rton Puts Reckless THE CAPITAY JOURNAL j on gotor Drivers;, PAGE FIVE. Woodburn Masons To Fete Grand Chapter Officers Woodburn, May 21. The Roy:! Arch ilitsons of this ciiv will ent"-- Stayton Schools Close Successful Year this Week JlaS" lVh.'ii Snlci.i Silvercu frequen- tln crusade St::yt,m. Or.. Mm- i s,i,...,i f ... f,.am. iimiiu-r omcers Saturday I this it will oU.se thi 4. 1. The grand chant -i- have carrkd a saw with the equipment and made their own fire wood. ' State Basketball Trophies 'Arrive Nine neiiuliful silver trophies, the Sift of Thos. K. Wilson Co.. to he -Mphens CilU tte rvsitnud that h 00 eoiiK.rutktiis in Oregon, "t'uc.-vlay. j had not entered college with a set j b' Heury J. SehueHUrman, corpora j .... . . , . T, i tion commissioner. According to est!-. purpose; Judse Henry Itenson regret-1 . , . . "v"'""i " " i , mate made by Schueldermaii collection ! .cd that accretion is something a man of the corponition department durins loo k. io w .urn any june July Rd August .m awrrgnte jtood; Carl Abrams couldn't remem-1 between :'50,000 sud S3.0. .M r a single regret except that he took Good Buys life too i-'erionsly, which he says is not i of this city fast ones have been; No to the letter nded durin offices ure Ue- Slav 22. The sranrt ehmt .,.;.......... . ... . I""""" le winners of the state high officers will confer the Hova. , h ! week h- -7 e Vn , ' th,Ul mM. heW de-ee on a el.. V V, A,,!ttwk ' " Wled with school en- at Salem. March 12th and 13th last, ilesiee on a class of candidates h... t,..r. !,,....,. .u . . . .... . ' - I "v "-.'Jt.C I.ilVe. " ......... .1. M.1U-.1 l. IV.".. ,.! f followed 1 lll;iimilV...T...l ...... ....... .... ... J .... .li......... i l,v u Ho..,..... T.tn .to... i 11 " uu,u..i jti.eresi in me 1 ...i.i ... . ueir wmm.w. Flo. w 1 deliv...- T eorw I closing week's work. What has been! As will 1. remembered by every fol S he Craft" tli iHvT ." " if" i !lt'co,,""i hf'11 "ere during the year taf lower of athletics in Salem, our toca. son-, are invited to 2, i " t'rei"t ,he f!""u,,y and t0 th stu-lhiSh school basketball team emerged i dents wli.i have lalored earnestly and ' trom t contest as state champions nar. More than 4t communities and ! ..... .nil since i" . -.linst speeding i ginning at five o'clock and ;te4 the Pliot' I, twr..- a failing of present day college men. ' counties have been reached hut emphasised the need of fore- p,.,,,,. Kitt!i Uai,.v SM.cii(,is,. thought and discretion as Judge Hen- regretted that he had not formed wid er interests. Instead "of sticking to his uwn line of study. ;Ford '1 23 ChevioU l 't .'. .. JS5 t- ton truck ..tsii 1-ton 1"J truck : 1917 Maxwell T. r $; 'stinkimker speedster ?-'V Overland '1. v-m the I""' will be Corn wa ll that i .onr : carefia anving is in- sll,M:itT( M TU I)K1,KI5S OVV.S JIODKKX irrests will fl-1 .. his store in the V ...i. week after a iti,. .....re fjUIll fel 0 .f, out of busi-1 mort coi"llfte garages in Marion coun- . u8Ud, ?i The disposal of tv 'he firm will be prepared to 'the for the year 1919-20, after a hair-rain-' The c'.ish plav was mesented in the ' ihg final battle with the Lincoln hl..h 1 (aAHAUK i hiirl. Si '.ool :..,,lit..l,.n. tpm nf Pap.U,. Silverton, Or., Mar 21. Johnson &' and It was remarkahlv rendered 'I This sreneroiia pift of (he wn..n ' -.immoiir, local Ford distril...tnv'' ..' m- m ...... . .. . . , viwniiiBioii, camiiaign man- w"'iJa,'y awarus to eacn oi tne eight iioMiig into the new garage building ager for Mr. Jones, candidate for B-ei1 "ho composed the team an indl nr tn ''n"r of First and Lew's sessor, and Dave Looney, candidate for'vidu!l trophy which is to be their per-' . .. . I'tctca ror them by , representative, were in the citv vester-! nianent proin rty .and abx. a larger rno It is one of theday making the final appeal for votv. ' whio'h 'U be likewise given to the I.lcenso Itl.uiks Out. Annual report blanks and notices of annual license fees were mailed to 10,- Coolidw & MeClain. leted the disposal I and tiife l'e Mrs. II. M. Baker of Turner was in hiSh school. citv vesterdav in the intere nf' fi w"" ..... i. is understoo.l K'e Ter cent ford service in the 'the Turner chautauuua which is t.. be nerua... - future. The builillnp- i i,u. r ....... . ,. ttle Will lent mr - - " ui in , jit-iu lirAi. weeK. j sonic kind of ,-! s a near fireproof as it Is possi-j John Smith of Sllverton was in the , 1.1." to make. They. will put in a com-' city on business vesterdav. plete service department and expect to' K. F. Kong of Salem was here .yes- co nine their work exclusively to ! terday looking for livestock J on Is. Mtt has soKl h '"terest u L- to Vernon Suckow, trd yesterday. Mr. 't ; !.. of more th.in , ,w enteruuuim'iit. ato l.-re they will s ,er in t-- mot,,.,,!,, Former Students Tell Regrets Of College Courses Physicians Meet at Independence Mosff nt it is Ml' sotitherii Oregon ... implications 0f Dr. Maw ttowlnnd. Dr.! l'riiue and Dr. .1. Sh.'lleyj "Uotitine V.'aKse.-i.i,-. us- will i be I lie subjecl of the lecture by Dr.; .T. (lnv Strohm of Portland the .1 i.-c. i T3, 1... li.iu hPfl. re- izlnn ir. 1... ...........1 .... ... ..... ..P I "trwlmnit at it"? llem l4"R" j Sttlem. Dr. Richard TMllohunt of j ..,. i hue. retu new . rortiana win .taiK on t rie Treatment "outh uf lhl' l'"y 'Vl'lUu'Ku,'-1 f War Injuries as Apiillcd to Indus- CooMgi' & MuClaine n .'"".trial injuries,", and Dr. F. IT. Tbomp- tertaineu yesteruaj .m ......... Son oc saiem win open the discussion. Dr. Thompson is official physician fur the state Industrial accident association. ,., i Allen. . . K. iinnlliioement las been moil.. ..f K'l,1f-' .. i 'l'ill;i - llo la Vi meethiL' of I h 1 .,! I.. . T ., ,.i.. j . V Sllliei.ii - w .1,.. V tl. . ;l 1 t m..rl.i..i ,..;.. ... I... ..l . !.. He pnr- ,.,,.,.-. i auir 10 oe seio. j -j-he W illamette university Y. M C o his Tillamook farm. A. held an unusual meeting W.dnes- Owners of threshing machine day night, when a number of men who ihis vk-i'.iiy have gone on a strike so have left college days behind them; iar as me nnuier ot cutting wood is were asked to tell "What do concerned. 1 hey have sent out notices, gret most in your college life that wood must be furnished in shape; to use for fuel whei the thresher is I ready for opcrntion. Heretofore they' PROMPT-RELIEF fr the acid-diitressed ctomicb, Uj t9 or ihre fter BteaU. oii'jiTd on the tongue keen y cur stomach weet try Kl-melds the new aid to digestion. MADE BY SCOTT BOWNK MAKERS OF SCOTT'S EMULSION 11 iZt Lights and stui-K-v ui have a Ford to sell, brims I'vl'iB-wm. ,v e "tf oate yf Milk iM For Infnnft Ne Cki I A Nutritious Diet for All Ages Quick Lunch at Home or Office Avoid Imitations and Substitutes j Two first class For.l ac.d ov. i la , i". pair men at y ur s-.-rviee. ' I Terms on r.ll c;rs s-ld. I Six mouths service. U. S. GARAGE I'hone 1 7 T. 2 ' '.'l Ferry The I'sed Oar Center you re- UveA .itleuding u.e ... .. ,.,. , ......v u oe n.-,.. in . mention- J ntlependcnce. Tuesday. Mav 25. A.J d Mm. Chas Kanisl-y ot -uop.-r will, be served at 7:110. L, Or are visiting at the liomej Among the Ml'f.u'i-s taken up at thfj 7' Mr. and Mr. Marsh i meeting will be consideration nf tliej I arrive! last evemi ... . . u..ii . ..o- TM.... t.- sold hs 1""" " ' - . , I I thai h v in ! saurman. STATE g STREET DiCRONeffl OPTOnETRIST-OPTICIAH Ladd Bush tank A Friend in Need rCimmriaf6(s. ch south ot i K. Doertter " . . ,,i....i.. I'.nipi ion Inhere a Bruno imv... ... toyed b)' the yoling oieeoe.n. ialkeraon, county scnooi su,.'.- nt, and Mr. Aiiun oi . i present to help "ineii.u.. ...... the boys and gins. origin of which is unknown. 14 the small luinocr hum i"- U the Harris tarm m tun nu- billsa fe wnights ago. Coireri- lamber piled in th? -vanls ne;,r ill was also consumed. i us iiiproxunateiy ati Ml" partly covered by msui- tydes To Slate Session Are Selected Mlenp.', Or., May 20. The iilrace Civic club lieu, an liiMtlii!i" session last Tues- rraoon. Dr. Dunsinore was the r of the occasion and closed his : with KIward Kverott Hale's Man Witlrnit a Country." ;ates to the State Federation of is clubs, which convenes in Mri f early in .lime were elected. ncMe Jits. Civic Keker, presl- Jirt. J. S. L'ooncr and .Mrs. Krea- Tbe iilli.inut'V are .Mrs. J. S. .Mrs. Charon 1 .Mrs. Alontan. uli to booking for the ehnutuii- hich begins Mav 27. They have 'lie Jlonnioutli ti'i-i'itory to sup Ti seaaon tickets. two societic s of tifc high school il a joint program of music, a and sketches last Friday aft Jlondav they part icipated in ''roast ami marshinallow tonsu ' 0. Meliitnsh will present her pupils in recital the first week in Feamui family who have here for several years, left for Pe KU, Wash., where tlmake their future home. Frances Townsoncl, daucliter of ;'IMrs. E. Townseud of this city, married soon to Abbott K. Clnue Portland. f aceme in that city last week. ! a engaged in the wholesale P business. Miss Townseud com 'commercial course at a Povt- ness college and hus since fmoloyed in the First National r'f that citv. wilt-Teachers F Keizer School h Close Season '0r- May 21. The Ketaer ftrent-Teacher association will he wort .!.; ..,.. f . .ma sciiooi year ai to be held Friday evening. .""Part f ,.he program has sTi,, " tonnes v earners interesting to an. An , queuing contest will be held Wrt4By on" "nd every one may N blind children have an In- l-i'i.' v ' l,r"S,:"h. and the . 1,1 Mvs- Myers. A 4Mce is expected. , M Caravan visits In Dallas ... .. ' Ablut 15 larg hD,,, 'th machinery rsme f"Me sn , , n accompanied wh0 wre bonst- Sfe. """"men of America it,.'.' "S ClaS ...,ln,,,i.,n tr, Klht ... . r.-t... . ofncials will be 5-L.fa. '' ' s of r,ar,lr'' entertained the .! b,. Jh- f;""1 Times Scwina hJT' Oak street Sf"ed a delicious 'lilan.. .... . -. 'al. " -M00r !n astaes, Thursday. Stayton Logging Road Nearly Built Siuvton. Or.. Mv 21. The lo;.;,v,in;: ! l oud bcins constnictcd from Meliania j to Ibe timber lands owned by the Sil-I verton Lumber companV, will be com-' pleted this week, it is said,- nnd logsj will be handled to the Sllverton mill J aver this route very soon. From Me- ' hi.rnu ears will run over the S. P. line, j The r'ilvei ton mil! lias hi en shut down for a wok or more pending the com-; pletlon of I he road and the removal of timber from the camps. j , j Ship Us Your Woe! Wo do cleaning and carding for comforters and mattresses. Manu facturers of pure wool bats CUYSTAli KPrtlXGS WOOMON M1IJ.S 1'ortland, Oregon Mills 700 rmatilla Avenue Office S02 Spalding lil.lg. Gorman And Brown Battle To Draw PortlMiH!, Or., May 21Joe (lormnn, PoiiKiMl featherweight, .and You:i Ii-ov;l of Los AngoloH fought round L a draw in the main event of ti e I n t!:iiid boxing conimlHulon lok-.T li'-'i,! at the jii-mory last nifiht.' "'he fight wo. the grt-atwdt ever Htaged in this citv with plenty nf action throughout the tMi rounds. In the .semi-windup of eight rounds, PugK.v Morton of Los Angeles was awarded the decluon over Pete JIHehie of Poiylliind-. They are lightweights. Fmnkie Monro of Los AnpelPH and Weldon Wing ,a .local featherweight, went eiuht rounds to a draw. i" Hoke, Portland featherweight, stopped Nell Zimmerman, anolhor locil hoy, in the third rou,nd of n scheduled four round go. Johnny Kugute and Jimmy Moscow, local lightweights, drew In the four round curtain raiser. "Hut there's no bread in th house for breakfu.st and the stores are all closed for the night 1' protested Ann Brinkly in dismay. Her husband had telephoned late that an important business acquaint ance was coming for the night. '"Then have muffins." suggested Tom, cheerfully resourceful. "Tom Brinkly, you know I never have luck with muffins, groaned Ann, She hung up t he receiver and turned to young Mrs. tfuton. "I don't know why 1 can't make good muffins, Bar bara. 1 like them just as much as Tom does, but somehow mine are never successful. And how I hate to get up earlier to make them!'' "Why not mix them tonight and bake them tomorrow morning'.'" said Parbara calmly. Ann looked at her in amazement. "Have you any Ryzon. Paking Powder?" inquired Barbara, getting up briskly, "because if you have Kyzon you can get the muttins ui ready now. The batter will be perfectly good tomorrow if you stand it in a cool place." As Ann still looked incredulous, Bar bs ra continued: "Oh yes, really, I often do it myself. And you needn't worry nbout the muffins turning out right. Since I've used Hyzon I haven't httd a single baking failure. And If you follow directions you can bake just exactly us well." The new Kyaon Baking Book (orig- hial price $l.aoj, containing 2-"a prac tical recipes, will be mailed, postpaid, upon r.eipt of 30 cents in stamps or juini.Or if you will purchase two or more pounds of Ryzon at once from vnur grocer, sending us his name and address promptly, we will mail you a 1! y on Ba king Book free. General I'hcmieal Co., Food Department, 25 Broad .St., New York, N. Taft Will View . Valley By Auto W illiam Howard Taft will be treat ed to a motor ride through the Wil lamette valley, according to orranKe inents made Thursday, by A. !. fierce of the Merlon hotel, R. C. Storey, local Ellison-White manapcr, John W. W'heaton of Silver Kalln, a. former tu-: dent at Yale with one of the ex-prtwi-! dent's sons, and V. M. Woodard. Mr. Taft will he met at Kuirene by Mr. Wheuton and Mr. Woodnrd and will arrive in Halem about 11:30. At noon a luncheon will be served at Ho tel Marion which will be attended by the city'8 most prominent citizens. Saturday evening, May 29, the for mer president will lecture at the opera hnu en "The Tea(rue of Nations ITp- to Date" and it is probable, that he will later be taken to l'ortiana ny mobile by local buHiness men. Profiteering To Be Subject Ot Dry Goods Meeti San. Francisco. May 21. The prob- ..t Pnfaaarlnir in dl'V STOOdH W'll form the principal topic of dincussiou I when department tore owners of Hip I Pacific coast meet the merchant j princes of the east and Great Britain in San ViamlRco June 2 and 3 f"i jthe firnt western convention of tii.; ! National Retail Ury floods associ.i Uion. . I The gathering will mork the first ! concerted attempt by the leadi";.' ! merchants of the country to attack the high cost of living as it relate ito their Industry. An urgent invitatioi has been despatched to prominent ; dealers throughout the west by Mar- ;shal Hale, vice president oi w.c tional organization, to attend the eoni ' ine convention. I The drapers' western itinerary m I eludes: Denver, May 24; Colorado Springs, May 24; Salt. Lake City, Miy !28; Ogden, May 29; San Franc1. . May SO: Los Angele, June 5; Oak land,. June 12; Portland, June 1!: I Seattle, June 15; Vancouver, June ! j Captain E. IC Brown of Kllenburg has been engaged to deliver five e?.. 1 n-lrn speeches in Yakima vallty towns. ST -,i,ES l,' Sizes 14,to 19. Regulars, Slims and extra sizes. Extra Quality. Prices $1.25 to $2.50 Extra heavy blue denim overalls, $2.75 Work Shoes $4.00 to $11.00 Salem Woolen Mills Store C. P. BISHOP, PROP. 138 North CfniliiK rdal 8 Bars Crystal White ; Package Sea Foam ........ Washing Powder 7 Cream Oil 2 cakes Creme Oil free with Every Dollar's Worth DEMONSTRATION Of Crystal White Soap People's Cash Stores i ...... . . KILL THE RATS TO-DAY By Using TEMIliS' PASTE ..rnatioiinlextrrraiii;"rto'l;al9.ic"; ,.krichi-S8iid Waterbtig.. It rn-n .wire in tb'nepwtntoiun frmntiio ouno- ins for wati-r liv.-b a:v. i' u'e ' , ilia Ii.vl'icn:oi. Two Hze-. S i'r.n'1 H-w ;toalu lie er.owfiJ tc 1H iroaiww " ' .-iV'"- p fust soy fill- ifyouwanf the clennine in bottles for the home at soda fountains and on draught W.wsiw''ifify,'Y:gf' On Afi llinery Mi 1 rsmmsogs mm For one weuk Beginning Saturday, Slay 22 Customers who have inspected all the millinery stocks in Salem testify that we have the lowest prices in town. Yet we are making this additional great cut of 25 per cent. Now is tho time to buy a pretty summer hat at a low price-. ' . Come Early ! ' 4 " Salem Variety Store 1 152 North Commercial Street 11 mi mot 1 MdJte mo?tey with d r a HPHERE was never so great a demand as there is now for boys with bicycles for messenger service, errands, light deliveriesand similar work. Excellent wages are offered, too, for either regular or spare time work. For these boys, the bicycle makes money. For many other people in other work, it saves money! It is the clean, convenient means of daily transportation for hundreds of thousands of people. Come to our store and see the fine Dayton Bicycles on display. We have them in all sizes and styles, for men and women, and boys and XT. yo l. itamsoeo 387 Court Street girls. We sell the Dayton because a quarter-century of service has proved it is the best! Buy a Dayton! It quickly pays for itself. Llo