Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 22, 1920, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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    .t U'AY.r.IAY 22, 1C
. wo: a i" " -
inseru ----
" on month -i cents;
; s per month 12 cents; miii,
f. ad -i cents.
1 B only in New Today.
fich to advance and not tak
! W Bhone unless advertiser has
i X account No allowauc for
i nOG"- -
A surrey. Address lit.
il f S
-:.. ... 11.1.4. -tl 1 :.l,.l
r'f S'. Commercial. 123
s-Tle Six Chester White pigs,
Vwwk old. Phone 95F13. el -'5
fAl-E Building 10x20 suitable
L prage. 6i3 N. Winter. Phone
1M5W. Zlll
fKNT 2 furnished housekeepr
rooms upstairs, by themselves.
4; I Union
vn. i.; rhnna SRF99
lor l)aeiv"&. -
ToTEO M" 11 to noe loganberries,
j Mucks front end of lith street
MP line. T. L. Davidson. g!2.i
TjorSfc for sale, 445 Richmond ave.
Possfsion June 1. Call at 81 S.
JTh St. 8125
k'OR SALb 13 ownei, o room nouxe
on paved street, electric lights, city
irater. barn and hen house, less
than 2 blocks from ' Wittenburgr &
King evaporator. 2 biff lots. 9
fruit trees. If sold soon only $2700.
part terras.. Box A. I. care Capital
l.urnai. -' - 12:i
ilK SALE Two Jersey cows. 3 and
4 gallons a day. $75; 1 Jersey and
Durham. 5 gallons a day, $85. Rt.
j, fox 78, next to cottage farm, el 25
WANTED A piano to use for storage
and care, no children. R care Jour
nal. 123
i'OR SALE By owner., 4 room hous,
electric lights, oily water, l'Woek
from pavement, corner lot. See own
er at 14S0 liellevue between ff ami
10 a. m. or phone 2073R for ap
pointment ' ' - 1 n"124
WANTED By married' man, position
in Salem, good penman, can .1o
bookkeeping, clerking, etc. Whit
have. you?. .Address- X. - C- D care
Journal. '"'.' hi 25
IIARKT if lonely; for. results, try
me: .best and most successful
"Home Maker;" hundreds rich wish
marriage soon; strictly confiden
tial; most reliable; years experi
ence: descriptions free. "The Suc
cessful Club," Mrs. Ball, box 656,
Oakland, Calif. 277
WANTED To hear from owner of
food, ranch for sale. State cash
price, full particulars. D. F. Bush,
Minneapolis, Minn. "-
SPIRELLA corsets sold by Mia. Alice
A. Wiles. 451 N. 21st. Measures tak
en, fit guaranteed. Home Thursday
anernoon. rnone moaj .
PRETTY photos and descriptions of
ladles anxious to marry, rich to the
working girl; strictly confidential.
Box 86, Sta. C, Los Angeles, Cnl.
F1RSA class loganberry tips wanted.
Ward K. Richardson, 2395 Front St
Phone 595 or 1267M. !
RR SALE Fresli cow and calf,
young Jersey, i'hone 65F21. 124
FOR SALE 6 loom modern house,
-close In, paved street. Price $1600,
half cash. Inquire 1073 Oak St. 12 3
WANTED Canary birds. Phone 2016
v or call at 411 N. Summer. 1124
WANTED Woman wants work by
hour. 50c. Call 667.1. hi 21
WANTED if en with Ford cars to
irork home territory or travel; earn
110 to $25 daily. Write for particu
lars. Barrett Motor Starter Mfg. Co.
1777 Broadway, N. Y. City. 123
ui'irugp carrying xioo stock
bonus in big Texas Royalty com
pany, free with each ten acre tract.
Complete salesman's kit with full
details furnished. Sells on, sight
big commission. Work in your own
community among friends. Possi
bility of $400 to $500 a week. Ad
dress Sales Manager, 521 Cooper
bllg., Denver Colo. 19.1
1 nr.-. .
ul t twenty per cent. On family
account J have to return east In a
hort time and must sell mv subur
ban home first, with stock, imple
ments and furniture, all told worth
J9000. will cut to $7200. Good com
fortable house, barn, etc, fruit of
nil kinds, good soil, 10 minutes
from car. Write F Capital Journal.
, al24
fOR SALE Late model Ford' tour
i ,'r 1 canditIon. good rubber,
-: bugs $325 and up; bug bod
' 0; 1918 Chevrolet for Ford.
' f. Liberty St. 123
1?,.,, ..... :
CHANGE Ten acres of
tine bottom land, all in crop, to ex
change for house and lot hi Salem.
Pnce $2oon. w. H. Grabenhorst &
-0 27a State St ni'i.t.
r!i 1 ''UU1' unfurnished rooms
Jne 2072M. U25
TO El'Y A iiilantilv .,f iiaoil
fo-teeth. Phone 1205Mor box 194
aem 1 1 5
A KARX f,. flull; imUil.e at 630
inter St. P124
KE J. v. Jiunley,- collar digging,
"avy team work. Chervy City
J!!'""e 19j. m!4:l
,Ft'K SALE Span of mules 5 and 6
, .ware old, weight about 2000, good
workers, and sound; just right for
ojThard work. Clnh stables. 123
For Sale Houses.
i," bALE 6 room , bungalow.. 2
Jjse lots $1650. Box C care Jour-
. n" n
S,ALf'' 7 room house, good
fn.?PJot on car lln. a kind "f
PrIce 1850. Hart & Muller,
gjgii bldg. n
k,SAL.E5 room house close in;
ton l'n- Hart & Muller. 208 Ore-
Fin!,Ai"ii'By owner, beuutiful 7
In 1 :,,em hme. strictly modern
- n ryJl'ay' A" conveniences. $.
CaLf Write Ho9e 100 care
fii22irnn!: . ai23
t iS-Ai'K10 Toom modern house
loi .-.. ourt sfect. large corner
, garage. Price $7500.
' 9tr?m.h0U86 at 373 N- Church
nL .An excllcnt location and
to r,7 th money. Price 4750.
corn.?"? .hou at 89a 8- pt-
:rf', tiv
room bungalow with fireplace and
4000. Mrs. Winnie
Jobn, 275 State ectreet Tel.
with'"!1'' inree room couagt
kwtrt. h'0? Pant . large- cJost,
. ehteklnlLBht city wat'r' troIt room
i .n k.u"e and ard' larW "r-
7jl"'n St Phone 1787W2. al27
uh u rr :
son. business and one ware
tcr Qn 8ame ,ot8' Including wa
hDei 803 N- Llberty SL W'
Heishi ' gd improvements, Salem
In g,il c!oa to car: aI house
Hal m cheaP- Address R 8 Jour-
'VllTrvTl . .r
3r acre to trade for
A B " j"c 450. easy terms. Box
T-rr-J:Puni Journal
At ft L-i, . r
ll in , ""le out no buildings. 1
H'0 mfinf 8oi1' Pri $7500.
Peed ; -LI",IM" ,his- Pearson A-l
wa- 40 a Oreerm hirt.
huH jiaLK 2$ acres ail
in ptiJt.v,.
tion. good S room ul.-isio-o.i h.,..,, I
barn ,1 ,h ... ... ",V; " """"
.,.!: .l.Tl.w 4"i...7". "cn;
tion, 5 Vj miles from Salem. A bar-'
gain. Hart & Muller. SOS Oregon
1.' . li I 1 . , , . 1 "'-
" i
Di.t. msniy improved 300
Clover" actn l heat KS"d i
TL,ll JF.,d.-pasture' '"i
.,. j,,.,,, , new nine;
rrMim httniilnnr f .,11 u. -L .
.... " , .un iwieui LWSe- ,
ment. furnoA ha t K j ,,,r'x
, , iwi. aul COIU ;
water, fine large barn and garage, j
lots of fruit, hard surface road in!
front of farm. Prion -i.H
per acre, terms. Hart & Muller 208 i
Oregon bldg. ' ' n
FOR SALK 110 acre, g nules fro.ui
Salem, 50 acres in crop, balance '
pasture with some good timber; !
family orchard, good buildings'.!
CH .CE close In berry land, 1 acres'
,tZ V7 UmitS I
i Ce,"?ter , carllne on
. u ... .wu. &ii Luniinvru, pos-
ession at once. Price $3600, good
terms. 8.11 acres adjoining tho
above land, black loam, all ready
for- planting. Price $2800. Haw
kins and Roberta, 205 Oregon bldg.
Phone 1427. b
(TOR SALE acres located close in
en the Garden road, mostly all in
Iruit; fine new house under con
struction. Offered for a few days
only at $13,700. Would consider
trade on a well located house in
Salem. If you are looking for some !
thing good see Fred W.
OTae. 275 State St. . . .
Durbin at
FOR SALE 44 acres 7 miles from
Salem on good road, all in crop,
good buildings, silo and water sys
tem; fine location. Price with erop
$9600. Hart & Muller, 208 Oregon
bldg. -
FOR SALE 10 acres all in cultiva
tion 3 miles out on good gravel
road; 6 room' house, a .fine barn,
chicken house and pens,-l acres
of logans, and plenty of family
. fruit, crop all in; immediate pos
session, $6000, $2000 cash, terms nt
6 percent. Pearson and Peed, 405
Oregon bldg, n
FOR SALE 40 acres, about 4 miles
out. 26 acres plow land, 14 acr?s
; pasture and timber, about 500 cords
of fir and oak timber, 2 acres or
chard, some logan and strawberries
set out this spring. -all house,
spring water piped to -jouse. Price
6000. W. H Grabenh it & Co.. 275
Stata street. nl23
FOR SALE 150 acres 8 miles out
on good road, new 7 room bunga
low, large barn in fine shape; 50
acres of crop in; woven wire fenc
ing. Place all properly tiled. A
fine home and a good buy. Price
$120 mi acre, y, cash, terms 6 per
cent. Pearson and Peed, 405 Ore-
gon bldg. . n
5 ACRES all in cultivation and crop
located in Hollywood, no buildings.'
Price $1500, H cash. Pearson and
Peed, 405 Oregon bldg.
For Sale Miscellaneous.
FOll SALE Seven tons good, clean
Vetch-oat hay; loose, $15 ton at
' barn. Phone 6F3. cl25
FOR SALE Hemstitching and dress
making establishment. Room 10
McCornack bldg. cl22i
FOR SALE Good range stove $25.
Call at Leo lloerfler's residence, box
231, Rt. 7, Garden road. cl25
FOR SALE Or trade for land, a new
up to the minute farm lighting and
power plant. Large capacity Phone
488. ' - ' nl23
FOR SALE One-horse light spring
wagon in good condition; also sin
gle harness. John P. Murphy, 2275
. N. Front. ' ' cl'2:i
A BARGAIN For sale 20 acres, 5 in
, loganberries, 00 fruit, tres, ,ap'f
pies and cherries, all kinds of ber
ries; horse, wagon and farming
tools;-house and barn, At Concom-j
ley, Or., Oregon Electric R. R, L.
' W. Dilley. -- b!24
CLOSING OUT all used pianos to
make room for new pianos arriv
ing. Such makes as Chickering,
Ludwig and Hobart M. Cable, at
greatly reduced prices. This is your
chance to buy a fine piano,- The
Wiley B. Allen Co.,, 519 Court St.
FOR SALE New improved Morrison
hop press and two hop house tup
naces. Wj J. Turnidge, Talbot vla
Jefferson, Or. Tel. Jefferson 36F
22. ' . c!27
SOME special low prices on fine used
) pianos for a few days only. Come
today, we have a piano that will
please you at a price you can ar
ford to pay. The W'iley B. Allen Co..
619 Court Rt. 124.
THREE fine organs at closing out
prices. Must make room for new
pianos arriving. Easy terms. 819
Court St. 124
For Sale Nursery Stock.
.JTTERS1SURO NO. 121, Gold
Dollar, Oregon and Wilson straw
berry plants at reduced prices while
they last. Ward K. Richardson,
2395 Front. Phone 494. d
SEED potatoes 7c per lb. Burbanks
and Pride of Multnomah; also for
table use. Leo Doerfler, Salem, Gar
den road end of pavement, . d!26
STRAWBERRY plants in any quan
tity. Etterburg 121, uom uoiinr,
Trebla, Lady Goshwell. Wilson.
Thrifty well rooted plants. City de
livery. Ward K. Richardson, 2395
vmnt Rt Phone 494. d
SEED potatoes, we have about fifty
sacks left that we will sell at four
cents; also have table stock to sell.
Mangis Bros., 642 State St. Phone
717 d123
THE famous Etterburg 121 straw
berry plants. Best canner and
shipper. A very heavy producer
when not exhausted raising plants.
' Vigorous healthy plants. Low prlc
.es in large quantities. Ward h
rMt,or,l,r,n 2396 Front .St. d
FOR SALE Tomato, pepper ana egs
plants. Crego asters. Snapdragon
-...i t ,,lfanii. nlAnts. W. H. H.
Dodce. Rt. 7, box 38. Phone 1736
i.uge, ., dl4(.
to &wc -me Ft6ofc6
-rue button hooh i
lTTTj , i , , .
l setd potatoes
,er CUud Kan
sden. Prai-
un,. Or. Phone
110F32. c!2?
' or Sale Livestock,
'fo KSALKows. Phone 1TSV4.
FOR SALE Choice O I C uias. eith
" 8 iTC.'l. strain
Pigrees furnished. Kent Bros..
SALE 4-year old Jersev-lur
ham cow giving 4 gallons pjr day,
fresh 2i months. Mejvin Lien,
Macleay. Or. el25
fc OR SALE Brood sons to farrow
'his month, $30 and up. Also some
smalt pigs, all sizes? $a and up. L.
F. Hill. Rt. 8, box 125, Salem. Or.
Phone 69F4. el3;i
t or Nile to ooa. .
FOR SALB-Second grow fir wpod
$9.50 per cord, sawed:
$10.50. Call 1953.
FOR SALE-Wood. First class l,m.
nd toot mill wood. Special pric-
w car lotSv Prompt delivery.
Also dry cord wood. ' Phone 1542,
Office 305 S. Church. Fred E.
Wells. ee
For Sale Poultry
FOR SALE Hatching eggs reduced,
Anconas, strong vigorous laying
stock $1.50, $3, $10." W, G. Pear
mine. Phone 9SF2. f!25
FOR SALE 2 Plymouth Rock rooa
ters. good stock. Phone 1271. fl25
FOR SALE White Leghorn baby
chix, 15 cents each, hatching Mon
day., Y R. Baker,, phone 68F2.
" ' fl23
WANTED Fifty to seventy five
Rhode. Island or Plymouth Rock
chickens, six to eight weeks old,
good strain. What's your price? Ad
dress It. It. LeFurgy, Marion Hotel
or Monmouth Orchard Co., Mon
mouth, Or. 124
1919 CHEVROLET $250 cash, re
mainder on easy payments. Cherry
City Garage. 170 S. 12th St. i
FOR SALE 19 ft Ford bug. Phone
79F4 evenings q!23
FOR SALE One-ton trailer. B. C.
Zielinski, Salem, Rt. 9, box 111A.
Will sell cheap q!25
FOR SALE 6 cylinder Studebaker
car, suitable for light truck, will
make good bug. Phone 353. q
FOR SALE-r-'18 Ford bug, demouunt
able -iims, dimmers, shock absorb'
.'- ers." storaga battery, top, tilting
windshield,' horn and lots of ex
tras: Phone- eve -H4F3. ql23
WE, give liberal terms on our car
sales. 1919 Maxwell $850; 1919
Chevrolet $750; bcjth cars are per
fect mechanically.- :1917 Maxwell,
a good, buy. In addition to these we
- have some Fords .cheap. Cherry
City Grtrage, 170 S. 12th St. ql24
LATE 1918 Chevrolet touring car for
gale, in A-l condition. Call at Cher-
'"rv'dtV feetf barns.' o1'3
MILLER tires are good tires.
Velie Co., 162 N. Com'l.
ORDERS. taken for crochettlng. Phone
1060W after five o'clock, room 3.
WANTED 4000 loganberry tips. L.
S. Arnold, Rt. 4, phone 65F11. 125
WHY use mill ru nwhen you can Duy
our uoiaen Dairy oou ax tne nana
price and gefbetter results? A trial
is convincing. Composition, moist
ure 11 percent, protein at least 14
percent, fat at least 4 percent, fiber
not over 10 percent. Farmers Pro
duce Co.. 160 S. High. ml25
WANTED $2000 on good improved
'real estate security. Socolofsky, 341
State St. " . 4123
PECOS valley, Texas, oil found at
60, feet. Many wells drilling. Your
opportunity to become independ
: en. Five year Jeases; geological re
' porta and abstract of title. Five
- acres, $60. C. R. Banning, u850
Hollywood blvd., Los Angeles.
PORTLAND Eugene Auto Express.
Regular trips. Household goods;
merchandise. Call Capital Garage,
173 g Liberty. Phone 88. 1140
SEE J. W. Maiming for garden plow-
Cherry C ty barns! Phone 1119. m!23
. 2 r r r-: ?rr
THANSFER j-L.;A. -Barnck Co
wouniry iripa, i.
Und 271 North
' 1
sale. Good service. Stan
Commercial: Phone
T Wanted Help, i
WANTED Painter, I would like to'
meefpainter and paperhanger wuni
nhlnr.t of forming & working part
nership. Prefer man acquainted
' with city. Am house and sign paint
.' er Have auto. References exchang
' ed. Address C R B care Capital
Journal. ' ml 22
GIRL or lady wanted for housework,
nice 'hom and easy work to com
petent person. 1277 S. Commercial.
Phone 869. 124
WE want a live, wide awake courte
ous boy 16- years old, to carry Cap
ital Journal route paying between
$50 and $60 a lirtmth. Circulation
Dept. Capital Journal.
WANTED Girl or woman to wasu
dishes and sweep. Apply Willam
ette Sanatorium. - g!23
j WANTED Competent dining room
ana Mlicnenneii., av uio dwio
for the blind, phone 21. ' S
WALLBOARD" can be used over
lath and papered or tinted. Max
O. Buren, 179 N. Com!
'WALLPASTE" perfect ior paper
hanging, no cooking. Max u. Bur
en, 179 N. Com'l. a
en 179 N. Com'l. a 1 3 i mate sir..
Now Jeff possesses a wderful gift from Mutt
THt. vwiTef "me rBwT.r to
cikul ocTOPoV THAT
- .
V aiittHi Miscellaneous.
WANTED Abvmt 20 boards. .,, nJ
j v K-nm. is v iil., ,
Salem. Phone S21M. ji2:i
WANTED Board and room
vate family. P. O. box 2 3 1.
Lost and Found.
OAT Meal Paper, 20-inch tan, extr
special, S4o double roU. Max O.
Bnren, J7 N. om"L
WALLPASTE'' perfect for papei
hanging, no cooking. Max O. Eur
en. 179 N. rvml.'
WALL paper 25c double roll and up.
Max O. Buren. 179 N. Com'l. m
SLEEPING rooms by day or month at
492 . Cottage. Phone 1186. , j!33
FOR RENT 8 "room semi-modern 8
room bungalow In Kingwoud park.
West Salem-; immediate possession.
See owner in. house or address '!'. E.
Kupnemaker. Rt. 2. Sulem.- j!23
WANTED To rent small . modern
house close in, for the summer. A J-
aress Pox K o care Journal. 135
FFiCE rooms for jrent, steam beet,
splendid janitor service. 205 Ore
gon bldg. Phone 1427.
fOR RENT Furnished downtown
sleeping room for gentlemen, stean
heat, by the month. Phone 1427.
205 Oregon bldg.
951. 829 OREGON bldg. a
FOR SALE 20 acre orchard, large
trees, mostly prunes; also promising
cherry crop, soine. mixed fruit; 5
room house, barn, hard surfaced
road; Rosedale red hill district. 7
miles south of Salem. Trees are
loaded with fruit; chance for you
to make some money. Immediate
possession. Price today $10,000, 1-3
cash, balance 6 per cent,
405 Oregon bldg: n
1& acres bearing logans, 3 just set
out, 2 acres 10-year old prune trees,
1 acre of apples, cherries, pears, mix-
ed fruit and berries; 5 acres of oats
and vetch, 5 aCres of corn, H aco of
garden; good pasture for three cows,
with good house, 7 rooms. High prea
sure' water system 4o the buildings.
House electric lighted, hot and cold
water, bath and toilet. Tractor and
all good farm implements with stock
goes. $15,000, Close In on Paciflo
John H. Scott Realty Co.
228 Oregon bldg'.'"' - al06
Best Buys.
10 anrps 4 mi 1pm frnm optiIpi nt Sn-
Iem g acreg , cuiUvntion, 1 acre in
timber, family orchard; 4 room bun
galow, good barn and 1 poultry hoeses
Price $7500.
5 acres lft miles east of Salem,
family orchard -and some prunes; 8
room house, fair barn. $5250, with
20 acres very best soil, well drain
ed; 2 acres prunes, 2 apples and pears
some cherries and; walnuts; small
house, fair barn. $6000
' 40 acres, 25 In -icsltlvatlon, balance
timber and pasture) 4 ft', miles from
Ladd, & Bush bank; small house,
spring water piped to house; 2. acres
orchard set with strawberries, iVi
acres strawberries, outside of orch-
ara- a( acres logans. ,ouu terms.
13 acres 1 mile from Liberty
store, 10 acres set to prunes with lo-
gans set between, some cherries and
90 acres, 70 in cultivation. 20 in
timber; 27 acres in fruit in full bear-
ing about ft prunes and ft cherries;
f hou(.lir . barn 2 good
A Bnni
TslTnco ea 'nCme
60 acres, 25 acreg prunes, 8 apples,
S cherries and 2 walnuts all in full r,r. ,1 It rimm mnH.rn hnllMA
fair barn and 8-tunnel dryer, good
well and water system; estlnmtel In-
"" - t--,
143 acres, 90 acres In cultivation,
balance pasture and timber, family
orchard; best valley and bottom soil:
8 room modern house, number 1 barn
and other outbuildings; 1 .mile from
school and 7 miles from' good town.
22 acres all in fruit, 18 acres in
prunes, 1 acre lpans, 2 acres tipples
and 1 ncre cherries, 2 acres logans
planted In prune orchard; 6 room
house, fair barn and other buildings,
at school and store. A fine place for
home or Income. $14,000, terms.
15 acres, 10 acres in good timber,
nearly all tillable when cleared, fine
spring and creek on place; only 3
miles from Salem on a geod gravel
road. $2000 on very-easy, terms, can
pay for it out of the wood.
9 rooms on Court street, no better
location in city. $5000 terms.
6 rooms-on 18th street, modern ex?
cept furnace. $:I200. ,
7 rooms o" n 2 1st street,, city water.
$1200. .
9 rooms on Centet street,' modern,
fine loeatlon'. $6500. . ...
10 rooms on Center street, modern,
basement, paved street; furnished.
Only $4600, easy terms.
15 room modern apartments, clone
in on High street, with a 3 room an
nex, income- now $100 per month, a',1
furnished ready for business. Only
$85o0, terms.
... . Socoloiaky. .
S41 state street. n
At o
' aM1B , -,,! I IN I 1 lllllllIHI.-.l..L-SI .111.1 I III.,.
ISO acres. goid 2 springs.
,1'Ki acres in cultivation, 10 acres in
Prunes; timber and' family orchard.
miles south in prune district. Verv
special at $160 an acre.
S3 acres with full farm equipment.
including 9 dairy cows and 150 .chick;
ens, tor
69 acre dairy ranch, including 6
cows. team, harness and wagon, ami
other farm equipment at 9000.
0 acres with IT axres in fruit of
which 15 acres are hearing prunes.
Eight miles from .Salem, $16,000.
41 acres 3-4 mile fro oicar: all in
cultivation; large barn; some fruit;
fine loganberry or potato land. $SOO0
20 acres, no buildings; 16 acres un
der plow; some good timber; living
water. Good fruit or loganberry land,
and can be bought on terms at $2750,
or will trade for city property or acre
age,. -. : ... . ..
A beautiful eight room home, fully
modern, east front and on paved
streets. Easy terms at $6500.'
Another modern home - or seven
rooms, east front, on pawed street.
garage, and on carline. A snap at $5,-
ooo.. - . . .
A five room bungalow with lot 55x
100 feet paved street. $3675.
If we haven't advertised what you
want, call at our office and ask about
V. A. Liston
Agent. 4S4 Court f f. " MS
WANTED 35 to 50 acres of good
farm land within 12 miles of Sa
lem. Want a family orcHard, and
fair improvements.' 'will pay as
high as $6500 cash. '
80 to 100 acres of good farm land.
Must be on a good road, and good
improvements; will pay as high as
$12.000kcash. Submit your property
toji at once for our inspection,
ouf buvers are here ready to buy.
228 Oregon bldg-. ...... n
of some of the so called "real estate
bargains." The best is always the
cheapest in the end. The following
are real value; .
150 acres with 30 acres bearing
English walnuts, 70 acres cultivated,
20 acres easily made tillable; balance
old stump pasture except a fine piece
of lake well stocked with fish. At
tractive 8 room house with excellent
water supply. All equipment. B miles
north of Salem. All river bottom land.
$37,000. . .
880 acres all under cultivation with
more than 250 acres in crop. About
seventy head of choice dairy cattle.
Fine range of implements and ma
chinery. Really good buildings includ
ins two silos. Beautifully laying piece
of land, t miles from Salem. $57,000.
'Unquestionably one ot the finest dairy
farms in Oregon.
110 acres. 70 acres cultivated; 40
in crop; 30 summer fallow; good build
lngs; a very sightly piaoe, t mites
from Salem; 3-4 mile from road be
ing paved. $14,000. -
10 acres. One of the most attract
ive suburban homes around Salem
Strictly modern 8 room bungalow;
barn; first class 'mixed orchard and
2 acres of young logans. Close to
line. $13,000.
10 acres at Broadacres. Fine logan
berry land. 4 room house; good well.
$2500. .
5 acres with about one half mixed
orchard, balance in oats. No build
ings. Creek runs through property.
$1600, $300 cash will handle.
It 3-4 acres at Chemawa. lift acres
cultivated, balance pasture. Extra
good soil. 4 room house, etc. $6000.
9 room house on N. Commercial
street with 3 good lots and fine fruit.
Full cement basement. $3900. A dan
dy home for a farmer in town.
Bungalow of 8 rooms. Has four
bedrooms, all corners. All modern con
veniences. $9500. Something one can
he proud to own.
Two six room homes with furnaces,
located on best streets. $4500 each.
Good terms.
Strictly modern 8 room house-on N.
Capitol street, large lot and barn;
garage. $4500.
12 room home on North Capitol
street with every modern convenience
block to capitol building, $12,000.
Bungalow with 7 rooms, lias beau
tifully appointed fixtures. Three flru
places; nothing lacking In the way
of modern conveniences. Large lot
with nice fruit. Completely furnished
with first class furniture and rugs.
In fact "a home of character." One
that has distinction. $16,000.
are Invited to list their holdings with
me. Large or small.
vou may still see the largest list of
houses to be bought on the Install
merit plan in Sulem. : - '
I will finance your project no delay
'!.Tust Real Estate"
216-218 Masonic bldg.. Phones
Salem, Ore.
$500 DOWN
Buys this ; attractive modern bun
galow. Has large living room, dining
room, dutch kltohen, three light and
airy bedrooms, orammed with built
In features such as buffets, bookcases,
china closets, hard polished floors,
bath, cement basement, fumaoo, laun
dry trays, wood lift. The "total price
Is $3200. There Is not another like
It at this price and terms. Get busy
and be the lucky purchaser.
329 Oregon bldg. Open evenings; Tel.
61. a
A black lamp. ;
W .rr,i.cM) fr MT fin L ? Am mot.' ur
Mui'KUN Huisi FoR SALK
10 rooms, large reception hall, f
baths and toii.ts. S fireplaces, fuil
Basement, furnace, double garage, im
proved streets and alWy; near capi
tol building. $n,0, on terms.
8 rooms, restricted district, strictly
modern. $7000. Improved street.
7 rooms, strictly modern, south Sa
lem residence. All built in features,
furnace, fireplace, garage and
proved street, $6000.
6 room home on N. 5th street beau
tiful lot, new house, fruit and garden.
A gQod buy; $4200.
6 room house on N. lfcth street.
some fruit; a nice ,'iome. $3000 on
easy terms. " "
See us when yoa want something
good. Prices right, ' -
John H. Scott Realty Co.
21 ; Oregon? bldg.- - M0S
Good Buys.
27 acres located 1 ?4 mile? from
carline on the pen road, all cultivat
ed. Price $250 per acre.
Well improved 5 acres located close
in, bearing fruit, good bungalow.
Price $6000.
6 acre cherry orchard, located 4H
miles south. Price $2200.
10 acres. 6 acres cultivated and set
to prunes, balance stump land, house
and barn. Price $3250.
10 acre bearing" orchard, mostly
prunes, some cherries and apples, lo
cated on main highway,-4 miles from
Salem. Price $,5500.
10 acres all under cultivation and
In crop, 4ft miles from Salem. Price
20 acre tract all cultivated, 7ft
acres. of bearing Italian prunes, 3
acres strawberries. 2 acres of logdns,
small house. Price $12,000.
224 acre farm, 120 acres cultivated,
balance good timber and some pas
ture, house and barn, silo, located 4
miles west, of Silverton. Price $125
per acre.
60 acres of good timber. Price $100
per acre.
20 acre tract. 5 acres bearing lo
gans. 6 acres of prunes, some fine
timber, small house, ft of crops fol
low sale. Price $7600.
480 acre farm, 330 acres cultivated,
three sets of buildings, best of grain,
clover or fruit soil. Price $48,000.
Well improved 10 acres, bungalow,
1 acre logans. Price $7000. ,
9 room house and 6 lots located
close in, large barn. Price $6500..
5 room cottage and two fine lots,
basement, bearing fruit. Price $2560.
6 room house located at 249 North
15th street Price $3150.
W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.
!75 State street. P
305 acres, ft in cultivation. Enough
grub oak to go a long way toward pay
ing for the property. 7 fenced fields,
creek bottom land, very productive
a crain and dairy property. 7 room
house, good barn and family orchard,
If sold within 10 days, $75 per acre.
Could be divided for two old couples
who wish toretire. We consider this a
great buy, a money maker, for some
one' with a couple of boys. Get busy
on this.
228 Oregon bldg. n
Are you going to let that 40 acres
of splendid fruit land get away from
vou. when you can get it for $100 per
car-'acre 7 It joins the Liberty district.
above the frost line and a perfect
property for prunes, walnuts, logans
or fruit of any description. Tase a
look at it. We know you will then
228 Oregon bldg. ti
43 acres, 15 prunes, rest In crop;
fine buildings, about 7 miles out.
11 ooo. . .
108 acres' close td' town "on main
line R. R. 85 acres in orop, balance
timber and pasture; good buildings.
5 acres 2 miles out i acres logans,
balance fruit and garden; fair build
ings. Just off paved road. $3250. .
6 acres on paved road and carline,
1 mile out, all fruit, fair house. $4500
Modern 6 room bungalow close In,
small lot, but a real house. $4600.
209 acres 2 miles from good small
town, good road, 150 acres In crop;
very good buildings. $21,000.
26 acres on paved road close to Sa
lem, small orchard, good buildings.
Neat 5 room bungalow with furn
ace, paved street, terms. $3000.
5 acres grub oak, 1 mile out. ,$860.
6214 acres close to good town, 35
acres crop and fruit, fair building.
$8000. . ,
100 acres, nearly 'all crop, close In;
good buildings, lots of fruit, $22,000,
For trades and buys see us. ' .
Loans, Insurance, bonds.
Laflar & Laflitr
406-407 Oregon bldg. 123
Good 8 room house, large lot, barn,
fruit good location. $3800, terms.
Good 10 acre tract near Salem,
houso, stable, nice location. $4200,
easy terms.
Good 7 room house, large lot, gnr
ugn, on carline, good location. $3200.
Fine river bottom farm 7 miles
from Salem, sacrifice prlc:e.
2ft acres ft mile from oar line,
fine garden soil, good house; barn,
well, horse, wagon,, cow, toolit; snap,
$3600, good terms.
2 nice modern residences fn Rose
burg Ore., to exchange for' Sulem
property. '
175 acre stock ranch near noseburg
to exchange for Saiem property,
Perrine & ,Marsters.
211-12 Gray bldg. . . ,n
FOR HALE (iood modern 7 room
bungalow on paved street, car lino,
east front, well located. $3600, $1,
000 down, balance like rent.
Five room comfortable house, barn,
garage, fruit, east front, good" lot.
$1800, $600 down, balance like rent
Fifty five acre farm for sale. Will
take city property as part payment.
This Is a good buy. $5500. f
410 Masonic Temple. I'hone 353.' n
W 1
! .. We have a number of clients wan.
good city property who want to give
their houses as part payment on tracts
Phone. 1130 and tell u where your
tract is loeated,
469 State St. Ground floor. n
S room house. 2 lots. $550; 4 room
house, good lot, $850; 5 room house
south Salem, $850: large lot North
Liberty street 200; 7 room bun
nloiv. 13200. F. L. Wood. 341
State street.
J2 Oregon, bid. Phone 951. B
A really fine 5 acre traet with good,
hearinr lotrans. good bearing prunes.
strawberries, clover and some grain.
Good 4 room house, fine small oarn.
garage, hen house, etc. This is a dan
dy home tract where you can keep
chickens and cow and raise all tha
berries, fruit and garden, that you cant
take care of. AH crops and some wood
and implements go with this tract
at $4008. Immediate possession. Terms
See us today if you want a fine tract
home. Close to city in line tocauon.
469 State St Ground floor.
Market Reports
Grain: Wheat No. 1 $2.30; feed
oats 95c; cheat hay $2 3 24; oat hay
$2425; clover hay $2526; mill"
run $5455.
Butterfat; Butterfat 54c; creamery
butter 557o.
Pork, veal and mutton: Pork, on foot
14 S-4c; veal fancy 17ftc; steers 11c;
spring lambs 13c; oows 7 9c; ewes
5 6c; sheep yearling 8c.
Dressed PQrk $10,
Eggs and poultry: Eggs cash 35c;
light hens 28o; heavy hens ?0a;
old roosters 15 16c; broilers 30 320.
Vegetables; Onions per pound to;
celery dot $1.75; potatoes, Yakima,
6c; Oregon ft5; strawberries 3.o
beets par sack $1; turnips per smIs
$3.75; carrots per sack $2.50; parsnip
per cfc $8.50: spinaoh 10e lb.: rad
ishes 75c do; asparagus 15c; new
potatoes, lie
Fruit: Oranges $5.097.00; lemon
$5.50 8; bananas llo;. honey extract
20c; bunch beets, 45a; cabbage 4ftcf
head lettuce, 90o dos; red peppers 25q
lb; rhubarb 4o; peas, io.
Retail prices; Eggs dozen 4uc;-
creamery butter 365o; country but
ter 55; flour hard wheat $3.503.75.
soft wheat $190.
'Portland, May 23. Cattle steady,
edits 48: grain and pulp fe.
steers $12.2513.00; choice 11.B0
12 25: irood to choice Ill.uu
medium to good $10.00 11.00; fair to
good $9.0010.00; common to fair
$8.009.00; choice cows and heifer
10.2511.00; good to choice
10.25: mediu mto good $8.00.0t
fair to medium $7.008.00; canner
$5.00.00; bulls $8.009.00; prim
light calves $13.00 18.00; medium
light $8.00 12.00; heavy $6.50
8.60; stocker and feeders $7.50 O
Hogs steady receipts 281; prime
mlxod 14.6015.00; medium $14.08
14.60; smooth heavy $11.00 13.00;
rough heavy $10.00011.00; pigs $U
Sheep weak; receipts 256; prima
lambs $13.6014.50; culls 9.00(
11.60; light valley $14,0015.00;
heavy $13.00 14.00; common to me
dium $10.50 12.50; yearlings $10.00
012.00; wethers $911; ewes $5.50
9. -
Portland, May 22. Subes extra
48ft 49c; parchment wrapped box
lota 64c; cartons 65c; half boxes fto
more, less than ft boxes lo moral
butterfat 6152o f. o. b. station; 630
Portland '
Netlce is hereby given that the un
dersigned will receive bids up till 5
o'clock p.-in. June 7, 1920, for tho
construction of a cement sidewalk, to
be laid In front of lots 1 and 12, of
block 16, Riverside addition to tho
city of Salem.
Plans and specifications may be bad
at the recorder's office.
125 City recorder.
Notice Ib hereby given, that Jrom
and after tho 2d day of June, 1920,
at the hour of 2 o'clock In the after
noon of said day, the undersigned
will offer for sale and will sell at pri
vate sale, at the office of Guy Smith,
attorney at law, in Salem, Marlon
county, Oregon, to the highest and-
best bidder for custl in nana, me
following described real property IB
Marlon county, Oregon, towit:
The east 110 feet of lots 1, 2, and
3. In block 2, In Wandts addition to
the city of Salem, Marlon county, Ore
gon. Maid sale' Is made to and by virtus
of an order of sale made by the coun
ty court of the couunty of Benton,
state of Oregon, on the 17th day ot
April, 1920, In the matter of the es
tate of William Leadbetter, deceased,
licensing and directing tae under
signed, as executor, to sell the abov
described real property.
Executor of the estate of William
Leadbetter, deceased.
tCopyrlght 1920, by H. C. Fisher.
Trade Mark Reg. U. 8. Pat OKI.
-.- s..