Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 20, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Salem has the opportunity at tomorrow's election to elect a
wXrbr Th c .pita? Journal Print j wide-awake, enterprising and progressive business man as mayor'
tot Co, U6 South commercial treet. , in the person of George E. Halvorsen. I
.jT'oCnf Ecdria TcomHi. ' Mr. Halvorsen has been tried in public office and not found;
o. putnam. Editor and Publisher. ' wanting. He has faithfully and satisfactorily served the people"
I.. , , ! 1 i i m .1 t V J J V A. '
Kuiered as econd ciaaa mm mat-' as councilman ana memoer oi me scnooi Doara ana nis past per
ter at Saim. Oregon. . ) formance is a guarantee of the future.
We believe that Mr. Halvorsen has:
1. The initiative, force and requisite administrative ability
By carrier Sv cenu a month. By
60c a month, il.zs xor three f
aaontha. 12.25 for alx month, 14 per; x. .- flij n,,,,,;,.;! Hpnartmenta fiinrriVinintr sr that the taiMT.
liewhere is a year. era will receive the benefit of their expenditures in a clean, well
order of U. B. forernment. all , i.pn4. j or(jprlv r;tv
mail wbscriptlon. payabllnad-jKePlanaoraer,yClt.- ... ., .. . ... , ,,
rnc. I 2. The enterprise and civic pride that will successfully cope
! i with emprpenries. stirh-as last winter's storm, and not leave
countiea. !
sprae" s?&t,uS .p
Advertising representatives -W,
Ward. Tribune Bid., New York:
H. fjtockwelU Peoples Gaa
that Timothy Turtle would crawl out
upon the bank and growl about Fatty.
' ' . 1 lir OKI DUirv rsu.ii , a nr., mean.
b'idg..'!zens to helplessly break their own roads through impassable pointed. Fatty coon had not been gone
I drifts, to stumble and struggle through blockaded streets while the' Iong when Timothy Turtle dragged
Sir.. Turtle's Mistake. I Timoth Turtle frowned.
Sir. Crow was in no hurry to leave! "I don't want to." he retorted. "The
Black creek. And after Fatty Coon j fact is, I'd rather be' alone. I don't oe
had limped away the old gentleman t to have strangers peeping down at me
still hunir over the water. He honed ! when I'm enjoying a aun-bath.
"But I like to look at you, old Mr.
Crow assured him solemnly. Tou
make me think of somebody I have
known for a good many years."
Chateau Thiery
Made Possible
The Congressional Itccord of May
13 contain t!ie following debate re-
luting to the president's letter to1
liiininker, which the enemies of Sen-
ator Chamberlain are representing asj
an nttark upon the senator:
Mr. Thomas, r.ecause a democrat
In Oregon who opposes the ronomln-
iilinn of the. senior senator from that
(itate deserves the sort of notoriety
enjoyed by "the youth who fired the
Kplvslan dome."
I do not, Mr. President, contend for
a moment that thlH pronunciamento
nf the executive was designed to aid
member op associated eress street commissioner chases dogs, that he will not permit the busi-;'
nuuedAtrthVeuUPfo"pub section to resemble the Hindenburg tine, with huge embank-;
u news dispatches credited to it or; ments of snow, deep trenche3 and craters for traffic, waiting fori
not otherwise credited In this paper i , , . .. . . , : i
and also local news published herein, nature to remove the obstructions m rivers of slush.- -
3. The courtesy and accessibility of democracy, the cheer
fulness to hear and remedy grievances, the inclination to cordially;
receive suggestions for civic improvement and co-operate in se-J
curing them instead of stolidly rejecting them and stubbornly op
posing them while the city marks time.
Because the Capital Journal believes that the election of Mr.i
Halvorsen will usher in a new era of municipal improvement and
civic beautification as Salem seizes the opportunity of growth;
and expansion, it takes pleasure in endorsing his candidacy.
Why Oregon republicans should berate Senator McNary for
having endorsed the candidacy' of Hiram Johnson, instead of
Leonard Wood, is difficult to decipher. He is as much entitled to
declare his choice for president as any other citizen, and having
'the courage of his convictions, has expressed them.
Senator McNary belongs to the Progressive wing of the re-'
publican party, whose leader in the senate is Hiram Johnson. It j
is true that McNary did not follow Johnson in his open opposition!
to the League of Nations, but in all other matters McNary and1
the enemies of the senior senator from Johnson were in accord and their alliance only natural. McNary
and Wood have little in common.
General Wood's attitude on the treaty is as vague and non
committal as Johnson s m positive. Wood has declared in favor
jof "Americanizing" the League of Nations, whatever that may be.
Senator Knox has pointed out that this attitude is political cam
ouflage, for there can be no valid league with preferential treat-
IV. V '.i ' S v. IA V ff' T.a
Mr. Alligator."
Oregon: I do not know ns to that
hut I feel very sure that it Justifies
such an impression by anyone who
sees fit to entertain It. I so state be
cause the senior senator from Oregon
. as the chnlrmnn of the Senate Com
mittee on Military Affairs during the
greatest crisis of the world's history
bad the misfortune to Incur the dis
pleasure of the President, since which
time, although I have no knowledge
of the facts, their relations have not
been ns cordial as I
have been.
Work On Mllllnry Affairs,
i I do not wonder, Mr. President,
that Senator Chamberlain aroused op
position In the discharge of his duties
AD chairman of that vastly Important
committee. From tlio commencement
to the close of his administration he
Htood for America and devoted his
days and his nights, frequently at the
expense of his health, to the cause of
liis country, thereby writing for him
self a record which shall endure as
long ns the people of this republic en
tertain sentiments of gratitude an sit
preelatlon for the services of then- pub
lic men, He Inevitably Incurred ans
moslties, provoked opposition, and
aroused the hostility of many penpiu
und of many interests, but nothing
werved him from the pathway of his
overwhelming duties. I do not hesi
tate to say that tho chnlrmnn of that
committee contributed us much to the
Muccess of American arms, and because
of his position, as any of his compa
triots. I fay that In derogation of no
one; but, from the- fact that I was a
humble member of that committee
during tho same period, I know that
he lived tor nothing save the discharge
of the dntb s of his position. He con
Kccnil.ed bis physical and mental ener
gies to the great cause of American
amis, with a complete disregard of Ills
own personal welfare and his own per
sona! obligations. Mo made mistakes
and many of them, but who does not?
He sometimes occupied altitudes and
advanced policies which I could not
nwept, mid yet he may have been right
and I niav have been wrong; hot
through It. nil, Mr. rrenldent, his cease
less vigilance nod his ciului'lng service
have fully Justified tho confidence of
the people of Oregon, consisting of an
overwhelming preponderance of politi
cal opponents, but who, nevertheless,
for the last 20 years, ns governor and
nn senator, have availed themselves of
ils services und kept lilm at the helm
. uf piihlii! affairs.. .1 have too much
confidence In such u constituency to
believe for n, moment, now that the
war Is over end tho victory Is wen,
they will retire their grcnt fellow c it I
Ken, their eminent statesman to the
shades of private life. lie has served
them, be has served his country, too
well und too long to merit uc!i a fate
Mr. 'President, I think what I have
hi Id Is due to the senator from Oregon,
not because I contend or even Intinit
nte Hint any presidential attack has
been made upon him, hut beeiiuso of
the Impressions created by the ertia
ordlnary circumstance attending this
executive outburst, ami which Justify
Home tribute from n nmn who knows
of the labors of one of the most use
ful members the senate ever had.
At Chiilciiu-Tlilcrry.
Mr. Jones of Washington: As a mem
her of this side of the chamber, I want
to Join the renator from Colorado In
tils very deserved tribute to the sena
tor from Oregon: and I want to ask
the senator If, In his opinion, or.r boys
would have been nt Chatouu-Tlilorry
when they were had It-not been for
the brave stand of the senator from
Oregon ?
Mr. Thomas: Why, Mr. rrcfldent, no
man who knows the facts can answer
that otherwise than In the negative.
Mr, Jones of Washington: I have
Fald many limes, und I sincerely be
lieve, that he Is more responsible than
ny other man in this country for Rav
ing our boys at Chateau-Thierry t the
, critical time they were there.
Kr. Thomas: Mr. President, I do
not wish to l.e Invidious; there is hon
or eneiiKh In hA war for nil; but those
with whom the senator- from Oregon
person illy cooperated, with whom he
was dally thrown Into tntinnte con
tact, know what the burden of ti e day
was and how heavily respcnsiblltty
rested upon his shou'di rs. A man who
unfler all circumstances never lost con
fidence even In the darkest h' ur. main :
taiiu-d unfaltering courage, laopt fors- 1
iiifr ahead sad Imparting enthusiasm to !
tils nsosi'liites ntul Inspiring all with
the contagion of a splendid example
is not the, man to be punis'ied after
the victory " been won in a country
like ours, where genuine service Is ap
prccia!' -d, even though' not s'v.'avs re-
d. . "
himself out of the creek and streicxva
himself upon the sand in the warm
"How's your eye? " Mr. Crow asked
him hoarsely.
"It's feeling better; but it's a won
der that I can see with it at all," Tim
othy Turtle grumbled. "If I ever get
hold of that fat young fellow again
I'll pull him under the water before he
knows what's happened to him. He
doesn't fight fair."
Old Mr. Crow chuckled.
"You'll never have another chance
to show him the right way," he re
marked. "He won't come near tnis
"Ah! an old friend!" Timothy ex
claimed. "Well not a friend, exactly," Mr.
Crow explained. "He lives In the south
where I spend the winters. You look
like him, In many ways."
"And his name?"
"Mr. Alligator!"
"Humph!" he said. "I've never
heard of him."
"That's not strange," old Mr. Crow
told him. "He stays all the time in the
south and you stay all the time in the
north. You couldn't very well meet,
you see."
"Your tail Is a good deal like his,"
i Mr. Crow continued. "And when you
walk you have a trick of raising your
self sometimes on your hind legs, wttn
your head and tail stretched ont a
trick that reminds me of him."
For once Timothy seemed pleased.
"Anything else?" he demanded, with
something that was almost a smile.'
Unfortunately, he had passed so many!
. years with a constant frown on his
tace that smiling actually hurt him.
"Why, yes! There's something else,"
old Mr. Crow went on. "Ydu and he
have the same way of snapping at
There was no doubt, now, that Tim
othy was gratified.
"He must be a fine bird this Mr.
Alligator!" he exclaimed.
Old Mr. Crow spluttered. And he
had to hang on tight to save himself
from tumbling off his perch,
A bird! Timothy Turtle thought that
Mr. Alligator Was a bird!
The mistake was so amusing that
Mr. Crow wanted to laugh. But he
knew that would never do if he want
ed any more fun with Timothy Turtls.
So he pretended to cough. And he
wrapped his muffler more snuggly
about his neck, remarking that there fnv ,m,av of tl,- o t v, vitx,,. v,,.i a i creeK, or my names not ahem Mr.
,.,v.t,u iui vitv ctb mo CApcilo Ul VIUCIO. TTIIJ' DUUUiU i CrOW."
Jeague advocate support Wood? "What's your first' name" Timothy
Senator McNary has admirably expressed his reasons for'Turtls inquired, as he stared unpieas-
wisu they might favoring Johnson, and they are those of many other Oregoniansi6' th" fnpf' . .
!tf l I L" Wl lUtJ hid rlomnirAIVtr a nmnfinnl rtAli4-Snn fin1 raa Innn I.A .... '
u.m...nn uclweutSj. ao (iifluito! Fuiua-a mm bcc icao iu uk urow will do. If you want to attract was a cold wind that day, even though
iearea irom a western president witn jonnson s record ot con-, "y attention.- i the sun was warm.
..4 , , .,4 ,' . . - . , I. .' a . , i-1 : a i. n: r i i . i , ,
puueuve utiucvciucui, mail in uie alliance oi millions anu mil- me to start In making the little clothes
itarism ior imperialism under wood.
If the opponents of Johnson continue their line of attack, they
are certain to elect him, by convincing the rank and file that only
the people want him. It was the support of the so-called "rabble",
the "radicals" and "disreputables" of their day that elected Jef
ferson, Jackson and Lincoln and history repeats itself. With
uJni.AU.. ll 1- 1 1 I. . i 1 , T 1
F.vky rvciwi biiu mc xcavnuiiaijr itamuiciuig uuwusim "i tnink you are right, Katherlne. ' put my arms around her shoulders ca-
ana political machines with unlimited slush tunds opposing him, The great trouble with most of us wo- ressingiy.
he continues to Cain and t.hp Wnnrl mnrhinn nnrl tho flrpo-nninri men' 18 lnat we d0 not Pay enough at-1 Tomorrow A Letter From Ka:
may carry Oregon for him.
of the other life, but I sav to mvself.
wnne I am down here. a thrill or two are ail that one can ask
You do want the baby after all," in a life time, which Is usually com
said Alice In a way that let me know monplace monotony for most of us."
she had been rather troubled about "And you are happy, Alice?"
my semsnness. "i am at least contented, But you
xes, aear, I do. I think when T) must go to sleep, dear, you have had
nave a cnim like one of Ruth s all a very trying day,
things will be Btraightened out." "I wish I were like you," I said as I
tention to the laws and Instincts of Shepard.
nature. I believe absolutely that a wo
man's children satisfy her longing to
feel that she Is indispensable to some
one. This of course, a girl feels during
the time her lover wants her.
Says tho Oregon Grange Bulletin: "If the success of the high
er educational tax measure depended finally on the support offer
ed bv the members of the flrflllO'P. nn rnnrprn in tho nnl-cnnio
would be felt by the sponsors for the bills. Education has always L ZZtZfy
been one of the fundamentals of Grange doctrines and practices, out at a woman's heart, adulation in
Grange folk have never been known to turn down any reasonable whloh her lover te"3 hcr he can not
...... .... Ua tlitrlntlt V, . . Ihnl lK l InIt U
nrnnnamnn that mpnna n crnnri trninini anrt nulfnvo t7i ta AUuA -v" "? "lulsi'ni
if the country as is afforded to the city child. Although the
training of the young men and women is the first aim of the
state college, university and normal school, the assistance lent the
Grange and all other forces making for more prosperous and sat
isfactory country life is construed as an additional reason for
Grange support of the proposed relief laws."
Two years ago, when R. N. Stanfield, the millionaire sheep
king, was a candidate for United States senator, his campaign ex
penditures were so great they shocked the state but they failed
to buy the coveted office. This year he is again a candidate, and
tho only man of wealth seeking nomination, but the only money
boing spent is to defeat Senator Chamberlain in the democratic
primaries. Fifty people are employed in the Ilamaker-Stark-
weather of lice sending out anti-Chamberlain literature at a cost
of many thousands of dollars. Who will benefit by Chamberlain's
fleleat and who is putting up the money?
After .10 years of public life and bitter political strife, in
'which his character and reputation for honesty and integrity had
never been questioned, it remained for one Hamaker to emerge
from obscurity by attempting to. besmirch by inuendo, the fair
hiame and fame of Senator Chamberlain, in the columns of the
Portland Telegram, a yellow journal, whose policy is character
assassination. Hamaker was a law violator in Iowa, so ' the
scandal source and medium are discredited in advance.
Bearcats To Play
Clubmen Return
Game Saturday
Saturday afternoon the Willamette
Bearcats will play a return game 1th
Multnomah club in Portland. Thev
sablo to his well being; that he thinks may also play North Pacific Dental
time, he is often annoyed by her insis
tence of something that will make him
think of her and So she Interrupts his
business or his pleasure. He finds life!
Is not a desert place without her con
stantly at his sida, provided he is well
assured that she is home, where he
can find her if ho wishes her.'
"Alice, I do not believe you have ev
er had a man make love to you in your
life," I said.
"Yes, I have dear," she answered.
"I believe I have had the most beau
tiful, the most absorbing love mode to
nie of any woman living."
"And did you return it?"
Had Hox'omo Dlsllluslmiiwn.
"Yes, I did in a measure, but the
man was, not only poor, but weak. I
knew he would never amount to any
thing and in some way I had an in
stinct, or rather I had been disillusion
ized by my married friends I saw
about me. I knew that one may not
live on love alone, whatever the novel,
ur i mi ni 71 ... , . , . Jthe drama and the movies may say,
Montavilla Flowers, the ood campaign orator, advocated ana so i let him g0 out of my life. He
rnied intervention in Mexico for the seizure of natural resources! prabiy thinks i am the one .who ruin
for American interests and was frank enough to say so. There d lt- ?ut 1 m Jnot Kat,he,rl"e' J, cou'ai
. i . . , .11 .it ,i "fver nave iuhuu ajiyiiuiiK oi mm. ne
can bo no intervention m Mexico that will not be military in char- around with someone else. He is doing
acter, ana upheld by bayonets. General Wood established a mil- 11 ty. while his wife is left home
io iuko care oi ailing cnuoren ana to
ul nee uuiisiunuj , mat uie win De a college Friday, but this game is uot
desert until she Is with him, etc, etc. certain. The club team won from tho
Perhaps that lover Is truthful when local college nine May day. 14 to 4,
he tells this to her. At least, I think , but the Bearcats were clearly off form
he thinks he's honest," said Alice cyn- on that occasion, and are planning to
icany. km soon after marriage heJstage a come back Saturday.
learns that he can live without her; I two games are played, Irvine will
that instead of thinking of her all the pitch one and DImick the other, but
if the Multnomah game along Is play
ed, the men will probably both pitch
part of the game. Both pitchers have
been improving in control, the only
thing tht-y needed for real effective
slab work. "Squint" DImick la still
out of the game, so that Radspinne.-,
who broke into the game "Friday
against Pacific with a three bagge.-,
will probably be In the game again
this week.
itarv dirrninrshm in Cuba in fostnvo rirW nftor tho Snonieh.
American war, and after his withdrawal there was a successful umXl with"' 'he "B w,t?l Ve'
revolution that overthrew the government Wood established by
force of arms.
Rippling Rhymes
"l am much happier married to
Tom. who has never complimented me
highly, who has never told me In lm
paslsoned words that he loved me, but
who, I know, Is Tiot saying those
things to other women if he Is not say
ing them to me; and who, In his heart,
would have been othlng but a philan
derer. And as soon as I had married
him he would have gone philandering
f do not sometime long for the thrill
The day is dark and chiilv. and nastv showers descend ; thA
winilfl nro sinA aiA aMK tholi tt'niliiifv Vioa TKa
nnit tho.V hrvi until tlw, tt,'.T A-.. . 4k j a.:.'8 Proud ' m " PePcta and re-
v..i ..v,i.6. ..w. w.v iiini ui jr, mc wuiiicn uivV iiiwr garda me above all others. I have a sln
sewmg, and gaze outdoors and sich. On such a dav a fellow 1 51 rl nffrrt(rin fns tVtm T n tint fan
wining to believe that all the world is yellow, this life desjgBed
to peeve. The cheerful words of Browning that all the world is
well, can't stop his heavy frowning, or soothe him for a spell. He
feels that all the sages and bards who sing of hope can never earn
their wages by springing sunshine dope. The weary winds are
blowing, it is a beastly day ; no cheerful cows are crowing, no
uiiinesome roosters neign. mt ail the out-door critters are wet
and cold and blue; no wren or robin twitters and makes a howdy
do. But hold, the ducks are joyous, the he ducks and their wives !
The rainstorms that annoy us bring joy. to their young lives! So
let's resume our grinning and caper round again; the ducks must
have their innings, as well as hens and men.
... win, illlliv-o mat DfA run
hard cash any more are automobile.
' crap games. Miss Mame Monn
one of our most prominent eelf-maae
men. threw a Lowden tea at W New
x amce noiei yesterday.
By the Noted Author
The I'rager fruit paekins plrt
North ll.iwburg will n t ru-. it
t';o iri-:.r.,t -r twmitory ,J ti-f -e:J.
Alice's Philosophy. j presslveness.
I grow a little sick at heart when I "I think I will write to Madam Gor
Ihnurht how John's mother's plans don today and ask her to send me
v.ould have to be changed If anything ! down those baby clothes and materials
had happened to curtail John's idea of ' that I had bough; n var aso. Per-
my wealth. Kor I wua very sur. John
bad not pntiroly paid for the big hotss-..
and he csiH'ed to uw s me of my in-
0":.! to ;io If, tiltl-.oiisli he 1. in uie'
haps it is Just ns well that th store
would not take them back after the
sutomolMU' ar.-ldent. You will is-iin-jn-1-er
il'Kt I told you how angry John w n
No one
makes sue
ood corn
Hakes as
Boys who have
all know that (Qou
Women should be taught by those of exDerir-r. tv, u...
most precious possession is their health. Upon it deiZi
happiness success and attractive homes, for no home !
be attractive or happy with a despondent, nervous, irritahu
wife and mother, suiTering from the ills peculiar to Her!?
such as displacements, ulceration, inflammation, irreffuW
ties and the consequent headaches, backache, and towZ
down pains. S5 "
It is such women who should listen to common sense ad
and when such symptoms appear try that most successM
of all medicines, Lydia E. Pmkham's Vegetable Compoani
which is made from roots and herbs and contains no nar
cotics or harmful drugs, and which for more than forty Tears
has been restoring American women to health.
Here 1 Proof.
Cokesberry, Fla. " I hai a tumor
and suffered with a severe pain in
my right side. 1 could not stoop to
fasten my shoes and was not able to
do my work. X went to the doctor
and he gave me medicine and told
me to stay in bed for at least fifteen
days and not even to lift a basin of
water till I eould gain strength
enough to be operated on for 1 never
would be well without it. I remem
bered one of my aunts who had been
in the same condition and was Cared
by your medicine so I took Lydia E.
l'inkbain's Vegetable Compound
audgot well completely. The tumor
has disappeared and I am able to do
anything I want to do. I recom
mend yonr medicine to tny friends
and yon can publish my testimon
ial." Mrs. 8. F. Kandolph, Box
. xo, vufttisuerry, j? la
Wakefield Neb.- I felt & a
oyer and did not know wht to do
wita myself. I was irregular mi
had chills and night sweats, wouW
omit at that time. I suffered ii
this way for many years and had
medicine from two doctors but the;
did me no good and so I lost faith ii
them. Finallymyhusbandgottixed
of seeing me surfer so he got m i
bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegs.
table Compound. It seemed to help
me right away, then I got Lydia i
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
Tablets and took several boies. Mow
I feel just fine all the time to lt
surely fa a wonderful medicine. I
have told several ladies about you
medicine and yon can nse mr testi
monial." Mrs. Juliet L. Fum,
K No. 1, Box 4, Wakefield, Hi
Unquestionably the Best Remedy (or Woman's IUi la
t tlglpjMAiirTlEOICINg CO- LYMN. MASS.
. m
Series 20 Big-Six
Power with economy is what you get
in the Big-Six: With all its great re
sources of power you have a car
that is economical to operate one
sparingof fuel and tires. Come in today
and let us give you a demonstration.
60-H.P, detachable-head motor) tntenno
diate transmission 126.1nch wheelbaia.
inturing ample room for tevtn adult.
'ThU it a SiuJebaker YtaT
Salem. Ore.
i mm
To eat ' with or without
a slice of our W.l
BAKE-KITE bread, tmjsjl
and grown-ups both are w
our bread; it's so soft tnj
flavored, like rich cake.
loaf and judge yourself.
Bake-Rite Bakery
.e..c Phone 2S3
EitabUslied 1SG3
General Banking BusInesJ
Office Hoars from 10 a. xa. to I h 10