Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 14, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    1 iit, t At HAL lot K.NAL
f l"kff All
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New Catholic School at Jit. Anpel, to cost
$123,000, cornerstone of which was laid ,
Thursday. , .
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Cornerstone of
Catholic School
Is Laid Thursday
1 Mt Angel, Or., May 14. One hun
dred twenty-five thousand dollars will
be expended in this city during the
rammer for the new public scaut
buildlnK which is now Ineourse of con
struction by the Catholic church of
lit. Angel. This Is the outcome of
plans which have been debated and
finally matured. Father Domnlck, iui
many years paHtor of the church in
Mt. Angel, Is very much responnible for
the sucoeiw of the educational enter
prise and is deserving much credit for
his great achievement.
The importance to Mt. Angel of this
Improvement can scarcely be esti
mated. It means an educational up
lift that will Inspire and aid the entire
community. The burden of the work
financially and otherwise will be borne
by the cltlasens of Mt. Angel who have
the energy, brain and capital suffi
cient to carry out la the fullest extent
all that they have undertaken. The
large plans as outlined in the picture
are not visionary, but actual. The first
public function In connection with thin
ducattnnal enterprise was held yes
terday In the laying of the cornerstone.
Archbishop Christie of Portland, who
mu here to preside over the conflrma-
band furnished music. One of the
very touching features of the program
was the parade of more than 250 boys
and girls to the platform, erected upon
the foundation of the building, each
bearing the American flag.
Nearly every business house in the
ctiy closed during the program hours
and it seemed that nearly every farm
er In the vicinity of 11 1. Angel suspend
ed work to attend this great function
Polk County Court
Circuit Court
Ernest Wachtmann vs Mrs. L. E.
Phillip. Answer to complaint. Com
plaint alleges that in September and
October 1919 the defendant caused
plaintiff's arrest for grand larceny.
Plaintiff demands $2500 damages
with costs of action. Answer denies
all of the allegations.
Probate Court
In Re: Guardianship of Franklin
Cooper, a minor. Letters of guardian
ship, inventory and appraisement fil
ed. Order approving same.
C. M. Bell, for some time manager
of the Standard Oil Co. plant in this
city, is moving to Cornelius, where
he will Tiav echarge of the company's
plant. H. E. Ferry has "been appointed
as his successor.
W. II. Williams of Portland has
purchased a farm south of town and
is preparing to erect a house upon
the place in the near future.
Rev. and Mrs, Geo. Henriksen vis
ited in Salem yesterday.
Fruit Inspector S. H. Van Trump
has been spending some time at his
farm on North Howell this week re
planting and improving his peach and
walnut orchard which was damaged
extensively by the cold last winter.
Pearl Fishback, a Monmouth farm
er, was in the city on business yesterday.
eral water in the famous WUhoit
Springs, and the location is much
more convenient.
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Van Winkle, mo
ther of Assistant Attorney General
Van Winkler, la dead. She was a pio
neer of 1852.
Silverton Peach
Orchard Will Be
Revived Once More
Silverton, May 14. Bock Brothers
commenced work in their big peach
orchard yesterday cutting off the tree
tops preparatory to grafting. They
believe thut the roots of the trees are
In perfect condition and by the graft-
Uon services in which a class of more mg process the orchard can be pre-
than two hundred fifty boys and girls
of Mt. Angel were Interested, alvo par
ticipated In the program made in con
nection with the laying of the corner
atone. It was a happv event In the history
of Mt. Angel schools. Probably two
thousand people attended the meeting
in the afternoon and many towns in
the state were represented.
The Mt. Angel college and academy
served. This Is one of the largest or
chards In this part of Marlon county
and not a leaf nor a bud is found In
the entire yard.
L! Plett petitioned the county court
some time ago for a public road from
the Mt. Angel road to his farm on
the Ablqua, but the petition was re
jected, the court holding that such a
road was not one of public utility.
Ben F. West, candidate for re-nom-
have always held high rank among imit Inn tn th offir ir mnni,
the educational institutions of the B0r, was in the city yesterday looking
state. The present announcement around among his flock of support-
means me eniargineni aim growtn or ers,
those Inftltutinns and their permanent
pre-emlnenre. It ndds Immensely to
the advantages of Mt. Angel as a resi
lience and school community.
.1. J. Kehr, cashier of the Hank of
Mt Angel, acted as chairman ,f theverton and Is situated on
Hireling and announced the different .treet
numbers on the program. Archbishop v , , .. , .. ,
,, , , , j, E. Canister, cashier of the Cool-
ChrlHtle spolfe In the forenoon and , , ,,,, ' K u , "',
, , . l'ge McCInlne bank In this city,
. , ' . ' ' " " . , " , yeBlerday for his old home in
M. C, Woodard, manager of the
Silver Falls Timber Co., has purchas
ed the Eva Coolldge residence in this
city. This Is one Of the handsomest
and most valuable residences in Sil-
Selah Springs To
Be Developed By
Eastern Capital
Silverton, May 14. A company of
eastern men, said to have capital stock
already subscribed aggregating $32,
000, are working on a plan to build
a sanitorium at Selah Springs, a lew
miles southwest of here, and It Is
said that they expect to incorjvite
within a few days for $150,000. Selah
Springs Is an Ideal location for such
an Institution. The land is owned by
J. W. Whltlock, who developed the
mineral springs several years ago. It
Is said that the flow of water from
the springs exceeds nine hundred bar
rels every twenty four hours and
shows superior mineral analysis.
According to reports current in Sil
verton the building is to be built of
brick and will be modern in every
particular. The location selected is
near the S. P. railroad company's
track between here and Salem.
If present plans materialize, and It
Is said to be very likely that such will
be the case, it will be a great benefit
to this part of Marion county.
People who are said to be compe
tent Judges claim that the water In
Selah Springs is superior to the m1n-
There is one sure way that never
falls to remove dandruff completely
and that is to dissolve it. This destroys
it entirely. To do this, just get aoout
J four ounces of plain, ordinary liquid
larvon; apply it ai nignt wnen retiring:
fuse enough to moisten the scalp an
'rub It in gently with the finger tips.
By morning, most if not all, of your
dandruff will be gone, and three or
four more applications will complete
ly dissolve and entirely destroy ev
ery single sign and trace of it, no mat
ter how much dandruff you may have
Tou will find too, that all itching
and digging of the scalp will stop in
stantly, and your hair will be fluffy
lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and
look and feel a hundred times better.
Tou can get liquid arvon at any
drug store. It is inexpensive, and
four ounces Is all you will need. This
simple remedy has never been known
to fail. ! (adv)
em inent npeakers who participated In
the program were Father HlUlebrant
of Oregon City, F. J. Lauergan, sluts
fleputy of the Knights of Columbus,
who is also a candidate for represents,
live from Multnomah county, Father
Kline and Father Sunday of Portland,
und Prior Adllhelm, founder of the
'Mt. Angel college and first pastor of
the church lathis city. The Mt. Angel
Iowa. He will be absent several wee'ts
and will visit other states before re-
Tailor Makes Valuable Find
"After spending $900 for medicine
and doctors tn four years without get
ting any benefit for stomach trouble
and bloating I was Induced by my
druggist to try Mayr's Wonderful
Remedy and must say that a $1 bot
tle has done me $500 worth of good"
It Is a simple, harmless preparation
mat removes tne . catarrhal .mucus
from the Intestinal tract nnd allays
the Inflammation Which chiip a pmc
ttrally all Htomach .liver und intestin
al ailments. Including appendicitis
"1 know what I am talking about 0'" rt,,H0 will convince or money re
When I say there Is one medicine that funded. J. C. Perry, 11, J. Fry and
will do everything they say It will, and .druggists everywhere. (Adv)
that's Tunlao," was the enthusiast lc I
statement made recently by Frank I
Waring, a well known ranchman llv-1
lug at Suiiuiunlfli, Wash., a town I
- twelve miles from Seattle.
"I gave Tnnlac a fair trial." con-
tlnued Mr. Waring, "and I wnnt 'o t
ell the world that it did the work.!
. Hevernl years ago my health broke!
down and since thst time I suffered!
so much that I hsirdly knew what It j
, was to be free from pain. I hnd Indl- j
, gent Inn so bad that I did not care to
. eat, for I knew If I did It would cause
me misery afterwards. The Utile 1 1
forced down soured on my stomach
and bloated me up with gas so ba.l
thst I felt nauseated and miserable. I
. had rheumatism In my nhoulders and
Tight arm so that I had no use of my
arm nd It whs Impossible for me to
, pick Up anything to work with. My
. kidneys were all out of order, and mv
bark was weak and pained me so bed
that if I stooped over It was agony
for me to try to straighten back up
again. I was badly constipated and
subject to severe hendnche spet's. Mv
t nerves were all on edge, and when I
went to bed I would mil and tog near
ly all night long and could hardly got
any aleep at all. I was terribly run
' down, too wesk to do a day's work
' and never thought I would see a weil
day again.
"Several rf my neighbors were tak
' In Tan lac with such fine results that
I started taking It myself, and In no
time I began to feel better. My appe
tite came buck., and as everything I
ate agreed with me I started gaining
In weight and strength. My digestion
was never better and the gas has stop
- ped forming on my stomach. I am no
Ii-nr constipated and dont know
what it Is to ever have a headache,
; The rheumatism In my arms and
, shoulders has left me completely and
I n ie my arms as good as 1 ever
. could. My kidneys are in fine condi
tlon and the pains In my hack have
all dtuiDpenred, and I can now do as
big a day's work as any man. My
nerves are as steady as a clock and
at night I sleep like a log. and when
morning comes I get up feeling Jutt
- fine. I have gained twenty five pound
in weight, em in better health than I
have been In years and I ran never
"may too much for Tsnlac.T
Tnls is sold in Salem By Tyler's
Grow store and leading druggie In
Uier towns. (Adr)
W . ft-
n W Restorer
W .1 CKkad
Can be restored to its
nut ural beauty for Co-Lo
will cause the color, life and
luster to return in a man
ner nature approves I v
Co-Lo a scientific process per
fected by Prof. John II. Austin,
over 40 years a hair and scalp
Co-Lo is a wonderful liquid.
Clear, odorless, greaseless.
Without lead or sulphur.
Hasn't a particle of sediment.
Will not wash or rub off.
Will not injure hair or scalp.
Pleasing and simple to apply
Cannot be detected like the or
dinary hair tints and dyes.
Will not cause the hair to split.
Or break off.
Co-Lo can be had for every
natural shade of hair.
A fur Mack and lsrk Shades
of Itrown.
A7 Extra Strng, fur Jet Mark
Hair only.
A for all Medium Brown Similes
A f'r all Very UgtM Brawn,
Drab anil Auburn Shade.
Help Your Digestion
When acid-distressed, relieve the
indizeation with
DlssoWe easily on tongue ae
pleasant to take as candy. Keep
your stomach sweet, try Kl-moids
made1 ar acorr bownb
r.:giBaL7M 11 leiii i-s
Powder By Its
Calumet Baking Powder is apprev
ciated most by those who know it best ,
Before you form an opinion give Calumet
a trial, watching every process of the
making and the baking from start to finish.
Calumet will prove that it is pure, whole
some and economical-that light, fluffy
biscuits, muffins, doughnuts, cakes, grid
dle cakes, etc., always result from its use.
That's Why 176 Say-
Go -to your dcAlpt k for, buy and try a can ct'
Calumet B&klug Powder. If you are not perfectly
satisfied after a thorough teat, re torn vhat't left -and
get your money bark.
Calumet contains only such Ingredient at have been
approved officially by the U. S. Food Authorities.
You Saw When, You Buy IU
You Save When You Us It.
1. . iwim "fan.
d m W sa
S) A ! A '
msQ&z seiims overall
in the world
"l wear Blue
Suckles on,
every, run.
They're touh
as raw hide
and St easy all
the time."
Sngitr of Ik
HERE'S just one reason why more
men wear Blue Buckle Overalls than
any other brand in tljc world.
It's because they know that every pair
always gives full value because they
are sure of long wear and solid comfort
every time.
Denimofthetoughestquality.widedouble-stitched seams,
a strong, solid back-band and A-l workmanship throughout
-make Blue Buckles stand the hardest kind of wear. They
are big and roomy, with riveted brass buttons, best quality
buckles and loops and big reinforced pockets placed so you
never sit on them. Blue Buckles have extra broad suspenders.
Ask for Blue Buckles the next time you buy overalls.
Blue Buckle OverAIJs
Biggest selling overall in the world
it's ready
J'vti p: 7, :
Y :
What's in the Batter
makes the Pancakes lijht, tender and crispy-brown
or otherwise. .
PANCAKE FLOUR i. . perfect combina
tion of buckwheat, wheai. corn and
with the scientifically exact amount of
nsina to make perfect Pancakes; There's
even corn sugar to make delate crust.
PANCAKE FLOUR " saves you
adding fresh milk. The nowWrl
milk is already there. That's why
the package costs 'you a few cnt.
mor and the cakes cost considerably 6
less.' A
Fisher Flouring Mills Company
.iBfff Portland '
Mt. Vernofl