Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 11, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Latest News Covering Centra! iviuamefre Uaiiey by Capital journajbpgciai corresponded
; ; : ' ,,. ..... . .,!.-. .and yurroumline territory held a com-! i
Mt. Angel Enjoys
Brisk Business
In Every Line
Mt Angel, Or., May 11. Live rr
times aremscing in thi-efty. Rrisk
Vick Bros., who are handling the
samson tractor, reports three sales
the last few days to John Edigcr, P.
Xagle and Bon ililler. This makes
since the middle of March.
Polk County Court
Circuit Court
E. R. Woods vs A. N. La Hare. Com-!
plaint filed. Plaintiff in the above!
ant came to an agreement In Port
1 .. . A I . .. , . V. .. . u v. . . .... 1 1 1 .
, , i,,i,-t) , v;J w - ewH, representing the
business i, occupying the attention of wood park addition to West Salem foriS'"'n W illamette paper mill was in
mercnanis ana others who make ilt. : $1600 but lr.terlr. La Bare sold it to
Angel their headquarters. As n (ndi- .ajinther muff and h b rffuiu1 tn Mvp
cation of the growth and business ex- j up to his agreement even though the
pansion, the Fred Schwab commission j plaintiff has tendered the money,
company announce that the present Mr. Wood seeks specific performance
business quarters occupied are entirely ; by bringing suit in the circuit court.
too small for the demands made upon
them and work of enlarging the ware
housing capacity was commenced yes
terday. Besides remodeling the old
warehouse the company will erect an
addition Its by 0, with - two stories
and basement. They expect to have
the work completed In time for the
(all business.
8herifT W. I. Needham was In the
city from Satlem yesterday.
About 40 members of the Knights
ot Columbus went to Salem Sunday to
attend the big class adoption. There
were twelve candidates from Sit. An
rl in the class.
John Lux purchased the William
Each residence on West Marquam
street yesterday.
A smoker will be held In the C. 0. F.
hall In Woodburn Thursday evening
under the auspice of Mt. Angel Coun
cil Knight of Columbus,
Paving Work 'At
Mt. Angel To Begin
Is Near Future
Mt. Angel, Or., May 11. County
Itoadmaster Culver and County Com
missioner Hunt were In the city yes
terday making plans to begin work of
paving In this territory. They were In
conference with Henry D. Olsen, trav
eling freight agent of the Southern'
Pacific company, regarding the con
struction of a side track from the rait
road yards here to the paving plant,
and it is understood that arrangements
were made to build the same at once.
N. Schmaltx & Sons have been intend
ing to extend the side track near their
warehouses for some time, and it Is un
derstood that this firm will act in con
Junction with the county and the rail
road company In making the necessary
Host For Dance
Probata Court
In re: estate of Mary Jane Guy, de
ceased. Letters of administration with
oath and bond filed.
In re: estate guardianship of J. W.
Klrklund. an Incompetent. Oath of
guardian filed.
North Howell Girl
Burned To Death;
iUUlCneS 1 O niamer: D. M. Burnett. -her sister.
North Howe... Or, May n.-WHlJ ... ? TJE
Dallas trying to get men to work in
the plant but without success. He
learned that the demand is greater
than the supply around Dallas. Many
new enterprises In this vicinity are
keeping all men regularly employed.
Frank Museott, who- has been ill for
several months, Is now Improving un
der the medical attention he is receiv
ing in Portland. Mr. Muscott has been
in California for some time, but re
cently returned to find recuperation
better in Oregon:
Rev. D. A. McKenzie of the Pres
byterian church, returned from Taco
nia. Wash., much Jmpfeved. He went
to Tacoma for medical attention.
' Mrs. Floyd D. Moore, wife of the
county clerk, returned from Jefferson
Sunday where she has been visiting
Attempt To Move
Fire Relief Head
Office Defeated
the usual exercises. .Mark A. Paulson.
enterprising boosters for Donald start -
i met with appreciation because
tiia i.iin;tv nt h.ln nn th farms.
ed a movement recentlyto remove the H '
onices oi tne rarmers r ire n.euei -. ,
sociation and the, Hop Growers' Fire ; VOtUfrl LOUfltV
U 111 I MBWIAIIVU'IIVI . ' " . -- .
that village, but the proposition was
defeated by J30 Votes. The question
was submitted to the members of the
association by means of a voting card.
To move the headquarters required a
two-thirds vote. There are said to be
4250 members in the association and
J83J votes In the affirmative must be
had to change the headquarters. As
only 1605 voted affirmatively the prop
ositlon failed to carry.
and yurrounding
tocher 'of the English class, will fin- munuy entertainment in tnu, cuy
tab tomorrow and the remainder of' unlay evening and it proved to be a
the classes will complete the work , big event. The object of the function,
lay evening. The Hubbard scnoois was tQ raiSe money to complete the j
ommencen winy iai ran m wm ,,oriul to the soldier boys. The pro
tertainment proved to ne a hitom iu
everv way. ine leiiraiiiuni uwiiub
brought In a nea sura nney-
. . - . - v. ... ...fin. an.l th rvtan
Aurora, or. May 11 A rew oi me; cose ear.v ... u.e p r ra. well rendered and the en
Towns Join In
Community Meet I
Dr. Warren Smith, head of the de
oartment of geology at the University
of Oregon, will attend the Pan-Pacific
scientific congress to toe held in Hono
lulu. August 2 to !
ii i i i it U 1 1 1 1 hfi I'd i ii ' u . " t1 -
AuroVaT'naldodbuVn and Needy I the University ot Oregon.
KEEP 17 c
Keep your MoroecU '
today and ward oli
the new aid to i
A Pleasant and eTilT
tak as candy. We '
MAOB BY Scott a ,
playing with matches lawt Saturday
afternoon, Kuth, the 4-year-old daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Rezniseek
was so severely burned that she died
from her Injuries the following day.
Funeral services were conducted by
Mr. Alson at the home Tuesday and
burial was in Methany cemetery.
School closed Friday, May 7, with a
short program and big picnic dinner.
Superintendent W. M. Smith was pres
ent and gave a most Interesting talk
on the 2 mill tax measure.
Revival meetings are being held at
the M. E. church beginning. May 0,
and continuing through the week.
Arthur Morgan Is at the Silverton
hospital receiving treatment for acute
Brlght's disease.
Mrs. Alios 7agleson and little sons,
Robert and John, have returned to
their home at Eddyvllle, Or., after a
two wek's visit with relatives here.
Mrs. Mollis Howard and son, Oscar,
left a short time ago for Idaho, driv
ing overland with a team and wagon.
Miss Maud Beer has recovered from
her recent Illness.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Jcfforson and
Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Foster motored up
the Ablqua on a fishing trip Sunday.
The ball game Sunday between
Howell and Waconda was won by the
visiting team.
W. J. Jefferson has a crew of men
at work grading the Canyon hill.
Robert Huckett. and sister
in Dallas Monday seeking the assist
ance of Mr. Helmes, the surveyor.
Street improvements -are gaining
some hold in Dallas as the surveyors
are getting grades ready today.
Mrs. I. F. Yoakum, Mrs. C. L.
Barnes, and Mrs. Chett Coad motor
ed to EiTSene Saturday to spend
Mothers day at the university.
Walter Vassal visited with friends
in Salem Sunday. -
J. T. Friar of Perrydale has pur
chased a new home in Dallas and will
become a resident of that city in the
near future.
Woodburn Bests
St. Paul Tossers
Woodburn, May 11. The local base
ball team won an easy victory over
St. Paul here Sunday afternoon by a
score of 11 to 4. St. Paul was held
scoreless until the 6th inning and af
ter Woodburn had piled up 8 i uns,
then the locals eased up and let the
visitors have a few. A large crowd
witnessed the game. Woodburn plays
at St. Paul next Sunday,
Hubbard School
Finishing Term
Hubbard, Or., May 11. Probably
the first high school in the county to
finish the year's work is the Hubbard
school wbicte will close this week with
Aurora, Or., May 11: The Aurora
lilgll school gave a dance In the Auro
ra bond hall Saturday, evening, under
the patronage of the board of dlrec-
North Howell callers on Thursday.
Mrs. Emma Buughman of Portland
visited Saturday and Sunday with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Wiesner.
Cloverdale, May 11. The basket so
cial at the Illahee school May 1, was
well attended, a fine program ren
dered and the proceeds for the eve-
were.nlng were over 185.
Mr. and Mrs. John Schifferer have
a baby daughter, born April 29.
I A surprise party was given at the
borne nf Mm F A. Wnnri lnnt Kim-
Mrs. Grace Cawood, wife of Frank Aav in hnnnr nf Riiii .inn rni .
CawOOfl. wtln fmmmittnri mlniilo In ... ......
torn. Th nnrnnw nf th ,,- . . "view relatives were mvitea Dut a most
tors, ine purpose of the dance was Portland last week was well known 'enlovable time was had and fine birth
to aid In financing the publication of here. She taught hool h.r- . ,,m. I "J0y,. B' W"", ""e.b.'r
the hlirh school annual It was well
attended and a very pleasant time was
Senator Louis Lnchmund of Salem
was In the city on business yesterday.
It Is reported now that the road will
not be paved between here and Cunby
as many had expected. It will be
graveled and made passable, however,
and this will prevent a lot of knocking
that has been Indulged In over the
aerious condition of that piece of road.
here. She tnught school here a num
ber of years ago and Mr. Cawood spent
his boyhood days here.
Auto Reported
Stolen Is Taken
Back By .Dealer
New machinery l being Installed at
Sumner Fruit Growers association,
Dallas, May 11. An automobile re
cently reported stolen from Mr. Nutt
at Bullston, was located by the Port
land police. after communications
the Albany plnnt of the Puvall.p and i ' v"r u",'rlu", l" "'
,.. ',. . ,.r' and giving some clue ns to its prob-
Jnble whereabouts. It developed that
Mr. Nutt had bought the auto on con
tract from Mr. Zlggler, who Is in tne
auto business In Portland, and a rep
resentative of Mr. Zlggler was sent
to got the car, When he arrived In
lbillston and got nn opportunity to
take the car he did so without con
sulting Mr. Nutt. Mr. Nutt came to
DuIIhs to make nut necessary com
plaint against the party who relieved
him of the car, upon advice given
him he did not swear out a oomplalnt
Wiley Gardner, representative of
Caby Shunned
Because of Eczema!
Jas M. Shooting, sol Mais EL, Ltacutsr
Quia, wriiasi
"Mr tbr bnr eentmcted s SBTers cm
f KcsnsB which cover Mi hii nico ftnd
fceod. Vuituri to our hotuo would fluia
cbltd brcane hp Imiked to tcrrlMa.
I prorumt shot tie of 11. D. D. Insntn
erodHilr ibort tunu my bur was cured."
. Tttoumnds t letlen from smtrful oirrt ot
D. U. 1). prove iu wondti ful ruulu In neHlirtc
orturins kkiii diHimHi. 'i'lie vry nut sppIIck
. tna&IUtK Um ItrhiiK end buiniiur. Why not
trr bottlo t one olid be couvincoti? Your
' smneykadl If tli Drat bottle rioee not brine
setief. Mr.tMsndtl.ot. Try D.D.I) Soap, too.
m lotion tbv SWn Disease
J. C. Perry's.
Also Junk of All Kinds
Best Prices Guaranteed
CALL 898
Capital Junk Co.
Ths Square Deal House
171 Chomeketa St Phons 11
Car ot
Yick So Tong
kinase Medicine and Tea Co.
Has medicine which will our
any known disease.
Open Sundays from it a. m,
until I p. m.
lit South High Street
salam, Oregon. Phone ISI
For Genuine Bargains Beginning
House Furnisher
You get more for your
Money at Moore's.
rhone 310-511
STt N. Commercial fit.
day dinner was served at 12 o'clock;
covers were laid for sixteen. Mr.
Jones celebrated his 72d birthday.
.Mrs. Simeral of Salem visited here'
Wednesday with her sister, Mrs.
John Thomas.
Mrs. W, G. Hadley had friends
from Canada visiting her recently.
The ladies of the .Pleasant View
W. C. T. U. met last Wednesday at
the home of Mrs. Hodson. Quilting
was the order of the day. Several
were present and a-line dinner was
served at the noon hour.
Miss Hazel Craig and Mr. Garner
were Salem visitors Saturday.
John Thomas has Just finished set
ting out about two acres of loganber
ries. He purchased tips from W. H.
Wilson. -
A party was hold at the home of
Mrs. L. K. Hennles Friday night. A
crowd of -young people were present.
Floor games and danclng'was enjoyed
throughout the evening. Luncheon
wbb served at midnight and all de
parted at a late hour.
Every Oregon Boy
Every Oregon Girl
Is a possible College
Oregon sends a bigger percent
age of its children to college
than any other state, without
That is One of the State's
Proudest Records
No state can have too much
education. Education is the safe
guard of freedom and of right,
and higher education is the cap
stone of the public school sys
tem. But higher education in
Oregon is in great danger. The
State University and the Agri
cultural College have twice as
many students ,as they have in
come to train.
Protect these Schools And
their Great Work
by voting on Mav 21 for the
Higher Educational relief meas
ure. Higher Education navs the
state in dollars and cents, in im
proved living, in scientific
gress, in farm, orchard
and stock ranch development,
and m the better quality of its
public and high school teaching.
Paid advertisement Inserted by Colin
m Denair or the Joint Alumni
Relief Committee for Higher Educa
tion In Oregon. Si 4 piitni, xnu
a I !
Dressy Sprin
Trim Pumps and Oxfords
in many lasts and leathers
are featured in the Spring
Line of
Maxine Shoes
Now on Display at
t' .
Buster Brown Shoe Store
125 Commercial Street
Lane county
have organized.
automobile dealers
"Valley Motor Co.
Tires and Tubes are the
best made. We have just re
ceived a big shipment.
We specialize on these tires
For Ford Cars
"Valley Motor Co. u
Announcement j
We have become associated with Drs. M. C. Find- '
ley and B. L. Steeves under the firm name of
Eyesight Specialists 4
Rooms 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 203, 209, 210, 211 t
Bank of Commerce Building X
- j
II SI Tl mtm
I ( I
Jit f4 V
& e4
XAPm' SV" - . ... V. .
l We will be in our new location Monday, May 10
t Formerly of S05 State Street
Capacity 5500 .
f. O. b. Salem, $1995.00
Is the single achievement of 1920. It is the, greatest motor truck value of the year.
Its great over-powered, heavy duty construction in a 5500-pound capacity track
has made it leap into amazing popularity. Everywhere it is the subject of prac
tically every motor truck conversation because it sets a new standard in value.
Truck buyers who have been accustomed to paying $2500 to $3000 for trucks are
now buying the "Huffman" because it is absolutely the lowest priced truck for Us
carrying capacity and high grade standard units in the worldr-Never before
has $1995 bought so much actual "Dollar for Dollar" truck value:
Huffman Motor Sales Co.
J E. SCOTTf Manager.
Office 124 South Liberty
State Distributors for Oregon and Idaho
P. X.' JOHNSON, Sales Mgr.