W.MAY52!!!!: ' V - - THE CAPITAY JOUiNAL C1.V. hall, er; s p. m.. "Th Chorus of Nature,"! followed by 40 colored, pictures iYltw-i traling Norway. j SWEDISH TAHKRN.VCLK Kif teenth an .Mill streets. Pentecostal service ...ai u a. m.. Hev. Liud will I 4ireuch the swnmu, uhject,"'rTo'..oil -gtm-tchestru under the leadership of Prof. i l'ro',y Of the Holy Chest rinVKtrfetiSd.-'i South I iKMidauJt adds greatly, other features !"w.n ansungo wilKH,- used in the! v streets, pree"-' ove N added and ri other in con- ruc'- wmly school at 13. Mr. Busti "" .., 1);istur Mi.eniuuu '.iniiiiiiuii. jou cuius once ypu will ! ..-ini. urau The Lanieil " ' : . . .. . ' I & i.f lu ..l. ; . PAGE UYE. worth dent :o5 "' , tiecoiim a permanent addition to-thet P'-'"ni.i:; a great meeting to be whaol. One likes to belong to an or-i lw ,ne ehurch on Friday evening p.nisi of Mrs. J. t5vMdk-r wants s!-vices at the usual bours. ,Vcoi dial .s-erviec -at lt:3 "w M., subject, -The !'(wr tabs-n MP; M u - WWW '. i.MW t. ;Tcxt ,.f the Vim IVMeoMal Sermon .., , j w abator; 1 1 . and Its Fulfillment." Lufcher league I mn. .,(,,,l r,,),rtu. ,t.),nit,r NuWh Seventeenth and Court m- subjeet. 'The Sveret of Success In p. -m- lirjun li. Conley. stu-ii.-. ....... . . r,wn n.. .i -...;. i.,- -v YityiraeTrWl,,u a .titles." Mr. . NMley- sih at twenty ;nomh nhroail m hh tt . m riejtrt i.ree durhig the war anil, was in vr- ftiiHej? uurhi the ivaee ttiif r'ily two tuoro weka until ChiUU'i ii BVANUKUOAlr Chenn tet.-t at reel 1'Kl-TllRKN of ''uniaUon that ia "uo'ig things.". If SST n-'l7" 1 I ilt jo u. ot.jvuu cmtuot walk the distanco, we'll W' .. ,v....i I send aa auto for vou: 11 n m.. ltrn I Lin io.i.. l tenttro will fieaK both morning ind evening in the ubsonce of the Pas tor, morning theme, "The Jncreasms Chi i.Nt," evening theme, p. ni., "The mwdratton or Jesus ; 1 p. in., usual at 11 f 1 and preachlns Ht; 8. .,r .nrtins on AVednes- Corby, pa- B V.NU K I.10.U. C Jtt rig' of thta Keek invited. to whleh the public fcveryboiy work we are stun; t K.H; sh ail tiUeitdancv records ou re. VKui! Ohililn-n'a dn.va in that dav. All nee in i,.M,.h.i:: .ift-;.M- .... ..k..i muq -I"'" tor , ,H, pr,.i0,H iitn ui iim jvviure i ptineivu oy t Wiu during hi stay Jn Versailles. X I Ut-r H.M-Jlf-T Marten and No. I Liberie irei-ia t......i.i . ! ... . .(i-iiiug tomorrow at 11 a. in. and S p. m. by Rev. J. C. Tibbtta, Them for th niomhujf serv iei', "C. ,'s lwellitisM: f,. n,a tdtuisiiion will be. lie ia Invited. ebarS'iV The imb- r cftd n. in. ivut.0 . " K. L. of C. E., Puulln. ervii-c at tbo "m-Ivoide's Home, cor-!'"'' wrvica, 'Knowitia ehrist" Bible M cy tnor Twelfth and Ferry. streeU; 7 p. nt"'M,l iwU at :45 a. HI" q'l-',li,w Fi'worth Li ague, Harry Uer-'V. V, V. at 7 p. nt. A rintiliii? Wed ? ..3I.. the Oregon branch f"'s Uome and Furelsn j society will h'W HaH..1n in the ehurch, wn ex- her. leader! iMeruiediate league, Kid t riok i:l.itelifot il, leader; junior lra;;uc Jl--ta;i ia ll.e.voiUi bull. Thursday, i ! i.i., iiiid v.'. H i'ruyer and ppilm . rvUv will be in h:irj9 of 'rof. Vou a-iollen. ti.in U t-M-rd. rvlcfg. d t. in. and tT B. eorjiuj ItivlU'.- nil to mt. ml these MSON .KK JUK,0UAI-Xorth Winter an 1 Jefferson sir....! lb i Thomas .cheson. nastor. Snu.lnv 1 school at 9:45 a, in., Chus. Uaisepiun, ST. I AI L S Chemtketa :.nd suoeriKti inlent, classes for itll ag.'s in Chureh atleets, the llev. Chan. 11. 1'i.w- jcharsv of cup-tlilo lender Strangers hit- and visitors always welcome. In th. Christian absence of the pastor, Albert S. Jiulli- comniunion; Kan w ill preach at ll a. in. and S p. nt. a. m., church school; 11 a, i.i., lloining subje-t, erf,iril Cottsecra- i,j ... , K,.k hlSn cclelH'utton and sermon, "l neuron ; cveiuns subject. "Tho Storv of ,tenm. ." , ., Cbureh in rrospect"; t :30 p. in., even- tne ivper," an evangelistic ; Die COnvrm"'". m Joa Friday eveiiin Hill wv - - - ... ... ...... itation is exteitoeu u me I'u.r I""" . .f.n nuanired Dr Ciniren atleets, ne Jiev. utias. 11. l'o frosran. D"9 ,et"f X 8uncr 4V. reflior." Se-rvices for Wh U"1" rM na wm t.day. the bi.thday.of the Christ! ' Iri Urihvr add,cssc8 VVM- church-, ;i(l m.. ho ly comniui,,, 1.,,. tLiil T'hiir- , .nnn:. lino-""-! conven A cor- i niv ' riputh attend all the meetings. VtVTH HAY ADVl'.NTIST No. , reet and Oaine avenue. To ,.i t 7 :m n'eloek Kvan- . i R Rel nastor, stiojeci, mu !'d Hoie, the (ilorioua AppearlnK o'clock he Great God ami 1'iir naviour s Christ." This sermon -study will i wonderful picture of the scene be second cominff of Christ, the of God's people, the Rrund climax n, gospel. Don't fail hear it! -vlioily weleome. prayer and .address. Three mm- v-iats meeting- at i;:10 led by .1. il. dred Years of the Church in America." j Clark. Let us niake much of this brief Everybody welcome. i service. Junior League nt 3 p. m. in j charge of .Miss Grace Tyler. All chil CliniSTlAN AND MISSIONARY !dren wrtcome. Epworth League at 7 ALLIANCE I'suui services next l- " The chidr, under the leadi'rsliip Thursday afternoon, Jlay 27, nt 1532 I of l''of"r Clark, will render special Commercial sti-eet, a 2:15 11IUMC tn miniie worship. Midweek Kithei Mrs. .1. K. Fee of 1'ort-j ura'or "Ul1 Pi't'se service Wednesday land, or -Mrs. Caswell will be present.,1" "' mnauon to you. All cordially welcome to these meetings. Z.RKNK Ninetei nth and Mar-. KIKST ClilitCH OF C11KIST, SCIKNT1ST Sunday service is held at 440 Chemeketa street at 11 a. in., sub ject Bible lesson "Soul and i'.od.v." Sunday school at 9:45 a. in. Wedncs- Hiets. Services Sunday: Sunday nay evening leoumuiu.u ... ..ul at 9:45 a. ni.. W. 11. Hardy, su- o ciock. neaiuug rouiu in uendent; preiiiiiing at 11 a.- m. Temple, open every uty it.i ih ji 8 p. m.; Youiig People's Bible day and bolldnys, from 11:45 to 5 p. m. Iv at 7 p. ni. ; Aliiiweeic prayer ai are euiuinnj ivu u. iinii at 8 p. m., Wednesday even- amrto our reading room. ( regularly but nt tho present time e will be special evangelistic nerv-1 hlUHbAn IX i mr.iu& r.ioie , that night. The special meet- i school at tl:4t a. m.; morning woi- . till continue during the coming snip anu preuciiuig ai n a. v-..- irvery nittht. Voir are invited. A.'drens meeting at 5 p. m., aim loung ii, pastor "mid evangelist; Florence People's C. K. meeting at 6:45 p. m. !j, deaconeps. i Kvening preaching service at S o'clock. . jThis being the eleventh anniversary of. ATHOLIC Co in n i u n io n mass at Brother Joe Smiths conversion, ne . a. ra. Hifsh niaMS at 10:30 a. in., will relate some of the marvelous cieai-; mon by pastor. Benediction at 7:30 j Ings of tiod witn mm uunna "i: k, sermon by assistartt priest. Maylyemn. Come and hear this testimony ou'ons, Wednesilnv nfternoon nt 4 . of God's wonderful dealings wun nun. ck and Friday evening at 7:30. 1 Prayer meeting on Thursday at S p. in LKSHK MKTHOU1ST RPISCOI'AL Corner South Commercial and Mey ers streets, Horace N. Aldrich, pastor. 9:45 a. m., Sunday school. R. A. Kho tcn, superintendent. Primary depart ment meets In Leslie hall. Miss Sue Williams, superintendent." If you can not attend Sunday school send your name of Mrs. K. T. Harkus, superin tendent of the home department ami literature will be brought to your home. The cradle roll, under the su- rj'botly welcome. I. (1. Lee and wife, pastors. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL Lib erty and Center streets, W. C. Kantner, miniated: 10 a. m., Sunday schrtol with rlases for all, W. f. Staley,. superin tendent; 11 a. m., Memorial Pay serv i.. uieiwied lm the (i. A. R.. .Women's ! Relief Corps and other patriotic organ t. ' V -. tl.mdlluii t'tirlenvii IIRST 1IET11 01)1 ST E PISCO PA To iler Church and State streets, Rev. paid N. Avison, minister; 9:15 u. old time cliiss meeting, room 4, tmitairSj W. L. Cunimings, leader; iiim... Sunday school, Alpheus IWIe, superintendent; Robhin Fish luta r IV... ....... I...... tiled ii lately? It's alive. " The or-' Society, iViK. Margaret Livesley. lead- 1 mm i' izatiorw; '"-7. p. m., Cbristian Jlndeavor Henry E. Morris Co. Eye Specialists 202 to 311" Rank of Cummer :e Building. Salem, Oregon Phone 2S7 for Appointment v CKXTKK STRKKT AlKTHt),.. Kl'lSCOI'AIj-i-Coriiejf Tliirt"cu :,inl (Vnter stn-eta, O. A Roeder, minister. Sunday school, 19 a. ni. Pri'aehing rv!ee. ll a. m., sulijeet, "Pentvrcsl." At 7:15 p. in., Airs. Aug. . Curl will j at conduct the devotional Bieetins of thetC. Epwoith leamif followed by preaching with a brief !in-ip :- r-arl al the monthlv confeivnce ju TutMlay tvinins. Reports from b-le:;tt to tato cliVeHtbn4t will be rud ji jwiK-r by tho pastor, lliblel xhool irunitly 10 a. In. The pastor v. ill" uellliluK his t aw on the.-"Lord's . l'ir.:.er' to loo. vhildreii. . Momhig it bin, u . a. in,, M-nnvn, "I Ant i Ii -dy." The inuttor U seheduled to pnach at t;.e Feeble Minded lnstituto: $ s. m. Junior and intermcdiatu E., &:S0 p.'ni; yer meeting. 7 l. r. W. I.Huner. pastor. Sumlay s'hid 1 a. pi. sernion by Kev, U, V, l.ciu inr of the Center street KvaugcUcal chureh, Y, P. A. at 7 , hi,, loader. Mrs. Frank Strausbaugh. Sermnn by Rev. C. L, Schustof of Albany, also Rev. C. U Si-hustcr will preach at Kruttland at S p. in. Trucks Proposed ' For Transportation Of Perishable Food "OccsiottuHy in trwvolinii about the Vouag ly-oplc's country, I mot some who who think. TO. Kltllir IVPVI.fl I thut M lrll.l lu ft fi .,t,a..,A llivMv.iM service. rytr theetliig Thursday j and j.rmeu, S ), pi., subject, "Rolling ssiys an Rurna, local representative tveuing. . . yVway Stones." Thursday, S p. in., do- vt the UMC. "Hgt in general people 'v. i vtiunal and RiblcStudy. (Ircat inter-'are commencing to realise th ttu FIRST CHRISTIAN Center atup wt is bvinaf shown in the present llible'portance of the part played by .lie High streets. Bible school at 9:45 a. 'study ea the holy spirit. You ought to! commercial Vruek. h. Church services ai l a, m. Y. i. , hear it. Friday afternoon in the church j "Aceor4lnsf to an investigation Jual ii. C. E. Jtt 7 p. m. Kvening worship atlvr'ors 'he Mary-Martha society will completed by congress, the people of t o'ctook )riyep meeting Thnmilny i t""tle social hour. Ladies of. the ' the Vntted State pay every year cvpning- at 7:3 o'clock, porter, pastor. I.eland W. soon ty and their friends are urged to he present. R. I, Putnam, pastor. FiltST rRKSRYTElUA.N Thomas S. Anderson, minister; Joseph H. AI- Itl'TUKRAN Fast State and Eigh- 'b tree to, lieorgo Kbchler, pastor, bert, Sunday school superintendent. I So u'ny school at 10 a. m. Preaching" 44ett4 .te . BUY YOUR TRUCK On the Basis of Maximum Haulage Economy The one true measure of a truck's value to its user is the ac hat cost of transporting his goods. The buying problem, then, resolves itself simply into finding the truck that works tth least waste, requires least initial investment, least $t for upkeep and operation, greatest speed and endur ance. So well has the Oldsmobile Economy Truck lived up w these specifications that the business public has learned kcall ii the truck for maximum economy. Marion Automobile Co. Phone 362 235 S. Commercial St. ' - o V v X . v . t 1 y Y Sizes 14 ' to 19. Regulars, Slims and extra sizes. Extra Quality. Prices $1.25 to $2.50 Extra heavy blue denim overalls, $2,75 Work Shoes $4.00 to $11.00 Salem Woolen Mills Store C, P. BISHOP, PROP. . ,..138 North Commercial 150,080,9 far the exeesslve costs of the traitspoHntioa of food prouuets Think of It! tuCO.ttOv.Ow thut could be saved to tho people. And this dots not include the tremendous loss trom tho waste of perishable products, 't is estimated that about UV per cent of the perishable food produced aiti nunlly in the I'nited States is wasted through insufficient methods of trans , "The only relief for this situation lies in the more general use of tins motor truck. Through the economy of ui truck tho expensive, packings bee essnry in mil sliiiiug ia eliininutel The motor reaches out into the b ways utterly inaccessible to the rail, -rond. gathers up produee, and dliv ers it dlreotly to the eonmimec. The" saving of tmx than made ptlk s enormous. 'There is no one feature of niwlvrn seiemT tht will contribute more to wards reducing the high cost t iW ing in the eliica than the uiot ir truck." Special Events Are Listed At lllihec LinkSy Sunday 23rd The match between tho lllihi e thdf, elMlj of this city and the Kugcnc s'" organteitlon has been nostinnied h,- uiutuitl n-reenieiit. New playera work ing with boHv clubs will be given aa opportunity to get Into better playing rorm .tnrreby making an even kveite contest than the ono in which SAb defeated the Ijtne eminty town t w weeks ago. Vhe uualif.vinu round for th.- or. si- dent's cup w ill be played Sunday nt, the Mteal luiilis. This Is e lumdicap match with the low 18 In Hue for mulch play at later dates. Women members of the club w(U also participate in a match ulavins hole medal, 18 holes on Aluy 23, and 18 on May ;l, for a prine uffervd by 'f. IS. Kay. . l C-ENERAL MOTORS COMPANY jp Are by reason of certain ! DEFINITE ADVANTAGES Over other trucks of like capacities better able to supply DEPENDABLE TRANSPORTATION Let Us Explain Why. W. E. BURNS-DAN BURNS NOT RRQTIIERS THE SAME MAN Ferry at High St. Salem, Oregon. Comp lete Satisfaction The reputation of the manufacturer is a safe guide as to the quality of a car, but the integrity of the local dealer is a vital factor in the satisfac tion it gives you. The reputation of the makers of the Chevrolet needs no finer tribute than the acceptance of the car by the public. And our relations with owners in Salem and vicinity is convincing evidence that they consider it not only a safe, but a satisfying investment. Backed by this organization the Chevrolet is one that the most discrim inating purchaser can buy with confidence. Come in and see us. alem Automobile aCa SalemDallas A.l. Eoff i- I