Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 24, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Settlement Of
Strike Forseen
Annual Tennis
Tournament to
Be Revived Here
An all-city tennis tournament, open
to all eMhuriartH ha, txrn announced rTlr'"'""" a"sociation- UreUrk '
thf. "S,Un! COHrts Mmm' cor. with a vie ,0 7L"i r "
ill "t his winter village in
near Yokohama.
on the asylum courts commenefnt,
gune 3 ana continue four days.
This tournament is being inaugu
rated for the tiurnow nl
tennis plavtr in K:il,m intn ir n,i it.... I
put the capital city into the favorable
tennU limeliBht that it formerly occu
!ied. In former years tennis tourna
ments were an anual event here. An
Salem players won laurels at the bis
northwest tournaments. ' There are so
many new people here now, however,
that this tournament will prove the un
masking of one dark horse after another.
Every player is urjted not to let the
fact that he or she may be a little rusty
or out of form keep them out this
tournament, stranger against stranger,
to get one on their toes.
There will be four events in the
tournament, men' ningles, men's dou
bles, ladies" singles and mixed doubles.
Jf enough ladies signify their desire
for a ladits' doubles event, this will
also be scheduled. Kntries for the
tournament will close Saturday, May
29, and will be uceeptcd up to that
time by Dr. Ilurdette fit Tiarinmn iiv...
Hauler liros and Fred Thielson at the
Jtogers I'aper company
The tournament will be held under
Tho rub s of the United States National
Lawn Tennis association. Halls nnd
umpires will bo furnished for nil
mut"ties, and a nominal f,. 1.111 t
charged for each entry. Small trophies
win ne given tho winners of the dlf
ferent events by local merchants. Ev
ery player Is cautionci to
try In before Saturday as Monday Js a
UIIU , uesuay win tie 100 late
Vancouver. K. C. .May J4-Prospect ReClS A ttdCkin P
ippea red brighter today for the settle-! r a . a , . -
ment of the shipping strike which for "OllSfl t TOUl Jfl
throe weeks has crii,i,l .,.i...l
shipping from British j t P TIPS! tfn UI mito
Through the intercession of the Inter-' ... '
national Longshoremen's association a "-". "' zs. Tlw bolshevikl
: 1 - ... ait 11 f f U tti rr In ...... . 1
, n...b , TCA,C3 on uie nortnern
fiphtinff front in a thrust to break the
cer, with a view 10 hrinirW th J "Rh ,ine an open communication
inff factions together. t wnh KaHt l'nissia. The fiercest fljrht-
1 inir In mt,. 1 1 . .
'"""'in is raiiiris' a one thn nn
. ! milu L-iftl.,tt,i
KltlP Of GreeCe I viIIee are 'changing hands danv!"t,-,l,n' Multnomah which took the six
" land ih n,w.. ,, . . . occupants of the email rmlt to
....... anaoiK w ana xro. .
Hwyania. ftcl Washington coast, aud concern
ing whose fate f.ais had been enter-
r tained .were n pjrtcd today to hav alt
returned safely to Xeah Kay. The re-
Iiorl C:im from in ,,..ti f
j Henh Kay who notified the command-!
IT of I h. li f .. K:ivmf Jiif Knotiomlcfl I
which hud been dispatched in search j
of the hunters, that no assistance wasj
needed. The commander conveved this!
. . 1
information to the Seattle office of the
United States Coast C.uard son ice by
The only canoes caught by the
squall, neennlinsr In the f-ah Mav
(agent, were the two picked up by the
117 w n . u lne ",us are swaying tc
Weds, I s Report
May 23-King Alexander t48 SeCll HlinterS
Reported Safe;
Paris, May
Greece is reported here to have been
married Morganatically to Mndamoi'
selle Manos. daughter of - r
aide de camp to his father. King Con
stantine. The Creek legation in Paris
nas refused to confirm or thi
King Alexander's marriage is said
to have been the riiliiiimii.,n ..
boyhood friendship Th .t..
wifo are living at the same hotel hers.
Canoes Are Lost
Seattle, Wash.. Mnv iti..
utuerg wholie canoes we
reporteu to have been blown far out to
ea on Thursday last, off the north-
Eugene Passes
Aviation Field
Proposal Friday
Eugene. Or.. .Mar 24. The honor nf
having the first municipal aviation
landing field in Oregon comes to Eu
gene as the result of the passage of a
Seen Through
Journal Window
(ly I lie Country Keillor.)
Itefore I hail much to do with help
ing men In their political achievements
I used to think that Camilla thistles
were the hardest things In the World to
kill down 11 ml tho swiftest to spread,
hut I've since learned Unit the .political
sorehead has a cinch on Immortality
that makes the thistle a tiling of pass
ing moment.
1 mil told that a iiuecii bee lays sev
eral thousand eggs a day and delegates
the tending of thei entirely to slaves.
lint even nt (hut rate Mrs. lieu is at n
tleelilet disadvantage in the work of
pcipclu.'UIng the species eonipiiroi
v!lh the p .llrlenl sorehead who keeps
reasanahlv Inisv sowing dissension. A
social scandal In a mall town Is a slow
t Pleader compared to a well directed
nilril of dl' 't'sfactl'Mi w it'i th,. ( ffovts
of a newle in tile statesman.
It's a god Idea to keep the sorehead
i'rop lYmweiT Unlit to the ground and
then cover the spot with rock salt ev
1 -v v:"U of two. In other words give
them Hie Canada, thistle treatment in
its severest form. Kvcn llieii Ihev nr..
sure to show their heads In new places
every little while.
It would seem that a man might tin
will make up his mind right from the
' start to defer being n statenian until
tifler he's dead. If he's n good enough
politician while living, his mourning
constituents and the newspapers will
take care of his promotion to the
itatemiui class after he's gone. So set
it down In the beulnnlnir Hint mint....
tnanshlp In a. luxury to be cultivated in
moments of leisure. Of course it Ifiit't
particularly stimulating to one's pa
triotism to take tills view of the case,
but the pnietlcnl man will square him
cclf to tho net mil conditions ami If
these are, not now tho conditions,
things have changed mightily since I
used to lay awake nights trying to pipe
lines of influence. Into the working de
partment of the nolltlcnl hodv. T no,1
lo think that I had fooled around' the
t.Ue house long enough to get onto all
Ih Important wrinkles that were real
ly workth knowing; hut I have since
Earned that familiarity breeds blind.
nesa ns well as contempt, uml here
after I'll keep away.
Mikado - Suffers
Nervous Relapse
Honolulu. M-.v "k Tk. .ii..... .
. - "iiftiiuo 01
Japan, II. I. M. Yoshihito, suffered
physical and mental collapse about
Mm j, according to the Honolulu Pa
cific Commercial Advertiser, quoting
an unofficial but considered authentic
source. The ndvleea sai.i i, .
fering from locomotor ataxia or n sim
ilar uisease. Ho ,vas llUo affected mei
tally, the advices stated.
A Toklo raid to Nimni Jill ;, .i.,n.
nese vernacular iiiii. i n...
lUill Aprl 1. leiwiw.,,1 il,
-uiji;i ur was
Soldiers of
An .
Allan Dwari
Novel by;
A Restart
u. S. Garage
PHONE 1752
Pollard Comedy
Orchestra Music Evenings
Boy Scout Night
The Used Car Center
Ford Roadster 4-5
Ford Sedan I'llrm
Ford Coupe : . . tiKa
1917 Ford Touring .-.) . 53-.
iviu luuriiio; 29Q
1915 Overland Touring; g2
1914 3-4 Truck ;
1919 International Truck, run 300 miles, cost $2 175
Terms at '
1918 5 passenger Chevrolet in fine shape, LOOK.. 483
1918 5 passenger Maxwell . c,-n
tins is a very good buy
2 35x4 nearly new tires and one 35x4 a to be sold
very cheap -1
1 new $54.00 battery for m m
If you have a car that needs overhauling or any kind of
work on, get in touch with our repair department.
city bonding measures last Friday by 4 Vs. S3. 52; second 44"s, 84.5Q; third
r. majority of S3(5 votes. The measure U It 's, 8S.50: fourth 4'jV, Si.lo- vle-
provides for the purchase of the field I tory J 3-4's, 96.A6; victory 4 S-4's,
that is now used by transient planes at ' 96.1 S.
a cost of 122,000. It received by far!
the greatest majority of any of the five j JV7 Tfm n r, fJrJJ
oonuing measures on the ticket : j m
Clilldrcn Burned ;
Kelso. Wnsh t:ll.- i Tu ,.l,ill T...l.,n.l - I k .
. - -- . Jif uespite the
dren were burned to death nnd three fact that ne precinct in Multnomah
other occupants of the Henry f.loydj county. No. 14. is missing, the count
residence on South Fourth street returns are complete, it became know
Mvui.u iii i-m.iiiK uvni , urn: ioutt .
th house yestcrdny when the structure j There was no primary in the
was destroyed by fire. j cinct, accordingto a long distance telel
Phone message from the Bridal Veil
Ijbert) Bonds. Lumber company's camp at Ialmcr
New York, Jlay 24. Final prices of where the precinct is located. Slareie'
liberty bondstoUay were: a j's, 51.90: Despain, chairman of the election
first 4's, S4.50; second 4 s. j4; first ' board at Palmer, said that no one reg
lc roads. n
In One Precincf,h
" uu tne 1,,, - t .
Mind you!
PHONE 1752
tytimwmntlj or t?n pstkafrs 200
fn-papr r revered
torth home op omce
mopply or when you
Wimton-SaUm, N. C
We Are Overstocked On
Portage Tires
Car Judged On
Operating Cost
Basis Of Claim
"A commercliil car Is Indued on the
basis of its operating ,.Hts costs that
can be flKured In terms of money and
time," snvs F. (i. Delano, local dealer
In Chevrolet passenger and riminier-
eiai cars.
"One of the plnclplt Items of ex
pense s ifii.)llne, Another is tires.
r.cononiv in tlies,. ilmos therefore Is
111' "ort'int
"In select Inir n commercial ear rare
should be taken to see that the motor.
In addition t. belli nieehaneiully de
pemliiliKv 's Vmnvii for lis eeuiioiny In
fuel cont'uiupt Ion.
"The emiell'- f the truck should
he s i we'l m-oportloned to the power
nsto .-..ui In n fitrther ihvIiik of fuel:
nnd also In a savlnit of liros,
"'niitier' 'Miri' eonimeii'liil ears
should h, ....iiMiiii,l Wl'h electric start
ers. This is an Important feature In
saving both imsoline nnd time.
"The inconvenience of ornnklnjr the
motor le i ,,, N unpleasant tl, t,
iiverani. driver. It Is 11 common prac- j
1.. .. . ,.,n, .ml(1 )hi ( j
being loadoa or Is standing: tit a fle-'
llvr. v stop. hi Is waste of Kasoline
ii.mI rues lot , considerable nionev 'r I
" ebc r'c f'ai'lcr eliminates thNi
fXU'.OM,. !- ..... .'., ,h
lence which etuis, d It. !
"In a.t.Ctioii the electric ulnrti-!
sv. s the time required to set the c. '
trol levers, walk to the front of the !
crank a col, cnulno and climb kick to'
the w t. !
"The combined snvlnir nf II
fuel efrected in this wnv Is a substan
tial item. It Is a practical contribution
to the greater economy of commercial
car transportation."
A class of seven will be graduated
this year by district No, 214 in eastern
I.ewU eoumc, Washington. This is the
largest consolidated school district in
th atate, comprising Morton, Mineral
nd Handle.
In order to move
these tires
At 0;
f& mm
W e offer at the following
Portage 30x3 -2, regular $26.15; Sale price ,$i8.90
n t ...
rortage, 30x3, regular $21.60; Sale price $J6j5
Portage, 31x4, regular $38.60; Sale price $27.30
Firestone 30x3 smooth tread QQ
Goodrich 30x3, smooth tread oo
Save Practically 25 On Your Tire Bills
'Avail yourself of this opportunity to buy big tire mileage for
Little Money
Come Early-It's First Come First Served
O 1
oaie wiu last until our stock is sold out
Y&Uey MoiorCa
Not premiums or counon ki
clean cut merit won for Camels'
CAMELS Ififlw tl A r1rMtVi4.
f wuut. iu your my
- . V ' as to how vrwi etonrl it. - t
cigarettes! Camels quaUty and Czll
Domestic tobaccos sahIa f lw
. . -... mai iu your 53K
SS isfaction! And, you'll prefer this CanS
. . w vi.&i ftum smoKea straight!
Camels refreshing flavor alone is a rev
elafion, but their smooth mellow-mildness
and satisfying body just cap the climax!
And, they never tire your taste, no matter
how liberally you go to them! And, youl!
also learn what it means tosmokeaciga
rette free from any unpleasant cigaretty
aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty odor
wucii yuu smoKe jamais.
You've certainlv p-nt a
- j o- vveuutig
Lfor you when you compare Camels with
wsamuo m uic worm at
any price.
ti nil mmmr
What Good Is a Dollar?
It's largely up to you. It depends on how you spend it
on the value to YOU of what you get for it-on
your ability to find where that value is to bad.
Of course, it's all right to shop
around a bit if you like, but why not
let the other fellow make it easier
for you by doing a little shopping af
ter your dollar by showing you
what and where you tan get most of
it for your money?
It's a great idea, once you get the
hang of it, and here's how !
. Right in this paper you'll find doz
ens of advertisements offering you
merchandise. Some things you'll
need today; some tomorrow; some
next week or next year but the
point is that these merchants are
coming to you, looking for your dol
lar and offering the best they have
to get it. . -
You'll find that by reading the ad
vertisements consistently today and
every day, you can increase the value
to yourself of every dollar yo
have to spend. The things you
advertised are almost invariably
represented. The advertisers' state
ments are usually safer to trust than
your own judgment. Advertised mis
representation is business suicide.
Read the Advertisements and Increase the value
of your dollar!
" ouT,triTTvr mmn ir ! inmuoi wimp ,,
I". l!t Mm u., (i