Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 21, 1920, Image 1

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. fc?
', : i.-rtii. lnixl-t-aif
bit. tw'Kir 7"
KiTAL- Min. temperature 40, max.
,. , -.! 51. Rainfall .01 inches. Ki..
!Tj s feet, f j:ud.
Average for Six MouUis eliding
March SI. 1920
Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation
Associate J Press Full Lensed Wire
jf O
Wilson For
Final Action
Washington. May 21. The repub
lican peace resolution was adopted
finally today by the house. It now
an to the president.
I'iOT j 1
ate substitute for the original house
solution, democrats vainiy oppos
ing it
The vote approving the resolution
,nu announced as 228 to 139 which
fit taken to indicate that a veto by
the president could not be overril
den. Twenty democrats joined with the
republicans in adopting the resolution
irhlle two republicans, Representatives
Kelley, Michigan, and Fuller, Massa
chusetts, voted against it
. Democratic supporters of the reso
lution were:
Ashbrook, Ohio; Caldwell, New
York; Carew, New York; Cullen, New
Tork; Dooling, New York; Evans, Ne
vada; Galllvan. Massachusetts; Ganly,
New York; Gomrogie, New York;
Hamlll, New Jersey; Huddleston, Ala-
bama; McKiniry, New York; McLane,
Pensylvania; Miller, New York; Mead,
New York; O'Connell, New .York; On
Icy, Massachusetts; Sullivan, New
Tork; Sherwood, Ohio; Tague, Massa
chusetts. Carranza Saved
By Warning of
n , nil
ive Rebel
l.flilTlVI lAnll ibrinS out a heavy vote.
, , , 1 rcity, returns from 14 of the 16 votr
Havana, May 21.-W amlng from a!ing places in the city- at 2 0.cloCl
captured revolutionary soldier saved showed that only 815 had voted. Less
President Carranza of Mexico from' tnan nalf ot tne votes cast UP t0 that
possible death or injury during, the ; time were by women'
lighting near Rmconada, state of
Puebla, last week, according to J. H.
Durrell, Mexico City representative of
the National City bank of New York
City who arrived here today from Vera
Cruz, Mr. Durrell was a passenger on
one of the twenty-three trains in
which Carranza and his followers fled
from the Mexican capital May 6 and
ras in the thick of the fighting- that
preceded the defeat of Carranza's sol-
The captive had beeB taken on
ooard Cararnza's train,, and when he
fdltnd 1 m,o . i. a ,
Mv inform, t ,r , I' . , : 1
neaiy informed officers in charge that
the track was mined. Investigation I
nmvml tV, - .. ,
Zfi lhlhf St0ry andthr?e
mines were unearthed.
Carranza was absolutely fearless
during the heaviest fighting at Rln
conada, Mr. Durrell says, personally
fading his men to the attack and dis
regarding the bullets falling thick
about him.
Mr. Durrell and his companions sur
rendered to the revolutionists wm
ave them safe conduct to the coast.
One of the party was W. A. Body, Brlt
h vice consul at Vera Cruz. Mr.
Durrell left him at Puebla with the un
oerstanding he would proceed to Vera
Crus the next day.
Persia Appeals
For Protection
Undon, May 21. Persia has ap-
7. t the learj8 ot nat'ons to pro
, here asai'ist bolshevik aggression.
nf la.PPea1, which 'oows the landing
"ibolshevik forces on Persian soil
the Caspian sea, was made
'uirh the Tersian foreign- miniate:,
"ho is in Paris.
The appeal alludes to the presence
" tnzeli harbor of warships belong
rJr 6 """-bolshevik forces for
riy operating under General Dent-
maintains that Persia acted
Within t. . .
carrt. . tr'ghts as a neutral with re
Wrfl to these vessels.
Hamburg Strike Over
hZ ' May "The strike in the !
it h )yards has been settled.
C ,T"Ced in advlces from Ham
wllWnn y" Before the settlement,
Hrlker. occurre1 yesterday between
tt of av.nd securit5' Poce ns a ro
il and . three Persons were kill
en others wounded.
i Have You lnW.-DonV For set
ODnTp, PIU In m warls and precincts of Marion county will be
rlday, May 21, between the hours of 8 a. m. and 8 p. m.
rImEV-ery Voter ln Mar'on county is eligible, for participation in the
manes, irrespective of political creed or following.
eat.Many voters who register as socialists, prohibitionists, independ-non-Partisan
or others, are under the Impression that the prim
election Friday is for republicans and democrats only.
Cr3,.Witn the exception of nominations for the republican and demo
lmDrC,S'ates' aU voters without regard to political affiliation have an
ekiT 1 duty t0 Perform by balloting on state, county, and resident
tll'e measures. . ,
Voters who had failed to register can have their votes sworn In
eonm)PearinS at their own Precinct poling places with two Marion
y freeholders, who can vouch for identity and statements as to
"sidence, etc. ,
tieir 'e and other city elections, all voters are eligible to par-
nd h the baIIot"S. for city officials as.these offices in Salem
t e mairl:y of Marion county towns are non-partisan.
frc,mlfbe,WeeR th dates of APril 20 and May 21, the voter has moved
1 ta s. Precinct in which he was registered, he has recourse to
vo's., " ot taking his vote good in hi snew precinct. First: the
1 a L?" R!,p!5r to the county clerk before election day and receive
2 Dt-Z ,icat that will be recognized bv election officers In the new
been-. .
the vote may be
------ s v i ,r iiiui uc
p. -"uE-n.i jour vole in
residence fi
halt,. irorn mat precinct. Au?r cnaj'sf -
wm in tie .former balloting
lean reace Resolution Is
"?? heIf Francisco Villa for $50,000 ransom, according to of
ficial advices today to the state department from Chihuahua. ;
.X'Pa' Miy 21TRo8ebur was without hospital ac
commodations today, the only remaining haven for the sick, the
Roseburg Sanitarium havin gbeen partially destroyed by fire. All
patients were carried to safety. Roseburg's other hospital was
badly damaged by fire two weeks ago.
Philadelphia, May 21. Grover C. Bergdoll, notorious draft
dodger, escaped from custody today. He had been confined in a
military prison near New York serving a five-year sentence and
was brought here to sign papers. Watching his opportunity he
dashed from,' a lawyer's office to an automobile waiting outside
and m an instant was out of sight.
Voting Slow in City Up to 2 p. m.
Promises Big Rush at Polls In
Evening; Women Voters Are Many
Unless the polls in the city of Sa
lem are crowded with voters during
th elate afternoon and early evening
toda'' far Iess than the estimated poll-
Ing of registered voters will be realiz
ed. During the morning very few votes
were cast in the 16 prescincts in the
city and the figures compiled at 2
o'clock this afternoon indicated a to
tal vote of slightly over 50 percent,
far below the predictions of office
seekers and politicians In general pre
vious to the Election." It was thought
that the mitlage bills for the support
or the primary and advanced school,,
coupled with the keen contests for
some county and state offices would
Silverton, Or., May 21. As usual
little Interest is manifested In the elec
tion this forenoon. Voting is always
light here in the morning. In east Sil
verton precinct only twenty-four votes
were cast at 10:80. It Is expected that
a comparatively heavy vote will be
polled this afternoon as there is conr
siderable interest in the educational
1 measures, which1 will probably call out
j a large women's vote. It is difficult to
estimate what the' result will be, but
the vote on the measures is likely to
, ,
.ll' .......
inert? U.r ituuitu rtfiiurcu iiumuru
registered votes In the Silverton pre
cincts and probably fifty per cent of
which will be polled.
Mt. Angel, Or., May 21. Interest is
rampant in this city over the outcome
of election and voting Is strong, espe
cially in the east precinct. At a few
minutes after nine this morning nearly
fifty votes had been polled. Every
thing was In readiness when the polls
opened and the booths filled Imme
diately with electors preparing their
tickets. At the rate of voting going on
this forenoon more than seventy per
cent of the registered vote will be poll
ed. Scotts Mills Light.
Scotts Mills, Or., May 21. Favor
able weather for work in the prune or
chards seems to have detracted inter
est in the primary election here and
voting is light this morning. Unless a
change is seen this afternoon not more
than one third of the registered vote
will be polled.
Metlford Vote Heavy.
Medford, Or., May 21. A large roe
is predicted here today because of the
$500,000 bond issue for good roads
which is to be voted on Jackson coun
ty. An active campaign has been car
ried on in favor of the issue, but con
siderable opposition has developed in
the rural districts and a close vote Is
expected. With the withdrawal of
Hoover, and the request by the local
Hoover managers to throw their sup
port to a candidate who favors the
league of nation it Is expected General
Wood will carry the county by a safe
majority, with Johnson second and
Lowden third. ,
Eugene Stores Close.
Eugene, Or., May 21. In order that
i a olj-here descrioeQ.
BMWiti -
. . . , , ..rHiA If vnil
your oia prec.nt-i w"- - --
district is illegal.
the merchants of Eugene and their
employes may have ample opportunity
to cast their ballots at the election to
day, Mayor Peterson has issued a
proclamation asking that the stores be
closed from 12 noon until 2 p. m. to
day. He gives his reason for this ac
tion that the measuresto be voted upon
are of utmost importance to the city of
Eugene as well as to the community at
French Railway
Strike Called off
Paris. May 21. The general feder
ation of labor decided today to call
off the strikes it had ordered in sup
port of the railway men's walkout.
The decision for the resumption of
work was reached by a vote of 96 to
The health officer ot Tenino has di
rected that all drinking water must be
Democratic Candidates
All Far Short of Votes
Sufficient to Nominate
Chicago, May 21. With he demo
cratice convention a little more than ,
month away a canvass of the situation
shows no one man , has received as
many as 100 pledged delegates, while
the wilnstructed delegates thus fai
chosen number 6 87.
There are 242 delegates yet to be
elected. Under the democratic ton-
vention rules a two-thirds vote is re
quired to nominate, or 728 out of the
1092 votes which will cast in the con
vention, Of those candidates who have votes
Instructed for them, Attorney General
A. Mitchell Palmer is leading with the
76 votes given to him by his home
state of Pennsylvania this week.
Governor James M. Cox of Ohio is
a close second with 74 votes, the bimio
delegations bf Ohio and Kentucky.
The names of three "favorite son"
stand third, fourth and fifth in the list.
Governor Edward I. Edwards of New
Jersey receiving his state's 28 votes,
Senator Carter H. Glass having Vir
ginia's 24, and Senator Robert L. Owen
of Oklahoma, being the choice of that
state's twenty delegates.
James W. Gerard of New YorK, .or-
mer ambassador to Germany, who fil-
ed a petition ln South Dakota
wlll re-1
celve the state's ten votes. .
rVilv nna enntpst has n lines red In
date. Ih Georgia friends of Mr. Pal-1'0' that purpose, asserted toda ..d
mer, dissatisfied with the action of tin-1 dressing the senate,
state convention In indorsing Senator I "0"e ne, he big stock market.
Hoke Smith, organized a separate con-i , Pased lntot.thelr ?owe he
vention and seiected 28 Paimer dele-if'?, "until today they contro not on-
Oregon democrats today elect
Polish Counter
Attack Drives
Kea tOrCeS DaCK
Warsaw, .May 20.-Polish troops,
counter attacking bolshevik forces on j
.i, h.i.,.
ive driven the soviet armies bacindent packer, still had a large
. 1 a . mll. I.--,.,-
pol, according to an official statement
issued here today. .
The statement declares that on the
middle Thereoina sector the bolshevikl
were repulsed when they tried to fom.
their wuy across the river.
London, May 21. Russian soviety
troops are continuing their pursuit of
'the Poles In tbe region of Polotsk On
the Dvina river, according to an of-
flclal announcement issued In. Moscow
and received here by wireless.
Worfidd liraves nospilal
Los Angeles, Cal., May 20. David
Warfield. the actor, has left a hos
pital here, where he has been for two
months, and stated today he woul.l
leave for New York June 4. Mr.
Warfield was taken to the hospital
after an automobile struck him as he
attempted to cross the street nearj
hi hotel, and caused a broken leg.
and other injuries, all of which have
healed without permanent traces.
Loan to Buy
Needed Gars
Is Approved
Washington, May 21. A loan of at
least (125,000,000 out of the $300,000,
000 revolving fund to enable railroads
to purchase equipment required to
meet transportation needs of the pub
lic was approved today by the- inter
state commerce commission.
The commission in a few hours has
taken three other important steps to
ward breaking the freight congestion.
Tthese were orders for:
Forwarding of traffic without refer
ence to previous routing; abrogation
of all railroad rules governing car serv
ice; transfer of 32,000 coal cars from
west to east and of 20,000 box cars
from east to grain fields of the west.
Prompt Action Promised.
These moves were expected within
ten days, members of the commission
said, but they expected that a much
longer period would be required to
"get the entire tangle straightened
! JViVAT .. J r electors went to the polls today to re
loans will he held here Mnv 99 nnrt ih. t r
commission asked that applications
embody detailed statements of the
transportation needs which the carrier
would be unable to meet and what
service for the public could not be per
formed if the loan asked was not
granted, statements of security offer -
orl IK. .nmln. U
-v. i VUB ai. identiai preference, senator ana oon-
plicants. ' ; Ivention delegates. There is no con-
Detalls Outlined. test for democratic presidential pref-
The $125,000,000 for equipment 1 erence, the name ot William G. Mc
might best be disbursed," the ccunmis- Adoo being the only one on the demo
ston said, "through a national equip- cratlp ballot
ment corporation In which the car-1 On the republican ballot for pre
riers would take stock for 25 per cent identiai endorsement are the names uf
ofthe coEt of the equipment, the Unl-' Senator Hiram W. Johnson, Herbe.t
ted States advancing the cash for the Hoover, Governor Frank O. Lowden,
stock up to $125,000,000 and the re-'senator Miles Polndexter and Mjaor
malning 75 per cent being financed General Leonard Wood. Senator Poin
through a car trust. Provision Would dexter has withdrawn front the con-
haveto be made for adequate perdlem
or rental with arrangement
The commission estimated that
equipment already ordered and to cost opposing the league of nations. Gen
$125,000,000 represented probably lew'eral Wood and Governor Lowden fav-
than 25 per cent of that needed.
Census Figures
Washington, May 21.- Erie,
Pa., 03,372, Increase 26,847, or
40.4 per cent.
Bristol, Conn.t 0,620, increase
7118 or 52.7 per cent. -
Hopkinsvllle, Ky., 8696, ln- a
crease 277 or 2.8 per cent.
LaGiange, Go., 17,038, in
crease 11,451 or 205 per cent.
Traverse City, Mich., 10,825,
decrease 1190, or 9.8 per cent.
Kendrick Hits
Big Packers In
Senate Speech
Washington, May 21. The "big
i live meat pacxers dominate tne live
stock Industry so completely that en-
actment of federal regulation leglsU-
tion ' is necessary, Senator Kendrick,
democrat, Wyoming, author of bills
fourteen others as well, so that their
domination of the Industry is, all but
; complete. During the year 1918 'mors
than 76 percent of all the stock han
died in interstate commerce passed
thru their yards."
The packers obtained their position,
he said, by "suspending economic law
..A A ..f.A mi .1 1 1 1 la l.w '
The Per meat consumption
of the country and the number of Itj
"vesiocK nau unippm, on, me
senator earn. n, '".-.u
in number due to the fact that Ind-!-
nieaBurc ti ......,., ..e nuucu,
Dallas Church
Gutted by Fire
Dallas, Or., May 21. Damage estl-
mated at $2000 was sustained when
fire, which began from an overheated
stove in the basement, completely gut
ted the First Christian church at Dal
las at 10 o'clock this morning. Four
volunteer firemen were severely In
jured about the hands and face by fall
ing glasand debris.
The basement of the church was be
ing used for a polling place, but when
the fire began the Judges and clerks,
with records of the election, escaped.
Soldiers Rule Madrid
Madrid, May 21. Martial la
been proclaimed here as the result
(bread disturbances.
Funeral Flowers
Refused By Rich
The funeral of W. Moses, a former
employe of the Spaulding mill was
held Thursday, funeral expenses being
provided by a collection taken up
among his former associates. Mrs.
Moses, who is also ill, was left penni
less, without funds or relatives save in
the far east and Red Cross requests
contributions for her assistance sent to
Mrs. Iodd of the relief bureau.
The case' brought out the lack of
charity among Some of Salem's well-to-do,
who are asked by the nurse who
donated her services, to contribute a
few flowers from their gardens for the
funeral and brusquely refused. One
wealhty woman with hundreds of
blooming tulips, refused to give a
blossom and slammed the door in the
face of the solicitor. The flowers, like
the contributions, came from those less
well off in worldly goods.
Oregon Voters
Name Candidates
At Polls Today
Portland, Or., 'May 21. Oregon
cord their Preference for president of
the United States; to elect delegates
'to the republican and democratic na-
tional conventions, and to nominate
candidates for United States senator.
The league of nations Is the para-
'mount issue In the contests for pres.
1 . .
test, too late, however, to have his
name effaced from the ballot. .
Senator Johnson Is announced
or the league, with reservations,
while the managers of the Hoover
campaign have asked republicans to
express their preference for the mr.n
whom they think has " the ' better
chance .of defeating the "no league
candidacy of Senator . Johnson
Hoover , supporters haye been reques(-
ed by the Hoover oamoalgn managers
to vote for convention candidates who
favor the league
Senator George E. Chamberlain !s
seeking renomlnatton on the demo
cratic ticket, being opposed by Har
vey G. Starkweather. The latter has
announced himself a proponent of the
league of nations covenant as brought
back from Versailles by President
Wilson. Senator Chamberlain his
made no statement on the subject
during the Oregon campaign.
Price Cutting
Fever Reaches
New York, May 21. The price cut
ting movement here today reached
some wholesalers, when managers and
buyers of prominent department stores
announced they would refuse to pur.
chase from Jobbers until substantial
'reductions were made. The depart
ment stores, which claim to offer re
ductions of from 15 to 60 per cent now
demand that wholesalers make con
cessions to them.
Food Prices Drop.
Some wholesalers of wearing appar
el declared they believed the price cut
ting movement to be artificial and un
economic, asserting that It has stimu
lated buying without a corresponding
Increase in production, and a reaction
was baind-to eofie.
The first reduction in food was an
nounced yesterday when one of V-i
largest cabarets and restaurants in tlu
city stated It had had all items on Its
menu reduced 30 per cent.
Boycott Effective.
Washington, May 21. The wave of
price reduction in wearing apparel
which has spread to every important
city is due largely to public withdrawal
from the market and to the investiga
tion conducted by the department of
Justice, in the opinion of Assistant At
. General Garvin. While he said
. ... iP,i,ve the department "de
served too much of the cred!'., '
Garvls refused to indorse claims of
merchants that they were actuated
solely by patriotic motives.
Cardinal Gibbons .
Invited To Attend
G.O.P. Convention
Chicago, May 21. Learning that
Cardinal Gibbons of Baltimore
planning to be In Chicago June 8 to
attend a Catholic anniversary celebra
tion, the committee on arrangements
of the republican national convention
today wired him, asking him to be
present at the opening of the conven
tion June 10,
If Cardinal Gibbons can attend, it is
expected that he will be asked to pro
nounce the Invocation at the opening
of the c&nvention. .
The commencement address of the
j South Bend, Wash., hifth'schooi will
if . be delivered by A. C. Roberts, pre i
j dent of th normal school at CentralU.
a by- House
Mexican Revolutionists
Must Satisfy Villa Before
Securing His Retirement
In Camp With General Villa, Boquillas, Chihuahua, May 19. -(Via
El Paso, Texas, May 21) (By The Associated Press) Fran-
cisco Villa, variously described as a revolutionist, patriot and ban-
dit, is yet a factor in Mexican affairs, as ready and willing to take
the field against the newest revolutionary forces as he was against
Carranza, he told the Associated Press here today.
Villa, the man who drew the Amer-
lean army under General Pershing in
close pursuit ot him .after the raid on
Columbus, N. M., in 1916 when Vlllle
tas raided that bordertown, declared
the successor of Carransa must fullest
satisfy his Ideals of government before
he would retire to private life and quit
the life of a "Robin Hood."
Obregon Disliked.
Villa does not like General Alvaro
Obregon, candidate for the presidency
of Mexico, who apparently has become
the "man of the hour" In Mexico
through the country's new revolution.
Obregon Is the Mexican leader who
first decisively defeated Villa. This
fight occurred at Celaya, Obregon then
whs leading Carranza troops against
Villa and later became minister of war
in the Carranza cabinet.
Villa would not make public the
guarantees he demands from the new
government except politicians must be
kept from ruling Mexico.
Grieves for Angeles,
Villa's greatest emotional period was
during questioning concerning General
Felipe Angeles, who was executed by
Cararnza forces at Chihuahua in No
vember last for rebellion against the
government. Tears came to Villa's
eyes as he discussed Angeles and con
demned the men who ordered him ex
ecuted. "Angeles Is the man Mexico should
have now, he said.
Villa declared Carransa officials
prevailed on American officials at El
Paso ln June last to cross the Rio
Grande and drive him from his attack
on the city, which he was about to take
In oompany with Angeles.
Conference Fruitless.
Chihuahua' City, Mexico, May 20.
Via El Phsq, May 21 General P. Ellas
Calles, minister ot war for the new
revolutionary government left here, to
night for Torreon for Mexico City aft
er a conference with envoys from Gen
eral Francisco Villa.
The conference, It was understood,
did not result in the acceptance of con
ditions laid down by Villa whereby he
would retire to private life.
Elimination of Villa as a military or
bandit factor In the immodlate future
because of the conference, is believed
unlikely. However, revolutionists an
nounced means for his elimination
were being considered.
Archie Robinson
Sought By Lonely
Mother In Salem
Where Is Archie Robinson?
He was said to have been seen In Ml
lem last Saturday and hla lonely moth
er, Mrs. A. D. Robinson of Jefferson,
Or., who for five years has conducted
a reientless search for him, has ap
pealed to police to aid her in finding
him. -
According to her story to police
Thursday night Mrs, Robinson last
heard of Archie in the oil fields of Tex
as. Since that time she has been left
alone in the world, anl pleaded tear
fully r!th police to send her boy back
to her.
Archie Robinson Is 35 years of ejM,
5 feet 10 Inches tall, has auburn hair,
blue eyes and is believed to be walking
with a cane.
Qitebeo Has Fire.
Quebec, May 20. A forest fire Is
sweeping Bellechasse county threaten
ing destruction of the clllages of Ct.
Camllle, St. Fablen, Panet and Daa
quam, accordlngto telegraphic appeals
for aid received here today. Daaquam
was said to be in great danger and the
inhabitants' were reported leaving
their homes. .
Daniels States Senate
Investigators Exceeded
Authority During Probe
Washington, May 21. : Secretary
Daniels today accused the senate sub
committee investigating Rear Admir
al Sims' charges against the navy d.
parement's conduct of the war with
having exceeded Us powers ln going
outside the original controversy ovor
naval war decorations. The commit
tee, Mr. Daniels told Chairman Hale,
had given Admiral Sims an opportuni
ty to make an "ostentatious repre
sentation of his charge when it re
minded him to produce a letter of
criticism to the department
The secretary appeared to undergo
cross examination on his direct testi
mony, concluded yesterday. After
Chairman Hale In a preliminary state
ment had stated that Admiral 81ms
criticisms were Impersonal and aimed-
at "responsible heads" and not at the
navy as a whole, Mr. Daniels chal
lenged the chairman to show by read- j
Ing from the letter that It referred, as i
Mr. Hale had said, to the first fe'Vj
months of the war. j
In reply, the chairman read from I
the Sims letter and testimony, but
Mr. Daniels insisted that nothing had '
Emergency Fund
Will he Asked
The state emeregncy board will be
called upon within the next month to
consider a deficiency appropriation to
care for claims accruing against tha
state under the provisions of the sol
diers' educational aid act, according to
Governor Olcott. While no call has
yet been Issued for a meotlng of the
board the governor states that condi
tions now obtaining muke a session ot
the board imperative and expects that.
the call will be issued within the next1
few days. ' The fund so far authorised
by the state legislature for the admin
istration of this act, including approxi
mately $200,000 raised under the mlll
age tax provided by the 1919 session -and
the $250,000 appropriated by the,'
special session last January Is already
exhausted, according to the records of
the secretary of state's office which
shows a total of $16,000 in claims un
paid for want of funds.
Even If the mllluge measure on to
day's ballot for the relief of this fund
shall be passed ,a Is freely predicted,
the money will not be available until
next January and It will be necessary
for the emergency board to authorsw
a deficiency to tide over the fund until
that time It Is explained.
It Is also expected that the board
will be called upon to take some ac
tion toward the authorization of a de
ficiency fund to meet the state's share
of the expense toward the maintenance
ot the proposed aerial forest patrol,
which, it is estimated will require ap
proximately ten thousand dollars.
Should the federal appropriation, now
pending before congress, be authorized -the
state's share ot aerial patrol ex
pense will be materially reduced, it Is
explained by State Forester Elliott '
It Is also understood that a deficien
cy appropriation Will also be ought for
the Oregon social hygiene society and
It is probable thut one or more state
Institutions whose funds are now prac
tically exhausted will also ask for ad
ditional aid at the forthcoming session
of the emergency board.
Ridical Breaks
Sends All Stock
Prices Sliding;
Chicago, May 21. Prices came
down helter skelter today on tho
board of trade. All grain and provis
ions Joined In the big tumble. Corn
and pork underwent extreme breaks
respectively, 7 3-8 cents a bushel and
$2.05 a barrel, July delivery of uom
touching as low as $1.64 1-8 and July
pork $3,475.
Belief that a drastic .order would
be Issued for the railroads to move
grain on a priority basis was largely
responsible for a selling stampede)
that caused the smash ln value.
Much of the selling appeared to bo
.in the nature of unloading by holders)
who no longer saw a chance for irof
lts on the bull side of the market. .
John Roth, a nothwest railroad m.n,
has been appointed a member of tho
car distribution board of the Inter
state commerce commission.
been read showing that Admiral Sims
confined his charges to the first few
Secretary Daniels declared Admlnl
Sims has charged Admiral Bensun,
chief of naval operations, with lack
ing the "will 'to win."
Senator Hule replied that the charge
was not directed at Benson, but at
the man who had the final responsi
bility. "Who do you mean?" asked Secrj
tary Daniels,
"He referred indirectly to the chlif
of naval operations and directly to ih
secretary of the navy," replied tha
"And In view of that you still main
tain that there were 'no personalitli's"
in the Sims letter?" usked the secre
tary. "That wasn't a charge, It was s.
criticism," Mr. Hale said.
If Admiral Sims thought, when ha
left the Cnlted States that Admir.i!
Benson lacked "the will to win" .to
should have so notified President Wil
son, Mr. Daniels declared.