Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 07, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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MUTT AND JEFF Fifteen minutes in th e gym and alVs well By Bud fisher.
Coivrnhi i '
Trad" '-.' Re,
Bearcat Mound
Artists Donate
Stanford Game
Bum on balls hiiniJtil out by th j
Willamette iiiu-hrra won for Stanford i
the m-coikI K'-hk" of the series Thurs
day by a neon of 7 to t. Flrtwn
Ktunford men walked to fimt bayr, two
of them hit by pitched bull", and this
iicu.unts for the wore. Kach team Rot I
five hits, most of the visitors' bring
ncratch affairs. Had it not been for
the effective work of the Bearcat
catcher, Brown, In cutting off at
tempt!) to steal, the some mh,-ht have
been greater. Diinkk, Spiers and
i .
K (V,S jTfr :t homc a,jA , , , (TMAT 66 cf PiAvo A k " "-i'
mc Deed's ieci, s voo v f tviata a kjicc. PtAce rvieveRi certaiwuv I v I
WTIfft LiATrttp.0 7TTI.60 I Uv A P.AS-0 HM THe.R N6 A fv" J
RiCOTTHCc! we-lt. t.. lAHA)Jy j THAI ST MC . WlTM "mAA TO uCA6 " j
11 .i?4 c "JU- t Baby! - 'W'J ! mwbReo awctci. - MV p,aioo ouTtooR 'ihC t
f VT.WS F.AKXKST llll.l f
l'oitluiul, Mo.. WllO Mll) iH'
was not able lo rrporl for duty be
fore lakliiK Tanlac. Dpt-lnrra Ik
feels like a iir-w Minn now mid Is
on deck every tiny ready for work.
t Y
R. H. El St. Louis - 9 8 Smith.
1 6 2,
"I feel Just like a new man since f
lieKan taking Taiilat: and I urn not
only willintr, but 1 am anxious to tell
other people what this medicine has
done for me," said Captain Kurnest
31. Hill. Bortland, .Me., recently.
Captain Hill Is 111 command of the
I'.en llur, plyliiK bi'tween I'ortlund and
l.'asco Hay. He has been In the serv
ice for ten years and is held in hlt;h
letjai'd us nn officer and cltlaen by all
who know him.
"I huve suffered from Indigestion
and stomach trouble for the past
elKht years," continued Captain Hill,
"and at the time I started taking Tan
lac 1 was In such a warfkened condi
tion I could hardly stand up. When1
I walked 1 would actually HtuKKr
like a drunken man and, lit times,
would have to hold on to somcllinir
1o keep from fallliiK, After evcry
meal 1 would simply puffer tornu'iit.
My food would sour ami I would sAvell
up so with Ks I could hardly Bet. my
breath. "
"1 would also have awful smother-
Idr spells ut nlKht and sometimes 1
would have to tret up to Ret my
hreath. Lots of times 1 would have
In mien the windows and doors to let
nil- In order t get my breath, 1 could
not find anything to do me any Kiiud
and nlonK toward the lust 1 became
n weak and nervous I could not do
Jny work.
"Five bottles of Tunlac have made
it wonderful chitnee in my condition.
Jt helped me from the very first dose
and now I feel as axmd us I did when
1 was twenty years old. 1 sleep fine
iind have a fine appetite and Just feel
like a new mint In every way. I am
now able to be on deck every day
ready for duty."
Tanlao Is sold In flnlem oy Tyler's
drug store and lending druggists, in
ether towns, (Advl
Jackson, the local twlrlers, were hard
to hit but lack of condition made it
impossible for any of them to find the
Stanford scored three In the second.
Hundy was hit, Mallliot walked, and
Mitchell came throiiKh with a hit to
left field which should have been a
single, but It cot way from Austin
ami allowed all three men to score.
Hundy attain score in the second, walk
ing and stealing second and third, and
scoring on a passed ball.
Hplcss went in to pitch and held the
visitors scoreless for three innings, but
Waland walked in the scvunth and
scored on an lnriold fly, and two more
were chalked up in the eighth on two
walks and a single. Williimettu got
her one run in the sixth when Austin
reached first on Thompson's error,
and scored on Page's single, l'age
was the heavy hitter of tho series, get
ting four hits ,to of them for, two
bases. ' '
' Lineup: , ,
Stanford Mitchell, " left field;
Thompson, shortstop; Wuylund, ceji-
ter field; Xtntner first base; Kallam,
second base; Crowe, thltd, base
dy, catcher; Parker, right field
Hot, pitcher.
AVillamette Irvine, second bare;
Davies, third base; Page, shorstop;
Pimick, pitcher; Brown, catcher;
Jackson, centerficld; JlcKlltrick, first
base; Spless, pitcher; Austin, left field;
Power and Busier, right field.
Stanford ... 0 3 1 0 0 0 1 2 07 5 1
Willamette.. 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 t 3
Umpire, Hayes.
MAJOR I.KAt.l 1. S OltKS
H iston, May il. Score:
El St. Louis - 9 8 Smith
Kllcr, Laque, Bressler and Wingo: CAST LKAGVH WORKS
1 Haines and demons.
New York
Bhawkey, Collins, Mogriiiee audi Philadelphia, May 6. Score:
Ruel; Schaet and Oharrity. Boston 8 15 2
Hetroit, May f.. Score. j Philadelphia 6 12 4
K. H. .15.. Scott, Rudolph and (jowdy; Smith,
St. Louis , 4 10 : 2 j Weinert and Tragessor.
Detroit 6 7 2! Pittsburgh, May 6. Score:
Vangilder and Sevcroid; Oldham Chicago 1 4 0
and Stanagc. j Pittsburgh :i S 0
National. Hendrix and O'Karrell; Cooper and
St. Louis, May 6. St. Louis defeat-. Schmidt,
ed Cincinnati 6 to 0 In the second gamo1 New York, May 6. Score:
of the scries here today. Haines he'd ; Brooklyn 17 1
the visitors to three scattered hits. New York 2 5 1
At Salt Lake
Sacramento .....
Salt Lake
Mails and Cady;
At Los Angeles-
Oakland ....
. Vernon
Housewife Becomes
r tr
! 7 j! "llm ;"1 Sis,ll,iD.
S . 5 0 aml ,)evi''ier.
Stroud and Jenkins Ls Angeles
R. H.. E. ' San Francisco .."1'IT
i nomas and Neihoff
Philadelphia 1 4 2
Boston 3 6 1
Keefc, Kckert and Perkins, Myatt;
Jones and Walters.
Chicago, May 6. Score:
R. H. K
Cleveland 3 0 0
Chicago : 2 (1 4
ilaftby and O'Neill; Wilkinson and
Bun-. Schalk. .
Mail' Washington, May J. Score:
Cincinnati 0
ni:ioitT of
No. 57
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
At Salem, in the State of Oregon, at the close fo business .May 4, 1920.
Iti'soiirci's. t
Loans and discounts $2,949,143.33
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured ' 17,731.16
Bonds and warrants 930,490.00
iiaiiking House ;; 78,000.00
Due from approved reserve banks 652,408.74
Exchanges for clearing house 1 92.340.30
Cash on hand .... 4 ri 't .is
Other resources; documentary stamps 300.00
Mamaux and Miller;. Douglas and
Hsl MR O'Neill
'TlfCar Slate apt
j At Seattle
1 Portland
! ' New Woman s"tlle -
I "All of our best doctors had given
mo up. x was uiiuuie 10 leave my- oen
for 18 weeks and was yellow as a !
pumpkin, besides the terrible stomach
pains I suffered. Our druggist advised '
my husband to, try Mayr's Wonderful;
j Remedy and it has saved my life. 1
am a new woman now.' It is a sim
! plej harmless preparation that re
moves the catarrhal mucus from the
j intestinal tract and allays tho lnflam
' mation which causes practically all
stomach, liver and intestinal ailments
j including appendicitis. One dose will
I convince or money refunded. J. , C.
I Perry, T). i. Fry and druggists every
where. "
CopkroachM and Ytrt4
ilpslre IntliMopwuittii i
ins for water and Mm
in a tew momenta Tnm4
should betnougatakililr
'J""11'1 $5,280,004.91
v upuai stock limit in 500,000.00
furpius lunu 50,000.00
uiioivMico protits, less expenses and taxes paid 81,207,76
Itie to banks hnd bunkers .' 33'578!37
inuiviijuai deposits subject to check 3 nr.x nr.i r,n
Deuiund certificates of deposit 144MM
Cashier checks outstanding...... j ' 441 85
; , 9,905.35
- 1,199.444.05
f 4
dor chafed or
blisteivd feet
There nnllii.ig better tli.m Rcsino
Ointmunt. It nlievri that hot, d'V sen
i.ition and r.rnUy n-.ils lliecluiid anj
blistered spots, llathe the led in Aa
water In-loie tt I v in if tlie t.intmcm.
I'resci'ilicd by pliy?i ians for ecu'cu,
and simiLr s'vin tioiililc s. a .iv.nj-ij.i
Certified checks
Time and savings deposits
0 Total. "--V:e -( $5,280,094.91
State of Oregon, county of Marlon, ss.
I. Wm. 8. Walton, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement is the best of my knowledge and belief.
, , , Win. S. WALTON, Cashier.
.Subscribed and sworn tcTTjefore me this 7th day of May, 1920.
i L. P. ALDltlCH.
Notary Public for Oregon Residing at Salem.
My Commission Expires November 9, 1923.
. S. BUSH.
Magical Home Baking
New York. If ever eicht
thousand women called at your door
and each one loft nn original home
baking recipe, think how wonderful
that would be!
The pick of over eight thousand
recipes is available to you, however,
almost for the asking. Several years
ago this number of recipes was sub
mitted in a prize contest. One of the
conditions wns that recipes should be
practical, original and not found In
cook books.
Some of the best-known cooking
authorities of the country selected to
hundred and fifty of these as being
the most practiral, economical and at
tractive recipes for home use.
This prize list was published as the
Ryion Baking Book. Its effect upon
the women of America was astonish
ing! Today over two , million homes
are usiDg this, national manual of
baking. Two million housewives aro
not. only learning the secret of creating
original tasties for their tables, but
also, through the use of ltyaon, the
Perfect Baking Powder, according to
the modern, scientific level measure
recipes in the Kyzon Baking Book,
they have mastered the magic of niak.
log their baking turn out Just right
every time. For ltyion, used accord
ing to directions, takes the "guess"
out of baking.
Oood baking Is a valuable accom
plishment. Any woman can earn the
title of Oood Baker. The Rvzon
liuklng Book is a standard text book.
The new Ryzon Baking Book (orig
inal price $1.00), containing 250 prac
tiral recipes, will be mallejl, postpaid.
Upon receipt of 3ft cents in stamps or
coin. Or if you will purchase two or
more pounds of Ryzon at once from
your grocer, sending us his name and
address promptly, we will mall you a
Ryzon Baking Book free. Genctol
Chemical Co., Food Department, Iti
Broad St., New York, N. Y.
"Nothing wrong with our balance".
npiIE right balance of costly Turkish
and Domestic tobaccos, propor
tioned by experts that's why
Chesterfields "satisfy."
Every puff brings you the full, rich
flavor of genuine Turkish tobacco
and the lively relish of choice Domes
tic leaf. 1 ...
I And theblend the manufacturer's
private formula can-
not be copied.
Every package enclosed
In glassine, moisture
proof paper that seals in
the flavor.
. s
lytTVMyAIi' Klrt
Sister says. the
troubles gone out
of getting
Junch- 4a
we eat
7 3
$3 and $3.50
Messaline and
Crepe de Chine
Cam i s o 1 e s ,
Saturday and
Monday Spec-
(The Old White Corner)
Salem's Greatest Women's Apparel Slore
May Sale of Women's Dress
Because of remarkably large purchases and becauu
unseasonable spring weather, we find we have too n
women s dressesy this season's models, in Messaline, Ji
une, ueorgene ana 1 aneta siuc uresses, also some je
and Serge models in Latest Styles 'and Desirable Cg
which must be sold at once. Below we mention a few
of the phenomenal values now offered:
$10.00 to $15.00 Organdie ani
; Dresses $7.50
$16.50 toy $20.00 Silk, Ser&
Jersey Dresses $12.7S
$25.00 to $30.00 Messaline an
feta Silk Dresses $18.1St
$22.50 to $37.50 Messaline an
rgette Silk Dresses $23M
$40.00 to $47.50 Taffeta Sflj
Tricotine Dresses $3t.h
V1 f v 4W fin TOT
vf 1)1
$50.00 to $55.00 Crepe de Chhi
rgette and Taffeta Dressesh
318 COURT STREET , Where Lowest Prices F
Waists 9Sc
50 cltwn fine Lawn and Voile
Waists, new and pretty designs, 10 values; while
they last, each
Georgette Waists $2.75
Broken lines and discontinued
numbers in new and pretty Georg
ette Waists.
Petticoats $1.43
Satine Petticoats, all sizes, in black
and fancy colors.
Trimmed Hats $1.98
Great variety of Misses' and Wo
men's Straw Hats, various colors
and styles.
Hcuse Dresses $1.QS
Good quality Amoskejr Gingham
House Dresses,, prevailing colors
and styles.
Spring Coats $15.00
Misses'' and Women's Spring and
Summer weight Coats and some
Capes and Dolmans made to sell
up to $45.00. Economic 1 K 00
Store price 31UU
Spring Suits $16.50
Young Ladies' and Women's Garb
adine Serge and Jersey Suits, not
all sizes ; have them in various
styles and colors.
Poplin Skirts $4.25
Navy, black and fancy colors, reg
ular values $7.50. c i 95
Economic Store prices
Petticoats $1.43
Big Lot of Satine Petticoats in
black and fancy colors, all sizes.
Sweaters $5 75
$7.50 and some $8.50 Shetland
wool Sweaters, . now styles and
prevailing colors.
( .4
W Jt.'" ,U)ndM A Hut