Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 17, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Easy Victory for
Senators Repeats
Within Two Weeks'
iwsed of Horace Dryden and Maurice (
Buxton, affirmative, and Blair Stew-1
art and Howard Hammer, negative, ! Silverton
won the Oregon state championship ! Jefferson
irom feulem and Marshfield. The Cor-
vallin affirmative beat the Salem nega-
d the Corvallis negative bent the
j son played the better ball in the field.
R. II. E.
Batteries Silverton. Olson and Hnr.
word; Jefferson, Miller, Uelasaux and
In the preliminary game Washing-
hfialt ......
iin, .h ci .'...; . lu",or ni?n ot won from
. . j " V III UUt
i tafson.
j Cha pin-Staples Investment company
Keeasport; 50(f; Isaac E. Staples.
Stanley D. Chapin and George W. Sta
Resolutions of dissolution have been
filed by the Columbia Land & Produce
company or Portland.
. - . ouvmupi junior niRH i
.Man.hneld negative. The decisions: team, piaying a brand
of game
junior high
By W ill Carver
: " --rr-- - ..-.nj. uiv: u cn nrtnn e e
Silverton . 4 4
C3 ,1 1
3p ;r;l.y''? lU. x-1 " the same ba as oth
ing nothing but a victory for th ! u s ,, ,.,., , ,
Senators Salem had received one more
It 1. ,0 be hoped that Ma,.r !"! av' be,"n award,d
if f Huu nip ptrmaneni postes-
jBlfihop does not have th
to bring in any more teams like the
Knights of Columbus team here May
8 and the Dullan nine. Of course Kid
die does not pick the prune Emj
here purposely, but Salem fans de
mand play that will ci edit a city of
this size and this -must be realized.
Otherwise stands and bleachers at the I
dandy new park will took like an!
Fnklmo cemetery in China. j
Sunday's game was the second in
which the Salem team did need io
pick up the willow in the luJit Inning.
Koth teams played ball to the best nt
their ability but it must be said that '
the Dallas team did not cull nut ,mr.
thing near the Senators' best,
tsulem for Unod Play
One ardent fan expressed it th!
way, "We are for the Senators all the
time, but the gate receipts will sure
fall low as no real fan will spend good
time and money in watching u gre:i
team trying out for whit is evidently
the first time." Even to an amufem-
it was evident In the games of May
iiion of the cluo. and uoulil hnva hn
state champion in Corvallis' stead.
Batteries Washington.
Caughell; Silverton, Barr and Taylor.
White and
History Of Oregon
To Be Shown In
College Pageant
Seven New Firms
Formed In State
The Wood Development company of
Portland, capitalised at isn nan iijt
articles of incornoration .(tr, ..
Rl C hn 11 TWal rporation department here Satuday.
m incorporators
Silverton Takes
County School
In the afternoon events of the Mar
ion county field day Silverton high
baseball team won from Jefferson high
S to 2, taking the county champion
ship. Olson of Silverton held the op
posing batsmen to one hit, but Jeffer-
uscar bteelhammer lu nut i kiu
issue with his announcement ih a can-
and 15 that man nf ,h. ' i u,uule .Ior C0"V assessor. This m-
H.e visiting team. we., i. .,i-7. . I V Puulis,le8 It with pleasure, for he
r me nrxt time this season (If not
Hie very first) and had not worked
together previously.
In running over the Senators' sched
ule for the coming season, few cit
rons are in evidence. The games with
' McMlnnvllle and the Aberdeen (Wn)
American Legion being especially rull
of promise.
The story of the game is sufficient
ly told by box score and summary.
Dallas . AB. R. H. P.O. A. E.
lioydston, 3b 3 i n l o 3
iieigeison, lb 4 0 1
Preston, cf ; 4 n 0
Beelejr, ss 4 0 0
Huffy, c. 4 0 I
'akin. If. 3 0 0
liennett, 2b, 3 o " 0
Mvans, rf 2 0 0
Joust, rf ,. 10 0
0 '
neiped woodburn in its war work
entertainments In the past, is a man
of worth und ability and will do the
square thing to all taxpayers. There
is no doubt that he will receive
big majority In North Marlon. Wood
burn Independent.
Having known Mr. Steelhnmmer for
several years and having done busi
ness, with him In connection with the
nsfessors oiticc, the editor of the
Itevlew believes the voters will make
no mistake In supporting him. Jef
ferson Review. (p.,,j llv)
are f - r
luunon iv. Holland and
Other articles filed here were:
Quality .Pood Products company
Portland, $5000: John A n..-1.- ai
tied Telzerow and Marshall T. Shaw.
West Bend Building company. Bend,
uescnutes county, 110,000; C. W.
trsklne, Wm. Patterson, J. Ryan.
O'Connell Studio. Inc PmHn
J2000; P. J. O Connell, D. Devereaux
anu i. j. f.ordon.
Portland College of Music, Portland,
$1000; M, Guttrson, H. A. Graf and I
Coast Auto lines, Marshfield, $23,
000; V. C. Gorst. John H nr...
George W. Bryant and Thomas J. Gus
Oregon Agricultural Colleee. Par
ivailis. Or.. May 17. The "History of
Oregon pageant, to be held Saturday,
May 22, In connection with Junior
Week-end, will be one of the big events
of the school year. More than 600
young women will take part. The
"History of Oregon" Is an adaption
from "Oreeon " Pmf .T n n
book, by Miss Edna Cocks, head of the
department of physical education for
The nageant a,m he Hr,-lD n
Robert R episodes representing the early
I exploration and settlement or rmr.
on through the period of education! The American legation at Warsaw i June T
and civilization. Each period will be ! is strongly urging the war department ttannn . " e sssrT"
j ""cl -Aniprifii, f ,
properly presented in elaborate cos-, at Washington to allow the American i the Pol -h h0aMw.
.i,u urn . larmv sanitarv unit tn remain in Trt I s army ni k.
.i a land for some time inntenri nf lo.,! v-uo'enz advii
IWUV UMAgllfUUU. .1"
Neuralgic Pains
Give Way to Soothing Hamlin's
Wizard Oil
, HiKhop, lb ...
Holmes, rf 4
Proctor, 2b. S
Mayes, c 5
Kracke, If 5
Miller, hh 5
Htepp, cf : B
Nelson, 3b 5
f'ole, p 4
AB. 1
8 1
2 3 24 1 13
. H. P.O. A. V..
' 1
44 20 12 27 B B
Summary home runs. Proctor, Nel
f in, Scott; throe base hit, Kracke; two
lMe, hit, Nelson, if iller; stolen bases,
Jlolgurson, Bcolt, Duffy, BiKhop, Hol
mes, Proctor, Mller, Stupp (4), Nel
oii (3), Cole (2); pass bull, Duffy;
btsc oil balls, Cole 1 Scott 3; hit by
niched ball, Kracke; struckout, by
t'ole 15, Scott 11; double plays, Ben.
Jii'tt to Setsley. Time of game, 2 hours,
Umpires Burton and Davis.
'The ,
ty, Momntoufbrm
Hamlin's Wizard Oil l e onf j
effective trcatm etlt for V,aaAanun n.,j
neuralgia. Rubbed in where the naln
Is, It nets as a tonic to the tortured
nerves and almost Invarinhiw i-i.,
quick relief.
Its healing, antiseptic qualities can
always be relied upon to prevent in
I fection or other serious rpaiiTto fell
sprains, bruises, cuts, burns, bites and
stings, just as good, too, for sore
feet, stiff neck, frost bites, cold sores
and canker sores.
Get It from druggists for 30 cents.
If not satisfied return the bottle ,n
get your money back.
Ever constinatert
ache? Just try Wizard Liver Whips, i
pleasant little Dink
Guaranteed. Adv
- .
iYKOItwId In ftHfllnal pk.
gM nly, Mk plotur abv.
Bel un ail tubititutM.
Sultry Nights
rob Nature of the chance
to rebuild, bv refreshing
and restful sleep, the
wasted tissues of the
body. That limp and pros-'
trated feeling caused by
wakeful, restless nights is
quickly relieved by
The Great General Tonic
Sold By All Reliablt Drutgitf
Solo Manufacturers:
new York Kansjj City, Mo.
-and what's more
you can't buy a better cigarette
no matter what you're willing to pay!
GREAT thing to be cigarette contented like youTl
find yourself with Camels an expert blend of
choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos which
you will prefer to either kind smoked straight!.
Camels are a revelation in flavor, in refreshing good
ness, in smooth, mellow-mildness. Yet Camels have
a delightful "body" that meets your keenest desires. '
Camels are so good you will want to smckt
them liberally. And, you may for Camels never
ure your taste I Camels quahty and Camels
blend take care of thatl You will alsaeniov
Camels freedom from any unpleasant cierarerrw
aftertaste or unnleasant nArtrv rvW
4 o J wv
1 If you want to get some personal information
tlS -k about Camels com-
pare them with
any cigarette in
the world at any
Closed Motor
Cars Rapidly
Win In Favor
"The widespread popularity which
the closed types of car have uttuliied
iiuring tne past yVM is proof of their
greater utility and comfort," says F. O.
Kelnno, local denier in Chevrolet pas-
"iier uiul comniercUil cars,
"it was only n few year iiko that
the Hc'dmi und coupe, as well as all
uur types of clo.xed rut's were con
ftrtereU more ot a luxury t tin 11 any
tiling else.
"j'IiIk was due U the fact that they
were looked upon as distinctly winter
I'll'S. .
"The Idea of adopting llietn for yenr
round service. In both town und coun-
r.v, never occurred to ninny people out
Mile (he professional classes, who find
' " w Ihent Ideally suited to their needs
were quick to take ndvattlnga of their
imiiiy advtintnjfes.
"Hut Kindually the greater monsure
of utility and comfort thnt the closed
car affords in all seasons wan Impress
ed upon the public. Their numbers be
Kiii to multiply rtipldly until udoy th
closed cur is a commonly used all
months of the year as the open car."
Corvallis Noses
Salem Debaters
Oat In Finals
Eugene, 0r May n.'ln the trlnn.
MTuUr flntil meet held on the Unlver
Ily of Oregon campus Suturdny morn
Ji'K the debate team of Corvnllis, com-
wmotlont I
N awn and
tor sale by alp Druggists. Alwavs
instock at Perry's Drug Store.
,.v. ....
WC2 11 Pnce
- i"Ji"Vru.fffw jp m m -lira mm mm zs a -wm sa m&ywt jaa&MM-mmJiL Knrau htm
n. jmoia iomcco Qon WtaUm.Stka, K&l
Only the Best Shoes that Money Can Buy Are Offered at
11 n 11 n n r tf a i
-'.! I'-
?ZS!?Ck,iS, clealnfresh'nd up-to-date, as we permit no accumulations, however, due to the great var
T exclusively by us and the immense amount of business done, lines become broken,
while others are discontinued. These we dispose of at ANY PRICE THEY WILL BRING in order to
make room for new stock continually coming in. Because our patrons realize and appreciate these
imr. in.i a uT t J
White Canvas
Ladies' 'white canvas oxfords,
Hi or low heels, covered heels.
Our regular $6.00 values
0. L C. Cadet Band
Assisted by
U. of 0. Glee Club Quartet
j and
1 t y hi Cunrert at
: The Armory, Tuesday, 7:30 p. m.
Dr. William T. McElwen. pastor of the First Congregational
Church, Portland, Oroyon, will speak in behalf of
Higher Education
He is ore rf t're most eloquent and forceful speakers in
White Kid Oxfords
Ladies white kid oxfords, pencil
toe, Louis heels. Very classy.
Our regular $12.00 value
For the
An Economical Buy
Success of Our
Choose from an assorted lot of black kid t New brown calf vamn ninth
and patent leather shoes, button. All sizPSf P L T t ! VS , ,soes
t " ------ Muuvviu A XI l oifiCo A.
in the lot. Cuban and Military heels. These f
were regular $d ana $b shoes.
M4t I
A Snap at the Price
One lot Ladies' black kid shoes, lace or
button. Cuban. Itlilitarv nr T
I ' I ' "vu0 llClS,
All sizes in lot. Our regular $6.00 and $7.00
X ' tralnna
Ladies1 Brown Shoes
Cuban or Louis heels, lace, pointed toes,
joke msis. uur regular $io sellers.
Latest Style Pumps
$10.00 and $12.00 black kid
pumps. Some with $3.50 buckles
others plain high or military
heels, are priced
Ladies all kid black lace shoes, Cuban 'or
LOUIS heels. All sizes nnrl nnMtk. A -
I sy shoe selling regularly at $11.00 are now
Hanan Shoes $4.95 $11, $12 and $13 Shoes
Hani6 te,K.Sth ""tf : ? Ef? ?u,1 m,etal .oes, low heels, i
Hanan black kid shoes, lace or button
small sizes only. High or low heels. These
are worth $12.00 and $15.00. Special I
Black Dress Shoes
Dayton Loggers
Twenty-five pairs Men's Day
ton Loggers. Regular $10 and
' $7.95
black kid shoes, baby Louis heels. Come in
. all sizes. Priced Special at
Ladies' black or brown oxfords.
All this season's styles, High or
Military heels. Long pointed
toes. All widths. Bought to sell
at $11, now
tDrama League Plavers of Portland ; n -a', m J
i n , -r, , - " " vtc-yttt riays i
The Season's Latest TtZw.ZT Roman's
. . ""'"ywuon wm be Announced.
Why Pay More?
Men's black if MnV,- i " . . .
tna An - ince snoes, wide X
toe. All sizes. Our regular $10.00 shoes
in st-wl
Htiji jiei
Men's Elk Bals
500 pairs Men's brown elk bals. The most
comfortable dry weather shoe made. Cost
at the factory at present. $3.50. Will go
during this sale at
Shoes at U2 Price
Odd lot, broken lines, Men's black
Ask For These Shoes
Men's hlark nr hrnwn. bluchef
At Kol l)A A 11 r,,'rstn nrA 1'J tit
Our regular $11.00 and $12.00
snoes. riot shown eisewnere ior
Men's Oxfords
Men's Florsheim oxfords, brown
calf, English last. Keguiar
Men's Brown
English last, bal lace, latest nov
elty. Regular $18, will go at
Dairy Shoes
uaa lot, broken lines, Men's Mack and f " J 'i
W the ,o. f&i
Admission Free
h FuffFJ
On Sax 0:
320 S:areSf:icrtiUr.ksi3