. rpAY, -MAY 1?, 1? 'D RATE?. R.: f ' .-...-tions 5 cents: one . i. l- ...'ore month 20 cents; ,V month 12 -Mnts; min ; vi 5 cents.- .-Lrlion only in New Today. I f Ln in advance ami not tak- u'-; nhnne. ? fl-"5 ' -.T-Q TTrv PilR SALt. border in at once, John If. Sett -rvnOaod family Jersey cow m tnn- only- ot m0T. ML1"1.4 Terrs old. E; Demanest, . , Jet U.Salem. Jill -RESl "iiiiprovenientsV"SatenV uJihta close to. par; also house S-riEE-llen.stitvhing and dress ,tW establishment. Room 10 nai UH-omack DM (Jood range stove $.25. Ml at L Doerfler's residence, Box 7 Garden road. c!25 fjjTiALK 191 Ford bug. h' f4 evenings. ql-3 r-jTE-Srven tons eood cleai. ! ... Ohnne 0F3. C125 WMl. rf?fErTo lease tor year, 5 room hiufe in or near Tew Park. Phone 1851.1. lili BUSINESS is goou. " hpiter b' seimiB J""' fOiTsALE 110 acres, 8 miles from Salem 50 a"res in crop, balance uasture with some good timber; family orchard, good buildings. Price with crop $11,000. Hart & . 90S Oreeon bids. n HA.VT agents to sell Texas small oil tcreaje carrying $100 stock bonus in big Texas Royalty company free ith each ten acre tract. Complete (alesman's kit with full details furn ished. Sells on sight big commis jion. Work in your own community among friends. Possibility of $400 to $500 a week. Address Sales Man srer 521 Cooper bldg., Denver. Colo. -120 CUOl) fresh cow to let on shares. Will furnish half of feed and take ball of milk. Must be close to town and have some pasture. Phone 12,'4. " 10 fOR KENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms, also sleeping rooms, Cot tage Apartments. 100 Court St. J122 FOR SALE 44 acres 7 miles from Salem on good road, all in crop, good buildings, silo and water sys tem; fine location. Price with erop $9500. Hart & Muller, 208 Oregon me. n WANTED Painter, I would like to meet painter and pnperhanger with object of forming a working part nership. Prefer man acquaUHed with city. Am house and sign paint i er. Have auto. References exchang ed. Address C R B care Capital Journal. ml 22 FOR SALE No. 1 seed potatoes 6c per pound. Claud Rnmsden, Prat um. Or. Phone 110K32. cl28 FOR SALE Tomato, pepper and egg plants, Crego asters. Snapdragon and Larkspur plants. V. H. H. Dodge, Rt. 7, box 38. Phone-1780 VV3. dl 48 VHV use mill ru nwhen you can Buy our Golden Dairy Food at the same price and get better results? A trial i convincing. Compositioji, nudist? lire 11 percent, protein at least 14 percent, fat at least 4 pcrcentflRer not over 10 percent. Farmers,- Pro- . (luce Co., 160 S. High-, - ml 25 FOR SALE Five room modern house and seven lots one block from car line. Will be at property Thursday. 1840 West Nob Hill St. 120 SALE Cheap all round old, . farm horse. Phone 108F81. e!21 FOR SALE Hatching eggs reduced. Anconas, strong vigorous laying stock $1.50, $:), $10. W. O. Pear- mine. Phone S8F2. fl2i) i'OR SALE 4-year old Jersey-Durham cow giving 4 eallnns ner div. fresh 2 months. Melvin Lieii, Macleay, Or. e!25 FOR SALE 5 room house close in; a bargain. Hart & Muller, 203 Ore- r(?R RENT 2 rooms furnished for housekeeping, suitable for man and 1040 Leslie. . 20 HA.NTED 4000 loir j- Arnold, Rt, 4, phone 65F11. 125' 1 Oil WANTED I can place $1800 'o J2000 upon good security at 7 percent with client. See me at once fclmo S. White, lawyer, 402 Masonic . Wdg. d.i F(iR ?ALE 9 acres located close i me i.urden road, mostly all in 'ruit; fine new house under con duction. Offered for a few davs only at $13,700. Would consider "Me on a well located house in ."m. If you al.e iooking tor goftlP 'h'ng good see Fred W. Durbin at -LillStateSt; n!23 RGE room for two, will give two mw'8 a day, 461 N. High. Phone 120 Svetso'ne real good buys in used rZ ues' roadsters, touring cars palmers bug $325. 187 S. Liberty IDA &,77T-! . A - V SAI C On ..' . Ha- . acres all in cuitlva- , , koou s room plastered house, S a".d otfier outbuildings, rich tW l,J0,na Chemawa electric sta . & miles from Salem. A bar-hid"- Hart Muller, 208 Oregon 'o,K SAI.R 7 room hoiiup r,k,,l fr , n " on rar Iin'', a" kinds of it. Price $1850. Hart & -Muller. !iegonbldg. n rn- FOR SALE. jr-t ForSale Houses larje 'h ,.a,..ro"m bungalow, ' 2 SALE rial ""' x C care Jour- F0ftg7T-p '. om TiTClllasy bungalow, six Bent ,and bath on wain floor; base- Tw0 an, chen and laundry room. rca k room8, one finished, , oth- rU? nh, 114 bIock8 m State ftn,A " at 217 Richmond ave al20 "L!E for . k 777 "0ond le cnap. 445 Rich rm ave. Call at C81 8. 25th St. fjr al21 houJ'tL,EA Rood comfortable ot lOnvAT I'1 treM- barn, well, bollH rou nave '509 or more M tend anA10- 20 or 49 acre tract C p?iiTf?an at Percent . U t it f for ame, you can ACRgipp 10 per acre. ' Jt- A t o trade tor c'ty proper rrigggwster, 410 Masonic. n "Wfurn'si.8 room and tw0 room ill Ed apartment for rent. Purdy, 408 Oregon bldg. OR "Kim hT,t . roon house $650; 4 lTi!npUS? 0. for rent, 2 room -TUVH -sK o.iu.v m. 8SALFs " : ', W 217 room house for saief xson ' Klchm'nd ave. Call after-' " or evening. alC1 j1- VKWTODAY. I -MwTS-bottoiii. S-ineh wulk- -irtrTE:ns -2 milw from S"1"1 he-iriia fruit, buildings. 13. tK norland implements. $3.- unloaded. Get pno Trn F o K & A LK Three room cuiiase with dutch pantry, ur-e c'oset electric lights, city water, fruit room chicken house and yard, lanre gar den, all kinds of fruit S. Cottage and Judson St. Phone 1787W2. am For Sale Farms. FOR SALE 40 acre uirm 1", mile" to Chemawa. Phone 44H3. bl-- FUR SALE .vuiiuu. piemy oi tamilv fruit Lo cated 3 miles from city "limits. Gooi 4 room house, electric lights, good barn, new; crop all in. t cows, 2 horses, 1 driving horse. 2 sets of harness, good wagon, buggv, 2 oz. . en chickens, . phjHf, cuitivator and . all ools; immediate possession. , Price $4500 with, terms on part. Si R. PEARSON' & PEED 405 Oregon Mdsr. , EUU1XV in 160 acre tH Hj.i f... . . . IV, 1 car, balancs $450, easy terms. Box n. p i-nre .apnai journal 40 ACRES unincumbered, near Dal- las to exchange for Salem property. ABC care Journal. ' n120 FOR SALEt Good farm, also aer- ge, by owner. Phone 82P12. bl22 FOR SALE Hilrhlv l,,.,...,.l iu , C . 'IV,CU VVV " ari", iou seeuea to wheat and clover, 100 acres good pasture, bal ance second growth fir; new nine room bungalow, full cement base ment, furnace, bath, hot and cold water, fine large barn and garage, lots of fruit, hard surface road in front of farm. Price with crop $80 per acre, terms. Hart & Muller, 208 oreson oiag. CH CE close In berry land, 10 acres jusi oucsiae city limits, i blocks from Center St. carline on asylum road, all cultivated; pos session at one. Pripe $3508, good terms. 8.11 acres adjoining the above land, black loam, all ready for planting. Price $2800, Haw kins and Roberts, 205 Oregon bldg Phone 1427, b For Sale MisceHaneous. SEED. POTATOES We have about fifteen sacks left that we will sell at four cents. Mangis Bros., 542 State St. Phone 717. i20 FOR SALE A bicycle in good con dition, also a baby buggy. Phone 1288R. - cl21 FOR SALE Top buggy and harness, cheap. Call at 1704 N. Broadwav. cl21 CHEAT hay $23 ton at the Cherry City feed barn. 122 . BARGAIN For sale 20 acres, 5 in loganberries, 400 fruit trees, ap ples and cherries, all kinds of ber ries; horse, wagon and farming tools; house and barn. At Concom ley, Or., Oregon Electric R. R. h. W. Dilley, bl24 FOR SALE 1 solid oak dining room set, 1 kitchen cabinet, 1 rug. Phone 1914. cl20 FOR SALE Water system, 600 gaL tank with complete outfit, except engine, $150. See Petersen, 2.28 Ore gon bldg. cl20 FOR SALE Tresdale- dog, 11 months oldb thoroughbred, $10. 823 North Commercial St. el20 FOR SALE Grain and vetch hay for sale, not baled, $21, State training school for boys. - 120 For Sale Nursery Stock. FOR SALE Potatoes. Phone 1205M d!22' STRAWBERRY plants In any quan tity. Ktterburg 121, - Gold Dollar, Trebla, Lady Goshwell. Wilson. Thrifty well rooted plants. City de livery. Ward K. Richardson, 2395 Front St. Phdne 494. ': T THE famous Etterburg 121 straw berry plants. Best Scanner and shipper. A very heavy 'producer when not exhausted raising-plants. ' .'-Vigorous healthy plants, hoif prie es in large quantities. Ward .K. Richardson, 2395 Front St. d For Sale Li vestock. YES, I can use mora young calves. C. C. Russell. Phone 8F3, - 1 FOR SALE Jersey cow with heifer calf. Phone 2F22. el21 FOR SALE Choice O. I. C. pigs, eith er sex, $15 each. J. 1. Kauara strain pedigrees furnished, Kent Bros., Rickreall. f 123 FOR SALE Brood sows to farrow th lis month, $30 and. up. Also some 111a.ll pigs, all sizes, $5 and up. L. Rll F. Hill, Rt. 8, box 125, Salem, Or. Phone 59F4. : v el23" FOR SALE Light horse; one cow, fresh 4 weeks, good milker and a 3 t,i mncg ol9ft FOR SALE Jersey cow, 5 years old, nnna milker hlih test. $80 57F2. call after 4 o'clock. el20 FOR SALE Jersey cow, very gen tle, rich milker. Tel. 736J. el20 FOR SALE Cows, milkers and to be fresh soon; also beet cows, aii from 6 to 7 p. m. C. C. Russell, phone e For Sale Wood. FOR SALE Second growth fir wood $S,60 per cora, saweu; oiu m $10.50. Call 1953. eel26 FOR SALE Second growth fir wood, nonrlv rtrv. Phone 1586M. - eeuu AM now ready to receive orders-for winter wood, 16-in. old fir $10; large 2d growth, 4 foot $8.50. Phone ssnf eel20 FOR SALE Wood. First class 16-in. and 4 foot mill wooa. special pnu n, ca lots. Prompt delivery. Also dry sor wood. -Phone 1542, Office 305 S. Church. Fred E. Wells. 521 Lost and Found. LOST 32x4 auto tire Silver Creek Falls road. Phone 83F5. Reward. kl20 LOST Fink tire on rim, 32x3 V4 on Eola hill between saiem aim alias- Saturday afternoon. Notify E. C. Kirkpatrick, box 277, Albany, or Callage Garage, Dallas. Liberal re ward. OAT Meal Paper, 20-inch tan.' extra special, 84c double roll. Max u. Buren. J7 N. Com'L - - " MUTT AND JEFF Jeff uttersan earf ul; yes, a big earful--By Bad Fisher. 477i PU0 ' 'ft"'. WTT AMU XV . "fan Trte f.RST T.M X A MuTT'tU HAv TO H.t ; BUMTlV tWW W 1 MWAwlslTS-M P0TAT r"7 I EUPt-M0T6t AMYWlNft 1 IT T ME WW" X . . C TO&. THE t-OV . I WnR A W rUWUI Vx JZ S rtu'r-J nt'tb wy- x kmw whatH mw -me T.TiT U" M'Kt- r - M A fW vcUM pRof.T"s Vt) , - - rmJiXzjJ V MTAiNlHa ,tfj 'tum .C4A, t 9 jfrfgi v yj,, j -r j - ly FOR SALE. For Sale Poultry i l-i i Tl I ' , fl.M "foFrent; SL,PLNU ro'"s by day or month at 4S- Cottnse. Phone t1S n iTTo . r.x- : : Xni.ht: ;tUUe of sieel'ir,S rooms suitable for I men. Washington ho tel. ,-,-.$ St:ite Sr . YVNltfiifU rwl" " Private turn . - blocks from car Une. 1296 Market street. ,,., CLL.AN and neat. Ught housekeeping and sleeping rooms for rent, reas onable prices. 257 x. Liberty St. r- ' ' - rt.?l WANTED To rent small . modern house close in, lor the summer. Ad- in, A rt care journal. 125 ! ij1LE room for rent, steam heat, splendid janitor service. 20S Ora gon bldg. Phone 1427. FURNISHED room, hot and cold wa ter. 218 N. Liberty St. over Brew ers drug store. nn kOR RENT Furnished downtown weeping room for gentlemen, steam neat, by the month. Phone 1427 805 Oregon- bldg. AUTOMOBILES. 18.19 CHEVROLET $250 cash, re mainder on easy' payments. Cherry City Garage. 70 S, 12thSt. q' WANTED Man to drive Fordson tractor, good pay. Address 385 Cap Ital Journal, SEVERAL good oru ouys; will give liberal terms. 1919 Maxwell $859; light trailer. Cherry City Garage. quo FORD repairing with satisfaction guaranteed; give us a trial and be convinced. The Auto Shop, 187 S. Liberty St. . 119 MISCELLANEOUS. T WANTED A job driving a delivery auto. Write Rt. 9, box 23, Salem, Or. ' hi21 IF you have $800 or $1500 to loan on good Salem property, see me at 408 Oregon bldg, 121 IF you are in the market for a good homestead of 320 acres in eastern Oregon, call and see me, I have one that you may file on in the " event thaf ydu will pay my client for his improvements. Will E. Purdv, -08 Oregon bldg. 121 PECOS yajley, Texas, oil found : at 60 feet. Many wells drilling. Your Dpportunlty to become Independ ent. Five year leases; geological re ports and abstract of . title. , Five acres, $50. C R. Banning, Vb850 Hollywood blvd., Los Angeles. FOR SALE Grocery stock and fix tures. 605 N. Capitol. oirt PORTLAND Eugene Auto Express. Regular trips. Household goods; merchandise. Call Capital Garage, 173 S, Liberty. Phone 88. 1140 SEE J. W. Manning for garden plow ing, cellar digging, heavy team work Cherry City barns. Phone 199. ml23 TRANSFER L. A. Barrick Co. Country trips, moving. Wood - lor sale. Good service; Stand 271 North Commercial. .Phone 734. $800 or $1000 TO LOAN on good farm security. Phone 815 or see G. E. .Unruh. Gray bldg. . .. ; 1 WANTED., Wanted Help. WANTED At once. woman for gener al house work, no washing. $65 per month. Phone 2091J. g!20 GIRLS wanted. Rogers Paper Co. 117 PHONE 191, Ray L. chimney sweep-. Farmer, for ml20 GIRL of 11, not going to school, - - wants place to care for baby in good home." Write S S this office. v - ' hl22 WOOD cattmw wanted, man to-help' . or will let contract, good- timber. Phone 8F3, Salem. gl20 WANTED Middle aged lady corre spondent." Address Box. G care Jour-' nal. , . 1122 WANTED Some one to raise Treb-. la strawberry plants on shares on contract. Plants furnished. Ward K Richardson, 2395 Front street. Phone 494 or 1267M. 1120 WA", u.rTT'TV I L, iho and kitchen help, at the state school for the blind, phone 21. g 1 GIRL WANTED For housework, no tifully appointed fixtures. Three flro washing nor ironing, good wages. piaces; nothing lacking In the way Every convenience to work with. 0f modern conveniences. Large' lot Apply mornings 976 Chemeketa Sa. ,With nice fruit. Completely furnished g!20 I with first class furniture and rugs. WANTED 2 lady dishwashers, work In faTct "a home of character." . One 6 hours a day. Apply Electric Restaurant. gl21 WANTED Refined lady to do house work for man and T-year old son. Apply 1285 S. Liberty street after 6 p. m ; 120 VVALLBOARD" can be used - over lath and papered or tinted. Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com'l e W anted Miscellaneous. WANTED Board and room in pri vate family. P. O. box 231. 213 REAL ESTATE. IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR HOUSE LIST WITH US. WE ARE MAKING A SPECIALTY OF SELLING CITY PROPERTY AND CAN GUARANTEE QUICK RE SULTS. BRING OR MAIL YOUR LISTING. HOUSES WANTED : R. B. DORNEY 329 Oregon bldg. Phone 961. n OWN YOUR OWN HOME WE WILL BUILD YOU A HOME YOU PAY A- SMALL PAYMENT DOWN BALANCE LIKE RENT COME IN AND TALK WITH TJ3 OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS. , R. B. DORNEY PHONE 951. 329 OREOON bldg. a THE CAFITAY JOLT.iL KilAL ESTATE. iS ACRS FRL'IT FARM 1 mile from car line and not far from pavement. This is a bargain for you; "in fact, a 'real snap. Rich red bill-soil. 15 acres er more of full bear ing Italian prunes. S acres of fully matured cherries which promise .1 fine crop in a few weeks. 2 acres sot to iogans this spring, some apples and pears in good bearing, and small pas ture and wood lot. Good large house with hot and coM water, bath, toilet, etc. Good barn, dryer and other pec essary eutbuildtngs. Will undoubted ly more than half pay for itself this season. A delightful home and income for some one, why not you? Price $15,000. Half cash. KINNEY A SMITH 4 State St. Ground floor. n 50 ACRES IS miles from- Dallas, J 3 In grain and hay, good garden, small family orchard, 10 acres valuable . timber, some good pasture, fair ( room house and barn and other buildings; 1 large team, harness and wagon, 1 cow, 2 heifers, .1 bull, 1 brood sow, 1 shoals, 12 goats and kids, chickens, turkeys and guinea hens, mower, 4 plows, cul tivator, harrow, disc and other tools, all go and immediate possession giv en. This is a buy lor some one. JCHN H. SCOXT REALTY CO. bldg.- 'J - - .i 228 Oregon bldg. FOR SALE 254 acres, 200 in culti vation, 8 mites out, good road; well fenced, modern 8 room house, largo three story barn, 10 acr- of prunes family-, orchard - witl: ' possession. - Price $100, an acre, 5000 cash, terms 6 per cent. Wiier good buys. S. R. PEARSO i -PED 405 Oregon ' bldg- , ' . n" STRANGERS, BEWARE! of some of the so called "real estate bargains." , The best is- always the cheapest in the end. The following are real value: FARMS 150 acres with 30 acres bearing English walnuts, 70 acr.es cultivated, 20 acres easily made tillable; balance old stump pasture except a fine piece of lake well stocked with "fish. At tractive 8 room house with excellent water supply. All equipment. 5 miles north of Salem. All river bottom land. $37,000. , 380 acres all under cultivation with more than 250 acres- In crop. About seventy head of choice dairy cattle. Fine range of Implements and ma chinery. Realise good buildings Includ ing two silos. Beautifully laying piece of land. 9 miles from Salem. $57,000. Unquestionably one of the finest dairy farms In Oregon. 110 acres, 70 acres cultivated; 40 In crop; 30 summer fallow; good build ings; a very sightly place, 6 miles J o, , .1 . k..I ing paved. $14-000, . TRACTS 10 acres. One of the most attract ive suburban homes around Salem. Strictly modern 8 room bungalow; barn; first class mixed orchard and 2 acres of young logans. Close to car line. $13,000. 10 acres at Broadacres. Flne logan berry land. 4 room house; good well. $2500. 5 acres with about one half mixed orchard, balance in oats. No build ings. Creek runs through property. $1600, $300 cash will handle. 19 3-4 acres at Chemawa. 114 acres cultivated, balance pasture. Extra good soil. 4 room house, etc, $6000. SALEM HOMES ? 9 room house on N. Commercial street with 3 good lots and fine fruit. Full, cement basement. $3900. A dan dy home for a farmer in town. Bungalow of 8 rooms. Has four bedrooms, all corners. All modern con veoiences, $9500. Something one can be proud to own. Two six room homes with furnaces, located on best streets. $4600 each. Gooa terms, Strictly modern 8 room house on N. Capitol street, large lot and barn; garage. $4500. . , 1Z room nome on monn tajnun "treet with every modern convenience b,ock tQ tQ bulldln(f ,i2,000. ith 7 .,. Hn benu- that ha distinction. i.uuu PROPERTY OWNERS are Invited to list tholr holdings with me. Large or small. HOME BUYERS' you may still gee the largest list of houses to be bought 011 the install ment plan in Salem. . HOME BUILDERS I will finance your project no delay CHAS. W. NIEMEYER "Just Real Estate" 216-216 Masonic bldg. Phones 1000 Salem, Ore. 1014 n TWO GOOD BUYS 191 acres, 150 in cultivation, bal ance pasture and some fine oak grub timber; fair house of 9 rooms, barn, good water, 12 acres In prunes In full bearing, also prune dryer; family or chard; the land is gently rolling; fine location on good gravel road, near school and church, mall route and telephone; 2 miles from town; price $75 per acre If sold soon: terms. A fine stock ranch with two sets of buildings, 400 acres, 80 acres In cultivation, balance pasture and tim ber; 2 sets of farm buildings, 2 fam ily orchards; fine springs; water pip ed to house and barn; there is also some fine timber and outrange. This is a splendid bargain at $.10 per acre, terms. Located miles from town on county road and mail route. Particu lars of this and other good btjys, write HENRY AMBLER Philomath, Benton coonty, Or. 121 REAL ESTATE. BARGAINS OK INVESTMENTS I Good S room house, lare lot. burn, 'fruit, good location. JSiOO, terms. ! Uood 10 acre tract near Salem, jhouse, stable, nice location. $4J00, ;easy terms. Good 7 room house, large lot. gar age, on carline. good location. $3200. Fine river bottom farm 7 miles from Salem, sacrifice price. 2 1 acres mile from car line, fine garden soil, good house, barn, well, horse, wagon, cow, tools; snap, $3800. good terms. t nice modern residences in Rose burg Ore., to exchange' for Salem property. - . . 115 acre stock ranch near Roseburg to exchange for Salem property. Ferrine & Marstera. 211-1S Gray bldg. n Good Buys. , - 58 acre' farm located 5 miles east of Salem, all cultivated and in crop, house, barn and orchard, 1-1 of crop goes. Possession of buildings at once. Price $175 per acre. Terms on part. 10 acre 06 bearing Italian prunes, 4 miles out, of crop goes. Price $500. ; 10 acres, 5 acres prunes, on main highway, close in. Price $5000. 200 acre farm, 100 acres cultivated, balance good timber and pasture: house, barn, rock road. The timber on this place will go along ways to ward paying for the place. Price $125 per acre. . 60 acres of good .timber located northeast of Salem. Price $100 per acre. . ,270 acre form, ' all tillable, soil, buildings, good road. Price $125 per acre. - Well Improved 10, acre tract, 1 acre loganberries; good bungalow. Price $7000. HOUSE BUYS T room modern home located 718 N. 14th-street. Price $5500. 7 room house and two lots, base ment, furnace, bearing fruits. Price $3250. . 6 room eottage located in south Sa lem. Price $2500i W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. 275 State street. n Best Buys. 17 Uteres, 10 In cifftivation; 10 aores in prunes, 6 In Royal Anne cherries, all large bearing; some young prunes, cherries, walnuts and apples; 4 room house, good barn, on Paciflo high way, ' 4 miles from Ladd & Bush bank. .'$10,000. terms. 10 acres 2 miles east; 2 Vi acres lo ganberries bearing, 1 2-3 young prunes, some family orchard and ber ries; 7 room house, good barn, some other buildings. $7500, easy terms. 20 acres, cleared and in crop, balance tuuoer; on paveu roau . miiea irom Baiem. a Darga.n i om $3000, terms. 5 acres. 3 acres Italian prunes, H (acre Royal Anne cherries, family f chard of mixed fruits and berries, all full bearingi 4 room house and good barn; close to Salem. A nice little home for $3600i , 160 aqres near Hult, Ore.j 25 aores cleared and 90 tillable; fine fishing and hunting and a good stock ranch; 100 foot waterfall on place on silver sreek; 2 rdce houses end good. barn. Can you beat this for $2000. i 143 acres 7 miles' from Canby Or.; jo acres cleared, balance tlmmber and pasture; good 8 room modern house, fine barn 30x60, garage and other buildings. A No. 1 far mfor $26,000, terms, " . ' " Socolofsky. 341 State street. n HOUSES 4- SALE - -, . Double house, 6 rooms each, close 111. $2650. ; 7 room house, strictly modern. A class 1 house In every particular. $7, 600. , 5 room new eottage -'and two lots; modern. $2600. Cash 800, . .. ... " JOHN H. SCOTT" REALTY LO. 228 Oregon bldg. ' ' ' - n HOUSES TO TRADE FOR SMALL TRACTS We have a number of clients with good city property who want to give their houses as part payment on y acts Phone 1130 and tell us where your tract Is located. . . " ' ' KINNE'Y & SMITH 469 Site St. Ground floor n $500 DOWN . ; - $30 PER MONTH Buys this attractive modern bun galow. Has large living room, dining room, dutch kitchen, thre light and airy bedrooms, crammed with built In features such as buffets, bookcases, china closets, hail polished floors, bath, cement basement, furnace, laun dry trays, wood lift. The total price is $3200. There is not another like It at this price and terms.. Get busy and be the lucky purchaser,' ( R. B. DORNEY ' ' ' ' 329 Oregon bldg. Open evenings. Tel. 151. -' DIRECTORY. Osteopathy DRS. WHITE and Marshall, osteo res, phone 8 84, FARM LOANS Any amount. Low rates. Full repayment privileges Very prompt service. Ask about out 20-year loans at ( per cent Haw kins ft Roberta, 205 Oregon bldg Salem. Or. Stove Repairing. STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 50 years experience; Depot National and American fenca, sizes 26 to tl inches high. Paints, oil and Tarn ishes, etc., loganberry and hoe hooka Balem Fenca and Stove Works. 260 Court street. Phone 114 Why Sell for Less. WB will pay you more cash for your household goods. Get our bid be fore you sell. Peoples Furniture and Hardware Store. 171 N. Com mercial street. Phone 734. ' Water Company. SALEM WATER COMPANY Office comer Commercial and Trade SU. Bills payable monthly in advance Phone 57. DIRECTORY. I'HB Bife.DEKM.AN" TRANSFER FOR your hauiins and moving. Phone H'-'SJ. 1?? Money to Loan. On good real estate security THOS. K FORD Over Ladd & Bush Bank. Salem. Or AiODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 6344 meets every Thursday evening at i o'clock In McCornack building Court and Liberty streets. H. G. Coursey, V. C; Frank A- Turaart clerk. Money to Loan. Federal Farm Loans Any amount. Long time. I ft and ( percent interest. . City building loans. A. CL Bohrnstedt. 401 Maaonlo Temple, Salem. Ore got Optician. DR. ALBERT R. MILLER Optoms-trlst-opticiad, eyes thoroughly as mined, aiassea made and fittsd $10-11 U. a. bank. Phone 841. Scavenger. SALEM SCAVA::3ER Garbage n refuse of all kinds removed as monthly contracts at. reaawnabM rates. Ceaa pools cleaned. Dd anl mala ramsved. Office Ghana, Jiait m. Lodge Directory. OC CHEMEKETA Ldga. No. 1 meets every V, edneadaj evening at T: 30 at L O. O. F.-BalL KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS meet at Me Cornack hall on every Tuesday at 8. J. L. Tucker. C. C; P. J. Knots K. R. & . LNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly No. 84 meets every Thursday M I p. m. in I. O. O. F. hall. F. An dresen, M. A ; A. A. Gueffroy, aas retary, Balem, Or. ' TEAM, Auto Truck and Deliver) Drivers Union No, 110 meet ererj Wednesday evening at the Laboi Temple. 8 o'clock. ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA Oregon Grage camp No. 1300 meatt veryThursdy evening tn McCor nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle Mr Carrie K. Bunn, $48 Union Bt recorder. Melissa Persons, 1415 N. 4th street, phone 1436M. of. O. W. SALEM CAMP 118 MaatJ every Friday night at 8 o'clock it McCornack hail, cor. Court and LU arty St. Visiting Woodmen weleomt C. D. Rosa. C. C i L. 8. Peer, cleri LAWN mowers, safety razors, cuUery, sharpened, locksmithing, saw fil ing, umbrellas, repairing all kinds Stewart's Repair Shop, S47 Court St. Market Reports Grain: Wheat No. t $2.30; feed oafs 96 e; cheat hay $23 24 oat hay $2425; clover hay $25 26; . mill run $52063. I Buttorfatr Butterfttt '34c; creamery butter 667o. . ' : ' Pork, veal and nrattoB: Pork est feai It 3-4c; veal fancy 1718c;'steers 11c spring lambs 13c; cows 709o; ewei 8 8c; sheep yearling 8c. Dressed pork llo. ' Eggs and poultry: Eggs cash 860; light hens 28c; heavy hens'. 30s; old roosters 1516c; broilers 30 32c. Vegetables: Onions per pound 80 eelery doa. $1.76; potatoes, TaJclmi 7c; Oregon S Va 5o; strawberries $3.60 !beeta per sack $2; turnip per saol 13.75; carrots per sack $2.50; parsnip per sack 83.60; spinach IOo lb.; rad lshes 40c dog.; asparagus 150, Fruit: Oranges $5.007.00; lemoni $6.6006; bananas, llo; honey eztraei 20c; buncb beets 45o; cabbage la head lettuoa $1.25'; carrots 46o; as paragus 18o; cauliflower $1.75. dox. red peppers 25o; lb; rhubarb 4o; peas,12o. , Retail, prises: Eggs dozen 42o. creamery butter 63 65c; country but ter 55; flour hard wheat $3.5003.75, oft wheat 12.10. LIVESTOCK Portland, May 19. Cattle weak; receipts 46l; grain and-pulp- fed steers $12.25013.00; choice $11,500 12.25; good to choice $11.00011.50; medium to good $10.00011.00; fair to good $9.00010.00; common- to fair $8.0009.00; choice cows and heifers 10.25011.00; good to oholoe $9,000 10.25; medlu mto good $8.0009.00; fair to medium $7.0008.00; canneri $5.0006.00; bulls $6.0009.00; prim light calves $13,00 016.00; .medium light $9.00012.00;' heavy $6,600 8.60; stockers and feeders $7,600 60. , Hogs 'weaker; receipts 481; prime mixed $14,75 15.35; medium $13.75 14.75; rough heavy $10.00 011,00 r pigs $12013.75. Sheep weak: receipts 895; prime lambs $14.uu016.6O; light- valley $14.00015.00; heavy $13.00 014.00; common) to medium - $10.60 (Jf 12.60. yearlings $10.00012.25; wethers $9 011; ewes $609.50. -f Batter Portland, May 19. Cubes extra 4949c: parchment wrapped box lots 64c; cartons 65c; half boxes He more, less ttian boxes la mora, buttnrfat 51052o f. o, b. station; 63o Portland. Poultry and Kggs. . Portland, OrV May 19. Eggs' Belt- Ing price case count 40 041; buying price case count 39c; selling' price eandled 42c; selected candled in ear tons 44c, v Poultry: Hens 82035c; broilers 35 roosters 16c; turkeys dressed 52 55c; geese 2225c; ducks' 40 45c Wheat. $2.20; premium 65o soft, 70c hard; barley feed $66,60 buyln; oats feed $69071; corn No, 3 yellow $71 milling price, Mlllstuff: Mill run $54065 ton. , Hay: buying price, timothy $31 f 6. b. Portland; alfalfa $37; grain $30; clover $32. Methodists Spend Ten Million For Missionary Work Pas Moines, Iowa, May IS. The re port of the board of foreign missions of the-Methodist Episcopal church to the mner.-i! rtnf.on,., it, B.-,-n v. . .--- - ... ottiu,, una shows an estimated expenditure of JlO.aOO.OOO in foreign missionary work for. tha yar 192.9. This Is almost as much as was exoende In 1 Si . Th work of the present year Includes great advances in education medical wnfc evangelisation and International rata Hons. , Bar Examinations Set For May 25-28 The regular examinations for ad mittance to the Oregon- bar will bo held in Salem next Tuesday and Wed nesday; May 15 and 2. according ta Arthur Benson, clerk of the supremo court. A large number of applicants. including many recent graduated ot law schools, are expected to take the examination at this time. Gasoline Sales Big A total of 135.235 gallons of gaso line and 2581 gallons c distillate were sold to Oregon consumers by tha Shell company during- the month ' of April according to a statement sub mitted to the secretary of state's- of fice Monday. Accompanying the statement was a check for $1,365.26 covering the state tax on fuel otl sales i . Gronnn Norks Re-olwtlon Washington, May 18. Senator Gronna, republican, North Dakota.' today formally announced his candi dacy for renomination. REAL KSTATE TRANSFERS John and Mary Ludovetzke to Peter and Lizzie Northness 12 A and 4 A sit sec 2 in 78 1W $3500 Lydla H and Ernest E Long to E L 'Ryel prt k 6 Vernan aores, con 2 H A Albert L and Minnie Coltrin t C W Rogers prt If bl 4- Dav enports add Silverton ............ 30O0 J D and Eleanor Draka to J K and Florence Blazer 1-3 A Joseph Brown D L C in, 83-1W H D a"nd Mary, Ellen Manning to John Russ 12.76 A In Wil liam Parkers D LC in 18 1W Star Land company to Carrie George 10 A In D L C James Dacidson In 78 3W Ellon Hansen to S T and' Jose . phine Chapel bl 28 "Hanseh" Sherman and Ellen Hamon to M D and Sarah Ramsey prt , D L. C James and Lucenda - Brown in 68 1W ...-.- A F and. Ida Hobart to Anton . ,, . and Mary Marson prt sec 20 In 63 1W 1050 F P and Olive Reddaway to. Edr win and Alice Budlong It 2. bl 23 subdivision 21 and 22 Capital Park add Salem Nellie E Woolry to L E and 8 E Morgan It 10-11 bl 4 Ben Halls add Woodburn William Kennedy to Hurley L Moore $13.13 A In D L C Bar ney Kennedy 4a 2W 19,871 Mrs Hattle and James G Gil bert to Barney and Rose Lem beck 1.62 A Woodburn 4500 Charles E and Carrie E Taylor to J L Green and L M Evans 2.36 A In D L C, J B Duch- . arms '. ..... 2900 A M and Anna Anonby to Wil liam and Clara Church 'It 4 Woodburn fruit farms Jennie Lick and E H Hubbard to P W Reyolts It 6 bl 5 Sa lem Heights add J M and Muttto L Melkbjohn to Joseph Bchotthoefcr prt It 3 bl 8 George- H Jones add Sa lem -.. .. Robert L Seamsier to H E Pern berton It 6 bl 20 Nob Hill 3900 "WALLPASTE" perfect for paper hanging, no cooking, Mat O. Bur en, 179 N. Cnm'l. a WAIL paper 29c double roll and up. Mnx O. Wurem, 179 N. Com'l. m ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice Is hereby given, that-the un dersigned Hnrty Ralph has filed his final account us administrator of tho estate) of Martha Jane Ralph, deceas ed, -in the county court for Marlon county, Oregon, and Bald court has duly set the time for hearing objections-thereto, anfl the final settlement thereof for Monday, the 28th day of June 1920, at the hour of 10 o'clock s.-m. of said day in the court room in said couj t In Halem, In said county and state. - Dated this 19th day of May, 1920. HARRY RALPH, Administrator of the estate of Mar tha Jane Rnlph, deceased. McNary, "McNary Keyes, Attorneys firr administrator. A DM IX IST UATOU NOTM.'E Not Icr Is hereby given that the un dersigned, by. an order of ths county court of the state oi Oregon ior me county of Marlon, duly made and en tered on the 2th day of April, 1920. was appointed administrator o the estate of Lucy Johnson, deceased, and that he has duly qualified as such ad ministrator. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby noti fied to present the same, duly vert fled as required by law, to- him at the city of Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 28th day of April 1920. K, L. JOHNSON, Administrator -of the estate of Lucy ,Inhnon, deceased, t ' ' Max Gchihar, Jas. fj. Heltzel, Attorneys for estate. (Copyright, 1920, by H, C. Fisher. Trade Mark Reg. U. 8. Pat Office. 1 inn. " ' , I ... t, Tt.Y AM HOUfc AND MX AISW 60OON, AIM ' THese dvs'