ni " f . f . 'atata hlehwar mmmissinn nronara.Ttoil... n hrt Q.t,.r,.r ni.h c..., , i. - ...i.., .k. , a . t TV tiered in addition' to the usual picnic V" ruins ompieie For Chautauqua At Independence 'state highway commission prepara Jtory to building some bridges In the county. Articles of incorporation filed by T. T. Parker & Son Lumber company; , capital stock estimated at $5000. Th?ir Independence, Ma 24. A commit- Place of business is located a few tea from the civie -I,, .ii ,!miIea vest of Airlie. Vrtt T o s ' i Th county eourt has made an or- mr WrTrt n o ., A tvrae- der granting the county clerk anoth wer. Mrs. O. D. Butler and -Mrs. Clyde er deuutv for his office. ,) i th,, went to Monmouth this week Diana arrangements for the of tha Chautauqua tickets both at the college and in town. The ladies met with splendid cooperation both in the normal and in town. The Civic cluo indorsed the movement and was the only Independence club that signed the contract as guaran tors. Mrs. C. O. Sloper entertained the Ladies Aid at her home last Thurs day. The ladies are working hard on baaaar articles whfch they hope to finish soon. There were several vis itors present and a general good time njoyed. The hostess served delicious refreshments to close the afternoon. Mrs. F. L. Charow entertained the Buena Vista Ladles Rural club at her home Wednesday afternoon. "Amer tcanhsation" was the subject discuss ed during the afternoon and the mem bers responded to roll call with pa triotic quotations. The ladies report ed about 9l as receipts of the chlck n dinner last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Butler were here from Portland last week end, vis iting at the Ward Butler home. Mrs. Harry Patterson of Astoria has been visiting Independence rela tives. Miss Pearl Smith has been reelect ed to a position in the Corvallis Schools. Mrs. Nancy Whltcaker and daugh ter. Miss Vivian, have taken apart ments In Portland and will make their home In the metropolis. Mrs. W. K. Tetherow returned last Wednesday to her home In North Port, Wash. Mrs. Tetherow Is a daughter of the late J. L. WllliamsJ and came lown to attend her father's funeral. Prof. Oren Byers of Albany has been elected principal of the Inde pendence high school. The Misses Ma bel Bnughey and Mans, both of Balm have been retained as Instructors it a substantial Increase In salary. Dr. II. C. Dunsmore and Ira Mix pent the week end In Portland. Kverett Cook, a former Independ ence business man, was here this week tram Portland, Mr, Cook suffered i paralytlo stroke this spring and wis "shut in" from business more than a month. Wm. Dawes went to Mt, fact that the work in the office has "l increased so rapidly that the present force could not handle it. The last year of recording amounted to 11250 more than the previous years work which does not take into- considera tion the added work in probate, cir cuit court and license work; however, Mr. Moore, the county clerk, -believes he can handle it with 'an extra deputy. Polk Towns To Protest Route Set For Highway Dallas, Or., May 14. A big meeting was held la the Dallas Commercial club rooms participated in by Inde pendence, Monmouth and Dallas busi ness men at which time they took ac tion preparatory to objecting to the course laid out for the west side high way through Polk county, which com pletely isolates Dallas and Independ ence. Oscar Hayter, a prominent at torney was appointed as the represent ative of the people of the county to attend to the matter in the future, with he hope of having the highway built on the originally mapped out route by the legislature, which designates that the route shall go through McMinn ville, Dallas, Monmouth and Inde pendence thence south to Corvallis. Modern Woodmen Of Dallas Take In Large Class Dallas, Or., May 24. Prune Center camp of the Modern Woodmen of America held a big class adoption In rAi Gervais Tod Dallas on last Saturday night Sev-jbeg conducted in the circuit eral .neighboring towns joined the cier- room in the court house. rymakers, making an attendance of about one hundred. Fifteen candidates! $eW StOTe OVned UL-er-a initiated nml ov-voi nrith A Bitmn-I . tuous banquet. State Deputy Martin of Portland assisted In the work. The local camp was organized last October and has grown wonderfully, making-a one hundred and fifty -per cent incerase. The officers who are making the work a success are Dr. r. C. Schafer, consul; G. W. Curtis, ad visor; o. C. Dewey, post consul; C Stewart Bennett, banker; Floyd D. Moore, clerk; and L. V. Coffin, chief forester. Annual Pioneer j Picnic Plans Laid Dallas Girl Is Winner Of Auto j In Vote Contest: Dallas, Or.. May 14. A local news paper has been conducting a subscrip tion contest which caused much inter est in all parts of the county and cul minated Saturday night at 8 o'clock. Elsie Forrette ,a clerk in the Dallas Pharmacy, received the highest prlaw awarded, being a new 1920 Nash tour ing car, valued at 11850. Miss For rette is one of the most popular mem bers of the younger set She attended Dallas high school and later entered Capital Business college at Salem. The final reports showed her to be in the lead by six million votes more than her closest competitor. Since the recent fire in the Dallas Christian church which completely gutted the building, all meetings are Siherton, Or., .May 24. The exact dale of the annual picnic of the Waldo Hills Fioaeer association has not yet been deckled, but it is prebubie that c j Gervais, Or., May 14. Extending a ' general invitation to the people of Ger-"the meeting will be held on the third vais and vicinity A. DeJardin was busy " Saturday in June, according to a state- most of the time Saturday serving cof-! ment given out by W. H. Downing, fee and biscuits. The occasion was the .'president of the association. The pic- opening of his new store and the hos- .nic will be held on the Hunt farm in pitality of the new merchant was enithe Waldo Hills as usual, and a pro- joyed by a large numb-1 of prospective 1 gram of unusual interest will be ren patrons. tiered in addition' to the usual picnic dinner. A little later the Wisconsin association will meet in the park in Silverton. June picnic month in this coinm Schools closed in this city Vast Fri day with a program rendered Jointly by. the different grades. Many of the school patrons were present. - A new organ has been purchased for the Presbyterian church and will be delivered in the near future. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAT BEST. ASK FOR and GET orlick's The Original MaSted mk , For Infants and Invalids Avoid Imitations d Substitute Perfect Health is Yours If the Blood is Kept Pure Almost Every Human Ailment U urrectiy Traceable to Im parities in the Blood. Ton should pay particular heed to apy Indication that your blood flupply la becoming sluggish, or that there is lessening in its Strong and fital force. By keeping your blood purified, your system more easily wards off disease that is ever present, wait ing to attack wherever there is an opening. A few bottles of 3. S. S.. the great vegetable blood medicine, will revitalize your blood and give you new strength and a healthy, vigorous vitality. Everyone needs -it just now to keep the syetem in perfect condition. Go to your drug , store and get a bottle to-day, and if you need any medical advice, you can obtain it without cost by writ ing to Medical Director, Swift Spe cific Co., 112 Swift laboratory, At lanta, Ga. COULDN'T RAISE "For the first time In a whole year i am able to do all my housework," suld Mrs. C. Libke. R. F. IX 4. box 66. Taconia, Wash, when a special Angel last Tunhif r..iruu!,,tl,, V,., .1 i .a Friday and returned with his daugh-'nf her n..rk,ii,i., -,,,..., .,m.i . tor, Mildred, who spent the week end 'ascertain the facts, reeentlv. with home folks. Miss Dawes is a stu dent of Mt. Angel academy. Polk County Court Circuit Court Kllzabeth L. Allison v James M. Allison. Complaint filed. Bult for di vorce. Affidavit of mailing complaint i weight, "Tanlac Is certainly the grandest medicine in the world," she continued, "and I Just wish I could tell everybody personally what It has done for mo. Why, my troubles Wive been com pletely overcome ,and I feel bettor than I have in years and have act ually' gained over twenty pounds In besides. BAD BREATH "Trvi mi ft DO YOU WANT your friends to avoid you? They will certainly do so when your breath is bad. There is no excuse for anyone having a bad breatH. It is caused by disorders of the stomach which can be corrected by taking Chamberlain's Tablets. Many have been permanently cured of stomach troubles by the use of these tablets after years of suffering; Price 25 cents per bottle. IgjjEgjIjlMli "" - m jjuuuuuuon. 1 uon l Deueve anyone ever had a Nina e. Collins vs Kalph L. Col-.much worse case of stomach trouble 11ns. Complaint filed. Suit for divorce, and Indigestion than I did. My food The above suit alleges desertion, and . would Invariably sour and I would that the plaintiff Is the mother of, Just suffer agony after meal from jive children born as the issue of said gas on my stomach. I hud no appetite marriage. Plaintiff demands an Inter- and really dreaded to eat on account est In the 411,000 estate, , custody of 'of the misery it caused me. Then I the minor children, 15000 In money had an attack of neuritis In my right for the education of the children, ffiOnnd and knee, and I simply cannot per mouth alimony and costsund dls- j describe the awful pain I went thru, bursoments of suit. I could not use my right hand at all County Court I and for six months I could not even The county court has been In con- raise It to comb my hair. I was badly ultatlon with the engineers of the constipated and would get so weak '' ' and dizzy I could hardly walk across TRY 1WK FOR RIIPTURF the room M nerv were all shat- 1IU IIUO Tim AUriUIVC tered and I would often lie awake all JSew Invention Kont on SO Days' Trial night suffering so I could not sleep. Without Kitpciifie to You Then the rheumatism got In my feet Simply send me your name and T'and ankles and I could hardi get will send you my new copyrighted around. No kind of treatment or rued- rupture book and measurement blank iclne helped me and I got so discour- When you return the blank I will send aged and down hearted I almost gave you my new Invention for rupturj. up hope. When It arrives put It on and weif , "At lust I got Tanlac and I will It. Tut It to every test you can think never get through praltlng it for tf. The harder the test the better you what It hns done for me. My stoinh will like It. You will wonder how you never bothers me at all now and I ant ever got along with the old style cruel eating Just anything I want, and 1 spring trusnes or belts with leg straps think ll the most wonderful thing 1 of torture, Your own good, common ever heard of how Tanlac h:is buiit wiise and your own doctor' will tell me up. The neuritis and rheumntiam jrou It Is the only way In which you can ever expect a cine. After wearing tt 80 days, If It Is not satisfactory In trvery way if It Is not easy and com fortable If you cannot actually see 'your rupture (jetting better, hum If not convinced that a cure Is merely a have left me entirely and, as I said, for the first time In a whole year I am able, to get around and do my housework. I have also been relieved of nervousness and dizziness and enn Bleep every nlnht Just like a child. Before I got Tunlnc I was In such it question of time, Just return It and bad fix that I really thought I could- -ou are out nothing. Any rupture ap- n't get well, but here I am feeling Just illnnce sent on 30 days' trial without fine, so I have the best of reasons Air expense to you Is worth a trial. Te'l praising Tanlac." your ruptured frtonds of this. EASY- Tanlao Is sold In Salem by Tyler's MOLD CO,, 167A Koch bldg., Kansas drug store and leading druggists in City, Mo. (Adv) ether towns. (Advi Standardised Quality No matter where you buy "Red Crown," you always get the same high-quality fuel. It is made to meet the requirements of your engine. "Red Crown- is all-re-finery gasoline with the full and continuous chain of boiling points necei ary for ready starting, quick and smooth acceler ation, steady, dependable power and long mileage. Look for the "Red Crown sign before you fill. STANDARD OIL COMPART (Ctliioraia) Sfhe Gasoline of Quality IL II. CAMFEELL, Special Agent, Standard Oil Co- Salem. Pay as You Go Plan Will help this store sell better clothes for "'".-;' ' ' Less Money Less Profit Greater Vol-ume--Less Oyerhead. The Saving is Yours KNITTED SCARFS For SPORTSWEAR Which can be attract ively worn as throws or with the narrow leath er or knit belts that come with them. These brilliant knitted scarfs add a colorful note to the out door costume and are also a distinct comfort when walking or motoring in the early mornings or' evenings. There is a jaunty air about them that is youthful and entrancing and mey nave found an instant and lasting popularity in sports dom. i ' ' - $4.98 $5.95 S6.95 to $17.50 BABY NAMED LYDIA E, Because Her Mother Was Made Well by Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. h Brooklyn, N. Y. "I eouW not write all my thanks for your blessed medi cine, Lydia ri. 1'inK ham's Vegetable Compound. I was in a very bad con dition and had lost two babies. One of my good friends told me about Lydia . Pinkham's Vege table Compound and after I had taken eight or ten bottles I felt like a differ ent woman. I kent on taking it until my baby girl was born last month and we hare had her chris tened Lydia Eliiabeth. I wish you to publish my letter to benefit other women who are suffering as I was." Mrs. Katherine Kurzbackeb, 1086 Man hattan Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Women who suffer from any feminine ailment should not lose hope until they have tried Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. The many convincing 'testimonials constantly published in the newspapers ought to be proof enough for women who suffer from those distressing ills 4n ..... ai x r i - rnuuni iu mrir oca mat jjjuia xi. i'mkhams Vegetable Compound is medicine they need. Ru.ssell Lk-hey, ape 12, and hl year-old sister, residing a few from SaKm, have collected (16.90 bounty fromthe oouty for 16S gopher' skins. Duroc Jersey Hogs for Sale BRED SOWS SOWS WITH LITTERS BOARS AND GILTS DIABLO STOCK FARM, E. F. Petersen, Dam-ilk Cal . G. W. Emmonsr They are the largest type and the best blood strains to be had anywhere. . Her.d Boars and some of the Sows Lucy Oriona Model California's Defender Diablo Orion Model Defender Colonel, 70th. Lucy Oriona Mayflower Great Wonder 1 am Gano Pathfinders Queen Prise of Tulare Belle Twin Oaks Attraction Lady Dcfendress 70th And SO others. Weanlings, $15.00 each at ranch. A large number alwayj on hand to choose from. Crates $2.50 each, refunded when 1 returned prepaid in good condition. Mail orders- solicited, SATISFACTION OR MONEY BACK. i lttKttfMtt"'","1"MtHttMttlHIHIItiH the Sizes 14Va to 19. Regulars, Slims and extra sizes. Extra Quality. Prices $1.25 to $2.50 Extra heavy blue denim overalls, $2.75 Work Shoes $4.00 to $11.00 Salem Woolen Mills Store C. P. BISHOP, PROP.., ... 138 North Commercial The Retiring From Business Final Curtain Goes Down Saturday, May 29 Next Saturday at 8 o'clock the curtain, at Barnes' Cash Store, goes down for the last time. Fpr more than twenty-eight years we have endeavored to faithfully serve the people of Marion and Polk counties by giving the best possible values for the money received. For extra good measure we now offer the remainder of our merchandise at a further reduction of 33 1-3 per cent or exactly ' THIS IS ' THE LAST WEEK OFF DON'T MISS YOUR LAST CHANCE The fact that we have disposed of one of the largest stocks in the valley, without ostentatious advertising, in a comparative ly short time, makes us feel that the peo ple have taken us at our word. Much of our merchandise has been greatly re,"c. from prices that never reached the top. to reduce them one-third more means tre mendous savings to be realized during tne last week. You may safely take us at our word to the last. Store Fixtures and Shelving Quality Merchandise Popular Prices At Very Low Prices Many have been. 'sold And delivered. We sun nave some good glass cases, plate glass counters, tables, revolving racks, triple mirror, cash carrier system and numerous smaller pieces of store fixtures all at very reasonable prices. Shelving .made of wide spruce, to be knocked down or sold in sections at -J option of purchaser, any quantity at per foot.