Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 08, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    QATURDAY. MAY 8, 1920.
Afl April in1
T- May 1ay nd
?ek w. Willamette.
)'", .-Declamatory con- l
j J county
t fi.T i Baseball, Senators !
i own
smess in tUia city Saturday morn-1
Ruga. Ruga. Ruga. Our customers
are still savins money on ruga by
buying here. C. S. Hamilton. m
Mrs. Lewis Dunn will leave for Bel
lingham. Wash- tomorrow evening
for a. nextended visit with friends and
relatives. She will ston en mm .
Spokane for a short stay.
Louis J. Walford, Silverton resi
dent, was a Salem visitor Friday
night, stopping at the Bligh hotel.
Cal Morgan, caretaker of the court
house grounds staeed a "smM-i.i
jforraance- Friday morning when he
resurrected an old scythe and raided
Martin Advocates
Laws That would
Curb Profiteers
Mrs. Lamoine K. Clark, of this city. uiar hours would be charged ten cents; ait and Kuih Dales members of th
w n . Hnurst- suue President of additional for each call. school's club, pave a demon
the Parent-Teachers' Association gave Application was filed with the com- juration of sowing. Ji program giv. o
a very interesting address on the ,....., , ....... ,,..k . ... ,:"
-four ediifntin l . iiiuwwij. t uuaj muiiiiiig, uic cuun- . ui -it;nrMiKry graeee
... .... , .. IT " . commissioners ot Aiuiinoman coun
heartU rends'aloz 'ff to tend a , P-eciative audience.
these mM,r.. - I cuu"t- roal ross the tracks of the. ; ; ;
: During the afternoon session. Sadie 're?fon Electric railroad near Alder
Orr Dunbar, of Portland Prmss-
the problems, experiences and Rv4""'r coum' filed PPiix
Attorney Ivan G. Martin, who i achievements of a county public '' rUia' askm permission to extend a
special representative of ihe Brad- health nurse. i county road across the tracks of the
I nf Columbus, Ox-
i . eft. KIIi6""
"J.yS-Dance for Senator.
.... p. m.
I ".---Operetta, "Toko-
Grand theater.
f ' !? f" Portland Knights
U Columbus team v. Salem
tSU- Oxford park. 2:30
10. Regular meeting
.m Salesmen Club, Com-
Ldal club, 8 p. m. -
yay io. Women's republl
! -n club, city hall.
May 10. Business Mens
! luDch, Commercial club. noon.
11. Elizabeth
I Tvy violin students reel a.,
of 40. First Christian
This week's Drapery Special, fancy
Fillet and Ruffled curtains, values to
$7.59. all at $2.45 pair. Hamilton'.
one of the weed grown flower beds
on the front lawn, "Been waitins for
somebody to carry out those publish-! company lor Marion county. Addresses, "Simplified Dress for O w. R, 4 R. company near McQuinu
ed plans of transforming this plot in- "wa m " ""ervww loay " j High School Girls' by Miss Cloverj
to flower display." said the work- Uevei by commercial authorities i Miller. Silverton; and 'The Work of Ci,nnVClV Srhnnl
jman as he took vicious swim .. that economic conditions will Justl-!the Children's Clinic", bv Mrs. E E . OMltll VotWC OUtVUt
weed Infested poppies.
- Carpets, newest and latest patterns
in carpets, at Hamilton's. m
Mrs. Sadie Smallman left for vrt
land today after a several week t
; In Salem, having been called here by
me unless ui ner motner, Airs. V. E.
Thomas, who is improving satisfac
torily. .
I All mothers vrith l, ,, . ...
. - . - ...... w...... rit ur(rni
the ages of six months and six years,
wishing to enter them for examina
tion in the May eugenics clinic, should
phone or write to Mrs. F. Von Esch
en, 1775 Court street, Salem, for reg
istration cards. The clinic will be held
May 27, from half past pne o'clock,
to half past three, in the auditorium
of the Salem Commercial club.
plant those 'Salem beautiful' flower 01 mosl eommodiue during this year,
designs prely goon. I'll be re-makins 'nd advises that merchants buy care
a lot of good lawn." fuIly- TWs does not mean' however,
' those commodities on which specu-
John Egger and A. Ostin were re- latora J'0?!' m h8V'
ported to police headquarters todav.monopol'- Mr' Wartin sa,''
for driving their cars past standing I "While it is to be regretted, that
fv and force a reduction in the nrices Fisher, a Sslam or. .oh.ji.j.
' B.1ICUUICU' nil
the late afternoon program.
Jane LucySacry
Dies Here Today
Gives Exhibition
Mildred Wilkering. Esther Hech-
Johnnie Jones dinner at Country
club Sunday May 9. in
I May'lO-"-Clean-up Wcek
. in Saleni.
Bay 12 Open Forum meet
! ine, Commercial, 8 p. m.
Bay i2. Cherrian-Buslness
I Men excursion to Eugene and
t Corvallis colleges.
I May 14. l"'s- Hendry s re
l dial, Presbyterian church, 8
t May 14 -Convention of As
I relation of Master Pluabe",
i May Is -"""''
, oontest, high school auditor
i ium,'10 a. m.
I May 15 County declama
l tor, contest, S. H. S. auditor-
im. P- m' ... tl
t May 1! u""1'
I meet, Sweetland field. All day
May is iuuuij.
t field meet. Sweetland field.
I May -uy cuiuiv;ii iiicv-
$ lng. city hail, i:p. .
j j.ljr 21. Speciil city and
t Sale primary eiecuuna.
j May 26-27 Appollo
$ concert, Grand tncaier.
utav 29. Address by
n Taft. at the armory.
Daily Statistics.
nipd . ! M. C. Fruit, well known Brooks res
SACRY At her home 2307 Maple 'Mei-t. wus in this city Thursday and
amnue, April 8, 1920, Lucy Jane
Remains sent Dy
Tnat wonderfully good "Revela
tion" music at Moose hall tonight.
Ladies free. ill
This week's Drapery Special, fancy
Fillet and Ruif!ed curtains, values to
$7.50, all at $2.45 pair. Hamilton's.
, 112
About 450 persons attended the re
cent dance at the armory under the
auspices of the Artisan lodge, mak
ing it one of the most successful and
largely patronized dances ever given
there, according to a final repou of
the dance made at the lodge meet
ing last night by W. A. Dalziel, chair
.man of the. dance committee. Above
all expenses the girls drill team real
ized about $129 which was spent fur
uniforms .for the team.
"In my opinion." said Mr. Martin,
drastic regulations should be -m-
forced to prevent hoarding of corn-
Fred Ireland, 1092 Broadway, was modifies nnrt r.rnftteerim Rnch
reported at police headquarters last mercial piracy is .largely responsible
night for driving over a dog and kill for abnormal prices not only of labor
ing it on North Liberty street.-The but also of all necessities and is there
owner of the tloff was not learned by fol.e a factor in the high taxes of our
police: 'county and state.
... "While sugar Is a flagrant example
yet profiteering is'not confined to
S. Norton of San Francisco.
Elk City 'Phone
Owner Seeks To
Boost Her Rates
For one week only, beginning May
10th, we will sell 5 loads of 16-in.
mill wood at $4 per load, for immedi
ate delivery. Spaulding Logging Co.
' . - ' 113
Your Sunday dinner. Why not have
one of Johnnie Jones good dinners
at the Country club. He begins serv
ing at one o'clock Sunday, Miiy 9th.
Come out. Ill
Dr, J, O. Matthis, residence phone
is temporarily 596R; office phone 573
as before. 112
Sacra, age
the Terwllliger home to Portland
where services will be held and
burial mafle Monday.
Dance Auburn hall Sat. night. Ill
Love, Jeweler, watchmaker, Salem.
I1U0 per 100 for White Leghorn
taby chicks. Now roady for delivery.
C S. Needham, 558 State street.
Phone 400. Ill
, The "Revelation" orchestra will be
at Moose hall tonight for dancing.
Ladies free. Ill
3. L Smith of Conullle. horticul
tural arent for three Coos county
tanks, attended the meeting of the
Jersey club in this city Thursday and
Barbara Fritchie tent,- Daugnters
of Veterans, will entertain their new
candidates for membership Friday
evening In the organizations rooms in
the armory. Tho event had been an
nounced to take place at the home
of one of the members, but owing to
lunforseen circumstances it had to be
We can now sell you a good steak
.Osh, sliced ready for the pan at 12 c
Try a mess. You will like and cut H.
C, U Fitts Market. 112
Cut flowers for Mother's day May
Ith at greenhouse, at 1298 South 13th
Stand Wilbur. Phone 1250W. Ill
In a divorce suit filed Fridav. John
W. Hyett asks that a divorce be grant
lhim from Fannie M. Hyett. He al
lse that she deserted him March
W, 1919. The couple were married in
Marion county, November 10. 1908,
Here being two children by the mar
nase, Echo C. Hyett, age 8 years and
ioberi McD. Hyett, 8 years old. Both
the children nre in the custody of
Hyett, according to the hus
tad's Conmlainl. no rpniiOKt hpinir
Md by him for transfer of guard-
i Dance in the big armory tonight,
frtere all can dunce. 111
Tonight, Moose hall, dancing, "Rev
oa" music and singing. Ladies
' 111
J. and Mrs. R. B. Seeley of Sher
r were guests of the Bligh Thurs
""14 Friday.
Hear Biddie sing tonight, -baseball
"ce. armory. 11 1
""clng. tonight, Moose hall, slng-
4 "Revelation" harmony and
Ladies free. Ill
. w ik.,..T7 7. ... .
i i 1Hn' "re"1 clerk at the
flabeen off duty during the,
aSi uue to a near attach
Dancing tonight, "Revelation" mus
io by the "Revelation" orchestra, at
Moose hall. Ladies free. . Ill
Rev. Alfred Bates of the Kimball
school of theology will give the grad
uating address to the Wtysonvllle
high school on Saturday evening next
in the auditorium at Wilsonvllle.
Moose hall tonight "Revelation"
orchestra, plays "Revelation" music
for dancing. Ladies free. Ill
-Reverend J. B. Clyde, Mrs. Sarah
S. Smith, Mrs. Mary Lowell and Wal
lace W. Smith of Corvallis, were in
Salem Wednesday attending the an
nual meeting of the East Willamette
association of Congresatlohal church
es. Reverend Clyde delivered the as
sooiational sermon, and spoke also
on "Religious education." The con
vention was held in the First Con
gregational church here.
Water From Cow
Creek SouM By
Cattle Company, mand
laws making It unlawful to charge
more than te nper cent for the Use
of money. It will be carrying out the
same idea to provide that it shall be
unlawful for any person, firm or cor
poration to make more than a cer
tain percent on certain commodities
the consumer will doubtless de-
some Biich regulation in the
...., - ... .event mm uvuicib iiuiiviiii iu vu.nt.
, Application for permission to con- .... u,
, ' ,,.. , . . " markets and charge unreasonable
capacity and for the appropriation of !v
water from Cow creek with which to
fill it. has been filed with State Engi
neer Cupper by the Jordan Valley Cat
tle company. The wter is to be used
for the Irrigation of 4000 acres of land
In Malheur county.
Other applications for water rights
have been filed as follows:
By E. H. Green of Dee covering the
water of an unnamed spring branch
for the Irrigation of a small tract and
a small power development in Hood
Rive county. .
By S. S. Shields of Freewater cov
ering the appropriation of waste wat
er tor the irrigation of a small truct in
Mrs. Ralph Whit ford, owner, of the
Elk City Telephone Exchange, has ap
plied to the Oregon public service
commission for an increase In tele
phone rates and permission to enforce
a new set of rules. Mrs. Whitford's
proposed rules provide for opening the
exchange at 6 o'clock in the morning,
closing at noon and opening again at 6
o'clock in the evening for a w hours.
On Saturday evenings the exchange
sugar. It was the loan shark, the In- would not be opened at all. Subserib
terest profiteer who made It neces-1 ers desiring td use the exchange of reg
sary for the enactment of usuary
Achievement Day and demonstra
tion of school work was held at the
Sunnyside school, Friday afternoon,
when patrons of the school attended
the exhibition of school attainments
Mrs. Lucy Jane Sacry. ace 82 sti.r! durlnB the past year. Miss Ada Hart
street cars while the cam m ... such methods should be required, yet a brief illness peculiar tn old huh i 18 cnarge or tne scnooi,
cepting and discharging passengers. I believe," said Mr. Martin, "that it ' today at her home, 2307 Maple avenue.
Ostin lives in Woodburn. will be necessary to deal with the ; The body was sent by the Terwilliger
i profiteer with more stringent laws.' ! Home to Portland, where funeral and
An auto driven by Arthur John-1 "I have a friend," he said, "who ..burial will be held Monday,
son, route 9, Salem, sustained consid- is employed at the docks in San Fran-) SIrs- Sacry is survived by five chil
erable damage, consisting mostly of Cisco from whom I yesterday received drn: H- B. -Sacry of Portland, Ed
broken spokes in his front wheels, a letter stating that many ships were i ward C. Cacry of Juneau. Alaska, Ad
when he collided at 1:30 p. m. today 'arriving loaded with sugar and that j de M. Mackey of Salem, Mrs. J. H.
with an auto driven by B. Rratsford it is the eeneral opinion that there! Rice of Alberta. Canada, and Mrs V
or tacappoose, Or. The accident u.- is no real necessity or justification
curred at the corner of State adn for the present price of sugy. This
High streets. gentleman reported that sunar was
; . 'selling in San Francisco for 30 cents
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Schuneman per pound and that the claim that
went to Albany today where they will high prices were caused by either
attend the dinner dance given by the the Inability to load and unload ships
Assembly' club at the Hotel Albany, or a real shortage was unfounded.
1 hey were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T
Westbillk. '
Take the place of ho una
lining; for less.
Max 0. Btireit
17 North Commercial
a Luxury
Four Out Of. 493
Accidents This
Week Prove Fatal
Millage Measures
Are Approved By
Community Circle
: Emphatically endorsing the two
mill tax for elementary schools, the
Marlon County Parent-Teachers Asso
ciation met at the Salem high school
building Saturday.
The address of welcome was given
by Supt. W. M. Smith. This was re
sponded to by B. T. Youel, city sup
erintendent of Silverton schools.
The benefits of physical culture
were demonstrated by a class from
the Lincoln Elementary schools, folk
dances being the main terpischoreafi
subject.: This for mof exercise is ad-
ivocated as meeting play-ground prob
lems In rural schools. ..... ,.
As a result of Saturday election, of-
Four out of the 493 accidents re
ported to the state Industrial accident
commission here for the week ending ticeis of the association for the fol
May 6 were fatal, according to the lowing year, are: president, E. S.
weekly report of the department Just stultz, Jefferson, vice president, Miss
issued. i Florence Beardsley, of the White
Working losing their lives In Oregon school; secretary, Mrs. Nannie Mel-
industries during the week were L. A.ivln. of Hubbard; treasurer, Mrs.
Freman of Eagle Creek, bucker; Mar-' FanniB Douglas, Salem.
ion Bigham, Rush, sawyer; Frank ' C(Tl?d nT , rT
Lewis, Bandon, deckhand; Lee Hollen- Scott8r M,lH .Hiv "",
. -r. j jit. m coin Junior High, Center View, Hazel
beck, Bandon deckhand. Green whUe mme Grove, 'silver-
Of the total accidents reported 463 ton and Keizer.
were subject to the provisions of the ; The silk flag offered by the associa-
compensation act, 13 were from firms tlon to the school aving: the largest
and corporations that have, rejected percentage of membership, in propor-
the provisions of the act and 17 were tlon to attendance during the past
from public untility corporation not year, was awarded to the White
subject to the. provisions of the act. 1 school. The flag was presented by
Dr Edwin Sherwood of the Kim
ball school of theology in this city,
will preach the baccalaureate sermon
to the high school at Tualatin on
Sunday morning at 11 a. m.
The annual picnic of the Kimball
school of theology will be held in the
fair grounds on Friday afternoon next
A good program has been arranged
and the Luella Kimball club ladies
will have charge of the eats.
JJaee with the baseba b0y,,-t(j
t ' armory 8 p. m, m.
1 ' ;""" . Pep and harmony at
jT nH tonlpht. Singing. Ladies
e. Pugh. . , 111
W 3., nUfr f Donald was a Sa
" lur, Friday.
hT" Tuesday night's Journal
n?.nc"nent ot "The Huffman"
U lmre8t you. , ln
fch!i;it,neln8: !,nd "Revelation"
hg 1Bht- Moose hall. Haley C.
pTana"Sal,'m bUS line ha
trtto"f.ClKf1u',! of automobile
sere, Jr from Portland. Five large
bi, fyHr cars n,ake the round
County Judge W. M. Bushey in an
order issued Friday, May 7, desig
nates June 7, 1920, at 10:30 a. m. as
the date and hour for final settlement
of the estate of Rosalia Mathieti Ber-
gevin. Reuben C. Bergevln is admin
L. F. Mascher of Silverton and
Henry Pascoe of Salem, are recent
recipients of Jhe complimentary game
permits issued to pioneers and Civil
war veterans.
Charles L. W'ellman, formerly man
ager of the Bligh hotel, but who for
the past two years Hhs been connect
ed with the Hotel Hoyt, rortiana,
was a Salem visitor Friday. Mr. Well
man plans to spend his five day va
cation at the William Munkers home
near Chemawa.
Mrs. J. E. Scott of 1000 Leslie
street who. during the past three
weeks has been seriously ill with
pneumonia, is reported to be recov
ering from the illness.
i I
A "closing day" social, marking the
end of school work in that district,
will be held Saturday nifcht. May 8,
at the Talbot school. A special pro
gram has been prepared, concluding
with refreshments and a general so-
'i I flgl wm Wl nan flour, a-
'AwfJhJfor of school, for southern Marion
county, will t one oi uie -
ihe evening, addressing the patrons of
.schools on the meanuru
j support of elementary schools.
' The recital given y Miss Eliza
beth Levy's violin students Will take
: place--sit tho First Christian church,
.Tuedy evening May 11. An unusual
fcatu-A will b the mumble of "
ty violins in concert with pipe t-"n-
j "rn.iv; a bride-
! 7;'5 AXn s on p.m.
one and
ti,. f,mii fins Hill's fintrels,!comeily
new recoenlzed as the best show of its in every department new songs, new
. . .. ..-. ,.).iic nnlnon. will hits, new token, now featured, novel-
Kinn now . ', , ., ..,.. ,.hiAh Kr
be the next attraction at ine um.. ues aoo ...'. -
12fth. The company is a ir mne mm , ,
commencing Wednesday, custeil oneriiiK "
includes the d"an of all , IniitaW genius oi uunn """'
(black face comedians. George ana ' .Z
... n;:.n h an entirely new mon- ouct-a mwu -.
olo's'ie 'thisV'ason and is bound to, sure to be the
,, .., i,; ,.rM..oi host of odmtr-.-rs'Th';! w-'l! ' a
ri.5.1 ii n. a i?. ---
wiv. rwanir th? -ni'.rt pop-'are-anil muri.-al demonstration by th
of th.
"-r Rfr
mBmWm minutk man slx SmS
'TpHE Lexington
Touring Car
meets all demands
at all times. De
pendable, fashion
able, good. A ser
viceable car for
the whole family.
Improves NEW
Blades 100 Per Cent
Williams Shaving Powder, Cream and
Soap. Razor Strops and Hones. All
makes of Safety Razorg and Blades.
"Wher Everybody Buys"
C.S. Hamilton
140 Court Street
Woo dry's Stock
of Furniture, Range. Heaters.
Rues, Tools, etc., bofore you
S7 N. Com"! ..St. Phones 310
or 511
WiUametteV alley
Transfer Co,
PHONH 1400
The B. & C. Motor Co.
178 S. Commercial
Lexington Motor'Compony
Coiuiersvuie, Indiana, V, S. A.
We are too busy
And Modernizing Our Store To
Write Ads
Cox! Goods.
u B
I K F1
A . 1
Coming to Grand Theatre
- p . V'
i .
t. ... I
-A t ix, i , - ft " y t vk
1 ' ; V - J
The fimous Ous Hill's rinstrels,!comelly. The big show i brand new
' .. ,h. show of its in everv department new songs, new
Side a Biemie
.,'.. - V'T:ry
A Dayton Bicycle
A Dayjon Bicycle will get you "there
and back" by the shortest route and
in the quickest time. Wherever you go
to office, shop, school, for messenger
service,for delivering, for colledion work
the Dayton carries you swiftly and
easily. No waiting for street cars no
tiresome strap-hanging -no transfer
ring. Get a Dayton Bicycle and you'll
enjoy your daily rides out in the fresh
air and sunshine. .
We have a complete line of these splen
did new Dayton Bicycles in stock, for
men and women and hoys and girls. Day
ton Bicycles are backed by a quarter-century
of skill and experience in manufac'
ture.They're leaders in man
ship, quality, service. Come and see theml
387 Court Street