Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 20, 1920, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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-rTI-U ueh insertion 2
.iv-ea insertions 6 cents; one
""'ft rents; one month 2 cents;
1,1 , oer month 12 cents; roin-
"S- aJ 25 cents.
3,a PSsertioa only in New Today.
l ta cash in advance and not tak-
CV-) Dh0e, unless advertiser has
over f N. allowance for
Cuvvs. Phone
el 2 6
-rrrTR tires r ooa tires. Salem
"ffij"-l X. Com l.- - ql4i--rZrVVp4iirt
woman- to wah
,nd sweep. Apply Wiliam-
ere Sanatorium.
--7fiAbout ZD Board second
, xi2 IS feet long. Address
, ir Ransom, 198 W. Lincoln Si.
- t tnw t1:t
r'- """' r
-ToLEOne-horse light spring
lmn1n good condition; also sin-
Sfnarness. John P. Murphy. 2215
rTrTmS ChevrSirt touring: car for
Ulle in A-l condition. Call at Cher-
fwF overcoat between Salem an-1
Lnpndence. Leave at 270 Front
Reward. 121
:rryjiL $2000 on good improved
real estate security. Socolofsky, 341
c.,t St. 1123
.... , ,u ,,-uln ftf lMn.t n nw
' w the minute farm lighting and
Jwer plant. Large capacity. Phone
jJoiJse for rent. 5 rooms lurinshed,
no chiklren wanted; garden, pos
session June lath. Call evenings
1355 Ferry St. 121
EJfKD potatoes, we have about fifty
sacks left that we will sell at four
cents; also have table stock to sell.
Mangls Bros., 542 State St. Phone
,,; dl23
RANTED Ketmed lady to do house
work for a man and 7-year old son.
Apply 12S5 S. Liberty street aft?r
choice land $375. 13 1-3 acres (1.
000; 20 acres $1200; 5 cleared.
Terms easy. John H. Scott Realty
"Co., 228 Oregon bldg. ni22
U ANTED Washing and ironing done
neatly. Phone 1625M 2 rings or call
at ' -
t i'S4 iiazei ave. i;i
FOR SALE Jersey cow, gives 3 gal
lons and over, $65. Phone 209 1R.
SKEI) potatoes 7c per lb. Burbanks
and Pride of Multnomah;, also for
table use. Leo Uoerfler, Salem, Gar
den' road' end of pavement. , dl-26
HAZELWOOIJ pays cash for cream,, poultry, veal and hogs, and
seils Anker Holt separators and
Mutual compound. 121
TREBLA, Etterburg No. 121, Gold
Dollar, Oregon and -Wilson straw
berry plants at reduced prices while
they last. Ward K. Richardson,
2395 Front. Phone 494. ' d
FOK SALE 1917 Maxwell roadster
in good mechanical condition. A
bargain. See me between 3 and 5 p.
m. Saturday on High street south
ot 0. E. depot, or write box 56 care
Journal. ll22
FOK SALE by owner, eleven acres
2 miles from post- office. Large
modern ihouse, fair outbuildings;
all kinds of fruH, mostly' prunes
and apples; lots of berries." Price
$15,000; will tal good modern
house on first payment. Write A Z
care Journal. 121
For Sale Houses.
FOR SALE 5 room bungalow, 2
large lots $1050. Box C care Jour
nal, n
HOUSE for sale , cheap. 445. Rich
mond ave. Call at 681 S. 25th St.
, . a!21
FOR SALE 7 room house, good
corner lot on car line, all kinds of
fruit. Price $1850. Hart & Muller,
208 Oregon bldg. n
FOR SALE 5 room house close in;
a bargain. Hart & Muller, 208 Ore
iron bldg. n
FOR SALE A good comfortable
house a few fruit trees, barn, well,
lot 100x100. $1200, J800 down will
handle. If you have $500 or more
t build on a 10, 20 or 40 acre tract
of land and 5 years at 6 percent to
finish paying for same, you can
get It for $100 per acre.
ACREAGE to trade for citv nroner-
, ty. A. L. Seamster, 416 Masonto. n
I RA E a three room and a two room
unfurnished apartment for rent.
Will E. Purdy, 408 Oregon bldg.
FOR SALE 6 room house for sale
at 217 Richmond ave. Call after-
. noon or evening. a!21
fWt SALE Three room cottage
with dutch pantry, large closet,
electric lights, city water, fruit room
: chicken house and yard, large gar
den, all kinds of fruit. S. Cottage
. a"d Judson St. Phone 1787W2. al2l
; For Sale Farms,
SALE 40 acre farm 1 Vb miles
""-neniawa. Phone 44F5. b!22
'OR SALE 22 .acres, 18 in culti
tloa, plenty of family fruit. Lo
wed 3 miles from city limits. Good
room house, electric lights, good
rarn, new; crop all in. 6 cows, 2
Jjorses, 1 driving horse, 2 sets" of
narness. good wagon, buggy, it doz-
en chickens, plow, cultivator and
" tools; immediate pessession.
'nee J4500 witn termg Qn part
l? Oregon nirtf
' HCuS' g001 Improvements, Salem
tTlf , ' close' t0 car: als0 house
"',m cneap. Address R 8 Jour
f. i ,ln 160 acre to tiade or
,i balance $450, easy terms. Box
-LlareCapital Journal. n
tin KALE 20 acres all in cultiva
". good 8 room plastered house,
J and other tmtbuildings, rich
"": adjoins Chemawa electric sta
on. 5 mile8 from SaIem A bar.
Rain. Hart & Muller, 208 Oregon
R SLE 000,1 tttrm. a's acre
age, by owne. Phnn- OOIJH ,M9
sire . . r
acre t nigniy improved oo
rim ' lou seeded to wheat ana
u ' 00 acres Kod Pasture, toal-
rnmL sJcond growth fir; new nine
nZ? "sa'ow, full cement base-
. f"rnace. bath, hot and cotd
1m large barn and garagB,
frm,, .fruit- hara surface road in
ont of tarm. Price wlth crop ,g0
So7wdes-Hart Mu!ler' "!
Sale ? 110 acrea. 8 miles from
50 acres- in crop, balance
fn,n with 80me good : timber;
p'rl 0!:cnarl. good buildings.
Mi iu ,h crop H.008. Hart &
;,fffel8 Oregon bldg. n'
ocMCi0se ln berry land, 10 acres
blSl..JU8t ou'le eity limits. Ik
ks from Center St carlina on
sSu T?ai- a cultivated; pos-
terms. i,nce- Price 3540' ood
abov!" i acre" flJoining the
for Ia.nd black la". all reads
kin. 2UJ- Pric 12809. Haw
jC,;", 201 Oregon bida-
yoVgir,, : ill
on thi V; 9 acres located close in
fruit.- rden road- mostly all in
w'hJ . new hse tinder con-
mr lV:tteni tor a 'ew y
trH. i4.'0. Would consider
.. . w
,n. well located house
in i
thin. V JU are looking for eome
mf we FreiS W- Durbin at
-" it-m i i .
FOK SALE 44 acres
Salem on good road.
i-rVr ??
Rood buildings, silo and - ' ' I
T'n if rr,ee wuh
(9ao0.. Hart & Muller, 20S Oregon
For Sale Miscellaneous,
FOR SALE Seven tons good, clean
miu-iw nay, loose, jia ton
barn. Phone 6F3.
FOR SALE Hemstitching and dress-
iimning estaonsnment: Rm i.i
: MeCornack bide. . -i--
.-.v. rrrf-r; :
run. mll uood range stove $'5
Call at Leo Doerfler's residence. Box
- 881. Rt. 7, Garden road m5
FOR SALE A bicycle in good con
"""' u - oaoy DUeev. Phnno
OR SALE Top buggy and harness,
cheap. Call at 1704 N. Broadway.
CHEAT hay $23 ton at
the Cherry
City feed barn.
A BARGAIN For sale 20 acres, 5 in
luganoernes, 4uv truit trees, ap
ples and cherries, all kinds of berries;-horse,
wagon and farming
tools; house and barn. At Concom
ley, Or., Oregon Electric R. R. L.
w. jjniey. bl!4
For Sale Nursery Stock.
FOR SALE Potatoes, Phone 1205M
STRAWBERRY nlnnla in ., ..
my. Ciiiemurg izi, uold Dollar,
Trebla, Lady Goshwell. Wilson.
Thrifty well rooted plants. City de
livery. Ward K. Richardson, 2395
f ront St. Phone 494. d
THE famous Etterburg 121 straw
berry plants. Best canner and
shipper. A very heavy producer
when not exhausted raising plants.
Vigorous healthy plants. Low pric
es in large quantities. Ward K.
Richardson, 2395 Front St. d
FOR SALE Tomato, pepper and egg
plants, Crego asters, Snapdragon
and Larkspur plants. W. H. H.
Dodge, Rt. 7, box 38. Phone 1786
W3. dl46
FOR SALE No. 1 seed potatoes 6c
per pound. Claud Ramsden, Prat
um, Or. Phone 110F32. cl28
For Sale Livestock.
YES, I can use more young calves. C.
C. Russell. Phone 3F8. i
WANTED Uood family Jersey cow
from owner only. Not more than 4
or 5 years old. E. Demarest, Rt. 7,
box 34, Salem. 1121
FOR SALE Jersey cow with heifer
calf. Phone 2F22. el21
FOR SALE Choice O. I. C. pigs, eith
er sex, $15 each. C. I. Ballard strain
pedigrees furnished. Kent Bros.,
Rickreall. fl23
FOR SALE 4-year old Jersey-Durham
cow giving 4 gallons per day,
fresh 2 months. Melvin Lien,
Macleny, Or. el 26
FOR SALE Cheap all round old
farm horse. Phone 108F31. el21
FOR SALE -Brood sows to farrow
this month, $30 and up. Also some
small pigs, all sizes, $5 and up. L.
F. Hill, Rt. 8, box 125, Salem, Or.
Phone 59F4. . el23
FOR SALE Cows, milkers and to be
fresh soon; also beef cows. Call
from 5 to 7 p. m. C. C. Russell,
phone 3F3. e
For Sale Wood.
FOR SALE Second growth fir wood
$9.60 per cord, sawed; - old fir
$10.60. Call 1953. eel26
FOR SALE Wood. First class 16-in.
and 4 foot mill wood. Special pric
es car lots. Prompt delivery.
Also dry cord wood. Phone 15-42,
Office 305 S. Church. Fred E.
Wells. ee
For SalePoultry
WHITE Leghorn chicks for salo.
Phone 96F13, Chas. Weathers. fl21
FOR SALE Hatching eggs reduced,
Anconas, strong vigorous laying
stock $1.50, $3, $10. W. G. Pear
mine. Phone 98F2. fl2i
1919 CHEVROLET $250 cash, re
mainder on easy payments. Cherry
City Garage, 170 S. 12th St, , q
WANTED Man to drive Fordson
tractor, good pay. Address 385 Cap
ital Journal. g!21
FOR SALE 1918 Ford bug.' Phone
v 79F4 evenings. q.123
1918 model, handsomely upholstered
in brown leather; newly painted,
light brown; five wire wheels; spare
tire; motor In fine condition; fully
equipped. JThe price is surprisingly
low terms. See this today, it won't
be with us long.
178 South -Commercial 121
One-ton capacity; platform body,
cab, electric lights; completely ov
erhauled and trt fine mechanical
shape; all ready to go. The price
will suit you, terms.
178 South Commercial 121
Just repainted, In prime condition me
chanically and otherwise; five cord
tires and extras. Price $1550, terms.
178 South Commercial
In No. one condition. On easy terms,
1919 Paige 2-ton. all equipped. You
can get in the trucking business for
$450, j
A 1918 Ford truck for -$650. This
is a wonderful buy; gome terms.
A $1100 4-wheel trailer can be
bought this week for $550.
Two-ton 1918 GMC; if you wa-nt to
gave $1000 try this out.
All kinds of automobiles on easy
terms and guaranteed. ; ;
m. its. Efi4 f erry st
M :M ULr t J ' " T " -2AM t UM6MW M ' tt,- , JAjrJL
j nLi- i- -ti rvz "
J?ti ' - '
SLEii.NU room, by day
or mouth at
-ottage. Phone
Phone 115. 1132
;me 01 s"P" rooms
suitable tor 2 men. Washington ho-
rUK RENT Furmsns.i ii.,-t..,..
ing rooms, also sleeping rooms. Cot
tage Apartments, Ii0 Court St. 3122
CLEAN and neat light housekeeping
and elnin . .
iwuia lur rent, reas
onable prices. 85? N. Liberty St.
A.1EI To rent; small modern
house close in. for the summer, Ad
dress box R G care Journal. l!i
iUCE rooms for rent, steam heat,
splendid janitor' servlee. -205 Ore
gon bldg. Phone 142".
pOR RENT Furnished downtown
loeping room far gentlemen, steam
heat, by the month. -Phone 1437.
sua Oregon bldg.
WANTED A 3-bottom, 8-inch walk-
mg gang plow. Phone 1205M. il22
WANTED To lease for year, a room
nouse in or near Tew Park. Phone
WANTED 400 loganberry-tips. - L.
s. Arnold, Rt. phone 65F11. 126
WHV use mill ru nwhen you can ouy
our Golden Dairy Food at the same
price and get better results? A trial
is convincing. Composition, moist
ure 11 percent, protein at least 14
"percent, tat at least 4 percent fiber
not over 10 percent. Farmers Pro
duce Co., 160 S. High. ml25
WANTED A job driving a delivery
auto. Write Rt. 9, box 23, Salem,
Or- M21
IF you have $800 or $1500 to loan on
good Salem property, see me at 408
Oregon bldg. 121
IF you are in the market for a good
homestead of 320 acres in eastern
Oregon, call and see me, I have
one that you may file on in the
event that you- will pay my client for
Ills improvements. Will E. Purdy,
408 Oregon bldg. 121
PttCOS valley, Texas, oil found at
600 feet. Many wells drilling. Your
opportunity to become ' indenend
ent. Five year leases; geological re
ports and abstract of - title. Five
acres, $50. C. R. Banning, o85S
Hollywood blvd., Los Angeles.
FOR SALE Grocery stock and fix
tures, eos n. capitoi. el 21
PORTLAND Eugene Auto Express.
Regular trips. Household goods;
merchandise. Call Capital Garage,
173 S. Liberty. Phone 88.
SEE J. W. Manning for garden plow
ing, cellar digging, heavy team work
Cherry City barns. Phone 199. ml23
TRANSFER L. A. Barrick Co,
Country trips, moving. Wood for
sale. Good service. Stand 271 North
Commercial. Phone 734.
Wanted Help.
GIRL of 11, not going to school
wants place to care for baby In
good home. Write S S this office.
WANTED Painter, I would like to
meet painter and paperhanger with
object of forming a working part
nership'; Prefer man acquainted
with city. Am house and sign paint
er. Have auto. References exchang
ed. Address C R B care Capital
Journal. ml22
WANTED Middle aged lady corre
spondent. Address Box G care Jour
nal. 1122
WANTED Competent dining room
and kitchen help, at the state school
for the blind, phone 21. s
WANTED 2 lady dishwashers, work
6 hours a day. Apply Electric
Restaurant. ... Rl21
'WALLBOARD" can be used over
lath and papered or tinted. Max
O. Buren, 179 N. Com'l- c
Wanted Miscellaneous.
WANTED Board and room. in pri
vate family. P. O. Tiox 231. 213
Lost and Found.
LOST 32x4 auto tire Silver Creek
Falls road. Phone 93F5. Reward.
. . kl20
OAT Meal Paper, 20-inch tan, extra
pedal, 34c double roll. Max O
Buren. J 79 N. Com'l. n
..LISTING. . '
329 Oregon bldg. Phone 951. n
Good Buys.
acre farm located 5 miles east
of Salem, all cultivated and in crop,
house, barn and orchard, 1-3 of crop
goes. Possession of buildings at once.
Price (175 per acre. Terms on part.
10 acres of bearing Italian prunes,
4 miles out, 14 of crop goes. Price
10 acres, 5 acres prunes, on main
highway, close in. Price (5000.
200 acre farm, 100 acres cultivated,
hnlannn irood timber and pasture;
house, barn, rock road. The timber
on this place will go along ways to-
ward paying for the place. Price (125
per acre.
BO acres of good timber locate-
northeast of Salem, Price (100 per
a270 acre farm, all tillable soil,
buildings, good road. Price (125 per
acre. . .
Well improved 10 acre tract, 1 acre
loganberries; food bungalow. Price
17000 . ' " -
7 room modern home located 10
N. 14th street Price jiiauu.
7 room house and two lots, basv
ment furnace, bearing fruits. Price
(3250. , '
6. room cottagfr located In south S - -
em Price (2500. ,
W. H; Grabenhorst & Co.
97S mt treet. .
On theleveU that guy '
FOR SALE 254 acres. Z -k- tu cuiti-l
vation, S nines out, good road; well
encL modern 8 room house, large i in Salem, house is modern except fire
three story barn, 10 acr of prunes , place; fruit, basement and garage.
Kumiy orcnara wu possession.
Price $W0 an acre, . 6ooo cash,
terms per cent. 0er good buvs.
4J5 Oregon bldg- n
. . DOWN
PHONE 51, 329 QREOON bldg. a
of some of the so called "real estate
bargains." The best is always the
cheapest in the end. The following
are real value: ,. .,. '
" ' " FARMS "
ISO acres with 30 acres bearing
English walnuts, 70 acres cultivated,
20 acres easily made tillable; balance
old stump pasture except a fine piece
of lake well stocked with fish. At
tractive 8 room house with excellent
water supply. All equipment, i miles
north of Salem. All river bottom land.
$80 acres all under cultivation With
more than 350 acres in crop. About
seventy head of choice dairy cattle.
Fine range of implements and ma
chinery. Really, good buildings includ
ing two silos. Beautifully laying piece
of land. 9 miles from Salem. $57,000.
Unquestionably one of the finest dairy
farms in Oregon.
110 acres, "70 acres cultivated; 40
in crop; 30 summer fallow; good build
ings; a very . sightly place, S miles
from Salem; 3-4 mile from road be
ing paved. $14,000.
10 acres. One of the most attract
ive suburban homes around Salem
Strictly modern 8 room . bungalow;
barn; first class mixed orchard and
2 acres of young logans. Close to car-
line. $13,000.
10 acres at Broadacres. Fine logan
berry land. 4 room house; good well
6 acres with about one half mixed
orchard, balance in oats. No bund
ings. Creek runs through property.
$1600, $300 cash will handle.
19 3-4 acres at Chemawa. 11 " acres
cultivated, balance pasture. Extra'
good soli. 4 room house, etc. $6000. I
' ' "' SAL15M HOMES 1
9 room house on N. Commercial
street with 3 good lots and fine fruit.
Full cement basement. $3900. A dan
dy home for a farmer in town.
Rungalow of 8 rooms. Has four
bedrooms, all corners. All modern eon
veniences. $9500. Something one can
be proud to own.
Two six roomihomes with furnaces,
located on best streets. $4500 each.
Good terms.
Strictly modem 8 room house on N.
Capitol street, large lot and . barn;
garage. $4500.
12 room homo on North capltot
street with every modern convenience
block to capitol building. $12,000.
Bungalow with 7 rooms. Has beau
tifully appointed fixtures. Three fire
places; nothing lacking in the way
of modern conveniences. Large lot
with nice fruit- Completely furnished
with first class furniture and ruga
In'fafct "a home of character." One
that has distincflbn. $16.000. ''
are invited to list their holdings with
me. Large or small.
you may still sea the largest list of
houses to be bought on the install
ment plan ln Salem.
I will finance your project no delay
"Just Real Estate"
216-216 Masonic, bids. " Phones
Salem, Ore. "
Good 8 room house, large lot, barn,
fruit, good location. (3800, terms.
Good 10 acre tract near Salem,
house," stable, nice location. (4200,
easy terms. - . .
Good 7 room house, large lot, gar
age, on carline, good location. (3200.
Fine river bottom farm 7 miles
from Salem, sacrifice price.
2 acres mile from car line,
fine garden soil, good Wouse,
well, horse, wagon, cow, tools; snap,
(3600, good terms.
2 nice modern residences In Rose
burg Ore., to exchange for Salem
175 acre stock ranch near Roseburg
to exchange for Salem property.
Perrine & Marsters.
211-12 Gray bldg. n
191 acres. 150 in cultivation, bal-
'ance pasture and some fine oak grub
.timber; fair house of 9 rooms, barn,
.'good water, 12 acres in prunes in iu;i
bearing, also prune ciryer; lamny or-
chard; the land is gently rolling; fine
location on good gravel road, near
school and church, mall route and
telephone; 2 miles from town; price
(75 per acre If sold soon; terms.
A fine stock :ranch with two sots
of buildings, 400 acres, 80 acres ln
cultivation, balance pasture - and tint
a. 9 aiu nt farm huiMlne. 2 fam-
, Hy orchards; fine springs; water pip
jed to n0USe and barn; there is also
,gome fine timber and outrange. This
j. gplPndid bargain at (30 per acre,
I terms. Located 6 miles from town oh
,county road asd1 mall route. Particu-
lars of this and other eood buys, write
I . henry ambler
Philomath,. Benton .county. Or. 12r
did take an awful chance. By Bud F isher
9 rooms on one of the best corners
$5500 terms.
rooms on State street not far out.
modern built bungalow, full basement
5 rooms in north Salem, 3 good lots
a good buy, $2250.
10 rooms near the capitol, strictly
modern. $6500.
S rooms and bath in -south Salem,
good basement, new "and up to date.
7 lots go w ith the -house. All for $3200
cash. ' - -
( rooms on Union street close in.
and strictly moderm $450.
T rooms North Capitol street near
the state house. $8000. .- -.
8 rooms, hiodern, furnace, east
front, close in. $3750.
341 State street. n
A really fine i acre tract with good
bearing logans. good bearing prunes,
strawberries, clover-and some grain.
Good 4 room house, fine small barn,
garage, hen house, etc. This is a dan
dy home tract where you can keep
chickens and cow and raise all the
berriesv truit and garden that you can
take care of. All crops and some wood
and implements go- with this tract
at $4000. Immediate possession. Terms
See us today if you want a fine tract
home. Close to sity in fine location.
469 State St. Ground floor.- n
We have a number af clients ' with
good city property who want to give
their houses as par payment on traots
Phone 1130 and tell us where your
tract is located.
469 State St. Ground floor.
$500 DOWN
Buys this attractive modern bun
galow. Has large living room, dining
room, dutch kitchen, three ngnt ana
airy bedrooms, crammed with built
In features Buch as buffets, bookcases,
china closets, hard polished" floors.
bath, cement basement, furnace, laun
dry trays, wood lift. The-, total price
is $8200. There is not another like
it at this price and terms." Get busy
and be the lucky purchaser.
329 Oregon bldg. Open evenings. To!.
051. a
res, phone 884.
Marshall, osteu-
FARM LOANS Any amount. Low
rates. Full repayment privileges
Very prompt service. Ask about oui
. 20-year loans at 8 per cent Haw
kins & Roberts, 20S Oregon bldg
Salem, Or,
Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired! 10
years experience; Depot National
and- American fence, sixes 26 to it
inches high. Paints, oil and varn
ishes, etc, loganberry and- hot
hooka Salem Fence and Stov
' Works. 250 Court street Phone 124
WhySell for LeaaT
WB will pay you more cash for your
household goods. Get our Diet De
fore you tell. Peoples Furniture
and Hardware Store. 271 N. Com
' merolal street. Phone 784.
Water Company.
corner Commercial and Trade Sta
Bills payable monthly la advanoe
i your hauling and moving. Phone
.' 1608J. 12
Money to Loan.
Oil good real estate security
Over Ladd ft Bush Bank. Salem. Ore
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 624
meets every Thursday evening at (
. o'clock in MeCornack building
, Court and Liberty streets. H. G
Coursey. V. C; Frank A. Turner
Money to Loan.
Federal Farm Loans
Any amount Long time.
ty, and 6 percent Interest
City building loans.
A. C. Bohrnstedt.
401 Masonic, Temple. Salem. Oregon
DR. ALBERT R. MILLER Optometrist-optician,
eyes thoroughly ex
amined, glasses made and fitted
6 10-1 V. 8. bank. Phone (41, '
refuse of all kinds removed ot
monthly contracts at reasonable
rates. Cess pools cleaned. Dead anl
mala removed. Office phone Mali
Lodge Directory.
-J meets every Wednesday
evening at 7:30 at I. O. O. F. hall.
Cornack hall on every Tuesday at
g. J. L. Tucker, C. C; P. J. Kunts
K. R. & 8. -
bly No. 84 meets every Thursday
g p. m. in I. O. O. F, hall. P. An-
" dresen, M. A.; A. A. Gueffroy, sec
retary. Salem, Or. ' ' ;
TEAM, Auto Truck and Deliver!
Drivers Union No,- 110 meet every
Wednesday evening at the Labor
Temple, 8 oclock.
. Oregon Grage camp No. I860 meet
very Thursday evening in MoCor
, nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle
Mrs. Carrie E. Bunn, (48 Union 8t
recorder. Melissa Persons, 1415 N.
4th street, phone 1436M.
to. O. W. STlEm"CAMP 118 Meats
every Friday night at 8 o'clock l
j MeCornack hall, oor.. Court and Lib
- erty St. Visiting Woedmen welcome
C. D. Ross. C C: L. B. Geer, clerk
Market Reports
uram: Wheat .o. 1 12.50; reed
oats S3c; cheat hav $23 ft Uroat hay
J21S25; clover hay $25226; mill
run $54 55.
Butterfat: Butterfat 54c; creamery
butter 56 57c
Pork, veal and mutton: Pork on foot
14 3-4o; veal fancy 17ic; steers 11c;
spiing lambs 13c; cows 7$9c; ewe
i 8 ec; sheep yearling !o.
Dressed pork 21t :
Eggs and poultry: . Eggs cash 86ci
light hens 2So; heavy hens 80s;
old roosters 15 816c; broilers $032c.
Vegetables: Onions per pound So;
celery dos.. $1.75; potatoes, Yakima,
fn. 4 W..n 1U Si Z. ,tMtthirrl S3 KB
(3.75; carrots per sack $2.50; parsnips
per sack (3.50; spinach 10o lb.; ras
luhes 40o dos.; asparagus 15a
Fruit: Oranges $5-7.60; lemon
(5.(006; bananas lie; honey extract
(Oe; bunch beets 45c; cabbage io
head lettuce 11.25; carrots 45o; as
paragus 18c; cauliflower (1.7S dos.;
rtd peppers 25e lb; rhubarb 4o;
peas 12o.
Retail prices; Eggs doien 40c;
creamery butter 63 65c; country but
ter (5; flour hard wheat (3.(063.75,
oft wheat (2.90..
Portland. May 20. Cattle weak;
receipts none: grain and pulp, ted
steers (12.25 13.00; choice $11,500
12.25; good to choice (11.0011.SO;
medium to good (;.fair to
good (9.0010.00; common to fait
$8,009.00; choice cows and heifer
10. 25 11. 00;. good to choice (9.009
10.25; mediu mto good $8.009.00,
fair to medium $7.00 8.00; cannert
(5.00QS.00; bulls (6.001.00; prime
light calves (13.00 16.00; medium
light (9.0012,00; heavy (6.600
8.60; stockers and feeders (7,509
Hogs weaker; receipts 1371; prime
mixed (14.6015.OO; medium (14.00
14.60; smooth heavy (11.00 13.00;
rough heavy (10.00 11.00; pigs (12
Sheep weak; receipts 621; prime
lambs (1S.001S.50; culls (10.00
11.00; light valley (14.00 15.00;
heavy (13.00 14.00; common to me
dium (10.5012.50; yearlings (10.00
12.25; wethers (911; ewes (6
Portland May 20, Cubes extra
48 ft 49c; parchment wrapped box
lots 64o; cartons 65c; half boxes e
more, less than H boxes la mors,
butterfat 51,52o f. o. b. station; 63c
Poultry and Eggs.
Portland, Or., May 20. Eggs sell
ing price case count 4041; buying
price case count 39c: lolling price
candled 42c; selected candled ln car
tons 44o. .
Poultry: Hens 3235c; broilers 35
roosters 16c; turkeys dressed 52
55c; geese 22 25c; ducks 4046o.
Wheat (2.20; . premium 560 soft,
J0 hard; barley feed (66.50 buying;
oats feed (69 71; corn No. ( yellow
(73 milling price. -
Mlllstuff: Mill run $54 55 ton.
Hay: buying price, timothy (31 f.
o. b. Portland; alfalfa (37; grain (30;
clover (32.
LAWN mowers, safety rasors, cutlery,
sharpened, locksmlthing, saw fil
ing, umbrellas, repairing all klnda
Stewart's Repair Shop, 847 Court
'WALLPASTE" perfect lor paper
hanging, no cooking. Max O. Bur
en, 179 N. Com'l. a
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned will receive bids up till 6
o'clock p. m. June 7, 1920, for the
construction of a cement sidewalk to
be laid in front of lots 1 and 12, of
block 18, Riverside addition to the
city of Salem.
Plans and specifications may be had
at the recorder's office.
125 City recorder.
Major League Scores
' , R. H
Detroit ...'. - 4 9 0
Philadelphia .. 7 12 1
Oldham, Gutsier, Alton and Slun-
age; Naylor and Perkins.
Cleveland .......
New -York .....
Coveleskle and O'Neill;
5. 11 2
0 6 1
and Hannah, Ruel. . ,
Chicago 2 6 0
Boston ....... ." 2 14 1
Clcotte and Schalk; Harper and
Schang. '.
rhlludelphla . 2 5 1
St. Louis 6 8 1
Causey and Wltherow; Doak and
New York 17 17 1
Chicago 2 8 4
Barnes and Smith, Martin; Carter,
Bailey and Klllefer, Daly.
Boston , 1 ( 0
Pittsburg 2 7 1
McQuillan and O'Neill, Gowdy;
Cooper and Schmidt.
Oregon Wnlloiw 11. at W.
Eugene, pr.. May 20. University
of Oregon won from University of
Washington here Wednesday in the
first game of a scries.
R. H. B.
U. of W. 2 6 4
U. of O 4 8 (
Rode and Land; Berg and Leslie.
Coast League Scores
R. H. K,
Seattle 5 14 2
Los Angeles 4 17 0
Domaree. Brenton, Oenry and Ad
ams; Thomas, Pertlca and Lapan.
Portland ... S 11
Saa Francisco 6 i
Jones, KalUo, Joney and Koc-t
Scott, Lewis and Agnew,
0 innir.-it
Oakland 0 8 3
Sacramento 6 11 0
Kraus and Spellman; Skinner and
Vernon 5 13 1
Salt Lake 6 11 2
. Fromnie, Mitchell and Dever
mer; Baun and Byler.
Show Real "Class"
in Twilight Game
- In a gamtr that gave Twilight lea
gue fans their moneys worth, the
swanky Hauser Brothers team cleared
ahead of the Y; M. C. A. nine In fast
play that was "anyman's" until the
last Innlnss, -
The score-stood sero-sero until the
latter portion., of the fourth.
Kreisel, Y slugger, made the first
run of the1 game when he came in on
a passed ball.
A feature ot the game was the work
by the V battery. Osburn's one hit hurl
in kept the large audience on their
toes, while Unruh made a good show
ing in mitt work. Proctor and Hum
phreys were -the bulwarks of the
Hauser team, Proctor, whether work
ing with the Salem Senators or de
voting his time to the Twilight lea
gue, always receives a credible share
ot applause from the fans.
Umpire Burton, who has put out
good work in the big event games at
Oxford park, has been giving his time
In aiding the twilight series, wnue
"Umps" gets a small share of ragging
from the fans, his decisions ere nioro
than usually ot a dependable charaj
ter and most Of the boys in the league
are with Burton most of the time.
The games are free to the public.
Friday, the state house and Valley
Motor teams clash at 6:30 in the eve
ning. The Hausers made their snowing
In the last" half of the fifth (final)
lnnlne: when Humphreys reached
first as a result of Osburn's slowdown
on a bunt. Hagedorn had previously
gone out. Patterson to Adolpn, ana
Shaefer followed Humphreys with a
strikeout Hanset then came to the
rescue with a hit to Tatterson, which
the second baseman failed to hook
up with. With Humphreys safely over
the plate, Proctor took up the willow
and banged a hot one to third. Cutler
then maintained the onslaught upon
rhurn bv slamming another fall
down to Patterson, bringing in Han
set and Proctor. The Y men iagain
scored In the first of the fifthjwhen
Patterson came ln on a passed oau.
Hausers S '. 2
Y. M. C. A i . 1
Lineups: Hauser BrothersHum
phries 3b; Shaefer cf; . Hanset 2b:
Proctor ss;" Cutlor If; Cernlck lb;
Hulsey, Brown fg; Barnes c; "Brick'
Hagedorn p.
Y. M. C. A. Patterson 2b; Smith
L. Gill,"3b; Stockton, F. Relnhart rf;
Unruh c; Krelsel cf; Purvlne, Alderln
If; Adolph lb; uIIU sa; Osborn P.
Umpire Burton.
MtAngel Nine
To Play Howell
Tossers Sunday
Mt. Angel, May 20". The Mt An--gcl
baseball team will play the How
ell strong team here Sunday and a
lively game is anticipated. The Howell
team Js composed ot a heavy bunch
of players and will put up a strong
fight for victory.
J. J. Kober, one of the candidates
for representative, was in Salem yes
terday on his campaign mission.
Fred Schwab Is in the east in the
interest of the Fred Schwab Commis
sion Co., and expects to. be absent for
several weeks. His son, Joseph, has
liiMt returned from Stockton,,' Cat,
where he hss been in charge of the
California office, and will look, after
the business here during the aiwence
of his father. In the nteantlin tha
work on their, new warehouse, here is
progressing nicely.
Lieutenant Dr. Webb, who has been
In California for several months re
ceiving medical treatment, has fully
recovered and Is expected home soon.
At present he Is in charge of a toni
pany of men ln that state.
S. O, Rice, Mt. Angel buttermaker,
is in Portland attending a meeting of
the state dairy council, of which he
is a member.
Summer School
At Willamette s
To Be Repeated
Willamette university's summer
chool for rural pastors, wht;h was
eld last yenr with marked knecess,
111 be repeated this summer, sorting
'uly 6 and ending July 24. Among
he faculty will be Dr. James Wagner
,f Boston, Dr. Edward Earp of Madi
son, N .J., Dr. Frank Fenton of New
York, Dr. Wallace Alrhart of Wash
ington, President Doney of Willamette
university and President Taibott of
Kimball college of theology., Among
the courses offered will be rural eco
nomics, the relation Of the pastor to
the community, the preacher's men
sane, and the pastor and the country
home. .
(Copyright, 1920, by H. C. Fisher.
Trade Mark Reg. U. S. Pat Offte.
- roaie St.