THE CAPITAL JOURNAL -IOXDAV, For City By Pilot A municipal landing field for air planes, such os is planned in Eugene and other cities in the state, was urged by J. D. Hill, of the Oregon, Washing ton Ac Idaho Airplane company of Portland, In a brief talk before the business men's luncheon In the Com- j mercial club Monday noon. Mr. Hill, ! who piloted an Oriole to Salem Mon day morning, told of the success of the New York. Jules W. ("Nicky") 1 Senators Defeat Visitors; Slump In First Total A more than average crowd at the Oxford grounds witnessed a worth while game Sunday afternoon between McMinnvllle and the Salem Senators. Despite the. fact that McMinnvllle slip ped on a banana peel in the first In ning and allowed Sulem six runs; Jhe game settled down to a contest in which Salem secured only one addi tional item. The 7-0 score McMinnvllle peaks well for Cole's pitching, the vis itors only landing on Salem hurler for three hits from a lineup of some mighty good willow swingers. Except for Browne, who secured a pass in the fifth inning, Cole allowed no favors, striking out 16 batsmen. Haves was in the limelight with a two-bagger and a trlple-sacker. Mil ler's home run In the first Inning, brought In three men and made Mlk the hero of the day, his right flela . . . , . at KUUU .'II. nve . nmy arc over Hartman on)y that ,t ghouM be roUed an fle for hU arrest said he "frequented t,rua. sign, n un in nr.nmr.nt,.. hieh class hotels and ernmhline nla t' other members of the local club fnct and he fie,d ,g f th eB. H els a flashy" dresser. Once r It 1(1 In n ail In main. I . ... : have been "buried"' 1 in Canadian banks ir. this way. About J759.C00 Is said ! to have been traced to Philadelphia, ! Washington, Baltimore and Cleve- l- , land. ; CretU System Kcvcrfrd Assistant Distgjct Attorney Doolinj of New York, who haa been promi- nent in the Investigation of the Arn i stein case, said thai in four months from Oct,, her 111 there had bee Arnstein, sought by the police of two j more tha 590 bon(, bberies rangins continenta-as the alleged head of a from $500 to 1178,000, and that most band of .swindlers who, by conniv-! of them were "office" Jobs, that is. I.r.. iiw' ..,i .l.... ,. 'done by employes of banks and bros- Municipal Landing lc Ji v nvM A-jlfJ pwindier King is Actress Husband in New York City According to .Mr. rainier ne was road. The accv ' - M. Binkowitx, a ir.?ser.ger employed by Richard c. Whitney imuku -r -...;t ut Salem "when Mr. Simon, driving at a -driving behind tv. . sut, 1 n t, with 1175.00 worth of terrific rate of speed, attempted C curities. was stabbed to death and his rusn ....... v ..uto Gervai - . - ; l , v. .1 I - - -1 body left alongside a road near Mil ford, Conn. Arnstein and his asso- j Mntt-s however, have not been con-, nected with the crime. The police. In , working on the Kinkowitz murder said it waa commuted by the fame band which participated in rh killijg of, Barnet Baff, a wealthy New York poul ( try merchant, in November, 1914. the running board on the car driven was given. ! by Palmer, causing the Simon car to ' swerve into a ditch at the side of the JOL'RNAL A.acro ir.tie W uil the ' SYStem bonding measure for a $22,000 appro- ""s. are said to have stolen fromhad connections every arge city In priation at Eugene for a field, and ex- H.500,000 to $5,000,000 in bonds and j the Uniled statt pressed the hope that immediate steps other securities from Wall Street ..Hidden gtrings are being pulled" be taken here to provide a suitable field. "A few months ago." Mr. Hill aid. "It was felt that aviation was the com ing thing. But I want to tell you now, gentlemen, that it isn't the coming thing; for It is already here. And we must take steps to meet the occasion. There Is no doubt in my mind that air plane transportation in a short time will rank with that of steamship and u,c ,.uu..u . ran... de.cIared Bernard j. jjeGInn, manager an actress, whom he married in 1S17. department of the Araer He disappeared from New York, . 0, fhmiii-h Un ison Gnratv PimnonU wucre ne iwo lavinn.r P- aerground channels which home at Huntington, L. I, on Febru ary last, since which he has been re ported In various parts of the coun try or on the eve of "surrendering" to the authorities. Arnstein is the son of a New York rail, because there is lots of room upjbusines man and 42 "earB oId- The there," and he laughed. police say he is as well known in The landing field southeast of the ! F ranee and England as in tie United city is "a good field." Mr. Hill said. States. Circulars offering a reward worked in a way to make the fans be lieve that Rupert or Moosejaw would have harder sledding were they to re turn. Fred Garner was a new face In , the family group, securing one of the hits from Brown and showing possi bilities at third base after he gets bet ter acquainted with local grounds and players. As usual, Billy Stepp filled In the dull moments. If Al Barnes clown-hunter ever gets wind of Billy, the Portland News will sure lose a scribe. Kreitz, Pearson and Loop were the Nestles' Food stars, Kreltz Knowing his old time snnpplness behind the bat. While speaking of catchers, a good word must he trnld for Krache of Sa lem, nine nutouts, two asists and a run being on his slate. After the first inning the visitors showed hettet In enrh innlnc. nnlv alln. ping a bit in the eighth. Browne work-! ed hard for McMinnvllle but could not lteep the local boys from landing. He Issued five passes, struck out eight men and allowed seven hits. Summary: R. H. E. Salem 1 4 McMinnvllle 0 3 8 Lineup of the teams: McMinvnllle Berg, If; Hutt. 2b; Pearson, lb; Johnson, cf; Fletcher, 3b; Krtltz, c; Loop, rf; Oslxorne,' ss.; Brown, p. Snlem lllshop, lb; Holmes, If; Proctor. 2h; Hayes, rf; Kracke. c; MHlcr, fs; Stepp, cf; Garner 3b; Cole, P. ..Umpires Burton and Davis. size. County Returns 'Are Short Of Bookings A lnte summary of election returns made In Clerk Boyer's office shows that approximately 9566 Marlon coun ty voters participated In the primary election of May 21. This is taken from the ballot cast for president in the re publican and democratic listings. The average vote on .the measures was 9159. The 1920 registration gave a total of 17.458 voters In this county. This In dicates that only about 60 per cent of Marion's electors ventured near the j polls Friday. Koser To Drop Deputy Title By Agreement Sum A. Koser, deputy secretary of state for the pnst eight years, Is ex pected to drop the "deputy" from his title and become secretary of state of Oregon on June 1, under the agree ment contained In a statement Issued toy Governor Ooott last Janunry to the eftect that he would resign the secretaryship himself and appoint as his successor the republican nominee tor the office, . Although Governor Olrott has stat d hertofore that he probably would await the official canvass of the prim wry vote before taking any action, Kozer's enormous lead over all other candidates for the office and the fact that his nomination Is conceded with out question, it la believed, will prompt the governor to take the action neces sary to a change In the secretaryship portfolio Immediately upon his re turn from Stockton, Oil., for which place he was bound today in an air plane flight from Blaine, Wush. A well founded rumor about the capital Is that John W. Cochran, Portland newspaperman and chief clerk of the state senate for several ssIons, will become deputy secretary of state upon Kosor'a assumption of the secretaryship. Cochran la secre tary of the state republican central committee. Man Sought By Spokane Police Dies In Mexico Spokane, Wash., May 24. Herbert T. Irvine, a mining broker of this city, who jUsappeared nearly a year go for horn a warrant charging rand Jftfceny In connection with al-. legefl stock transactions luter was Is sued, did May 13 in Mexico City fol lowing a surgical operation, accord ing to Information reutiWd by the lo aj office of an Insurance company from Mrs. Irvine who Is In New York. She said the body was being sent thei'c lor Interment. Ex-Soldier Dies At Hospital Here Alois Kepla, 23, a former soldier, died nt a local hospital ut 12:30 a. ni. Monday. The body is being held lit the parlors of the Rigdun & Son com lnny, 252 North High street, pending i,i it.iisenients for the funeral. Mr. Kreplaa parents are In Bohe mia, but a sister, Louise Sevclk; cous in, Anter Krepla and a brother-in-law Frank Sevclk, reside In Snlem. Burial will be in City View ceme tery, but the hour had not been set for the funeral late Monday nfter-noon. Burglary Fizzles When Man Returns The arrival of Paul Miller at his' home Fridav night, Norway and Fifth I t reels. Is thought by police to have; frustrated an attempt to burglarise the, Miller residence. A s Mr. Miller entered his home he saw a man come from around the cor ner of the house In great huvte, and hatloss. His wife, according to his story to police, declared that she had, b"1 s commotion in the front of the ' Em5 but Jlftd thought nothing of It, and had not Investigated, I InsjM'ctlon of the rooms In the front ' of the Miller home the next morning did not reveal the loss of anything. j when arraigned in court, he appear ed In a blue serge suit, a polka dot necktie and a pink silk shirt. Eight years ago Arnstein was ar rested in London and extradited lo Ne wYork for swindling William E. Shinks of Springfield, Mass., out of 115,000 by means of worthless stock. Sentenced to two years In Sing Sing prison, Arnstein served less than a year. Six other members of the band were later arrested in San Francisco, Toklo and Baltimore. Shortly after Arnstein's disappear ance last Febnuijfe a federal judge in New York issued an order enjoin ing 600 or more banks and deposi tories In the metropolis from dispos ing of any money, stocks, bonds r other securities Arnstein might have on deposit in them. He was known to have six safe deposit boxes in various public vaults. According to the po lice, Arnstein, together with his as sociates obtained the stolen bonds and other securities from the messengers and runners and took them to various cltj.wjiere they were put up as col lateral 'for loans The boys or men who committed the thefts received than 2.76 percent of alcohol oy lss than one quarter of their vaUe weight was signed by Governor Smith 'and, in' some Instances, nothing at today. - ' all. More than $500,000 was. said to Bill Legalizing Near Beer Signed Albany, N. Y.,lay 24. The Walk er bill, legalizing the manufacture and sale of beer containing not more seem to undermine most of the financial dis trict Leaks, it seems, are taking place within stock exchange houses and it looks as though an organized Intent srence service is In operation." Arnstein's name, according to the police records, came into prominence in the case last February In collec tion with the arrest in New York of Joseph and Edward Gluck, broihers, Herbert and Rudolph Bunora and Ed ward Furey, bank and brokerage mes sengers in Wall street. He was spec ifically charged with receiving 42,000 worth of . Crucible Steel certificates stolen from a New York brokerage house. -Some of the prisoners stated that Arnstein and his alleged partner, Nicholas Cohn, for whom rewards of $2,500 are offered, had received from them and disposed of more than $2, 300.000 worth of bonds and other ne gotiates. Shortly after Arnstein's flight last ebruary, hearings were held in the fed eral court in New York to have hint aljudged an involuntary bankrupt. It was there charged that "his assets con sist of many thousands of dollars." Surrender Promised. A few weeks later, a New York law yer, who said he was counsel for the fugitive, reported he had met Arnstein In Cleveland and that he had told him he was "innocent" of the bond theft charges and would surrender If bail was fixed at $35,000. .He said Arnstein had rheumatism and feared imprison ment in a cold .damp cell in the Tombs if more than this amount of bail were demanded. He said Arnstein had told him he had won $18,000 In a crafl game in Cleveland and lost $82,000 the next night in the same place. The bond thefts, which have been go Ing on for months In New York, took a tragic turn In 'one case. Benjamin Voman Injured In j Auto Smash bouth Of Gervais Sunday A woman, whose name was notj learned by police, riding with John, Simon, of West Salem, sustained sev- eral cuts about the hands and face.j jand her body considerably bruised, i i necessltatin the attention of a phy-l sician, in a collision on the Pacific! Highway south of Gervais, at about i 10 p. m. Sunday of autos driven by! Mr. Simon and Kimball B. Palmer of' 394 North "Church street, Salem. Re port of the accident was made to po- lice late Sunday night by Mr. Palmer. Auction Sale Wednesday, May 261:30 P. M 807 South Commercial St. HIGH CLASS FURNITURE See Big Ad Tomorrow . COL. W. F. WRIGHT, Auctioneer, Second Concert Third Season The Apollo Club of Salem, Ore. In Concert With MADAM WINIf RED FAHEY, Soprano Grand Theatre, Wed. and Thurs. Nights, May 26-27 Seat Sale Opens Wednesday, 9 o'clock a. m. Opera House Pharmacy Frices Lower Ioor and Balcony $1.50 Gallery, 75 Cents Dresses TAFFETAS MESSALINES GEORGETTES SERGES TRICOTINES Coats TWEEDS POLO CLOTH SERGES TRICOTINES AND OTHER LEADING FABRICS A Remarkable Showing Of WOMEN'S Ready-to- Wear APPAREL Will be found at the J. C. Penny Co. store and you will find that you will be able to get what you want for less money Silk wes........$i2.5o to $39.50 Wool Dresses $18.50 $45.00 Women's SHS......$27.50 $54.75 Women', Coats --S19.50 ' $44.75 Skirts, wool orsilk....$Q, to $16.50 White Wash Skirts .-$2.98 0 $9.90 Ladies Silk and Cotton Waists r I I 1 ll WARNER'S CORSE rrr . tamer s Are like United States Lib erty bonds all value. They carry the strongest guaran tee of any corset. They are made by the Warner Bros. Co At Bridgeport, Conn., who have been making corsets for nearly fifty years and now operate the largest cor set factory in the world. i Every Corset Is guaranteed not to rust, break or tear. PRICES $2 $2.50 $3 $3.50 $4 $4,50 $5 . , : , -S i V ' ' A , - i- l GALE & COMPANY f ..i i i i Commercial and Court Streets Formerly Chicago Store 8B8B8B We have a representative showigg of the market's best pro ductions in popular priced waists MLn WAISTS COTTON WAISTS....... $5.90 TO $18.50 $1.49 TO $4.98 MIR. WORKING MM You know by experience that it pays you in the long run to buy good work clothes. We now offer you the chance to get the best, most serviceable and most satisfactory, for about the same price you pay for the poorer quality. Men's extra heavy blue denim overalls $2.75. Less than today's market price wholesale. . M en's Carpenter's and Painters over alls $2.50 to $4.00. Men's Work Shirts, regulars, slims, i and extra sizes, $1.25 to $2.50. i ' . Work socks 15c to 35c. Work shoes, Red Wing, prices $4.50 to $11.00. Come in and investigate. -You are under no obligation to buy. YOU DO NOT TAKE A CHANCE TO LOSE IF YOU PURCHASE HERE Salem Woolen Mills Store c. p. bishop, prop. ; EVERY FAMILY IN MARION AND POLK COUNTIES h PATRON b -LI . w i JOURNAL WANT ADS TAY EEST.