Scouts will Gaiter old Papers and Rags Saturday next Saturday morning, SinnlB!8 inch of Salem will be mTZr old newspapers, maga smtassfO or razs. in an iS one-hundred thoua-rldfof-sie-materials with ; , oave the way iur W W ? . saipm'. youth, to a Sc8tS' "header and - higher citiien WS. . . your waste . into '.Man- T k Tth s'san of the campaign, a ,u Salem in ------- t touts will call m every home fr" .h oitv. take away any materials of this nature and " ro a in the paper mills fcity, and thus secure, under rf . .. Halom Council. jJrifST provide for the yearly pro nf the organization. .. The irive will be put on under the onal supervision 01 me mr wTwar Mothers, arid managed un w ... jitimi of Harold Lb Cook, ton. Executive. Boy Scouts will call , .t.Mfter unti the entire terri , is covered, and gather every bit ,1 waste available. .One hundred thousand pounds is needed to put the wal movement on its feet, and to the necessity . 01 anotner financial. campaign, and It is the esti mate of local Scout Authorities that there is more than this amount in the .:. nri if Inval suDoort is given those whho give leadership to Salem's boys, by utilizing tne ever-reaay response of the hoys, the movement will be put on a firm basis. '. "Saturday is the day. Waste- is what Is wanted. Bring it all down from the attic and up from the cel lar, and Boy Scouts will appreciate your assistance," Scout Executive Cook urges. - Mdtie Endicott And J. Northcutt ' Are Married Today Culminating a friendship of many years that was renewed when Mrs. Mattie Endicott came to this city sev eral days ago from. her home in Peta luma, Cal., Julius Northcutt, manager of the,Phej company farms, and Mrs. Endicott were quietly married here at ! o'clock this afternoon. Mrs. Endicott came to Salem about t year ago and visited friends. She met Mr. Notrhcu" then .after years had elapsed since their former meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Northcutt will make their home in this city.. - . ; with whom we are associated in the war, I -do expect things to begin I wnen we negm. u they do not, Amer ican history will have i-ha course; the American army and navyT will have changed their character. I There will have to come a new tra- I dition into a -service which does not do new and audacious and successful things.-- yiljita Second Interior : Decorating Talk Set For Tonight The second lecture on interior dec orating to be given under the auspices of the Salem Arts league will be In the Salem public librarytonight at half past seven o'clock, Mrs. Grace R. wjl mot, of New York, to talk on that sub ject. Mrs. Wilmot Is on a lecture tour for the government .arid is described as a brilliant. Interesting speaker. She will illustrate her talk profusely with colored slides. The public is cordially Invited to attend. A business meet ' ing of the eague will precede the lec ture. ' - Fallowing it the members of the Arts league 'will be sriven a. nrivntu showing of the art exhibit .at the Hotek aiurion. This- exhibit which is. made up of pictures by artists of the north west was hung today in the sample room facing on Commercial street, two doors south of the main entrance. . THE CAPITAY JOURNAL Wilson's War , Message To Navy Is Told (Continued from page one) Beginning tomorrow tb riria,. ;n be open to the public, without cost for mree days, the hours of exhibition to be from 3 to 5 o'clock each afternoon and from Tto 9:30 o'clock each even ing, n is an exhibit by artists who, for the most part, are more than local ly known and should be seen by'every art lover in the citv. FACE THREE. H. L. Cash, for four years engaged in educational work in th Phiii,,ir, Islands, has returned to Eugene and 4s visiting his brother, A. Burleigh Cash, member of the faculty of the Eugene high school. , ((essional every time. He knows so kittle of it that he is fool enough to try the right thing. The men that do not know the danger are the rashest men. . "Please leave out of your vocab ulary altogether the word 'pru dent.' Do the thing that is au dacious to the utmost point of risk md daring, because that is exactly the thing that the other side does Hot understand. "I think that there are willing ears to hear this in the American navy and the American army because that is the kind of folks we are. We get tired of the old ways and covet the tew ones. ; "I am not discouraged for a mo mt, particularly because we have ot even begun and, without saying nything in disparagement of those HAIR OFTKX RUINED BY CAREMtfiS WASHING ' Soap should be used very carefully. ' you want to keep your hair look in its best. Most soaps and prepar es shampoos contain too much alkali. This dries the scalp, makes the hair Wle, and ruins it. The best thing for steady use ' is i cocoanut oil shampoo wuch lg pure anA greageIesgi) and Jitter than anything else you can ih?if P two teasPnf "Is will cleanse tair and scalp thoroughly. Slmp- r.h ,ten the hair witn wate- nd it in. It makes an abundance of " "' creamy lather, which rinses out removing every particle of dust, J" aniruff and excessive oil. The w ar ea qulckly an(J evenlVi and ,t 'he eca,P ""ft. and the hair w na silky, bright, lustrous, fluf- sy to manage. ' ,0u can eet miii.i . tWP0 81 any Pharmacy, .it's Very "id a few ounces will supply for Remnants Remnant Store 114 North Cofflmtrclal MAGNETOS W. E Hildebrandt &Co. Official Esemann Mapeio j. Service Station " ' North Commercial treet x . SALEM If You Need a Medicine You Should Hare die Best Have you ever stopped to reason why it is that so manv nroduo.ta that are extensively advertised, all at once arop ou-or sight and are soon forgot ten? The reason is plain the article did not fulfil the promises of the manufacturer. This applies more par ticularly to a medicine. A medicinal preparation that has real curative Value almost sells itself, as like an endless chain system the remedy' is recommended by those who have been benefited, to those who are in need or it. ' A prominent druggist savs. "Take for example Dr. Kilmer's Swnmn. Root, a preparation I have sold for many years and never hesitate to recommend, for in almost everv case it Shows excellent rpanita nu manv of my customers testify, No other Kiciney remedy has so large a sale." ' According to sworn strntem verified testimony of thousands who nave used the preparation, the suc cess of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is due to the fact, so manv neoDle hlalm. that it fulfils almost every wish in overcoming .kidney, -er and blad der ailments, corrects urinary trou bles and neutralizes the uric acid which causes rheumatism. You may receive a Hamnle brittle of Swamp-Root by parcel post. Ad dress Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y and enclose ten cents; also mention the Salem Capital Journal. Large and medium size bottles for sale at all drug stores. (adv) Hazel Green Hazel Green. Mav 11. Mrs . Wampler. returned to mumth' n,n. Wednesday eve. Henry Kaplineer" and family Mill City visited at the home of E. A. Dunigan Sunday week, .The Christian endeavors held "their monthly business meeting at Maurice .uuiugttn. s r riday eve. Oscar and Dick Tuve of Oregon City spent last Sunday with their parents. Mrs. Georare Parmento,. Saturday from a ten days stay with her brother, Milo Seaman. Mrs. Atwater, Wilma and Charlie Atwater, ,Mr. and Mrs. Norton and son of Polk county, spent Sunday a week ago with George Rhodes and tamiiy. - ' : r . t Mrs. E. A. Dunigan, Louise Davis and George' Dunigan visited relatives at Gooch ana Mill Cfty Sunday. Wm. Kaplinger has gone tq Kla math Falls for a season. There will be a school meeting Sat urday evening May 15 th. 8 o'elcok at the Hazel Green school house. Import ant business on hand. . Mrs. Lena Fox and son Gale, and Miss Opal Rhodes spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Fox in Salem. Mrs TT i rt i(r nf un1 , . - - -- o uu.i..i .-fl 111. a ir cent week end here with her husoand- Validity Of Road Bond Issue Tested Thru Hatvley Suit A test of the legality of the $1,700. 00 road bond issue recently voted by (BeauGiylKComplexion lit, " DAYS Nadlnola CREAM Tlw Untitled Beaatifier Uniani EnJomd By Thoatand Guaranteed to remove tan, freckles, pimples. livsr.inntn. etc. El frame cases 20 days. Rids pore ind tissues ot impurities. Leaves the akiu clear, soft, healthy . At Jeading toilet counters. If they haven it ' it, by mail, tno sises, 60c. and Jl.ZD. NATIONAL TOIUTCO.. ftirf., Taixn. Sold by Daniel J. Fry, wholesale and retail: Neimeyer Drug Co., and other toilet counters. GAIN WEIGHT AND STRENGTH With Bitro-Phosphate on $300 Guarantee New York. If you are feeling run down, weak, nervous, tired in the morning, and generally ailing, these are the symptoms that should warn you to take care of your health. Four persons in every ten are need ing more phosphorus in their bodies. When you see thin and fretful peo ple; or those who are anaemic, pale, frail, oft despondent or lacking in en ergy, you may look for the need of certain elements that make for a strong constitution. Some people, after relying upon preparations composed chiefly of salts quinine', drastic drugs, iron, calomel, cod liver oil, etc., wonder why they find nd benefit. That is easily explain ed by the fact that such persona need the phorphoric element, which is a most potent essentiaj to health, and contained in BITRO-PHOSPHATE, the famous health preparation. Now obtainable everywhere. - The right thing for you to do is make a trial of BITRO-PHOSPHATE beginning at once. It is not a patent medicine, the formula is prescribed by many physicians for the ailments and weaknesses "mentioned above. With every box of BITRO-PHOSPHATE, are a few - simple- health rules and a $300 guarantee. Buy a box of BITRO'-PHOSPHATE.It is sold and recommended by all good drug gists everywhere. A(dv) Hires --?.". Household Extract contains the actual juices of roots, barks, herbs and berries. It makes rootbeer as pure as it is sparkling and delicious. Bm stir you it thtt package. Itbrini you turn fnutrf Hire Houtehold Extract THE CHARLES E. HIRES COMPANY PJiiUd.lphi., p. y TOMORROW THURSDAY ' ' , ' ' :- ' - ' : Clackamas county is said to be in-, and the other members of the Clack- signed in the petition for tr-e writ voivea in a manaamuj proceeding in-'amas county Cuurt to compel the de- the refusal of the county court to stituted i the supreme court here livery of a block of $100,000 of those liver the bond', this 'aftamcon by W. P. Hawley of -bonds said to have been bid in b j Oregon City against H. S. Anderson Hawley on April IT. No reason is as-i JOLRNAL WANT ADS PAT. No More Corn Suffering "Gcts-lt" Never Leaves a Corn on any Foot for Very Long - - The. hurting "pep" goes right out of that corn the moment a few drops of "Gets-It" lands thereon. It is thru and -"for keeps." , 7 A 77 Pttnsylvariicr' Si i I I 1 i n I Corns and "Gew-H" Can't Uv Tonether You'll have no more pain but will notice the . corn getting loose and wobbly. In a day or so, you lift it right off without any feeling. That's the end of the corn and of your trou bles. Millions have proved "Gets-It" to be the one and only unfailing, com mon sensb corn remover. Why not you? "Gets-It" costs but a trifle at any drug store and carries a mt.ney back guarantee. Mfd by E. Lawrence & Co., Chicago. Sold in Salem and rec ommended as the world's lest corn remedy by J. C. Perry, D. J. Fry, Capital drug store, Wm. Neimeyer, Frank S. Ward, Crystal drug store. (Adv) "Ton Vma View Chainwl J8".., TubM Cup Cw Jr.d T"-d" SU Cuinn CuiKM Cmimi Jub". ITT rbric Ct4 M Qmi T 30x3 18.45 3.00 3.75 30x3' 23.70 38.551 . 35.851 . 3.50 4.40 ll&i 27.90 42.95 1 39.95 11' 3.S0 4.75 31,4 37.30 - .20 6.50 32x4 37.95 54.45 49.05 5.25 6.55 33x4 40.05 56.00 50.45 5.50 6.90 34x4 40.85 57.40 51.65 5.65 7.05 32x4K 52:75 61.35 53.75 ' 6.80 8.50 33x4, 54.90 63.00 55.20 6.95 8.70 34x4H 55.35 64.65 58.20 7.00 8.75 35x4H 57.60 66.15 59.60 7.10 8.90 36x4M 58.20 67.8fl 61.00 7.30 9.15 33x5 67.40 76.60 68.95 8.05 10.05 55x5 70.95 80.35 72.35 , 8.50 10.65 37x5 74.60 84.05 75.70 8.85 11.05 HighestQuality and Moderate Prices go hand in hand in Vacuum Cup Tires and "Ton Tested" Tubes just the re verse of what dealers tell us is the im pression entertained by many people. This perfect harmonizing of highest quality and economical prices results from a perfected factory organization operating in an ideally modern plant, which uses every possible improve ment and labor saving appliance. Ever growing production is marketed under a zone selling system which holds sell ing expense to minimum. , Compare the prices of Vacuum Cup Tires and "Ton Tested" Tubes with those of ordinary makes. Pennsylvania prices are standardized net, uniform throughout the United States. Pay no more for Pennsylvania products do not expect them for less. Adjustment basisper warranty tag at tached to each casing: . Vacuum Cup Fabric Tires, 6,000 Miles , Vacuum Cup Cord Tires, 9,000 Miles Channel Tread Cord Tires, 9,000 Miles PENNSYLVANIA RUBBER COMPANY Jeannettc, Pa. ..'v " ' CHARLES Wi HAWLEY, Jr. Concert F . r Taylor Holmes in - "THE TAXI" Concert 8:45 to 9:15 P- m. : . " ' - " i'"...a irZ wmil a iiiihim iSIs WEDMESDAY 'A DAY FOR, 'ALL THRlFTYi HOUSEWIVES TO GA THER 'AT THIS GREAT STORE PRICES ARE ADVANCING STEADILY EACH DAY, YET, WE 'ARE GIVING THESE WONDERFUL SAVINGS TO COMBAT ALL PROFITEERS AND THE HIGH COST OF LIVING. TAKE 'ADVANTAGE WITH US WEDNESDAY. - COTTOLENE, special for- CO' Wednesday, No. 2 at '. U4i C 81.19 No. 8 special - g2 5 No. 4 Special for " Wednesday ...... ARMOUR'S VERY EEST BACON, The last time this bacon can OQ be sold for this price awOL I'ICNIC HAMSYOUR LAST OP PORTUNITY to get them OQ them at this price ................ tJi COOKING OIL EEST ) -j r cooking oil, gal ................ p40 ID SHORTENINGALL KINDS Special for rtj j p Wednesday, No. A . NO. 10 SPECIAL eo OK at :$&9&d VISIT OUR ECONOMY BASEMENT COTTAGE ROLL Bacon, special ....... mn 32c I Two Big Days- Lard VERY BEST pure lard, 4 lbs afL $1.00 I FMDAY-SATURDAY -- ! ' ' m mmmm -.rj.ti ., 1 I"'1'1 . . JjT v I ' . -!' V''V Thwday - B,;,-1'.'Vr:jU.Q) Shipley's j V :s - j i fPAJ "j ?fffp1 " THE PAY AS I X' ' ' " ' Ml - , x lis - ' T Co SToEn. : ' -;( - 1 ' ,.... , r - r Thurs'day Basement ." Day tor J. -