ord Eactt tnseruon orre fatertiona 6 cents, ocs month j t51, "'Cv.-a 17 cents, one year, per i ntert Minimum per d2s! -mcia, I ! insertion only !n New Today -i . i. cash in advance ana not tax. CIS d sn .rtvertiser hai .ccount: No allowance for KEW TODAY. cattle. illO punne jtvi. t'uruiMtieti housekeeping u - children. 480 N. M.h. - TTViii It- Khoile Island Red eggs j.. Phone 2F3. file THndTeTThhay for sale. 109F1 r Preach. y11 Etching. Jl J"r setting. Fine win f th lem- ' rrrpai ker s Lucky Curve fountain e valued as keep sake. Kindly Lave fer Parker and oblige care Journal. ; 121 ITSTijaLK Bv owner. room house and 3 lts- vu- -" "l i-th street. Take Chemeketa street Jar and transfer to lTth. 108 . a n II fTAE V Tor SALK rord roadster, good con dition, express back shock absorb ..heels and tires. Kar meiwer. Jefferson. Or. ellO Steiwer, , TjjA)VANCrJS maue lor oiu tires when turned in on "Keatons v.ski,l." Horton mre Co., 337 . a. 108 i nun FaCRES for sale or rent, close in, k(Minir ready to move in, rash. n-vner. Box 333, Salem. bllO RI G for sal?, almost new, at u bar- eain. 680 N. 20th. 109 BABY chicks for sale, S. C. White Uehom. heavy daying strain. (It per 100- E. 'T- Miller, Turner, Ore., pt S. box 17. T113 uoNKY TO LEND Client has plac ed with me $1500, and another $1, (00, which i can lend upon good security. Do not apply unless your security will Btand the test. Elmo " 6 White, attorney at law, 402 Ma sonic Temple. Phone 925. 108 10K SALE 3 young heifers. R. Brunk, Salem, Rt. 2. bos 163. Tula. Or. ' 108 J'QR SALE 5 acre chicken ranch. This is ready for poultry raising. Has plenty of pens and .coops for use. Would trade for city proper ty. This is near the cfjV A, L. ' Seamster Reulty Co., 416" Masonic Temple. ' '' n LOST Saturday, parcel containing little bovs suit and hat and girls dress: 13.10 Jefferson St; kllO FOR SALE 3 lots, on S. High, in qnire 2W Ferry. " c!09 LATE model Chevrolet, good running order, good tires, starter and lights $375. Call 972R. q I ROOM .huninilow. mortem and nl most new, just cozy home for small family, flood 'lot, - chicken house and pen; good streets, ce ment walk and curbing. , Look at . this today. Immediate possession. S. R. Pearson & Peed,i 4fl5 Oregon bldg. Phone 43. a FOR SALE Bay mare about 1250 lbs, sound, good worker single or douWe. Price $60. S. R. Pearson tt Peed, 05 Oregon bldg. Phone 43. - , - FOR SALE Two fresh Jersey cows. 1311 N. 4th street. . et09 THE CLEANERS AND DYERS That guarantee their work; ftHy : . and all kinds of alterations and re pairing. Hack in business to stay, Salem Cleaners & Dyers, 1215 S. Commercial. Phone 168. AVe call and deliver. 108 1917 CHEVROLET in No. 1 condi tion, spot light, good tires. Will sell for $485 cash this week, Cftii 1215 8. Commercial St. ' - 10'8 A BARGAIN For three days more a strictly modern 6 room bungalow can be bought for $5650, located nithin two blocks of tlie state cnp itol on Court street. Hns garage, bearing fruit trees - find berries; furnace, fireplace and is 'in fine condition. . Mrs. Winnie Pettyjohn. . "3 mate St. Tel 515. a 109 FOR SALE (iood business building well adapted for auto repair, uto j paint shop or general automobile business. Does not require all cash. Present owner making about $300 per month. Will be sold at once. Socolofsky, 341 State St. Phone 970. , FORDS FORDS ? $275 .r : $200 .. 1. ". ' $885 , " . $475 . . $525 "ok over our speedsters $125 and up Trucks Some bargains Bur'nB CarS E?ceptionnl gox)d . TT. S. OAR AO E tne used cnr center 564 Ferry St. Phone 1752. Try our repair dept. - 108 FOR SALE. For Sale Houses. WANTED To buy email modern bungalow, close in. Want to deal di rect with owner. Box R G Capital Journal. . ALE Furnished 5 room plas tered house all plumbed, on paved ' e'''rllen ln- Price 2400- L- cash, balance $15 per month.' rnone 1456 or see owner 335 N. 24 JjLLeaving town. 8112 huuse- Booa lot. Harden in, In. i2?wn' term"- roc-m- laree linn 7 : g001 4 iroom cottage, , 7 room, close to car, almost , IiL1'"8 cheaP- Bown . cm it ii n k OR SALK.i; .... , . i . oiA room piaster- BOAT? 81 180 N- 23d I"' ' rK Veet ,,rice 2590- w "raoenhorst & Co., 275 State St. ' f-gr- al08 bungalow on car line, ' 2 S '0t9- Part set to fruit. I am Can! V" thls very Box E PLJournal. g. SALE s room modem houe on bunT :U: 7 room modern cse in $4000. F. L. Wood w1 flne L lot 6l)x ner w a. """ful location. or- Pe lion?11! b'n 8treP,s pave1-HiHf10i- Seated on Fairmoimt fkft. - Grabenhorst & Co.. 275 ?0fc kl ' ' al68' telo-. 7 room modern bun-h-cr'r-a-?d Mre(t- ast "tit. trc iVnn' 0r $650 w,th urni 7 nlrH I cah' tern, on balance Z Tr in,rrest- W- Graben- 7-l2S Wat St. . ,18 ''0rl. l2,100- H&n Mullet-, 'he nrtletimate bar 'or tfoed for , room bungalows, and burban prop- SKVehTi - 11 l"m a Ehou for sale, among -J2 N rv..rm bonealow. Inquire jjB-sjjgSg?- Phone 118l1aiU "Set, JhlTl r!om "e. bach. Church " from P08t of": on Jl h2 Price $2250. Hart be all room house. Must ": north nlT nd ful"r "" ut4 ' cart front, and sRu- "n ifJ.meenth. south of Thi mS lTh vof F"T streets. . Phn "wrgain for spot 149 P m mi tween anrt f 'OS SALE". tuit sale svi-ji i...,,. r; tag:?; one Liberty; one. South Com-f u.wn.,, viit! cmpnmz: una .. I ry; one North Capitol; on 21-st- i one Court; one Chemeketa. Call ! 4.' ?. inqage. Phone u6. alll OWN YOLR OWN HOME WE WILL BUILD TOC A HOME TOO PAT A SMALL PAYMENT DOWN . BALANCE LIKE RENT COME IN AND TALK WITH US OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS R. B. DORNET PHONE 951, 329 OREGON bldg. a For Sale Farms. WANTED TO BL'Y 10 to 40 acres berry land, Improved or unimprov ed. Give price and location. Box 193, Salem. nll2 240 ACRES 4WaVr cultivation, irri gable farm land, situated in Doug . las county, acquired by foreclosure f mortgage, for wie reasonable and on easy terms. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Oregon. . . bl09 OR SALE 10 acres. 9 logans. bearing, contract crop at 13 today. Box 10 Capital Journal, n FOR SALE Six room house. 971 Union St. .no FOR SALE 18 arr uHa t er ana grain, small house and barn 4 miles.east of Salem. Price $4, 600. Hart & Muller, 208 Oregon bldg. FOR SALE By owner, 8 acre farm in nuweii prairie on ssiem and Sil verton road in cultivation, bal ance timber and pasture; good house and barn, two wells, family orchard. 1-3 of crop oes with place; road by place will be paved this summer. Price $175 per acre. Terms. Address Elvin Herr, Rt 2, Silverton. Silverton rhone Green 255. .in FOR SALE 130 acres, 120 acres in cmuvauon, oaianoe pasture and timber; strictly modern new 8 room bungalow, built In features, bath, tiolet, hot an cold water; fine new barn and outbuildings, young bear ing orchard; all fenced with wov en wire; 11 miles out n good road. Price with crop, 8H50 per acre. Hart & Muller, 208 Oregon bldg. n FOR SALE 120 acres 6 miles from Salem; 20 acres cultivated, old house, barn, orchard; estimated S, 000 cords of oak grub timber. Price $45 per acre. Hart & Mul ler. 208 Oregon bldg. n FOR SALE 40 acres 4 miles south near Liberty; 25 acref cultivated, ' 6 acres set to orchard and berries; unfinished house, some limber. -'$6000, would take house as part payment. Owner 1841 McCoy Are.. tiaiem. mil FOR SALE By owner 20 acres, 15 in high state of cultivation, E aores prunes, 314 strawberries, 4 acres gooseberries; fair buildings, on good road 4 miles out; one team and harness, 1 cow, 1 buggy and har ness, 1 farm and 1 fruit wagon, all ' iarm implements;; immediate pos session. Price $8600. Write box 122, Rt. 2, Salem, Or. '. n CHOICE close in berry land, 14) acr.?s located just outside city limits, a blocks from Center St. carllne on asylum road, all cultivated; pos session at once. Price $3500, good terms. 8.1 1 acres adjoining tho above land, black loam. all. ready or .planting. Price $2806. Haw Kins and Roberts, 205 Oregon bldg. Phone 1427. - b STOP! LOOK! 10 acres for sale by owner, good soil, all tillable, lays level, joins city -limits, 10 minuteB walk to car line; f room plastered house in good condition, some built in features, good barn, machine shed, granary and shop, wood shed and chicken houses, two wells, some fruit, 2 acres in hay, some garden and potatoes planted, 3 acres in one field just right for logans or any thing, balance pasture at pres ent; 1 horse, harness and buggy, new plow and harrow, 1 fine Jersey cow and calf, fresh only short time; 2 stands of bees, 3 dozen hens about 200 young chickens, 2 ' incubators. You can't beat this at $4800, This is a real snap; $2800 will handle it. . terms on balance Phone 60F3 and make date to look at- it. nllO For Sale Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Gas stove. 845 Canter street. el09 REMINGTON typewriter for sale. 333 S. Church. cllO FOR SALE 16-horse Stoner gas engine ln good condition. J. D. Hibbs & Co., Independence, Or. clll ALL kinds of cut flowers, potted plants and ferns. Greenhouse 1298 8. 18th street. Phone 1250W. d!17 FOR SALE Potatoes. Phone 1205M. dllO LOOSE hay for sale,.! mile west of Farmers 6F3. em 6F3. ' fill FREE dirt for the hauling. 321 South 19th St. For Sale Nursery Stock. FOR SALE Oregon Burbank seed potatoes. Phone 52F11. Olio TREBLA, the heaviest yielding straw berry. A good canner. lou can raise your plants for less than they can be tieught next tall, waru Jv. Richardson, 2395 Front. d!12 iwjanhrrry iiImiiLs. iiav neishbor if you have ny loganoerry pianw left over after planting or others for sale. I'll buy them. Phone 95 V5 1108 STRAWBERRY plants in any quan tity. Ktterburg 1Z1, uoia uouar. Progressive Everbearing, Trebla. Lady Goshwell, Wilson. Thrifty, well rooted plants. City delivery. Ward K. Richardson, 2395 Front S !hmi 44 ' ' d STRAWBERRY plants, Wilsons. Et terburg 121, $1 per thousand In patch. Phone 47F13. d!08 JERUSALEM artichokes for sale. Phone 51 F5. dl08 THE famous Etterburg 121 Btraw berry plants. Best canner and shipper. A very heavy producer, when net exhausted raising plants. Vigorous healthy plants. Low pric es in large quantities. Ward K. Richardson. 2395 Front St. - d For Sale Livestock. FOR SALE Fresh cows. Phone 90 eiua fill. I-.A I.J'. liuuu i " i r ham cow. fresh; heavy milker, very , , iTni...ifv infl gentle, lan tit i iu,r.,... .... YES. I can use more young calves. C. r Phone 3F3. i FOR SALE 1 bay team, weight bout 1400 each, will work either ingle or double and No. 1 fast walkers. C. F. Lansing. -""J i FOR SALE 31 young ewes KnJ early Iambs. Hawkins Roberta 205 Oregon Bldg. FOR SALS: Fine driving horse, rub ber tired buggy and fine harness, worth $400, price !. Phone 2 T XJ XtT Dnwrlnfl. C FOR SALE Or rent, ? matched mares. Phone 4iF21. elOS tor Sale ood. WOOD FOR SALE First rtass IS- m.a ani1 -loot dry-,. wood, strictly cash. Office at 3i'S South t-burch StM phone 1542. Fred E. Wells, Prompt delivery. F.? SAL Second growth fir wood ' per cora, sawed; old fir $10 50. Call 1953. ," FOR SALE 10 cords oak wood, new "ussy poie. exchange Ford road ster body for 5 passenger bodv, late model: new 44 caiiho good shotgun or rifle. Box S9 care i Journal. . ml WOOD for sale. Phone 981M. eelll For SalePoultry HIGH grade Rhode Island Red eggs micmnf, i per dozen. 1402 N. 16th. mi FOR SALE White Plymouth Rock uens. rnone St 3.- - fin7 $18a0 PER loo for White Leghorn baby chicks. Now ready for deliv ery. C. N. Needham, 550 State St Phone 400. r 1 1 1 FOR SALE 11 Barred Rock hens. iNeeunara, 608 State. Phone 400. t1ns. FOR SALE 4 setting hens with vinous ror fnrn. Ktwi oi m . Tk... day on AVhite Leghorns. C. N. Need ; mm, odd oiate. .jone 400. wl09 AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE Come to us for bargains ii uocu cars, we now nave three fords at low prices, also a 1919 Maxwell as . good as new. Cherry City Garage. 170 S. 12th St. all FO RSALE 5 passenger Ford in oer- fect condition. 1918 model. Call at v.aniieias parser shop. qui WANTED A good 5 passenger auto Phoitf 1148R after 6 p. m. ql9 FOR SALE 1918 5 passenger Ford, n iuei. viaas snape, must oe sold at once. Inquire at 441 N. 24th St. or phone 1952W. qieg FOR SALE Avery tractor, nrower and rake, plow, and motorcycle. A. Kilian, Rt. 5, asylum farm road. C109 FOR SALE Late model Dorim tnur ing car, good as new at 365 oith High St. T qui TO TRADE Ford touring body for roadster. Phone 1390R. ql08 FOR SALE 1919 Ford touring rt moumabie rims, shock absorbers, good condition; must sell. 2280 N. Sth 8t. ' . qies 'OR SALE 2 1-ton. Fora trucks, worm drives, 6-inph solids in rear, and mechanically perfect. These trucks go at a sacrifice. For further information phone 867 ask for Mr Burdick. 1 3-4 TON REO truck for sale, bar gain if taken at once. Inquire 356 GUARANTEED USED CARS Chemeketa street. Salem. Or. ql08 FOR SALE Second hand Cleveland tractor cheap for cash, no trade. B. Cunningham, -phone 21F2. q!09 MISCELLANEOUS. FOR lawn work and garden making, - Phone 1827. or- call 146T Center street. , 1108 C. C. KAYS roof repairing, jeslvingl-i ing and tarring. Phone Cherry City hotel, mllO IF your wife canlt cook don't divorce . ien, 4teep her as a pet and eat with '-as. Oood Eats. nilOS TRANSFER L. A. Barrick Co. Country trips, moving. Wood for sale. Good service. Stand 271 North Commercial. Phone 734. ' $800 or $1000 TO LOAN on good farm security. Phone 815 or see Q. E. Unruh. Gray bldg. - i WANTED. "Wanted Help. WANTED Woman or girl to do light house work. Phone 1450W after 0 p. m. or Sunday. - g!99 WANTED Woman at once for house work. Phone 2091J. gl09 WANTED Man to keep books -and help out shipping clerk. Pacific Fruit & Pro. Co., Mr. Cravatt, 27 S. Commercial St. - - gt08 FOR SALE 2000 loganberry plants, newly dug. Call at Falrvldw ave. or Rt. 3, box - 63, Salem, Fred Gustafson. ' dl08 GERANIUMS -Now is the time .to get them at Graber's Greenhouse, 1203 D St. " dll8 WANTED General -utility man for heating plant, permanent position if satisfactory. Address Heating care Journal. gll2 WANTED Position on ranch by lady and son. Widow or bachelor prefer red, rhone 71F22. t!08 WANTED Young man, to work in grocery store. Apply Weller Bros. gl08 GIRLS wanted, wishing steady work and willing to learn a trade. Glove Factory, 1455 Oak St. g!12 GIRL WATED Rodgers Paper Co. gl08 W ANTED Unencumbered woman over 25, to do dining room and kitchen work, $35 with board, room and laundry furnished. Ref erences. J B Capital Journal, WANTED Teamster with family for hop yard work. Home and wood furnished. Phone 8F21. 109 ELDERLY man would tend office. Nominal salary. Box 40 care Jour nal. n!12 WANTED Chambermaid. Marion hotel. g Wanted Miscellaneous. W. BEAVER well driller, one mils east of fairground. Phone 10F5. 111.2 WALL paper 25c double roll and up Max O. Buren. 179 N. Com'L m Lost and Found. LOST Small black purse containing $10 and check; finder please leave at Schafers drug store and give nsme. kl08 LOST A brown fur neck piece on Sunday afternoon between Market and Division Sts. on N. Commer cial. Kindly return to 497 Union St. or nhnne 728. kl08 LOST Bunch of keys in leather pouch. Kindly return to Capital Journal office. Reward. kiofl "WALLBOARD" can oe used over lath and papered or tinted. Max O. Buren. 179 N. Com'L c FOR RENT. FOR RENT Furnished room down town for gentleman. Call 205 Ore eon bldg. JJ FOR RENT 4 modern, well furnish ed rooms. 155 8. lth t. ' Jill i FOK RENT Wicely furniiihed rooms Will serve breakfast; gentlemen i preferred. 332 N. Church St. J108 SLEEPING rooms by day or month at 492 . Cottage. Phone 1186. j!32 I FURNISHED housekeeping rooms I t S3 N. Front, t'none 13im. im . r , - - T.-" . , nlAAiilnff nuim for ' JjAAUC .... - f a rent. 218 N. Liberty St. J108 FFICE rooms for rent, steam heat. splendid Janitor service. zv irw- gon bldg. Phone 1427. VOR RENT Furnished downtown sleeping room for gentlemen, stea-a heat, by the month. Phone 1427. 205 Oregon bldg. " W ALLP AST E" perfect for paper hanging, no cooking. Max O. Bur en. 179 N. Com'L kl-:al estate. Good Bays. 15 acres of first class prune, logan berry and strawberry soil, all plowed and ready to set. Price $iifl0, cash, oaiance lerms. 1 j k i T j x"'""!" .' uome is lamea ana , snepnerd, weight abouf 3 pounds; ; road, bmldings and nearly all in j plastered, has combinaUon living: one young ma4? shoph,.ra iog Wu. crop '.Price $30 per acre i room and dining, two airy bedrooms, speckled and black head, weight ii acre farm, nearly U culth-at-! kitchen, modern bath, toilet, hot wa-labour 35 nnd. .Th w rii- ed, some timber. 5 room house, barn. well, good road. 5H miles from Sa lem. Price $7500. 54 acres of first class prairie soil, all cultivated, close to Salem, ea good road. Price $200 per acre. 270 arre farm, nearly all cultivated and in crop, good road, buildings. Price $125 per acre. Terms. 224 acre farm, 120 acres cultivat ed, balance timber, house, barn, good prairie soil. Price $125 per acre. 10 acres located on main Pacific highway, acres Italian prunes. Price $5000. . . 1 seres bearing Italian' prunes, good road. 4 miles out. Priee $500 . 14 acres of bearing cherries, most ly Royal Anne. Team and tools goes. Located on paved road close to Sa lem. Price $12,600. S acres bearing cherries, good road 4 mires out. Price $2200. 1 -acre, small house, goods son. Price $1000. 200 acre farm, 100 acres cultivated, balance good prober and pa stare land, buildings, chine to Salem. Price $100 per acre. ... ' ? room house and S-t acre of land located close to carline. Price $3250. Terms. HOUSE BUYS ' S Toom modern bungalow located m South Salem. Price $2 MO, Fine H block on Fairmount Hill. 150 by 150 feet, beautiful view, street paved. Price $2700. J ( room modern bun rain w 1nr-tl in South Salem on paved street. Price $6000. - . W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. 27S State treL GHOICE INVESTMENTS . Fine 35 acre prune orchard near Salem, good buildings; dryer: first class income property. Price only $18,000. Good terms. Nice all modern bungalow, base ment, furnace, garage, cement walks. close in property. $3650. 10 acres near Salem, good 6 room house, prune orchard, fine garden soil. Snap $4200. 40 acre fruit tract, 17 bearing prunes, several acres in loganberries and cherries good buildings, near Salem. Snap. $12,otl.O, easy terms. T room modern bungalow, garage. paved street, clese to school; sacri fice price $1750, easy terms. . Choice 80 acre Waldo Hills farm, $8500. . FarmSi acreage, city property. Ferrine & Marsters. 211-12 Gray bldg. " n SPLENDID BUYS Good 3 room house close to main road W. Salem.' $500. 8 room plastered house, modern, lot 100x150, fine location, south, $, 000. . . 10 acres west S miles, S-year old cherries, grafted; best of soil. $3000. $300 down, $300 per year at 8 per cent;' .; i i,V'i;. 103 acres, 70 acres 'cultivation. level bottom soil, balance pasture, brush; no buildings; 1-3 of crop goes, in Polk county. $900. v -. ' 25 acres near Liberty, It acres In Italian prunes and apples, etc, bear ing; good house, modernwater pip ed to house, etc. Drier; some logans; splendid investment. $15,000. 25 acres, 20 acres ln bearing Ital ian prunes, some grain, timber; good buildings, dier, etc. Fine income prop erty. $20,000. Also a splendid list of houses, farms, etc., too numerous to mention here,-all to be shown-on request. ' ;iti Walter McLaren. , . Room 21, 180 N. Com'f St. Phone 430. : FOR SALE 160 acres; ene of the finest improved farms in the WU - lamette valley, 135 acres seeded to . fall wheat and red clover, balance pasture with some timber; all fenc ed with woven wire. The soli is the very best. Price with crop, for a short time, $112 per acre, cash balance 6 years at 6 percent. Hart & Muller 208 Oregon bldg. n DORNEY'S HOUSE LIST $1650 $200 down, $20 a month buys this new 6 room bungalow. Has living room, dining room, 2 bed rooms bath, toilet, sewer, water connec tions. . . . . $3000 6 room modern two story house with a plumber of attractive built In features. Large 60x123 foot lot with H bearing fruit trees. $4000 Large ten room double house, one half now rented for $20 a month; hard surface street, furn ace, cement basement, newiy painted and papered, gas water heater, ten bearing fruit trees on a large 6 Ox 200 foot lot. This is a bargain. Terms. $1950 Modern 5 room bungalow. just being completed. $260 down, $25 a month. - 1- $5260 7 spacious rooms with all modern conveniences including built In buffets and bookcases, dutch kitch en, sleeping porch, large sleeping rooms, fireplace, furnace, cement basement, garuge, one block to car, view lot, a real home. Let us Bhow you this. Tell us your house wants. It. 11. DORNEY 329 Oregon bldg. Open evenings. Phone 961. n READ THIS CAREFULLY $4000 Five acres located on tht edge of Salem; less than two miles from court house; has good house and barn, chicken house, ail five acres under cultivation; one acre prune trees; another piece planted to lo ganberries. This small tract is a bar gain. $2400 cash. R. B. DORNEY 329 Oregon bldg. Open evenings. Phone 951. K FOR SALE 6 2-4 acres, 5 acres fine prunes, balance crop. 7 room house ""with basement. Good barn, out build Ings. All farming tols. Close in on paved road. A bargain at $4250 For Sale 5 acre, 4 acres ( year old prunes, family orchard, berries; 4 room house, barn, outbuildings; 1 horse, 2 pigs, 2 dozen chickens, wagon, buggy, plow, harness, all tools. On rock road, close ln. All goes for $3600. HODARD SATTERLEE 404 Ferry St. Prions 1177, Salem, Or. 108 BUY THIS 10 acres, 3(4 acres of prunes, acre of cherries, 1 acres of lo gans. Small house; balance of the land ln brush and Umber. On a good reck road. Price $2000. Terms on part. What have yeu for 'sale or ex change? I have buyers for eity property. 1 wunt 5 and 10 acre tracts. List your property with me for sale or exchange. 6 room house, barn, full lot, locat ed near paved street three blocks from car line. Price this week at $1250. $300 cash, balance install ments. H. S. Radcliff, Room 4 Payne bldg. 109, 60 ACRE FARM 1 miles from Salem on rock road all under cultivation; red soil slight ly rolling; 12 acres young Italian prunes, 35 acres oats, acre straw berries; good house, barn, targe new chicken bouse. Price $7500, easy terms. Immediate pose union. S. R. Pearson & Peed 405 Oregon bldg. Phone 43. r , 200 1KWN t ' " fr.f .M0STn - 1 I LI lb $ino0 BUNGALOW Am just completing new modern 5 ! 'room bnnirftjnw in Winpiritnrf aAA ter tank and other lata features. Has water and sewer connction, close toed bv nvrnern. on hefnro "Mnv u giuo Bcnooi. lis your opportunity to beat the high rentals and own your own home on terms never before of fered in Salem. See ' R. B. DORNEY $29 Oregon bldg. Open evenings. Phone S51. HOUSES WANTED IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR HOUSE LIST WITH US. WE ARE MAKING A SPECIALTY OF SELLING CITY PROPERTY AND CAN GUARANTEE QUICK RE SULTS, BRING OR MAIL YOUR LISTING. R. B. DORNET 32$ Oregon bldg. Phone 95L n Best Buys. I.Tl acres all in cultivation, family orchard. 3 room house, barn and oth er buildings; on gooll road. 3tt miles Uut. $1760. 20 acres all m loganberries; good barn and well, 2 miles front city lira Its in Keizer bottom, on main read. A good investment for some business man. Come in and tark this over with JJS. 9 acres on Garden road; ( acres in bearing prunes; ( room house strictly modern (bow building), good barn one of the finest homes on the Garden road and enty 2 miles from the center of city. 12 acres nearly an in fruit, apples, pears and primes; 5 room house, barn aad ether buildings; on Portland read, best of soil and well located. $8500, terms. 6 acres 3 VS miles south oa rock road, 2 acres cherries and apples, bearing; 3 acres loganberries planted; some buildings. $3700. 5 acres all in logans in Keizer bot tom, close to the school on main road. $3000, terms. 25 acres on Howell Prairie; small house and good barn; family orch ard; all the best of land, on gravel raa. suuuti, terms. - j . 40 acres 8 mies frm Salem on Mc- Minnville road: all in cropi no buDd- ines. 18000. 100 acres oh paved ' read 7 miles from Salem; all in crop which goes with farm if sold soon; this is all good land. $200 per acre. 20 acres on paved road 7 miles out. Vt la cultivation and crop; balance good timber with fine stream on boupdary line. $3000. . t 83 acres all in cultivation, close to town; t room, bungalow, good barn 36x48, silo, granary and straw shed; well, fenced with woven wire, $100 per aero. . . ' ' - 7 room house, close in on good street, strictly modem; . basement; fine lot of frulfe $3600. 0 room bungalow close ln cn pav ed street; strictly modern, fine loca tion. $6000. ; '. 5 room house ln North Salem, I good lots. $2250. 10 room modern on N. Capitol, close In; good lot. $6500. Socolofsky. : 841 State street. n 5 ACRE FRUIT TRACT 1 mile from car line and close to pavement 3 acres in full bearing prunes and 1 acre ln bearing cherries and apples. 5 room house, barn, gar age, chicken house, etc. Price $4000. About half earth. At good buy. ' H ' ACRES FRUIT' 6 acres in prunes, cherries and ap ples; mostly prunes. All fruit in full beat-rhg excepfit 2 atfes f 6-year old prunes. "5 room house, hen house, etc. A real bargain at $3500. CORVALLIS HOUSE AND 1 ACRE A really fine 8 room plastered house and acre of excellent soil Just few blocks from college. Good small barn, fruit house, etc. Cement walks and fine lawn on property. Buildings near ly new. Price $4000. Will trade for good improved acreage close to Sa lem at same value. LIST YOUR PROPERTY We must have more listings of small tracts, fruit uhd berry tracts, and all kinds of farm lands around Salem and other sections. Lots of buyers for these places every day. Kinney & Smith. 201 Bank of Commerce bldg. n DIRECTORY. THE BIEDERMAN TRANSFER FOR your hauling and moving. Phone 1608J. ' : 129 Osteopathy DR3. WHITE and Marshall, osteo- . y ........ FARM LOANS Any amount. Low i rates. Full repayment privileges very prompt service, ask auuu- oui 20-year loans at 0 per cent Haw kins ft Roberts, 205 Oregon bldg Salem, Or. Stove Repairing. STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 50 years experience; Depot National and American fence, sizes 26 to ii Inches high. Paints, oil and Tarn ishes, etc., loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Store Works. 260 Court street. Phone 124 Water Company. SALEM WATER COMPANY Offlo corner Commercial and Trade Sts Bills payable monthly In advance Phone 87. ' Money to Loan. On good real estate security THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd ft Bush Bank, Salem, Or Money to Loan. Federal Farm Loans Any amount Long tlma. and percent Interest , City building loans. - . A. C Bohrnstcdt. 401 Mssonlo Temple. Salem, Orseo. Optician. DR. ALBERT R. MILLER Optome- irisi-opucian, eyes inumusuij amlried, glasses made and fitted i-1 V. H. bank. Phone 941. . ' Lodge Directory. CHEMEKETA l.dge No. 1 meets every Wednesdaj svening at 7:30 at I, O. O. F. hall. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS meet at Mr Cornack hall on every -.-uesoay 8. J. Ii. Tucker, C. C; P. J. Kunu. V W Y H. LNITED ARTISANS Capital Assam bly No. 14 meets every l nursaay a 8 p. m. in L O. O. F. hall. P, An dresen, M. A.; A. A, Gueffroy, see- retary. Salem, Or. TEAM, Auto Truck and Delivery i rivers union nu. iiv m---Wednesday evening at the Labor Temple. 8 o'clock. ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA Oregon "Orage camp No. I860 tneet every Thursday evening ln McCor nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle Mrs. Carrie E. Bunn, 848 Union St recorder. Flora Nelson. 729 North 20th. V. U. W. SALEM CAMP 118 MesU every Friday night at 8 o'clock Is McCornack halt cor. Court and Lit erty St. Visiting Woodmen welcome C. IX Roes. C C; L. & Goer, eierk Leral Notices. NOTICE Notice U herebv given that I hsve impounded the following described dogs in compliance with ordinance v.. u.-.t . . . . . ed does will b killed If not r.,1iei 1S20, as provided in said ordinance. W. a LOW. Street Commissioner. May 4. 1920. 112 CALL tXR BIDS Notice is hereby given that in ac cordance with chapter 32, Session Laws of 1920, the State Land Board of the state of Oregon will receive sealed bids at its office in the capi tol building at Salem, Oregon, up to 11 o clock a. m.. May Is, 1920, for a lease and permit to take, remove and sell, sand, rock and gravel from that portion of the bed of the Willamette river within the county of Marion. state of Oregon, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection ef the right bank of the Willamette river at the ordinary high water mark and the center line of Court street, Sa lem, Oregon, thence running south westerly a distance of 750 feet to the downstream extremity of Minto Is land at the low water mark; thence southwesterly following the low water line on the- north and west side of the island a distance of 1875 feet; thence northwesterly at right angles to the channel to a point on the left bank f the Willamette river at the ordinary high water mark; thence northeasterly following nua bank at the ordinary high water mark to its intersection with the south line jof Union street, Salem. Oregon; thence southeasterly at right angles to the channel to a point on the right bank of the Willamette river at the or dinary high water mark; thence southwesterly following said bank at ordinary high water mark a dis tance of 1875 feet more or less to place of beginning. Such bids shall specify the amount offered per cubic yard and the min imum yardage which bidder agrees to remove or pay for each year and the term of years for which lease 4s desired, and shall be accompanied by certified check for 10 percent of the amount of the bid for one year and by map in triplicate, showing prem ises and ownership o abutting prop erty and residence and post office ad dress of crh owner or owners. The board reserves the right to re ject any and a.11 bids, whether before or after the award, or if the bidder refuses or shall fail or neglect to execute the contract and furnish the bond speclied - or required by the board, and reserves the right to lease the whole ef the above described premises or any portion thereof, and the reiirian owner, his assigns or representatives, subject to rules and regulations adopted and promulgated by the State Land Board, will be given the- preference right to lease at the highest price offered, said Tight to be exercised within five days after the opening of bids, subject. further, wholly .within the discretion of the board, to the right to lease to persons who have done development work, together with actual operations within the year 1B19. All bids shall be made subject vo the terms, provisions and conditions of the rules and regulations adopted and promulgated by the State Land Board of the state of Oregon, for the purpose of carrying out and mak ing effective the provisions of chap ter 32 of the General Laws of Ore gon, adopted at the special legisla tive session of 1920, and on file with the undersigned and open to public inspection. Applications and bids should be ad dressed to G. Q. Brown, Clerk, State Land Board, Salem, Oregon, and marked, "Application and , bid to lease a portion of the bed of the Willamette river for the purpose of removing sand, rook and gravel there from." 1 luted at Salem, Oregon, April 29, 1920. O. O. BROWN, Clerk State Ind Board. Market Reports Grain: Wheat No. 1 42.00; feed oats 85 90c; milling oats 8090c; cheat hay $2223; eut hay $24 25; clover hay $2526; mill run $51052. Butterfat: Butterfat ESo; creamery butter 6061o. Fork, vea: and mnttoai Fork Oa foei 15Hc; veal fancy 1819c; steers 11c; spring lambs 13c; cows 7 9c; ewes 5 6c; sheep yearling 8c Dressed pork 21a Eggs and poultry: Eggs ca'Hh 85c; light hens 26c; heavy hens 28c; old roosters 1616c; broilers 3085c. - Vegetables: Onions per pound 8o; celery do. $1.76; potatoes, Yakim 8o Oregon 6Mic; strawberrioe $5.00; beets per sack $2; turnips per sacs $3.75; carrots per sack $2.60; parsnips per sack $3.80; spinach lOo lb.; red ishes 40c doz.; asparagus 15c. Fruit: Oranges $5.OJ7.00; lemon $5.6000; bananas 11c; honey extract 20c; bunch beets 46o; cabbage $e head lettuce $1.25; carrots 46c; M paragus 18c; cauliflower $1.75 doz.; red peppers 25c lb; rhubarb $o; peas 15o lb. Retail prices: Eggs dozen 40c; creamery butter 83!6c; country but ter 55c; flour hard wheat $3.25 3.46 seft wheat $2.90. ' ; MVESTOCK , Portland, May 5; Cattle steady; receipts 93; grain and pulp fed steers $ 12.00 12.50; choice $11.00 12.00; good to choice $10.5011.00; medium to good $9.50010.50; fair to good $3.75 09.60; common to fair $7.60 8.60; choice cows and heifers $10.50011.00; good to choice $9.00 10.25; mediu mto good $8.009.00; fair to medium $7.00 8. 00; canners $5.00 1.00; bulls IC.OOaS.OO, prime light calves $16.0017.00; medium light 410.00018. 00; heavy $7,000 10.00; itocker and feeder! 47.80V 8.B0. Hogs steady; receipts 767; prime mixed $15.6Oj)10.00; medium $14.00 16.00; rough heavy $10.0015.00; pigs $1215. Sheep weak; receipts 604; prime lambs $13.00 18.00; light valley $14.7516.00; heavy $13.26014.75; common to medium $10.60 13.60; yearlings $14.00 15.00; wethers $12.6014.25; ewes $312. Butter " Portland, Or., May 5. Cubes ex tra 53 54c; parchment wrapped box lots 58c; cartons 59c; half boxes c more, less than V, boxes lo more; butterfat 567c f. o. b. station; 68c Portland. Poultry and Fggs. Portland. Or., May 6. Eggs sell Ing price case count 4 0 42 4 1 ; buying price case connt 41c; selling price candled 42c; selected candled in car tons 44c. Poultry; Hens 81 34c; broilers 35 roosters 16c; turkeys dressed 80 52c; geese 22 20c; ducks 40 45c. Wheat $2.20; barley, feed $787i oat $63 64.60; corn No. 3 yellow' $67.6068 milling price. Millstuffs: Mill run $48849. Hay: buying price, timothy $32 t. j o. b. Portland; alfalfa $34; grain $27 30; clover $30. r iu;al kvi.vik ti; .i i.iis i; H and .V.,;; - t-. Olaf i s n. 10 A s.i ; . I in SS SW .... ... Alfred and Sarah Zweiacher to Christian Peterson, pit it 3 bl 5 Frickeys ad4 isulem ...... O J Foos to Enor and Lizzie Andersen, 26.10 A tit ec in 7S IE Kate E and C 4 Lloyd to Alfred Zweicher. 63.12 A in 78 3W Julia and George W Brown to Owen and Addie Lewis, It 1 and 2 bl 10 Capital Park Ernest and Elizabeth Hoefer to B M Smith, prt Andrew Lon tain O L C John and Barbara H Geisy to George Link and William Schwader, 27 2-5 A in 43 lW- T A and Henrietta Tompkins to the State of Oregon, s.aO A sit sec 14 ln 9S IE . I L and Miller E Hillborn to H E and M M Matin. 32 A in N Shrura D L O 7S IW .., , Clifton and Carrie Ross' to Nelson and Annie Vanderhoof It 5 bl 24 Highland ave add Why Sell for Less. WE will pay you mors cash for your household gooda Qet our bid be fore you sell. Peoples Furnltsra and Hardware Store. 271 N. Coaa inerclal street Phone 724. OAT Meal Paper, 2-inch tan, extra special, !4c double roU. Max O. Buren. 179 N. CemX n Safety Razor Blades. SAFETY razor blade sharpening ma chine, first installed at A. is. stew art Repair Shop. 347 Court St Scavenger. SALEM BCAVAIER Garbage and refuse ot all kinda removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Cess pools cleaned. Dead ani mals removed. Office phone Mala 1J. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, by an 4rder of the county court of the state of -Oregon for the oounty of Marion, duly made and en tered on the 24th day of April, 1920. was appointed administrator of the estate of Lucy Johnson, deceased, and that he has duly qualified as such ad ministrator. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby noti fied to present the same, duly veri fied as required by taw, to him at the city of Salem. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 28th day of April 1930. E. L. JOHNSON, Administrator ot the estate of Lucy Johnson, deceased. Max Gehlhar, Jas. G. Heltzel, Attorneys for estate. HIDES and SACKS WANTED Also Junk of All Kind! Beet Prices Guaranteed CALL 898 Capital Junk Co, The Square Deal House 171 Chemeketa Bt Phone 891 WOODRY BUYS and SELLS EVERYTHING Phone 510-511 270 Jf. Commercial St. Shipley's AFTER MAT 1ST WILL BE KNOWN AS THE VXX AS .YOU: GO STORE. LV M. HUM ' Care of Yick So Tong Chinese Medicine and Tea Co, Has medicine which will cure any knows disease. Open Sundays from 10 a. m, until 8 p. m. 168 South High Street Oalem, Oregon. Phone 188 THOMSON'S REMNANT STORE For Genuine Bargains Beginning Wednesday W.W.IiGORE House Furnisher BOMB OF THE VICTBOLA You get more for your , Money at Moore's. MAGNETOS We have engaged one of the best' men In ' this line on the west coast and have equipped a shop for magneto repairs. Also a Use ef parts. If your magneto needs overhauling, ship it to us or call. W.H.Hildebrandt &Co. 279 N. Commercial St SALEM Buy Remnants AT THE Remnant Store it North Commercial