1920. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL PAGE SEVEN 7t I . ,7Baby clinic. Com- I Jrt GranJ the" . v. 8 Senior class play of J X High School. S. H. S.. Ltforiam, 8:13 p.m. ' 19.-Addresa by Win, I Talt, the arraory- f y 21. Portland Drama. f Jc presentation, opera iooriaa aa June 1. American Legion i MUng. armory. 8 p. m. rt House News in Salem at 10:05 a. m. Monday, an 1 all t.k.n in i.fc.mr,. K i J : i .. ; MJ fYlUUI & son and removed to the Catholic church. Burial followed ia the Catholic cem etery. - Dr. W. I Mercer will bo to Portland Tuesday to attend the special osteo Pt hie meeting to fee held there. Wanted to lease for 1 year or more S or 7 room furnished house. J. Brock, phone 1028R. I2j j A special meeting of the city coun cil, called for 1 p. m. Monday to con firm the annexation of the state fair grounds, adjourned to meet June 7 because of lack of a quorum. Sever al of the councilmen were out of the city. " Circuit Court. mi. Folin vs. Oscar f olin. .hrit of publication of summons. lack Barnes. script of testimony W. H. Morgan, a grocer of oid, Affi- Wash., is a business visitor in Salem t for a few days. Barnes. There is a dirth of floral stocks in skyward, Rucker vs. Allegrea. aepenaem -- ...... ...... C i! subpoena i luuao emu uunsi, wuu returu'ju abeth Long At. ' J. M. Long.'""" Portland Sunday after an un- Stlltner. Maurice Lorter and Portland, with costs soaring ; thicker vs. Allegred. dependent according to J. W. Xlaruny, lo O w stocks there. Mr. Maruny said that prices in the metropolis are about j Prof. C. I. Lewis, in charge of or Order ganization for the Oregon Growers Cooperative association, and Robei't mnscript of testimony. K;I!a Josephine Brown vs. S!Z!red Lucile Thayer vs. Charles "bIe those here. Fairfax Taylor. Complaint. Probate Court. Timothy M. Hicks, estate. fling time .c. p,ate- c- Paulus, after a several days busi- lmrnh Ferv anil Mary rery, estate, . , Ferv being deceased ness triD in southern Oregon, return- ,V rv mv being living. Order to Salem Sunday. While in south- mo jiiij i,.rin era Oregon Messrs Paulus and Lewis MMtimi,urfl":" visited members of their association inwnh Ferv and Mary rery. estate, joP '. . - .... . .at Grants Pass and Mudford. Account and final report. . Timothy II. hicks, estate, r mai report. daily Statistics Died Some time Sunday night thiev;s entered the garage at the home of R. R. Jones, 835 D street, and stole a tire and rim from the rear of his auto. Report of the theft was made to po lice by Mr. Jones. ROCHE Edward Roche. 4. in , this ritv Saturday morning. The funec- .,.' .. . . ' , .1 will be held from St. Joseph s tl wm ue un corner of High and Court streets, is otnouc , x3 1 i-Tv,- bein8 held at police headquarters fo at I 0 clock. Burial in the Catholic Qwner Monduy temetery. , I . . . rl. 9 of a In. I KKbi---i' , i? Bicycles were stolen over the week tai nospudi .u...,. J ' ' end from Max Davidson, residing u Ann i Son s. Funeral arrangements ' . D . r North BYont street; W. F. Campbell, Incomplete. B60 Nortn 2ist gtreet and W. H. Ham- m ,r tii. nkoj by, B76 Union street, police aunounc TICHTY To Mr. and Mrs. Albert ' ... , " , Llchty of Macleay, May 23, a son. 1" , ' i it 1 nfn,j .several days ago from Lucille Estes was found near the' state library where the thief had apparently aban doned It. $e will be called Howard Buford. Till weeks Drapery Special, brok- tn Hues, Art Cretonnes, values to $t, tlamltl..'. 19- Slim.vtjaiu. ....-. ... . !nv comnnnv hH l..l.1(..l.n 1. l..!L.l n .1 r. . JV. Ul .nUlll., -v.. U,. .. . . . nf f K oHloof nro- SCI Bficnuj, lur .uv iiwiuincov, at.v.u.w A , ,i" " ,mi u, n, I who was In Salem Saturday on busl- . . . . ; .v'ness for the company. After being meresis 01 oetter inrniiiifi, t 1 m ..... . . , . . . ,,, , , V -.... closed during the period of wai, th? traory. Wednesday noon he will J' pared to solicit trade business, both passenger and freight Mr. Francisco said, and officials' are in a position to give Jhelr patrons the courteous treat ment and prompt service mat iney did in the past. : 1 peak at the Rotary club luncheon at lie Hotel Marion. j Wanted to lease for 1 year or moie wftf 100m fiurnished koine. Jfy&t Journal. , ::. Baly chicks, 558 State. 'Phone 400. : - 124 The Nancy Hank Lincoln clulj nl the Lincoln school met Monday af ternoon at 2:45 for the election of officers. Mr. Davidson, music super visor of the intermediate grades gave 1 demonstration, and Miss Cornelia Marvin, state librarian, spoke on her trip to the Orient. lave, Jeweler, watchmaker, Salem. Baby chicks, 558 State. Phone 400. 124 Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, f the current week will witness the "invention in Salem of the Oregon f-wh of the, Women's Home and 'reign missionary societies of the United, Evangelical church. It will be tie 17th annual convention of the so cieties. The principal speaker during tte convention will be Reverend C. Hewton Dubs, pioneer missionary jt ft church. He has spent more than twenty years in active missionary work i China and his lectures promise to w exceedingly interesting. All' persons interested in mission work are extend- n invitation to attend the meet-fagj, Cherrian drill tonight 7 p. city 124 Several modern improvements have made in the establishment of & H. Mosher tailors on Court Mt. during the past week. The "jwoom has been replastered and r"" new fixtures have ben pur . The tailoring rooms upstairs "nlso meen remodelled, and the 1 now one of the most up .0 fct la the city. Oijrrian "rill tonight 7 p. m., eity 124 iual s. H. S. senior play, 'The Trow," by Percy MaeKaye, high rol auditorium, Friday May 28, " m. 25 May bahu -ii!- ,i. ,- -.. " ' the Marion county children's "i will be held Thursday May 27, P. m. In the Commercial club ". There are still a few vacancies 4fia " deslrln8 - enter their ren are requested to notify Mrs. fcjjr" Eschen, 177S Court street, or e her at 803.T. - viae Time Concert by Chas. W. Mrs. L. R. Waters wm leave 101 Jr at the Oregon theatjr Francisco Thursday, where she - na Thurs. evenings. 123tjoln her husband, who nas . (there for the past three weeks. nigrt remiium . j u u'.i.n nlan to make Truck Loads and Speed Should be Restricted-Numi The people of the state of Oiegon can never hope to have good, sub stantial hard surface highways for the use of pleasure cars and erhur traffic so long as huge trucks are per nutted to haul heavy loads at exces sive speeds over them. This statement was made by Herbert Nunn, state highway engineer, speaking before the business nwn of the city at the regular weekly luncheon in the Com merciaUslub Monday noon. Highway engineers, realizing these facts, have prepared to take the mat ter up and deal with it at length at the next session of legislature. , Ir. Nunn said. Until something is done to prevent ; large trucks hauling weighty loads on the highways it will be impossible to "make permanent highways "unless you want to spend 4500 Oto 110,000 a mile for high ways as is being done in Pennsylva nia. And the. people of this state can never stand that rate of cost." Highway Work Limited Mr. Nunn said that the highw.iy between Canby and Aurora, a distance of about four miles, will not be' paved this summer. Much interest is center-. ed on this'stfetch of the highway be- j cause it is the main drive between Salem and Portland. Work is pro gressing well on the Pacific highway between Salem and Brooks, and will be finished on schedule time, whicn is August, Mr. Nunn told the business men. ' ' ; : . , The Dallas;Saiem road will also be completed this -season. Its cost will be 350,000 Mr. Nunn said. A total of J924,0a0 will have been spent by the state highway commis sion in Marion county for roadwork by the end of the present season, the state engineer said. . . Much Wort Being Done In the state there are 1866 lineal miles of road being improved. This jk f divided as follows: pavement, 430 miles, macadam 448, and grade 9SS. Money being expended on this work .totals more than $25,300,000, Mr. .Nunn declared. Ill this state there is $1,400,000 of federal funqs available for road work, and $2,000,000 ia .Blade available each year by gasoline and auto taxes In Oregon. Impetus to the road work in the state has been lent by the govern ment giving great quantities of T. N. T., 250 trucks, 30 autos, 38 tractors and much other material Invaluable in highway making. Mr. Nunn said. Many bridges are being made in the. state this season, Mr. Nunn said; and their structure is permanently insur ed because of the fact thai only con crete is being used. No more than five percent of the highways in the state can be paved, the engineer said. Fund restrictions make this Imperative, the state being unable to pay for more highway im provement of the variety that is now 1 being made. ' "", With Rev. Kantner conducting the services, the body of Mrs. Carrie Rine man, pioneer Salem woman who died at Portland last week, ' was laid to rest In City View cemetery Monday. The body reached this city shortly after noon and was tagen in charge by Rigdon & Son. 1 C. B. Speaker, Arthur Clemens and Willard Pryor left Monday morning by auto for the waters of the Wilson and Trask rivers, for a week of trout fishing. . J. C. Ryan, one of the pioneers of Oregon, was in the city from Butte ville Saturday. J. E. Whitehead, postmaster at Turner, was a salem visitor Saturday. O. L. Donaldson, a member of the Salem lodge, has been elected as dele gate from Marion county to attend the head camp session. Woodmen of the World, to be held in Tosemitc Valley, Cal.. June 21. The district con. vention, at which the selection was made, was held at Tillamook, May 19, the following nine delegates from Salem being in attendance: O. Watkins,. O. L. Donaldson, Charles Jacquet, L. H. Fletcher, John Long core, John Prints and George Walker. The Salem Prudential staff met at the home of J. C. Sademp, tUO North Front street, Thursday evening and enjoyed a big six o'clock dinner. The, evening was spent in playing games, enjoying music and dancing. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Wil lard, Franklyn and Wayne Willard. W. W. Powell, Mrs. Eva Himes Dee Himes, Pate Brock, Miss Pearl Prince, Mrs. Lula Sademp! i. C. Salemp, J. R. and R. W. Sademp. Notification that Salem lies in the route of the National Park-to-park Highway association's -official public ity tour, which begins at Denver, Colo August 25 and extends all over the coast, was received from the head quarters of the association by the Commercial club Monday. The loute extends along the Pacific ihighway from Medford to Salem, thence to Portland. R. O Longworth and family mo tored from Eugene Sunday and were the guests of Mr. Longworth's broth er, W. A. Longworth, of this city. Mrs. L. R. Waters will leave for San has been . , there for the past three weeks. Mr. requiem mass was held Mon-'nd Mrs. Waters plan to make the hthT"''' at tha Catholic church: bay city their permanent home. kM'f"1 re,ilent. who died at Port- nil., uicu ni fc. Ml . - night The body arriv .d iiiiiiiluXZ,, mi.,, " -.- ' j WM. S. HART 1 J n VM. S. HART - IN . TlE TOLL fi.VTE" fcENX KTTS TSfH FROM TI1E -111" . . M fnndav niKht A l niwuucn. ..v..-, - - 'at 6:30, the fast Salem Woolen mills team mens -- ' T-1.,-0 la the MH!ond lOOD OI II ... m ..ifL ..A. In rrp- ithe Gherry city iwiukm viour games. Hauser Brothers had de- .-rn.. v r c. A., while the weavers bad been beaten by the Spaulding nine. The game are with out admission. 1 . .i..-. nA a .onference held i air. Dillon . in Eugene several adays ago with Col. Arnold, head of the air service of thf western department, when he gamed assurance that airplane patrol f..r for ests on the western coast of Or-ge .... f.-. 1-1.3 aenvnrt.. ed in various parts of the state now. It is thought that the fires of this kind that cause so much smoke will have been through by the time tourists visit the valley and snail want the best views, Mr. Elliott asserted. He said that 85 per cent of the for est fires that have occurred in tais state have been preventable, and that more timber has been destroyed by fire than has been utllixed in manufactur ing purposes. Montana School -System Rated f Best of States New Tork, May 24. The- state of Montana has the best all-round public school system in the United States, ac cording to the results of a compara tively study of state school systems made public today by the Russell Sage Foundation. The report asigns sec ond place to the schools of California, third place to those of Arijona, fourm to New Jersey and fifth to the state Of Washington.--,-:'; V; ;'V-jSi, These finds are contained in a report by the department of education of the foundation. The, volume is entitled "An Index Number for State School Systems" and the author is Dr. Leon ard P.. Ay rest -director of the Founda tion's department of education. Other findings of the report are that the school system of the United States as a whole has doubled in efficiency during the last 50 years, having an in dex number or rating of 26.1n 1870 and one of 52 at the present time. Since these index numbers are figured on the basis of 100, the school system of the country has now an effectiveness or ef ficiency of only 52 per cent, according to the report. The figures for the individual states as given by the Foundation show that during the past 30 years the west has been coming up educationally while the east has been going down. Dur ing this time the greatest increase among all the Btates has been made by L'tah while the state to which is at tributed the greatest falling off in rela tive standing is Maryland. In the east the only tate that has gained instead of losing is New Jersey. In the west the state that, has- the best and most consistently high record is California. Among the interesting results of the j study is the conclusion that the school system of the I'nited States territorial! possessions, such as Hawaii, the canal . zone, and Porto Rico, have higher rat-! ings than those of many , of the 48 : states. That of Hawaii is reported bet- i ter than those of the majprity of the American states. Ten southern states have records poorer than that of Por to Rico. directors, formerly headed by WU- When Mrs. Ida M. Oarr-tt and Mrs. liara Rockefeller, for the restitution H. A. Sma of Srtlem returned home of approximately $150,600,009 allege ! j after visiting with out-of-town friends to have been wasted by the board In j they found that their homes had bwn improver purposes, was denied late ransacked by burglars daring their at today, by Federal Judge Julius W. isence. In each case a small amount of Jewelry was taken. Count Rushed An G.O.P. Delegates Cotinty clerks throughout Oregon will be urged to "speed up" the offi- clal canvas of the votes on candidates for delegates to the Republican na-j tjonal convention, according to Sam A. newrv oepuiy secretary or state, who will send out letters to that ef fect tomorrow. - ' Ordinarily 30 days are allowed in which to complete the official canvass, of the vote. The Chicago convention will have convened and adjourned be- fore Xhat itme, however, hence it is imperative that t,v canvass be ex-; pedited as much as possible In order that the successful , candidates may know . their status, so that .they can complete arrangements for attending the big pow-wow. v Governor Olcott r - i- l weaves cugene Eugene, Or., May !4. Lieutenant R. M. Kelly and Governor Ben W. Olcott of Oregon left here at 8:35 o'clock this morning for Stockton, Cal., resuming their flight" from Blaine, Wash., Interrupted yesterday by heavy head winds. Lieutenant Kelly said he expected to reach Stockton with only one stop between here- and the Cali fornia city. The governor and his pilot expected to reach Stockton yesterday for the opening of the Pacific Coast Ad Men's convention. The men of the Kelso, WshM Pres byterian church are planning to pre pare and serve dinner in the church parlors next Friday. Commencement exercises of the Stunfk'ld high school have ended with the graduation of five students. The only worsted mill west of the Ohio river is in Oregon. The Washington' state school for deaf and for the blind at Vancouver will close June 8. Owing to the increase of busims the Baker postoffice will be made an office of the first class July 1. Boy Wanted GOOD STRONG BOY ABOUT 18 YEARS OR OLDER FOR ASSIST ANT IN JOVRNAL PRESS ROOM APPLY TO FOREMAN. . I MEET MB AT MILLER'S 1 Governor Signs New York Boxing Measure Today Albany, N. Y., May 24. Profes sional boxing was restored to lesal status in New York state today when Governor Smith signed the Walker bill to regulate the sport and to pro vide for the appointment of a state athletic commission. Receivership Is Denied By Court Ne wYork, May 24. -The applica tion of 1400 holders of the New York, New Haven and Hartford railroad for the appointment of a limited re ceiver to prosecute the corporation's right of action against the board of We are too busy REMODELING And Modernizing Our Store To Write Ads jjmu Good Gooda Homeless ;Gh&ri X' Tents To Live In Newark, N. J., May 2 4.-rOne hun dred and ten famflies, evicted bv land lords are comfortably housed In Valls- bargh Park today under tents loaned to the city of Newark by the war de r,t.,ime.nt Tt to a real Tentville whose denizens, although temporarily Home less ,are as happy as could be expect ed in a community forcedto live out doors. It is expected that before the end of summer, 200 more famines win have Joined the little colony. The city appropriated $25,000 for the operation of the camp and Gov rir F.dwards donated a big tent which, in the center, serves as a com munity kitchen. Army food from tne municipal sales stations helps further to keep down the cost of living. The new settlement is provided with many conveniences including a sewerage sys tem, running water, a laundry tent equipped with tubs and stoves tor iron ing, shower baths and toilets. Thet otal cost of installing me im n.n.mitit was less than $500, the largest single item being $120 for wire for electric lights. Soldiers and a number of city employes helped to put up the tents wnicn are i,i! fc.t mi lav the board flooring. The tents are boarded up three feet from the ground. Most of the mnanii io f Tontvlllo have stored their fur niture in the prospect of better days and are sleping on cots rurnisnea oy ii hnsnliAl. The "town" is laid out in eight streets with one main avenue bisecting them. Smokeless Summer Due In Valley This Year, Is Belief If plans of the state forestry depart ment carry it will be a "smoKeies summer" In the Willamette valley, F. A Elliott, state forester, said in ad dressing the business men's luncheon at the Commercial club Monday noon. Mr. Elliott was talking of the forest fire preventing week May 23-2, and told of the efforts that are dchib hwuc i nil narts of the state to allay for est fires and to prevent them. With all brush slashings oems Time to Buy Shoes The present is an opportune time to buy Shoes while the prices are fully twenty per cent below what the factories are now asking. It is predicted by those in the position to know that, the present conditions are only temporary and that Shoes will be higher; at any rate of one thing you may b esure they'll be no lower. BUY NOW AND TAKE; NO CHANGES Ladies Button Shoes Black Kid and Patent Leather Shoes, but ton, high or low heels'. Regular $5 and $6, all sizes in this lot $2.95 Ladies9 Black Shoes Black K;J Shoes !ce or button, hih or low heels, all sizes. Shoes that were $6.00 and $7.00 $3.95 'Are You Needing Shoes Look over the prices quoted here, then come and let us show you real bargains. Out client's plans are carried out with ideal tact and grace Our staff is expert ly trained and our equipment exhibit rare harmony. Our amp j i :iities In sure pstfect service to our clients. Small Size Shoes Can you wear 212, 3 3V or 4 Hanan made shoes worth $12 and $15. Small sizes only $4.95 Ladies1 Brown Shoes Brown calf vamp, cloth top shoes, lace, Cuban or Louis heels, latest toe, reg. $10 i $5.95 " Ladies' Dress Shoes Black all kid lace shoes, Cuban or Louis heels all widths, our regular $11 seller 86.95 Men's Elk Bals Brown Elk Bals, with indestruc table soles, worth at present $5 Men's Dairy Shoes Heavy soft black dairy shoes, with wooden soles. Regular $5 S3.95 Odd Lot Shoes Broken lines men's $9 and $10 black calf dress shoes, blucher lace $5.95 Men's Dress Shoes Black blucher lace calf shoes, . wide toes, regular $10 line $6.95 Men's $10 and $11 Shoes Black or brown shoes, blucher or bal lace, English or staple last $7.95 Men's Dress Shoes Brown or black blucher or bal lace, English or high toe, regular $13 $8.95 Men's $14 and $15 Shoes High grade black or brown Eng lish or staple lant, blucher or bal lace, all sizes $9.95 Have Your Shoes, Repaired Our repair shop is equipped with the latest machinery Rubber Heels At half price Wednesdays 25c 25c THE PR! SHOE (0. SeYS'M DoBwOJ KM V. 3Z6 8tsvS Hrx!!i U". MB BgMaBx4 rbalAlaKM Ladies' $1 P and $12 Sfoes Gun metal or brown calf shoes, high or low heels ,all sizes and lasts at the Special price $7.95 Ladies' Two Tone Shoes High top brown kid, vamp fieldmouse top, Louis heels, the season's novelty, reg $16 $10.95 Fix Up Your Old Shoes A few dollars spent for repairs will add months of wear to your old shoes. White Canvas Oxfords Regular $! and $6 Ladies' while canvas oxfords, high or low heels, all sizes $3.95 IvVufe Kid Oxfords Regular $12 white kid oxfords, long pencil toe, Louis heels, very swell $8.95 Ladies' $10, and $12 Pumps Ladies' black kid pumpa with or without buckles, high or military' heels $6.95 "M 4 I ,;.fl'W'SHW!W j wouia DO