Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 17, 1920, Image 8

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Jl- A i-
United States in
Mexico is Urged
If America is to continue a politic-
7l-f n
If I'! P
Vice - President
Once Is CaUed,cr"
Pouehltppiisip v. v rv 17 T,.i The Same
P. Morton, former vice president of
the I'nited States and former govern
or cf New York, died at his home.
81 and industrial leader amnnff na-! Eilerslie, Rhinebeck on
:ons, anjl is to Insure for its future at 8:30 o'clock lust night on the 6th
Fenerations the opportunities and pos anniversary of his birth.
Bibiiities that have ulreaiU- heen
passed ovr. The United States shall!
Bave to make "some sort of interven-
two teams ill ciir.ii in first of
six phase struggle for local honors at
6:15 .Monday night. Both teams will
be equipped with new uniforms, the
Spaulding nine's raiment being lh
ion of the lorcin concern.
mes are free to all.
-iucn eninusiasm la evident anion
iii ivuifjcuuw icaius some oi tne
city's livest players taking part in thei C n-nlnrsiJ, An
I - . lm I if. ii u r. i m itiMMMiriiii 1
the Hudson, ieonws"- The Woolen mill team his: . r
not suomiuea us lineup but the Spaul.l ! A -neauers ana W. J. Jenkins, pa
roled convicts who escaDed from the
ters, Mr. and ilrs. B. Papenfus and, by the raiiro-ids to be full handed but
four switchmen on the
ern were tut on uuiV las
It was stated that no demands r.aa
been presented by the men, who de
clared they were walking out individu
ally and that they "warned more mon
vuuuivu, jar. and Mrs. A. Grimm and
The event was a double celebration,
as it was also the birthday anniver
sary of Mrs. A. Carnack.
Escaped Convicts
tlon" in Mexico. Monlavllln Kl
is Saleni in behalf of General Leon
ard Wood's campaign for president,
told the business nun who attended
the luncheon at the -C mmiercial ciuo
Monday noon.
"While we are asleep other nations
of the world are out in the race to
gain control of the natural resources
f the nation," Mr. Flow ers declared.
"We went into the war to get nothing,
-find we were highly successful. Eng
land, through the war. gained on.
million square miles of wealthy lands;
France greaUy expanded its holdings,
as did Italy; and Japan Is fairly gorg
ed In her conquest to get resources of j
Jts surrounding nations." j
In 18 years the timber of the na
tion shull be exhausted, Mr. Flowers
aid, and in JO years the oil that un
derlies the t'nlted StaUs shall have
been pumped out. England recoanlzi s
these facts, he said, and knowing that
11 is one of the ruling factors in the
movement of industrial progress has
acquired 40 percent of 'ho oil in Mex
ico. Germany, under contract wllh
Mexico to colonize Its lands, also is
Kharlng In the wealth that comes from
the states south of the I'.io Grande.
This colonization ty Germany ;haH,
unless checked, suell the jinnlhi.nll.m
tif the Monroe docirWo, Mr. Flowers
(old the business men.
"We stay out of Mexico because we
. want to be good, I guess." asserted
Sir. Flowers. "The other nations ili.n'i
wans to be good. I take It, by the way
tney are rushing into Mexico
vim uir, iubii iimy ko unmolested i j ....
he added emphatically. "When we go;'""' m'ul0'1 district heads the list
We are ousted or slain or hel.l f,,r . . " . ' "-""'canon oi ii
Paper Company
Buys Power Right
The Ladd estate of Portland has
sold Its water powt rlKhts in what
is known as the Nyfth Power, a mill
race, at Salem, to the Oregon Pulp
& Paper compartf, of which Fred W.
Led better is lesident. and h ac
cepted in payrTient $100,000 worth of
preferred gufck In the corpoation.
This announcement ffcmirit.-iv h
those Interested in tsw transaction Is '
news tlfut a triple combination of
capital Aiub been broucht shunt m
back lie ftalem mills. In which Led
betterand his associates are now In
terested with the C. K. Spaulding
Lumber company and the Ladd
The Oregon company's mill will
manufacture high grade nuner n
well as a quantity of newsprint, for
all of which the Spaulding Logging
company will furnish raw material.
iiig battle array follows:
Rodgers, ss; Hilborn, cf; Bozell, ;
Birtchett, 2b; Albie. if; Garvis and
K. l'eterran n E-..11-,..L- 9K. t n..-
- f , ' 1 - .v.., uw, nij-ii
lb: O'Brien, rf: Scott, utiliiv ''Cherokee'
The complete schedule for th sea
Min 1 ft i am fnllnn-..
May 17 -SDauIdinir v Knv WnrtUn
Ion in 1914 to serve 13 vears for train
mills. robbery. He was paroled in 1918, and
May 19 Huuser Brothers vs T. M. J re""ned to the penitentiary in li
V. A.
jil handed but
SJIP from Farm -
tor insane Lomes
Back Last Night
prison wood camp at Aumsviile a week
ago last Saturday, were capturefl at
Mill City last Saturday afternoon by-
James .a nrifon guard at
j the wood camp. ,
! Meaders was Rent tn the elite's nris
Johnson Cancles
Oregon Trip
Hon. T. v. i.-. u!t ad
and Hon. s. A. Hugh", C
A number of lmportam
receiving the aitem0 v
among them the th .
he southeastern sec,ionlf ' "1
the surface o-ai,. . OIlnfciN. ,
from various source ea
Salem.- This ,.,
$2,500,00 In
Irrigation Bonds
Wait Approval
The certification of Irrigation dis
trict bonds aggregating $2,634,000 Is
now pending before the state Irpio-n.
tinn tu.iiritlAn i
4 ,1 .iiiiiiiiiiijiuii, accoruing
' l'to stat Kngincer Cupper. The Med
May 21 Statehouse vs Vallev Mi,.
tor Co.
May 24 Hauser Erothen. v. v ,v
Woolen mills.
May 2 Statehouse vs Y. M. C. A.
May 28 Soauldincr vs V.ille
tor Co.
May 31 Statesouse vs Kav Wool
en mills.
June 2 Spaulding vs Y. M. C. A.
June 4 Hauser Rrnthern v Vol
ley Motor Co.
June 7 Spaulding vs Hauser Broth
June 11 Statehouse v v.iii7 At.
tor Co.
June 14. Hauser Brnthera v. vt.(
house. . .
June 1 Y. M. C. A. vs Valipv vi.
tor Co.
June 18 Snauldinsr- vs. WhAion
June 21 Valley Motor Co. v Vn,,i
en mills.
June 23 Hauser Brothers v V ii
C. A. ,
June 25 Spaulding vs Statehous'.?.
for breaking parole bv complicity In
several robberies at Astoria.
Jenkins was doing not to exceed ID
years for forgery, and was committed
from Union county In 1919.
Spokane Railway
Hiram Johnson, republican candi
date for the presidential nomination.
will be unr.ble to come to Oregon, due
to the many items that demand his in
tention in the east, according to, a
"'it mi i ' rv. viiaiia rt. .1. .uuuee, ' - '
his repre.entative her and mad Dublic I north, and that an obliging lady auto-
today. In his Johnson gives ' ist Save them a ride. After going
no intimation as to when he will be'about 17 miles north of Salem, Donlay
Police believe that fear of the run.
sequences prompted the act, A. Donley,
charge of the Cottage Farm, or state
asylum farm, who left Sunday after
noon with another charge. S Merrill
for parts unknown, spent Sunday night whole, a lare bin,.,.!
in th fciii .j ir.-j.. attendan-
- - - - - - J . ' i a.a ... .) 1 1 Ufi . . lilt
I Donley appeared at police head-,
quarters late at night and asked to use
phone. He called the Cottage Farm
and reported that he was back. Ji
then told how he and Merrill had wan
dered away from the farm, goinar
fcaiem.- This sbject "'n
portance not m,i . s 0 U1
rectly affected but to .
arge i attendance b'"
wne retiirne.1 1 rw. .k .v. . . B ""DOITow .... .
. vuiujo iren me matter will he i.
able to visit Oregon, but says that he
is "leaving it all to you."
McGee, accompanied by Leroy Hew
lett, P. R. Keaney and Thomas Brown
from this ritv. went tn Silt-ortnn S:itiih.
rr VI fVPl o rr WKv vU thusiastic audience in the opera house.
Following the meeting Johnson litera
ture was freely distributed in the town.
Spokane. Wash.. 1:iv 17. The en
tire day switchmen's force of the Chi
cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway
here failedto report for duty today and
It was stated that none of the night
crew had been on diitv lust nieht.
Great Northern and Northern Pacific
Discredit is thrown by Salem offi
cials on the confession of Jesse Mulli
nix so far as it pertains to the statev
ment that he was paid $100 by Mrs.
said, he decided to come back, so he
walked back to Salem arriving at 9:4S.
Merrill, he sid, continued on to Portland.
Richmond Club To
Hold Meetings On
Tuasday Night
The Richmond Improvement club
will hold its regular meeting at the
Richmond school building Tuesday
ixuniieru ana iormern i-acuic mem mai ne was paiu iuu oy .Mrs. ' Richmond school building T
switching crews today were reported Lena Steiger to murder her husband, evening beginning at 8 o'clock
fo rconsideration. . broul s,
A good musical program v
ben arranged for th,
French Troops
Evacuate Rhine'
Region .Today
Mayence. Mav it J
troops which have ben in L.Frfa,i
of Frankfort, Darmstadt
cities on the east bank of th ,5
evacuated those cities this ml,
is announced here. m,mH.
The Germans were Informed of
departure throueh i ao'th
mation issued by QtZX
posted in the various ci UeTJS
read "the Frenrh .u , wb4
v v ' iiitir word1
tire qurerU,tin PrCeed
Many Relatives
At Celebration of
. Wedding Event
With more than 50 relatives as-
"In the past ten years 365 Amerl
cane have been killed in Mexico, and
we, aren't at with them, either!
nd we are still writing notes. In view
of the fact that 85 percent Of the peo
ple in Mexico cannot read and write
-and couldn't read a note we send
flown there anyhow, I don't see what
' the upe is In sending more."
Armenia is a paradise in a peace
ful valley In comparison with Mexi
co, the speaker said, pointing out the
fuct that statistics show there have
tieen an average of three revolutions
ft day In that country for the pas:
"America's share of the natural re
(inurces In Mexico will more than pay
'the 26 billion dolliirs of national debt
that burdens the United States, and
the entire national debts of the whole
world," Mr. Flowers declared, "If it!
Will only go down In there and get
What are Its Just dues."
He advocuted Intervention as niadu
tiy the United States in Cuba and the
I'hlllpplnes, declaring that it was not
Jiecetwary to "go down there with
your embattlements marching ahead"
.r.i iui vri LiLieaLiun nr ii.. mi iik
ZaU.tMIO 111 bnmlM nut nt n t,.i..i r. I aehhle.l -r. n.i -.r . . - .
" i , I ..... .UJ, miu .urn, august Urimin
00,000. The Cuttles Lake district has ! celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding
.. .. ..v.. ... iciuinuM OI idu.uuu i ouiiiversiiry at tnei home in the An
In bonds, the Talent district hus asked
for the certification of $350,000 and
the Grants Pans district is requesting
the certification of $184,000. All of
these districts are under way mid the
additolnal funds are to be used In ex
tending or completing development
Twilight League
To Play Tonight
x-iHiiniiiK to mnrcn ttmml. kii,i
streets In a parade coincident iviih
the opening of the tuiliuht i,..mi..,ii
season In Salem, the Thomas Kay and
upauidlng teams will lend the way 13
the Willamette grounds where these
burn district, east of Salem. s,,,i.,,.
Mr. and Mrs. Grimm were married in
Chicago, May 19, 1895, and have been
residents of the Auburn district for the
past ten years. The anniversary cele
bration was arranged by the childrsn
and was a complete surprise. As the
gathering was being seated at the dim
ner tables a silver lined box contain.
Ing twenty-five silver dollars were pre
sented to Mr. and Mrs. GKmrn In token
of the anniversary occasion, j
Those present were Air. and Mrs.
Charles Hitrnack and family, Mrs. E. I
'Theil, Mr. and Mrs. II. Peters. Air. unit '
Mrs. Ed Hurnack and daughters, Mr.
and Mrs. A. Hurnack, all of Aurora;
Mr. and .Mrs. II. Klemder nnd family,
Mr. and Mrs. P. Papenfus and daug-
Taft Lecture To
Crowd Capacity Of
1 'Armory, Belief
The many friends and admirers oi
ex-President William Howard Taft are
anticipating with a great deal of pleas
, wre the opportunity which will be af
forded them on May 28 of hearing
America's premier authortiy on affairs
international. 'The former president
1 secured for Salem through the ef
forts of the Klllson White Lyceum
bureau. At present, Mr. Taft is in the
midst of a somewhat prolonged lecture I
Tour which will Include hut three Ore
Son audiences Salem, Portland and
The reserved sent snlc which was
opened Saturday at Will's music store
3s alro bWng carried on by mull and
pwats muy be secured by letter to Sa
lem Tnft Management, Pox 28 Sr Sa
lem. Tickets lire selling at $1.50 plus
loc war tax. The demand for sent
reservations would Indicate that the
Taft element In this state Is very en
thusiastic at the opportunity of hear
ing the great national leader in a dis
cussion of "The League of Nations,
Up-to-late." Kx-Precldent Tuft's au
thurtty n a student of International
law is unquestioned In this country.
Plans have been made for the prop
er reception of Mr. Taft Into the
Cherry city. He Is to lunch with the
Commercial club and will be present
ed to the club members by one of Sa
lem's more Illustrious statesmen. Im
edlately preceding and following the
lecture, the Salem's Hike orchestra will
present some of their more popular
numbers. Governor Olcott will Intro
duce the speaker nnd will occupy the
platform along with most of the pi'onv'
lnent state officials. The lecture Is to
be delivered at the armory on Satur
day evening, Muy 29. '
Why Pay High
Ad Club Caravan
Leaves Seattle
For Trip Today
peame, wasn., May 17. Forty-five
automobiles, currying members of Si
wash division of the Pacific Const Ad
clubs' British Columbla-tu Stockton,
Oil., caravan, were started oh their
way from the city-county building by
M:tyor Cnldwell at T:30 this morning
tinder ideal weather nnd road condi
tions. Governor Louis K, Hurt and the
members of the state highway com
mission headed the caravan which
they will accompany lo Portland. An
srmv contingent from Camp Lewis is
scheduled to Join the party at Taco
ma. The m-hedule calls for the arrival of
the travelers In Stockton, 1300 miles
from Seattle, one week from today.
For new cars, when you can get a used
car in perfect condition for less than
half price
The following cara have been overhauled and are in perfect
1916 Ford, 5-passenger $450
1918 Dort, pood shape $700
1917 Buick Six, 7-passenger 7 $11 50
1916 Reo, four, looks like new-.... $800
1917 Maxwell, 'fine shape "!"""r.Z!$723
Other cars from $200 up
Salem Velie Co.
162 North Commercial St.
. $i.98 41
Always on the alert to give our patrons the best possible values
W e offer for this week starting Tuesday
Our Best quality 40 inch all Silk Crepe de Chine
Our Best Quality 40 inch all Silk Georgette Crepe
Gale & Company
Secretnrv nf fimimei-rok
expressed a hope for continued friend-'
ly business relations between Great:
Xritain and this country at a dinner!
Clven in Washington last night in
Jionor of the British merchants now
touring the United States.
Aliens are now arriving In the Port
of New York at a rule three times
greater than they are leaving, accord
ing to statistics made public yesterday
at the E'lis Inland Immigration station.
P Girls! Girls! Girls! C !
1 1 &rjffiH&$fiffiffi5
This is a girls' world. Nearly everybody
hnullV en?fTaPhtr' bookkeeper, clerk or
housemaid. Don't wait till the smart ones are all
Kiy. UPPUt yUf W""t Ad ln this P81
And you, Madamoiselle, should know that if
?M.iin. toi articular Wnrf of position,
the oest firms m this city watch our Help Wanted
columns constantly for capable employees.
Dres$ Up Your Want Ad Lik ThU
MoiKJiiUlO WA.vm-ta mil!
hll. toos nn, m ratios.
Sli nosi sow. Cut tl row tnt
M M MM 1 .Herat. Brfmno,
wiw4 riHM cvuiw Mr.
la iv,,,.
m ob ciJIortloui. fotitf U4 rHiiM.
T.-tftil In kmiliiin oufen. w.nlil
UlTWUahlf to la tltx'vtlTf Uh.1rt
r"" ! I'lnus (ImUi
Coed help is as important as good merchan
dise. You must have hnr Ji tn K ..M-rr..i
. . X BUM1U1,
Read and Ut the Want Ada in
Teams Wanted
To haul lumber. Also men
for mill and woods work.
Lyons, Ore.
WillametteV alley
Transfer Co.
madb to order to tvs
tour windows
CS. Hamilton
140 Court Street
A Nationwide InsHtuHnn
We Make Your Dollar Larger
as it will go much farther with us
Quality Considered Our Prices are Always
the Lowest
'Just note these few items as an example. 'All other ar-
Jiclesare likewise much cheaper
Woodry's Stock
of Furniture, Ranges, Heater,
ng, Tools, etc, before you
:0 N. Com! st Ptmnca S10
or Sit
?rcles : 25c, 29c, 35c, 39c yd
H 79c, 89c, 98c yd
9-4 sheeting . 89c, 98c, $1.10 yd
Bleached Muslin 29c, 35c! 39c yd
Berkeley Cambrics 42c
DressVoiles 49c,'o9c,69c,'79cyd
Table Linen
Table damask1.49, $1.79, $3.49, $3.98 yd
lawe cloths $1.98, $3.98, $4.98
to . $8.50 each
Napkins ....$2.25, $3.98, $4.98, $5.90 doz
Cretonnes .....35c to 69c yd
Flaxons 29c and 35c yd
White skirting 45c, 59c, 98o yd
Thread 150 yd spools 5c; 250 yds 8c
Once a Customer-Always a Customer
MWsMaik i
Tskes the plaos of houst
lining tor lees.
Max 0. Bur en
ITS North CommerulaJ
it)) p70 oA Hation-mid institution 3