - , n COUNTRY HOME FOR SALE 24 ACRES 154 acre bearing logahs, 3 Just set out, 2 acres 10-year old' prune trees, 1 acre of apples, cherries, pears, mix ed fruit and berries; 5 acres of oats and vetch, 5 aflres of corn, acio of garden; good pasture for three cows, with good house, 7 rooms. High prea sure water system to the buildings. House electric lighted, hot and cold water, bath and toilet. Tractor and all good farm implements with stock goes, $15,000, Close hi - on Pacifio highway. John H. Scott Realty Co. 228 Oregon bldg. al6' FINE SMALL TRACT HOME A really fine 5 acre tract with good bearing logans, . gbod bearing prunes, strawberries, clover and some grain. Good 4 room house, fine small barn, garage, hen house, etc This is a dan dy home tract where you can keep chickens and cow and raise all the berries, fruit and garden that you can take care of. All crops and some wood and implements go with this tract at $4000. Immediate possession. Terms See us today if you want a fine tract home. Close to city in fine location. KINNEY & SMITH 469 State St. Ground floor. n The little fellow's out of I ' s ' ' r. I I - I I T TUIllV 1 I V I I EIUUISTEO TO "w ' I I BRAVE 9.1 MV A S S T' Dw mtv - THO Do Yw - R6HT, r cve-.l r wav lBuT- pINNEr3 50Me MebAt omv - colder wa4 . (rHes-ettow AT IHlttlY BVCM V . . Beew 50Me M0SrtAR.W6 IfVM-M. I lfF A RAW SV ?7 J.r A VTAK8AAJ--y . ..... v I . U i i Liiv 7 rr, JbcSl isuys. 10 acres 4 miles from center of Sa lem, S acres in cultivation, 1 acre in timber, family orchard; 4 room bun galow, good barn and 2 poultry hosts Price $T500. 5 acres 1 U miles east of Salem. family orchard and some prunes; S room house, fair barn. $5250. with implements. 0 acres very best soil, well drain- ed; 2 acres prunes, 2 apples and pears! some cherries and ; walnuts; smaii house, fair barn. $6090. 40 acres, 25 in cultivation, balance timber and pasture; 4Vi miles from La (id & Bush -bank; small house. spring water piped "to house; 2 acres orchard set with strawberries, i acres strawberries outside of orch ard, 2 H acres -logans. $600'0 terms. 13 acres. 1 mile from Liberty store, 10 acres set to prunes with lo gans set between, some cherries and walnuts; good well. $5000. 90 acres," 70 in cultivation. 20 in timber; 27 acres in fruit in full bear ing, about prunes and cherries; 9 room house, fair barn; 2 good springs. A good buy with an income at $16,0e0, - - 0 acres, Zi acres prunes, 8 apples, 5 cherries -and 2 walnuts ali in full bearing; good 6 roam modern house, fair barn and 8-tunne) dryer, good well and water system; estimated in come this year $10,000. Priced at $32, 000. 143 -acres, $0 acres In cultivation. balance pasture and timber, family ore tiara; best valley and bottom soil: 8 room modern house, number 1 barn and other outbuildings; 1 mile from school and miles from good town. $26,000. 22 acres all in fruit, 18 acres in prunes, 1 acre lgans, 2 acres apples and 1' acre cherries, 2 acres logans planted in prune orchard; 5 room house, fair barn and other buildings, at school and store. A fine place for home or income. $14,000, terms. 15 acres, 10 acres in good timber, nearly all tillable when cleared, fine spring and creek on place; only 3 miles from Salem on a good gravel road. $2000 on very easy terms, can pay for it out of the wood. HOUSES 9 rooms on Court street, no better location in city. $5000 terms. 6 rooms on 18th street, modern ex cept furnace. $3200. 7 rooms o n21st street, city water. $1200. 9 rooms on Center street, modern, fine location. 5500. 10 rooms on Center street, modern, basement, paved street; furnished. Only $4600, easy terms. 15 room modern apartments close in on High street, with a 3 room an nex, income now $100 per month, all furnished ready tor business. Only $8500, terms. Socoiotsky, 341 State street. Good Buys. . I 27 acres located 1 miles from carline on the pen road, all cultivat ed. Price $250 per acre. Well improved B acres located close in, bearing fruit, good bungalow, Price $6000, 5 acre cherry orchard, located 4H miles south. Price $2200. 10 acres, 5 acres cultivated and set to prunes, balance stump land, house and barn. Price $3250. 10 acre bearing orchard, mostly prunes, some cherries and apples, lo cated on main highway, 4 miles from Salem. Price $5500. 10 acres all under cultivation and in crop, 44 miles from Salem. Price $1700. 20 acre tract all cultivated, 7& acres of bearing Italian prunes, 3 acres strawberries, 2 acres of logans, small house. Price. $12,000. 224 acre farm, 120 acres cultivated, balance good timber -and some pas ture, house and barn, silo, located 4 miles west of. . Siivertpn. Prioe-.$125 per acre. 60 acres of good timber. Price $100 per acre. : i tn ' 20 acre tract, 5 acres bearing lo gans, 6 acres of prunes, some fine timber, small hoiise, of crops fol low sale. Price $7500. 480 acre farm, 330 acres cultivated, three sets of buildings, best of grain, clover or fruit soil. Price $48,000. Well improved 10 acres, bungalow, 1 acre logans. Price $7000. HOUSE BUYS . 9 room house and 6 lots located close in, large barn. Price $6500. 5 room cottage and two fine lots, basement, bearing fruit. Price $2560. 6 room house located at 249 North 15th street. Price. $3150.- W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. 275 State street. n". BARGAINS OR INVESTMENTS Good 8 room house, large lot, barn, fruit, good location. $3800, terms. Good 10 acre tract near Salem, house. Btablc. nice location. $4200, easy terms. Good 7 room house, large lot, gar age, on carline, good locationv $3200. Fine river bottom farm 7 miles from Salem,' sacrifice price. 2 acres wile from car line, fine garden soil, good house, barn, well, horse, wagon, cow, tools; snap, $3600, good terms. 2 nice modern residences in Rose burg Ore., to exchange for Salem property. 175 acre stock ranch near Roseburg to exchange for Salem property. Perrine & Marsters. 211-12 Gray bldg. n WOODS BARGAINS 6 room house, 2 lots, $650; 4 room house, good lot, $850; 6 room house south Salem, $860; large lot North Liberty street, $200; 7 room bun galow, $3200. F. L. , Wood, 341 State street. n!24 IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR HOUSE LIST WITH US. WE ARE MAKING A SPECIALTY OF BELLING CITY PROPERTY AND CAN GUARANTEE QUICK RE SULTS. BRING OR MAIL TOUR LISTING. HOUSES WANTED R. B. DORNEY $29 Oregon bldg; Phone f-51. n luck, that's all. By WANTED. READ THIS 169 acres, good buildings, " springs. 100 acres in cultivation, 10 acres in prunes; timber and family orchard, I miles south in prune district. Very special at $160 an acre. S3, acres with full farm equipment, including 9 dairy cows and 150 chick ens, for $10,0t'0. 69 acre dairy ranch, including- 6 ! Cowst team, hat-ntta anil tt-sifr.-in un.l other farm equipment at $W0O. 40 acres with 17 acres in fruit of which ' 1 5 . acres are bearing prunes. Eight miles from, Salem, $16,000. - 41 acres 3-4 mil fr mcar; all m ! cultivation; large barn; some fruit; fine loganberry or potato land. $S080 2S acres, no buildings; W acres un der plow; some good timber; living water. Good fruit or loganberry land, and can be bought on terms at $2750, or will trade for city property or acre age. AND THIS A beautiful eight room home, fully modern, east front and on paved streets. Easy term at $6500. Another modern home of seven rooms, east front, on paved street. garage and on carline. A anap at $5,- ooo. A five room bungalow with lot 55x 100 feet, paved street $3675. If we haven't advertised what you want, call at our office and ask about it. . W. A. Liston ' Agent. 44 Court St r3 WANTED 35 to 50 acres of good farm land within. 12 miles of Sa lem. Want a family orchard, .and fair improvements, will pay as high as $6600 cash. 80 to 100 acres of good farm land. Must be on a good road, and good improvements; will pay as high as $12,000, cash. Submit your property to us at once for our inspection, our buyers are here ready to buy. JOHN H. SCOTT REALTY CO. 228 Oregon bldgv n STRANGERS. BEWARE! of some of the so called "real estate bargains." The best is always the cheapest in the end. The following are real value: FARMS 150 acres with 30 acres bearing English walnuts, 70 acres cultivated 20 acres easily made tillable; balance old stump pasture except a fine piece of lake well stocked with fish. At tractive 8 room house with excellent water supply. All equipment. 6 miles north of Salem. All river bottom land. $37,000. 380 acres all under cultivation with more than 250 acres in crop. About seventy head of choice dairy cattle Fine range of Implements and ma chinery. Reallv sood bulldinss includ ing two alios. Beautifully laying piece nlof land. 9 miles from Salem, $57,000 Unquestionably one of the finest dairy farms in Oregon 110 acres, 70 acres cultivated; 40 in crop; 30 summer fallow; good build ings; a very sightly place, 6 miles from Salem; 8-4 mile from road be ing paved. $14,000. TRACTS 10 acres. One of the most attract ive suburban homes around Salem. Strictly modern 8 room bungalow; barn; first class mixed orchard ana 2 acres of young logans. Close to car- line. $13,000. 10 acres at Broadacres. Fine logan berry land. 4 room house; good well. $2500, 5 acres with about one half mixed orchard, balance In oats. No build ings. Creek runs ' through property. $1600, $300 cash will handle. 19 S-4 acres at Chemawa. 11V4 acres cultivated, balance. . pasture. Extra good soil. 4 rodm house, etc. $6000. SALEM HOMES 9 room house on N. Commercial street with 3 good lots and fine fruit, Full cement basement' $3900. A dan dy hbme for a farmer In town. Bungalow of 8 rooms. Has four bedrooms, all corners. AH modern con venlences. $9500. Something one can be proud to own. Two six room homes with furnaces, located on best streets. $4500 each. Good terms. Strictly modern 8 room house on N. Capitol street, large lot and barn; garage. $4500. 12 room home on North Cnpltol street with every modern convenience block to capltol building. $12,000. Bungalow with 7 rooms. Has beau tifully appointed fixtures. Three fire places; nothing lacking in the way of modern conveniences. Large lot with nice fruit. Completely furnished with first class furniture and rugs. In fact "a home of character." One that has distinction. $16,000. PROPERTY OWNERS are Invited to list their holdings with me. Large or small, HOME BUYERS you may still see the largest list of houses to be bought on the install ment plan In Salern. HOME BUILDERS I will finance your project no delay CHA8. W. NIEMEYER " "Just Real Estate" 216-218 Masonio bldjr. Phones 1000 Salem, Ore. 1014 n $500 DOWN $30 PER MONTH . Buyi this attractive modern bun galow. Has large living room, dining room, dutch kitchen, three light and airy bedrooms, crammed with built In features such as buffets, bookcases, china closets, hard polished floors, bath, cement basement, furnace, laun dry trays, wood lift. The total price Is $3200. There is not another like It at this price and terms. Get busy and be the lucky purchaser. 9. B. -DORNEY 829 Oregon bldg. Open evenings. Tel. 51. . a Bud Fisher. t MK. FAKM l.UYL'K 305 acres. H in cu:;i.U:on. Enough grub oak to go a lur.g .i toward pay ing lor the property. 7 fenced fields. creek bottom buid. very productive, a grain and dairy property. ? room house, good barn and family orchard. If sold within 10 days. $75 per acre. Could be divided for two old couples who wish to-retire. We consider this a great buy, a money maker, for some one with a couple of boys. Get busy on this. JOHN H. SCOT TREALTY CO. ' !28 Oregon bldg. H MR. INVESTOR "Are you going to let that 40 acres of splendid fruit land- get away from you, when you can get t for 100 per acre? It joins the Liberty district is above the frost line and a perfect property for prunes, walnuts, logans or fruit of any description. Take a look at it We know you will then buy. JOHN H. SCOTT KEAJL.Tr CO. ' 228 Oregon bldg. n HOUSES TO TRADE FOR SMALL TRACTS We have a number of clients with good city property who want to give their houses as part payment on tracts Phone 1130 and tell us where your tract is located. KINNEY SMITH 469 State St Ground floor. n FOR SALE Good modern 7 room bungalow on paved street, ear line, east front, well located. $3600, $1,-. 000 down, balance like rent Five room comfortable house, barn, garage, fruit, east .front good lot. $1800, $500 down, balance like rent Fifty five acre farm for sale. Will take city property as part payment. This is a good buy. $5500. A. L. SEAMSTER REALTY CO. 416 Masonio Temple. Phone 363. n hanging, no cooking. Max O. Bur "VV'ALLBOARD" can be used over lath and papered or tinted. Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com'l. c Market Reports Grain: Wheat No. 1 $2.30; feed oats 95c; cheat hay $2324; oat hay $2425; clover hay $2526; mill run $55. Butterfat: Butterfat 64c; creamery butter 6657o. Pork, veal and mutton: Pork on foot 14 3-4c; veal fancy 17 He; steors llo; spring lambs 13c; cows 7 9c; ewei 56c; sheep yearling 8a. Dressed pork tlo. , Eggs and poultry: Eggs cash 35c; light . hens 28c; heavy hens 80s; old roosters 1516c; broilers 3032c. Vegetables: Onions per pound 8o celery dos, $1.75: potatoes, Yakima, 6c; Oregon 3V45; strawberries $3.50 bests per sack $1; turnips per seoi $3.75; carrots per sack $2,50; parsnip per saok $8.60; spinach lOe lb,: r iahes 75c doz; asparagus 15c; new potatoes, 11c. Fruit: Oranges $6.507.00; lemons $5.50; bananas 12 He; honey extract 20c; bunch beets, 45c; cabbage 4c; head lettuce, 90c doz; red peppers 25c lb; rhubarb 4c; peas, 10c Retail prices; Eggs dozen 40c; creamery butter 63 85a; country but ter 86; flour hard wheat $3.503.75, soft wheat $3.00. LIVESTOCK Portland, May 24. Cuttle steady; receipts 2331; grain and pulp fed steers $12.26 13.00; choice $11,609 12.25; good to choice $11.00 11.50; medium to good $10.0011.00; fair to good $9.00010.00; common to fali $8.009.00; choice cows and helfen 10.2511.00; good to choice $9,000 10.26; medtu mto good $8. 009.00; fair to medium $7.00 8.00; cannert $5.0006.00,- bulls $6.00 9.00) prime light calves $13.00 16.00; medium light $0.0012.00; heavy $6,600 8.50; itockers and feeders $7.50 .E0. . Hogs steady; receipts 870; prime mixed $14.6015.00; medium $14.00 14.60; smooth heavy $11. 0(r 13.00; rough heavy $10.08 11.00; pigs $12 13.75. Sheep weak; receipts 1853; prime lambs $13.60014.60; culls $9,000 11.60; yearlings $10.00 12.00; weth ers $9.0011.00; ewes $5.609.00. Butler Portland, May 24. Cubes extra 48?M9c; parchment wrapped box lots 64c; cartons 66c; halt boxes e more, less than V, boxes lo mors butterfat El52o f. o. b. station; 63c Portland. Poultry and Bmcs, Portland, Or May 22. Bggs sell lng price case. count 4041;., buying price case count 88c; selling pt candled 42c; selected candled In car tons 44c. Poultry: Hens 32 35c; broilers 86 roosters 16c; turkeys dressed 62 B5c; geese 2226c; ducks 4045c. Wheat $2.20; premium 65o soft, 70c hard; barley feed $66.60 buying; oats feed $69 71; corn No. 8 yellow $73 milling price. Mlllstuff: Mill rdn $5455 ton. Hay: buying price, timothy $31 f. o. b. Portland; alfalfa $37; grain $30; clover $32. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned will receive bids up till 8 o'clock p. m. June 7, 1920, for the construction of a cement sidewalk to be laid In front of lots 1 and 12, of block 16, Riverside addition to the city of Salem. Plans and specifications may be had at the recorder's office, EARL RACE, 125 City recorder. Scavenger. SALEM SCAVAraKK Garbage an refuse of all kinds removed or monthly contracts at reasonabl' rates. Cess pools cleaned. Dead anl mala removed. Office phone Ual 16T. RKAL KSTATIi 'Li.AiAN Til VN: your faau 16 9-SJ. 1 ik-ney to Lean. Oagcod real estate security THOS. K FORD Over Ijidd & Bush Bank, Salem, Orr Atvi-'i-ti-N VVOODilEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp Sto. a meets every Thursday evening at o'clock in McCornack buiidlngi Court and Liberty streets. H. O. Coursey, V. C; Frank A. Turner, clerk. . Money to Loan. Federal Farm Loan Any amount Long time. I and ( percent interest City building loans, A. C. Bohrnstedt 401 Masonio Temple, Salem. Oregoa Optician. DR. ALBERT R. MILLER Optome trist-optician, ye uiorougmy ex amined, glaasea made and flttedj 8H-11 TJ. a bank. Phone 841. VAWN mowers, safety razors, cutlery,. sharpened, locksmltning saw iu ing, umbrellas, repairing all kinds. Stewart's Repair Shop, 347 Court St. ' - - ' 1 Osteopathy DBS. WHITE and Marshall, esteH res, phone 834. FARM LOANS Any amount Low rates. Full repayment privileges. "Very prompt service. Ask about our 20-year loans at 8 per sent Hbwm kins ft Roberta, 101 Oregon bldg. Salem. Or. . Stove Repairing. 8TOVE3 rebuilt and repaired.' "' ttj years experience; Depot jxauos and American fence, sisjs S to 88 inches high. Paints, oil and varn tehes. etc, loganberry and nop hooks Salem Fence and Stove Works 60Court street. Phone 18 Why Sell lor Less. WE will pay you more cash for your household goods Get our bid be fore you sell. Peoples Furnlturs and Hardware Store. 871 N. Com mercial street Phone 734. . Water Company. SALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade Sis. Bills payable monthly in advanos. -Phnvie ft? Lodge Directory. Qn CHEMEKETA Udge No. 1 J meets every Wednesday evening at 7:30 at I. O. O. F. hall. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS meet st Mo Cornack hall on every Tuesday mt 8. J. L. Tucker, C. C; P. 1. Kunt K. R. S. ; UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly No. 84 meets every Thursday at $ p. m. in I. O. O. F. hall. P. A dresen, M. A.; A. A, Gueffroy, seo- retary, Salem. Or. TEAM, Auto Truck and Deliver Drivers Union No. 110 meet every Wednesday evening at the Labor, Tanmla II O'clock. ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA Oregon Grage oamp No. latsu tmw every Thursday evening in McCor nack hall. Elevator service. Oraelsj Mrs Carrie B. Bunn, 848 Union Bt recorder. Melissa Persons, 1415 N. 4th street," phone 1436M. . W. O. W. SALEM CAMP ll Meets every Friday night at 8 o'clock la McCornack hall, cor. Court and Lib erty St Visiting Woodmen welcome. C. D. Ross. C. C.i L. B. Qeer. elerlt WALLPASTE" perfect en, 179 N. Com'l. tor paper All hopes for the recovery of Lester M. Martin, freshman in the agricul tural college, who was Berlously In jured In the men's gymnasium last month, have been abandoned. La; Grande." The Canyon "Lumber company, a 'newly organized concern, is shortly to operate a mill near Ladd Canyon about ten miles from here. Timber resources of the three partners Interested are extensive. I if Part Tim tUlper f Stores, factoriet and 1.1 homes all find part- l 1 Jim heloers a -treat t ii convenience, am snjr every buaineu there are two or three hours every day when there ia peak load. Relieve the strain by employ ing women, elderly men and boyi for few hours each day. Our Want Ads will bring them to you. Read and Use Hie Want M In t !! Ii- ii THE CAPITAL JO CRN AT, tCopyrtght, 1920, by H. V. Fisher. Trade Mark Reg. U. B. Pat Uf floe. TUB Bi E'u't ii I B-l L. 1