Mway f3 and the travel is becoming heavier :is the season advances, nun stales. ' THE CAPITA Y JOURNAL TAGE ITVE . til mioutvu rf,fsu,e We st:te f It I'1,SOn nd E- ,. ' 1 c,i',m the , .Aiir.irrl jm betr : ,4,1. Krum .Salem jisrouKh hut -h ..titioB. penult -, ,alnin the . .i,- hlehway I ...... nnrtit Oil. a peri"- wt conditio" with OTf half mile of u miction work, tcnwll he new , under construction road which is 1- our i rui!h bllt pn.m Toncalla to , .,j is in fine contli Grants Pass the .',sc,nt for two rotifth irt Mountain ami fsHill near (inmU ', jeiuiir "f o"" lr'"' I 'cimstrui-lion. (o Ashland the ,; with the exception ,.h is ni!tca'l..nuziMl inn. l'Vuu A-ii- line. 23 miles. iph due to (11- ruct'0n ti'Lirl;?; is umUT coti- Big Fish Catches Reduce CostsHere Due to the success of fishermen ai j Newport anil other const points who j have milled to bring in the season's ; catch, fish Is prowlngr more plentiful ianil cheaper in the local market. Ac- conlins to XV. S. I- itts, 444 Court gtreesj fish antl poultry denier, this suo-nly hlds fal to continue throughout the summer nnrt will pmve a ninster stroke against the hlsh Cost of living. Trrtnt catches in all coast streams have been better this year than for many years previous, Jlr. Flits said to day, this, he asserted, is doe to the eat eXVrdseil by the government in curing for stocked stivams. Mr. Kilts is a stockholder in the Newport Ice & L-i.-u . . . company at Newport and has been in the retail fih business here for H years. Dallas To Have Modern Garage i by 12;) with the show rooms fronting , on Main street. ThoilKh -Mr. Shaltmk l.n Wro a short time he is now considered oue "of the ermanent fixtures in the biisi ness world anil is not only improvum' his business outlook but a fine hoftje as well. . (one s:..llon sufficient for -K0 'miles, it also ,av be tuilixed in rail-1 I j way l.'Kiioouves and in Ihe engines of I (' -ei;n steanieiss. he dei-lares. I tafias, Or. May T. Mrs. Anna Coad. who has held sione verv valu able busim-ss property on main street for a number of years today closed the transaction with 1. M. Shattuck where by Mr. Shimuek comes Into MisseHsiin of Ihe same. l r. Shnltuck Is the Ford dealer hers In !allas and though he has been here a snort time he has show a .-...-..- SiVe business ability. He will erect mOiH'rn twit story concrete buililinir cm tu n ikik h.v.k okk New York. Mar 7. The Iltl0ti- j0 cauiiKiisn of the New 'World Movement of th Northern Hoplist ,' has isse,u the Jj, . mark at the headouarters or the on,-unij!;!tion. Arizona was the first state to reach its ijuoia. Safe ShloU Your Wool VV6 tlo cleaning anr) card ing for comforters and mattresses. Manufacturers of pure wool batts. CRYSTAL SPRINGS WOOLEN MILLS Portland, Oregon. Mills 760 Umatilla Avenue Office 802 Spalding Bldg. (l, jrina rroUKh due to con- .1 (iinstnu't en trucks J if road is under on-1 I tourists are ltialtiuiv lishway' system daily J SI XI) XY YEUBKltTY 'tl'omcn i I I HIDES and SACKS : WANTED i Also Junk of All Kinds Beit Prices Guaranteed ' CALL 398 J Capital Junk Co. The Square Deal House ', til Cheraeketa St. Phone III .. wi Over-Worked. Wour Cod Liver V,wilIheIpyou. WOODRY BUYS and SELLS EVERYTHING Phono 510-511 270 N. Commercial 6U merSays So m. -"i wa3 jn a WMion, no appetite I teach school and 'Wind. A friend told u Slopped my cougii, aPPetite and built me m in every way." a wn-down, nervous, "wing strength should Wins Beef and Cod . Iran anH n ! elements needed to f enrich the blood 4 foe If it fan! L. M. HUM Care of YickSoTong Chinese Medicine and Tea Co. Has medicine which will cure any known disease. Open Sunday from 1 a. m. until 8 p. m. 1E1 South High Street ' " lalem, Oregon. Phone 181 THOMSON'S REMNANT STORE For Genuine Bargains Beginning "Wednesday W.W.MOORE House Furnisher HOME OP TTlIt: riOTROLA You get more for your " o f Wnnvc'd 1 in ! -Is SJr ? ill W Am m pfor People Who Cannot Use Rugs W el1 Ppared to show the latest patterns e can cover your floors complete. No ay. The goods are right here in the below the present day value. Bought se- Come in and let us show you. 4 8. H amilton Com-t Street NO NEED NOW TO BE GRAY And tell the world of. your troubles and years for Co-Lo will i-estore the natural color, life and lus ter to your hair in a man ner nature approves. Co-Lo a scientific process perfected hy Prof. John H. Austin, over 40 years a bacter iologist, hair and scalp specialist. 1 Wffi'.. T fS'i'iC: fcte Hair PU Bestoiei 3? ! Rome. May 8. Dr. tastiotl, it not i - . . . . ' nas msrvvtreil a itietKiii. ; of cheaply producing liquid hydroire i. j It n)ar i,t u In iliivlha Hu.hol.!h . -ri For Infant: (1 1( CcU k Miilritiotts bict Ibr All Agti Quick LUnch at Home tot OfficS At44 lmUUnfc IhJl SlllstiUtet Shipley's A IT Kit MAY 1ST WH.l. UK KXOWX AS TllK 1.Y AS ior ;o stouk. THE TlC.t CO-LO SECRETS o-Lo is a wonderful liquid. Clear, odorless, greaseless. Without lend or sulphur. ' Hasn't a imrticle of sediment Will not wash or rub off. Will not injure hair or scalp. Pleasing and simple to ap ply. Cannot be detected like the ordinary hair tints and dyes. -r-Wlll not cause the hair to, split or "break off. : Co-Lo can be had for every natural shade of hair. -. AO for Hlurk uml Dark Shades of Drown. A7 Extra Strong, for Jot llliu'k ilnlr only. A 8 for nil Medium lirown' Sliudt'H. . " A for all Very Light Brown, ;, Drub nd Auburn Shades. Co-i.o Hair Restorer at ei- , ry's drugstore, , , itadv) I Will S Ave You Money On Your Dentin Work "" I am now offering Pre-War Prices and I guarantee all work Buy Remnants Af tHS Remndnt Store 114 riorta Commercial . MAGNETOS have one of th? tesl nun ia thia lin th w?sl ti;t nm hav eiiuipiiotl a ;hrj f,r nuipnoti. iiatrs. Also Unv f arts. If ytiur ituijfi nct.t nt'-s t vthanlinu, , ship It t-t Ms r call W. H. Hilclekandt & Co. . . itfie:;il s Eisemann Magneto Service Station 27! Kurt It Commercial street S.VLKM Plates $1 ?... Clowns (Anterior) tiold or Porcelain $.' : Clowns (Posterior) $7.0 1 Bridge work. Gold or Porcelain Stl.OO to $7.00 Gold l'illinwi S2.t)(l up Porechin l''illiiij;s Silvor Kllllngn Cement FilUnsx .. t'leaning Tcoth .... "moving Nerve K'.'!:H'ttlns f.. . ii.m op $!.() tip Si. oo $1.00 $..() $1.00 iruns viek Principles In Fine Tire : Maldnir tCX Ml.ATIo::.: MIKK DR. C. A. ELD1UEDGE DEXTlST.- Phone UiiiO 2(M-5 Gray I'.uiliUnii Cj? tier State and Liberty Sts. SAI.K.M, uKiOGti.N Over llartnutn lros. Jewelry Store Reduced prices on all size cans &t your grocers all w-?ek. Ruv tedav. . ' YUU can mara any miainir ni J1. of douehnutnusine the same LOu I ucic lot of Mazola again and egain and still you won't have a imoky kitchen. Mazola will heal to such high temperature without, smoking, that food is instantly crusted when dropped in hot Marolh this prevents soggincss and prlj terves its 3avor. Corn Product Refining- Co. P.O. BoilSl N.wYorkatr ; 'in 'i i m irr't ' f' -aSSlL iti&W m III " " 'TTVH l 1JI ,1 INI i If i I WMWMIi.wi nn JOHNSON LIEBER CO., rOIM1,tJi, OitEtJOV mi V Yow overalls fit easy why dont mine ?" "TTERE we are, fiill, doing the same kind of work ITI and my overalls pull and bind make me want to take 'em offthrow 'em ftwayl "And when I look at you, you're alwiyscomf or table. Your overalls fit just as easy as the day you bought 'em. "Believe me net time I'll take your, advice and buy Blue Buckles." ' Hard work kneeling, bending, stretchingis what Blue Buckles are built for. they are so big and roomy they always fit easy make yoii forget you have on overalls. "fv tried a lot of overalls, bat of all Ve ivorn ' choose Blue Buckle every time. They eitrava gira loni weal. fmUitl if Grwwnr huacitll l ; Blue Buckle 0 they ait made of the toughest, longest-wearing denim with broad, double-stitched seams that don't rip. First class workmanship has made Blue Buckles the bfgf est selling overall in the world. Big reinforced pockets) placed so yot won't sit on them a solid back-band that holds its shape extra wide suspenders heavy bran buttons and best quality loop and buckles these am the points that make Blue Buckles right in every detail. Ask your dealer for Blue Buckles. Union Made A If ver Pills Biggest selling overall in the world The reason you are interested iii tie name on your tire is that it identifies the maker. By knowing the maker you can judge his ideals of manufacture. The only secret of a super-tire lies in the principles of tha maker. His standards decide the quality. For there are nt secrets in the tire industry .What you get depends on what is behind th name on youij tire. Brunswick, as you know, tne.lns a very old concern jealous of its good name. Since 1843 the House of Brunswick has been famous the world over for the quality pf its products The Brunswick Tire is all that Vou expect and .tiarev Your first one will be a revelation. , You'll agree that you've) never known a better. And you'll tell your friends. So spreads) the news among motorists. The Brunswick is the most come tire that ever came to market. Try one Brunswick Tire. Learn how good a tirs can bej built And remember, it costs no more than like-type tires, THE BRUNS WICK-B ALKE-COLLEN DER CO. Portland Headquarters: 46-48 Fifth Street i s to m, OS,t.v - 'J r ill' r n.-J-" T " t -4 frit wri j-fti ' j - f. u 1,1, , If. If (H "V"1 -i tWL 5oW On An Unlimited Mileage Gttarantee Basis & Cicrry Ciy Garage 170 S. 12th Street Grteai Western Garage 147 N. High Streefi ELECTION, MAY 21 I VJn II M Vote 302 X Yos : For 4 State Road Bond Limit 302 X Yes 333 No issssBALtjOT TITLE IS AS FOLLOWS: CON TITPTION M, A M f: NB M E NT Itcf ernd sa tU pwpl by Iks I.lllMV AnrAlnblv. LIMITATION t9 nm frlr CtNT TAt! iKDtgTCDNtU FOR rCRMANENT ROAOS.-l'urp.. sr. J rt nrri rt Hn if.n 7 "f ArlM'lt XI of lhs('.nliil)ii"ri c( tliSUinfOrrTii 1'tlMTinit Mi i TMilinnnf fttiltinfl tiflhililif" lirr((i ptvmuti fiht Hflff Imtjilti it IW iti purn'iof tiuiWItiii it lift fnwinttijtiim rfrmniit rr-nl t t i mniint of (our im fMitfjfi1i rfliiHtmn cf ttt tli (irnpfrtf in th Htm df Uirfnn, inmd of two per wmti now proriHpfi by lw. NO PROPERTY TAX-NO DlMl TAX NO INCREASE 1.1 AUTO LICENSE FEES NO INCREASE OF GASOLINE TAX Keep theHfl tlircp forts in mind. The pnwnt auto license fee nd gasoline tax will nay Ixith the i principal and interest nn all thft bonds under this amendment, and will yield an annual t urplun becides for othef state highway work. 'o additional taxation of any kind. FEDERAL FUNDS MUST BE MATCHED Oregon mtftt have auffii-irnt IliphSny Funds to mafcli FoderHl niprt in or Orecmi cannot art the fanrfit of l'Vclrral money fur Urrann JtornJn. Incrragint; Uiis constitutional limit is a iiercmity, UiilcKa limit is incri'Hil. cither ttate roads ninnot be completed for main-, many yearn, or mm I b" fie Hied by direct )roix:rt v laxfttion. 'j'lii iiictiiirc averts diri'r't iiropcrty x for Htato highways and makes ei'.Hy mmilM ion pi-ible. Let 's p-i 1 lit roada buiit now. Income front ff.3f.rt imtti Sliffidcnt to Pijr Principal tni Inlerc:! Th fcrr tfcrt fevmani fr.m Mf,Hrriw tn !,rf rav1iur, aidnnit lr.iMr r Wll' H.-nuW- 1 11 :iy N-fh ;t: r:m, anri inter. t in i- tmrnl.. W r'turiy t-. it f ! ii bv itC IT !'"'.r'! rai'i'Jlut, mn.:ifl tim.-ry rgrl'T'-d v t-r. !Wt r t Jilnf.. l'.".ir.yrt (at r.tmim Hi' i- ir Irltv H h-.t if ,ni rly Iftx la miMirt-ti aori th it rrw it-? iifriiw- f"-iniKi cha 'as ttim m.M-m ! nn-;!.l HihI iiit-f.-ft -mJ yn. ft iili'iu b For tuwt TW', Pnhti rr lurtl-r li:lmn:fti-ui, mile t nEOOnotp AND DEVELOPMr.NT ASSOC I ITloV I. L TMHrSN. ho, m H .. tmkH t t mrw. Cw.w IwMnt I.,a. I t-nip;:: Hrad-uM'tcif, 31! lVotif.lcr Bm. n,, I'miuml, Ou-m VOTE 3C2 X YES -For t Strto Road CenJ Lir:::t rtufut tr it B, eat1 loitfsi VM:li.'a-i -n. :