Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 11, 1920, Image 1

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freeon: Tonisht Wednt l-.;y
J,, moderate westerly winds.
mral Min. temperature 35. max.
4S. No rainfall. River 4
Averaye far Six Month, ending
March II. Hid
Member of Audit Bureau of Ciroulatioa.
Associated Frew Full Leased Wire
Peace Thru
Is Attacked
ttasUUifrton, Mar 11. Tlx- rr-
-L. with Germany and Austria
in end was called up In tlie
le today by Senator Lodge
4 Massachusetts, the ropubH-
( lender, who announced that
' he wo"'11 krP tlM measure con
tinuously before the senate until
t tote.
Washington. May 11. Opening the
(ijht against the republican plan to the state of war by Joint resolu
tion of congress. Senator MeCumber
of North Dakota, a republican member
of the senate foreign relations com-.
uittM, declared in the senate today
that such a step would bring dishonor
uiwii the nation as It would Involve
desertion of America's associates In
the war.
.jhjaclmiiiistratlon nas made many
mistakes." he said. " but all wilt h.
come insignifcant compared with the
colossal blunder of making the presi
dent's individual and autocratic st,-.j
on the league of nations a political Is
sue, r;
"If this were the only Issue, the pres
ident would stand atone in his deter
mination to subvert the will of his na
tion to his individual conviction on
this Important national question. .
"Rut yon cannot make the league of
nations the real issue in this campaign.
If It were I would be greatly con
cerned for the success of my own par
ty. , '
Rltuncs Class Legislation.
The thought of the people of this
county Is engrossed with the complexiH
tin that surorund us. We stand all
most helpless while debts, national.
Hate, municipal and industrial are pil
ing mountain high. We behold idle
nss ever increasing, production dan
gerously decreasing, currency becom
ing more nnd more Inflated, the yoke
uf taxation ever growing more nnd
more galling, the prices of all neces
s'ties of life ever advancing. We ore
living In the midst of strikes nnd
threats of strikes. , -
"The very atmosphere is poisoned
until socialism's infectious breath,
while anarchy, fevered by hate and en
vy awaiui only the opportunity to work
a reign of hell which today Is consum
' In? agonized Russia.
"TJio war is hot'-the cause of this
threatening situation. The American
People today are the victims of
the new system of purchuslng political
support by enacting purely class legis
lation. 'The American people want to
get tack as nearly as possible to nor-
mal conditions and they will attempt It
lv an overwhelming vote In the next
elections for a change In administra
tion and they will do this treaty or no
treaty, peace resolution or no pence
resolution, league of nations or no
league of nations."
' Knox Plan Assullod.
Senator MeCumber challenged many
contentions of Senator Knox, made In
the latter's opening address last week
'".support of the resolution. While
agreeing that congress hasthe power
to repeal resolutions declaring a state
w war, he denied vigorously that
Wee actually existed.
"1 recognize," he said, "that the
President is more responsible than any
ie man for the fcilure to enter Into
8 common treaty. He knew that the
te had a right to make reserva
He should have accepted them
"no our allies would have adopted
them. We refused to Join the allies In
tonsummatlng this agreement but
while we seek to compel "Germnnv to
aure us all of the benefits and ail of
" rights which would accrue to us.
we decline to accept any of the- re
'Wbllitle, of the treaty.'
no argument, no matter how ettn
"ihtly devised or eloquently present
can hid'' the deformity Involved in
w course."
resolution to declare the
Clean It Up
Work for your own town. ' x .
iff al alth 1 Treaty of Peace and the Protective Tar
of eanine Un h M ' mporta "ubjects; but what's the good
of leaning up the wor d unless you .weep your own doorstep?
madThVhben? i 30 rzx-r
The best advertisement of your business Is the town you live In
, pfe'eorer'th prcsperTt"! thUS th
takesi'co-Zio6 """ " ,0m,thta that te
c1vicGnervte.B,'ther- rBan'Ze fr Civic '"'Pfvement Develop! the
lot. aAa DlanttOthenmO'.n0nT8Ore "n0ther C,'an UD vacant
v. irzrz wmadnAwt-t ? ,n
Enterprises to your loiity ' W and other buslnMS
JtslTrZXvTmnT d'rt a"d e,fl8hn as shown m your
streets and buildings, react upon your people
homeUtCown,hl"gS "" OU' b0y,, and P hating their
memorrwif,Tv,nhg,rurbacak1Idren'' P"V their
yourhLtrerandOUall rnT.ent8 5Ur Jour P'arounds.
JZrXod"' l c e"Joyment.
It pays.
William Dean Howells
Writes Finis to Career at
New York Home fodau
N'ew Tork, May 11. William Dean,
Howells, the novelist, died here today. I
At a dinner given In New York in
1912 to do honor to William Dean
Howells upon his 75th birthday, Wm.
Howard Taft, then president of the
United States, lauded the guest as "the
greatest living American writer and
He was the dean of American let-tei-s;
post, essayist, dramatist and edi
tor, as well as a weavor of fiction.
Beginning his first book, "Poemsr of
Two Kriends," Just before the Civil
war, Mr. Howells had completed and
published more than 71 volumes at the
time of his death, besides acting as ed
itor of various publications, crossing
the ocean eighteen times Jn search of
material for his novels, and writing)
essays, criticisms and magazine artl- j
cles. . '
Born In Martin's Ferry, Ohio, In
1837, he served his literary apprentice
ship as a composer, reporter afftl edi
tor on his father's newspaper.
"Inwardly I was a poet," said the
eminent novelist In reviewing his early
experiences, "with no wish to be any.
thing else, unless m a moment of care
less affluence I might so far forget
myself as to be a novelist." .
When 23 years old he traveled t
Message To
Navy Is Told
Washington, May 11. President
Wilson's hitherto unpublished war in
structions to the officers' of the At
lantic fleet, given in person on the
quarterdeck of the flagship Penn
sylvania on August 11, 1917, and bid
ding them "throVr tradition- to the
wind," strike the word "prudent from
fheir vocabularies and do the thing
that is audacious to the utmost point
of risk and daring," were made pub
lic here today by Secretary Danieis.
In laying the text of his remarks
before the senate and naval Investi
gating committee, Secretary Daniels
said they showed the "bold and vig
orous" policy the president had out
lined for the navy.
"Do not stop to think what is pru
dent for a moment," said the presi
dent "Tou will win by the audaclty
of method when you cannot win by
circumspection and prudence.
"I think that there are willing ears
to hear this in .the American navy
and the Aemrican army because that
is the kind of folks we are.
No War for Amateurs
"There will have to come a new
tradition Into a service which does
hot do new and audacious and suc
cessful things."
The president also expressed his
dissatisfaction with progress being
made toward crushing the subma
rine campaign. '
The British admiralty had hiet Am
erican suggestions with what amount
ed to statements ;that "it never had
been done," the- president said, Jd
ing "And I felt like saying 'well, noth
ing wits ever done so systematically
as nothing is being done now." "
In opening his address to the of
ficers, Mr. Wilson said:
"Admiral Mayo and gentlemen: I
have not come here with malice pre
pense to make a speech, but I have
come here to have a look at you and
to say some things that perhaps may
be intimately said and, even though
the company is large, said In confi
dence. "This is an unprecedented war,
and, therefore, It Is a war in one sense
for amateurs. Nobody ever before
conducted a war like this and, there
fore nobody can pretend to be a nro-
! tectorial In a war like this. Here are
two great navies, not to speak of the
others associated with us our own
iMedford Man Is
Killed When Car
Skids Over Bank
Medford, Or., May 11. Ed Brown,
well known local merchant is near
death at his residence in this city as
the result of an automobile accident
Saturday night when the car he was
driving on the Pacific highway skld-l
ded on Blackwells hill and went into!
the ditch. Brown suffered a fractured '
skull. Mrs. Ed Brown. Mr. and Mrs..
Carranza Believed Still
At Liberty Outside Rebel
Lines But Closely Pressed
While the advices cominir through from Mexico on the revo-
Roy Brown and Miss Doiiy stoweii. lutionary situation there are fragmentary and conflicting they
were ait painfully but not seriously in- cast considerable doubt on the reports that President Carranza
Jured- . ' has been made a prisoner. -
A Vera Cruz disDatch from the newspaper El Dictamen, a
member of the Associated Press, bearing Monday's date, declared
the fugitive president of the republic had broken through the
revolutionary lines and was standing at bay with 4,000 men at
San Marcos, 27 miles north of Fuebla.
Boston to make the acquaintance of
Longfellow, Hawthorne, Emerson,
Holmes and Lowell. Though a boy
among masters, he became their Inti
mate, learning their literary traditions
and preserving many of them through
out his long life.
At the age of 24 he was appointed
by President Lincoln as United States
consul at Venice. He combined his
consular duties with literary work, and
produced his celebrated book, "Vent,
tian Life." -
Four years later ,tn 1865, he came
to New York with his wife, who was
Elinor G. Mead, of Vermont, and
whom he had married in Paris in 1862.
For two years he wrote editorials for
the New York Nation, the Times and
the Tribune and then moved to Boston
where as assistant editor he began his
association with the Atlantic Monthly,
succeding James Russell Lowell as
editor In 1872. At the age of 44 he
retired to devote himself to his novels,
which he produced for many years at
the rate of two a year.
When 60 years old, Mr. Howells
found time tn heenmn ermti-IHnttnar
ciitn- ...a ,,. . .1.. ,and the British, outnumbering by a
3. Vr nr..--" 1'7. very great margin the navy to which
. " , " -- we are opposed and yet casting about
yci o H1.1S041HC. Kfi a unci pcriuu UV
acted aa editor of the Cosmopolitan.
Salem Cleans Up
Preparatory To
Greeting Comers
' With all of the vivacity and eager
ness of youth Salem this week Is
cleaning up.
All trace of uncleanlinesa and un
slghtllness and filth is being banish
ed so that when the thousands of Elks
and Shriners, and other delegates to
numerous conventions not counting
the hundreds of tourists who shall i
drive through this city during thej
coming months shall come to the I
Capital city their eyes shall behold
the prettiest and cleanest city they
have yet been through.
At-the end of almost every alley
downtown today small piles of refuse,
tin eans, old papers, delapldated boxes
and broken bottles and jugs appeared.
Unsightly, to be sure, but the piles
mean more than their dirty appear
ance might convey they are evidence
of a most commendable civla pride on
the part of citizens that bids fair to
wm the commendation of any one
who Visits trie city.
The city street department was
busy during the day, and Monday,
hauling off the piles of trash and
refuse. Hundreds of citizens are avail
ing themselves of the opportunity of
having the trash hauled away, and
impelled with a keen desire to clean
up their premises were laboring beav
er like gleaning every bit of refuse
and junk In sight.
Due ' to the fact that street Im
provements have started in the city,
Street Commissioner Low this .morn
ing said that his department would
be unable to assist in the clean up
program longer than the days-stlpu
lated, which end Wednesday.
But I . don't like to see anybody
stop on that account," he declared.
"The people of Salem ought to cut
the weeds on the! curbs; prune the
trees, paint their fenoes, sweep their
sidewalks, mow their lawns, and do
everything they can -to beautify tH
city. It will pay In the long run."
Bonds of the Kingman Colony
ViB disiict in the sum of $50.-
Wh rk . .
W i , r approved . ny ine
"Igatlon Securities commission
weeks ago were presented to
imWar5' ' ate' office for cer-
n and record Monday.
in April 1920.
J1 Capital Journal had a"
My average of 3191 paid
gwibers in the city of
em-more-, than all
;7- daily papers, local
" Portland, combined a
j of 621 over April of
th?ntotal circulation of
Zn Pltal Journal- for
April averaged - -
Marion and
"lyall in
rolk counties.
...J"? Capital
Ration is on fl.rh
r It does not use prem
It i, , hav? baain days,
it nimember of the Aud
idTSw f Circulations
pAioSkS 8re
A advertiser knows
bul. ; 13 setting when he
H1 th Capital
mrSSrfca1 not buying
-circular; it an audited
"eld like th Ac.
Bitter Contests
Expected When
Qnfijlic-tc Afpaf different from what we are doing.
OUltUlW HlVtsV "We are hunting hornets all c
Capitalists Who
Spend Elsewhere
Scored by Clark
Bcorlng the lack of civic pride that
lm pells a man to Invest his money In
enterprises outride of his home city,
and pointing out the benefits that Sa
lem would derive If all of the capital
spen? elsewhere was directed to de
velopment or Industrial channels here,
F. N. Clark,' of the Salem Kings Prod
ucts company, with offices In Port
land, sounded the discordant note of
progress in this ctiy when he talked
before the meeting of the Salesmen's
club In the Commercial club last night.
Clark spared no adjectives or exple
tives In his severe derision of the
methods of "some business men," and
asserted that it is the infallible trait
of a citizen to fall to see the oppor
tunities that' lurk right at his side, and
reach forth blindly Into other localities
to ceek his avocation or financial aggrandizement.-
"It rests with us sales
men to show to this class of people
that their opportunities lay here, not
somewhere' else," Miv Clark told the
Absent members of the club also
came In for a thorough upraldlng
when Mr. Clark surveyed the attend
ance and declared: "I would rather
talk to one live man than a thousand
dead ones."
The Salem Kings company will be
unable to fill orders this season for
dehvdrnted loganberries because of
the exorbitant price demanded bj
iri-.iwers. Mr, Clark said. The inabil
lty of the company to sell berry packs r nt of (he pacf,o steam9hlp com
after being compeneu to pay such .py. reScued a member of the crew
rates to growers will seriously -impair (hg mUe vegge, WM battUng a
the loganberry inausiry, ram n-.
for a way in which to use your su
periority and our strength.
U-Boats Greatest Menace
"Now, somebody has got to think
this war out. Somebody has got to
think out the way not only to fight
the submarine but to do something
New York, May 11. A bitter con
test over the adoption of the party
platform. was promised today when the
national convention of the socialist
party was reconvened... The Illinois
delegation which yesterday character
ized the tentative platform presented
by Morris Hillquit .as too moderate,
announced its intention of submitting
a substitute platform, which would be
similar to the radicul program of the
socialists in Germany, Russia, Italy
and France.
William F, Kruse of Chicago declar
ed that the substitute plaform would
do away with "useless words and
phrases." He said the Hillquit docu
ment would put the socialist party In
the light of trying "to become too re
spectable' 'and that it might Just as
well bo the platform of the democratic
or republican party.
The convention has set Thursday
afternoon at 2 o'clock as the time for
nominating candidate for president
and vice-president of the United
Deck Hand Saved
From Drowning
' By Millionaire
San Francisco, May 11. Risking
his life- by Jumping overboard from
the yacht Aquilo.' H. F. Alexander,
millionaire shipping man and presl
Business Men And
Boosters To Go To
gale off Crescent City Sunday after
noon, it became known yesterday
when the craft arrived here from Ta
coma. The story was related by Boatswain
Andrew Petrle, whose life was saved
. - T bv Alexander, who owns a half lnter-
EUPene l UlllUI IUns,t ln the Aqull0 wltn colonel David
C. JacKling. Aiexanuer, wiiu a
er modest about the affair, acted as
host to a party of five prominent
civilians will leave this city tomorrow ( residents of Tacoma, who have come
on the 8:35 a. m. Oregon Electric here to attend the foreign trade con
train for Eugene, where they will ventlon.
. ,.mnit innnection of col-1 The party Included C. A. Foster,
leee conditions there, and seek to de- president of the Wilkinson Mining j ca,y nothing is being done now.'
,.. ,h- necessity of voting the company; 8. M. Jackson, president oi Therefore , .1 should like to see some
thing unusual nappen, someming
that was never done before; and In
asmuch as the things that are being
ley, manager or T. neeier, ungooo
Paul T. 8haw oi tne
Fifty Cherriani hi unirorm, nu
about an equal number of members
of th Commercial club and other
the farm and letting the nest alone.
None of us know how to go to the
nest and crush it and yet I despair
of hunting for hornets all over the
sea when I know where the nest Is
and know that the nest is breeding
hornets as fast as I can find them. I
am willing for my part and I know
jyou are wining uecuusc i kiiuw wie
I stuff you are made of I am willing
to sacrifice half the navy Great Brit
ain and we together have to crush
that nest, because If we crush it the
war is won. I have come here to say
that I do not care where It comes
from, I do not care whether it comes
from the youngest officer or the old
est but I want the officers of this
navy to have the distinction of say
ing how this war Is going to be won.
"I am willing to make any sacrl
fice for that. I am ready to put
myself at the disposal of any officer
ln the navy who thinks he knows
how to run this war.
Cast all Traditions
"I wish that I could think and had
the brains to think In the terms of
the marine warfare, because I would
feel then that I was figuring out the
future " history of the political free
dom of mankind. I do not see how
any man can look at the flag of the
United States and fall having his
mind crowded with reminiscences of
the number of unselfish men
who have died under the folds of that
beautiful emblem. I wonder if men
who do die under It realize ths dis
tinction they have.
"There Is distinction in the prlvl
leee and I for my part am sorry to
play so peaceful a part ln the busi
ness as I myself am obliged to play,
and I conceive it a privilege to come
and look at you men who have the
other thing to do and ask you to come
and tell me how this thing can
be better done; and we will thank
God that we have got men of orig
inative brains among us,
"We have got to throw tradition
to the wind.
"As I have said, gentlemen. I take
it for granted, that nothing that
say here will be repeated and there
fore I am going to say this: Every
time we have suggested anything to
the British admiralty the reply has
come back that virtually amounted
to this, that it had never been p. ne
that way. and I fell like saying 'well
nothing was ever done so syetemat
tr niain-'tho National bank of Tacoma; .
proposnu minus.: , ,k
Coast Gypsum company; T. E.Rlp- of higher educational insti
At Eugene the Commercial
done to you were never done before,
don't you think It Is worth while to
try something that was never done
before against those who are doing
them to you?
Forget all Prudence -"There
is no other way to win.
America Is the prize amateur
nation of the world. Germany Is the
ho was In command, a!-' prize professional nation of the world.
rofrh-'reai1v had sienalled the engineer to j,-0w. when It comes to doing new
give the engines full speeo astern, ana things ana aoing mem wen
Aiexanaer ami oacx ine amaicur against
in i rt Oia visitors rrom oa- iCunnmii.,
lem at a luncheon at noon. Following 'Shipping Supply company,
he luncheon the Eugene commercial. According to Pet.le he i w for
club will furnish auto, and take the ward, making thing, fast o account
Cherrians and other Salem visitor, to of the heavy weather when a bhf sea
Alexander Dromotly seized a
. PnrvnlitR.
i n - a m.itiiitiif-fil rnllere t deck.
,,. f, " I! ...rt- ' lifeline and went .overboard. Captain
I i-ni thin the Albany com- Marquard
mercial cluT will furnish
M6 ihe 8a mHer will take the a moment later Alexander and the
noh bouii f Ortgon Electric train to boatswain had been pulled bac kon
Canners Puzzled
by Soaring Price
of Nejeded Sugar
Indicating the seriousness of the
present situation as pertains to the rise
in sugar price schedules and Salem
fruit products industries. Is the pur
pose of a letter from the National Pre
sermvers & Fruit Products association
and reeclved by local canning and pre
serving concerns.
The letter delineates the. problems
facing the fruit product, enterprises
and should be of special signifcance to
Salem growers and packers. The mes
sage Is w ritten by Barcus Blackmore,
president of the national association,
and is mailed from the central offices
at Louisville, Ky., the date being April
23, 1920: , , ,
Sugar Situation Puzzles.
To the members National Preserv
er. & Fruit Products association.
The replies to my circulars, In re
sugar situation, Indicate almost unani
mous Interest ln th matter. ' Som
members have not replied and It Is as
sumed that they have provided for
their requirements and are therefore
not Interested. I leave for Washing
ton and New York within a few min
utes from this time and beg to express
my appreciation of the Interest mani
fested and the services proffered by
all of the member, who have done so.
To me the present condition with
reference to sugar I. somewhat of a
mystery, as I nm not willing to accept
the theories a'nd explanations which
have up to this time been advanced. I
have positively made up my mind to
ascertain the true fact. In regard to
the matter ,lf possible, and to advise
the members of our association and
others Interested, accordingly. I do
not believe that this or any other In
dustry which Is so vltauy affected
should remain Inactive. I am an ad
vocate of fair and even "good" profits,
and believe these should be as equally
and evenly distributed as possible to
all legitimate factors, but I do not be
lieve the conditions are such that
supine submission to unreasonable ex
tortion Is advisable., Unless relief can
be had, I predict that fresh fruit, will
be drug? on the market and that pro
ducers will be disappointed and dis
couraged to the extent of abandoning
the occupation.
You will be fully advised as to the
results secured by your executive com
mittee. Should the executive commit
tee call upon you to cooperate or sw
plement their work. I sincerely hope
you will respond. The course of pro
cedure will not be adopted by the com
mittee until the matter shall have been
thoroughly gone Into. ,
Presupposing the accuracy of the
reports that Carranza la still at libera
ty, the situation he finds himself in,
according to the Vera Cru advices. Is
precarious. It Is announced that gov
ernment .troops in Vera Crui have de
serted their commander, making that
state apparently no longer a safe re
fuge for the fugitive president.
In addition, revolutionary forces un
der Benerals Hill and Trevlno were re
ported closing In on Carransa near
San Marco..
Some news messages on the Mexi
can situation came through early to
day from American correspondents ln
Mexico City but were received with
parts missing and other portion, gar
bled. The messas. dealt for the most
part only with political feature of the
It appeared probable that a rather
rigid censorship was being Imposed up
on messages. v
Suocess In Sight.
El Paso, Texas, May 11. Mexico',
newest revolution 1. In its final stage..
The old regime ha. been overthrown. J
With the exception of xucatan, i;am
peche, Chiapas and northern Lower
Californlav all of the country I. de
clared by 'revolutionist loaders to be
under control of the new regime.
A bulletin Issued last night by the
local consulate of the liberal constitu
tional party said President Carranza
and hi. staff had been captured, Gen
eral. Murguia, Urqulzo and Barragan
executed and the revolutionist, were in
control of the national capital after an
almost bloodless revolution of few
weeks duration.
The Mexican president and his party
were captured near Aplzaco, having
'left the capital Friday. Carranza has
been granted safety by General Alvaro
Obregon. presidential oandldate and
! revolutionist whose death warrant was
said to have been signed by Carranza
prior to the former", escape from Mex
ico City.
Statements from revolutionary lead
ers said the new regime would wel
come foreign capital ln the develop
ment of the nation', resources, lives
and property were promised protec
tion and a reform movement would be
Inaugurated to prohibit gambling and
abolish saloon..
Rcfugop. Safe.
' Vera Cruz, May 11. Three hundred
Mexican soldier., federal employes
and customs officials arrived here last
night from Taplco on the steamer Jal
isco, having fled after Manuel Pelaez
had taken over control of that town,.
1 The refugees said that Jalisco was
In communication with aMexlcnn gun
boat which reported troop, had been
sent to disarm and capture Colonel
Carlos S. Orozco, chief of operations In
the Tamplco district.
Mexican Rebels
Ask Recognition
By United State
Washington, May 11. The revolu
tionary government in Mexico will
ask for immediate recognition by tha
American government.
Emillano Tomes, commercial agent
at Nogales of the revolutionary gov
ernment Is reported to have been en
trusted with the mission of negoti
ating with the American government
A report originating In Torreon
says the new regime is to call for a
loan of 300,000 pesos to ba nsed for
payment of it. troops.
According to Nogales advice. Gen
eral Obregon ha. placed himself un
der the order, of General l)e La Hu-
erta, provisional president of Mexi
An unoonf irmed rumor reaching
border points today wild Carranzas
hud escaped from ' his captor, anil
fled on horseback Into the moun
tain.. ' ' :
Camille Dosch
Ninth Victim of
Sunday Tragedy
Portland, Or., May 11 Mis. Camille
A. Dosch, society editor of the Port
land Oregonlan, died here early today
a. the result of Injuries received last
Sunday In the collision of two South
ern Pacific electric train, near here.
Her death swell, the fatality list due,
to the accident to nine. Mis. Dosch Is
a sinter of Arno Dosch-FIeurot, well
known war correspondent. Her nephew
Fleurot Dosch Jossellyn, seven years
old. also was killed in the wreck.
Coroner Earl Smith was planning to
hold an Inquest over the body of one
or more of the victim, of the wreck
tonight. The state public service com
mission also planned to participate In
the Inquest with the Idea of ascertain
ing the causp of the collision and urg
ing preventative measures for a repetition.
Sims Delayed
Mine Barrage
Daniels Says
Washington, May 11. A counter
charge that establishment of North,
Sea mine barrage was delayed six
months because of the opposition ot
Rend Admiral Sims and the British,
admlrallty, was made before the sen
ate naval Investigating committee to-,
duy by Secretary Daniel. In presenting
the seVond part of his reply to the of
ficer', charges that the navy depart ,
ment had unnecessarily prolonged tha
war through failure to co-operate ful
ly at first with allied naval force.. The
barrage, Mr. Daniels added, wa. th
most effective measure that had been
taken to check the submarines and
wholly an American Idea.
"Admiral 81m. attempted to rob
America and the United State, navy of
the credit for Initiating this great
achievement and to give the impres
sion that It was a British plan
thuuKh It originated in the navy de
partment, was proposed and urged by
'us for half a year before wa eould n-
duce the British admiralty to approvo
It and although four-fifth, ot it wa
composed of American mine, designed
and constructed in America and trans
ported 3400 mile, oversea, and laid by
American vessels, Mr. Daniel, told the
committee. '
He said close compradeshlp had ex
isted between the Amerloan and Brit
ish navies during the war, despite A
mlral 81ms attempts to create tha Im
prewslon that there was lack of har
mony and cooperation. ,
The Sims charge, of unpreparedne
before the war were not Justified, Mr.
Daniels asserted, declaring that In
July, 1916, he ordered the general
board to study and recommend plana
for a "consistent and progressive de
velopment." The policy was evolved, ha mid,
that the United State must by 1925
have a navy equal to any other In tha
world and the direct result was tha
five year building program of 111.
President Wllifon fully approved tha
policy, the witness asserted.
The vision of the president, Mr. Dan
iels asserted, established the fact that
we were "In advance of soma officers,
vocal now but silent then."
Grays Harbor ha. had a big clam
Operation of the safety standard,
now Inoperatlnn In Ctillfomla will hm
studied by William A. Marshall, mem
ber of the state Industrial commission,
and C, H. Gram, state labor commissioner.
I will
the pro-
(Continued on puje three)
Washington, May 11. President Wilson today signed a bill
amending the deportation laws so as to make possible the depor
tation of Germans and other aliens who were interned during the
war as enemy aliens. ,
Washington, May 11. A resolution requesting President
Wilson to send an American warship and marines to Datum on the
Black sea to protect American lives and property at that port and
along the railroad to Baku, was reported unanimously today by
the senate foreign relations committee.
Paris, May 11. The French cabinet at a meeting today in
structed Minister of Justice L'Hopiteau to open proceedings
against the general federation of labor with a view to the disso
ution of the organization which has been supporting the strike
of the French railway men by calling other strikes.
Honolulu, May 11. According to the Tokio correspondent of
the Honolulu Advertiser, it is reported that Roland S. Morris,
1 Inited States ambassador to Japan, intends resigning in the near
r valued at approximately 'KhtLfuture to participate in the presidential elections in the United
lion dollar, contained in the Pit- .
An appeal from the decree of the
Multnomah county circuit court up
holding the will of the late H. L. Pit
tock was filed In the supreme court
here this morning by F. W. Ledbetter.
The suit which is brought against O. L.
Price as executor of the Plttock es
tate involves the distribution of prop
tools estate
the ship.
return to Salem.