Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 15, 1920, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    f AUK EIGHT.
nay be safeguarded."
Bearcats Take
Pacific Tossers
Into Camp 6-1
The "Willamette Bearcats came back
'1th tome real baseball Friday at For
-t Grove, winning from the Pacific Seattle
Jones. Juney and Koehler; Aidridge
and Bassler.
At Sacramento R. H. E.
Vernon J 11
Sacramento - 1 S
Fromme and Pevormer; Fittery
and Cook.
At San Francisco R. H. E.
1 1 K X 1
university team $-1. Dimick pitched r.... . . - -
' Demaree and Adams; Lewis and
utrm same ior nui.iui"w, iiu'f.
only one hit. He showed great Im
provement In control also, as only
three men walked. The liearcats
started scoring in the second, on hits: C--. Twyfh
1 ...... In a DUbllC m
K. Arleti. Weaver and Muse; Kaura concern. " , Th Drolm fjr the day is. :30 a
and Jenkins. ' .vfl htj ! raKuaineai meeting at Commercial
At X-os Argeies iv. n. ..........
Portland .- - 1 19
I xi Aceeles - 4 8
Independence Man
Denies Storv Of
Valley Mohair
Pool To Be Sold
Next Wednesday
club rooms. 1:30 p. m. Oroup pic.urej
at State capitol building. !:3 p. m. j
Ruslneas session at Commercial club
rooms. :e p. m. Banquet at Elks, Toledo 0r uay 15. The Eddy
Temple, toastmaster, W. T. Finnigan. vUle monajr pool, consisting of 25.000
o 1, . ui'm I Woolev. Evans-',, j. f vili he offered for
Iff f . ; ... ,
SUlClde lliCniC'- vUl- Ind- ecre'"'? ana nanassale at auction at Eddyville on weo-
Ixrades Extension Bureau; Harry I!neaday May U. The current years
independence, w, n "; u.... n. Montana: rranK J
pounds being sold lor 6Si cents a
j pound. The pool represents the entire
clip of seventy five growers of Lin
coln. Benton, Tillamook and Lane
- An Increase In goat herds and a
corresponding increase in the size of
the clip was apparent this year. Sev
eral new goat farms have recently
been established.
iAgnew. (13 Innings.)
Coast Colleges
Honors Today
Stanford University, Cai., May t5
y Power and Irvine und DarVs. and
an error by l"aciflc, two runs coming
A walk and two errors donated
two more in the fifth, and In the sixth I
a two-base hit by Austin ,a walk and -.,,... ..j niveraltie in Wash
a three bagger by Eadspinger brought ington Oregon and California match
Ihe score up to six. Pacifie s one run e(J thrfr .,iftegt and Btrongest ath
as not earned, coming in the sixth on Jrte het today ln t,a aecond annual
i hit by Flals and a passed ball. Each . paclfic, coast conference track and
man on the Willamette team except fMi mee( , probably never will.
Mi'Kittrlrk erot one nil. I v...- w.rxA ft-a In ninaiuwt And i
Pacific Fowler, catcher; Stanley. th guu was expected to be close,
ihortstop; Fisk. third base; E. Wo1f,The, between Sprott of Call
frat baw; Hoar, second base; F. Wolt, ornla ana 8wan Df Oregon Agrlcul
ccnter field; Seller, left field; Sheeley, tura, coUe(fe ln the mnei half mile
I.ltcher; Komlg, right field. tan( two me events drew special in-
Wlllamette limine, shortstop; D- terest.
vies, second twite; Page, ttura base. The teams of these institutions, as
Hlmlck, pitcher; Brown, catcher; Mc- wel, ag ,hoge o gtanf0rd, Washington I
Klttrlck, first base; Austin, left Ncld; gtate college and the state unlverel
1'ower, right field; Radsnlnner. cen-jtlflg c( Washington and Oregon were
tcr field. on edge for the days events which
were expected to indicate what men
will enter in trials for the American
Sperling of Portland, who was In the j KUmm rrancigeo. Cal., director
city yesterday visiting his mothtr, said. , 'repre8entlrlg the National Asso-
wnen asKea now vuc v.r5...... i ciatlon of Master Plumbers; Jerry j.
to report his Jumping from a train with ; r-nrMentine AVashington State
statement is abso-r ' ., ninmhera: T. E.
AHMKlftUUU ma.Tii. I - -
McCroskey, Salem Commercial club;
Mrs. E, S. Sigler, Portland. Or.. La
dies' Auxiliary: O. O. Hugson, Port
land Builders' Exchange; A. I Fraser,
Salem Master Plumbers asociation.
Music: Solo, selected. Miss Ada
Miller: quartet, selected; solo, selected,
Mrs. W. Carlton Smith.
. i .1 1 A'AA
f.m , ,e, t re.h air he fell and rolled ScM evenlS IOr ""ZT.. V. "...k-
off themoving train. Fortunately 'A-
was not seriously Injured. He stated11" m- meeung oi
that he has never seen the time when W. -ttena.n-the convention
he desired to leave this earyi ana i " . . n a nont and
jj - k in ana
cup vxemis iai jcai b mj -u " - -
pounds, last year's pool of 15,000
suicidal Intent, the
solutely false and without foundation.
Mr. Sperling has been subject to faint
ing spells for a number of years and
has often times been known to sudden
ly fall over and remain unconscious
for several minutes. Returning from
Astoria several days ago Mr. Sperling
was seized by one ' of these sinking
spells, and as he stepped to the plat
The body of a beautiful young Rus
sian woman has been found In Lake
victim of the
Geneva off Ouehey."
SI il A nf . 1 .
. QV Ull P.KlAlf -
was written "Goo kZ .
signed "Countess W ' T4 i
Russian nobler ,
suicide by drowninj
A. Watt. tr.a
tralian commonwealth U
and is bringing beta,"? I
people the quests ,
to be a contlnUMc; 71 V
Japanese alliance. fe.
5 ggj
i i .' '
j ,rS
As for being Jilt-
Pacific '
Olympic games team.
Major League Scores',
Only four major
May 14. Score:
R. II. 9J.
Philadelphia S IS 0
Cincinnati 4 6
Welnert, Cuntwell and Wheat; Rue''
ther, Eller, Ring and Rarlden.
Chicago, May 14. Score:
R. II. E.
HOBton : 4 12 !
Boston 7 1
Bcolt, Rudolph, Henrn and Oowdy;
liendryx, Carter and O'Farrell.
Ht. Louis, May 14. Score:
Brooklyn : 6
Ht. Louis 1
Washington, May 14. Score:
R. II. E,
liptrnlt 8 i
Washington ; 9 13 I
(lliiHScr, Oldham, Pauss ond Stan, Alnmnlth; Ziclmry, Eilckson,
Johnson and flharrlty,
frnm Pnrtlsfnd are
v ,i i. l. n Avnsnaush. Ern-
ed by his affinity, as the- Oregonian , '" Burfitt, B. B. Cofr
stated. Mr. Sperling said he W 'wr' Temple John
asked anyone to marry him and con- charleg geabolt, W. T.
eauently is not aisappointea over a ; -- - - j. B. Fletch-
love affair. Some reporter in Port-.-; - ' a0 charlea Funma,
land undertook to make a Dig story, - xlamaker C. E.
out of his misfortune. i. n Huddleson.
rat? u em, i unit iiv iK.-i .
I. E. Shields, C. J. Kelley, Hans Kurth,
Choree Kendell. B. F. Miller, S. A.
M.,irhrt J R. Nlcoll. John Peder-
son, Stephen Pollitt. C. S. Whitcomb,
Tmn f.rofli Herman Schultze, Roy
R. D. Rennie, 1. J
Rnv. Ernest Kueay, uan
Rush Rushlieht, J. S. Schncller, u. r
of the
Highest Grade
Coast League Scores
At Rait Luke
(lakland .' - I .like
Willamette Girls
Defeat 0. A. C.
Co-eds In Debate
Willamette university's women de
baters won honors for themselveB and
for the local college last night by win
ning both of the debates from O. A.
C, taking the contest at Corvallls by
unanimous decision, and the debate
here 2 to 1. This makes practically a
clean sweep in Oregon for the Willam
ette women except that they have met
the IT. of O. debaters, who also won
from O. A. C. Friday night. The Wil
lamette debaters have also won from
Pacific university and McMinnvllle
college, breaking even with College of
Puget Sound.
Myrtle Mason and Lorlel Blatchford,
the affirmative team which represent
ed Willamette here last night, had the
better of the argument and In delivery
far overreached their opponents. In
fact the actual decision of the Judges
was unanimous for Willamette, but as
one of the judges was found to be a
Willamette graduate, Forensic Mana
ger McCrew announced that the de
cision should bo counted 2 to 1. The
O. A. C. coach protested against this
Roy Keene Elected
Student Body Head
At Aggie Collegel,
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor- j ousn Rnshlis
allis, Or., May 15. Roy S. Keene of schultz, Edward P. Murphy, Thomas
Salem was unanimously elected presl- Spreadborough, E. H. Sutton, John R.
dent of the student Doay at a meeting -widmer, Harry wooanouse, i. u.
held yesterday. Keene who is known ! Evans, Theodore Roy, O. G. Hugson,
as "Speck" Is captain of the baseball secretary of the Builders' Exchange;
team and Is a well known athlete. Frank J. KUmm, representative of the
"Speck" Is also manager of the Junior national association; William J. Wool-
Week-end at the college this year. 1 ejr secretary and manager of the
I Junior Week-end is to be May 21, 22 trade extension bureau; William B. L.
23. During these three days old stu.. Lawier, representative of the Plumb-
dents will come back to the college era- Trade Journal of New York; Jer-
and visit with old friends and high 1 ry j. Ward, Seattle; James Greggs, Ta
' school students will be guests and will coma.
1 be given a chance to see the college j Delegates from cities and towns out
that they sometime plan to attend. ' gido of Portland are: Charles E.
The motto for the week-end ls"Enough
fun for everybody, fun enough for any
Plumbers May
Raise Prices
(Continued from page one)
for public comfort stations on ac
count of the disappearance of the sa
loon and the great Increase in tour
ist and auto travel."
"That this convention go on record
as In favor of the state plumbing code
as the only effective manner by which
the rights and safety of the general Commercial club rooms.
Brechtel, Eugene; Charles E. Shum
way, II. F. Volstroff, Peter Barger,
Hood River; B. R. Melville, La Grande
F. S. Gadke, Charles Pope, P. Sals
bury, Fred Williams, Oregon City;
Louis Ashliman, T. M. Barr, A. L.
Fraser, Nelson Brothers, Patton Bro
thers, Graber Brothers, Salem; Percy
Long, Hillsboro; D. B. Phelps, Pendle
ton; William Weltzel, Forest Grove;
C. W. Laws, W, N. Smith, Peter H.
Brach, J. H. Nanson, Astoria; F. W.
Bishop, Baker; Edward Finnegan,
Bend; F. E. Tracy, Newport; A. J.
Eberhart, North Bend; Ed Nicol, Cor
A number of additional delegates
arrived late Saturday, too late for list
ing at convention headquarters "at the
See it in our
Window. The
price is on each
Massive Davenports ( spring seats)
Large roomy Chairs (spring seats) ,
Overstuffed Rockers at
The People of Salem
Should know that the W. W. Moore Co. stage no sensational sales. We do not believe in
marking our goods up and then staging a big so-called "Sale".
. A merchant is in business to make money. If -he advertises "At Cost" and "Below
Cost" there is something wrong because he can not operate his store without a profit
any more than you could keep up your home without an income. Here is how we mark
our goods. Cost plus overhead expenses, then a small profit. .
Thi8 gives you a moderate and fair pries on not only a couple of "Specials" but on all
goods in our store, and that means everything from basement to attic,
'ANNOUNCEMENT Election returns will be announced
at Grand Theatre on Friday, May , 21st, at Benefit for
Women's Building at Universityy Drama League Players,
of Portland, appear in 3 One-Act Plays.
Model F. 8. Chevrolet Baby Grand
$1499.10 F. O. B. Salem
The lowest prirced automobile in the world of the same quality and
Ample seating capacity for seven people by using two removable
seats in rear tonneau.
A most ivonderful performer with all the "Pep" and "Snap" that
makes Chevrolet cars so popular.
Genuine leather upholstered easy riding beautiful lines.
We will unload a car Monday, May 1 7th, which contains three of these
popular cars and can make immediate delivery of two of them.
Vote for GOOD ROADS IV3AY 21
Vote 302 X Yes for 4 State Road Bond Limit
15,000,000 Candle
power search light
will flash during
the parade.
F. G. Delano
Salem-Dallas .
MAY 17th to 21st
Parade at Salem, 7:30 p. m.
Built tq c f
-I f lafpst 31" r.
destroyer. .
PORTLAND Leave 8:30 a. m., Monday,
May 17th, via Steel Bridge, Grand Ave.,
Hawthorne, Eleventh and Milwaukie
OREGON CITY Arrive 10:45 a. m. ,
HUBBARD Arrive 1:00 p. m. Lunch.
WOODBURN Arrive 2:30 p. m.
SALEM Arrive 6:00 p. m. Parade 7:30
p. m.
SALEM Leave 7:00 a. m. Tuesday, May
ALBANY Arrive noon. Lunch.
JUNCTION Arrive 4:00 p. m.
EUGENE Arrive 6:30 p. m.
a. m. Wednesday-
EUGENE Leave 7:00 a.
May 19th. . .
MONROE Arrive 10:30 a. tn.
CORVALLIS Arrive 1:00 p.m.
Arrive 10:00 p. m. y,
DALLAS Leave 9:30 a. m. Thurso
. Mav 20th. .
' McMINNVILLE Noon. Lunch.
' NEWEERG Arrive 6:30 p. m
NEWBERG Leave 7:30 a. m. '
May 21st.
; HILLSBORO Arrive 10:30 ' a. m.
FOREST GROVE Arrive 4:00 P
PORTLAND Arrive 6:30 p. m-
Auspice-? Oregon Automotive Dealers Ass'n. Dealers' Motor Car Ass'n.
mobile Dealers Asn.
Rations! Af
Mwr rvr.-vAv,v