Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 11, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    -$0, MAY 11
rTm i. . - . 1 05 ' I
. ..Interior
t mZ. library. 8 P- m
"Jli. stents recital.
""Mis-Clean-up Week
j caught speeding on South Commer-: Turner road, Mission street and Mii
cial street. , jer gtrwt
Th.f. nt hi. kZIZ"." ... . The o"owtaS the complete list of!
mgton Junior High school some time) No 1 Inited Brethren hk
xr, M r w Th-.Ki- !Libertv utrt , uhw- .j,... o. ;-ia uoor m Bungsisw Chn
T-eeday morning from Tki where ' Statesman. reporte4 thefJ J?"lt 1
they went to attend, the funeral of loKS bieyele from the newspaper
Mr Durbins brother. Guy J. Shel-; Jce- . . - ; -
lady, 50. which took place there Mon-!
day. Mr. Shcllady had been employed! Mr" "nd Mr rfd Vaung, and Mr.
In the fores service. He had been ill and Mrs- F w- Van Kirk of Portland
tnree montna.
boys train
"ru - scout
- Sh0
1' Ww15-OP''n Forum meet-
: JTommercial. 8 P- m.
! " ,i-Cherrlan-Btistnes
f ".....ion to Eugene and
A,-llia colleges.
i4.Mrs. Hendry's re
J ettS. Presbyterian church, 8
14 Convention of- As-
' Jiuon of Walter P"mb
15-County spelling
' JtS. MS" 8011001 aUdUr"
! 10 a. m
- - eC
aI 15-County aeciama-
. " ,trt. S. H. S. auditor-
1 WL r-nnnrv athletic
. qweetla&J field- All day
BT5 - County hool
! field meet. Shetland ne.a.
i Jlay 17. City council meet
! tag, city hall, 7:30 p.m.
Hay !1. Special city and
I rtate primary elections.
This week's Drapery Special, fancy
Fillet and Ruffled ,curtaina, values to
$7.60, all at $2.45 pair. Hamilton's.
Do you understand what the league
of nations will mean for America?
Armory Wed. night. HI
There was only a small rspresen-
street, between Court and Chemeketa.
No. 4 Swedish Tabernacle, corner
Milt and Uth streets.
. No. 5 Richmond school.
No. Yew Par school.
No. 7 Highland school.
No, S Reddaway store, 1421 North
motored to Salem Monday and were
the guests of a B. Claacey. when the
business men of the city insnwte
the Franklin and Dibble bulb farm tn treet
on the Walldce road. Mr. Young is No- Baptist church, corner D
one of the leading florists of Portland n Cottage streets,
and Mr. Van Kirk is secretary of the No. IS Garfield school.
Portland Floral society. f No. 11 County court house.
i No. 12 Real Burner factory, cor-
The" Woman's Home Missionary ner Trade and Winter streets.
society or the Jason Lee Memorial No. IS Mrs. D. Mclntvr resl-
Justice Burnett in his opinion. "To
hold otherwtee would be to say that
when an individual Or corporation de-
Gantenbein affirmej.
Arthur W. Jones et ai x-s. H. H.
Jones et al, appeal from Multnomah
votes property to public ttses ft county; suit to declare a deed a niori
amoiinis to a voluntary sacrifice onU:MC and to secure adjudication of
thank-offering on the public altar. j shares of stock. Opinion by Justice
church will hold their regular month
ly meeting Wednesday afternoon at
tation of members at the meeting of;2:3o nvwir t '
the Woman's Republican Club, which! Waller, on the Fairgrounds rid T it
was held in the City haU Monday af-wiII be mite box dayf god'a -ternoon.
The measurts to be voted tendance is expected,
tinnn at r 'm nuninff nrimarlM a.-V. '
brought up and their discussion oc
cupied the afternoon. The next meet
ing will be held on May 24, Miss Cor
nelia Marvin, state librarian will ad
(rress the women at this gathering.
Hear the league of nations discuss
ed Wed. night at the armory. . 113
C. B. Clancey, W. C. Franklin and
jacK earner motored - to
Tuesdav to attend a meeting of the
Portland floral society there Tuesday
dence, 1465 S. Church street.
No. 14 Kurtc fruit dryer, North
Commercial street.
No. IS Hunts cannery, Division
street. V .
No. 16 City hall.
No. 17 Maiipn hotel, sample room.
No. 18 Friends church rnmw
Portland jWashlng(onv and Commercial streets.
Fairgrounds Fire station.
. Hear Daniel Toole of New York on
the subject. Millions now living may
never die. Moose hall Monday May
10, 8 p. m. H2
.. . T?nhv
a isav 6 1 " "
I nmial club, 2 p. m.
I May 26-27 Appollo
J concert, Grand theater.
.a A,i.i,.ps hv vm.
Mays'- "
B. W. Ritchie, well known Salem
musician, was going around shaking
hands with his friends and bidding
them farewell today. Mr. Ritchie will
j leave Salem in the course of a few
J. A. Lyons, John F. Allen and
Frank T. Schmidt of Salem secured
anglers licenses Monday from Coun
ty Clerk TJ. G. Boyer.
Voters Are Given
New Ward Outline
And Polling List
An authentic list of polling places
days for San. Francisco ' where he in Salem, with a map of the recently
re-arrangea voting precincts has been
filed with City Recorder Earl Race
oy me councilmanic committee in
i a Tatt, at the armory.
four House News,
Circuit Court.
i Mi-Lean vs. Henry
d. -
L. Holt.
plans to make his home, t
T. D. Jones, 195 South 24th street
celebrated the 75th anniversary of his charge of arrangement for the cltv
V.lpt V. il3 1, Qlinilnil Unii Q lt T ., - -
""""j ,.7uwj, May . iu. ituuva election, May Zl.
is a weU known resident of the Cap- A great deal of confusion has re
ital city having corrducted the BUlted from the re-platting of Salem
Northwest Nursery here for 36 years. city precincts, but the following ut
For the past two years he has" been ne of wards ia presente(1 ag a w
reUred, his son Howard Jones, being to Salem voterg. B
in charge of the business. Four liv- wrii 1 n.!,,,. ,n ,e v
w c m t . Wara L Precincts 9, 19, 15: bound-
M7,kav vs L. N. T.PWM et. " 8ll 'd"r ";T-- HZ'? on the west by the river, on the
a'orWnai notice of trail JU I Howard Jones, of Salem, Mrs. P. M. I nJTJ "iB
Ullliam Brown vs. j. x. "'-..Hill, of Salem and Claude Jones of jL" ,tw , VJ '-""''"'""
Ithls city. I uit iue twi oy ina
. . w. nm nuuu ii j nninei
t al. Stipulation.
Anton Morty,
estate. Semi-annual
Marrhuje Licenses
Tilliara McKinley Forbis, 23, of
1SSB N Ubertv street, a teamster to
Orpin Brown, 16, 1770 North Liberty
llrtel . -- "
Daily Statistics,
B0E3CHEN Conrad William Boes
chen, 78, at a local hospital Mon-
4ay. Funeral at chapel of Rigdon &
Son company at 2:30 p. m. Wed
nesday. Private burial in City View
Come to Mnnsn hall Mnniliiv a.!l
10, 8 p. m. and hear one of the great- Wfd 2' Precincts 2, 11: bounded
.est Bible students of the age. 112 ion the WE8t by Hish Teet on the
south by Ferry street, on the east by
i Porter wanted at the"-Spa. Il2, ! 18thtreet and on the north by Cen-
. - - ,ter street. ,
The carrier ought not be com polled to
sacrifice Its plant and be content mere
ly with compensation amounting only
to interest'oa its value."
Other opinions were handeti down
as fellows: V , .'
. Martin Blaser et al, appellants, ts,'
Jefferson Fleck et al., appeal, from
Tillamock county; action for conver
sion of personal property. Opinion by
Justice Bean. Judge George R. Bag
ley reversed.
Sam Williams vs. Seufert Brothers
company, and state fish and game core
mission, appellants; appeal from Mult
nomah county; petition for rehearing
denied by Justice Bean.
Pioneer Show ft Commercial Print
ing company, appellant, vs. Sidney
Zetosh et al, appeal from Multnomah
county; suit tor eeover money, pill
ion by Justice Harris. Judge C. f.
BEVINE To Mr. and Mrs. James E.
Bevins, 1394 . North 6th street, a
daughter,' May 6, 1920.'; ,
TICK To Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J.
Vick, 1495 North Liberty street,
Hay 10, a son.
Baby chicks, 508 State. Phone 400.
The League of Nations, What is it?
Hw Hon. Chas. A. A. McGee at ar
mory Wed. evening I p. m. Mr. Mc
Ge will discuss this important ques
tion and all thoughtful men and wo
men should hear him. 113
W can now sell you a good steak
rn, alicea ready for the pan at 12 Vic
fry mess. You will like and cut H.
C U Fltts Market. 112
H. J, Eberle, deputy state forester,
left Monday for Medford to take up
duties as district fire warden for
Jackson county for the summer.
.. TJsed pianos on sale. The past few
lu we have fiken In as part pay
lent toward player pianos a number
11 wry fine pianos; we wish to make
for new piunos arriving and of
these used pianos some' just like
-at very low prices. Come today
Jf jou want a fine piano at a small
. The Wiley B. Allen Co.. 519
urt street. H5
' Hdlions now living may never die.
yana hear Daniel Toole. Moose
" Monday May 10, 8 p. m. 112
Nwduiir enlliv t . v,..
Vand battery Walter McDougal
several days ago on complaint'
h,l . """Jfrren, was fined 132.20,
j7" '"dudes costs of the trial, by
- "'nun this morning.
ti,t,lTet'nB o 016 members of the
ttnTi. hurch wl" b hld he
J May 12th, at 8 p. m. This is
tfeZr?' and every tnember of the
CI, VXpecte,J ,0 ne thP"- C. A.
''S'.d DraDery Bpeclal, fancy
It U Ruffled curtains, values to
' W at 12.45 pair. Hamilton'.
Wi n'ar meeting of the' schonl
.. f Salem n-ni .iv.'.
jot 0 clock In the' hih nrhnnl
W, a!ari's and several " other
Coming from Klamath Flals, where - Wlri Preo'ncta 1. bounded
he made a campaign speech in the in- n tne west by tha lou6"h an the.
terest of Hiram Johnson, Charles a. 1 ""1Iamette r,ver' oti th "h by
MbGee, of California, will speak at the Miller street, on the east by High
Armory here Wednesday evening, "'reet and on the north by Union
May 12, in behalf of the California street.
senator. Mr. McGee has campaigned in1' Ward 4, precincts 4, 5, 12: bound
New Jersey and Michigan and is said el 00 the west by High street, on
to be a powerful speaker. He will dis- the south by Miller street, Mission
cuss the League of Nations. Saturday street and the Salem-Turner road, on
.evening he will appear in Stlverton. I the east by city limits and on the
north by Salem-Macleay road, and
For sale, 20 White Leghorn chick- State street to 19th street, thence
eng 1-yea old. Phone 1491, 1064 Oik-jsouth one block to Ferry which forms
street. 112, the northern boundary.
11 I Ward 5, precincts 7, 8, 14: bound
II you -have, In the future.i ed on the west -by the river; on 'the
as in the past, "economy and effi-; south by Market street, on the vast
ciency" in the recorder's office, vote by the Southern Pacific tracks to
15X Earl Race, city recorder, (adv) ; Madison avenue and thence east to
. 112 city limits (in line with Madison ave-
; ... , !nue) from city limits at fairgrounds
Miss Mildred Marcy of Portland is west to S. P. tracks and then north
the- guest of her sister, Mrs. Minnie on tracks to city limits which forms
Bates, 1138 south lath street. Miss the northern boundarv.
Marcy expects to attend Willamette ward 6. nreeincts 1. 3: bounded on
University next fall. ' . the west bv 12th street: on the south
- ' by Center to north 18th, thence to
Love, jeweler, watchmaker, Salem." gtate ?treet and the Saln-Macleay
" road; on the east by the city limits
vr. u. u .n,, resiuenct, pnont , thfl nQrth by MadIg0 stree
Ward 7, precicts 6, 13, 18: bound
ed on the west by the slough and city
limits; on the south by city limits,
on the east by city limits to Salem-
Supreme Court
Upholds Public
Service Board
The right of the' public service com
mission to establish a freight rate
which will not only provide a reason
able interest on the investment of the
railroad company hut will provide for
the amoriatteation of the depreciation
of the property and consider the dis
count suffered by the company in the
sale of its bonds, is upheld in an opin
ion written by Justice Burnett and
handed down ' by the supreme court
this morning. -
The opinion is based on a suit insti
tuted by the Hammond Lumber com
pany, Elwood Logging company, "fc. M.
Christensen hogging company, Neha
lem Investment company, Fishhawk
Timber company, Murphy Timber eom
pany, Mcpherson Timber company,
Detroit Trust company and Robert C.
Kinney against the public service com
mission, j
The plaintiffs owned large tracts of
timber in Columbia county In the re
gion served by the Columbia & Neha-
lem River Railroad company, a log,
going road extending some 27 miles in
Columbia .county. The railroad com
pany had filed with the public service
commission a schedule of freight rates
which was contested before the com
mission by the plaintiffs as to the rate
to be charge on logs. After a hearing
the commission fixed a rate on logs to
which the plaintiffs objected, Institut
ing suit In the Marion county circuit
court in an effort to have the rate or
der set aside. In their complaint the
plaintiffs alleged. that the commission
had no right to consider the amortiza
tion of the railroad property or the dis
count of the bonds ih fixing the rate to
be charged for carrying logs but that
this rate should be based solely on a
sufficient returnto pay a fair Interesv
on the investment! The circuit" court
upheld the commission and the plain
tiffs appealed .the supreme court to
day affirming the decision of the low
er court.
"It wasisi'lthin the scope of the com
mission's authority to establish such a
rate as would amoritize this deprecia
tion as well as to yield to the carrier a
fair return for Its services," declares
1 Takes the place of houst
lining for less.
Max 0. Buren
lit North Commercial
is temporarily 596R; office phone 573
as' before. 112
For city marshal!. A courteous and
fearless enforcement of the law. (ad)
. 117
Forty violinists, in ensemble, stud
ents of Miss Elizabeth Levy, will' be
heard in complimentary recital at the
First Christian church, Tuesday even
ing, May 11 at 8 p. m. A cordial in
vitation is extended to all friends of
Miss Levy and the, students..
Reverend and Mrs. Alfred Bates I To those who honored the passing
will take part'in the Commencement of a dear hURband and father with
exercises at Tualatin on Eriday even- j flowers, aid and sympathy, we rx-'nS-
press our sincere appreciation and
I thanks. Mrs. J. G. Reigelman, Per-
City firemen were 20 minutes this ry Pi RBjgcIman, Mrs. C. A. Jordan,
morning extinguishing a roof fire, 113
with chemicals and water, at a resi
dence, 476 North 21st street. Damage
to the home" is not great.
Public ''Auction -
Friday, May 14th
, V .... , ;
1:30 p. m.
1120 Center St.
Furniture, rugs, Congol
eum rugs, f ine-jB-hole pol
ished top range with water
coil-and reservoir, heater,-
draperies, curtains,
ding, etc. See Wednesday
nights paper for full par
ticulars. ' .
'" Owner.
Harris. Judge W. M. Gatens affirm
ed. ' .
Central Pacific Railway company
vs. W. W. Gage s sheriff and tax col
lector of Coos county, appellant: ap
peal from Coos county,- mandamus
proceeding to compel sheriff to accept
payment of certain amount f money
which the plaintiff alleses is due for
a Lux ury
Improves NEW ' .
Blades 100 Per Cent
Williams Shaving Powder, C ream and
Soap. Razor Strop and Hones. All
makes of Safety Razorg aflfd Blades.
"Where Everybody Buys"
taxes instead of an amount which de
fendant claims is due. Opinion by
Justice Burnett. Judge John F. Code
Motion fur rehaering denied in N
sar Shevehuk et al vs. Fred Kotcbik
et al.
" v 140 Court Street
Wop dry's Stock
of Furniture. Ranges, Heaters,
Rugs, Tools, etc., before you
870 N. Coiu'l ..St. Phones kit
or 611
Transfer Co,
PHONB 1400
Whereas. It has pleased our Heav-
'enly Father to call our beloved broth
er, J. L. Oliver, to his reward. ,
, Whereas, Brush College Grange No.
586 has lost a valued member, his
H. E. Collins this morning deposit
ed bond of $10 for his appearance in
Judge Unruh's court Saturday at 10
a .. n 1. . , , ; ,
.. in. uu i;uttiBc i opccuius. vu.- . ,. ... . ,,.,.i V,K,1 nnA
Jins was arrested by Deputy Sheriff """" -'"''" "
Smith, now riding a motorcycle for
father, be it
... , J .1 . . . T ..... I. .. A tna
the county. This is Smith's first ar-1 ""soivea, wmt in.. -
rest for the season. , grange be conveyed to the widow and
children of our deceased fellow mem-
A building permit was issued today;ber, committing them in this hout of
at the city recorder's office to E. Eg- their bereavement, to the kindly Con
ner, 1225 22nd street for the erection 'eolation of Him who doeth all things
of a one-story frame dwelling. CostiWeii; ne it iurtner ,
of the home will be approximately!. Resolved, that a copy or tnese res
1,000. lolutions be sent to the family, a copy
'.sent to the local paper, and a copy
Harry Loomls, teamster residing in sent to the Grange Bulletin.
South Salem, will be tried in Judge! Mrs. Oliver Whitney, Mrs. ChflS.
Unruh's court some time this, week, '.Demarest, committee on resolutions.
or probably Monday, on a charee of
being cruel to animals. Loomis, ac
cording to complaint, permits his
horses to run at large and poorly
feeds them. . ...
n and Hctlon.
, fetn V uream,and Tuesday, Fri-
-, sun.iay nicht. fiunrtav
r diZ ' tuewions are scheduled
tHtS TarP'py.' t Portland,
,. Week r,it '
of r. and Mrs. Henry Le.t
et?k Went !o SeaUle
o f,nn a busIn trip. He
rone for w,veial QaySt
K 'Tea
The regular monthly meeting of
the Marion County Community Fed
eration will be held at -Hubbard next
Thursday night, according to an
nouncement made at the offices of the
Commercial Club today. T. E. Mc
Croskey, manager of the Salem Com
mercial Club, Luther J. Chapln, head
of the agricultural department and
W. C. Franklin are delegates from the
club here to the Federation meetings.
Iu His f.niit Romantic
Comedy Too '
e -
Pamphlets containing the proposed
charter amendments to be voted on
at the special city election May 21,
with negative and affirmative argu
ments, were being" mailed out today
by City Recorder Race. The proposed,
amendments are on a raise in salary j
ior ine ciijr jimfsitm, ttie nuwwiu.. j i
of the state aflr grounds to the city, j I
and the change in the mode oi levy
ing street assessments.
I It'a,a delight to masticate
X our pastry- It's delicate
food qualities are appre
1 ciated by housewives who
know good food when they
serve it. Serve our bread
and other bakery goods' at
your table and sweeten up
your home sweet home.
7:15 AVD :15 P.n.
Search bv officers last night for
' two suspicious characters " reported
by M. R. Matthews, J nan stre-i
trt Kj nrnvMnir Arminrf his home, ffiil-
! ed to reveal any trace of the men, po
a iice reports stated this morning.
AILfrt Miller and B. Conners, a
'I'lvt-r for the Cusick company, were
j li.-id today for speeding. They wer"
. arre-'cd yesterday by Traffic Officer
Verd-n 1L. 5?f?! '"H'r was cited
In unnnr lfffr Police judge IIsco
Ot A
Tlie bigaft anil most siiM'iarmar
how of Hie year
Music Kvfnliilt
Tliur-da Paufliic
I n iicrlck
We are too busy
And Modernizing Our Store To
Write Ads
bed- I
F.N.Woodry, Good Goods. LJ
The Auctioneer. XL lmmmmmamuammimmmmammmk-
! ppjJJIi'!ill Jgh !
. pM A f Pat L
W'ym w f mother.
' n T. !' W fetber. the bovs
i and girls. Ufs the 8
lMi sweet for aliases-' '
kZl at work or play. M
mmv0 The belleicia, 4
I I W goody.
lll l'' '' When you're nervous
3 I P and tired, see how
1 frefrcshesI mH1 " 1
V The 'A.
i: Flavor A f
; Lasts V
mjtem 'Tilth'?- !
I Zmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm run i i . tr s.teir-1-mmm-jri m ft if EL
.U kl
t i