Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 13, 1920, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Art Exhibition
Presents Many
Fine Canvasses
Yesterday afternoon and evening,
.md again this afternoon. Salem art
livers were availing themselves of the
opportunity offered by the Salem Arm
league, to view the work of the most
notable artii-ts of the northwest, the
exhibit of their paintings being made
iu the sample room of the Hotel Mar
ion. The exhibition will continue this
evening and again tomorrow afternoon
and evening. The public la cordially
Invited to attend.
Unexpected contributions by local
art patrons, were added to the Hxt of
thing already mentioned, yesterday.
Col. E. Hofer ha lent the beautiful
Madonna by Sjiss ifernto, and Mia Sal
Iv Bushdded two canvases, "Indian
t Drinking IMace in the Insert" by
A. W. Best, and "California Red
woods," by Frank Heath, both Cali
fornia artists. She also sent In some
of her most wonderful Chinese and
Japanese bionics, Benares brass an
objects, sandlewood screen, silver
vases and a number othe rare things.
Mrs, N. C. Kafoury has likewise
added much to the exhibit by numer
ous articles .Including works In cop
ier, brass. Alution Island hand-woven
baskets, silver bowl and hammered
brass vases from Damascus and Syria.
uU of which are priceless.
The cunvnses by Uiistln are among
the most Interesting of all the pictures
bolh because he is so widely known,
nrid on account of hi wonderful hand
ling of his subjects. "Eastern Au
tumn," is notable for Its freshness
and brilliancy of color, without sacri
fice of harmony. His "New Knglund
village," Is a splendid exposition of
Hie vllinitliin of color, and has a pro
itoimeed atmospherical charm.
The contribution of Paul Loiirltz,
are notable, illKpl iylnit a strong Influ
ence of California, although mimy of
his pictures are of Alaskan scenes. lie
U an artist whose work Is distinctive.
Charlotte Wish's "In the Studio," is
l.fuutlful in Its smoothness and color
harmony. H Is one of the few pic
tures with -a number of articles In a
small space that does mt look stuffy.
Her selection of odd Chinese blues Is
especially happy, combined wllh the
auburn haired girl,
"Hprlngttme," and "Dawn," by Clyde
1,eoii Keller, of Portland, reealls In
stantly all the freshness of nature nnd
all the charming dreams of childhood
nnd youth. His "Barn on tho Hill," la
a ijotable exnmnle of the possibilities
iu the simplest thing, when handled
by an artist. ,
K. Bruce Rnrsfall lit probably giving
more generally-felt pleasure than liny
exhibitor by his wonderful pictures of
birds. He Is recognized as tho great
est portrayer of birds In the United
states, and Salem folk may well ap
preciate the privilege of seeing hW
work at flmt hand. Hul Mr. Korsftill
is not content to confine his talents to
birds aluiie, lie Is represented by a
number of landscapes as well as the
remarkublu canvas, "The Pioneer."
J. Minion Crook of Astoria hns sent
mine of his best work, which is com
ing In for a good deal of praise.
"Drifting Kog." Is representative of his
eiyle of painting, which Is illstlngubl
cd by remarkable delicacy of color and
atmospherical effect.
The exhibition contains no more
striking pictures than those by Henry
Wents of Portland, "Still Life," unci
"Pushing tiff the Ilont," The vivid
coloring In the former and the llfo In
the bitter make them exceedingly In
teresting. The two paintings by 8., a
.lupuneie artist of Portland, are worth
a good deal of study and quiet con
templation. They belong to tho Im
pressionistic school, but while much of
the oolor Is strong it is always circum
spect; deep blue of sky and water,
reds that are brownish In tone, never
"Lupin in Bloom," Is by Melville T.
Wire, of Oregon City, Who goes In for
the modern, contemporary art with
earnestness, and acquires a result that
Is both pleasing and effeotlve.
II. Monroe Gilbert of Balem is rep-
luesnted b,y his picture "Kurly Spring,"
which was uccoriKM n place in me re
cent Portland exhibit. II Is a charm
ing thing, confined to greens that are
emerald and olive, and are to be found
only In "early spring."
Miss Laura Pratt Is another local
artist to exhibit. Her canvas "Sun
set," Is essentially an Oregon product,
being not only executed by an Oregon
artist and of an Oregon scene, but
mado with paint, the product of Dra
gon minerals. It is a new experiment
nnd one worth watching. The paint
seems to meet every requirement of
an artist, having the desired pastel
flnlnh and not having the objection-
able gloss of oil paint, yet retaining the
hitter's quality In handling. It is also
described us being fireproof.
Only a few of Fred Strickland's
sketches are shown. The others, 115
If you are troubled' with patni or
uchet; feel tirtil; have headache,
indigestion, uisotrmia; painful pass
l of urine, you will find relief in
The world's standard rttnsdy for ktdnsr,
lir, bladder and uric acid troubles snd
Kalional KsmsJjr of Holland sine 16j&
Tare nuts, sit drufjiita. Qusrsnutd
ImV fm tlx hm Gobi Mated m en twa
in all. will be shown at the city library
Saturdjy afternoon and evening. Mr .
Strickland Jo come up for the latter
period to t ilk on the work, which Is j
a account of his trip from j
Oregon to Germany and return.
Other work of interest Is that lent by
: Mrs. Eita Squire 8eely. It Is a number!
iof portraits done with crow's quill i
! pens by Herbert Searle of Denver, and
represents an entirely new Mne of ar
tistic expression.
Eastern Firm
Asks Permission
To Operate Here
Application for permission to operate
in Oregon has been filed with the state
corporation department here by the
Chns. H. Lilly company, a Delaware
corporation capitalized at $1,150,000.
Horace A. Cashing of Portland is
named as attorney in fact for Oregon.
rernnssion to operate in Oregon was I
granted, Wednesday, to the Pacific !
Lighterage company of Tacoma, Wash
Prank J. O'Connor of Portland is gen
eral agent for the corporation in Ore
gon. Article of incorporation were filed
here Wednesday as follows:
Lawson Cypress Lumber company,
Murshfield. $25,000: H. E. Quift, Cor
nelius A. Lagerstrom and C. F. Mc
Knlght. La Grande Maccabee Building asso
ciation. La Grande, 40.000; E. G. Don
ahue, J. A. Russell, J. K. Fitzgerald
and others.
- United Buttery Service, Inc., Port
land, $25,000; William C. Carlton, C.
C. lfofele Jr., and Corliss II. Topping.
The North Eend District Improve
ment company, Weiser, Idaho (pro
ject located In Malheur county, Or.),
$1100: R. A.Vunnlngham, Peter Iver
son. Charles M. Van ISuren nnd others.
A certificate showing an lncrease In
capitalization from $10,000 to $25,000
wus'f iled by the Schmidt Lumber com
pany of Astoria,
Albany. The latest Linn County
establishment to announce Its Inten
tion of resuming business, after ces
sation of operations durln gthe war,
is the Albany Mill Elevator Com
pany, formerly one of the largest
grain buyers In the county; It has
warehouses here nnd nt Tangent and
Is also to run a flour mill at Albany.
Portland. Orders for store fronts
are coming Into the Johnson Manu
facturing Company at such a rate
that a new department to handle
these has been installed and the
company Is making plans for Increase
Ing Its capacity. The concern has
hitherto specialized In bedroom and
dining room sets, piano stools and
writing desks.
Crowns (Anterior)
Crowns (Posterior
Bridge work. Gold
Thone 1500
204-5 Gray Building
Corner Stnte and Liberty Streets
That have been overhauled throughout and in excellent
condition. We back them
Five passenger Ford, repainted .. ........ - $450
Dodge Roadster, repainted, Al shape ... .................800
1917 Maxwell, perfect ...... 725
1916 Reo four, repainted ............800
2 i-4 ton Truck, like new, guaranteed 1900
191 S Dort, perfect shape ... .. ..-.700
Cadillac Roadster .. ......... - 350
1917 Buick 6,7 passenger - -.1450
You must see these to appreciate real value
, Will have Dort Cars Saturday
j , .
! M CLt 1 ft Jty (jlVCTl
Decision In Main
Portland Battle
Portland, Or., May 13. Johnny Mc
Carthy, San Francisco welterweight,
won a close decision over Frankie
Murphy of Denver at the end of ten
round of hard milling here last night.
The bout was a slugging match from
start to finish with both men fight
ing furiously from gong to gong.
Billy Mascott won an eight round
decision over Sammy Gordon. Both
are Portland bamtamweighta.
Joe Mandot, New Orleans light
weight and Muff Bronson otPortland
fought and eight round draw.
Joe Gorman, Portland feather
weight, won from Johnny Fiske of
Rock bland. Ills., in a six round con
test. '
Yankee Out of Piny.
Newcastle. County Down, Ireland,
Mav 13. The last of the American en-
-,,.. i ,k. d,i,i.i, i
champlonshlo tournament was ehmi-
nated today. Miss Marlon Holiins of
Westbrook. Long Island, the only
American survivor was defeated in the
fourth round by Miss Molly Griffith
who won by a score of 6 up and four to
Major League Scores
R. H. E.
Philadelphia 3 9 2
Pittsburg 6 9 0
Rixey and Wltherow; Carlson, Ham
ilton and Schmidt.
Cleveland 9 11 1
Boston : 7 10 2
Caldwell, Morton and Thomas,
Bush, Russell and Schang.
Chicago 8 11 2
New York 14 20 1
Williums, LowdermUk, Payne and
Schalk.-Lynn: Thomahlen, Bhawkey
It Is an old proverb that every man
is either a fool or a physician at 40.
Well, I fooled along for 40 years m
the practice of pharmacy and the
study of medicine and therapeutics
before I discovered the wonderful
prescription for Number 40 for" The
Blood. There is more of this wonder
ful prescription sold and used by the
people of our home city than all other
blood medicines combined. It is In
dicated in all depraved conditions of
the system; In blood troubles, in sores
ulcers, eczema and skin diseases; In
chronic rheumatism, catarrh, consti
putlon, stomach, kidney ana liver
troubles. J. C. Mendonhall, Evansvllle
Why Do You
Neglect to visit a dentist when you know
that the longer f is put off the bigger the job
Little cavaties grow to big ones, then the nerve is exposed.
A toothache results and you finaly end up at the dentists.
If this little cavatie would have been filled when you first
noticed it you would have saved both time and money.
Note our pre-war prices and compare them with others.
We guarantee our work.
Gold or
.0 to $7.00
Porcelain Fillings 12.00 up
Silver Fillings 1.00 up
Cement Fillings $1.00
Cleaning Teeth $1.00
Removing Nerve $2.50
Extractions $1.00
I and Hannah. . i
' St. Louis 5 8 I '
Philadelphia :. .. 4 12 1;
Naylor, Bigbee and Perkins.
ICoast League Scores
I At San Francisco R. H. E.i
'Seattle 3 i
j &an rrancisco a
i Brenton and Baldwin: Scott anni
' Agnew. I
I At Los Angeles
i Portland 1 5
'.Los Angeles J 10
!. Poison, Juney and Koehler;
tCrandall and Bawler.
At Salt Lake
Oakland .... 4 1 1
Salt Lake . 5 12 t
Kremer, Win and Spellman; Stroud
t and Jenkins.
I At Sacramento
! Vernon .. 3 13 I.
Sacramento 3 . 1 .
Small wood and Devormer; Pennerj
and Cook. (11 innings.)
Bearcats To Play
Pacific Tossers
j i ne v itiameue oeaicaio m tiaj .
Pacific university in Forest Grove Frl-;
day. Willamette won 13-4 In the!
game here, and is confident of repeat- J
ing the dose. Coach Mathews will use
"Toughy" Irvine or Harold Dimick in ,
the box. The team is looking good in
practice this week, with "Squint" Dim-!
ick, who sprained his ankle in the!
game with the penitentiary team, back
in the infield. Two games will be
played next week in Portland, Friday
with Multnomah club and Saturday
with North Pacific Dental college.
The largest prune orchard th the
United States Is near Eugene. .
One county in Oregon, Umatilla
county, produces one per cent of the
wheat of the United States.
Ind., 40 years a druggist. "I suffered
from 12 to 18 mofiths with a nervous
breakdown, said by physicians to be
sciatic neuralgia, causing general tox
lc poisoning. Seeing your advertise
ment in the San Antonio Express, I
called on Dr. A. M. Fisher, druggis
He recommended Number 40 which
I have been using for three months
and I have received great benefit
from it. Sleep well, good appetite, have
gained several pounds, get up feeling
fresh every morning. Have no pains.
My nervous system has become near
ly normal." Respectfully, J. L. Du
pree, 1715 Common St., Houston, Tex
as. Sold at Schaefers drug store, (ad)
Over Hartman Bros.
Jewelry Store
Keen Interest Is
Being Displayed
In Clean Up Work
Never In the history of Salem has so
keen an interest ben displayed in the
city's beauty and cleanliness as is be
ing shown now, J. W. Maruny, promi
nent florist and landscape gardener of
the city said today in speaking of the
clean-up campaign. Almost every
citizen is doing something to better the
city's apeparance, Mr. Maruny said
that he had observed with the splendid
result that the City is fast donning its
prettiest dress.
Mr. Maruny, with a crew of men, were
preparing the flower beds on the court
house square tcftay for the emblem
atic gardens planned for those plots.
City Street Commissioner Low said
this morning that he is encountering
"more trash than he thought he
would" in sending men around to haul
away the refuse placed at the alleys'
Public Forum,
To the Editor: Will you grant me
your earnest attention for a few mo
ments in the interests of our state, our
whole society, and in behalf of law
and order and right, as opposed to
In the matter of the death penalty,
let me again urge that It be forever
abolished. When we know that the
states having capital punishment are
the ones wherein lynchings occur with
greatest frequency; that there is rare
ly a lynching In state not having
death penalties; that in Michigan,
o . Another Royal Suggestion
From the New Royal Cook Book
CHEER tip! There is
no further reason for
worrying about table va
riety. The new Royal Cook
Book gives new suggestions
for every meal every day.
The book is so full of sur
prises there will never be
another . dull meal in the
home. Here are a few sug
gestions from the new
Royal Cook Book.
Plain Pastry :
This recipe Is for one large
pie with top and bottom crust
2 cups flour
H teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons Royal Baking
H cup shortening
cold water
Sift together flour, salt and bak
ing powder; add shortening and
rub In very lightly with tips of
fingers (the less it is handled the
belter the paste will be). Add
cold water very slowly, enough
to hold dough together (do not
work or knead dough). Divide
in halves', roll out one part thin
on floured board and use for
bottom crunt After pie Is filled
roll out other part for top.
Rich Pastry
i cups pastry flour .
H teispoon Royal Baking
H teaspoon salt
cup shortening '
cold water
Sirt flour, baking powder and
salt; add one-half shortening
How Firestone Is - Wf lSSSSS- V)
ated Inner Tube " W
Still Hold to Bil
Firestone Man Power: Firestone
has gathered together a remark
able body of workers, 17,000 strong
-many of them stockholders in the
Company. Men financially inter
ested in the success of their prod
uct do better work.
Firestone Buying Power: Firestone
has established purchasing head
quarters at Singapore in the
Straits Settlement where 85 of
the world's rubber is produced.
Ihus Firestone gets first choice
where capital punishment Is unknown
lynching is not thought of; and when
we know the terrible sults of either
legal or mob hanging, should we not,
in common justice to society and the
condemned men or women tnemselvs
keep the death penalty off our statute
books? The prosecuting attorney of
in population; a prosecutor well
known for his rigid enforcement of
laws as well as his fairness, says,
do not believe in capital punishment
There is no correcting a mistake af
ter an accused is put out of the way
and we must recognize the fact that
mistakes occur in court as elsewhere.
With the great influence of the
public press, a man accused of a
heinous crime may be convicted be
fore he is even tried. Punishment by
death is a relic of the past ages. It
has no place in civilized society."
This, from a student of criminology;
a hard headed criminal lawyer and
public prosecutor, is food for serious
Aside fro mthe injustice to the con
demned or accused, is the injustice to
society. Criminals should be restrain
ed from further crime. Juries rarely
find a woman guilty, if it means a
death penalty. They get off scot free,
(26 out of 27 In Chicago tried for
murder were freed, while over 75 per
cent are convicted on other charges
and sent to prison.) This is no protec
tion to society. Those female criminals
should be confined, restrained; and
would be, had imprisonment been pos
sible under the law.
. Sentiment in other states against
capital punishment is strong, and
growing daily. It is in our own state.
Now, while this legislature is in ses-
Absolutely Purd
m. avrui uim
of the raw product at quantity
prices. And this saving is turned 4
back to car owners.
Firestone Selling Power Fire
stone's immense production re
quires a widespread distribution
system. Sixty-five branches and
46,000 dealers throughout the
United States selling Firestone
Tubes assure a fast-moving prod
uct, which means fresh stock at
all times most miles per dollar
in tubes as well as Ores,
sion, I submit
humanitarian 6teP -hi i
stop public killings a c !"
the vanguard or progrtLrS k
lours very respT" ,
Oregon state exJ10 -league
for the Pr.v." i.
I Crime. uuoaWT
I J2
and rub In lightly with flnmnv
add water slowly until of nRht
consistency to roll out Divide is
halves; roll out one half thin
put on In small pieces half r
mainlng shortening; fold upper
told sides la to center, fold sidei
to center again; roll out thin and
put on pie plate. Repeat with
other halt for top crust.
Apple Pie .
1H cups flour
1 teaspoons Royal Baking
H teaspoon salt
I tablespoons shortening
4 apples, or 1 quart sliced apples
8 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon milk
Sift flour, baking powder and
salt; add shortening and rub is
very lightly; add just enough
cold water to hold dough to
gether. Roll half out on Houred
board, line bottom of pie plate;
fill In apples, which have been
washed, pared and cut Into this
slices; sprinkle with sugar; Ha
vor with cinnamon or nutmeg;
wot edges of cruat with cold
water; roll out remainder of pas
try; cover pie, pressing edgei
tightly together and bake Is
moderate oven 30 minutes.
By all means get the new
Royal Cook Book Just out.
Contains these and 400 other
delightful, helpful recipes.
Free for tho asking. Write
lit Fulton StKot
! York Otj
KJU.1 o
ti :sny, nuiY.
alem Velie Company;
r 1 .
162 North Commercial
' U
,.. , M s ie - 1 1 I'li '! 5
.( in ,i 1 1