TIIE CAPITAY JOURNAL TUESDAY, JUT Imp roveraent of. Willamette Law School Planned In connection with the plans to en large the plana of Willamette univer sity and to Increase enrollment, the Willamette law school has not been j the boy trailing school Tuesday! JqJJJ i IMK.Il. 1 lie M IHH'UVi ' . . j furnished music to round out the pro gram and were well received. JO percent to meet the 19:0 require ments of their dealers. Value Greatest When Baying Bicycle, repent . per In buying the bicycle. says jRanjsdeh. who has the Salem agency I for the Dayton bicycle, the dollar ! Good Minstrel Shoiv Promised D JJHVe Tmil Tl ta considerably larger irhfn spent, for .Ljy " """"Tla bicycle than for most anything else What has been pronounced by .the as the advance in the cost of bicycles Farm labor situation in Eaker coun- cent of normal. Llovd aoie-oyuieu uirn r wc- jclared to be loafing around pool haiik. Girl Couldn't Stand . Oothes to Touch Her press, and the nation as an unusually forgotten, and will receive particular j great show 'a limed aa the next at. fa attention, aa the policy of the . - traction at the. Grand opera house, vereily Is to make the law school, al- Wednesday May 1!. We have refer reaiiy recognized as the be.it In 'he ' ence to Sus Mill's Minstrels which re Ktute, even stronger than it has been, 'turns to this locality after a trlum On account of the burning of Waller phal tour covering most every city, hall and the resultant crowding thru town and hamlet in these broad out the university, the quarters allot-j fulled States and Canada. Sixty peo ted to the law school have been re- pie are employed and each individ duced to a point where It- was iliffl-' ual la a War in his particular linn cult to carry on the work aa it was They are white men who know the 1'lrmied. value of Ethiopian comedy and who Next year, however, the university have served their apprenticeship aa officials say, ample quarters will be dispensers of fun, revelry, hilarity, piovided for the law school, and ef-1 merrlment.'singlng, dancing and high forts will be made to Improve the j class burnt cork entertainment. The conditions along other lines. It is de- j inocuous comedy of (ieorge Wilson sired that the law school be separate- will again be to the fore. Remember ly endowed, and a campaign for this I (ieorge? Ask dad; he knows. Several purpose may tie inaugurated as soon I new voices will be heard along with as the present needs are met. It is) the old favorites including Jimmy also plain. fd to increase the class per- j Wall, Jack Kennedy, Lee Edmoiula, iorty so as to standardize the school. 1 1nstead of the present situation In Hrience hull, with its poor heating ar rangements and unsatisfactory. .Bur- j ruundings, It is planned that provid-1 ing Waller hall Is completed, as seems certain now, the law school will be given the use of several roams on the William Hullett, Herbert Wlllison, Fred Freddy, Carl Graves, Ed Denya. Max Mii-fen, Three Musical Cates, William and Walter Markwith, James Brady, .Kddie (ialtugher, Jack Hayes. Johnny iiuckley and twenty five oth er singers, dancers, and comedians. Th0 company carries a fine orchestra- ground floor of that building, which Kvervboxly knows how to sing and will lie fitted up to suit the needs of dance, nnd there are real comedians the rlaases. Instead of sharing these employed. A public parade In full uni rooms with the other departments of .form will be given before the perform the university, they will be devoted exclusively to the luw classes. It is the hope of the administra tion that the law department, which tins turned out many of Willamette's most famous graduates, should be built up to the highest possible stand ard, and at the same time be more 'closely united to the other depart ments of the university, feeling that in this way much can be gained all round. ImhI winter the liberal arts students signed a resolution declar ing their desire to cooperate to the fullest extent with I he luw school In semiring better accommodations, and it seems that the plans then formed can be reall.ed next year. " anc ond there will be an enjoyable bund concert In the evening. All told there should be a high old time. Major League Scores ( Incomplete) American. Cleveland, ,, May II). Score K. it. K. Hi. Louis : 1 1i 2 Cleveland 7 10 1 . Davis, Saunders. Rayncnnd Rover old; Kagby und O'Neill. Huston, May 10. Harper held Philadelphia to tun IiIih today 111 his first start of flic season, Boston whi ning 7 to 1. Hooper doubled twice and i'lgli'd twice In four times at bat. With Mclnnlu on first and Hemlryx on n"i'ond and none out In the seventh, Dykes caught Foster's liner, throwing to (lallowav win) threw to Griffin for a triple play, Moore: n. n. v.. I'hlllnlphla 12 8 Host on 7 13 8 I'orrv, F.ckcrt, Moore und Perkins; Hurper and Hchnng. National. 1'lltnburg, May 10. -Score- , n. h. e. Philadelphia 14 2 riltsbureh ..... ....... 8 7 0 Causey, Caul well ami Wheat; Coop er and Schmidt. Thomas Recital Will Be Rendered f" fM Boys1 School ThB pleasing recital which Ralph Thorns, eave In the First M. K. church I hi the first number or the Willamette, lyceum course, and which has boon re peated nt a number uf the state Instt ttuloiis and elsewhere In the past few wcckn, was given at the Highland! Ki liool before a lame and enthusiastic audience Monday night, and will go to WHEN YOUR HAIR TURNS G'AY Outwit the passing years! Let Co-Lq restore the youth ful beautynatural color, life and luster to your hair in a manner nature approves. Co-Lo a scientific process per fected by 'Prof. John if. Austin, over 40 years a bncterioluglHt, hair and sculp specialist. during the past fiye years has been i "My lather got me a bottle or bout 27 percent less than the i- Mayr's Wonderful Remedy for stom- crease In the cost of living. Also a ach trouble and I am feeling so much modern bicycle can be bought for better since taking it. My stomach was about one half the coat of the "safety so painful I couldn't stand my clothes wheel" of JO years ago. to touch me." It is s simple .harrn- Thts. says Mr. Ramsden. makes it, less preparation that removes the more true now than ever that the bl- catarrhal mucus from the intestinal cycle is the cheapest means of trans- tract and allays the inflammation portation known to man. Several hun which causes practically all stomach, dred more bicycles were sold tn 8a-' liver and intestinal ailments, includ lem last year than during the pre- ing appendicitis. One dose will con vious twelve months and the mariu- vince or money refunded. J. C. Perry, fkcturers of these bicycles have In- D. J. Fry and druggists everywhere, creased their production of bicycles' (adv) COMFillSSIOtlERS COURT i j . i i.i inui imiimiMim'.' n inv, a." VVJ. m Hair W TIIF. TEN CO-LO HI-TROTS Co-Lu Is a wonderful liquid. Clear, odorless, greaseless. Without lend, or sulphur. Hasn't a particle of sediment Will not wash or rub off. Will not Injure hair or seal)). l'lensmg nnd simple to apply. Cannot be detected like the or dinary hair tints and dyes. Will not cause klio hair to split or break off. Co-I.o can he had for every natural shade of hair. Afl- for Hliwk uml lmrk Similes of llrowii. A7 i:liu Strong, for Jet Black Ilnlr only. AH fur till Medium Drown Shades At for till Very Ught Itrown, Drab nml Auburn shade. CO-LO HAIR RESTORER AT PKIUtY'S JJ1WU STORM, (adv) Fhe Following Is the Official rjblication of the record of Claims before the Marion County Commissioners Court For the April term; 1920. rvith the amount allowed, bills continued, etc., according to the records in the office of the County Clerk Domogalla, F A hauled ma terial, etc 133.01 Drager, D O adv for freight" on rollers, 'etc 1798.44 Falls Clty-Salem Lumber Co. ., cedar posts 7.60 Farmer Hardware Company' Ray L supplies for tool house .-. '. 84.27 Keene, Henry Juror , 14.40 Ramp, Malcolm do , 13.60 Roland, Harry do 18.00 Harrltt, J W do , 12.20 Smith, Harvey do 15.60 Roberts, C A do '. .12.20 Pemberton, Walter do 10.20 (iibson, H D do 9.80 Ralph, H L do 9.26 Bunts, J H do 10.20 Thouiason, G A do 9.20 Litchfield, Geo P Struhhar, Rollln gophers etc Patton, Mabel do Clover, Phillip L bounty..... Brown, Cleo bounty on goph ers etc Zimmerman, Arnold do Mclteynolds, K R do Hkalfe, R E do Roth, Elmer do Hendrlcson, M J relief Halley, R C bailiff 18.00 Oritton, W A "bounty on goph ers etc : 2.85 Fabry, Albert do 2.26 Amort, J L do 2.16 Brenner, Cleo do Levcrmun, Rony do Kufner, John do bailiff 18.00 bounty on 2.25 1.26 4.00 3.95 l.5 2.20 2.35 ' 1.95 15.00 3.95 1.55 2.70 5.00 Ilyrd, W H examination I Smith. W Carlton do 6.00 Griffith, L F examination 5.00 Smith, W Carlton do 5.00 liyrd, W H do 5 00 Hyrd, W H do 6.00 Byrd, R ft, do 6.00 Ilyrd, R 1) do j 50 Poor Account. Armstrong, George M do u.oo Victor, Pearl clerk 90.00 Edmundson, Muriel do 18.62 Treasurer's Office. 1 Richardson, W Y deputy treas urer 100.00 Aswsessor's Office. Shelton, R extending tax roll ... I1U.9U Wenger, A J do 100.00 West G E clerk 75.00, Court House. Morgan, Cal Janitor 65.00 Kirby, R P do 65.00 Hobson, L do .. 65.00 Svlinol Superintendent's Office. Reid, Cora m clerk loO.OO Fulkerson, Mary L supervisor.. 120.00 Arnold, A N do 120.00 Poor Account Continued. Byrd, R D Co physician 65.00 Jackson, Hattie M special offi cer 75.00 Stock Insjicctorf Morehouse, W G county reter. Iimrian ,33.60 Health Officer. Cashatt, C E. county health of ficer 50.00 Senior itt Weights a ml Hensures. Jones, J F salary and exxpenses 44.14 County Court and Commissioners Bushey, W . M traveling exp 1.74 Goujet, W H Qo. com salary and expenses 50.00 Hunt, J T do 87.25 Gopher nnd .Mole Bounty Verbeck,- A H bounty 2.85 Beugli, E A do ..' 5.30. Poor Account Cont'd Wallace, Mrs E relief 10.00 Circuit Court Account Cont'd Talklngton, Cora M bailiff 30.00 Gopher nnd Mole Bounty Cont'd 2.45 1.50 2.65 1.25 1.20 20.00 3.00 Dan'l J.Fry I',!, "I ' 1 1 -2V. , , ,, ill,1,lt.aUi!!S!!iJWwuJ I 1 I I j -t ,i p Officer, David bounty Herren, Mrs T E do Breiter, Con do Sundlfer, Tharold do Drager, William tlo .Indigent Soldier Account Beach, Amos- relief for Lucy Coffin v. Scalp Bounty Heater, W A bounty Gopher nml Mole Bounty Cont'd Tweed, Edgar bounty 1.05 Bouck, G H do ;, 1.40 Poor Account Cont'd JJaggard, Delia additional re- ; He' -- - 10.00 , Gopher ami Mole Bounty Cont'd Wellerhals. E bounty 30 Registrations nnd Elections Boyer, U O adv for stamps.... 35.00 Conger Printing' Co envelopes 6.75 Mehl, Bert J making maps ... Moores & Co, Ross E correc tion of reg blanks Patton Bros binder Ryan, R R use of house for polling place Allowed 1.50 , Disallowed Sheriff's Office Hartholmew, P work in tax department ...... ; 81.00 Butler, S J do 124.00 Commercial Book store, The pm Btuff pencils etc 19.75 Crescent Ribbon & Carbon Co carbon paper Elliott, N D turnover sheets.. Frankel Carbon & Ribbon Mfg Co carbon paper Glass Prudhomme Co, filing cabinVts 231 23 nudge, llyssa Ellen do 10.00 ytarrls, Douglas work In tax Englehart, Mrs. Anna do 10.00 j' department 103.50 Fetseh, Emily do 10.00 Johnson, Don do . 45.00 Foster, Mr sdo.. .. i.ho Johnson's, Walt & Johnson D (Hidden, J H do 15.00 . P drayage on filing cab 1.60 Gobin, Llzette do .. 10.00 J-aue, Mrs Ethel work in tax Groshong, Mrs J N do 10.00 department 122.00 Haggard, Delia do 10.00 Moores & Co. Ross E leaal 20.00 15.00 10.00 30.00 I 00 Baker, W A do Bulliett, j! do Starker, J F di Barrier, Mr anc! Mrs do MeCormlck, Mrs Chas relief for Elsie Bartrow .... '. Boegershausen, G W relief 6 0,1 jHoys and Girls Aid society do 25.00 j Buffttm, W B do in 00 liulllg, Mrs .Florence L do 10.00 Burrows, W F do ; 15.00 Carlson, C Carl do 10.00 Chnllfaux, Mrs do t 10.00 Clevlnger, Mrs 8 K do 20.00 Dickenson, 8 A do 10.00 1 12.00 9.50 1.65 1.00 3.64 13.83 3.00 4, rir IUUUUIIIIIIIMUIItdllli)lb.i,uH,UHlwIMIllM , 1 . .11 jj MHM('yillr Series 20 Big-Six You are familiar, of course, with the beautiful lines of the BIG SIX, because you see so many of them. There ia beauty, as well, in the comfort and performance of this great car at a ride will quickly convince you- Let ua give you a demonstration. 60-H. P. detachable-head motor) intermedial trauwuMtiont 12b inch wheelbaM, iniuring anipl room for seven adultt. M SiixUIhoW Cmn tn wwr4 wt tnl rim-Mwtlirlik4kf pracadrat. "Thii is a StuJebaker Year" Marion AifeoVk Co. ll 'lli. 'r.-sull ttardwick, Charles do 10.00 Haynes, Mrs Caroline do 16.00 Henry, Mrs Olive E do 10.00 Irwin, W L relief for Lela and Elford Cook 10.00 Knott, Mrs Melvlna do '. 12.00 Lantx, Catherine do . 8.00 Uiltose, Geo relief for self and Amanda La Rose 20.00 Luclar, Bteve Jr relief for self and mother 20.00 Lunn, Mrs O C relief 10.00 Mack, E A do 12.00 McLeod, Mrs Ella do 10.00 Mllelr, Mrs. Vin H do '. 10.00 Miracle, Mrs A do 10.00 Newton, O D do .. io.OO Old People's Home ssllef for Mrs Julia. D Hurtle 25.00 Pederson, Olea do 15.00 Penton, Louise relief for Harry t'enton .,.., 10.00 Quail, John J do 19.00 Relnhart, Rosalia relief. 8.Uu Schmidt, Peter relief . .... .... 1J.00, Schwlngler, Mary do 20.00 Simmons,-Anna Ma(r do is.Se Skoog. Mrs Albert do I'.bo Smith, A H do :. . 15.00 Snodderly, Flora do .... .... , . SO.OO Stripling. Hulda do 8.00 Thompson. Mrs 8 da 10.09 Wanless, Gilmer do 10.00 Wells. H A do . .. . T.bo Whaiton, Ktta do 20.00 Williams Alice do 9.00 Woolery, Nellie K do Zacharr, Mrs Maud do . 20.00 10.00 SALARIES. Slterlrrs Office. Bower, O D deputy sheriff r 125 00 Lwis, C A do 11J.00 Smith. ! R do 100.00 Wiltard, Pansy tax clerk 85.00 Clerk's Office.' Clerk's tsftkf Herrh k. W R do .... Arm, A M do j K.llis. C R do Roth do t'ura rcu.tr;tlion j Va!l u-e. i Ahrens. I clerk . 10 0 83.00 RS.00 V 69 00 J 71 blanks 2.00 Patton Bros, pencil lengthen- ers etc 1.15 Portland Railway L & P Co gas service .'. .. Schmalle. Ray work in tax de partment Shaver. B A envelopes . Shipley, Miss Flora work In tax department 101.50 Simeral, Mrs. Elsie do 76.00 .Sims, Paul M rubber stamps 6.00 Western Fnlon Tel Co, The tel egrams . J.28 .Mrightinan, F T work In tax 47 M.00 7.00 ... 124.00 28.75 .20 S.7S i 2.74! I 6.15 ! .65 ; 2.00 department Clerk s Office Bilker, Leah registration clerk Boyer, V O adv for express .. Commercial Book store. The pens ', Moores & Co, Ross E legal blanks Pacific Tel & Tel Co. The phone and calls ..' Patton Bros, oocl paste ROWLAND Printing Co. post , card notices etc Shaver. B A record books 114.40 Sims, Paul M repair typewriter 13.15 Recorder's Office Brooks. Mildred R adv for post ge etc 4.70 Commercial Book store. The gummed tabs and Ink '6.75 Huckestein. August stamped en velopes '167.10 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. The phone 4 23 Pittman. K F copy holders . 17.09 Shaver, B A record" books and printing A ., f8 00 Smith & Bros Typewriter Co L C typewriter ...... 111.09 Treasurer's Office Drager, D--G adv for stamps Pacific Tel Tel Co. The phonp Patton Bros. Ink and pencils Rodger Paper Co. dP receipts Surveyor's Office Merrick. Ti ! f.r starKr 5.00; t. , map - -- 1 04 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. The phone and calls 8 !0 Rodgers Paper Co, bind assess meat rolls etc 364.85 District Attorney Gearhart Haielle stenograph er nu.00 Gehlhar. Max adv for phone and stamps 15" Heltiel, Jas G deputy district attorney - 5-04 County Court and Commissioners Capital Journal. The publishing . claim docket - 59.12 Commercial Book store. The tablets . 2.00 Oregon Statesman pub claim - . docket - 53.44 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. ine phone snd calls 6.29 Court House Account Cont'd Barr. Theo M steam air valve - 1.50 Ashliman, Louis plumbing - 2.40 Branch, A C helped haul wood 8.00 Buren's Furniture store stool S.75 Cap Hal City Steam Laundry Laundry 1 5.15 Cafpel. Frank hauling wood.... 8.00 Domogalla, F A do - 9.0 Hauser Bros, fitting keyes 1.75 Herrick, B B adv for glass for drafting table . ..' 1.00 Portland Railway Light & Pow er Company, lights 103.39 Rodgers Paper Company, toil et paper is. 00 Roth Grocery Company, match es and soap 2.90 Salem Hardware Company, paint oil xarnish etc 62.55 Salem Water Light & Power Company, water service 20.90 Schellberg. H S carpenter 9.00 Chas K Spauldlng Logging Com pany, lumber - 7.72 Circuit Court Account Continued. The Commercial Book Store, tablets 3.00 Glass & Prudhomme Company legal blanks 20.0 7 Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company, phone and calls... 5.75 Kephart, Florence M witness.. 3.;)0 Knutson, Newton do 15.00 Bostraek, Caroline P do 15.00 Hagedorn. H A do 12.00 Grier, J B do 5 80 Reese, Alfred S do 12 00 Ryan, Thos E do 10.40 Schneeloek, Ralph do 12.00 Keating, John A do 12 00 Teal, Henry do '.2.03 Geary, Edward do 12.00 East hum, Lynn A do 12.00 Tyan, Thos R do 10.40 Dunbar, P R do 2.20 Fenton, F B do 12.00 Lander. Walter do 3 60 Ingels, H M do 1 79 Needham, W I do ?.2J Justice Court Mlsccllnneou,i. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company, calls in Mayer Celestlno Kavanaugh cases disallowed 21.90 State vs. A. Banks. T'nruh. G E justice 4 .45 De Long. V E constable 2.40 Sl.ilo vs. Arinoml Bunks. I'nruh. G E justice il .20 De Long, W E justice 4.30 " Stale vs. Itcnhum. I'nruh. G E justice 1 r.."0 De Long. W F, constable 7.90 Dearlnger, R T witness 1.70 Ballev, R F do l.'JO Mitchell, Pearl do 1.70 Limbeck Evelyn do '..'O Mizner. Wm do 1.70 Diet!. Richard do 1.79 State vs. Clark, Unruh, G E Justice 6.95 De Long. V" E constable 50 19.25 3.SJ S.0 9.14 State vs. DavhA. I'nruh, G E justice De Long, W E constable State vs. Dunmette. Unruh. G E Justice De Long, W E, constable ! State vs. Hess. Unruh, G E justice De Long, W E. constable . State vs. A. Hess. Unruh, G E justice : De Long, W E constable State vs. HilL - Unruh, G E Justice De Long, W E constable . Needham. W I sheriff State vs., Humphrey. Unruh, G E Justice De Long, W E constable '. Slate vs. Mulilnlx. Unruh. G E Justice De Long, W E constable - Needham, W I sheriff State vs. Painter. Unruh, G E Justice s. -v- De Long, W E constable .. State- v' Pickens. Unruh, G E Justice . De Long. W E constable Tindall, C M witness ......4. Sukau. Walter do .... De Long, W E do , " State vs. Wright. ' Unruh, G E Justice. De Long, W E constable Coroner. Clough, A M investigating death of Wm Fitton Clough, A M Investigating death of C W Fitts Clough, A M investigating death of S. Miller Clough. A M investigating death of I. Stevens Clough, A M Investigating Feeble Minded Account. Meyers. H W & M L clothing; for S Steinborn R M Schrock et al i.,.-. -,..4 ScImmiI Superintendent. Alexander, J D expense ac count county educational board' meeting Arnold, A N supervisor's ex penses .'... The Commercial Book Store, blank guides 6-00 Fulkerson, Mary L supervis or's expenses S1.S7 Hubbs, Geo W expense account county educational board meeting .v 3.00 Kellls, John W do 1 Oregon Statesman, pamphlets.. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company, phone and calls.... Patton Bros, erasers etc Reld, Cora E truant officer Rodgers Paper Company, twine Scott, Fred,, L exp acct co educational .board1 meeting Smith, W M traveling expen ses ..... Smith, W M adv for stamps.... Fruit, Inspector Van Trump, S H Balary and expenses .. Dependent Mothers' Assistance Barnes, Letta M relief 16.00 Branam, Emma R do .... Burch, Lilie F do' Coppock, Lula do Garren, Annie Alvira do .. Gibson, Gussie do 25.00 Harmon, Ella G do 10.32 Harper, Clara do Holley, Flora L do Kliewer, Minnie Myrtle do McGrath, Etta do Seeger, Mhry do Shields, Bernice May do 10.00 Smead, Mellie Christina do 20.00 Shedbee, Emma do 10.00 Poor Account Continued Ault, Ray Installing pipes eto at farm 14.00 I Austin's ernes,-,- S.50j Mrs. Strath socr' h, ;.f0, Brewer, C H niTZT- Brmigher. A L ,r-- . Befkner -'"n I Burger. Wm. H hl? for Mrs. Donald Donaldson. R 0 house .7- A. H Smith "ri Drager, D G r"TT rare for L iTIS? 7.20 3.20 10.45 2.90 - 1.-9 1190 3.10 9 45 1.40 i.n 6.45 2.00 10 85 4.V9 1.70 1 ( 1.T0 5J5 lTo 5.00 1.20 6.00 5.00 17.12 voo 89.92 Drager, D G adv for ,'7 - for Man- FrU5y " Falls City-Sa,;; pany cedar post, Farmer Hardware er Ry U. range Fleming. R B feneinrr--- ry. Daniel j DreJ',,- Bu for Goodrich Pr Johnson. Company r. 14 overalls Johnson, T W nr!Zi lit .a 1 tor W. Baker Layman, B wood "fo7iT Strath- " Pacific Telephone' and TrtT" ftra?ahrmmPany of Mrs. Marv kn.. Salem Deaconeu 1.h! of Martha Dlckev t Salem hoaptal, care of 'Liair Howard tg... Salem hosnitat nOM""7"' - not J t i 1 i.k 4.00 32.60 6.ao 1.85 15.00 .90 2.00 80.00" 40.00 138.75 15.00 12.50 15.00 17.60 7.60 10.00 17.60 10.00 17.50 Laundry Salem Hospital, "care'of 7iT . sie Kephart , Salem hospital careof 6 Run tr., " Salem hospital care of Jim"?! "ttl ignt & P Co wil ier service for Mrs Donald, , Shrode. D L groceries for Z Northcutt Smith, Roy M cleaning"sew7r t fnim Snatil.(n T '11'" "" IM j miiioer . : Taylor. Earl E supt "at" fa'ra" 1. Webb & Clough Co acct burial ; Flora Rember and C Har- per j Weller Bros groceries for Hei. en AIcLane ,,,, ,..66...o, ji D naming posuu Pest House Muhitenance Buren's Furniture store cedar oil and mop ' Bustih, Otto milk ...... "Z Capital City Steam laundry Clark, T 3 use of car...: Roth Grocery Co (groceries.. Salem Fuel yards wood Steusloff- Brothers meat ;.. Wishart, -Margaret I services as nurse eto Jail Needham, W I board of pris oners gi.it Juvenile Court Jackson, Hattie M conveying F. Eckhart to industrial school J.n Patton Bros, record book and index 1.95 Tax Rebate Foster, Mary M admx rebate 121.1! Hart, C C do 7.51 Roper, John do 7.M Runcorn, O J do ll. Advertising Salem Commercial club mem bership dues S'-M Gopher and Mole Bounty Cont'd Bover...U G adv for bounty IM US lilt llli .IS 7l.il JJ.it 21 li -THERE ARE MANY REASONS WHY PEOPLE GO TO FOR S There you'll find Varieties, Quality, Class and Prices un equaled elsewhere. Take no chance with your feet, we employ only expert shoemen as salesmen and have built our business upon personal service, the kind that's appre ciated. During our MAY SALE AUR PRICES ARE FROM 10 to 33lz LESS. Ladies' Dress Shoes One , big lot Ladies black kid and patent leather button shoes, all sizes in the lot. Reg ular $5.00 and $6.00 values $2.95 Ladies' Dress Shoes Ladies' Black Kid Shoes, Cuban, Military or Louis heels ; come in lace or button. Regular $6.00 and $7.00 values $3.95 Ladies' Dress Shoes Ladies' New Shoes, brown calf vamp, cloth top, Cuban or Louis heel, pointed toe. Reg ular $10.00 sellers $5.95 Ladies' Walking Shoes Ladies' gun metal and brown calf shoes, low " heels, lace, kid, or cloth top. Regular $10 $11.00 and $12.00. $7.95 Men's Dress Shoes Odd lot broken lines Men's black and brown shoes, button and lace, all sizes in the lot Regular values up to $12.00 $5.95 Men's Dress Shoes Men's black calf blucher, lace, wide toe, w sizes. Regular $10.00 sellers, assorted lasts $6.95 Men's Dress Shoes -Men's black and brown lace dress shoes, H lasts and sizes. Regular values $12.00 - $7.95 Men's Dress Shoes Men's black and brown dress shoes, blucher or bal lace, all lasts and sizes. Regular $1 $8.95 Boys' Dress Shoes Boys' black calf blucher, lace dress shoes, sizes 11 to 2. Regular $4.50 S3.65 ss s . Men's Elk Bals 500 pairs Men's brown elk bals. all sizes, cost now $3.50 at wholesale. Special mum V V.. A ... X THE PRICE SHOE ca r-mw 1 Berutooti VHVjiRBtr IVs53)8tJ Boys' Dress Shoes Boys' black calf shoes, blucher lace, sizes 2 1-2 5 1-2. Our regular $6 seller? $3.95 - Children's Shoes Children's mahogany J blucher shoes, sizes 11 to 2. Regular $6-00 ef1 ; s r- 1-fe 11- (Y it V.. rt la J! !'- I tioi l. S2.65 .S3.95 or.'ie .-i.-ii d- r 3ZG 8t!St-ffr3 ff-kr53i