rtrAiiiE t-0 RECAST . fair weat, fair and .""rn :!: Saturday f.iir; fl. 3: portion In morning: S''raii' '"''' winds- B"?"1 . j; -a temperature SI. Max. ..'tS.n 45." S 'faU- Kiver' 2 8 feet, faM" OOUirMCM -THipn YEAR. NO. 116. - . ' . . SALOL OREGON. FRIDAY. MAY 11 19'hv Socialists Affiliate With Reds part)' t Tork, May The socialist of America at its national con- , . . i ,r: !f,He-iance to the third (Moscow) .....mutional. h reservations, In cluding that of determining Its owir Uonar polio- By t vote of 98 to 40 it rejected a posa! by J- Louis Engdahl of Chl Zm to pledge without reservation it lleeiance to the third international, jiich was attacked during the social is Investigation in Albany as the or HiiiMtioii. that" at the bidding of Unine and Trotzky, had issued a call (0r tfolent world wide revolution. LIBERATION' OF POLITICAL PRISONERS IS DEMANDED Washing'"". May 14. Citing am nesty decrees of seevral European na tions, a delegation of socialists, head ed by Seymour Stewman of Chicago, socialist candidate for vice-president, appealed to Attorney General Palmer today for "immediate amnesty ana "pardon for all federal prisoners con victed on the nas.s or political speecn and writing or labor union activl ties." Save Your Paper FOR THE BOY SCOUTS F03 COLLECTION ON SATURDAY, PRICE 1 CENTS. W- v-t. a, - Bicycle kiiders IP n 1 I l Must Have Lights OlfflS F 50(160 vr tace Penalty T r :t nt a,,,- . . i H 1 V Li rrest 01 any one riding a bievi-V on ihe streets after - dark without lights wjia threatened by Chief of Po lio Wlwh I.-V1.1.,., l . ..., .,, a utieniem macie i to the Capital Journal. The statement ! was prompter, Chief Welsh satu. hv complainu of auto drivers who claim j- in.n mey. are unable to see bicycle J riders now that they are compelled ' Wahsington, May 14. Rear Admir to drive with cXmmed lights In the citv . sims" "fallacious and baselesa" limits Several motorists reported to charges that the navy department de Effect Claim ponce Thursday night that they bare ly missed bicycle riders who loomed op before their machines in the dark. Chief Welsh explained that a city ordinance provides a fine of from 12.60 to J2S for riding bicycles on streets without lights. He points to the fact that it would be best for a bicycle owner to equip his "bike" with lights than to pay this fine or subject him self to being run over by some unsee ing motorist. Merchant Marine Problems Trade Convention Topic San Francisco. May 14. Problems of the American Merchant Marine as they affect the foreign commerce ot the United States drew the attention today of delegates to the sevent h an nual convention of the National For eign Trade council In session here. , Shortage of fuel oil and Its poten "lial effect upon the large number of oil turning vessels of the United States shipping board, occupied much of the general session, together with coal conditions throughout the world Marine insurance was also consider ed. Speakers at the general session and their topics were: A. C. Bedford, chair man of the board of the Standard Oil company of New Jersey, "Fuel oil and foreign trade;" Hendon Chubb, ot Chubb and Sons, New York city, "American marine insurance;" E. J. Enney, president of the William Cory-Mann-George Corporation, "Am erican coal and its relation to foreign! "Marine securities.' ' Delegates from ten Pacific const commercial organizations made pub lic today a letter to Secretary of Com merce J. W. Alexander and Admiral W. S. Benson, chairman of the ship ping board, whioh , requested that provisions be made for sending a com merclal exhibit of United States pro ducts to Oriental ports for education al Purposes. . Pirate Victims Blame British Shriners Demand Car Priorities Be Guaranteed Them A demand for recognition of prior ity rights of Shrine temples to the use of Pullman cars for the trip to Port land next month on the occasion of the annual Shriners conclave is made by Fred G. Buchtel, vice, chairman of the traffic committee of the Shrine In a telegram forwarded tonight to L. S. Hungerford,, vice-president and man ager of the Pullman company, Chi cago. Rank discrimination against the Shrine and in favor of the other na tional conventions is intimated la the telegram which points out lh.it a vast majority of the temples in the east had ordered their equipment and received promises of accommodation long be fore the dates for the other conven tions were fixed. Many temples, It is said, have announced their Inability to attend the conclave because of tho cancellation of their Pullman reserva tions. " - ' Buchtel's telegram of protest fol lows: "Conference at Portland today cheeked telegraphic communications reeclved from Shrine temples from all sections United States which plainly convince that vast majority ordered equipment Portland session long prior to date fixed for other national con ventions. Orders either placed with railroad 'which deflntlely promised equipment or with your representa tives. Under these conditions feel can be no excuse for failure your company auunlv audi equipment. Division of; M,i,tnn(ant . hativpAn conventions con- trade," and John E. Barber of liar-1 struea ot unfair allocation in consta nt, Forbes and company, New York, ,eratlon Drioritv of Shrine demands. Marine Heoui-ttlna " , . , . Common law ot tracts requires accept ed orders be filled and we insist upon ample equipment being furnish to Shriners. Shrine committee being overwhelmed with telegrams protest ing your action regarding treatment. It is apparent Shrines and Nobles of United States will not silently sub mit." The telegram Is signed by Ben W. Oleott, governor of Oregon; Geo. L. Baker, mayor of Portland; Fred G. Bnchtel, chairman state railway com mission; Edgar B. Piper, editor Ore gonian; L. R. Wheeler, editor Tele gram; C. E. Ingalls, president Oregon tentorial association; H. B. VanDuser, president Portland chamber of convi merce; W. J. Hoiiman, general im man Shrine committee; A. H. Lea, potentate Alcadar Temple. Copies of the protest are also being forwarded to Senators McNary and Chamberlain. English All-Wool Suits Available In U.S.at$3S New York, Way 14. England is ready to sell to American merchants men's clothing, all wool, that can be retailed at a 20 per cent profjt at $38.40 each, according to J. C. Shan non, member of a London manufac turing concern. "We can produce suits, transport mem io America, pay the duty and sell them to the Rebels Slowly Breaking Defense Line Surrounding Carranza; Surrender of Federal Force on Border Is Forseen lays prolonged the war four months ! Shanno" asserted retailer for $32 each." HOSVltal Inmate d. 'The same qualltvl suits are now selling here from 60 to 9U. unnecessarily was "practicallv the nn ly charge of unfavorable results from the many alleged sins of omission and commission" the officer had ascribed to the department, Secretary Daniels today told the senate naval investiga tion committee. It was fully refuted, he added, by the admiral's own testi mony. Admiral Sims based his estimate of an unnecessary loss of 500,000 lives on an average loss for the allies of three thouand men a day, Mr. Daniels said. The loss of 300,000 men a day for four months falls short of half a mil lion," the secretary said. Reasonlug Erratic. The admiral based the -charge on assumption that had there been a mil lio American men in France by March 1918, the war would have en ded four months sooner, Mr. Daniels said, and completed the reasoning by assuming the tonnage losses of 1917 prevented carrying that number of the troops overseas by that date and that failure of the American nnw In on. operate heartily in the first months of deeath- But a ffw da'8 after she For 52 Years Is Dead At Age 102 Daniel McCarty, aged 108 years, and an Inmate of the state hospital for the insane for the past S3 years, died at the institution Thursday af ternoon. McCarty was committed to the old Hawthorne institute, Portland, from Mutlnomah county, October 23, 1868, and was transferred to the state hospital here in 1883. There Is no rec ord of McCarty's birthplace or of any relatives, all the records of the Haw Big Transport Carries Czechs And Huns Home San Francisco, May 14. The great army transport Mount Vernon, said byUw in.H..t. h.,.w w Ht,.. some shipping experts here to be the ed by fire. He was by far the oldest biggest vesselto ever cross the Pacific patient at the Btate toiplUI.' both In ocean, bid farewell to San Francisco I point of age and vearg spent at the iuUvjp ucr imootug mrougn a cycie or institution. uuveiuure. sne is Gearing a detach ment of 8000 Ciecho-Slovak soldiers and 600. German and Austrian prison ers of war Irom Vladivostok to Ham burk for transport home and ultimate repartiation. In the brief period since her arrival here last November the Mount Vernon has known mutiny, fire and violent the. war resulted in the heavy tonnage losses. J "It Is not necessary to wander far into the realm of statistics or techni cal questions to show the absolute fal-1 lacy of Admiral Sims' claim," Mr. ' Daniels said. He informed the commit-1 dropped anchor in "man o'war row" In the harbor following her arrival from New York, 100 members of the crew were saidto have quit following the discovery of an oil rag In the food. ' A few days later an unprecedented "northerly gale hit the bay and the Mount Vernon dragged her anchor Houser Cleared Of Using Office For Own Profit tee that the net tonnage available for " ceZ'Z the allies May 1, 1917, as 27,000.000 . , J ' ' -i,vvv,vvv hlh flfna ahM m fnraaH tr, turn Knob- Constantinople. May 12. Charge the French steamer ouirah could not have been robbed by Black Sea Mates May 6 without connivance of Pwwns employed on the ship were de by 300 indignant, passengers of ,A f aft wh landed here today in 1 driving rain. Penniless and enraged, the passen Be Joined In denouncing the British Mttport c0mro oft,ce &t Batum tne altar, of British authorities to dls" th?o . r0bber3 before ey boarded !,mh and ,he negligence of the wrashlp company In not maintaining S f 3"' 11 8eem8 e fact the m mt mo,e8t the ship's safe used suspicion on the part of pas- , Turk Leiide, ""Won. Mt r Condemned. er of T wl.A yuala.pna KPmnl Asia ifi "'itiunauBi torceR in was condemned to death 81 an "iraordinary court-mfl5-tl.il hnlH k, , T ""t'nople Wednesday accord- Coast To Coast Air Passenger Route Announced Chicago, May 14. An aerial pas senger line operating daily between Chicago and New York and San Fran cisco is a new project announced by Bion J; Arnold, president of the air board of Chicago at a meeting of the board yesterday. He said that ten ships with a carrying capacity of twenty six persons each were .under construction. tons. It is a matter of common know ledge that on Way 1, 1918, the tonnage was less than on May 1, 1917. Test!. mony given by Admiral Sims would indicate that the net loss during the year was about two million tons. This is probably a sufficiently close esti mate for practical purposes. Now, then owing to the tonnage the allies had been reduced from 27,000,000 on May 1, 1917, to 25,000 ,000 on May 1, 1918. Yet it is admitted by Admiral Sims that In the spring of 1918 American troops were transported to France at the rate of nearly 300,000 a month or more than ten times the rate to which he said transportation had been re tricted in 1917 because of the des truction of tonnage. There was never a time, the wit ness eaid, when tonnage was not av ailable to carry iroops. and . svipplle to France as fast as they could be landed and trnsjxrted to the front. "As a matter of fact the American army materially shortened the war," said Secretary Daniels. "It got to the front as soon as it was humanly pos ble, not by a, chance but as a result of careful plans lnv61vlng complete co operation between the army and navy, carefully .carried out." high seas she WHS forced to turn back because of a stubborn fire in her hold, a mysterious flooding of het engine rooms with fresh water, and supposed trouble with the crew. She finally made Vladivostok and on her return one of the German prisoners commit ted suicide by hanging himself In an obscure corner of the engine Voom. His body was not discovered for nearly a week. Proposal Rejected Girl Shoots Self Chicago, May 14. Miss Mary White last night shot herself after her leap year proposal had been rejected by Joseph Keller. ,Miss White invited Keller to dinner, took him to a picture show and sug gested a walk In the park. There she proposed marriage and announced she had furnished an apartment for Kel ler. . Her wounds are not serious, hosptlal attaches say. , Portland, . Or., May 14. Max H. Houser, second vice president of the federal, grain corporation, has been fully exonerated of charges made by a federal grand Jury at Spokane that he had used his office to bring profits to himself In grain deals. Lester .. Humphreys, United States attorney for Oregon, announced Houser's vin dication Thursday, following an inves tigation of the case which had been in progress for several weeks past. In a statement accompanying the announcement, Humphreys said: "I find that Mr, Houser personally and through his companies did not make immense profits. The profits were small. There was no violation of law; no lmnroper use by Mr. Houser of his position, and no evidence of manipulation of wheat prices by of ficials of the grain corporation. On the contrary the evidence shows Mr. Houser sacrificed his time and busi ness to the work of the grain corpo ration." A new steamboat has been launched for service in the Cowlitz river. It will have a capacity for 30 passengers. Daring Train Robbery Near Chicago Ends In Death of Youthful Bandit Who Barracades Self In Apartment Chicago, May 14. One of the mostf daring train robberies In the middle Rrfjr.'o T4nJ1 TT west in recent years ended this morn--'-''H.o ii Ulll J y ing In the death of a lone Danau wno last night looted the Illinois Central i New Orleans Limited and the recovery A special election will be held at Bend May 21 for the purpose of vot ing on a bond issue of (21,000 for a city park. Master Plumbers of Oregon Gather Here F or Great Convention Wiunb autos and trains . 150 ft , "'"r wives irom all ornlw t arrived here this m or?, aMend tne nineteenth an- huo,! - the regon State v-rt ot faster Plumbers. The completing arrangements at various hotels where the guests will remain during the convention. Between three and four o'clocn in the afternoon the ladies accompany ing th. nliimhrn to the convention st ne o'ri f85011" formally (began : city were tendered a reoeptlon in the I rooms of the Y. W, C. A. special en- day eve-, tertainment was provided, anu aie:u matrons made sure that the visitors I,. " feceptlon, committee the w-ere made most welcome and pleas kn. irS' i0 of f'fmbers. with a ant the state t lneomlnS visitors at Little business was transacted at oed1 r grounds at , 1 1 o'clock, the preliminary session In the after- (rrsnd n, ,- aut09 they led tho 1 noon. The plumbers nd their wives 'em w j T- guest to whom ail plan to attend theaters tonight. - tnig afiapnH j i II V .. . . ",u" " " ' "use banquet Saturda 1th Jng a n homage today to the dub ..nary session opened the "Sua auditoriu one In Saturday at nine o'clock the plumb ers wives will be treated to a coun try drive around the city, and will m of the rnmmt.ri.lal k hn-n the various state institutions dVlnL .... .... .. .i. tkA efoom , w"n. an address Beginnln at tne same .unit- th. ' Walter Denton. All of nlumbers will open active business tii,. . '-"wrs and ,t.. , . 1 l- . -InMmawfal il lllV COD- wives, rf-ore-.sesi"Dn luo - neiS. r,,v., ----- nS almost ev-r :... L tvention headqua ? in th, ch ? l" Kale ventlon will be closed with a mam- Prt,,ff,lbers' This -""on'moth banquet at the Elk club Bat J by registration and urdiy evening. . of currency estimated to total nearly $100,000. , One policeman shot by the handit Is dying and another is seriously wound ed. The bandit was Identified as Horace Walton ,aged 32, of St. Joseph, Mo. He fell with four bullets in his body after barricading himself in his apart ment and fighting a pitched battle more than 100 police, Walton boarded the train a few miles from Kangakee last night. A Decatur pounch containing registered ! mail was taken on the train. As the flyer pulled out of Kanka kee, Walton stepped Into tne mall car and announced he was the postal Int- spector. He then drew a gun and com manded "hands up." . Four of the clerks were ordered to lay on the floor and the fifth was forcedto- bind their hands. Walton then tied the fifth man's hands and set about a leasurely sorting of the mail pouches. With the clerk's key, he picked out and "rifled the bags which contained shipments of money, remarking that "it's easy when you have lnidde infor mation." A traveling bag appropriated from one of the clerks furnished a re ceptacle for the money. Walton kept up a running fire of banter with the clerks until the train reach South Chicago shortly before 1 a, m. There he leaped out. Fifteen minutes later, Patrolmen William A. Roberts and John Ken drlcks met Walton. Roberts stepped forward to question the man. Walton fired through his coat and Roberts fell, shot In the head and sida. Policeman Roberts died later this morning. Ht is survived by the wid ow and five children, the eldest of whom is six years old. : Walton leaped Into the areaway of an apartment building, while Kend ricks opened fire. After an exchange of shots the police dashed forward and Walton dropped-the bag and fled to an apartment house a half block away Police rifle squads surrounded the building and for more than an hour poured hundreds of bullets Into Wal ton's apartment. He returned the fire steadily, using two guns, and then sud denly stopped. Detective Chief Moo ney found Walton on the floor, dead, wtih four bullets in his body. Loggers In Camp Seatle, Wash., May 14. Two armed bandits late last night held up the en tire crew of the Admiralty logging camp near Edmonds, Wash., 'searched the men individually and escaped with $300 in cash. . The camp Is the same one which was robbed two years ago by a lone bandit who shot and killed Frank Jones, a logger, who attempted to throw a chair at him. According to word received at Salem ! airplane service will be started Tine 1 between Portland and Salem. Express Robbery Baffles Officers Spokane, Wash., May 14. Police and railroad special agents today were seeking to learn the identity of rob bers who stole $10,000 In currency from the cashier's cage of the express office in the Great Northern station here last night at a 'time when a score of railway and express employes were In and about the station and made their escape. ,. , What made the feat all the more re markable, officers said today, was the fact that the money, partly in silver, weighed some fifty pounds. Between five and six thousand dollars in cur rency was left scattered about the floor of the cage by the robbers, who according to the story of H. A. Peter son, the express agent, struck him down and beat him Into insensibility. McNary Urges 1 OregbnTd Back Hirmanlohnson Washington, May 14. Senator Mo Nary has reversed his position as a neutral in the republican presidential contest and Issued a statement declar ing for Senator Johnson, saying he hopes that Oregon will declare for the California senator at the primaries. Heretofore McNary has stoutly main tained he would indorse no one and those who seek an explanation ot the present turn of affairs believe that It lies In the personal friendship exist ing between McNary, Johnson and Borah. ' Since Johnson returned here from his recent campaign tour he and Bor ah have sought conferences with Mo Nary, and it is believed they recalled that they "went to the bat" for him when he was engaged In a struggle with Robert N. Stanfteld at the Ore gon primaries two years ago. McNary' statement was handed to Johnson for use today and It is ex pected will be used extensively In the final days of the campaign In Oregon. In it he said; "Rooted to the west by birth and knowledge of Its destiny, I feel Justi fied in stating my preference for a far western man, who, by environment and sympathy, Is of the west and de voted to Its development. Senator Johnson of California, in my Judg ment, fulfills the measure of oui hopes. His personal views on foreign affairs, whether we agree or differ, must yield to the overpowering force of public opinion. I entertain no fear of his boldness. I have an abiding faith in his innate desire to serve the public. Under the conditions that pre vail I should like to see Oregon Join with California and Montana and othr er western stuto In giving Senator Johnson its support, as that result will demonstrate to the country that the west stands for a man who knows her possibillbs of achievement and who will give assistance to her ambitions." Pope Presides Over Ceremony Of Canonization McCroskey And Wilson To Go To Pendleton Meet T. E. McCroskey, manager of ihe Commercial club, and his assistant, C. E. Wilson, will leave this city un day night for Pendleton where th-:y will attend as delegates from the Sa lem Commercial club the second an nual convention of the Oregon Htate I association of Commercial club see 'retaries, on Monday and Tuesday, It was announced at the offices of the club Friday. , Reports from Pendleton Indicate that attendance at the convention will rival any former meeting of the secretaries, and it Is believed that a be CARRANZA EXPECTED TO Bl'KKEKSER SELF TODAY El Paso, Texas, May 14. Surrender some time today of President Carran za and his forces, said to be surround ed near Rinconada, Puobla, was pre dicted In a telegram from General Al varo Obregon, former candidate for the precidency of Mexico, received to day by Luis Montes De Oca, Mexican revolutionary "consul" at El Paso. MexlcaU Quiet. . CalexlcQ, Cal.a May , 14. A quiet night was reported from MexlcaU, across the international boundary, where there were rumors of revolu tion late yesterday. . Governor Esteban Cantu personally took charge ot his troops last night, spending the night in tho cuartel. where various suspected persons were taken under arrest and questioned at length . - American troops were watching with extra vigilance, having been ask ed to do so yesterday by Governor Cantu. : . . ' El Paso, Texas, May 14.' Adolto De La Huerta, supreme commander of the revolutionary movement In Mexico han Issued a call for the Mexican con gress to convene and name a provision al president, It was announced here today. - , 1 . Rome, May 13. Solemn ceremonies for the canonization of Gabriel Pos senti and Marie Alaooq-ufr'wehe held In St. Peters today. Pope Benedict was carried in the chair of state to the highly beneficial convention will cathedral, being surorunded by a gor-'.staged, geous retinue of Roman nobility and 1 general officers, of religious orders. ! RUMANIAN KIXO AND SwIrs guards preceded the procession, j QUEEN POSTPONE VISIT When the procession entered the) Bucharest, May 12. King Ferdl cnthedral the choir sang "Ave Maria Band and Queen Marie of Rumania Stella." Throngs of French pilgrims have decided to postpone their visit ijreeted the pontiff with loud cheers, to the United States until next spring, waving handkerchiefs and holding up Problems facing this country are r.o religious objects 'for the apostolic numerous and s?rlous, the king said blessing, which the pope benevolently today, that he is unable to leave tne Imparted with his upraised hand. country at the present time. Sinn Fein Riots Continue; More Barracks Burned Dublin, May 14. Several addition al attacks on government property and other incidents occurred In vari ous parts of Ireland last night, . but the reports Indicated that the activity was nothing like the scale ot Wed nesday night's demonstration. The police barracks, court house and post office In Bureau, County Limerick, were burned, while a motor van con taining provisions for the police was burned near Sheverle. Hoover Declares For "Open Shop" Washington, May 14. "The princi ple of Individual freedom requires the tnn shop," Herbert Hoover declared today In testifying before the senate labor committee at hearings on pro posed legislation for the settlement ot industrial unrest. Mr. Hoover, who was a member of President Wilson's second industrial conference, said he did not believe the relationship between employers and employes could be settled "by any form of legal repression, whether It be by injunction, compulsory arbrltrutlon or industrial courts. "In the actual practice of the opin ion of the various devices they fall In to two general classes sharing of profits and sharing of savings," Mr. Hoover said. "It 1 difficult to reach a fair basis of settlement. Tho occa sional misuse of the system has led to the opposition of organisation labor. "If profit sharing Is to be based on the conception that wage are to be Just and that profits are to be nn ad dition to pay, then It would be In prop er form, but not when used as a wea pon to hold down a man's pay. The intangible agitation in Industrial life concerns the question of a division of surplus, not the question that employ es want to manage the business." The sugar famine has been relieved at Seattle by the arrival of large ship ments from ban Francisco. - (By The Associated Press) Mexican rebel forces have apparently won the first phases pf the battle against troops still loyal to President Carranza which have been fighting in desperate battle north of San Marcos, state of Puebla for the past four days. Advices from Vera Cruz indi cate a break in the Carranza'lines and an effort on the part of the president's men to break through the rebel lines and march north ward. ' ' The struggle is continuing and new rebel reinforcements are reported to have reached the scene, coming up from the south. An International incident may be foreshadowed by the fact that W. A. Brody, British consul for Vera Crux Is In the camp of President Carran za. It seems probable he accompan ied the president in his flight from Mexico City. Briti?h and American authorities in Vera Crui have arrang ed for a Mexican naval lieutenant to go by special train to the battlefield and attempt to rescue the English man. French and British warships nave made their appearance in the harbor of Vera Cruz and four American tight ing vessels are at anchor there. Ne gotiations tor the surrender of Mata moros, across the frontier from Brownsville, Texas, are under way and It Is expected the Carranza lorc- es here will surre,-.der without fight ing today. Hoover Requests Campaign Cease Thruout Oregoa Portland, Or., May 14. Herbert Hoover has requested cessation of all effort in his benalf in the primary campaign in Oregon, according to the construction placed by Chester Q. Murphy, his state campaign chairman, upon Hoover's telegram sent to Mur phy Thursday .and, Murphy last night declared that Hoover's request would be heeded and that no further effort In his behalf would be made in thf state, although It Is now too late to have his name left oft the primary bal lot. Murphy based his action on this) paragraph from Hoover's message as received here; "I understand . that ther are five candidates on the republican ballot (in Oregon . all ot whom have friends Some of these candidates are for and some against the league. No one ot these candidates can wtihdraw. Con sequently there will be a great split In the votes between mere names result ing in the clouding of the vital Issues." The total vote recorded against the no-league' eandldates may give some Indication of Oregon's views and ey-. ery effort should be directed to this) end rather than to the advancement of my name.1' "Inasmuch as the only important candidate before the voters of Oregon, representing no-league' sentiment, ia Hiram Johnson of California, the re quest of Mr. Hoover can be construed only an an urgent request to defeat Mr. Johnson at the local primary of May 21," said Murphy.. "His action Is not understood, however, to be in any sense a withdrawal from candidacy before the Chicago convention." Issue, Not Man, at Stake. ' New York, May 14. Herbert Moo vcr .replying by telegraph today to tho request of the Hoover republican club of Portland, Or., for his "views on var ious matters arising In the Oregon pri maries," declared the republican party "must support the league with reser vations. It must not fall into the trap that the president and Senator John son are enticing it into." . "The president has declared," Mr, Hoover said, "that the democratig par ty must demand the acceptance ot ths league in full as presented by him to the senate. Senator Johnson demands that the republican party oppose tho league altogether. Two more destrua live Mttitudus .towards a great issue could not be found. "The inflexible attitude1 of the pres ident and his supporters and of Sena tor Johnson and his supporters has brought this Issue Into the election at an Immeasurable moral and economia cost to our own , country and to th world. If the republican party, how ever, is to voice the will of the people and is not to forfeit the certainty o leaderhip In the next four years, It must embrace the great opportunity which the majority of the American people are prepared to give It "I therefore hope," he added, "that the more than a thousand clubs that have sprung up In the country advo cating my name at the Chicago con vention will ,ln addition to the prt mary task they have undertaken con tinue to keep to the forefront their real purpose of right alignment of tho party on the many Issues before ua and that they will use their utmost in fluence that the republican platform shall endorse the prompt ratification of he teaty and approve the reservations." Potato Acreage Cut 5 Per Cent Washington, May 14. A five pet cent reduction In the acreage planted! to potatoes as Indicated for this sea son In reports just received by the United States bureau of markets from Its field agents. High prices for potato seed and the; shortage of farm labor were given as) the principal reasons. News Print Convention. Kansas City, Mo., May 14. A con ference to discuss the news print sit uation as It affects the editors of small town papers will be held In Kansas) City May 22. LATE BULLETINS Washington, May 14. An attempt to pass the legislative, ex ecutive and judicial appropriation bill over President Wilson a veto was made today in the house. Washington, May 14-After providing for an appropriation of $40,000,000 for the army air service, an increase of about thir teen million dollars over the house bill, the senate military com mittee today ordered the annual army appropriation bill favor ably reported to the senate. .Washington, May 14. Enactment of the army and navy pay bill was completed today with the adoption of the conference by the house and senate. The measure now goes to the president..