Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 17, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    Ai 1 '
t I .A,v" . - t
ii ini.Jrtiiin 7.
S . tortious 5 cenu; one
one month 20 cents;
t j cents,
,onth 12 cents; nim-
" , 9-. wnts.
Ptartion only in N Today.
iirS -h in advance and not tak
c,jr au ca- unless advertUilfr has
a .wv Pacu"t. No allowance for
.rrors. i
f',tti"v fact), a 1. Ballard stra
Kent Bros..
i-iS-r-r-rTi ..ii.l-oak dining room ;
i wue f?-rhc
ii - , . J
WW expanse foe Salem Property.
' o r re Journal. ; nt20
It J " ' :
.iSni roInis365- BeUevue street
jT-cviSHED rpoin. ijui w -"" -
"j 21S-N. Liberty St. over tsrew
'."" niff store. . J150
We have about
SEED PUi-ii"r-r-
fifteen sacks left that we will sell
7 four cents. Mangis Bros, 542
Tour cem.
stite St. rnone in. -v
- ... iri n
SrS" "ALEKrooil sows to farrow
this month. $30 and up. Also some
bill nisrs. all sizes, $5 and up. L.
F. Hill. Kt. 8
Phone SSF4.
box. 125. Salem, Or.
TTZiitA auto tire Silver Creek
iils road. Phone 93F5. Reward.
' VOIR "heck is reaav for yu J
twn minutes, when you take
i it
your 11S
cream to Hazelwood. .
. .... nqiMtionta
ritv Garaire, 170 S. l?th St.
fOR SALE 5 acres 2 H miles from
Salem, bearing fruit, buildings. J.I.-
- 500 with horse and implements, $3,
2Q0 for place alone, Owner care
- Journal. 18
QgTButter box containing butter,
i Mnthoa nnd new overalls. Kindly
leave at Roth grocery. Reward. 118
r.' ... it i a ......... i,i,ca j:r.i,. A
FOR SALE 6 room house $600; 4
room house $900. For rent, 2 room
house. F. L. Wood, 341 State St.
jjOST Auto crank Saturday between
Liberty store and Salem Bank of
Commerce. Please leave at Journal
office or phone 674 R.; 118
EQUITY in 160- acres to trade for
car. balance $458. easy terms. Box
A B care Capital Journal. n
HOUSEKEEPING., apartments at the
Cottle, 343 Vi N.' Com'l; Under new
' management. 118
MOOSE bonds issued July 1, 1912,
by.Cherry City lodg-e No. 49 Loyal
Order of Moose, will be redeemed
for $10 flat upon presentation or
mailing by registered mail to Unit
ed States National bank, Salem,
'. Oregon, Agent for trustee of bond
holders. 118
FOR SALE Classy bug, must be
sold this week, $350.; late mochl
Ford touring like new $450; Ford
bugs ami bug bodies; 1918 Chevro-
let.-187 S. Liberty St. 1 18
looks and runs like new oar, tires
are very good. Easy terms. Phone
. Adums. 361. 0,119
.LOST Fisk tire on rim, 32x3, on
"Kola hill between Salem and Dal
las Saturday afternoon. Notify E.
C, Kirkpntrick, box 277, Albany, or
Dallage Garage, Dallas. Liberal re
ward. kl'20
furniture of five room house as a
whole; not at once. Appointment
by box 39W Capital Journal. cll
WOOD cutters wanted, man to help
or wilt let contract, good timber.
Fhone 8F3. Salem. gl20
FOR SALE Month old Black Minor
ca baby chickens; also Black Mi
norca eggs. 454 Hood St. 118
WANT To rent small furnished house
or suite of rooms. Address box O
; A Capital Journal or phone 110.
0R SALE 6 room house for gale
' at 217 Richmond ave. Call after
tioon or evening.' a!21
FOR SALE Water system, 600 gal.
tank with complete outfit, except
engine, $150. See Petersen, 228 Ore
gon bklg. . cl20
-A. ... "
SALE Tresdnle dog, 11 months
old, thoroughbred,
$10. 823 Nortfi
run hal.k Jersey cow, 5 years old,
goori milker, high test, $80' 57F2,
.. call after 4 o'clock. e!20
1'OR SALE 5 room bungalow, 2
large lots $1650. Box C care Jour
nal. FOR SALE Grain and vetch hav for
sale, not baled, $21. State- training
Binuoi tor boys. 120
I'OR RENT Two furnished rooms
for housekeeping. 1040 Leslie St.
IjD At'dtico U'nman fr cratiuc.
al house work, no washing. $65 per
tnonth. Phone 2f9l.T. irl!n
'n SAUb. Classy bungalow, six
rooms and bath on main floor, base
ment cemented and partitioned for
summer kitchen and laundry room,
iwo attic rooms, one finished, oth
er can be made into an ideal sleep
ing porch, 1V4 blocks from State
wet. Call at 217 Richmond avc.
anernoons or evenings. a!20
S,ALK Jersey cow, very gen
"rich milker. Tel. 736J. e!20
WANTEU Fifty to seventy five
"node Island or Plymouth Rock
cmckens, six to eight weeks old.
Wod strain. What's your prise? Ad
wess L. K. LeFurgy, Marion Hotel
"r Monmouth Ofchard Co., Mon-
;"'""ii. nr. 1 1 a
In, k u , , r:
"-AljL'' Dodge roadster, looks
ihe new, perfect condition. Price
"'") i la. Sa em Velie-
162 Jf.
Commercial St.
tn, DATiNS The Litchfield pas
'ure in the Oak Lodge addition is
ng a great deal of trouble on
er-nunt of cattle having almost no
rmg, owing to the drouth. There
m V ,ost no fences, in some plac
rs a wire and hoH i .
lrsts t0 8Ul'Port them, and the
"'wk some eio-ht ... v.... j
h i. rB'it or ten neaa. n.irp
irnra br,'akiS out and gracing: on
sufferer haS thirty Y""" whw,t hM
tfered from their depredations
them V,i'l.8everal times had to drive
iuto ,h 8 tand and Put them back
'o the Litchfield pasture. The 4am-
,to his W'" 18 estimated
' on its hands, an all thetiroper-
Vi?n l.nsUie tne limits. It i
s'lnst state and city laws Tor cat
JourLirun l00s,e 'n the city. The
"rna! report that Mr. Earl 'turn
ine cows loose." is an error, as
Gili f'I1 vrents 'he land of R. W.
1"" Wafn fSS bee" fiBhtinS t0 W
Wlice I ir1m staging stock. The
bi e,L , ? been annoyed to death
trlBlPlaint" in the ak Lode "
vintil '5e "Predations of the
hira .v5 1ck and fInJ " useless to
Is n back int0 a Pasture that
Nt f. Pn snfenced
much hLch the owners charge so
much Per head for each animaL
T;tion n res" ZB9 ln cu,u"
fen' 1 ,n.'1,' good road; well
thrw. ,rn 8 roora house, large
'in,iiv inbarn 10 acres ot prunes
Prie.t,r?hard h. Possession.
Urn, i " an "ere, $5009 cash- f
o PtLc"nl ther good buys, f
"regon bldg. n
A-NThO Sume one to raise Trt-'a-la
strawberry plants on shares on
, contract. Plants furnished. Ward
K, Richardson, 'SSS Front street
' Phone 494 or I267M. n-,t
.vu o.niM acres. IS in eulii-
L'nD t? I r 1 ' a .- . , 11
plenty or family fruit. Lo-
cated 3 mues from city limits. Gooi'roR S,T F ;
4 room house, eleotrif ii,h, . ruK faALi, p0
, - ---- .....,.5, gwu
new; crop all in. 6 cows 2
horses, 1 driving horse. ? f
. koou wagon, buggy, doa- I
en i-iiii-nens, plow, cultivator and
all tools; immediate possession
Price; $4500 with terms on part,
- - jraartsu.x fc PEED
403 Oregon bldg.
For Sale Houses.
WANTED Good 5 room bungalow'
large lot, paved street, garage or
small place on main highway good
house, must be bargain for cash
Owners only bovBES Capital Jour
nal. . ....
Fine large lot, good house, S. Com
mercial St. $3000.
Choice 10 acre tract, east of Salem
fair buildings, running water, main
road. $30. F. L. Wood, 341 State
street. ,.,,,
WALL, paper Sac double roll and up
Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com'l. m
PHONE 951. 329 OREGON bid, a
STRICTLY modern close in bunga
low, 6 rooms and furnace, 4 blocks
from P. o. Possession given in 5
days. If sold this u-nolf liAA T
- ... JJU1
lar & faflar, 407 Orego,n bldg. a
UK bALE Three room cottage
with dutch pantry, large clos,
electric lights, city water, fruit room
chicken house and yard, large gar
den, all kinds of fruit. S. Cottage
and Judaon St. Phone 1787W2. al21
FOR SALE Good house at 132o Jet
ferson St. almost new. Will sell on
easy terms. See F. E. Loose, 226
State St. or phone 933, owner, al!8
$500 DOWN ijz
Buys this attractive modern bun
galow. Has large living room, dining
room, dutch kitchen, three light and
airy bedrooms, crammed with huilt
In features such as buffets, bookcases,
china closets, hard polished, floors,
bath, cement basement, fumace.i laun
dry trays, wood lift. The total price
Is $3200. There is not another like
it at this price and terms. Get busy
and be the lucky purchaser.
329 Oregon bldg. Open evenings. Tel.
51. . a
FOB SALE A good comfortable
house a few fruit trees, barn, well,
lot 100x100. $1200, $800 down will
handle. If you have $500 or more
to build on a 10, 20 or 40 acre tract
of land and 5 years at 6 percent to
. finish paying for same, you can
get it for $100 per acre.
ACREAGE to trade for city proper
ty. A. L. Seamster, 416 Masonic, n
'WALLPASTE" perfect for paper
hanging, no cookfng. Max O. Bur
en, 179 N. Com'l. a
For Sale Farms.
FOR SALE 10 acres good land on
rock road, 5 acres Italian prunes,
1 Vi acres logans 8 years old, acre
potatoes and garden planted, good
family orchard in bearing;- 6 room
house, barn, tool house, root house,
gas engine, water piped to house
and barn; 2 horses, lcow, 2 doa, u
chickens, all implements -go with
the place. Price $4000; terms.
Bayne bldg. Room 3. b!18
FOR SALE 40 acre farm 1H miles
to Chemawa. Phone 44F5. bl-22
PECOS valley, Texas, oil found at
600 feet. Many wells drilling. Your
opportunity to become independ
ent. Five year leases; geological reH
ports and abstract of title. Five
seres, $50. C. R. Banning, u850
' Hollywood blvd., Los Angeles.
FOR SALE- 10 acres, some fruit trees
cheap house and barn, well fenced,
small creew. 3 ft miles from Salem.
Inquire at Adolph Bros cigar store,
356 State St. 0119
600 ACRE stock ranch, modern build
ings, fully equipped, for quick sale
80 acres Irrigable cultivated land in
Douglas county, $8000.
Quarter block Fairmount bill. Excep
tional residence location. $1750.
401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Or. 119
FOR SALE Highly improved 300
acre farm, 150 seeded to wheat and
clover, 100 acres good pasture, bal
ance second growth fir; new nine
room . bungalow, full coment base
ment, furnace, bath, hot and cold
water, fine large barn and garage,
lots of fruit, hard surface road in
front of .farm. Price with crop $80
per acre, terms. Hart & Muller, 208
Orpsron bide. n
CH' CE close In berry land, 10 acres
oca ted Just outside city limits,
blocks from Center St. carllne on
asylum road, all cultivated; pos
session at once. Price $3500, good
terms. 8.11 acres adjoining the
" above land, black loam, all ready
for planting. Price $2800. Haw
kins and Roberts, 205 Oregon bldg.
Phone 1427.
WALLBOAKD" can be used over
lath and papered or tintea. max
O. Buren, 179 N. Com'l. v ' c
fjeff, i wane roaTT4-, LBvtI 5 feQ fT fovR voru.. frToT - . . -4 J
wre. ' LZ. rT Waiws owthestatuCOF (yW ucANee Ws wtw H
ivTvie wgt-P weiteirov. J -r fi ha.vicm't . ( uberty. do l iMfceeD inc. He if wool 'L
C.; ..... .. 1 V I wa amin6 kNovu uMt tHCV Ter RcsKlNtn 4V 1 WAveBeeiUrN ,1
- - V ft WAS too . 1 AY PUN , ... . .1 MAOft TH6 UTTtC jy N W3i 1 FOOT HAft HAW- '
3 I to waste Awt S op KucwLebte-J Oi , fin&b of -rue , V V Q t it' a K ,
iH "T5 r- ssiL. trt
mi- o -I 'f- ' ' : ; : :
tOS SALiii.
For Sale Miscellaneous.
OH SALE Two ton baled cieat hav
-9 ton; one load loose eat - and
vetch hay $19. One mile east on pen
road, red barn. .n
For Sale Nursery Stock.
tatoes. Phone 1203.M
STRAWBERRY olanta m nv ,..
my. JClterburz 121. fini.i nr,na
Trebla, Lady GoshweU. Wilson.
Thrifty well rooted plants. City de
livery. Ward K. Richardson, 2S95
Front St. Phone 494. d
rOR SALE Four sacks large Gold
Com potatoes. Sc pound. John Bai
ley, Rt. 9. box 55. Phone 44F32.
inc. lamous iitterburg 121 straw -
Derry plants. Best canner and
shipper. A very heavy producer
when not exhausted raising plants.
Vigorous healthy plants. Low pric
es in large quantities. Ward K.
Richardson, 2395 Front St. d
For Sale Livestock.
FO RSALE One registered Chester
. White sow, 9 pigs 7 -weeks old, and
2 cows; can't take care ot them.
Phone 1580R, ell8
FOR SALE Duroe pigs S-weeks old.
Phone T1F31. . elis
YES, I can use more young calves. C.
n X, 1 1 1 .1 in.
v.. jvugggn. f nuns ai?a.. - i
FOR SALE Light horse; one cow,
fresh 4 weeks, good milker and a
good test. Phorte 100F3. el2
YOUNG team and harness for sale,
765 N. Liberty. . - ell8
FOR SALE Cows, milkers and to be
fresh soon: also haef-cnwR on
L from 5 to. .7 p. m, C C. Russell.
phone 3F3. e
FOR SALE One Chester. White sow
and pigs. Phone 14F25. G. H.
Mudge, Chemawa. el 18
FOR SALE 1 7-year old brown horse,
. true and gentle, work anywhere;
also good dairy cow. Call or write
Ray Farris, Turner. ell9
For Sale Wood.
FOR SALE Second growth fir wood
$9.50 per cord, sawed; old fir
$10.50. Call 1953. eel26
FOR SALE Second growth fir wootl.
nearly dry. Phone 1565M. eel20
AM now ready to receive orders for
winter wood, 16-in. old fir $10;
large 2d growth, 4 foot $8.50. Phone
981M. - eel20
FOR SALEWWood. First class 16-in.
and 4 foot mill wood. Special pric
es ;? eaif lots. Prompt delivery.
Also dry cord wood. . Phone 1542
Office 80S S. Church. J Fred E.
wells. ' ee
OAT Meal Paper, 20-inch tan, extra
special, 34c double roll. Max O.
Buren. J 79 N. Cem'l. n
For SalePoultry
FOR SALE Year old Buff Leghorn
hens. 375 S. 17th St. f 1 1 S
WHITE LEGHORN babv chicks. Unas
wethers, i Phone 96F13. ' fll8
B'OR RENT Housekeeping and
sleeping rooms. 646 Ferry St. J119
SLEEPING rooms by day or month at
492 . Cottage. Phone 1186. J132
FFICE rooms for rent, steam hest,
splendid janitor service. 205 Ore
gon bldg. Phone 1427.
FOR RENT Furnished downtown
sleeping room for gentlemen, steam
heat, by the month. Phone 1427.
205 Oregon bldg.
WANTED -Man to drive Fordson
tractor, good pay. Address 385 Cap
ital Journal. . gl21
SEVERAL good Ford buys; will give
liberal terms. 1919 Maxwell $850;
light trailer. Cherry City Garage,
170 S.-12th St. ql20
FORD repairing with . satisfaction
.guaranteed; give us a trial and be
convinced. The Auto Shop, 187 S.
Liberty St. 119
FOR SALE Buick six roadster, Just
overhauled and repainted, equip
ped with cord tires," snubbers and
spotlight. A bargain for the price.
Call 1190M. qH8
A RARE BARGAIN 1914 Chalmers
six, not run since 1918, excellent
car to rebuild into truck or bug.
Address Box Car care Journal. q!18
Lost and Found.
LOST Ladies small purse with two
keys and small change, on N. Cap
itol or fairgrounds road. Finder
please leave at Journal office. k!19
COW MEN NOTICE We still have
the bull oa the Wilson place on
Garden road. Fourth place east, of
17th street carline, on south side.
Phone 16OC0. mll9
DIRT for filling in purposes. Easy to
load. Free. 1045 N. 18th St. Tnll8
FOR SALE "Grocery stock and fix
tures. 605 N. Capitol. c1l
PORTLAND Eugene Auto Expiosa.
Regular trips. Household goods;
merchandise. Call Capital Garage,
173 S. Liberty. Phone 88. 1140
WANTED Sewing. Phone 1796, 765
N. Liberty St. 1118
SEE J. W. Manning for garden plow
inr r,oiiT- HiiriHni?. hftavv team work
Cherry City barns. Phone 199. ml 2 3
transfrr L. A. Barrick Co
Country trips, moving. Wood for
sale. Good service. Stand 271 North
Commercial. Phone 734
$800 or $1000 TO LOAN on good farm
security. Phone 815 or see G. B.
Unruh. Gray bldg. I
Why Sell for Less.
WB will pay you more cash for you
household goods. Get our bid be
fore you sell. Peoples Furniture
and Hardware Store. 271. N. Com
mercial street. Phone 734.
SALEM SCAVA::3ER Garbage and
refuse of all kinds removed on
monthly contracts at reasonable
rates. Cess pools cleaned. Dead ani
mals removed. Office phone Main
Sometimes the Wise G
W anteti Help.
GiKLS warned. Rogers P.iper Co.
PHONE 191. Ray
chimney sweep.
L. Farmer,
ml 20
GIRL of 11. not going to school.
wants place to care for baby in
good home. Write S S Ujis office.
WANTED Mid die aged lady corre
spondent. Address Box G care Jour
nal. il22
WANTED Woman for housework,
care of " children, $40 per month,
board and room furnished.- phone
.' ' ' - g
GERANlL'JUSi .Now is the time to
get them at Graber's Greenhouse.
1203 D St. dll8
GIRL WANTED For housework, no
washing nor ironing, good wages.
Every convenience to work with.
Apply mornings 975 Chemeketa Sa.
- - - B120
WANTED Two live, wide awake
courteous boys to carry paper routes
alter June 1st One route paying
about $25 per month, another about
$30 per month. Circulation dept.
Capital Journal. f
WANTED Woman for general house
work and general' care taker of
nice home. Permanent position to
right party. Call evenings and fore
noons. 574 N, 15th St. near Marioa
street. - - '119
Wanted Miscellaneous.
WANTED Board and room in pri
vate family. P. f. kox 231. 21$
10 acres 18 miles from Salem 1 acre
of strawberries, 1 acre of orchard. (
acres in grain and hay,- 1 acres of
valuable timber.' A strictly modern
farm house, 7 rooms, bath and toilet
in the house. Good barn, chicken
houss, 40 chickens, some farm imple
ments, wood and two fine stoves go.
Death of the head of the family Is
the reason for the sale of this real
home. You will have to hurry to get
this one.
228 Oregon bldg. n
SHRINERS are coming to the Wilr
. lamette valley and our beautiful
city of Salem from every part of
the United States in June; the Elks
are coming from every nook and
corner of the wonderful state of
Oregon, to our city-in July, nwuiy
are wanting to locate here. If you
need a home we are ready to sell
you one now. We have them in all
parts of Salem. List your property
with us. Inquire at 492 N. Cottago.
Phon& 1186. .Gertrude J. M. Page.
i ' ,lf arlj
frrVThi iZ: ,,.;
;,... i o .o bii,
you; in fact, a real snap. Rich red
hill soil. 15 acres or more of full. bear
ing Italian prunes, 3 acres of fully
matured cherries which promise a
fine crop in a few weeks, 2 acres set
to logans this spring, some apples and
pears In good bearing, and small pas
ture and wood lot. Good large house
with hot and cold water, bath, toilet,
etc. Good barn, dryer and other nec
essary outbuildings. Will undoubted
ly more than half pay for itself this
season. A delightful home and Income
for some one, hy not you? Price
$15,000. Half cash.
469 State St. Ground floor. n
12 miles from Dallas, 25 in grain
and hay, good garden, small family
orchard, 10 acres valuable timber,
some good pasture, fair 8 room house
and barn and Ostaer buildings; 1 large
team, harness and wagon, 1 cow, 2
heifers, 1 bull, 1 brood sow, 2 shoats,
12 goats and kids, chickens, turkeys
and guinea hens, mower, 4 plows, cul
tivator harrow, disc and other tools,
all go and immediate possession giv
en. This is a buy' for some one.
228 Oregon bide. i
15 acre tract one mile from city
limits and car line, paved road; 5
acres bearing loganberries, 5 acres 7
year old prunes among berries, m
acres young cherries with strawber
ries among same; cherry and pear
trees on place, to set S acres, logan
berry tips to set 3 acres, strawberry
plants to set acre more; small build
ings, good well, horse, wagon, farm
tools; sacrifice price quick sale $7,
000, half down.
Fine all modern bungalow, large
lot, fine garage, close In. $3660.
40 acres 6 miles out, good build
ings, half in bearing prunes, logan
berries and cherries; one third cash,
easy terms on balance.
Fine full bearing 17 acre prune or
chard in Rosedale, $800 per acre;
crop will pay half price this year.
150 acres best river bottom land 5
miles from Salem; quick sale $150 per
acre, very easy terms.
Farms, fruit tracts, acreage, city
' Perrine'& Marsters. !
211-12 Gray bldg. , n
329 Oregon bids;. Phone 961. n
80 acres, 35 in good timber and
pasture, 15 under plow. 10 miles out
on Pacific highway. This property is
the cheapest In the county. $50 per
acre, easy terms.
40 acres under cultivation and In
crop, all wire fenced. At a sacrifice if
taken at once. . ,
120 acre farm in a high state ot
cultivation, good buildings, family or
chard. Price right.
228 Oregon bldg. n
uy is the Boob After AIL By Bud Fisher
if! I 1 243 acres with fine buildings; 20
- 'acres in prunes; fully equipped.
. .J! 2 205 acres; 5 room house, two
barns; living water; 70 acres ia crop;
a snap at $ja an acre.
3 261 acres; fai rfarm buildings;
spring water at house, living stream
on place; all in cultivation; Priced at
$100 an acre.
4 169 acres with good farm build
ings; all in cultivation; price, with
crop, $100 an acre.
5 30.S6. acres, with cheap build
ings; aU in cultivation; im acres in
loganberries, of which 6t acres are
bearing; 23 acres in grain. Price, with
crop, $9258.
6 13 acres, all in cultivation; T
room plastered bungalow, barn and
other buildings; 150 hens, 9 cows.
team and all other personal property
go with the place at $10,000. Will ac
cept acreage or home in or near Ta
coma or Seattle, up to $3000.
7 25 acres all in cultivation; cheap
buildings. Located on Howell prairie.
Price $6000.
8 22 acres; E room house; prune
dryer; 15 acres bearing prunes; 3
acres mixed orchard. Price $15,000.
8 40 acres; good farm buildings
and fruit dryer; 15 acres In bearing
prunes. Some personal property In
cluded at $16,000. .
10 69 acres with fair farm build
ings, 28 acres in crop, beautiful
creek; fin dairy- ranch; pries, in
cluding 6 cows, 2 horses, harness,
farm machinery and crop. $9000.
11 65 acres, with fair farm build
ings, including two barns, living creek
on place, all in cultivation; land lies
fine. Price $13,000.
W. A. L1STON. Agent
484 Court street M18
1 7 room bungalow, modern ex
cept heat; large lot, fruit, garage. $4,
000. 2 S room cottage, modern except
heat, near in. A snap at $4000.
3 6 room cheap house, with lot
75x165 feet. 1ft blocks from State
street on Cottage. $3500.
4 7 room bungalow on corner lot,
paved street, fruit, A snap at $4200.
5 5 room bungalow with lot 65x100
feet on paved street. A dandy at $3,
676. ...
I 6 room dwelling on paved street
large barn, 3 blocks from state
house. Price $2600 on easy terms.
7 8 room strictly modern hdme,
east front, paved street, garage, 4V4
blocks from supreme court building.
$6000, with $2000 cash and $50 per
8 6 room cottage with lights find
batET corner lot on paved street. Five
blocks from Opera house. $3500 with
W. A. LISTON, Agent
484 Court street ; " a!18
uwu J-UJTK1.
68 acre farm located S miles east
? Salem, all cultivated and in crop.
--.ilhouse, barn and orchard, 1-3 of crop
goes. Possession of buildings at once.
Price $175 er acre. Terms on part
10 acres of bearing Italian prunes,
4H miles out, Vs of crop goes. Price
16500. .
10 acres, 6 acres prunes, on main
highway, close in. Price $5000.
,200 acre farm, 100 acres cultivated,
balance good timber and pasture
house, barn, rock road. The timber
on this place will go along ways to
ward paying for the place. Price $120
per acre,
60 acres of good timber located
northeast of Salem, Price $100 per
acre. e
270 acre farm, all tillable soil,
buildings, good road. Price $125 per
Well Improved 10 acre tract, 1 acre
loganberries; good bungalow. Price
7 room modern home located 716
N. 14th street. Price $5500.
7 room house and two lots, bass
ment, furnace, bearing fruits. Price
$3250. ,
6 room cottage located in south Sa
lem. Price $2500.
,W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.
275 8tate street. . n
Best Buys.
. 17 acres, 16 in cultivation; 10 .acres
in prunes, 6 in Royal Anne cherries,
all large bearing; some young prunes,
cherries, walnuts and apples; 4. room
house, good barn, on Pacific . high
way, 44 miles from Ladd & Bush
bank, $10,000, terms.
10 acres 2 miles east; 2V4 acres lo
ganberries bearing, 1 2-3 young
prunes, some family orchard and ber
ries; 7 room house, good barn, some
other buildings. $7500, easy terms.
20 acres, cleared and in crop,
balance timber; on paved road 7H
miles from Salem. A bargain at only
$3000, terms.
6 acres, 3 acres Italian prunes, H
acre Royal Anne cherries, family or
chard of mixed fruits and berries, all
full bearing; 4 room house and good
barn; close to Salem. A nice little
home for $3600.
25 acres good land on Howell Prai
rie; family orchard, balartce In grain
and clover. Would make a fine lo-
eanberrv farm, $6000.
160 acres near Hult, Ore.; 25 acres
cleared and 90 tillable; fine fishing
and hunting and a good stock ranch;
100 foot waterfall on place on Sliver
creek; 2 nice houses and good barn.
Can you beat this for $2000.
' 143 acres 7 miles from Canby, Or.;
90 acres cleared, balance timmber and
pasture; good 8 room modern house,
fine barn 30x60, garage and other
buildings. A No. 1 far mfor $26,000,
160 acres 6 miles from a good
town; 130 acres in cultivation, 30 in
timber, 60 acres bottom land all tiled,
20 acres clover and 80 in small grain;
8 room modern house with basement,
hot and cold water, bath and toilet, 2
good barns and all other outbuildings
netded. Photographs of this farm may
be seen at our office. Price only
$112.50 per acre if sold soon.
841 State street. n
Water Company.
norner Commercial and "Trade Bta
Bills payable monthly in advance
Phone 57.
KHAL. .51 A It.
LA Ni 1; KC..V.N.-S
13 1-3. acres of chuite land, 2 get
to prunes and berries, remainder
cleared. Price $1HH.
20 acres miles south of Salera.
50 acres 5 miles from Salem; la
acres in good crop. $4000.
All oa eaaj terms and all good bar
228 Oregon bldg. n!19
Double house, 8 rooms each, close
in. $2650.
7 room house, strictly modern. A
class 1 house in every particular. $7,
5 room new cottage and two lots;
modern. $2500. Cash $S00.
228 Oregon bldg. - n
your hauling and moving. Fhone
1608J. 129
DR3. WHITE and Marshall, osteo-
rm nhnn. X 5 4
FARM LOANS Any amount. Low
rates. Full repayment privileges
Very prompt service. Ask about our
20-year loans at ( par cent. Haw
kins & Roberts, 20a Oregon bide
Salem, Or.
Stove Repairing,
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. SI
year experience; Depot National
and American fence, nisei 20 to it
inches high. Paints, oU and Varn
ishes, etc., loganberry and hoi
hooks. Salera Fence and Bum
Works. 260 Court street. Phone 114
Money to Loan.
On good real estate security
Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Ore
Oregon Cedar Camp No. (241
meets every Thursday evening at I
o'clock in McCornack building.
Court and Liberty streets. H. G
Coursey, V. C; Frank A. Turner.
Money to Loan.
Federal Farm Loans
Any amount Long time.
6 hi and 9 percent Interest
City building loans. ,
A. C. Bohrnstedt.
401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Oreiroi
trlst-optlcian, eyes thoroughly ex
amined, glasses made and fitted
610-12 U. S. bank. Phone 241.
Lodge Directory.
nO CHEMEKETA 1-dge No. 1
meets every Wednesday
evening at 7:90 at I. O. O. F. hall.
Cornaok hall on every Tuesday ai
g. J. L. Tucker, C. c; p. J. Jtunti
K. R. & a
bly No. 84 meet every Thursday at
8 p. m. In I. O. a F. hall. P. An
dresen. M. A.; A. A. Queffroy, sea
retary, Salem, Or.
TEAM, Auto Truck and Deliver?
Drivers Union No. 110 meet every
Wednesday evening at the Labor
Temple, 8 o'clock.
Oregon Grage camp No. 1360 meeu
every Thursday evening in McCor
nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle
Mrs. Carrie B. Bunn, 648 Union 81
recorder. Flora Nelson, 781 Nortb
W. O. W. SALEM CAMP lift Meet
every Friday night at 8 o'clock' In
McCornack hall, cor. Court and Lit
erty St. Visiting Woodmen weloome
C. D. Ross, C. C.; L. S. Geer,. olerk
LAWN mowers, safety rasors, cutlery,
sharpened, locksmlthing, saw' fil
ing, umbrellas, repairing all kinds,
Stewart's Repair Shop, 847 Court
Market Reports
Grain: Wheat No. 1 $2.80; foed
oats 95c; cheat hay $2324; oat hay
$2425; clover hay t2626; mill
run$5253. '
Butterfati Butterfat S4cj creamery
butter 6657o.
Pork, yeal and mutton: Pork oa foai
14 3-4e; veal fancy 19c; steers 11c;
spring lambs 13c; cows 7 9c; ewes
6 tic; sheep yearling; 8o.
Dressed pork 21a
Eggs and poultry; Eggs cash 86o;
light "hens 28o; heavy hens 80s;
old roosters 1516o; broilers 3032c.
- Vegetables: Onions per pound 8o
oelery dos. $1.75; potatoes, Yaklm
7c; Oregon SAffSc; strawberries $4;
beets per sack $2; .turnips per aaok
$3.75; carrots per sack $2.50; parsnlpt
per sack $3.50; spinach 10c lb.; rad
Ishcs 40c doz,; asparagus 15c.
Fruit: Oranges $5.007.00; lemoni
$5.6 0 8 ; bananas 11c; honey extract
20c; bunch beets 45o; cabbage to
head lettuce $1.25; carrots 46o; as
paragus 18c; cauliflower .$1.75 doi.;
red Peppers 26o lb; rhubarb 4o;
peas 12c.
Retail prices: Eggs dozen 42o;
creamery butter 63 60c; country but
ter 65; flour hard wheat $3.603.75,
soft wheat $2.90.
Portland, Maq 17. Cattle steady;
receipts 1280; grain and pulp fed
steers $12.2513.00; choice $11,600
12.25; good to choice $11.00011.60;
medium to good $10.00011.00; fair to
good $9.00 & 10.00; common to fair
$8.00(5 9.00; choice cows and heifers
10.25 11.00; good to choice $9,00 0
10.25; medtu mto good $8.0009.00,
fair to medium $7.008.00; cannen
$5.006.00; bulls $6.0009.00; prime
light calves $13.00018.00; medium
light $9.00012.00; heavy $6.60 ft
8.50; stockers and feeders $7,500
Hogs steady; receipts 2110; prime
mixed $15.00(8(16.60; fedium $14.00
ati'l.i.etf; routii ilea
pica $12-sjfl4.50.
Sheep steady; receipts none; prime
lambs $14.00815.50; light i-ii.-Y
$14.00815.00; heavy $1J.0 14.0J;
common to medium $10.50 1 2.53;
yearlings $13 00 &14 99: wither
$12.6013.25; ewes $S12.
Portland, Or., May 17. Cubes ex
tra 47 4Sc; parchment wrapped box
lots 54c; cartons 55c; half boxes jo
more, less than boxes lc more;
butterfat 51 52c L o. b. Station; 53o
Poultry and Ess.
Portland, Or,, May 17 Eggs sell
ing price case count 40 41; buyteg
price caBe count 89c; selling ' pries
candled 42c; selected candled In car
tons 44c -
Poultry: Hens 333c; broilers 85
roosters 16c; - turkeys dressed !
55c; geese 2225c; ducks 4t$4Si;
Wheat $2.20; premium 55o soft.
75c hard; barley feed 656; oats
$68; corn No. 3 yellow $65 milliss
Milistuffs: Mill run $5051.
Hay; buying price, timothy $J1 f.
o. b. Portland; alfalfa $34; grain $!J
30; olover $39.
Convention To Bar
Delegates Beyond
Alloted Number
Chicago, May 15. Instructions from
the convention committee In char go
of the republican national convention
here next month, notifying national
committee men to cut down ilieir
delegations to the authorized number
were on their way today. In at least
six states extra delegates have been
chosen with fractional votes assign
ed to them. Illinois has two extra del
egates at large and Missouri, Oklaho
ma, Arkansas, Nevada and Virginia
also have chosen more than their al
lotted number.
"No more than 984 delegate seats
can or will be. placed," said L. W.
Henley, secretary of the convention,,
committee. "National committeemen
have been informed that the stato
delegations must decide within their
own ranks who will occupy the slat's
seats." , -
North Bend Mill
Says Open Shop
To Be Continued
North Bend, Or., May 15. In a let
ter delivered to each of Us employes
Thursday the North Bend Mill & Lunt
I ber companyf this city declared tha
firm wolud continue to support tha
open shop principles and refuse to
recognise or affiliate with unionized
labor. The action of the company ia
the result of the adoption of an. ad
vanced wage scale by the timber work
era accompanied by demands for Its)
accpetance by the mills and logsinir
concerns of this section on or bef ra
June 1. It is announced that all oth
er lumber and logging concerns m
this territory Will adopt a policy simi
lar to that of the North Bend Mill &
Lumber company an drefuse to deal
wKh any organisation of workers In
t'.i. itmbe rindustry exoept the Loy-
a, Lt(.on of Loggers and Lumbermen.
District Organiser Canterbury of
the timber workers' union has been
carrying on an active campaign In tha
mills and-logging camps in the inter-
ent of organized labor and has sTto-
ceedeti in organizing a number of frM
enht with an aggregate membership
of nearly 700.
Russ Provinces
'Are Placed Under
Military Rule
Moscow, May 12A decree Istuod
by the central executive committee.
dated May 11, proclaims martial law
in the provinces of central and nortli
em Russia and Archangel.
The provisional executive commit
tees are given full power ta protect
railways, .military stiupllcs, magazines
and depots and to control telegraphic
and telephonic communication.
A twenty four hour work day in
the administrative offices is decreed,
and. means are to be taken to stimu
late the production of war material.
Until the abolition of martial lnw
the executive committees are given
the same powers a smilltary tribunals
to secure the carrying out of this pro
gram, Including punishment for dis
obedience. Alcohol DlHli-llli'i-y Planned.
Honolulu, T. H.-r-The management
of Llhue sugar plantation on the Is
land of Kauul is reported to be con
ducting investigations looking to tha
erection of a distilling plant with s
capacity of not less than 1000 gallon
daily of denatured alcohol suitable as
a substitute for gasoline. A planta
tion such as Llhue, said the W.aust re
port, turns out as a byproduct half a
million gallons of waste malaises ft
year, which, as a basis for the manu
facture of alcohol, should have con
siderable commercial value.
A 15 percent advance In wages 1 to
be demanded for every iron, steel and
tin worker affiliated with the Amal
gamated Association of Iron, Bteet
and Tin Workers, according to tba
report of the scale committee to tha
convention In Bcranton, Pa., yester
day. (Copyright, 1920, by H. C. Fisher.
Trade Mark Reg. U. 8. Pat Offloa.