vRATHEK forecast OKvn; 7. :VI- an Sund.Hy f.... ikht frost eii portion In monuiu. derate northwest winds. , j jri- temperature 43, max. 7j. mean 44. rainfall. River IS jt. stationary. yBiIBD YEAfi. NO. 117. Immediate Peace Held Trade Need San Francisco, May 15. A treaty of j,n other line of business may revert peace safeguarding every fundamental t0 ". William J. Woolley, of the rinciple of the government of the trade "tension bureau of the Nation Calted States and protecting the rights JaI association of Master Plumbers, in t American citizens should be effect-!?" aI1 motne address before the , i. ,,. . 19th annual convention here todav of rf without delay. was declared by the 0regQn sute Maaterr3e the seventh annual convention of the J association, advocated even greater national Foreign Trade council here charges for plumbing and heating todav This was one of the principles work iu this e'ate. Comparatively, of the naiional program fot ; fo reig, ea Z trade by thi sconventlon of 2500 lead-.master plumbers of this section of the en of foreign trade in the fourth and , country are not getting what they closing session of the convention. are entitled to." . nihor nrinclples in the program :,.,,.... convention opened here at 10 o'clock. United States as a creditor Jld J!10 "P the plumb ,ion should afford to other nations ev-1 "?J -f df unt.Tr rfair and reasonable opportune to Z,tlV?'Thm th sell their products to us, especially of raw materials without detriment to existing authorities. Protection Keedea. -tv. kroner meaar should h "' , ' . . coae a the only effective manner devised o encourage our manufactur- by which th ersand 'producers to exerc.se he full , g6neraI pubIic be 1 employment of all their facilities. The deIegates alg0 recomhlende(, h -The goyarnmen should maintain ttppomtment of a permanent comilt! as a principle of foreign policy thaJtee to take . Amencan enterprise abroad is entitled Btate ooard ot control of Begregatin to the fame measure of protection , all pIumWng and heatln con5trtc from the government of the country jon aIl pubIlo bulldings where domiciled that foreign enter. Attention of authorities in all cit- prises domiciled in the United States les in the state is called, in another receive from this government. resolution adopted, to the necessi'y "Our merchant marine should re-0f erecting more comfort stations to vert as soon as practicable entirely to ' accommodate the increase in nuto and private ownership and operation as tourist travel. contemplated bp the act creating thei Business Held Essential snipping ooaru. we urge mat legis- lation be passed promptly providing for the sale or government owned ton- nage on terms uniform to all buyers having regard to the current cost ofj building vessels ot similar typo and tonnage in American shipyards. Un sold ships should be' chartered at cur rent market rates for. world tonnage without restriction as to trade routes. French Withdraw Occupation Force Paris, May 15. Withdrawal of the French troops from the Frankfort and Darmstadt regions, it is understood, has already been begun, although for mal orders for complete evacuation of this territory have not been issued by the French government. Gasoline Test Suit Suggested Dsclaringi that the state law requir ing gasoline sold in Oregon to test 56 degrees specific gravity i3 unconstitu tional and would be so held in any "'i-t a. B. Huston, state senator from Multnomah county, in a letter received by Governor Olcott this morning, aug (jestg that some dealer put the law to a test by ignoring the law selling gaso lne of alower test and submitting to a friendly suit in court. ; This, Huston Insists, is the simplest "id quickest way out of the problem into which the legislature by its failure to act last January, has gotten the state In the present emergency. Wlllielm Changes Home. Doom, Holland, May 15. Former Emperor William arrived here fom Amerongon this morning. He outwltt a number of Journalists and moving Picture photographers, who were wait ing at one entrance of the exile's new home, while the automobile in which rlved slipped through another. Taxpayers League Condemned Millage Bill In Undue Haste Says Greenbaum In Statement That the Marlon County Taxpayers League acted in undue haste ana without thoroughly investigating conditions at the University of hm50" and Oregon Agricultural College, in condemning the millage wll for its support of the institutions of higher learning, supported the state, which is to be submitted, to the voters of Oregon at the Primary elections next Friday, Is the statement of Isadore Green baum, secretary of the league, who Port the millage bill. In speaking of his position on the millage bill, Mr. Greenbaum said: "The Marion County Taxpayers' League !s a very much misun derstood organization. Such an organization is necessary, I think, onder some circumstances, at least, to curb the extravagance of pro fessional politicians. As a' league we do not mean to be parsimonious, nr to be a lot of 'tightwads', as some people seem to think. A an example, our president subscribed one thousand dollars to the hos P'tal fund. Yet, when a measure is before the people to raise tax ation, out body has to be shown the necessity in no unmistakable form. - " ' League Acted In Haste. I think we were somewhat in haste in passing the resolutions "i regard to the millage bills. It was really a protest against an In. feaw in direct taxation. I have been asked by a number of people h5- I have gone on record in favor of the millage bill for higher edu ration. I visited Emgetw with the Cherrians and Commercial Club, wag sadly impressed with the overcrowded, ancient buildings nown as the U. of O. They rank as curios. There is a modem "uiidmg under construction, but that Is being paid for by subscription, j, Krea state of Oregon accepting charity, asking alms. Think of it. wade me ashamed of my own state and of myself. ,. 'About the financial condition: I found upon Investigation that , "Mversity has been conducted at a very low cost of operation; ln,hack several years ago, with 691 students, with an income of -,284; Now, this year, with 1745 students, and an income of -'.130. How they could have accomplished this latter In the face , advancing costs is a mystery. Should Support University. ' ,, "Tne stafs of Oregon should maintain the university so as t:ie ho m WOa,d be credit to the tate (the students are). We tha 68 toc proud to accept charity. Those buildings are worse em ""'''crowded. Handicapped, as they are, U is a wonder our stu- eoB-i!,, ?ve dons as we" as tl,ey have- What mls:,t th'y have ac" Pushed under fair or favorable conditions? k r unlve"ttv ought to grow with our state. " Taxpayers, who Km i shouid 8 and see the conditions for themselves. I felt vf? r 0rn. so I go on record. in favor of the millage bill for -ter education." ' - !ri . : : numbers May Raises Prices Instead Of Lowering Them in State; Oregon Plumbing Code Endorsed in Session Declaring that plumbing and .mg costs throughout the United States will not be reduced, although osts KLuuu ttiiu wist aay or . tne Plumbing Code Favored Among numerous resolutions adoDt. ed the master plumbers went on rec- I nfll BO f IWAnlnx l 1 1... . . "f. piumoing Asserting that 80 percent ot tAe plumbers in the United States lack proper business training and have only a general knowledge of facts con cernlng the business, Mr. Woolley centered His talk around a strong plea for the induction of more busi nessprinciples in the plumbing pro fession. He declared that "you would be surprised at the few plumbers who understand the fundamentals of bus iness," and cited that as the main rea son for the failure of so many fol lowing that pursuit. "Plumbers in the west and middle west, and in Oregon," Mr. Woolley told the delegates, "who do a business of less than $50,000 a year lose. It is up to this convention to take steps to rectify this matter," he said, "by devising some means to raise prices for services that will be more equit able generally." Fifty percent of the plumbing and heating business In the United States today, Mr. Woolley said, is being done on, the cost plus plan. He pointed i this fact indicating the great change in methods when, several years ago, this plan was never used. , The sessions during the day were presided over by Charles Fullman of Portland, president of the state asso ciation. The members of the resolu tions committee were: O. G. Hughson, Geo. G. Root, F, W. Bishop and H, C. Laws. Picture is Taken At 1:30 p, m. the master plumbers and theIr wives gathered in front It the state capitol where a group pic ture was taken. Following this anoth er business session was held in the auditorium of the Commercial club when Harry L. Hansen, Frank J. Klimm, Jerry J. Ward, A. L. Fraser, O. G. Hughson and Mrs. E. S. Slgler spoke. The convention will close Saturday evening with a banquet at six o'clock in the Elks Temple. Some of the resolutions passed by the convention are: "That the president appoint a com mittee of three two at large and one from Salem to take up the matter of segregating plumbing and heating has announced that he will sup- X heat-(contracts on all m.ttt i..,. k the state board of control and suggest inai uimj commute seek the coopera tion of the electrical contractor ,n securing this result.' That the members of this conven- tion lend their moral and financial support to the trade extension bureau with Germany and Austria was adopt and that we as individual members jed today by the senate and now goes solicit the aid of all jobbers, whole salers and manufacturers in financ ing this woik." "Resolved . that It is the sense of this convention that the attention of the authorities in each city in the state be called to the increased need (Continued on page eight) Inter-Church Drive Critics Will Be Heard New 'York, May 15,-riticism of the Presbyterian New Era movement and the inter church world movement by the Presbyteries of Pittsburg, Pa., Seattle, Wash., Chillicothe, Ohio, St. Louis, Mo., and Philadelphia and a recommendation that the Presbyter ian church withdraw from the last named J300, 000,000 project will be heard at the annual meeting of the Presbyterian general assembly' in Philadelphia next week,, J. B. Woot an, publicity director for the Presby terian church in the United States announced here today. The Seattle presbyteria? he said, declares that the "expenditures of tha Inter church world movement are ex cessive, needless and destructive." Seattle,' supported by the Presby teries of Riverside, Cal., and others, I he said, declares that "the new era committee would be more effective and efficient if its operations were under the inmidiate direction of the board of. the Presbyterian church. The objectors will, also ask tor "a limit of authority and for a limit on the committee's expenses." Sultan To Quit; Treaty Protest Constantinople, May 14. The Turk lsh sultan will resign his throno In protest against the severity" of the peace treaty presented to Turkey by the allied powers, according to a rumor today, which is credited m many quarters. Scouts' Drive For Paper Is Meeting Generous Response Notwithstanding the fact that the boy scouts are receiving splendid co operation in their task of gathering up the old papers and , magazines, seout master Harold Cook stated to day that the public will have to be more generous in their assistance, if the paper drive for 100,000 pounds is to be put over successfully. Numerous families were repack ing their attics and cellars today in a commendable effort to locate all the old papers stored away in forgotten crannies, and the scouts were Kept busy collecting the piles left at con venient corners for them. Street Commissioner Low has found that the boys are a great help In lo cating heaps of rubbish that have been overlooked by the city wagons, Part Of Oregon May Be Included In Mountain Zone Washington, May 15. On petition of the public utilities commission of Idaho, the interstate commerce com mission today ordered further hear ings to determine whether its orders defining the boundary line between the standad mountain time zone and the Pacific time zone should be modi tied so as to include' Idaho and por tions of Oregon and Washington in the mountain time zone. Hoover Expresses Thanks To Oregon Portland, Or., May 15. Chester V. Murnhv. chairman of the Hoover campaign committee for Oregon, FrI- J officers were asked to meet the train day received from Herbert Hoover aby Conductor George E. Blue, who telegram expressing appreciation of i wired ahead for assistance, the Hoover committee's atclon in with- j When the officers mounted the drawing their activities in promoting strain Ballard, with an empty whiskey his candidacy In the campaign for thei bottle In his hand, was standing sev primaries to be held in Oregon, May jeral porters and trainmen at bay In 21. The telegram says: jthe end of a car, defying them and "Please accept for yourselves and everybody on the-train to Interfere convey to your axsociates my deep ap- with him. Most of the passengers preciatio'n of your keen understanding! were awakened by the commotion, of mv position. The high spirit and: and women and children were fright devotion to the republic which domi-.ened. The officers had little trouble nate pour political activities to the ex - jto bring the negro, who shouted that elusion of personalities cannot fail to he was a "bad ma;" to headquar insplre so educated and thoughtful aiders. people as the citizens of Oregon. Trits ln itself will be all the reward we should desire." Fair Weather For Coast Predicted Washington, May 15. The weather; predictions for the week beginning Monday are: Pacific statesGeneral fair; nearly normal temperatures. fit.-ue Forester Eliiott has begun to nobllir" his fjircea for forest patrfl duty this tummw ' ill !1? 'I U'U i V-1 Resolution t To End War Is Passed "r .-ine reputa 08,1 re60lutlon to nd the state of war to conference. Washington, May 15. No Immed iate action by the senate looking to the ratification of the treaty of Versailles now appears probable, Senator Under-wood-bf Alabama, the democratic lead er, declared tod y in the senate in opopsing the republican peace resolu tion. "This seema to be the closing scene of the drama," said Mr. Underwood, "as far as this country ,1s concerned in the attempt to conclude a peace with Germany. , ."The action of the majority party (the republican) seems to have fore closed further action on the treatp of Versailles, at least for the present." Jefferson High Wins County Field and Track Event Jefferson high school won . the Marion county track and field meet this morning, taking 49 points to 31 for Silverto the only other team en tered. The meet developed into a demonstration of individual prowess on the parti of Delasaux, the Jeffer son captain,: who captured 27 points for his team, taking the 100 yard dash the 50 and 440, tieing for first in the pole vault and high jump, and tak ing second in the broad jump anJ third in the shot put. While son-.e of his records were not spectacular, nino events constitutes a good morning's work, and he also ran in the relay to wind up. His time in the 440 was the best record, coming close to college class. Hammond of Silverton threw the 12 pound shot 37 feet, which is a good distance in a high school meet, nd his tfcam mate Bennett broad jumped 19 feet, which Is also good. Interest In the elementary meet was not so keen, as there were only a tew men entered, all from Silver ton. ' : ' " ---.'.-' Summary High School Events 220 yard dash: Allen (Jefferson), Hubblltt (Silverton), Blackwell (Jef ferson.) Time 29 1-5 seconds. 12 pound shot: Hammond (Silver ton), Bennett (Silverton), Delasaux (Jefferson.) Distance 37 feet. 50 yard dash: Delasaux (J), Bennett (S), Hubblltt (S). Time 0 seconds. Running broad Jump: Bennett (S), Delasaux (J), Mason (J). 19 feet. 100 yard dash: Delasaux -(J), Ban nett (8), Mason (J). Time 12 seconds High jumps.. Delasaux and Cameron (J), tied for first, Hobblitt (S), third. Height, 4 fe-et 10 inches. 440 yard dash: Delasaux (J), Ben' nett (S), Cameron (J). Time 66 2-5 seconds. Pole vault: Delasaux and Mason ( J) tied for first, OlBon (S) third. Height 9 feet. Relay race: Won by Jefferson: Blackwell, Mason, Allen and Dela saux. Time 1:43 2-5. Summary Elementary Events g pound shot: Gould Silverton. flu.i tavson, Silverton. 83 feet 10 inches. 220 yard dash: Cheney (S), Massey (S). 40 seconds. 440 yard dash: Aim (S), Graham (S). 71 1-5 seconds. 50 yard dash: Dead heat between Cheney and Kirchner (S). Time 7 1-5 seconds. Would-Be Bad Man In Jail; Whiskey and He Run A would be "bad man," crestfallen and repentant, was sitting ln the city jail here Saturday. He is W. M. Bal lard, a colored youth, and is held pending the action of the municipal judge on a charge of being drunk and disorderly. Ballard was arrested at 12:30 a. m. by Traffic Officer Moffltt and Patrol man Victor when he reached this city on Train No. 13, from the north. The Two Princeton Buildings Burn Princeton, N. J., May 15. Two of Princeton university's most noted , buildings, Dickinson hall and - Mar- quand chapel, were destroyed by fire last night. Garbage cans have been placed at convenient corners on the main street iOf Heppner and the city dads are ask- lng everyone to co-operate In keep- lng tne streets clean oi waste p.-iper U elher rubbing Judges And Yeggs Mingle At Last x Rites For Colosimo Chicago, May 15. Prominent poli ticians, a judge and leading business men mingled with gunmen and un derworld characters who had g nowledged "Big Jim" Colosimo as one of their rulers, in serving as pall bear ers at the funeral this morning of the murdered cafe proprietor, A big brass band headed the funer al procession past the famous cafe which bore his name. Word was received here today that his first wife was en route from Los Angeles to Chicago. She has declared she can throw no light on the mys tery surrounding his murder last Tuesday evening in his restaurant Four suspects are being held by the police. Public Service Commission To Probe Disaster In orderto safeguard the traveling public . from another accident similar to that at Bertha station on the South ern Pacific line Sunday morning, the Oregon public service commission will conduct a further Investigation Into the sufficiency of the, service and equipment of the Southern Pacific company at the Multnomah countyi court house, Portland, at 10 o'clock. ',UC'"V'," ' """"""", "" Monday, May 24, according to an- had received his Informaton from r.ouncement made by Fred G, Buchtell Alfonso Mada of the Mexican bureau chairman of the commission th,B of information at Nogales. morning General Santiago also surrendered Buchtel who was on the scene of the w"h General Cararnza. according to aocident and made an investigation received by De La Pena at that time in company with one of! Troops under command of General the' commission's engines believes alFlore ar ln Possession of the port of serrate nrobe bv the commission a.'Mazatlan on the west coast, according justified. In a notice ot the hearing! Issued this morning the commission says: . ' . "Owin to the seriousness of the wreck and the many Injured and the incomplete Investigation on the part of the public service commission, it Is deemed proper and highly necessary to take further testimony for the pur- pose of determining the sufficiency of the service,- equipment and facilities of the Southern Pacific company now in force and effect, tothe end that suoh further remedies and regula tions may be imposed as may be Just, reasonable, adequate and safe." Salvation Army Campaign Ended In Salem Today Although Salem wilt fall from 1500 to 11000 short Qf Its quota thi Salva tion Army camp.ign here for $5000, that has been conducted or ' nure than a week, was brought to an endlcurred since Carranza left the battle Saturday evening. Late Friday after - noon the cash an3 ple tnei on hand totalled ltltle mow than Umio. and it was expected at campaign head- quarters In the Commercial club that this would be raised to $4600 by Sat- urday night. , j have been a part of the president's . In the compalgn, Chairman A. CJplan of breaking out of tfce trap, for Bohrnsttdt said, solicitors have tried it was on this side of the battle zone to reach everyone in the city. Those wlro have not been reached and who desire to contribute are asked by MrComula, which meant an ' advance Br'arn&tedt to mail their donations to down the railroad toward this city the "Salvation Army Campagn Head-.of about nineteen miles In the laist quarters, Commercial Club." Among the contributors of large amounts were Clark J. Seibel of Shaw Oregon, who donated a lot in Fairmont link addition worih from $200 tu $400 which will be sold at the bostnts of General Banches was Injured n-ice obtainable and the proc ii ds fatally, receiving a sword wound In credited to the drive. The country districts outside of Sa - lem will not close their campaign un- til Saturdav. the 22nd. The smaller places have their subscriptions well In h,n4 anrl u,lll man hlr nnle. At the present time Woodburn and Silverton, two of the most prosperous cities in the county, have not organ ized, and many of the leading men seem to be indifferent, but it is ex pected that these communities will fall ln line the first of the week. A Very large part of the credit for the splendid work In Salem la due to, the energetic efforts of Larry Hofer and the splendid help of the ex-serv-a restless nignt and declined to eat Ice men who acted with and for him the ,ood offered him this morning, ah solicitors. They have beiu sple'i- according to Jailers, dldly reinforced by some ot tho sales- Sheriff Cllne has kept secret the men from the leading business nouses 'tlme of Watson's probable departure and also l-y some of the students ttor Prln. b"t M h woul(1 b ,dk WillametU i nlversitv. who i-a,; w k en today or tomorrow, r.mklng the ed cot tmuuosly, and were e.ctiveir work cles t'g up the outi:ne dli tricts Sa'urifay. Winners From Many Districts Result Of "Spelling Bee" The county spelling contest held at 18 o'clock Saturday morning In con nection with tho county school meet, was participated In by representatives from all Marlon districts. Winners and grades represented are given as follows: Eighth grade, Hilda Starr, Sublim ity, first; Rose Hughes, St. Paul, sec ond; seventh grade, Violet Sanders. White school, first; Frank Sutton, Aumsville. second; sixth grade, Wil ma Morrison, Woodburn, first; Than dore Wolf, Sublimity, second; fifth grade, Helen Oglesbee, Aumsville, first; Leona M. Chapelle, Woodburn, second; fourth. Maurice Bogard, Wood burn, first, Eleanorllbby, Marlon, second. Contract for the construction of an , addtllon to the Taklma high school at a bas'e price of $104,600 have been' aw?, del. i p - Carranza Fate in Doubt; Capture and Escape Both Renorted JT Washington, May 15. Carranza's escape from the revolu tionary forces which attacked his troops near Esperanm was re ported today by General Obregon. In a message to revolutionary agents on the border which was forwarded here, Obregon said the deposed president had suc ceeded in breaking through the revolutionary lines, and, accom panied by a small escort, was moving southward into the moun tains. ' The message added that Carranza was being pursued bp the revolution ist. , The recent information indicated that the revolutionary commanders had used tactics' in the fighting calcu lated to inflict the least possible loss. Cararnza's chances ot escaping cap ture were regarded as comparatively slight, largely because of his age and physical condition. CAUTl'RE REPORTED BY NEW YORK REVOLT AGENT New York, May 15. General Car ranza and 800 men have surrendered to the forces surrounding them in the Mexican mountains, according to worn reaching here by way of Tomales, This information was given out by Mauel De La Pena, self styled com- , l the 'ame source ot information E8CAPE REPORTED MADE THRU BREAK IN LINES Vera Cruz, May 15. President Ve nustlnano Carranza, who, wtlh loyal 'followers, has been fight a grim battle against revolutionary forces near San Marcos, for the past five days, has es Reaped capture, at least temporarily, according to dispatches from the bat- tie zone. Accompanied by 1000 of his men. the president has broken through tha Insurgent lines near Chalchi Comula, and Is believed to be between Puebla and Oaxaca. He left behind him gov ernment soldiers who still are fight ing to delay pursuit of the fugitive chief. Generals Hlgenso Agutlar and Guad elouoe Sanchez, at the head of large units of revolutionary troops Thursday were preparing for a grand attack, according to a captain who arrived here yesterday. Before taking refuge in flight Carranza is said to have de stroyed trains still held by his troops, together with war material too heavy to be carried away. . Prisoners Taken Serious fighting probably has oc- 'zone, as dlBpatches say prisoners nave , been captured by the attacking forcos. Reports from Chalcnl comum yes- terday showed that Carranza s men were working their way southeastward It would seem this movement may that Carranza escaped. Fighting was reported about six miles from Chalchi few days. General Sanchez threw his forces Into the struggle Thursday afteznoon : but was repulsed. General Liberalo .Gara Torres, one of the chief neuten the neck. He was taken to Orizaba, 'where he died yesterday, IXrclff VlM Tt I ' M-l-Ollt " JX Taken To Prison Sometime Sunday Los Angeles, Cal., May 15. James H, (Bluebeard) Watson who was transferred from the county hospital to the jail yesterday to await early removal to San Quentin prison, spent I flrBt t9Be of th iy by automo bile. Daniels Attacks Sims' Charges That Navy Lacked Plans and Equipment to Wage Effective War as Without Truth Washington, May 15. ' Secretary Daniels today attacked Rear Admiral Sims' charge that the navy depart ment lacked plans and otherwise was unprepared for war. The charge was 'uniformed and wanton," he told the senate committee which Is Investlgat lng the so-called Sims-Daniels row and testimony of Rear Admiral Badger and other members of the general board has proven such statements un founded. Mr. Daniels described In detail the organization and operation of the gen eral board to show that for years be fore the war the board was engaged In preparing and revising plans for naval battle In the Atlantic. Admiral Dewey had studied the sit uation from the beginning of the Eu ropean war and In March, 1915. had forwarded a statement of preparations necessary. Tho navy department fol lowed the Dewey outline as "fur a Save Your Paper FOR THE BOY SCOUTS FCIi COLLECTION ON SATURDAY PRICE S CENT! in DisntacI 160 A Fear of Penalty Keeps Deserter Long in Hiding Chillicothe, O., May 15. Stories of how a neighbor deserter from the Un ion army during the Civil war had been brought to bay and shot brought visions ot a similar fate to Carl Amec- ine ,and Impelled htmto. hide in tha hills for almost two years. Amerine, drafted into the army, u-tl a wife ana two year-oia oaoy ai nn home in the quiet hills. Ho could neither read nor write and the largest village visited in his twenty-four yearn had numbered less than a thousand people. The bustling thousands at Camp Sherman, military restraint s'i customs weighed heavily on him and an Impelling desire to see hla wife and 'baby boy led him to quit camp with out permission. At home, his father, a tottering wreck of the Civil war, told him ha was a deserter. Visions of the firing squad flashed through his mind; Ktn lng his wife and baby good-bye fie took to a cave in the hilts. Last week Clarence Stone of Adolphl managed tq get word to the youth that his was not a case of desertion and there was no danger of a firing squad. He left his hiding place last Monday night and visited Stone's home wlwra he agreed to give himself up. Spa Conference Date Postponed Hythe, England, Msiy 15. Premiers Lloyd -George of England and Mllle rand of I'rnnce at 'their conferenca here today decided ililtt the Spa con ference between the member of the allied supreme council and the Ger man leaders should be postponed from May 25 to June 21. ; , It Is understood that Premier MUle rand aocepted the principle of fixuijr 4 round figure for the German Indem nity, on the condition that Franca should have priority in the time of payment and that she chould receWo a purtlal payment at the earliest pos sible date. Motor Factory Towns Set New Census Records Washington, May 15. AU rewnfa for increases In population as report ed in the 1920 census were broken In day by two Detroit suburbs, n tramck 'and Highland Park, which, since 1910 have increased 128 and 1031 percent respectively. Automobile factory workers bought the towns and today the census bu reau reported a population of 43,6 1 for Hamtramck and 46,698 for High land Pork, Prior to today, Kenmore, Ohio, with an Increase of 712,5 percent held tha record for population growth. , Legion To Follow Hands OH Policy In Labor Matters Indianapolis, Ind May 15. A pol icy of "hands off" for the American Legion as an organization ln all dis putes and controversies between capi tal and labor, is outlined by Franklin D'Ollcr, national commander of t! Legion, ln a letter mailed today to Thomas Uoldingay, state adjutant ot New Jvkm.V. congrrM' appropriations would per mit," Mr. Daniels declared, Mr. Daniels reviewed his recom mendations to congress from 1913 on. Incidentully, he told the commutes that the navy under President Taft had "fallen back" as the' United States which had advanced to Becond placs among naval powers In 1907 dropped, back to third in 1911. "Between March, 1913, snd Septem ber. 1918, the navy was Increased In personnel, material and efficiency mora than in any similar peace period in our history," said the secretary. The pre-war attitude of the United States towards preparedness ss shown by president Roosevelt's n snge to congress In 1906. declaring that "It dues not seom to be necessary ! that the navy should at least In tha ! immediate futurebe Increased ! yoid the prtHwit rimuiK' tf uni'-,' ! fttii Mr. Daniel,