Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 20, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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- -
-'detained by police here after he had the sawmill here.
appeared ana asked for a bed Tues-i
day night, was returned to Montaville! Big sale of high class furniture to-
n,,ay evening m the custody of morrow 1:30 p. m. 16th an9 Wilbur.
. i. Merritt, an attache of the san-
j iitMf vioii vprseui jncuniDent)
I .vRKEfT for city marshal. Efficiency and econ-
1 . i Special city a omy. lour vote will be appreciated
f I arv elections.
KovrberK. uxiura
I am ft taxpayer, (paid adv.
f W
I wlv 23.-BasebaU, Senators
We have a good position for a man
'who i not afraid of work and will
take interest in his work. Charles R
Oxford Park, Archer Implement Co.
S: K-Baby 'cltolo. Com- -
club, i P. ni.
JiMrt, Grand theater.
.ff;, -Address by
t, TfL at the armory.
J 21. Prtland Drama
fjjnw presentation, opera
'jo'-Memorial day".
University fund ... campaign. Dean
George H. Alden, of the University,
lias left for eastern Oregon and Wash
ington, where he will do all in his
power to interest the public in the
needs of the institution.
jfay 50 -
june !-
-American Legion- ;Paid adv.)
vota ror J. m Witmn -.0,ii.i.
, w.iutuaic
for representative, commander Salem
DOSt NO. 10. G. A. R. Riillnt K 7S
I Bwting. armory. J . .;
tTU Big dance,- Hurst hall Thursday
" " 'evening by Knights and Ladies of Se-
i M O-M IP Ir.urltv - ki
Court House News
The Terwilliger home yesterday
riH-uit Court. (sent the cremated remainu of .inaonh
d,i Buchner vs. Julia A. Vaughan Aspen, a Frenchman, to Harbin, Man-
'lu . - ...,Klir.utirn nf Slim. ! Ak i.. .... .
4I. Orwr ior .uuuim. air. Aspen aiea in saiem in
IFebruary. 1917. but owincr to tha n-nr
Psal Buchner vs. Julia A. Vaughan regulations upon parcel post, the
Aniu;i ii ...... ocui ueiuru. xney
Mary deceased.
milium G. Buchanan
rurhanan Decree. "" "
TeU Johns vs. F. M. Parrish et al. ; Vote, for J. M. Watson candidate
. 0 guardian ad litem. 'for representative, commander Salem
I B. Simmons vs. V. H. AnKeny ei post No. 10, G. A. R
., s-'inai demvf. (Paid adv.)
Catherine Hill vs. Edward L. Hill
rv compiuun.
Pniluitc Court.
TRIliam S. Mott estate. Inventory
Marrluc Licenses.
v if Owre, 35, of HcKee, Or,, a
ftrraer.'to T. A. Hesedahl. 30. of Mc-
ISlM, ' ' -
' daily Statistics.
Big furniture sale .tomorrow 1:S8
p. m. Oak Lodge addition, end of &
14th and Wilbur. m
The original "Revelation" musie et
Moose hall Saturday night, dancing
and singing. Ill
Big furniture sale tomorrow 1:30
p. m. Oak Lodge addition, end of 3.
14th and Wilbur. 121
Revelation, dance to their music
in the big ball at the armory Friday
night. Ladies free admission. 121
Big sale of high class furniture to
morrow 1:30 p. m. 16th and Wilbur.
See our ad on page 8.
pany but now connected with an At-- The parent-teacher meeting which ; league officers result! a electing
lantic-Pacific steamship line having WM announced last week was post- Miss Noma Webb as president,
offices in London, is ejpected in Sa- . , .,. . . , , I . . . .. .
lem during June according to word ponefl- U w,ll nl"F be held Friday, . C. A. Poole has sold h.s farm to
received Friday by F. E. Mantris, of 21- . ;some eastern people, and expects to
Manids Brothers. Mr. Wilson has Monday evening after school, irs.
planned to leave London. May 21. for Anna Meyers and cooking club girls i
the United States. He will spend three held tneir meeting, at which they de
weeks in Salem and in July will levae clde1 demonstrate break making
for Japan. He will be absent from Friday night
(London about a year, during which Mr- Mrs. M. u. Waring, who re-
time, Mrs. Wilson will retain their; thelr farn n he river
road, moved to Salem Monday.
.The Woman's Relief Corps has been
!nvitfi tn attend tvrvicM at ti VtHrt
Congregational church, Sunday, Mayjresidenc Jn heBritish metropolis, j
23, at 11 a. m. Alt members are asked'
to be at the north entrance at 10:45j Declaring his intention to become a'
and march lnt church in a body. jcltiien of the United States, Joachim;
Kragman, 21, a laborer and a resident
ll f Turtter. filed his first papers Wed
nesday with. Clerk Boyer. He was
born at Wilstedt, Germany, and came
to the United States, August 25, 1911.
The annua election of Epworth schools.
move to his lower place son.
E: F. Carleton, deputy state school
superintendent, returned Wednesday
from a trip in southern counties where
he spoke at numerous meetings in fa
vor of the millage bills for elementary
See our ad on page S.
Musicians of Salem, at a recent
meeting, heartily endorsed Ivan G.
Martin, republican candidate for nom
ination to the office of representative
for Marion .county, in his effort to
Keizer Briefs
Vtniie Aiaren unfimherlnfn wna
away from his room in the River 68111 tn PslUon- Mr.. Martin is hlm- Keiser, May SO. Last Friday, May-
View House Wednesday a thief en-i f a music,an and bn' leader and,14,the sixth grade at Keiier -school
tered, broke into his cuitcase and i is very popular with the players of the tool the state physiology examina
ble a new Colt automatic revolver.' and surrounding towns. : .'ition.
Mr. Chamberlain reported the theft
to police, who Thursday were inves
tigating the affair.
Dance Auburn hall Saturday night.
. 123
$2000 to loan on good security.
Phone 815 or see G. E. Unruh, Gray
building. 123
j : The eighth graders ot Jveiser school '
Major Henry O. Miller, assistant : have finished their examinations and
adjutant general of the state of Ore- are" now dismissed from school for
gon, was in Portland Thursday at
tending to important business mat
ters connected wltjt his office.
G. A. R. veterans are invited to
attend the boy scout matinee free of
charge at Ye Liberty Saturday, 11 a.
m. to see "Soldiers of Fortune." 121
the rest of the year. , j
The young - .peoples Sunday school
class had a picnic in the Kurt'i woods
last Friday evening. '' '. " '
The last day of school, which will
be May 28th, a school picnic will be
A permit to alter and repair his
Ballot No. 75. residence at 374 ?orth Summer street
121 nas oeen issueu to L,ee L. Uiltert by
the city recorder s office. Costs of
repairing and altering the house Is es-
The work will be
Everything is in readiness for ihe
Oregon Coast Artillery Corps encamp
ments at Camp Lewis June 14 to 17,1 given. It will be by Willow Lake.
and July 6 to 20, according;,to Col. The closing program Will be he'd
James S. Dusenberry, C. A. Cinspec- out of deors if the weather Is favor-j
We are too busy
A nd M odernizin Oar Store To
Write6 Ads
headquarters here Wednesday night
from the cantonment. Col. Dusenberry
has spent several days at Camp Lewis
making ready for the encampments.
S. Putnam,
Mrs. Lucy Hall. Mrs. Minnie Bates.
Mrs. Murray -Reefer. Svdnev W. Hall "mated at $1000
P. M. Blenkinsop, C. Murray Keeferj (,one by J- w- Yo"g and Son.
and Alfred Bates will give an enter-1
tainment at the Methodist Episcopal Boy BCOUts special matinee Satur-
church at Shedd, Friday evening. I aay at V a- "' t0 see 'c'ard Hard-
ins iivis noiQiers 01 roriune. ask
your scout master. 121
A mature niind stands for conser
vation of taxpayers money. Vote for
A. M. Clough' for coroner. (Paid adv.)
' 121
Sergt. Frank J. Jirak, sergeant-instructor
for the Const Artillery Corps,
returned to headquarters in Salem
Wednesday night from Ashland where
he inspected the First Company, C.
A. C. Sergt. Jirak declared that the
company made a splendid showing.
Revelation, dance to their music
in the big ball at the armory Friday
night. Ladies free admission. 121
Years, experience and a mature
72. at his mind have conserved taxpayers mon-
k,im 435 North 17tn streei, we- i "i ij i " are quaiuiei
nuun, v ... n . . -....... 1 .... tT-. . .
j,r Fnnorfll at chaoel OI tug- l,J v"i a. iu. iougn ror
t Son company, at 2:30 p., m., coroner, (ram aav.)
Friday. Burial In City View ceme-
Vote for Fred Lockley for s.lTre
tary of state. He is thoroughly famiL-
Floyd iar with our state, its resources and
? Born.
BiHKRa To Mr. and Mrs.
Uo Barnes, of South 20th street, its needs. He stands for economy, ef
Frirtnv. Mav 14, a daughter. She ficiency and a square deal. (Paid
t,H been named Beverly Boye.
Baby chicks, 558 State. Phone 400.
A. M, Clough, of the undertaking
firm of Webb & Clough Co. Salem,
has been coroner of Marion county
for more than twenty years and dur
ing this time has never had a reverse
decision by any jury. He has made
hundreds of Investigations instead of
.., . 9 . V. n " - ' anil haa flavArt tha tainivari tl,iuu
nier nuu.ueii,, " . her sister, Mrs. Minnie Bates u,. ,,,
Pharmacy, Is at the store again after,. n. .' m . . ... n . ands of dollars, His wide experience,
Love, Jeweler, watchmaker, Salem.
Vote for Fred Lockley for secre
tary of state. He is short on promises
but long on performance. (Paid
adv.) 121
The funeral of William Ross Moses,
40, who died Tuesday night at the
Leonard rooming house, was held
at the chapel of Webb & Clough com
pany at 10:30 a. m. Thursday. Burial
followed in Odd Fellows cemetery.
Mr. Moses came to this city four
months ago with his wife and three
children, and has been working at
The Salem chapter of the D. A. R.
will meet Saturday afternoon at 2:30
at the home of Mrs. Homer Smith,
675 North Summer street.
A number of friends from Portland
and Albany, and relatives from Sa- j
lem spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
A. F. Beardsley.
Miss Bertha Miller of the business
office at O. A. C, visited her slstei-,
Mrs. A. F. Beardsley, Sunday.
n fin
1 '
a 1 1 fi
Good Goods. U
A. R. Wilson, formerly local man
ager of the : Postal Telgeraph com-1
aa illness of several days.
Baby chicks, 558 State. Phone 400.
for the past two weeks, will go to
Dayton Friday to visit her brother
Reverend Milton Marcy, before re
turning to her home in Portland.
ror cuy marsnan. a courteous r .(Paia adv
ictmeoa eiuurcemem 01 um law. tu;
Experience and years go hand in
hand. Vote for A. M. Clough for cor-
' 121
Another generous
members are to be
slate of
Initiated at the
It has ever been so, a mature'mind
goes hand in hand with experience
nw and years. Vote for A. M. Cloifh for
meeting Thursday night in Odd Fel
lows hall of Capital Assembly No. 84,
United Artisans. Several .funny stunts
hate been arranged for the initiation,
anil a lively time is assured for all
coroner. (Paid adv.)
Vote lor Lloyd T. Rigdon, repub
lican candidate, for county coroner,
Eofl the monopoly existing for 24
Kan. (Paid adv.) 121
tots for Lloyd T. Rigdon, repub
Jan candidate, for county coroner,
End the monopoly existing for 24
Kan (Paid adv.) ijl
In the interest of the . Willamette
Clanceys for Pansies. 123 N.
profession and character qualify him
for the office again. Vote Clough for
Coroner. (Paid adv.) 121
We wish to thank our many friends
and neighbors for their, kindness and
sympaTi- during tne illness and
death of our beloved daughtei -j id
sister; also for the beautiful floral of
ferings we especially wish to thank
Mrs. Looney. N. P. Williamson and
family. 121
I have devoted over twenty years
nf faithful service as coroner, and
The funeral for William Hoppe, 50 ftVB ,,.ian.,'hide or exnlain, have
who died Tuesday night on his farm'made no mistatements of myself or
12 miles north of Salem, was held at, opponent8, a mfully competent to con-
tne cnapei or tne kikuuh bum , Unue ,he oftice ag in the past and
company, 252 Norm nign street, at
2:30 p. m. Thursday. Rev. Porter had
charge of the services, and burial was
In City View cemetery. Mr. Hoppe Is
survived by two daughters and one
son. ,
Clanceys for Pansies, 123 N.
erty. , '
Dancing, singing and that "Reve
lation" music at Moose hall Saturday
night. 121
A mature mind and an experienced
mfn for cororrer. Vote for A. ' M.
Clough. (Paid adv.) 121
L. Unruh was arrested Wednesday
evening by Traffic Officer Moffitt on
a charge of speeding on East State
street. Unruh was cited to appear in
municipal court Thursday afternoon to
enter plea to the charge.
' Clanceys for Pansies. 12
N. Llb-121
will appreciate your support; t
Clough for Coroner. (Paid adv) 121
Otto Nichols, Sir the escape from
the Sanitarium at Montavilla who was
Ellison-White Lyceum Bureau
WiDiam Howard
Lecturing on
"The League of Nations
Up-to-Date" -
' "i 1
:; Saturday Evening May 29 ;
Reserved seats, $1.50
15o war tax extra
Mail orders reeieived now. Ad-
dress letters, ,make checks,
money orders, payable to Salem
Taft Management, box 283. En
close self addressed, stampod
envelope to insure safe return.
All Salem Will Shriek With Laughter at This
Double Show
n't- 1 '"j
- 1
.fT!arrv' Semorvl
New and Altogether Different
Larry Semon
IN . .'
The High Mark in Comedies
A Plot Thrills Galore and, Laughs
Oh, Boy You'll Bust ' '
Taylor Holmes
' In The Whirlwind Farce
"Nothing But The Truth"
"Soldiers of Fortune"
Starts Sunday
Salem BUSl CKS m
Retailers at Wholesale Price
(Paid adv)
Corset Service
When so many women of taste find, the answer to
their corset problem among the new
R.&G. Models
bn't it reasonable to suppose you, too, will be sue
cessful. Let us show you the new R. and G. Corsets
Jecan recommend the R. and G. because we know that every b t of mf
ne, every clasp, has been tested for quality and service before it was used. You iu
w of durability and solid wearing qualities when you get an R. and G You get ; smi
nd beautiful lines with the R. and G. A combination you are sure awwcj ate. K
gjG. COSETS are designed in splendid, easeful and "ftT7
ligure- Our corsetiere will help you to select the one meant for you. Fncea at . .
1.50 $2 $2.50 $3.50 $3.75 $5 and $5.50
1 lb. Royal Club .......53c
3 lbs. Royal Club, per lb 50c
1 lb; Folger's Shasta 50c
1 lb. G. A 50c
3 lbs. G. A., per lb 47c
3 lbs. M.J.B., per lb... .....53c
5 lbs. M.J.B., per lb 52c
1 lb. fancy bulk coffee, lb....29c
3 lbs. fancy bulk, per lb..........28c
5 lbs fancy bulk, per lb...,. 27c
5 lbs. Folger's Golden Gate
per lb ..54c
Hill Bros. Red can, per lb....55c
1-2 lb. Lipton's Tea . 42c
1 lb. Lipton's tea .....80c
Uncolored Japan Tea, bulk....57c
M. J. B. Gunpowder Tea, .
1-2 pound 35c
M. "J. B. Black Tea, 1-2 lb 30c
25c size, special . ... 20c
30c size 25c
i 50c size 43c
iHershey Cocoa, 1-2 lb. ,..:....23c
! Cocoa, bulk, best quality, lb. 33c
,ChocoIate, bulk, Ghiradellis,
pound , .40c
1 lb. can Ghiradelli's .........43c
j 3 lb can Ghiradelli's .?1.20
2 Jell 0' .... 27c
2 Jiffy Jell . ;...... 26c
Knox Gellatine, pkg 19c
2 pkg. Ice Cream Powder.. 25c
jSun Maid Seeded Raisins.... 20c
:Sun Maid Seedless Raisins.... 23c
Jl lb. pkg. Fancy Prunes .. 23c j
i Fancy Loganberry Jam 47c ;
1 Fancy Strawberry Jam 50c
Fancy Orange Marmalade....25c
Fancy Orange Marmadale.. 35c
i 10 lb can Jam ... 1.95
Glass Jelly, 7 1-2 oz 18c
iMarshrnallow Cream, pt..... 29c
Libby Apple Butter ..... 22c
!25c size pineapple 23c
30c size Pineapple : 27c
40c size Pineapple 35c
No. 2Vi Del Monte peaches....43c
;No. 1 Del Monte peaches: 27c
2 oz. Buckeye Vanilla 25c
4 oz. Buckeye Vanilla 43c
"The Quality Coffee of Apierka!
There is no better coffee
than M J.B. Coffee regard
less of price "WH Y?
5 -lb. tm per lb. 52c
3 -lb. tin per lb.53c
Single Pound Tin 55c
Wa RecommenJ That Yoii Buy th 5-lb. Size
Com' St at State. Com'l St at Chemeketa
Phone C.O.D. Orders 198 or 186
All Orders over $1.00 delivered Free
Crown, sack .". $3.45
Snow Drift $3.35
Diamond C $2.80
Pacific .. '..;........:.....$3.15
Romembt We Stand
Behind It.
" You Save More Money
t .
I Uncle John's, 1 gal $2.50
Uncle John's, 1-2 gal ...!. $1.27
Uncle Johns, qts. 65c
iKaro Maple, 10 lbs $1.70
Karo Maple, 5 lbs ". 90c
Karo Amber, 10 lbs $1.0!
Karo Amber, 5 lbs ...57c
Karo White, 5 lbs 60c
Karo white, 10 lbs ...,..........$1.18
23 'Marshmallow, 5 lbs ........ 90c
r..:.....$2.35 2 Carnations 23c
93c 1 12 Carnations $1.38
-51-80 i a Borden's 23c
(12 Borden's .: ......$1.38
2 Sun Rise ...23c
1 12 Sun Rise $1.38
i 3 small milk .. 25c
1 Eagle Brand, can 27c
15 Crystal White
vr r :i t 1
lv, o una uure ium i
No. 10 pail pure Lard ........$2.40 Marshmallow, 10 lbs..
5 lb. net Simon Pure Lard .. .... $i.oo
No. 5 Compound , , , $1-07! Mil K
No. 10 White Ribbon Shortening ...i..;.;......., $2.10, iuiui
Medium Cottolene ?i.o
Large Cottolene ,,... ......
3 lbs. Crisco
fi lbs. Criarn . '
Wesson's Oil. Dt ' . .. . 43c i
VVAsson'u Oil. of.. , 83c
Wesson's Oil. 1-2 callon $1-60
nniio-las Oil. nint - '.. -7c
Fresh Peanut Butter, lb 20c j
Fresh Peanut Butter, 5 lbs .. .....90c j
HVippsp. Tier nound " 38c
Nut Margarine, pound 35c
Fresh Soda Crackers, pound - 0c ,
Fresh Graham Crackers, pound .....23c
Frpsh OisD Gniirer Snaps, pound 25c j
Fresh Fancy Assorted Cookies, lb. 30c 6 Sunny Monday
m tr ii..i tl An
2 pkgs. Shredded Wheat 1 27c W Fell's Naptha 90c
2 pkgs. Kelloggs Corn Flakes 27c .10 Fairy Soap 80c
2 pkgs. Post Toasties 27c j jq ivory goap 85c
2 pkgs. Grape Nuts - - m Talm Olive 95c
Iftfe ImperialTeroxide ..........75c
Large pkg. Oats 36c Large pkg. Citrus 31c
Large pkg. Pancake Flour 36c Old Dutch Cleanser 10c
Large pkg. Pearl Wheat , 36c ; 2 light House Cleanser........ 15c
Large pkg. Wheat Hearts . - :Roval Baking Powder ;.........-.38c
10 lbs. Pancake Flour - i. "h cv,i - - - in-
10 lbs. Rolled Oats , - 73c 2 Pjf - SoJ loC
10 lbs. Bulk Rolled Oats . 70c 1 12 lbs. laancy White Navy
Ralston Bran, package .1 ... .. 18c i Beans U-v
liNothinif but New Stock in Our Store Quality "THE BES