Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 13, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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l;:ords of
, jrio
quirement that injured employes noti
fy employer of injury as condition lor
claiming liability.
Helped effort to Kill oleo bill or take
teeth out of U and finally voted for bill
in it jnodified form.
Voted against rood cutumitte on
prpdure. ' :
.Mcd aguinst till ami-pat, nt-uavm;;
h-gbthttlon, evidently having iexao
Salem pavements over to discover
h.o!i were- .sajidiii nu ami whi..h
i were wearing out.
! Author of Mimmlmem . ,.,,;. .u J
oininiari.s of records ; ia soldier voting. Author of ant)
I J:, llllld Aiuituwlli.. Kill
represents- f ' "' . . " " . .. "
Foreign Trade
Needs Dioissed
At Contention
cort them to that city.
body of citiens ever went frm Salem 'and that they were repairing the rail-, biles from
. perhap. on football or a.hleUei"1 WtWe,"U "
aeroguns. But it was apparent on cv- j Ul,
v., n.uiu inai Mnieui, tne so-callea hot' . nrrM Directs Battle.
octi or opposition, intends to heln
I gene and CirvallLs put oer the better
! cilifti-nshin vr,friiii ulii.-ti .1,..,. .... .
irtt-d. .... , comma mica by I'n-sideiit Cnrarnsa tie- "" vancy; ana nun
who will es- caravan.
u.i. f..i- re-election
?YC. Chapman in the
" Tbey Impurtially and
P T. ,,i.tic. achievement
i .-its r.H, against !.;
jiational measures, against
a. .win roan appro
" , t ..or of much freak
f8 "......m.4 nuasi cinffle
IPtl' " '
P- ...i bonding
"T .v and against
Mnmitcee " i""" '
lall radical anti-patcnt-pav-
Voted for eaptial punishment.
Voted for K.gue River fjsh hill and
tor mn reorsantting fish and
Missed few roll calls: not regarded
an dodger.
tjulct seldom participated in de
bate; a hard worker on legislation In
which He vw Interested and not with,
out intluinoe in semiring support for
It. .
. . licorice Week.
Voted ajMust a ilarw increases; vut.
ed against 1,000,0(I0 road bond is
me; voted attaint 4 per cent bond llnj.
it; voted against market roads hlllj
vond against rond committee during
procedure; voted fur roud revenue
S in rYanciseo. M iy Krels;n
trade iMdiei. 8 ot the United siaie .md
the assis-cimv available t imturter8
iHiri.-is tiinniH'li fvdoral Kovem- mew alnne,. to wi that l ;p s nc-e-1
H.i maiK ana Aln.rloan trad- eil and without liJ th sin.5,i..n i.
Vera Crux, May It. Kurions fight-; 0)1,0 eonventiwu
iiK betwe.-n rehel tnw's and foreel Three days will In- cpent in th? Vo
tour to tt
Xv .mtMR-iM.' ! furred ?eteday at Ha-hMla 'Tamari. ' pri,wlwl rttlta.ifei.Jifo.uh. ...
Searty ov.ry Kasern- told ' " Nxtloifl wtilm-t mrtb Th'rc 1"'1.v hi '
t Ua; UmI i;d jH.(iniivi:ient- hnt trtf S;m ,arc " f lMe'.l.i. kc- j
rsui wir-teer-nry, as' it- re.piii-. d onlv ' ",ln- oiatcne leeeivcu hrre. !
1 11 j urea of the Uauk fi.-l.l is rt.Kn tet! 1
intluiliiig a Ked Crtmi ear.
an emerseney car, and a HMtvins pie-
Three days will be spent at sueK- ture wurfit to phoiogiaph thv entire
Admen ,T'H.
Mr. tlrsives and Mr. lxtton will
travel in ill-, tiruves' Ws white road
ster, which bits just beifu dolled up
fr th' weasion. .. ...
ton to attend the annual
and oianvri-isl ornnijiations aheoad! wrious,.
. itM'ay oy
ek sites to the seventh nimi...i
rame,vent!tln T , National Koreitcn Trada
council, which "P'-ned its four dava
to bo :-.;ii'o.imnlely five niuarc railed, j f
It 1 said th-n for,, thtin i i IM-uwW. in 0rrunaa is mid. In wirelesi
bvr celH tf the Ktudehl of th w,j,' . at;er ironi )l-xie City to have
veiitv and also of th coll.w an- S'1 '""".v dii-ertcd thfi operations
. .. ; .... .. ... t. ..t..... . -
-nner v Holly jor partially 'lf sustain, rism ouis jueauay. 1
1& The" -made of the riulit kind t Vvrrlth- Worms . have swept the;
sess- .ng hero yesterday. -of stuff end will educate theiutK-lvea." ' so "f tho riHo telesriahic. j J
R. ,M, C:Uklns. viw-preWdent of th However, a hirue number of students '1t'U:"e Ulon has been Interrupted, t
Chkum. & at St i..t . .. ; f ! - .e-n hflti:.v..r. th.. ti..tit-v m.h.!
.- w mi, y raiinnr . tv ttt-it (. 1111.1 m.itrr ouriois tor eany , . v .? . - . t .
fin C.B. Clancey's Window
of Chiinifto, was the chnirman of the' part of ht term because the fatnilittes I 'v'
-ipenl have hcen sent to '
sroup session on traTmnort'itioi. anil of tho in stitution .itv not adeaut t..!"1 ls by rel'l chiefttans. The f
v...,.u.u..H.jMvli wu siui.a on tut. ' "4u-t i;ive tneip wnat tney antieipauti. Jr "" .wvn";t,
tviupnicni ,it r.vport and Import -he 14:111am lull fails to carry fifteen ' """"" " vni""a a iruops hi
Tninsportation." j hundred sluuVnts cannot be ecconumi-1 "hut ls l,tev".' .'"! ,,c the flnnl stantl
He d.dared Umt the KOVrHHicnt j l'it4 year and consequently wit te rebellion. ' ' j
either should conthuio the oiHTationi be deprived of an education. S'leh was. ' tioveriaw Vkw, '
of the nierehitpt murine built up dor-' the iiiiaoiinous expression of the meet-1. JirowiiSville, tftiaa, May 13. (iov
tnK the war under the Vnited plati-s' iS. - i erhor (Justavo Ksplnoso Mhvlea of the
shipping lHwrd, or ) tho tleot to' At the dose of the program in the Mexican sHte of Coahuiln crojised to:
Amerieans at prices thev euubl afford 'assembly hall, the iiueats were escort. ! i, .. 1,.., ,, i.i , hi., i;,.n.i.. ,,11,-!
10 pa -. ino government should not etl to llentliicRa hall where a hantpiet
V.-.....1 .... 1 .,..... t-"iiiiiunt naouiti iitu. 10 in milieus nun n one it imiiquet . ,.ILI v tot lav. turcica was mintt'il lis I bill leSal-l reuealiul- nTmii-J. 1 pi'rmlt th" shi',s bevond the' v.aM st rved by the Indies and toasts ; ii ,hat ,)u. Bovernors t.f Tan.-1 '
, . . j .... ..t, v t.itn Kvt-i. 1 itiiittit. iir r.lltl. 1 I- oil' IVO i'K i"uu. log .tint 1 mum ,s
and voted t
aton .v u""'!
1ftfr((W in "Hte nine
j or Schuthel bill reiiuirinir
1uoBfPWishv"lu,n,,of husi
j for bill toivpeal requirement
tutor notify omployer when In
f vi for oleo bill, although
,TOle dairymen on
Altmry roll calls prior to final
iidnient!men,! lit.'llloye give notice of In
, Voted for eo bill after h.tViiiii vot
od to kill and amend it.
Voted for -tiill to elect school clerk
py peoide hiHtead of by hoard. Voted
lor bill to anfoKiiai-d school district
funds. ,
Voted for anti-injunction bill and
later voted to help kill it.
Voted for increase of foreign cor
poration fee burdens.
Voted for captlal punishment.
Voted against straight ticket bill in
1919 and for it in 1920.
Voted against foreign language bill.
Voted for Rogue River fish bill and
against bill reorganizing fish and game
linli)is. Nnevo lwm and Sun I.uia
tie reniiirKeii mat 93 per oept of the, Aut-r itinpcr the victors were eon-' iiosi are pov across the Klo, Omiiil
ettiiiinen-,- 10 1 no rar i-iast was earrietl veyeu in aiiiomoiuies luriusneu ov ' iwi-v'tt. !T..ii ii.,,- .,1.1 Tov-ia ntt-mt
In sliiiui flying foreign flags npd that Kn jcne ciliaeps to Corvallis where U- m tiwnspowatlon to the American
prueiieauy, tne onlv service received smile hosp.tallty was ipct. side,
ny tne- Philippine Islands -was furnish-:
ed by government transports.
LhJ against Rogue Kiver fish Dili
lir Mil reiirgnnizing nsn nun
againa bill prohibiting exclu
des" language publications.
4 against permitting alwe.nt
ti to vote.
L to blU permuting t-chers to
fithout examination.
;fl against municipal boxing com
In, '
B against capita! punishment.
(d ugiiinst lull penalizing (lis-
kilon between male anil female
Cherrian Trip
To University
(Continued from page one) .
A against .Mnlhfiir game reserve
ti tgainst industrial accident
for Portland. '
few roll calls in 1919; more
0; not 11 dodger.
iwieil l.y cnlltaigues for earn,
s rather than judgment; exerted
I). H. hooiiey.
oJncfd no lulls In either session.
some firmer prejudices with
hat a open to conviction on any
t affecting Industrial develop-
of state. Very firm in sticking
iwlamfMtlU'jirliniple regardless of
ii might be interpreted.
liy Mfrton count-' representative
lent).,- snpiwrtins all good roads
l-itk; oxertcd greut Influence) in
l'(itri:u bond hills and revenue
lnl far irnvt radical niiti'iiat-
kving lt-gislai ton early In 1919
In Hpnortrd compromise late in
"unniti H20 voted against Hare
litis Indicating n r-hange of opln-
teilld credit to his study of the
lion. . ., .. ,, .
Ifcl. voted for anti-Injunction
(Iy in 1919 session, hut did hia
N to defeat it whet) it returned to
lioijae fur concurrence in senate
Nments, No one who ohserverl
could justly allege that these
n of front were due to political
. It was evident that they were
W of the ques.tlon at issue.
W Increase fee burdens on
P corporations. . '
""I for oleo bill.
NlofBJgue Kiver fish bill and
Wl leorxanizhiL' fish im.t ..r,.
Voted against resolution commend
ing .Mayor Ole Hanson. - 1
- Voted for all appropriation bills.
Voted, to permit soldiers to vote
while absent on duty. ,
Aotrve in behalf of all legislation do
sired by agricultural interests.
Ml. ed few roll culls; not a dodger.
inter aid. There was found misery and
distress at the lending institutions of
Oregon. They are entirely inadequate
to handle the work required of them,
and Salem, as every nlber city in the
state, with but few exceptions, will go
down the line tin May I'l to relieve the
calamity, and piuoe the school on a
basis of development wjth commercial
industry. It is extremely appuj ent,
since the fellowship meetings In K11-
t. A. C. Is Vislu-d.
At Corvallls ls found & larger en-
rollinent, but praetiually the same In
; adequate conditions exist In the school.
It is said that the enrollment at thla,'
school is S408. The entire student'
body, citizens or Corvallia, Ktigt ne am? :
Salem, numbering approximately Snit'i 1
assembled in the gymnasium tile only
-assembly hall provided for the college
where a program similar to the one
at Eugene was rendered. The open
iiis number was a song. "America,"!
directed by Dr. IX V. Poling, and sung I
by nearly five thousand voices,
i l-'ollovving the ineetlng. visitors ;
cinveyed in curs to different parts of i
the campus and viewed the buildings, I
.and to the Commercial club rooms j
where suppw was .served an d a- short j
1 prugnun w'ts reiiderexl. fljcda" wan
lone continual roujurof eiitertitinnient,
MaliiiiioroK Mill Holds.
lPtuvn.-.ville, Ttoiiis. May 1. Mexi
can rebel forces after evacuating
Kevas!i, sixty miles (est of Matamo
10s v. iien thev were advised early to
day that a trainload of federal troops
was nproaching from Monterey, ye
occupl.'d the town a few hours later,
and sent a courier demanding the sur
render of Matamoros. A large band
of rebels was reported six miles west
of Matamoros at noon,
There will be a display of Tulip blooms for the remainder
of the week to which we wih to call the attention of the
admirers of this flower. We hope to make this display st
custom, and wc invite inflection of it this year, both be
cause of the decorative suggestions offered by Mr. Clancey,
and for the reason that we have added, a pumber of new
and interesting varieties, Amonff these we note Moonlight
-a lipht soft yellow, very large flower, the late, pure yel
low Mrs. Moon. Primrose Beauty, a handsomely formed
flower edged with rose and LaTulipe Noire, the darkest of
all tulips-At
Our Place on the Wallace Road
these varieties may be seen growing.
There is still ample time to plant Gladioli, We have yet
in stock plants pcarlet Mrs. King 60c per dozen; Niagara, a
creamy yellow, $ 1.25 per 'dozen; Panama, a deep pink, f 1.50
per dozen; Halley, an apricot shade, $1.00 per dozen; Loveli
ness a lovely pale cream, $2.00 per dozen ; the Martha
Washington, among Gladioli Mrs. Pendleton, $1,50 per
dozen; America", the lightest pink, 60c per dozen. -
Phones 1108-52F11,
U ......1. !..,. t 11,. .....V.,
Exerted . considerable influence gene and Corvallls yesterday, that the I "
against road .and appropriation mens voters will provide the means required
ures and measures involving salary in- to develop the educational institutions,
creases; active but ineffective in seek-' As a spoaker said nt Corvallls: 'fvre
ing consolidation of state offices and' Ron has never failed to respond when
repeals of laws establishing bureaus hell ' needed in the schools, and she
and commissions,
Big Development
Planned Along
John Day
linns for the development of the
John Day Irrigation district compris
ing some 800,000 acres of land 111
Morrow and Gillinin ooautles'ar well
under way according to i'ercy A. Cuje
per. state engineer, who returned !
Vediiesday from Ueppner where hej
was in conference with t,he board. of;
directors of the project. An election j
to vote bonds for development work'
will probably be culled in the uear j
future, Cupper states. .
, is not going to fail in this undertake
: Ing." -
IliMqiitulily Impressive.
Kugene's hospitnlitv reached all the.
way to Salem. IXan Staub of the
University of Oregon, met the Salem
v& t i jmi on nit- jiia i tin in in ii out 01 tite
lylVef Oregon Electric depot in the morning
una onuprronerl the i.iinch to the uni
versity city. At the depot a streetcar
was waiting and It conveyed the visi
toru to the Campus where an Intelll-
Rebel Forces
Drawing Lines
- " (Continued from page onev
Graves And Patton ,
To Represent City
In Ad Club Caravan:
Geo. H. (3 raws and Hal O.. Patton
have been- selected by King Hlng to'
,)f I represent the Cherrians In the AH
Men's club automobile tour to .U-'
!fornla on the 18tl. . , " i
i The caravan will pass" through Sa
lem, next' Tuesday morning at 10:!!0!
.and Mr.. Oraves and Mr. Patton will
. Join the caravan here. I
Stops will be made nt the. principal1;
cltlesi. and entertainment provided ,it
each night stop.
At Chieo, Cab, where the conuocr-
cial club hes set aside one thaiifmiul
,-f the icvolution, is preparing to go dollars to entertain the caravan, they!
will be met by one hutmreu sutonio-,:
Bond Certification Asktal
Application for the certification of
$184,000 in bonds was filed with the
state irrigation securities commission,
Wednesday, by the Grants Pass Irri
gation district. The district which in-
AltirlAa anmo ROad fll'l-ps lllis IllrClldV
disposed of $106,0011 in bonds. This "'inai iiuerest was a song ny a ma.
lust issue will be used in completing j quurtet.
of the project, I .viayor v iison or naiem, t . e. iiic-
. ' Croskey, manager of the Salem Com-
to Mexico City to take over onlrol.
Distiatc'ucii from Vera Crua suite Jbitt j
i) I Isit 1 -tiw hope to hold the presi
de 'tiill electiun late in July. For thin
!ili''lint they desire the api'olnttiieiii
ef ii 'provisional president who will
gent and pleasant aggregation of bo vs. Rive ns'airanoes the election will l
and girls extended a cordial welcome conducted fairly. .....
to the- visitors and escorted t hem; . ttutler t'bikll IHiituIcuh.
through the different building and to j Wasbington, May ta. A
the lnrge oKseinljly hull where fho en- 'battle between federal and revolution- J
tire enrollment of 3 745 students mid ary forors near .Monterey, state, of
almost as many ckiaens, were awaiting JJuevo Leon, was reported today from
the arrival of the party, and very in- Monterey, the state department an
teerstlng program was rendered. Dean nounced. It was said that efforts were
Straub acted as chairman of the meet , belna made to prevent a clash. .
Ing and In his pleasant, humorous: Cieneral Santos, federal governor of
nianner Introduced the Cherry City Monterey, with his forces, was sa ill to
people to the audience. Vocal music, have joined with six hundred troops
college yells and speeches rom prised ; under General Mlrsles of Salttllo.
a most delightful entertainment, ! Facing these were Ohregpn forc?s
Among the several numbers of excep- j from Nuevo Laredo and other paints.
the ilevelopme.nt
N fur Mil prohibiting 'exdusii e
ungimite publieatkiiis.
i against -Mil reunirlmr achnnl.r1
"l'iiils p be iiaceil In custody j
ueamirer; niatk detorminel '
Ujainst their nieritojius measure, K
one alleged any selfish pur-
"!J for amendment to permit ab-
mnt to vote.
ili to Capital nunishment
y tor straight ticket bill and for
' "I'nouitment of committee by
' on commutes instead of by i
:tr. J
against inereasintr innrAmn i
plartea, ...... .-
'wippropriations for higher'
'"Mai Institutinnx. . i
.oof the best records for
"'I call attendance. Never
Wrtly respected for strong-, '
I" ebaracter. f0,.i..
Jn G. Martin,
Of unlnn l.,K.
. nom label bill; handled
T wmmiask-ner bills; ac-
r elation; hikewarm on good
i Hioii t . r .
im, many salary in-
m Practices of labor
lJr h bill abolishing re-
n-WrLin- !r..nnd h been c ear- merciai ciuo; air. r.ivui, leci-euiry oi
ed for erection of a mill for the Oak- the Salem Y. M. C. A., and members
ridge Lumber Company, which re-' of the faetulty and student body spoke
-ertly Purchased 7,000,000 feet of on this subject of paramount interest,
timber In the Cascade national forest. It is said that this is the first time a
Other advices said a revolting fed
oral duchincnt under a lieutenant
hadltl.eiated 200 prisoners from the
penitentiary at Yucatan. Political con
ditions in that state were reported fair
ly calm.
From Sablnas, state of Coahulbt. It
was reported that forces under Colonel
Gomez had Joined tha Obiegonislas
if you want
the genuine
in bottles
tot the home
at soda fountain!
and on draught
lose lOMr iiYes
.... ........ v : . :
And Imagine M
Will Never See
; 3
Prices :
i - .
: See Page:
flake your breakfast
cereal asubstcinlidpart
of the morning meal.
An enerybuilder inan at
iractive f 6rm is
ior -Ms fbod of pleasing taste
is made of selected-wheat and
: malted barley and is flfll of
iiourislrnri .
; GrapeNuts is oiusual among
; ready-cooked cereals as i
cOTctains its ownsuar,not
added in making but self
developedfrom its grains.
Gie3Slxjs sugar
"Thereb a Reason"
Made tyPostum. Cereal Co.Baiiie Qreekch.
iniy in - ijJ
Th- .Inir Of A
Dr i ci,:
vKnow the joy end
W happiness that comes
VtO One thru possessing
,(a skin ot purity ana
"beauty. The soft, dis
tinguished appearance it
.renders brings but your
natural beauty to its full
est. In use over 70 years.
You May Then Realize
What It Means to
Be Blind :
Vote 316 X Yes On Ballot
Tliirt Hptirt' mfd f'tr ly lMii;;nr ('oimMittef fnmr fiimtfc r i v1 fmin
pullic M)1ei tajmuont In I'orlliiml, I r. T.L.I 'crkiiiH, Mnllral tUiildlnK,
T'orttiind, chtiirmftii. Ownv W, Munw, w,,ifUuf',
! l-taai , ,, i, ; mu ,,,,, I.MIIH,;, J
1 inn mi iiiiiiiMiiiiiii Ml mmi I ""'" '
if -. " : 'ajW T ,
A Symphony of Color greets you in the beautiful dinplay
of tlaintv BLOUSES. A variety of new and pretty Geor
gette, Crepe tie Chine, Voiles and Kumm Kumsa that
charm with their newness. A number of beautiful mod
els to nelect from, trimmed with lace, hand embrodiery,
i. :.i: .1 l..bu ..Hli itiiii'Vina nf finp l:tff. Pricpfl
uiaiuuij oiiu mow v.,,,,.... v.. ------
j,. I iiruu inir Mill 1.I1CKS Wil l I JUtl UH Oi. JU1U i.itt;, unui-
y A
- :"sl 3?' A beautiful round flat collar of GEORGETTE lace and
$5.75 to $19.50
hand embroidery trimmed, at
Wellworth Blouses
laivl,nf hl Oicf C Wellworth Blouses of voile and Organdie,
If lrilllliOr If dlOlO tailored and fancy (PO CA
ulyles, fit tPiafJV
A selected group of Wirtiirnor Waists, ot
Georgette and Crepe, beautifully trimmed
with lace and embroidery In a
number of models and colors
Lingerie Blouses
Lingerie BIouhch of Voile and Organdie,
daintily frilled, tucked 1 CA ?1
and embroidered at ipXtOVf tyL