Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 15, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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face Ti:n::r.
Ballot Title
For Support of
School Misleads
(Director of Music for Salem Schools)
.... ilia nn the measure pro
GAIAI-CVRCl . lis an interpretation
Wednesday evening to the Heillg.'ackneyed to artistic
came the Inimitable GaUi-Curci with
all her charms of voice and person-
that is
. rtate tax lor me ouin' "-iaiuy. vi course tne . house was
.,..,( at Portland is highly packed, and standing room was sold,
"I1",,"; according to J. W. Howard , and . n
Indent of the Oregon State
i ir the Blind here. The lnstt
for Portland is not a
ZoY 'Howard points out . but
"'"" lovment institution for aouu
" Tin occupations by which they
mast partly if not whol-rJuPPOl"S-
Howard sees a
Sm or confusion in the minds of
f '. w "d" to the misleading bal
0,1 It which, he fears, may injure
W 'ue " '..'.u. .mniovment .nsti-
SJ? wWch is badly needed In this
'The need for this employment tn-
-SSon in Oregon has been greatly
JSSS through the action of the
legislature m providing for the
"ftion of workmen who have been
blind through , accident
Howard declares, can not be
JSmodated in the blind school
which devotes exclusively to the
Location of children and some pro
Son. such as is proposed in the em
.lovment institution must be made it
S is to meet its obligations to
,he9. unfortunates. . -
jutant general. f 1 Salem
Captain Leroy Hewlett, company St,
Fifth infantry.
Sergeant Frank S. Jirak, sergeant
instructor O. C. A. C.
First Lieutenant Glen L. Rice, com-
- I pany il.
un-j Second lieutenant Donald Miles,
j company M.
little! First sergeant, John T. Welsh;
The Madanie's English is "a
chipped and nicked" and a time or quartermaster sergeant, Leslie R. Bur
two there was the least hint of herjdette; mess sergeant, Ralph W. Mar-
flatting", (as we read about her, tin; sergeants, Hyatt L. Maynard, Carl
many could not procure tickets,
the Oregon State j and a return engagement was an-
duuultu wr Aiuy ivui. xnose wno
are thrilled by the .voice of song (and
most music lovers are) should not1.
miss the chance to hear one who is
head and shoulder above the rank
and file of opera stars. There is a
charm, a spontaneous, unpremedi
tated eharm in her voice that Is sim
ply irresistable in its appeal. This
together with a gracious large-souled
personality absolutely void of affecta
tion makes her easily the greatest
soprano in the world today. Florence
Macbeth, Alma Cluck and a number
of ' others are excellent singers but
they seem like school girls compared
to GaUi-Curci. I have made this re
mark to a number of musicians and
have not heard it refuted.
So many elements enter in to make
ner superior mat we can only re
count them without elaborating them.
She sings her consonants very plain
ly, her vowels are not over-modified,
she has wonderful breath support and
control, unmatched flexibility, abso
lute facility and ease without the
least hint of effort or strain even in
the loudest and - most brilliant pas
-sages, her voice is clear and liquid
throughout the whole range from
Plan To
Increase Troop
Posts In Ireland
Dublin, May 14. The plan of Gen
eral Sir N'evil MacReady, commander
of the government forces In Ireland,
looking to closer co-operation bet
n the DOlice and the military in an
.rt to suDuress the disorders in Ire-
invnlvps the establishment of
military posts In isolated districts, it ts
stated here on apparently good auth
Water Permits
Application for permission to ap
propriate 150 second feet of water
from the Walla Walla river tor a
power development near Frecwate-,
has been filed with the state engin
eer's office here by H. S. Murray of
; Other applications for water rights
have been filed as follows: -
By M. J. Foley of Hood River cov
ering the appropriation of water from
. an unnamed spring branch for the Ir
rigation of 20 acres in Hood Kiver
; By N. L. Casady of Hillsdale cover
ing the appropriation of water from
Quarts creek for the irrigation of a
wiall tract in Josephine county.
By the east Beaver cheese com
pany of Hemlock covering the appro
' priatton of water from Woods creek
tor manufacturing and domestic pur
poses In connection with a cheese fac
tory la Tillamook county.
s By1 Albert Way of PrlneviAe Cover
ing the appropriation of water from
Crooked river for the irrigation of 57
re in Crook county.
By Steers & Wilson of Juntura, cov
ering the appropriation of water from
Malheur river for the irrigation of
doing) but these faults are infinites!
mal compared tf her numerous vir
tues. The Vlctrola has done wonders tn
popularizing Galli-Curcl In fact it
has done wonders in popularizing art
ists and music of the better class.
Three numbers of her program, Caro
Nome, Sempre libera, and the Mad
Scenic may be heard , on the talking
Very good work was done both in
the obligatos and in the concerto by
Mr. Berengner on the silver flute,
which Instrument makes the nearest
possible approach to the timber of
the soprano voice.
One number which made a ripple
of laughter sweep over the audience
and which at the same time made
everybody marvel at the linguistic
and vocal dexterity exhibited, was the
rollicking Clavelltos, tripped off the
tip of the tongue with machine-gun
rapidity ia Spanish.
Old Folks at Home, Love's Old
Sweet Song, Robin Adair, and Home,
Sweet Home struck responsive chords
in every ear and made one realize
the beauty of simple things well done.
The last mentioned number was given
after prolonged applause at the end
of the program, and there were tears
W. Holcomb, William C.
Alanson R. Mason.
The last seven non-commissioner
officers are member ot company M,
George and Marie Steinka to
.. Daniel and Karoline Furrer, it
. 10 bl 75 N Salem t
Mary A Nelson to R S Nelson
H int tn It 20 High school add...
E C and Minnie Van Slyke to
. E B and Roberta Butler 13.57
acres in sec 3 83 JW 1
Roy and Ruth Hildebrand to
' Namon Hildebrand prt It It
all It 17 Sunnyside fruit
farms No 8
Sarah and David Mcvickor to
G E and Nora Given prt Its
S and 4 sec 27 in 88 2W 4250
Louise Hutcheon to P Bert A
and Pearl Victor prt Its 1-2-J
bl 7 Oak Lodge add .
.Oregon State bank to E W Ellis
prt its 4 and 5 bl 7 Jefferson
Arthur and Grace Peterson to
Laura and Mary Hale It 4 bl
Rev. W. S. Howard, dean of Colum
bla college, has been invited to preach
the baccalaureate sermon for the Stan
B flat to F, there Is plenty of reson-in many eyes as tHe diva played her, field high school commencement exer- Mary Oswald to An
ance In every note, the blending of own accompaniment and revealed clses May 1 8. ' jts 1-2 bl 8 J H
n-gisiers is smuom, ana witnai tnere me oia irutn in new beauty.
Fred and Alice Wiley to Eu
gene and Eva Van Aerman
prt It bl 8 Roberts add Salem.
Charles and Lillian McKinley ta
Lizzie M Treat It 7 bl 60 N
Salem .. ..
Christina Talbert to Amelia and .
Andrew DuVal prt It John
son add Silverton .
Martin E and Elizabeth Smith
to Clarence and M Forest It
2 M Hampden park S700
Thomas, Mlna Morse to 8 N and Eliza
I beth Hubbard It 5 bl 4 Depot
George H and Caroline Graben-
horst to John D and Maud E
Caughell 63.S A ait sec 23-24
in 8S SW - 8500
Orville Ballou to W'arton L and
Viola A West It IS Van Duyns
add Salem - .. -
Earl L and OUie Fisher to
Frank, Andrew prt bl 1 Rob
erts add Salem 2500
Emma and Harmon Snook to
Francis M Peyton It bl 5
George H Jones add Salem 3000
Nicholas and Ida Nobler to Mor
ton and Mary Fissler prt sec
10 in 5S 1W i325
W F and L B Kerr to M W and
Helen Shaver It 15 Phelps add
Silverton 1500
Albert J and Ida May Taylor
to F E Loose It 11 bl 2 Bech
tel and Bynons Cardwell add
Sam and Clarinda F Ames to
M J Klopfenstine .006 A sec
10 15 in 7S 1W
Eva L Dimmett to P J and
Amanda Kuntz It 8 bl 2 Boises
first add Salem ...
W E and Ida Keyes to Gertrude
J M Page prt bl 34 University
add Salem 2900
Andreas Roesch
-Palmers 2d
add Mt Angel 4500
A E Kiser to Ruth E Lewis prt
Its 3 and 4 bl 27 Depot add
Anton and Anna Daniel to Jos
eph and Mary Doran 5 A sec
31 5S 1W . liii i
William J and Sarah E Hiusti
to George F and Emma L
Hammon It 3 and it 8-11 Halls
home tracts --lO
Snaps 1
n Used Cars
1 Five Passenger Ford ... ... .....$425
1 Buick Roadster (run 6,000) '650
1 1919 Overland Ninety .'. 850
1 1918 Chevrolet Touring . 700
1 1918 Chevrolet Delivery 600
1 1917 Maxwell Touring . 575
1 1918 Dodge Delivery 1,000
1 1917 Dodge Touring ... 1,000
1 1919 Maxwell Truck .. 1,000
H. F. Bonesteel
ceived from Mr. Haymaker, and his
answer to the same.
The people of Oregon, If I am not;
mistaken will not worry over the
controversy between Chamberlain
and Wilson. Mr. Wilson is not the rec
ognized leader of the democratic par
ty m Oregon. He was Just elected
president to do the will of the ma
jority, and not otherwise. Mr. Wil
son is not any more Interested In the
league of nations than I am or any
other . democrat, or any republican
ought to be. Why should he try to
make It a personal matter? We all as
democrats want the league of nations.
Our George should be commended
for trying his best to get one. Cham
berlain realized that he did not be
long to a stand pat party, but on the
other hand Chamberlain belongs to
the progressive party of the United
States. Let Oregon democrats give
George E. Chamberlain such a rous
ing majority on the 21st day of this
month that no outsider will try to
dictate to us again.
Candidate at large to the democrat
ic national -convention at San Fran
cisco. .
the entertainment of the former pres
ident during his short stay In Salem.
A luncheon, to be attended by the
most prominent business men In the
city will be held at Hotel Marion.
Known as a golf enthusiast, Mr. Taft
may choose to spend some of his
time at the Illihee links, and if so, a
match will be arranged for him, it
was stated by leaders of the jelub.
Reserved seats for the lecture are
now on sale at Will's music store by
the local lyceum management. The
discourse will begin promptly at 8;3fl
o'clock Saturday evening.
"Yokohama Maid"
To Be Repeated
Owing to the fact that a great -many
patrons were turned away for lack of
room at its first presentation and be
cause of the extreme popularity Of the
production, "The Yokohama Maid,"
the musical drama presented by the
itudents of the Willamette school of
music, last week,, will be repeated a
the near future, it was announced to
day. .". '.'.!.,..
The date for the event was tenta
tively get for next Wednesday, May
Hi but more definite announcements
will be published later. - - '
The production met with exception
al favor, the audience being enthusi
astic In, its praise of the various per
formers. It was because of the many
requests for a repetition of the per
formance, that the authorities- in
charge of the play have consented to
Jive it a second time.
Extensive Plans
Made To Entertain
Taft While Here
Coming under the auspices of the
Ellison-White' Lyceum bureau, Wil
liam Howard Taft, ex-president of the
United States, will be in Salem Satur
day May 29, and will lecture at the
armory on "The league of nations up
to date.
Mr. Taft Is on a tour of the western
states, and his coming to the capital
city is regarded as a piece of good for
tune by those who are interested In
political questions of the day.
Extensive plans are under way for
Many Military
Men Make Salem
With 18 military officers of various
rank stationed in Salem this city is a
veritable "army post," and forms head
quarters for more officers than any
other city in Oregon, outside of Port
land. The 18 offices represent the ad
jutant general's office, company M,
the armory and recruiting..
The complete list of officers station
ed in Salem is:
Ben W. Olcott, commander-in-chief
National Guard of Oregon.
Colonel George A. White, adjutunt
general state ot Oregon.
Colonel James S. Dusenberry, In
spector instructor O. C. A. C."-
Lieutenant-Colonel A. IVner Wool
pert, Fifth InfantrjvN. O. 0. .
Majof Henry O. Miller,. assistant ad-
Sales conducted everywhere. Farm
sales 2 percent; city sales 6 percent.
We save vou money on advertising
Col. W. F. Wright Auctioneer
Phone 734
, Public Forum.
To the Editor: "Let not your hearts
ke troubled, believe in me, for I am
president ot the United States,
nd the leader of the democratic
Party. There is no other before me.
or shall there be after me, to run
the party without my indorsement."
Much comment throughout the
I'mted States is being made at this
time over the letter the president re
Special On '
'vai iini77n i j7j J
V W T aawuay
Mumford and Stanley
Top Notch Singing Comedians
Cord T
S0x3i2 Non Skid $24.25
82x3V2 Non Skid ;....:.....$29.25
22x4 Non Skid...........:.... 41.70
834 Non Skid......"...'...:... 42.90
Mxi Non Skid...;....... 44.50
.mwj Non Skid........ 50.40;
i ; (War Tax Included)
The above are exceptionally
ttwd offers and Quality Tires
that can not be duplicated at
these prices.
Get our prices on
Before You Buy !
Commercial & Court Sts. j
. Salem, Or. ;
0:is cf a chain of store Lnrre'
Gordon & Gordon
New Twists
and Turns
Senna & Weber
"Will Ye
Marry Me"
In the Laughable Farce
Harold Uoyd Comedy
Earl Williams
Eugene Walters'
,Big Success
; ' -Y' i 7
1 - .
Sunday, all day 35c
Mon. Tues. Wed
Matinee 25c
Evening 35c
h t
S a - - I ; ,
i " ' '
Tee &
Poignant Drama Hilarious ComedyStern Tragedy Love Life
The Laughter Raiser-
2 Part Comedy
Well lathered Adapted from
. with laughter Geo.McManuS
Kevs ps-per WDzaica
V f t "4 V
t " i rr v " ('14 V
S' ' :'.: -s . yf fiL
3J CLa l