Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 13, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    ,c CAi UAL Jut K.n AL
LnfP.f . Wfltu.Q r.niFrintf
VVlltUlllWIIO vtiUG? i
laf MMif
Dallas Council
Receives Bids on
; Jenkins were Albany shoppers Satur-jthe election of four of the April gral
jday. I uates to the Portland schouls lat
u.J. Looney motored to Albany
New Paving Work $
Mrs. Time Moore made a trip to
Portland Monday, returning Tuesday
Mrs .Carl Millard ami Agnes
illard were shopping In Albany
Sir. and Mrs. belman W'itherlte
made a trip to Portland Monday. ,
Mr." and Mrs. J. G. Fontaine re
turned home from Newport Tuesday
ana aavertise tor dim on street pav-' after attending the wedding of Miss
tug next Monday night It is being 'Harriet Rigdon. .
discussed where It U advisable fori A- c- Libby anJ Frank Libby were
in Salem on business Tuesday.
Dallas. May . U.rThe Pallas city ,
council Will open bid for sidew.-.k"'
the city to put In the work Itself or
' contract for It, There being a consid
erable amount, the price of contract
ad work will determine what will be
done. The council Is alBO taking un
der advisement the advisability of
buying some street slushing apparatus
Mrs. J. C. Hannum of Pedee was a
Iraslness caller at the county court
house today.
Miss Nell Link was In town from
Pedee country today. She reports
their new hop yard is doing fine but
that they fill not contract their pro
ducts again. The Lank farm Is one ot
the largest in the county.
C T. Hass, a representative of the
Transatlantic Estates & Credit Co.,
was In Dallas on business today. Mr.
Bass Is the Portland office represent
ative. A delightful card party was enjoy
ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
B. Kakin last night. Three tables were
weed and progressive five hundred
was enjoyed. A dainty lunch was serv
ed at a late hour and participated In
by Mr. and Mrs. R. A. JonIIn, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Stinnett, Mr. and Mrs. Clare
Tracy, Dr. and Mrs. Bchafer and Mr.
and Mrs. Hort C. Kakln. '
Fairfield, May 13. The hard timo
Itarty given at Mr. Barber's hop house
Saturday evening drew a large crowd.
Mrs. Short and Miss Ruth Daven
port left for their new home in Idaho
Sunday evening after a short visit
with relatives and friends in this sec
tion. Miss Margaret Marthaler of Arling
ton spent the week end with her par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Parker and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. 8. F. Parker
and son motored to Portland Sunday
to visit with their daughter, Mrs.
Jameson and family
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bliven and
family of Hopewell were visiting with
old friends in this section Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Becker and
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Iiltmnr and O. M.
Dltmar were entertained at Arthur
Coffin's at Central Howell last Sun
Patrolman James Mahony Is doing
some neceHKary grading with a trac
tor on the M. Paul boulevard.
Mrs. Ralph Dultette entertained i
number of her friends nt a luwn par
ty at her home Friday afternoon in
honor of her mother, Mrs. Short, nnd
cousin, Mlns Ruth Davenport; a de
Uclous lunch was served.
i - . ' '
Jefferson. May 13. Mrs. J. k. Black
well attended ehu funeral of Mrs.
Sarah Thompson' in Hulem last Fri
day. ; .
Mrs. Lydla Hoyt and Mrs. Ben
tooney were Salem visitors Friday.
Prof. B. 8. Ktults was In Balcn; on
business Saturday.
Roy Jleeves came up from Salem
Saturday evening returning Sunday.
V. M. Biutlh and Grant Relfe were
Halem visitors Sunday.
About 40 Maccabees from Jeffer
son attended the vinss Initiation at
Albany Saturday evening. A fine time
was reported.
The Maccabees team defeated the
Knox Butte team In the bull . game
Fred Weddle was a business visit
or In Salem Monday,
C. O. Miller from Salem was In
, town Saturday. .. .
Mrs. Hoy Knighton and Mrs. 'm.
R. C. Thomas was s business visit
or in Salem the latter part of last
. A fishing party consisting of C. W.
Doty, James Cooper and Geo. Van
Coten returned Sunday evening from
a short trip over in the Alaea. coun
try. They reported a fine time and
lots of fish.
wetk. They were Mus Margaret Not
tingham. Miss Ethel Fellows, Miss
Leole Fisher and Miss Gertrude Har-greaves.
ol anarch?
is the fame question on which Willam- i
ette won from Pacific university and j
JIcMinnviiie college, and tied with!
Puget Sound college; and the same)
:ams will represent the local college.
sf jfmmmm
Lincoln, Neb.
... . . , , ...ill ... V n i.E.... I ..... V - .
in this country is a WW lo placing nis cauum.ii ' - J .nay
found in unjust labor conditions." This ; republican presMonuul nonuation oe- xi. au p.... ......... ..... orassa a:ia s
for business men, it was announcea at ; sa. xu .. .... - jeateraay
Johnson headquarters here today. city this morning and will attend thetions due ,Q h
Senator Johnson s speeches on ims initiation, .n. v " . irippiea today.
tour, -it was stated, would be designed . Mr. Hudson, with omciais oi me 10-
floo.l of literature dis-,ral lodge, were to banquet at noiei
I Marion and diFcuss nlans for connuct-
to counteract a
iawHnd irorW -Blatrtifowi - -
in as an extreme ntui.i.
Polk County Court
Probate Court
In re: guardianship of William Earl
and Roy Kldon Dickey. Petition for
order allowing allowance. Order for
Circuit Court
Judge H. H. Belt has set October 1
as the time for all naturalization near-
ings now pending. There are ono
imci lanuer, eigm uermans, two
Russians and one Norwegian who de
sire to be heard on their petitions. All
Germans must write to the attorney
general department of justice, Wash
ington, D. C, and ask to be excepted
from the alien enemy class before
they can be heard. This, most of them
are doing. At the last term of court
In April only one out of five received
a certificate. He was a Canadian.
Conscientious objectors, particularly
those belonging to the Mennonite
church, find it difficult to get by.
Monmouth, May 13. President
Ackerman Is spending this week vis
iting high schools in Linn, Lane and
irougias counties, irfist week he was
in Clatsop, Columbia, Multnomah and
Clackamas counties.
H. C. Seymour, state club leader,
visited the normal a few hours Mon
day and spoke briefly at the chapel
hour. Mr. Seymour was formerly
county superintendent of Polk county.
. The men of the faculty are nil
speaking for the millage bill this
week at the various community meet
ings being held in Polk county.
Mr. Gllmore spoke on the millage
bill last Friday and Suturday evenings
at community meetings in the coun
The senior class play to be given
In the chapel on Monday evening of
Commencement week, June . 4, has
been selected and the cast chosen.
The piny, "The Road to Yesterday'
by lleulah Marie Mix, Is an attractive
one and the cast Is already hard at
work on It. The following have been
chosen to take the parts: The Misses
Flortmce Hill, Nathalie Selling, Kvad
na Hager, Muble Edmeades, Ruth M.
Johnson, Esther Booth, Nan Hunter,
Mina Roblson, Ulla Dickinson, Marie
Powell, Messrs Harold Tallman and
Frank Pimm.
The normal Is doinir Urn nnrl In rn
duclnt the high cost of living through
Mr. Gllmore. He has planted an aero
of potatoes on the vacant lots adjoin
lug the training school and, as usual,
will probably have the best crop l:i
the county.
. Norniul friends were happy to note
If you own an orchard you
must have bcc as they
ue th only dependable
pollenizing agents.
You can keep bees anywhere that they
ran forage within a mile -they require but
ttle attention and will often render you a
rplcndid profit. We can start you right and
'v' you unnecessary work and expense.
Our Bet Supply Catalog
lists everything necessary for the
"iiiccestful production of honey;
h ten for nj kmJli int.
Ak for Catalog No 263
t. imiii'i wsutag'raag
Try The Kllio-l'lioHplialo Health Sys-
tern 0 (iiiarantcc
New York. If you are feeling run
down, weak, nervous, tired In the
norning, and generally nlllng, these
are the ymptoms that should warn
you to take care of your health.
Four persons in every ten are need
ing more phosphorus in their bodleH.
When you see thin and fretful peo
ple; or those who are anaemic, pule,
frail, oft despondent or lacking in
energy, you may loo kfor the need of
certain elements tnat make for a
strong constitution.
I, Some people, after relying upon
preparations composed ehlefly of salts
(quinine, drastic drugs. Iron, calomel,
cod liver till, etc., wonder why they
.find no benefit. That is easily ex
plained by the fact that such pcr
Bons need the phosphoric element,
which is a most potent essential to
health, and contained In HITRO
PIlOsrHATE, the famous heulth
preparation. Now obtainable every
The right thing for you to do Is
made a trial of KITUO-PHOSPHATE
beginning at once. It is not a patent
mediotne; the formula la prescribed
by many phyaleiuns for the ailments
and weaknesses mentioned above.
With every box of HITRO-PHOS-PHATK,
are a few simple health
rules nnd a $300 guarantee. Buy a box
of B1TRO-PHOHPHATH. It is sold
and recommended by all good drug
gists everywhere.. adv
A Bank Account
By Saving
See Page
Shipley's MAY 1ST WILL BE
Car of
Yick So Tong
Chinese Medicine aid Tea Co,
Baa saediclne which will our
any known dlseasa.
Open Sundays from It a. m.
0 , until t p. m.
lit South High Street
lalsm, Oragoa. Pheaa III
Claxtar, Or., May 1J. John West
ley and wife have concluded to remain
a while longer In the golden state.
Some belated cases of lnfluenze are
still in this neighborhood.
Owing to paving construction on
Pacific highway, the great volume of
traffic designed for . the highway,
cornea through Claxtar to connect
with the river road. "
Cherries are forming nicely on the
treesand orchardists are daily becom
ing more hopeful. Grapes are com
ing on nicely and many think the vines
are not only not seriously injured, but
in all probability will have a good
yield this season.' Roses which were
cut back to the snow line are covered
with buds and there will be abundance
of the queen of flowers. 1
Young orchards are coming through
almost unscathed. Trees planted out
last year are apparently unhurt and
are showing vigor and lively growth.
Messrs. Eurl Holtzclaw and Thomas
Newton fished In Clear lake Sunday.
Clyde Butcher spent Sunday with
Claxtar friends.
The Interchurch World Movement
home division report was secured for
this district by Miss Noma Webb and
Mrs. Earnest Savage.
Initiation services held by Chema-
ma Camp 8412, Modern Woodman,
were largely attended on Saturday
evening, May 8, at their hall here.
Seven new members were Inducted in
to the order.- A substantial supper
and a good social time were among the
will debate at Corvaills on the affirma
tive, and In Moore and Helen Hoover (
wtll be heard on the negative by the
Salem supporters.
With the experience of three debates
behind them, and with further improv
ed argument for this final debate, the
Willamette women are - prepared to
put hp a close fight against the aspir
ants from Corvallis. This is. the first
time Willamette debaters have met
teams from p. A. C. for several years.
Willamette And
Corvallis Co-Eds
To Debate Friday
The last and most important of the
debates for women of Willamette uni
versity will occur Friday night when
Willumette meets O. A. C. in a dual
debate on the question, "Resolved, that
the principal cause of the present
Final Exercises
At Brooks School
To Be Held Friday
Brooks, Or., May 13. The Brooks
public school in charge of E. B
Fletcher and Miss Melta Calkins will
hold the closing exercises in the new
school building at Brooks, Friday
evening. May 14, at I o'clock.
A community social and supper will
be given in the basement following the
The pupils will be assisted on the
program by some excellent outside
help anion's whom are Wm. H. Egan
and Dr. H. C. Epley.
The public and friends of the school
are cordially Invited.
Artisans Induct
Members Tonight
A class of probably 20 will be ini-i
tiated at a big initiatory service this;
evening at the regular meeting of Cap
ital Assembly No. 84. United Artisans.
The meeting will be held in Odd Fel-i
W. R Hildebrandt
Eisemann Magneto
Service Station
279 North Commercial street
ing an extensive
paign here soon.
membership cam-;
Buy Remnants
Remnant Store
IS 4 North Commercial
Phone SlO-Mt
170 N. Commercial St
Johnson To Tour
East To Combat
New. York, May 13. Senator Hiram
W. Johnson will make a tour of the
larger cities In the east and middle
west between now and the date of the
republican convention in Chicago with
Ladies! Use Buttermilk
To Beautify Complexions
Tills Delightful New Vaninlilng
Cream Containing True Butter-
' milk Is Guaranteed to Make You
Look Younger or Money Back
Get a small
quantity at any
pharmacy by sim
ply asking for
Howard's Butter
milk. Cream and
massage it daily
into the face,
neck, arms and
hands. The dlrec
tions are simple
and it costs so
little thnt any girl or woman can af
ford it. Your complexion must quick
ly Bhow a decided Improvement or
your dealer Is authorized to return
your money without question should
you be dissatisfied.
No matter whether you are trou
bled with wrinkles, hard little lines
around the mouth and eyes, coarse,
sallow, faded looking skin, or simply
roughness and redness caused by wind
and sun, you will find that all these
trials quickly disappear with the u
of this old fashioned beauty recipe
brought up to date.
Howard's Buttermilk Cream is on
ly sold on a positive guarantee of sat
isfaction or money back. Hownrd
Bros., Chemical Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
I'm f:-
VInol, our Cod Liver and ka
ionic, u the beat remedy
for Nervous, Run-Down,
Anaemic Conditions.
This Letter Proves It
Kenton, Del. 1 suffered from a
nervous, run-down condition and no
appetite. I keen house and live on a
farm so had to keep about my work as
i naye nve in me family, iviy druggist
recommended Vinol as the best medi
cine for my condition. I felt better
after taking the first bottle. . It has
given me a good appetite, 1 sleep better
and feel stronger in every way." Mrs.
J. Herman Wilds.
' It is the Beef and Cod Liver Peptones
contained in Vinol aided by Iron and
HypophosDhites which makes it such a
famous blood-maker, nerve builder and
strengin creator. Hestdes Vinol is not
a secret medicine. Its full formula is
printed on each package.
Enill A. Hchnefer, Druggist
Genuine Bargains Beginning
Wednesday : ' - 1
House Furnisher ''
You get more for your
Money at Moore's.
' - Also Jon of All Kinds .
- , Best Prices Guaranteed ,
CALL til
'Capital Junk Co.
The Square Deal Honst
171 Chemeketa St Plumt 1st
1. (&. ilftplnj do.
aw Uge your head
to save your sole
Th E sensible, practical
' roan seeks shoes that will
give sensible, practical ser
vice, comfort and good
looks. These features must be
built right into good shoes.
And all these features are
combined ta into every
part of Buckhecht Shoes.
Buckhecht Shoes for you for active men in all walks of
life art sold in t variety of styles and leathers from $i
to 1 12 by principal shoe dealers in the West
For Sale in Salem by v . - .
' " , . ; ... . t-Ml
rjortt in half
m n mm
i: nours aeiiy
n the
R Beautiful ZSt&Taat
wuiurs '
1 II 1 jT jr fi AnTJteiL
thereby saves work time monoy
nd insures a brighter, cleaner
and prettier home
"Cleans as it Polishos."
$125, $1.50, $1.75 sizes.
All Dealers.
"Colors as it Cleans"
Makes old things look like new.
Almost anything that can be
washed can he colored at the
same time with Aladdin Dye
10c at all dealers.
CHANNEL! CHEMICAL CO.. Chicago -Toronto. London. Paris
y ft
M '
New Style Notes in
You'll get that Spring "dolling up" fever as soon as you enter this store. In fact,
you'll contract the germ as soon as you see our magnificent window displays of the
new styles in men's shirts, neckwear, hosiery, gloves and other fashions and fancies
of the season.
Our stocks were never quite so fine in quality or variety. The new color and pat
tern effects never before so rich and radiant-so Spring-like and stylish. !; "