Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 22, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    f. MAY 22, 1920.
found I own
vilie. Oxford Park.
'"sT-Baby fimio. Co
T-APno Club
!!2rt. Grund theater. class clay el
u.,h School. S. H. a
"VV.. Address by
TfL t O1 armory.
uiv 21- Portland Drama
Je presentation, opera
"-Memorial day.
:on T virion
,. i.-American
.rmnrv. 8 P. m.
"Ml House News
Circuit Court
j , matter of the estate at J.
!liBtn de eased. Order ferpubll
i o. notice of hearing final re-
t of ioni""""
f J. R. Kinyon,
Recount of administrator.
This weeks Drapery Special, brok
en lines. Art Cretonnes, values to 12,
all at 50c yard. Hamilton's. 124
He had come to work in a drunken where Thomas Bads, wanted here, cf; Snyder, rf. H. Brooks was taken suddenly iii ; today.
condition and when the police arriv-;was reported Friday night to have; States Hous Snvder cf; Knkker- Thursday evening and taken home in Miller and W. W. Scon f
ied was in a stupor on the floor. He been taken Into custody mous n aer, ci. ivmcKer- silverton were in Salem on busing
iwa. taken to the citv JaU ad will Into cust a,. bocker. 2b; Brown. Sb; Craig, lb: Gla- a ser.ous condit.on. H. case i. not Wsy
be tried in the near future i ww i,hw Jrrv F nK- i i,Jw. ; Southwick. n; Small, rf; Ga critical, however. Mr. Brooks has been, . . .
'thur Johnson, OUie Met and Frank! bnelson, c; w eon, p. in poor health tor some time. MTTI muijimmiku t.tnun.
- For the purpose of studying the in- Smith, were arreted at the S. P. depot! L-mpire Burton. j A r(,jU estste deal of considerable; Bomt May 22. Frances Nittl has
dustrial and educational institutions Friday evening by Officers Moffittl The next of the series of games will !mportance was consummated yester-' formed nls ,nird cabinet, which rep-
m Salem, S. C. Chaio. teacher of the and Rowe. taken to the citv lail. andl8" the Cherry City Twingnt league m . wh,n tne Mr8. Mary Blackerby reaoms neffort to unite all the con
Chinese public school in Portland is later released after promising to leave
Apollo club associate members, have
you made your seat reservations t Be
sure to do so before Tuesday eve
ning. . 123
xn the city for a few days. He has the city. They were arrested after
been making a study-of educational' residents had complained of their
systems in California, Oregon ' and presence in the vicinity.
Washington. ,.' , j
I Mr. Henry RerlcK and duaghter.
There is On dtsnla" In tha ,a Uim rtttn RArw.k of PrimtrHnr Inwa
v ...... ... .. .iwinnnw or f u ,i , , ' ...v. . kaa tait;n n i ! i
u noitu w corvallis resident, anent: v- - -iaiu.:j s uurai snuu, u ud, tm..s vamwtuta,
a few hours In this city, Friday, after-ia rare wM orchid, commonly known ' stopped during the week to visit old
noon. - - ' j In "this country as the lady Slipper, time Iowa friends Mr. and Mrs.
,' . j which was found by Miss Eulana Au-' Frank N. Derby);Mr. Frank A. Tur-
James Graham and Ed Foster of Iranc m tne wods near her homener and Miss Joy-Turner. Mrs. Derby
tne Mer teacher -and friends suggested ; entertained with a very enjoyable
mat sne put it on display, as it was onnner party ror tne tnree laaies aur
unusually beautifuL i ing the visitors stay in Salem.
Ed Foster,
Oregon City, were guests of
Bligh hotel, Friday night.
Bab, chicks. 558 State.
Phone 400.
tovfc jeweler, watchmaker,
issued Friday to A. C,
This weeks Drapery Special, brok
en lines. Art Cretonnes, values to $2,
all at 50c yard. Hamilton's. 124
10. room apartment house, income
150 per mo; fine location, cor. lot,
near state house and car line. Price
14500; $3000 will handle; balance two
years at. .6 ft ..percent. Might trade for
6 or 8 room, ho use. Phone 136 1M.
' -. " 123
Wanted to lease fbr 1 year or moie
6 or 7 room furnished house. B-82
Journal. " 24
William Beauchamp, of Wilsonville,
registered at the Bligh Thursday and
Friday nights.
Miss Elisabeth Levy, local violinist,
full swing, all teams having played one tmtort building on South Water street , stjtutiona! forces In the chamber -game
each. Monday, May 24, the, purchased by D. Q. Geiser. Mr. the follower et former Premier
Hauser Bros, team will meet the Kay , y,lser mHae the purchase for specu-. salandra, the. nationalists and the
Woolen Mill nine. iiation ani will not occupy the i.rop- ronitMUut. wit ha view to counter
erty for the present. ; balancing the socialists. Signor Nitti's
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Preston and Mr. plun, it is cnsdiered, was not entire
and Mrs. J. P. Durno left this morn- y successful, as the radical are not
ing by auto for Corvallis and Eugene all in accord in supporting him.
where they will spend a few days j
with relatives and friends. I
K. S. Longacre waa a Salem visitor jininjiAu ijv- t..-..
Postmatser Brooks
Of Silverton III
Silverton, May 22. Postmaster J.
City firemen succeeded in . extin-i
has gone to Portland, where she will! guishing a small fire that had gained
appear in concert with William Rob-1 headway on the roof of the residence
inson Boone, pianist, at the Masonic' occupied by the high school Janitor.
Temple. .1 441 North Church street, Saturday
. . . -'. " I morning. The fire had started from
Zena cemetery. In Springs Valley ' sparks falling from a chimney, and
Polk County, long needing a thorough
was put out by chemicals.
clean-up will be cleaned up by per- w. Row))j manager of the gy.
1 mmiit was
I.. .... tn build a one story
tZ t 225 Lefelle street, at
Cwted cost of $1000.
Baby chicks, 558 State. Phone 400.
Gc H. Toelle, a Stayton resident,
frame transacted business in Salem, Friday.
Possibly you are thinking of the
pleasures of a canoe as the season
begins. If you are a canoe enthusiast
you will do well to confer with Mr.
H. M. Tracy at Hotel Bligh, repre-
sons residing in. various parts of Polk
county, and near the cemetery next
Tuesday. Numerous persons interest
ed in the cemeterv.. and other public
spirited residents in Spring Valley
have organized a movement to make
a general clean up of the cemetery
on that day. Persons Interested. In the
olean up and willing to lend a hand
in the work are asked to bring their
workftig materials and dinner baskets
that day, May 25, and be prepared to
remain until the work is completed.
ton Light and Power
in the city on business.
Company, is
John Schwab, one of Mt. Angel's
prosperous framers, is in the city on
business," .i
Those wanting Kimball cultivators jsentative of the Old Town Canoe lao
uld let in touch with the Charles j tory, the largest canoe builders in the
n Archerd Implement Co. at once.
world. Appointment will
made until May 80th.
gladly be
L. G. Kautz, registered at the Bligh
. .n Mis. C. P. Bishop will re
turn home in the morning from their from Kelso, Washington, Friday.
Mifornia tour, according to wom
in Salem today. The com-
nmicatlon also stated that Mrs. Bis
hop i much improved in health.
Baseball, bis game
Sunday, May 23d.
Dance Auburn hull Saturday night.
Fishing licenses were issued Thurs
day and Friday to Lester Harpoole,
Brooks; L. P. Gleason, Gervais; E.
Hartley, Earl Conklin, H. E. Scruggs,
F. E. Bartlett, Ellis Hurot and Seth
Williams, of Salem. '
A combination hunters' and anglers'
license was secured Thursday by F. M.
Williams, Turner.
Lee Barker, of Salem, H. Weider-
Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Carvln, of iW "! V 'L "Z " V" ... "7.
rkiiKoee, qmciii r riuay anu aaturaay
Warren Hunt will take a nine
piece orchestra to . Corvallis tonight
for the Junior Prom dance. Mr. Til
lotson of Portland, pianist who pos
sesses a wonderful voice will sing
several numbers. A'ernon , Suckow,
xylophonist extraordinary, will ajso
accompany Mr. Hunt. '
Special .meeting of Ivific
odge No, 50 this evening.
.Vorlt in M. M. degree. 123
in this city.
That wonderfully good : "Revela
tion" at Moose hall tonight for danc
ing. Harley C. Pugh. 123
The "Revelation" plays "Revela-
i lion- music -ior dancing at Moose
Mr.and Mrs. I. O. uurtiss, wno nave umi tonight. Harley C. Pugh. 123
been visiting In Salem for the past
A Salem visitor from Condon, was
H. Parson, who stopped at the Bligh
for days, were called suddenly to
New York Friday, by a telegram an-
Krancing the serious illness of' Mr.
Curtias's brother. Mr. and Mrs. Cur-
tin were former residents of Salem
ud have been making their home In
Berkeley since leaving the Capital
Citr about a year ago.
hotel, Friday night.
12000 to loan on
Phone 815 or see G.
good security.
E. Unruh, Gray
lawn paVty on Saturday afternoon
r8t Paul's Sunday bunool depends
a weather. In case of rarln tio par
ff. 122
Walter Leafer, of Lincoln, Nebras
ka, i sregistered at the Bligh hotel.
The Moose hall for - "Revelation"
harmony tonight. Salem's only Sat
urday night dancing floor. Harley C.
Pugh. 12J
County Judge A. B. Robinson, of
Independence, spent Friday in Sa
lem visiting friehda and transacting
Police wera notified Friday that
the little daughter of Mrs. Mae Har-
C. Wesley Smith, of Falls City, was ,rington had been run over and bruls-
The body of Bernard MToynae. aire
23, who died at a local hospital Fri
day, was sent to Oregon City, his
home,, for funeral and burial Saturday
by the Rigdon & Son company. Mr.
Moynag had no relatives residing In
Althaugh diligent search was made
by Officers Moffitt and Morelock
Friday afternoon and evening for a
truck, said to have been headed this
way from Marion bearing two young
men suspected or having Durgiaizea
a store at Turner on the night of May
IS, no trace of the parties could be
found, it was reported at police sta
tion Saturday. The truck was heaped
with gunny sacks, and it was thought
by the city marshal at Marlon, who
wned police here, that the sacks
concealed a 'utge quantity of lort In
the bottom of the truck:
Sidney Precinct Republican.
Delegate at large: Boyd 11, Butler
14, Cameron 12, Compton 8, Harrison
15, Hickey 5, Kollock 4, McDonald 4,
McLean 6, Maris 4, MeCamant 14, Ol
son 8, Rand 19,"Stewart 18. .
Senator:-Abraham 28, Stanfleld 21.
Secretary 0f state: Coburn 1, Jones
Kozer 9, Lockley 8, Parsons 7,
Schulderman 5, Wood 8.
Commissioner utilities: Buchtel 18,
Cousin 18.
Assessor: Jones 8, Steelhammer 11,
West 2T. -. '. .
Convention First ; district: Adams
15, Booth 10, Kendall 13, Tooze 25,
Wrlghtman 24. i
. President: Hoove? 8, Johnson 14,
Lowden 6, Wood 22.
Representatives: Busselle 13, Davey
9, Davidson ?, Hughes 17, Kay 29,
Keber 4, Looney 19, Martin , Perry 21
Riggs 17, Watson s 20, Weeks 28,
Wrlghtman 13, Zorn IB.
Coroner: Clough 14, Rigdon 41.
A Singing, Dancing and Piping Scotch Revue
Conrby and O'Donnell
The Parcel Postmen
Male Carriers of Humor and Song
. Kinzo
Coin Twirler and Juggler
i Salin visitor Friday and Saturday
Seats for Apollo club concerts Wed
ind Thur. May 26-27, now being re
rve4 Seats unreserved after lues
4aj May 25 will be offered for sale to
pneral public. 123
Girl or lady for light housework.
Address D. F. Journal.. 123
I hereby wish to extend my heart
felt thanks .to my dear friends tor
U kindness and sympathy shown me
'wing the slckness'and death of my
Moved wife. I would also thank the
Wartet for their beautiful' songs of
tneouraisement nnd cheer. Also thosi
ho contributed the beautiful floral
torings'and lust but not least Bro.
Gillispie for his words of comfort and
ttnsolation. Bernard Vlck. 123
ed by two boys riding a bicycle.
Harrington made the complaint
L. C. Bumgardner was arrestad Fri
day upon complaint of the officials
of the Salem Sewer Pipe company.
Builfflnff- permits, have been Issued
to T. B. Kay for the repair, and alter
a house at 625 Court street, at a cost
ot $1000; to 4. A. Henny, 1304 Liber
ty street, alter and repair a dwelling
at a cost of $1000; and to A. C. Han
son, 255 Lefelle street, costing $1000,
it was announced at the city record
er's office Saturday.
. Constable Walter DeLong left this
Harry Morey
"In Honor's Web"
'The Man Within'
Larry Seman
-4.-. .a.- . v
I r t
IN " .
We are too busy
And Modernizing Our Store To
Write Ads .
yjf Gooda.
Put a Brake On Your Worries
Fire and Theft Covers Loss 'Anywhere in the United
States or Canada.
Collision Insurance Covers Injury to Your Own Car.
Property Damage Protects You if Your Car Damaged
the Property of 'Another.
Get that SECURE feeling of being protected by a Re
liable Company. '
. i ...
The W. A. Liston Agency
484 Court Street
Statehouse Team Is
Winner In Third of
Twilight Schedule
Standing of tile Teams. '
; w. L. P.c.
Spaulding Logging Co.'...... 1, 0 1.00U
Hause Bros 1 0 1.000
State House 1 0 1.000
Kay Woolen Mills 0 1 .00
Y. M. C. A ; '. 0 1 .000
Valley Motor Co 0 1 .000
By the score of 6-2, the State House
nine subdued the spirits of the Vaie
Motor company's exponents of the na
tional game In play at Sweetland field
Friday evening.
The game was one, of these happy-go-lucky
affairs where there is Just
enough good playing to off-set a fair
collection of fuggles. Webb of the cap
itol organisation pitched a no-pass,
three-hit game, striking out five bats
men and receiving much co-operation
from Gabrielson. Kaoe allowed four
hits and one pass to the first sack, but
Issued four strikeouts to opponent wil-low-wicdders.
. .
Nine putouts are credited to the
niotormen In comparison to the five
dismissals secured by the 'capitols. The
feature of the game was Jackson's
sensation hole-ln-the-ground mystery;
when he slugged the little pill Into a
sir!all ctilvert in right field and came
hom4) behind Irwin, who had made
second oft a fast drive through center
field. s . "
Perhaps some of the plays could
have been made In a lees butterfinger
ed fashion, explaining however the
nine, errors checked on the Valley's
sheet. The team had. had little prac-
1 1 Bn,i I. vn,ntoi1 tn Rhnw .tin t run u I
i before the twilight series is over.
I The lineups were:
L Valley Motor company Irwin, !b;
! Snyder, 2b; Carlson If; Grosvener, ss;
Now Is the Time
It is no longer a Question with the
Ford One Ton Truck
rAstouWill it do the Work" That question has been fully
settledthe question is deliveries
This is the powerful
and efficient
Worm Gear
w0JJi vorm
Reliable and
Dependable' at
All Times
We Can Make Immediate Deliveries
On this truck, but you must act now! As the season ad
vances we shall have to book orders and deliver as receiv
ed. You cannot afford to delay and not have a truck when
needed. t
Yallev Motor Co.
Race, p; Smith, c; Brunk, lb; Mason,
d Ho
"The Glorious Appearing of the Great God and our Savior Jesus Christ."
V 'Another Great Sermon Study on
The Second Coming of Christ
' '.
; ' ' BY .
S. D. A. CHURCH, North Fifth and Gaines Avenue. Tomorrow Evening, 7:30
TakeN. Commercial Street Car
Y Bring a Friend
- 4 .v : :r r.nMElm
Kj yJ ii -, ,NWYivYorn