Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 11, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Published every evening xcpt
andajr by The Capita: Journal Print
big Co., 13S South Commercial street.
Telephone Circulation and Busi
ness Office, SI; Editorial rooms. 82.
Q. PUTNAM. Editor and Publisher.
Entered aa second class aiail Bat
tor t Salsm, Orfon.
By carrier 64 cent! a month. By
tail 10c a month, 1.S tot three
Booths, 2.2f (or six months, $4 per
rear In Marios and folic coanuea.
Xleewhere 15 a year.
Mr order of V. 8. goTerntnant, an
mall subscriptions are payable la advance.
Advertising representatives W. L.
Ward, Tribune Bldg., Ne Tork; W.
B. Stockwell, Peoples Gas bldg.,
The Associated Press Is exclusively
entitled to the use (or publication of
an news dispatches credited to it or
aot otherwise credited In this paper
and also local news published herein.
Seen Through The
Journal Window
(My H. K. Ilrowue) . '
The old Scotch adajre, "It's many a
rnlckle makes a inuckle" can well be
upplled to the average farmer on the
I'acldc coast, or the methods of rais
ing poultry on the Oregon farm. There
are very few people who realize the
vast amount of poultry and eKR uel
In this dtute alone. The principle frenh
meat of the (ai mer FpemB to be poul
try anil egi?s, because a chicken can
nlways be had fresh without the ne
rcxHily of an ice box. I am told thai
the poultry out put in the Willamette
valley In nearly us great as the pro
duction of beef and pork, and rilne
tenlhH of thiM Is ruiHed upon the farm
In itmall amounts. There Is no meal
that will britip n better price the year
around and that will give such con
Blunt ret urns.
1 he Wife's Slinrft
The average farmer thinks it is a
waste of time and feed to pay any at
tention to the poultry; as a general
consequence they are generally poorly
cared for and poorly housed.
llefure the days of creameries the
ckk, poultry and butter constituted the
Wife's share of the (arm products to
(uinlHh her household supplies, conse
quently the cow and chicken got what
nothing else would cut, or what they
could find for themselves, us It was
considered the height of folly to give
Iced of any vnluo to them, simply' to
fill the wife's pocket book. The prod
uct wan curried to the country store to
be bartered for goods. The creamery
und cheese fuctory have turned the
Cow over to the other side of the
house now ,and she Is fairly well cared
for under most circumstance.
the poultry 'still remains In the wo
man's puimesslon In inoft cases, often
times to roost In the trees or on the
wood pile and feed with the pigs what
they cannot get by m'rutehlng (or, and
Ihe farmer, unless ltla 'wife .has the
Rood fortune to sell for cash and the
proceeds come In very handy to pay his
tuxes, will denounce the whole lot as
a nuhmnce, and will postlvely declare
they cut their hearix off every year,
A man who had made a study of
poultry raising (or some time said a
few days ago that, when the poultry of
Oregon receives tho name care and at
tention that Is given to the stock on
Ihe farm, a long step will be reached
toward the success of husbandry.,
Poultry raising is u business In Itself
nnd Is a profitable business, too, If
h lulled judiciously.
It is a strange travesty on justice not to inflict the full pen
alty of the law upon "Bluebeard" Harvey, the Los Angeles multi
wife murderer and arch criminal who admits having married oyer
twenty women for their money and having in cold blood killed nine
of them.
In refurn for his confession, immunity was promised by the
district attorney, but the web of circumstantial evidence had al
ready enmeshed Harvey and confession was superfluous. It .was
only because he realized that the noose waa tightening about his
neck, that the trembling and cowardly wretch related the story
of his crimes.
The net result of this'official compromise with justice is to
punish the people of California by burdening them for the guard
ing, clothing, feeding and care of this moral monster for an in
definite period of years. The poor but honest man may suffer
hardship and hunger and have no place to lay 'hi head, but this
beast in human form is assured of comfort and provision as long
as his worthless heart beats, and without effort on his part
This degenerate can never become a useful member of society
which he burdens. He is not bothered with a .conscience to re
proach him. He married and murdered to secure money for a life
of ease and now the state provides him this easy existence as a
reward of merit and relieves him of the necessity of more mar
riages and murders to secure the wherewithal. - !
Had this modern "bluebeard" been apprehended in Oregon,
the confession would not have been forthcoming, for there would
have been no fear of the gallows to.extort it. The severest pen
alty he could have incurred would have been a pension for life.
All of which emphasizes the need of restoring capital punish
ment as a penalty for murder. As ldng as society breeds blue
beards and degenerates of his type, just so long will the gallows
be needed as a protection to society. While not a preyentative
of crime, the noose is certainly a deterant. '.
Rusty Wren's cousin. Long Bill,
lived Id the reeds ou the bank of
Black Creek. Although everybody
called him "Long Bill." like Rusty
Wren he was actually short and
longer than Rusty' You see, he be
chubby. His bill, however, was much
longed to one branch of the Marsh
Wren family; and they all had bills
like that
Long Bill Wren always claimed
7 -
Thomas B. Kay and Frank Da vies, veteran former members
, 1. . 1 ..1 - A Al 1 1. A 1 t
oi uie legislature, inrew a moiiKey wrencn into ine macninery oi it-rr
the Marion Countv Taxnavers Leacue when thev refused to arv "I was just going u the orciwrd
cept the league's dictation for a do-nothing and spenft-nothintrj to hMt tor ""' ""
and everything program. The. League had called the tnat hls real name "was wuiiam
meeting to put the legislative candidates on the carpet and select
five out of the field of fourteen for league endorsement. -
Mr. Kay declared that the league was attempting to usurp
the rights of the voters to decide for themselves and resorting to
the old convention system of selecting candidates for the people,
asserting it an attempt to restore machine politics, and contrary
4 S Vt t fi i v If f 4-Ve ftrnrr,v mrof aim '
Both former leislators declared that they refused to be bound
to any program or be hampered by instructions from any self
constituted body of the people's guardians, and that they must be
free as legislators to do what they regarded as best for the wel
fare of the state. Other candidates followed along the same lines
and the announcement of the league's ticket is awaited with in
terest. Five of the fourteen candidates have had legislative exper
ience. The others are well known citizns of the county and their
relative worth in the legislature can be judged by their relative
value to the community as citizens. It is apparent that coercion
or dictation from any organized body is superfluous and proper
subject for resentment from worth-while candidates.
home was the watering-trough. And
that was entirely too small to please
Long Bill Wren. So no one ever saw
him around the (arm buildings.
For a leng time Rusty had neither
seen nor heard o( his cousin, when
one day Jolly, Robin knocked at his
"I won't come in," said Jolly (oi
course he couldn't have, anyhow
being (ar too big to get through
Rusty's door!). "I won't come in, (or
I merely want to give you a message.
Old Mr. Crow came to the orchard
today and he asked me to deliver an
invitation from your cousin who
lives near Black Creek."
"That's Long Bill!" Rusty Wren
exclaimed. "
Jolly Robin nodded. "He's going to
have a party," he explained. "And he1
wants you to come to it." i
"When will it take place?" Rusty
asked eagerly.
"Tomorrow!" said Jolly Robin.
"It's rather short notice," Rusty
Wren observed.
"Mr. Crow has been keeping the
message (or you for some time," Jollyj
Robin explained. "He said he thought;
It would be more of a surprise If youi
didn't know about the party too
"We'll be there, anyhow," Rusty's
wife interrupted behind her hus
band's back. She had been listen
ing with a good deal of interest to
Jolly's message.
"But - you're not Invited," Jolly
Robin told her. "This Is a man's
party so Mr. Crow says."
"You may tell old Mr. Crow that
Bui he did not like to argua with
his wife, especially in the presence
o( a neighbor. ' . T"
Soon Jolly Robin said he must be
hack to the orchard, because he had
to take care o( his children while his;
wife went out to Bake a sail.
Mrs. Rusty did not 'urge him tOj
star- And. since she seemed upset!
over something. Rusty thought it
just as well if their visitor did notj
linger there too long. I
"I was just going to the orchard'
myself to hunt (or insects," said:
Rusty. "So I'll go with you." - '
Mrs. Rusty shot quick look at
him. '-
"Remember! You're going to be
busy at home tomorrow!" she warned
him. - .!
"Yes! yes!" he said. And he seemed
- "v u, a carry i0 . J"-
orchard it coaHa-. v. s .
away from hom ' t
Ship UsYourYvvIr
We do clearing"
mg for comforters
mattresses. MarmfactnS
of pure wool UtfaL
t,, Oregon.
7G0 Umatilla Avenu-
802 Spalding Bldg.
people generally smiled when
made that statement.
Tt tint nfton tl.Qt Piiotif mat
this cousin of his, (or Rusty seldom! my husba"i won't be able to be pres
ventured so (ar (rom home as Black, ent" Mre- Rusty Wren snapped.
Creek. And baing very (ond of water, "He's going to be very busy tomor-
.""m .?t T' 8!,cndffny flrow' tor he Promised to help me with
his valuable time in Farmer Green s . . ...
dooryard. lmy house-cleaning."
Of course, there was the duck pond Rusty Wren looked worried. But
not far away and the river, too. But ( he said nothing more just then. He
the only water really close to Rusty's wanted to go to his cousin's party.
Pete D'Arcy Says
(rrom the Aurora Obnerver.)
"The whole educational system Is
wrong. Wo do not need to educate
the boys nnd girls; they can educate
themselves If they tire mnile of the
rlfc'ht kind of stuff."
' Ro said" Teler Ij'Arcy In a speech
before the Marlon county grange, it
Is almost unbelievable that any en
lightened audience could listen to such
It declaration without protest.
When nil the Incidents of Ihe speak
er's career urn recalled, It Is not uir
Jii'lslng tbnt brick blocks and Irish
bonds hio more highly rcetnrdod limn
tli American public school, the Amer
ican flag, nnd American boys and KirlH.
Could Totcr ri'Arey cnsl (and count)
a composite ballot for the Oregon elec
torate (and he: Is reputed to know o
few things along this line), we might
expect him lo turn our school houses
In pig stys, our court houses and mih
lie buildings into Ulnn Fellt headquar
1ers, our colleges und universities Into
temples of ignorance and Illiteracy,
. mid mm school books Into bricks for
buslnoKS blocks on lot 1, block 1, Sa
lem, Oregon.
According to his own rpfechps and
actions, the bath tub, (he public
school and the American flag are mere
listless furbelows, needless luxuries,
for which It Is m crime 1 spend Uie
taxpayer's money when ' the dollars
' are needly so badly for more brick
bulldingf, ':
It Is plain that ihe American educa
tional system will never please Pete
' IVArry until il adopted the 16 to 1
plan educating Id cbldlrea fr 1 dol
lar, and a U cent dollar t that!
Having failed to induce the legislature to repeal the require
ments that gasoline be Up to standard, the oil trust is cutting
off the supply to Oregon and raising the price, to force executive
suspension of the law. Are the oil companies greater than the
government? - .
Rippling Rhymes r
It is seldom ills are single ; in a regiment they rise, and' our
scalding teardrops mingle with the tears of other guys. When a
blaze calls out the firemen, there'll be seven in a row, while the
bards and kindred lyremen chant the litany of woe. Now a tire
sustains a puncture, in a long cross-country run, and the driver, at
this juncture, knows his grief is but begun. Not a narasancr he'll
travel, but a tire is running flat; tacks and nails and chunks ofrcreaHe" ln the '"""'e of deputy war-
gravel all contributing to that. To the morals undermining are
such grievous things as these, and his language, hot and shining
wilts the leaves on near-by trees. Things go wrong at early
morning, wrong when from your couch you start, and you take it
as a warning that the day will break your heart. For our evils authnrlzed' as w"3 alao expanse.
Come cavortimr. not. alas, as Sincrle snips! hut. in Winna the Tumalo hatchery. Meacham lake
come snorting, as we sadly swat the flies. But they'll soon haveiant!l,,tT trl'?"tn,:uJ ot ,he
run their courses, and the luck will change awhile; from our woe
noii uoc, iiuu vie u ispi nig me UlU lime smile. The first ceremony in connection
with the canonization of Joan of Arc
was held in Rome yesterday when the
committee of beatification of the Nun
Lulse D'Mariltac was proclaimed b
fore the congregation of rttes.
Office of State
Biologist Will
Remain Vacant
Portland, Or., May 11. Oregon Is
to have no state biologist this year,
the Btate game commission decided
yesterday at its regular monthly ses
sion. Neither is. suprevision of trout
and salmon hatcheries to be divided
for the present. Master Fish Warden
R. E.. Clan ton will remain ln charge of
both unui January 1.
A fund of (500 to be paid out In re,
wards for catching marked salmon
was authorised by, the fish commission
which met at the' same time. Pay
ments of 60 cents each will be made
(or the marked portion of each salmon
caught in the Columbia, These were
turned loose from Herman Creek,
Bonenvllle, White Salmon and Clats
kanle in 1915 and 1916 and already
this season a number of them return,!
lng have been captured.
The joint commissions appointed a
oomniittee to consider proposed in-
Water Company.
corner Commercial and Trade 8ta
Bills payable monthly ln advanca
Phone ST.
Why Sell for Less.
WE will pay you more cash (or your
household goods. Get our bid be
fore you sell. Peoples Furnltur!
and Hardware Store. Z71 N. Com
mercial street Phone 734.
ut-uo miiu reijuri next monin, aii nj-
ivaaco giuuteu win oo euecuve June
11 ' I
Construction o( a new hatchery on !
Clear crek in Washington county was '
fci A Meet tout Dram
'motton )
lef men and
T if-
ir mxvft-n
t; ) t 2 u Wi
ml fs M
By the Noted Author
.lolut MuhI t'lMMiH I when John comes, I shall Bhow it to
I knew that Alice was talking wo- , . - ., :
men In politic, to get my mind away h,,n- 1 ftm rather urPri o find;
from my own affairs. Alice is much-that this missive did not hurt me as
older than I. ttli other did. It seems rathter (utile
I am still young enough to want all, and I smile to myseK to think how
the Joy that life can give me. i nearly, I had carried out Elizabeth
I um not nt all reconciled to the' Moreland's wishes, because I had al
thnught ot becoming a mother, but most decided this 'morning to leave
perhnpt) I will feel differently nbout It John to her.
after John comes. If John should Now, John will have to decide. I
net ob he did when I told him my first! shall tell him the truth and ask him
baby was coming I could not staud it. to choose between us.
French Brothers, , sheep dealers ot
Cove, and their mother, Mrs. Adelaide
McKennon of Clarksvllle, Ark., have
sold their 880 acre farm one mile out
of Cove to Stewart McAnlsh nnd sons
for. (53,300.
Tli' i-v.!y way f ;;!', c: r t!U' fjlks I
V ii m i Vi.. "KotJilu' :i l me -
i.-n- :u- i' hjrrv hi' m.ike n couple o'
t t, h ;()i' il'i -n iinAi-:' if.' c'our''li
I think I would just try to end It all.
I don't Just nulls understand why this
Idea of suicide o fascinates me. Is
it because I am a coward that I dare
not look life nnd Its duties and re-j
spoiiHlhllltles in the facet I believe!
that I will go and talk to my mother's
old minister. Perhaps he can help
me, for Just now life and Its burdens
are almost more than I can hear.
Nolo anil Telegrams Rcnil
I have read John's note and his
telegram over and over and each time
they give me more courage. Perhaps
everything will be all right now. If
John would only be to me what he
was before we were married nothing
would mntter.
Charles left as soon as he knew
that John was coming. I do not
think he at all relishes being my
representative and caring for the In
heritance mother left me. I presume
I have put him ln a (alee position, I
but, oh! he must have known that 1
could not allow John to take over my
business affairs. That would leave
me precisely In the place I was before
I Inherited It. Kveu Alice sees that
I nm right In this. s
As I read over what I have written
of my married life I understand fully
that I am no heroine. I expect, how
ever, If I could show up all my virtues
and put my faults In the background,
everyone who read, even John per
haps, might love me.
Hannah just brought me in a spec
ial delivery letter. It Is another one
of those awful anonymous missive,
which I am sure Eluuibeth Morvland
la Writing inc.
Mistake frm the Start
This letter says: "Do you not real
ise that your husband loves someone
riser io you ma M!ie that he i
only coming to you because you have
become a rich woman? Why do you
not act him free? Whv do von not
; understand that neither of you can
ever be happy tosetther? It ce
iiilKiak." from first to last.
I No one can know what is wi-iUeii
.hi this J-tt-r except K:i,..heh .luce
!;.! I and f. she -! Jtwt fi wvl-
When I hod come to this conclusion
I began to feel much better, much
stronger. ' t think It Is a good thing
In this life to decide upon things, even
if you decide In the wrong. That Is
Alice's strong point. She decides
quickly and hen it It is Wrong she
makes the best of it.
I arose and dressed and started out
for a little walk, thinking perhaps if
I were not too tired, I would go to the
train to meet John. . , ,
Mecets Ruth's Chlldrea
On the way downtown I enme
across Kuth Oaylord's three adorable
children. Bobble knew me Immedi
ately and said to his little brother and
sister: "Come quick! Come quick!
Here Is the candy lady."
I had forgotten that I had, much to
Ruth's annoyance, alwnys given her
children quantities of candy, but now
I said: "Yes, here conies the candy,"
and taking the little girl's hand nnd
putting the two boys in front of me.
we strolled down the street ln a hunt
for a candy shop. It was thus that
John found me. I had not realisejl
that It was train time. I had become
so absorbed ln the children.
"You remind me of the old lady
who lived in a shoe," he said gaily as
he kissed me right there on the street.
Tomorrow The Issue.
v I
" -1 -I I
Beautiful Women
of Society, durlngth past
seventy yean have relied
upon tt for their disiin-
VjiuUhed appearance. The
JSoft, refineJ, pearly
. I. , S. I,
Willie tVIIll'IVJklVII
renders InsUntly. it
slwavs the source Of
flattering comment, f
Aches, pains, nerr ousness, diffi
culty in urinating, often mean 4
serious disorders. The world's
standard remedy for kidney, liver,
bladder and uric acid troubles--
s tKI,,s
j . 1 1 9
briny qttfck reHef and often wasd off
deadly diseases. Known as the national
fsmsdy of Holland for more then 100
years. All druggists, in three sizta
Lee far Ike eaaaa Cold Madal aa aratr kaa
aaa aecapi aa liil.rioa
lias no ter
La. W J I
"An all-around good shot. That's us."
WHAT we're
aiming at, is
that it takes both skSI
and precision to
blend tobaccos the
Chesterfield vay.
Maybe this is why
you find "Satisfy" in
Chesterfields and
nowhere else.
! i
f ' i n in r iiw is in m niiBi .jini.iim.oL
vs'igilfc til
-rnr-S irnalll ias'ta-i.a-.-i t
Nothing Hastens Recovery Like Vinol
That is because Vinol contains the greatest strength
creating and Jbody building elements known to
medicine Beef and Cod Liver Peptones, Iron and
Manganese, Hyphosphites, etc You can just feel
yourself gain after taking Vinol a' week.
Here is rroor mac vinoi treates strength
Wmtv. Ind. " Influenza left me
terribly weak, anaemic and with no
appetite. I could not even walk
around the bouse without being ex
hausted, and as I am a housewife I
had to have help. I tried tonics
and doctors without benefit I read
about Vinol, and four bottles built me
np and restored my strength."
Mrs. Charles Moone. i
Fnr all mnnan. naraims. anaamlo MlTtdltitma, Waalt
ffwble old pan pla and dclloata child n, the la no ramad like yinul.
lovrmonmy (oik otr rwurngq tj vtnat pim
Greenwood. Miss. "T a fi
lef t me run-down and so weak 1 htd t
give up my work. At my drug iten
I learned about Vinol, and f Ur tk.
in it about one month I feel lftB t
different woman. I eat well, tfem
well and feel well, and I can truly uj
Vinol is a God-send to any weak, ns. ,
down person to create strength attar '
sickness. " Mary Ella Ford. ,
laismiiiBfcI "a"'tiH
"Just as Man to Man"
says the Goc-d Judge
You get a lot more genu
ine satisfaction from a lit
tie of the Real Tobacco
Chew than you ever got
from the old kind.
You don't need a fresh
chew nearly as often,
the good, rich, real to
bacco taste is so last
ing. That's why It
costs less to use this class
of tobacco.
Any man who uses the real
Tobacco Chew will tell you
Put up in two styles
, RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
Vote 302 X Yes
For 4 State Road Bond Limit
302 X Yes
303 No
For Intarmt Tahlna. Pinnkw.
145 1 Mtarf I C. fli. Owaai ImMm (aja. 1 1.
uouquanan, in woiraMm BmiOics. f ortlaad, wresos
VOTE 302 X YES For 4 State Rd Band Limit
CONSTrrUTIONAI. AMENDMENT RofemJ to the people bt la
rKiiative Assembly.
rOH PERMANENT MOADS. Purpow: To mienil Secuon I "I
ArtHleXIoflhoCointuuiiunof tlieWtateofOretonsoiisUip" .
ciwitlonof debtoaiid lilliilitioB inrludirif previous del)tndlwi,l"
for (ba pnrpniaot buildini and msilitaininl rrmil6iit
amount of four par oant of tlie asaawad valuation of all tM fJ5
in tha atala of Oregon, Instead of two per oent ainow provided U
Keep these three facts in mind. The present auto license fees snl
gasoline tax will pay both the principal and interest on all the bonis
under this amendment, and will yield an annual surplus besides for other
state highway work. No additional taxation of any kind.
Oregon must hve sufficient Highway Funds to natch Federal apportion-
"r fT?n Cftnnot the bene" of FederaJ money for Oregon B
increasing this constitutional limit is a aeccssity. Unks limit uiT!8fl
Vl f J Toad" eannot completed for many, many years, or must be fiB
hLw Property taxation. This measure .verts direot property tax for
Highways and makes early completio possible. Let's get the roads built now.
lacoma frera Present Sources Seffieieitt to Pit Priattal ind Interest.
Will besmDft.TT6 lnm f,,tn Kct" KUnHne tu. witfcoot lr M.f PSi
In thVB fwEiS11 "d inte th-, bonds.!, clearly let forth by offical
2121 3 J TH." " " l Rr to Bute Famphlet for
auni? fee. .H,fVlly' -n' T,T ""' Property tax i. required and that present
auto , lwt mnd tM Ul W1 rederro rffineipal Mdinteree t and yield turpPr ''''
To eat,"with or without butter;
a slice of our light, white, pur
BAKE-RITE bread. Chil
and grown-ups both are fond
our bread; ifs so soft andfinj
flavored, like rich cake. Try
loaf and judge yourself,
Bake-RHe Bakery
457 State St . Phone 23
Eitablished 1853 .
General Banking Buaisesl
Of fica Ecura frcxa 13 a. r: to I f. d.
I 1
!' 1