. 4 4 x 4 4 : 4 4 4 Mr. (Ir-irumt'i r Ji:nl. PAGE SIX. THE CAPITA Y JOURNAL Bank to Carry Charter Fight To Last Ditch It the mite banking Ixiurd upholds the Uwision of Will II, ISrnneit Mule uptriiitrndeut of bunk, in ivfusln; to grant a charter to the itropoaed Cltl tens llank of The Iiiilltu mnniliimus prwei1lnRe will be Instituted to com ' IK-11 the ixauanrr f the ckurtrr and the ruse will be foucht to the highest court if necefisary. This wan the state ment made by George Joseph, Port land attorney, representing the alock holders of the proiKwed new bank at a hearinK before the state banking board to which the application for a charter had been appealed after Bennett had refused to grant one. Joreph characterised Hewlett's re fusal to comply with the request for a charter us an arbitrary exercise of leg iHlutlve power nnj comemplHted under the state law and which the legisla ture could not delegate to an official. Dennett in explaining nix position characterized the" organization of the new bank the fourth for The Dalles aa prompted by spite work and Jeal ousy and not Justified by business con ditions. Joseph, taking exception to Ben nett's stand, declared thut the state superintendent of bunks had evidently; been "influenced' 'In his decision and insisted that his position displayed pnr tlality to the Portland men who nre tmcklnp the third bank now opening for business In The IMlles. The de mand for the Citizens JSnnk, he ex plained, was simply a spontaneous up rising on the pnrt of the people of The Dalba who "would not stand" for any, arbitrary dismissal of their reitiest for a state charter. Htoekholdcrs of the proposed new fcunk attending the hearing today were, p. J. Htadelnmn, H. L. Kuek, nr. John A. Reuter, Thomas ISrogan, John A. Jlelmrick, R. C. Uradshaw, (iarfleld Stooro and Dr. B. C. Ollngcr. African Colony Being Explored For Italian Use Colleges to Be i Visited by 100 or More From Salem The t'nlversity of Oregon and Oregon Agricultural college at Bugene ana Corvullis will be v listed by more than IU Salem business men and mem bers of the Salem Cherrians next Wed nesday when they will compose an ex cursion to those cities to Investigate Benadir Colony, East Africa, with a and determine the necessity of the vicw to maki"B " ot i"nie proposed millage taxes. Wednesday ! fur llal'- nna even eventually of ren- war: set for the trip at a meeting of ( oering uuu cuun.ry .if""",! Shake-Up In Local .pub Precedes Gamej-. I what iniiiiense harvests of cotton, do jurra, su;."..r and coffee can be oktain- ed in this country through irrigation, ;a system of intensive culture, anu me Billie Stepp. wno nas unt.teu unw Knickerbocker, u.-s of modern agricultural machines, ball all over me nonnwesi rlt with the RuDert nine during The es -derma n cargo boat, """j, two (Wnls here maue Killie is reported to be in good condition called the Carlo 1'isacane, wnicn brot many g,,lem friends, will Ix? if regu- -om Sol having been kind during .the news of ilie expedition, also carried a' The lineup lor funuay is as rol- outfield ft-nZT catcher; Hayes 1st base; Proctor.Jd definite . u -i Her. short lows- .,,1 ..Tm ' 6; Holmes or ' Alhanv m-..., '""Hit l In the outfield. Out at Oxford park, the diamond Kome. Arctic exploration and shooting the polar bear, have no al lurement at present for the duke of tiie Abruzzi, who is now engaged in the equally scientific If less hazardous task ot investigating .the commercial and agricultural the Cherrians In the Commercial club last night. The trip will be made from this city the Cherrians in uniform by train to Eugene. Eugene citizens will then take the visitors to Corvallis by auto to insM-ct the Oregon Agricultural college. The Kalctnltes will then re turn to this city by train. P. E. Fuller- ton, Carl Webb and Lester Davis were appointed to recruit Cherrians to make the trip. The Cherriaus voted to change their meeting night from the first Tuesday to the second Tuesday of each month, that their meeting night might not conflict with the usual meeting of the American Legion here. other nations for her supplies of cot- to and cereals. . The duke, in addition, intends to ex plore the sources of the I'ebl Eccbel river, which, rising in the high plateau of Jianar, toward Abyssinia, passes tthrough the Italian colonies to the sea, and, it Is believed, can easily be rendered navigable for small boats, besides being invaluable as a source of irrigation for the extensive agricultur al enterprises which the duke hopes to initiate in Eenadlr. The first news has Just arrived of the expedition which started last De cember from Mogadiscio.' An exhaus tive study has. already been made of , the winds, the climate and the raiif- large shipment of dourra from the col ony, a grain which resembles maize and can be be used, together with or dinary flour, for bread. It has been proved that the breeding of cattle In He nadir can be greatly increased so that supplies can be sent to Italy ol possibilities of the! meat and hides. All this work is being done, it I' announced, entirely at the expense of :he1uke. who desires that Italy's cot niies should be developed and hopes that similar work may lie started it Lybiaand Cyrenalca. Portland Asbestos covered pipe manufacturers are getting plenty of competition from the Associated En gineering company of Portland, which sold 110 liailia plpeless furnaces in Portland, alone, last week. The plant now employs 68 men. lar member of the Salem club Stepnjp, two -peks. A "life size" score board is being erected" and the hng ''vecartya.v,nfeth 1-m-grr , f Oregon City. ,ho . th Willamei,. . . 1 d. i edits the sports column of the Port-; , . - .. .1 . . j.ltL-i- ikl-iver . ianu -i - - ' promised signs are appearing on rthe ' 2 d M , would rather play basehal) than tt.l" " " ' - PQunda "Clad to meet you." s;iys Millie. With a grand shake up under way in the ranks of the Senators, Salem fans are being furnished grounds for', speculation as to what the locals will! do when they meet thet rlugnes Knights of Columbus baseball aggre gation. The games with the Rupert nine proved conclusively that Salem has a sterling crew, which is gradually getting more than practice trim. With this in mind, Biddie Bishop has siz-sagged the imperial blue pencil through the infield, placing Hayes at- first. Proctor to second from his regular groove at third sack to which vicinity Biddie relegates himself. Beginning next Monday night the' the country, engineer Agosu- Cherrians will hold weekly drill nights! no1". wno ' accompanying tne expe- preparatory to the organization's- ap-' anion and wno nas none coi.s.uer. pearatice in festivities at the Port u '"k on tho rlvcrs aml canals of the rose rnnival. Drill will be in front of. Lower I'lave, considers that it will be the eltv hnll from 7 to S n. m.. ,.,ioi comparatively easy to utilize tho wa of Joe McAllister, drill master. Myrtle Point Increasing prune traduction in this vicinity has neces sitated addltioniil facilities to h nulle coming crops and a new packing plant Is to be erected here by the Oregon Growers Packing corporation. tors of the I'ebl Hcebcl -for a system of canalii. to irrigate that part of the( colony which now suffers from the drought which will more than nuiid ruple its productive power. Tho Duke of the Abruzzi, with the experts w ho have accompanied him, are setting up two big experimental farms where It will be demonstrated Prisoner Makes Unique Escape From Prison Cell Rawllngs, Wyo. With a needle ob lulned In the prison shirt factory as his only tool, Bert Uiften has escaped from the state prison here. William Vinllh, his companion was captured while trying to scale the prison wall. Loften and Smith were confined to the death house cell because of their known desperate character. I.oflen found that a soft piece of steel covered drain. With Ills great patience and klll, he slowly cut 11 hole through the needle. After removing 11 pip ivin plate they crawled through the hole, picked tho lock of a steel door con necting with the main corridor of the prison, Healed the tiers of cells, cut holes through the slate roof tind drop ped to flic ground. Ill the prison yard they found a steel bar, which the iris ners bent Into a hook, to fasten an Improvised rope of the prison wall, Loften escaped but Bnilth wns fitught by a guard. ' Portland To the llawley Pulp and Taper company hns Just been sold a strip of land on tho river front In Mllwauklu containing 31111 ucres. It 1m understood that the manufacturing nincern gave $25,000 for the piece, which adjoins the llawley mill there. t Just As Important as the Text-Books Just its Important as the text books are the glasses thru which the hooks are to be litudled. Parents have a ureal respon sibility toward MiclrVhlldren --Many child tli.it serins "dull", would go abend of her class of 'bright" pupils If she but bail the correcting influence of glaMi.'s properly fitted. - It is, the duly of parents to know the condition u( their children's eyes. 'I hev can know oi;ly by having Hie eyes eamined. And It's as ureal a responsi bility to s'c to II that those 1 yes are cviniined by no ,'x perlcueed optometrist thor oughly ciiuipped ami lialm'il for such yyerU. -When you bring your boys mid girls I" a" sureil of inlii'',y accurate examinations. If glnssts are not needed we'll tell you so. If they lire required, we'll tell you thai, too, mid you'll be glad to have mi'. our . xn ii nee and equipment, to fit them. Henry E. Morris &Co. OplCI.K'tliatS WHENEVER YOU FIGHT LIFE'S BATTLES wsRZiiBizaBa Iii the office; in the factory; in the store; in the home. Good Vision is Absolutely Essential to Success. If your eyes need glasses now, get them NOW. Dr. A. McCulloch, Optometrist 204-5 Salem Bank of Commerce Bldg. "The Lady of Lyons" 'Presented by Junior Class Willamette University Directed by Miss Elizabeth Barns GRAND THEATRE May 7th, 8:15 p. m. ySeat Reservations at Opera House Pharmacy May 6 and 7 Preliminary tickets can be had from Opera House Pharmacy or any Junior student. Trice 50c, 75c and $1.00. V jf k - Consistent High Quality- The resources, experience, knowledge and equip ment of the Standard Oil Company combine to makt Zerolene. They insure a product of uniform high quality. Use Zerolene for the Correct Lubrication of your automobile, truck or tractor. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Calilorsia) iwHiwmwi Agmde for eaclt engine H. II. CAMPBELL, Special Agent, Salem, Oregon. portaht Crystal White Soap 15 Bars SIM 1 bar FREE with every $1.00 purchase Is only one of the many specials in our great saley which is in force NOW! . SEE PAGE 3 For Further Bargains Peoples9 Cash Store 2 Stores No. l on Commercial. St -No. 2' on State no time in correcting, Cleanse Out the System and Get Ready for Sp Nearly Everyone Needs a Blood : mulation of irriDurit;M I Tonic At This Season not sufficient vfoW ! Possibly you are one of the .the millions nf ?! thousands who cannot under- germs which am Jj i stand why a depressed, enervat-i tack you on evenrY ing feeling takes possession of they will find a fL$ the system as spring time ap-your system to spmrfl proaches. If you are easily tired) So, right now pr2f out, feel all run-down and have than at any other lost your energy and vigor, there 'year, you should takeai is a very good reason for this 'course of treatment tl condition, which you should lose 'the blood thoroughly I nr timp in rnrrfotirio . vnnr svolm . , ' I ,dition to be prepared i o """"'ici. AM of you will want the hi tonic that you can obti" More than a hunte ago, the Indians lent blood rempHv kl IK . , , , J I itus ! nanoea clown to mut., i horo hn nntiirnllv riPm cr.n.;nas een sold reeuarlv airlornhlp vvpar nn the avstpm ' Stores throughout the more than half a cmti; Ulll U HI 111 VI 1V pVMVHVl)J j ' O n rr11v lnHf TYiiict Ko nut KqpIt infrt remedy is a. S. S.. whiii JVWl KTSJ IIIUUV SIAU U"V IV g ' maae Irom the mediii ery needs care and attention, 5nd iherbs1 pthered M and the human body is no ex-!f"rts and is recognizel cention . . ;ot the most efficient b Nearly every human ailment ics ever compounded. can be traced, one way or an other, to ' impurities in the blood. And after a hard winter season these impurities have accumulated in the blood, and a thoroughly cleansing is of the greatest importance, as any slight disorder or impurity that creeps into the blood is a source of danger, for every vital organ of the body depends upon the blood supply to properly perform- its functions.. , I Keeping well and enioviner the blessings of health is main-j ly a matter of resisting disease, and this depends largely urwn the condition of your blood sup- Your hotly luis brought you Mifoly through I lie trylK win ter season, anil In doing so has rxucntkd nil of your stored up energy which must now be replaced. A fen Imttkn of S, 8, in mis nine will pml icmt alue la ihoni elennsliiK the njrstfm iJ uceuimihited luipurltks. b. S. S. is without as a general tonic an builder. It improves 1 tite, repairs the wear A on the system, and w life and a vigorous, hea tality. It is good alike and young. You are invited to v valuable literature and advice, which will be se; out" cost. Address Clw ply. If it is thin and imnovpr. ished, and has been allowed tolcal Adviser. 186 Swift reach a low state by the accu-ltory, Atlanta, Ga.-Adv Safe 71UUC forHTS&m nun lmiUliil For Infa' Invalids and QrowlnilChlldKn I Ulcfc Milk, Mattf 6 Oraln B'mrt1 TheOiiginalFoou.DrinkFocAllAges No CooUnc-Nouriihini INCREASE 150 University of Oregon Oregon Agricultural College Oregon State Normal School INCREASE 15!? INCREASE 3.8 1913 1920 1913 -.1920 1913 1920 1913 M ENROLLMENT a4SifflJ?ACE . INCOME & ; FXr. w' Z mMt a dollar i DO YOU KNOW That since lf!13 attendance at the higher educational institutions m Oregon has increased 150 per cent? That classroom and laboratory space has increased 0I,ly..1.5 ?r cent so that conditions are "educationally im possible . J , ' And vrfiUhere supjK)rt from th ste has increased less than K)I R per cent since 1913 when the present mill age bill was passed? That the purchasing power of their revenue state is less than oiie-half .what it was in 1013? from That these three institutions, which now have ;t thP bill 01.UUC1113, inusi i cjeci nii-iuicuo u - - j That It will cost the tax-payer only '$1 .26 Pr ?1f J Vfcnjocfl i .i l,i(.atioll W 1 ..-vu vaiuaiiun to protect ine mgiiei con hrv art1 rrii-lo Let Oregon do her share. If the education of the country fails, then all else M good must fad. Education is both an insurance and an investment. Attsli are expected to contribute to the snmnfhi, hn,u a a I liltlllu.IV IVIlUM'tC'Mgv This advertisement inserted bv Colin Dvmonr in K.,vir t . , n conn ujment in behalf of Joint Alumni Relief Committee, 514 Pittock Block, Pert- Fs; . V, : ..horn wif y.'t on ,. n.e th.i! ovrn vffh lutjiiy to (iiii.e t, l'!'v cftl! fhf. , until ,nu h.'iv? trieil th'. ,tM-n' p 'I mticvTRranr xxvm iy b, m. 15 8 f . B.