jU.e Pf- cng 6 cents, ona suontb IT cents, one year, per $: 'nrri'nii Minimum pur ad is trt insertion only In New Today. il ifaSiia advance and not tak- sh in advance ana nui PJf Shone, unless advertiser has iver paothly NEW TODAY. gEjiEuSErvpau for i.c as stove 84i Center -rz7vi) Woman at once for house .Mr Phone 2H91J. ,Mll 1 i"u huse 2 "loOKS Ai! nost office on Center street, IHurmSied. Price $4600. Laflar t i-flar. TTKYl-iUKK housekeeping rooms 1 , i K. Front. Phone 1397V. jlO TuT RENT Furnished room down Wn for gentleman. CiUl 205 Ore- ' 11 hide. : I?10? I-Tr SALE room modern house-on car"" line i-00; 7 room modern huiigalow close in $4000. F. L. Wood ill State t alPS rToOii bungalow on car. line, 2 larce lots, part set to fruit. I am oing to sell this very soon. Box E oitai Journal. - -- - n STbi' chicks tor saie, S. C. White LMhor", heavy ,ayinfr strain,- $16 loo. E. J, Miller, Turner, Or., r !. box 17. 107 nJjtANIl'MS Now is the time -to let them at Uraber's Greenhouse, i-iis D St. 0118 JOB BALE 200 loganberry plants. newlv dug. Call at Fairview ave. or Kt 3, box 63, Salem, Fred (Jnstafson. llfl8 UAXTED Man to keep books and help out shipping .clerk. Pacific Fruit & Pro. Co., Mr. Cruvatt 267 g. Commercial St.- g!08 jGANBERRY plants, suy neighbor, if you have any loganberry plants left over after planting or others . (or sale. I'll buy them. Phone 96 f 1108 J40 ACRES under cultivation, trrl . gable farm land, situated in Doug las county, acquired by foreclosure of mortgage, for sale reasonable and on easy terms. A. C. TiOUKNSTEDT Ml Masonic Temple, Salem, Oregon. blO WANTED To rent by couple, with out children, small furnished house or apartment. Address box 56 Jour- "i 107. V, AlStulJ 1J HU1 IV lO tO ItCl'tffi berry land, improved or unimprov ed. Give price and location. Box -193, Salem. nil 2 JKEBLA, the heaviest yielding straw .. berry. A good cunner. You . can raise your plants for less than they can be bought next fall. Ward K. Richardson, 2:iB Front. d!12 J'OR SALE 7 room modern bun galow, paved street, enst front. Price f575t) or $6500 with" furni ture; $3400 cash, terms on balance 7 percent interest. .W. H. Graben horst & Co.. 275 Stnte St. a 108 i'OR SALE A fine building lot 50x 100 feet, a beautiful location, cor ner lot with both streets paved. . Price $1000. Located on Falrniount Hill. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State street. a 108 i'OR SALE Good six room plaster ed house at 180 N. 23d street, lot 50x100 feet. Price $2500. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.-, 275' State St. R108 FOR SALE One fourteen inch chill ed plow, $12. 1395 N. 151b. St., Sa lem. 107 i'Qjl SALE Coiiie lu.us for bargains in used cars, we now have three fords at low prices, also a 1919. Maxwell as good as new. Cherry my tin rage, 1 70 a. 12 th St. ql!2 WAME1J General utility man for heating plant, permanent position it satisfactory. Address Heating - ' WANTED Woman or girl to do light house work. Phone 1460W after 6 D. m. nr S, in,)..,, An n'c oournai. fill ' ' C ' BTRIH'dpdtiv . 1 .iiuoiuu plants in any qnn-. . wy. Etterburg 121, Gold Dollar, Prouresslve Everbearing, Trebla. Laos' Goshwell, Wilson. Thrifty, well rooted plants. City delivery. VUrd K. Richardson, 2395 Front St. Phnna A (1 A 4 ACRES for rent close,6 room house 'lame lot, car line, city water, terms. prlce ,, Brown room g J41 State. 107 ' huuse' s"ua lot Burden in. Y 10 down, terms. room, large !', 00: g001 4 iom cottage, ; 7 room, close to car, almost modern, 32500; lots rhean Rrnwn jpomj. 341 Stnte. 10K tt tua hLfam,0US ,;il(''-burK 121 straw "?rr Plants. Best canner and " h?rer- A very heavy producer ViW?lJ"nu8U'd rilisi"B Plants, porous healthy plants. Low pric- o, 'llrS quantities. Ward K. SlTjwdsi.n, 2395 Front St. d W.''11' Wism,,K ste(u,y work Pae orT Warn a tro Glove p!2LJ455 Oak St. gll DoS1? ot ka " l"ier Joui K, n("y rHu to Capital S!?Lffice. Reward. kins NomtaJ T" Would telul otic nominal salary. i!ox 40 care Jour- ni iz terert i, "" room pias 2St "? a" ",umle. on paved "oo cash v"1! '" P.rice ,240 Phone ii,-'alanoe 15 Ppr month. St. Leaving ?r Ste 0Wner 335 N. 24 ir--'"'-"- si 12 kam on"7,'"1 you"K Jersey-Dur-r hPav' milk", very 7j-l'' 44 rnlversitv emu herU,J!,'1Clea,,'t eook don,t divorce fip - "ion hou,; T"1' s,,,a11 furnwhe.il L mted States National bank ALP- 1I t condor r,"K" '"'" .per- C.'oifiei . u 1,118 model. Call at bra"'on re'r'ta"Ji;,,U ronn Pn' telephone , iiv.l"p- Flnd,'r Pea9e 5' "one mil, Salem, Rt, 4, box 101 h?j-art"T;,',,,at'r wl,h family for fun,i I" ?rk- ""me and wood -1 ' none 8F?i lfl,. "n on vvhTr. . . 5,Beclal a'e Thurs iim, 55, "2Je 'ghorns. C. N. Need ri?wie 400. W109 vacnnr and,Kilrnge, large lot. -nS Lafll'rT'l I003"0"- $1800. t2IUtUr. 107. Nldinea A9 ,". 1S acres with good kou. " V $lo00 for building " buifrt""' wlnam"l and oth Wth eeendlnff" "udli,f, garage "a full : " room house 'ift wt,-11' bament with V- Pahi !' f.nncted t0 kitch- C.h oiw with " Oon T.i has Wpter Mnn... t,mbr 1 tn is cre Pasture and IS" and ,Llc ab" 4 acres ur and """"r witn small or- itn r,i m "". H crop ItS'r "WW before hTr- on , pi, ,l9.milea east of i V'- Aidre "it ad- Phone bfiT H. W TleVrloo Trt NLV," TODAY. """" B""" passenger auto P ro. qio? i wu ' acre fiT! mi.es from Salem, ail fine bottom! land, about 100 acres in cultivation I anj in crops, estimated 3"i0 to 5 -t0 cord of wood on the place easv' access to good road. If sold soon t $10 per acre. Terms. Laflar ' Laflnr. : FOR SALE. For Sale Houses." WANTED To buy small modern bungalow, close in. Want to deal di rect with owner. Box R G Capital Journal. FOR SALE 6 room modern house. lutaieu ai its x4tu. phone 1450 M. inT FOR SALE 3 guod house buys. Sl- !"'"" """ uart Muller, WE have legitimate buyers for good uto nu six room- bungalows, and for well Improred suburban prop erties. ."W, A. lAeton, agent, 484 Court street WANTED-r-A- six room! house. Must be all on one floor and fully mod era; north or east front, and situ, ated west nf Viftntv, .,. . ...... NUUI Ol Marion and north et Ferry streets. .una uiusi oe a Dargatn for spot cash. Phone 1092 between and p. m. FOR SALE Several, house. One Cot- iaBc; one iiinerty; one South Com mercial;- one Shipping; . one Per ry:, one North Capitol; one 21st; one Court; (one Chemeketa. Call 493 N. Cottage. Phone 1186. all! OWN YOUR OWN HOME WE WILL- BUILD YOU A 'HOME YOU PAY A SMALL PAYMENT DOWN BALANCE" LIKE RENT COME IN AND TALK WITH US OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS R. R. nORWBV PHONE 951, 329 OREGON bldg. a FOR SALE Strictly modern 6 room uungamw located on Court St. near state capitol, has fireplace, furn ace and garage. Will be offered for S days onlv at ISfifin Mra vinni Pettyjohn, 275 State St. Tel." 615. al07 SEVERAL houses for Bale, amour them a 5 room bungalow. Inquire 492 N. Cottage, phone 1186. alU FOR SALE 6 room cottage, bath, toilet, 3 blocks from post office on N. Church street Price $2250. Hart Muller, 208 Oregon bldg. a STOP! LOOK! 10 V4 acres for sale by owner, good soil, all tillable, lays icvei, joins city limits, 10 minutes walk to car line; 7 room plastered house in good condition, some built In features, good barn, machine shed, granary and shop, wood shed and chickeR houses, two wells, some fruit, 2 Vs acres in hay, some garden and Dotatoea nlanteri. 9. nprea in '-one field just right for logans or any thing, balance pasture at pres ent; 1 horse, harness-and buggy, new plow and harrow, 1 fine Jersey cow and calf, fresh only short time; 2 stands of bees, 3 dozen hens about 200 young chickens, 2 Incubators. You can't beat this at $4800. This is a real snap; $2800 will handle it. terms on balance. Phone 60FS and mnke dnte to look at It. nllO 'of Salj Farms. FOR SALE 159 acres In the Waldo Hills at $65 per acre. See J. C. Jones, owner, Macleay, Or. M07 FOR SALE 10 acres, 9 logans, bearing, contract crop at 13 today. Box 10 Capital Jourral. n FOR SALE Six room . house. 971 Union St. - alio FOR SALE 18 acres seeded to clov . er and grain, small house and barn 4H miles east of Salem. Price $4, 500. Hart & Muller, 208 Oregon ' bldg. n B'OR SALE By owner, 88 acre farm in 'Howell prairie on Salem and Sil verton road Vi in cultivation, bal ance timber and' pasture; good house and barn, two wells, family orchard, 1-3 of crop goes with place; road by place will be paved this summer. Price $175 per acre. Terms. Address Elvln Herr, Rt. 2,. Silverton. -Sllverton phone Green 255. - alll FOR SALE 130 acres, 120 acres in cultivation, balance pasturi and timber; strictly modern new 8 room bungnlow, built In features, bath, tlolet, hot and cold water; fine new barn and outbuildings, young bear ing orchard; all fenced with wov en wire; 11 miles out on good road. Price with crop, $160 per acre. Hart & Muller, 208 Oregon bldg. n FOR SALE 120 acres 6 miles from Salem, 20 acres cultivated, old house, barn, orchard; estimated 8, 000 cords of oak grub timber. " Price $45 per acre. Hart & Mul ler. 208 Oregon bldg. n FOR SALE 40 acres 4 miles south near Liberty; 25 acres cultivated, 5 acres set to orchard and berries; unfinished house, some timber. $6000, would take , house as part payment. Owner 1341 McCoy Ave. Salem. nlll FOR SALE By owner 20 acres, 15 in high state of cultivation, E acres prunes, i strawberries, -4 acres gooseberries; fair buildings, on good road 4 miles out; one team and harness, 1 cow, 1 buggy and har ness, 1 farm and 1 fruit wagon, all farm Implements; iirfmediate pos session. Price $8500. Write box 122, Rt. 2, Salem, Or. n CHOICE close in berry land, 10 acres located Just outside city limits, blocks from Center St carline on asylum road, all cultivated; pos- session at once. Price $3500, good terms. 8.11 acres adjoining tho above land, black loam, all ready for nlnntln. Price $2800. Haw kins and Roberts, 205 Oregon bldg. Phone 1427. . h For Sale Miscellaneous. B'OR SALE 16-horse Stoner gas engine In good condition. J. D. Hibbs Co., Independence, Or. clll FOR SALE About an acre of fine garden land, NE corner -22d and Frederick street. Owner, phone 794 or 1341M, Jl? ALL kinds of cut flowers, potted plants and ferns. Greenhouse 1298 a nth .trt Phon 1250W. dll7 FOR SALE 1 good farm wagon and wood rack, 1 one-ton Maxwell truck in good repair. Will sell cheap See F. E. Loose, 226 State St, Sa lem. cl07 FOR SALE Good leather top rubber tired hlieev Phone 168SK. CIIM FOR SALE Potatoes. Phone 1205M. dllO FOR SALE Fertilizer in large or small qunntities. Phone 33. Capi tal rov Trnn.fer Co. Cl07 LOOSE hay for sale, 1 mile west of Farmers F3. in . vlll FOR SALE Baled hay twenty dol lars per ton at barn. L. H. Turner, txotu,.. n clOi FOR SALE Two-horse riding culti vator, almost new. Elvin Herr, Rt 2 Silverton. Silverton phone Green oce cl07 FREE dirt for the hauling. i2t South lulttS FftO c t n For Saie Livestock. 9 I i . el8 WANTED Milk cow for feed keep. Phone 37K;2 and HOT vpj i ,.., ,. 7- d ,, mre young calves. C. j C. Russell. Phone 3F3. j. iJL .Cr pujs for sale. Phone 44F14. : el07i rlL ?ALEi bay team, weight AhntiY uw Hn.w ii. . . ? about 1400 each, will wo'rk eith uugie or aouble and No. 1 fast walkers. C. F. Lansine. Quaker nurseries. 110 run 6ALt, liay horse, 1400 lbs. a yeare old, perfect, gentle, and a true worker any place. Phone 107 24. tun o.iLt, n young ewea with 39 early lambs. Hawkins & Roberts, vj jregon Piqg. FOR SALE Fine driving horse, rub ber tired buggy and fine harness, worth $409, price H7S Phone i F3. H. W. Bowden. . . e MLt. sow and . I. piga - $50. - Geo-SuniBoas, Gervaia, Or Rt 2. el07 FOR SAkE li b. horse, just the animal for-cultivating. Inquire 2157 Fairground: road. H07 FOR SALE--Or rent, team of well matched mares. Phone 47F21. el08 For Sale Wood. WOOD FOR S ALB First class 18 " Inch and 4-foot dry': cord-- wood, strictly cash. Office at ;305 South Church St., phone 1543.-- Fred E. Welks.- Prompt delivery. . FOR SALE Second growth fir wood s.u per cord, sawed: old fir .$10.50. Call 1953. eel 2 6 FOR SALE 1 Q nor.la rtu If ur.w.,1 ... ... uusgy poie.. .Exchange Ford road ster body for 5 passenger body, late model; new 44 caliber revolver for good shotgun or rifle. Box 89 care Journal. cltO WOOD for sale. Phone 981M. eelll For Sale Poultry HIGH grade Rhode Island Red eggs for hatching, $1 per dozen. 1402 N. 16th. fin FOR SALE White Plymouth Rock nens. rnone fl07 $1850 PER 1U0 for White Leghorn DaDy chicks. Now reartv for riollv. ery. C. N. Need'ham, 650 State St Phone 400. fin WANTED 100 three to five weeks old chicks of the larger breed, no fancy Btock; must be cheap for cash. Bring to 2515 N. 6th St. cl07 FOR SALE 11 Barred Rock hens. C. N. Needham, 558 State. Phone 400. tl08 AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE 1918 5 passenger Ford, in first class shape, must be sold at once. Inquire at 441 N. 24th St. or phone 1952W. ql09 u bAtiE Avery tractor, mower and rake, plow and motorcycle. A. r Kilian, Rt. 5, asylum farm road. " C109 FOR SALE Late model Dodge tour ing car,fjood as. new at 365 orth High St. qlll TO TRADE Ford touring body for roadster. Phone 1390R) ql08 FOR SALE 1919 Ford touring, de mountable rims, Bhock absorbers, good condition; must sell. 2280 N. 5th St. ql08 FOR SALE 2 1-ton Foru trucks, worm drives, 6-lnch solids in rear, and mechanically perfect" These trucks go at a sacrifice. For further Information phone 867 ask for Mr Burdick. 1 3-4 TON REO truck for sale, bar gain If taken at once. Inquire 356 GUARANTEED USED CARS Chemeketa street, Salem, Or. ql08 FOR. SALE Second hand Cleveland .tractor cheap for cash, no trade. B. Cunningham, phone 21 F2. q!09 For Sale Nursery Stock. FOR SALE Oregon Burbank seed dllO potatoes. Phone 52F11. STRAWBERRY plants, Wilsons, Et terburg 121, $1 per thousand In patch. Phone 47F13. d!08 JERUSALEM artichokes Phone 61F5. for sale. dl08 MISCELLANEOUS. FOR lawn work and garden making, Phone 1327 or call 1467 Center street. 1108 C. C. KAYS roof repairing, reshingl- Ing and tarring. Phone Cherry City hotel mllO HAVE purchased the shoe repair shop at 1280 State street and am prepared to do first class shoe re pairing and guarantee all my work. Frank Tanzer. ml07 SEE J. W. Manley, garden plowing, cellar digging, heavy team work. Cherry City barns. Phone 199. 1107 TRANSFER L. A. Barrick Co. Country trips, moving. Wood for sale. Good service. Stand 271 North Commercial. Phone 734. $800 or $1000 TO LOAN on good farm security. Phone 815 or see G. E. tlnruh. Gray bids. 1 WANTED. .Wanted Help. WANTED Position on ranch by lady and son. Widow or bachelor prefer red. Phone 71F22. tl08 WANTED Young man to work in grocery store. Apply Weller Bros. gl08 GIRL WATED Rodgers Paper Co. gl08 WANTED Unencumbered woman over 25, to do dining room and kitchen work, $35 with board, room and laundry furnished. Ref erences. J S Capital Journan WANTED Men to dig loganberry plants. Will give transportation to and from the field. Phone 100F3. g107 EXPERIENCED FARMER Wants year round work on farm or hop ranch near Dallas, Independence or Salem. American, age 40, mar rler, no children; clean, sober, re liable. Best of references; employ ed at present. Will be at liberty June 1. Address box 43, Suver, Or. h107 WANTED Housekeeper for . family of two. Phone 428, 154 S. Com mercial St. gl07 A MARRIED man wanted to live on a farm and haul wood; all sum mer's Job. Phone 622 after 7 p. m. g WANTED Chambermaid, hotel. - ' Marion Wanted! Miscellaneous. W. BEAVER well driller, one mile east of fairground. Phone 10F5 WALL paper 2 So double roll and up Max O. Buren. Hi N. Com'l. m Lost and Found. LOST Small black purse containing $10 and check; finder please leave at Schafers drug store and give name. HO" LOST A brown fur neck piece on Sunday afternoon between Market and Division Sts. on N. Commer cial. Kindly return to 497 Union St. nr nhnne 728. kl08 LOST parcel containing little boys suit and hat and girl s dress. 1380 Jefferson St, 107 "WALLBGARD" can Be Used ore! lath and papered or tinted. Max O. Buren. 171 N. Com'L ruK KENT. FuK KENT Furnished u j ished rooms. Phone I35i) uiuuni-. Jl?7 ' FOH RENT 4 modern, wed furnish- ) ej rooms. 155 S. 13th St. 4U1' rurt Kh.l Mcely furnished rooms u.e.Mast; gentlemen preferred. 332 X. Church St Jl8 tV,R RENT-Sleeping anJ housekeeu ing rooms. Baker apts.. 64 j Per-' ry St. Will serve breakfast: tenilemen i rv St. i? SLEEPING rooms by day or month at ' ' VL UiUiUU at . 492 Cottage. Phone 11S6. jlSJ LARGE modern sleeping room renr. lis is. Liberty St. FFICE rooms for rent, steam heat, splendid Janitor service. 205 Ore gon bldg. Phone 1427. FOR RENT Apartment at The Mil- -ier. ijuiet couple. 5107 OR RENT Furnished downtown . slaeping room for gentlemen, stea-n heat, by the month.' Phone 1427. 20 Oregon bldy. "WALLPASTE- perfect for paper hanging, no cooking. Max O. Bur en. 17 rf. Rom't REAL ESTATE. Good Buys. -: . . 15 acres of flrst'class prune, logan berry and strawberry soil, all plowed and ready to set Price $2500, H cash, balance terms. v . 105 acres located on the Garden road; buildings and nearly alU". in cror. Price $30e per acre. acre farm, nearly all cultivat ed, some timber, 5 room house, barn, well, good road, 6H miles from Sa Iem. Price $7500: 64 acres of first class nralrie soil. all cultivated, close to Salem, on good roaa. price szue per acre. 2?B acre farm, nearly all cultivated and in crop, good road, building. Price $125 per acre. Terms. 224 acre farm, 120 acres cultivat ed, balance timber, house, barn, good prairie son. price 1125 per acre. 10 acres located on main Pacific highway, S acres Italian prunes. Price $5000. 10 acres bearing Italian prunes, good road, 4H miles out Price $6500 is acres of bearing cherries, most ly Royal Anne. Team and tools eoes. Located on paved road close to Sa lem. Price $12,600. 5 acres bearing cherries, good road 4 miles out. Price $2200. 1 acre, Bmall house, good sol). Price $1000. 200 acre farm, 100 acres cultivated, balance good Umber and pasture land, buildings, close to Salem. Price $100 per acre. 7 room house and 3-4 acre of land located close to carline. Price $3250. Terms. HOUSE BUYS 6 'room modern bungalow located in South Salem. Price $2600; Fine 14 block on Fairmount Hill, 150 by 150 feet, beautiful view, street paved. Price $2?00. - 6 room modern bungalow located in South' Salem Oil paved street. Price $6000. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 27 S Sts-te Streets "n" BIQv VALUES IN FARM LANDS 23 ACRE DAIRY EQUIPPED This Is positively the hlercrest rao- rlflee near Satwfi, today. 22 acres of good, dark, productive soil locat ed only 4 miles from the state house, on good gravel road. 18 acres in cul tivation and the balance is pasture. Family orchard. Woven wire fenc ing. Fair 4 room house and new barn 36 M 60 Rearing completion. Good hen house, garage and necessary out buildings. ( fine cows, mostly Jerseys, good team, driving horse, good wa gon, buggy, plow, cultivator, cream separator, about 30 chickens, calf, heater and telephone. Everything is Included with this farm at $4600, Ex clusive sale. A change to make Borne easy money if you act at once. . FINE GRAIN FARM 18S acres of excellent soil located on main highway being paved. About 7 miles from Salom and Is only 1 mile from station. 55 acres of river bottom with about half In cultiva tion. A total of 105 acres of the farm Is cultivated and Is mostly in fine crop. Neat 6 room house built about 4 years, and bam 40 by 50. This Is a fine place and you get 2 horses, 4 good cows, mower, rake, about 80 chickens, seed, feed, eta, with the farm at $19,000, j Kinney & Smith. - 201 Bank of Commerce bldg. , SPLENDID BUYS pood 3 foom. house close to main road W. Salem. $500. 8 room plastered house, modern, lot 100x150, fine location, south, $3,- 000. ', : 10 acres west 3 ' miles, 3-year old cherries, grafted; best ot soil. $3000. $300 down, $300 per year at 6 per cent. 103 acres, 70 acres m cultivation, level bottom soil, balance pasture, brush; no buildings; 1-3 of crop goes, in Polk county. $9500. 25 acres near Liberty, 15 acres in Italian prunes and apples, etc, bear ing; good house, modern, water pip ed to house, etc. Drier; some logins; splendid investment. $16,000. 25 acres, 20 acres in bearing Ital ian prunes, some grain, timber; good buildings, dier, etc. Fine income prop erty. $20,000. Also a splendid list of houses, farms, etc., too numerous to mention here, all to be shown on request, Walter McLaren. Room 21, 180 N. Com'l St. Phone 430. FOR SALE 160 acres; one of the finest improved farms in the Wil lamette valley 136 acres seeded to fall wheat and red clover, balance ' pasture with some timber; all fenc ed with woven wire. The soil is the very best. Price with crop, for a short time, $112 $4 per acre, V4 cash balance 5 years at 6 percent. Hart & Muller 208 Oregon bldg. - ' n DORNEY'S HOUSE LIST $1650 $200 down, $20 a month buys this neV 5 room bungalow. Has living room, dining room, 2 bed rooms bath, toilet, sewer, water connec tions. ' ' $3000 6 room modern two story house with a number of attractive built in features. Large 60x123 foot lot with 6 bearing fruit trees. $4000 Large ten room double house, one half now rented for $20 a month; hard surface street,- furn ace, cement basement, newiy painted and papered, gas water beater, ten bearing fruit trees on a large 50x 200 foot lot. This Is a bargain. Terms. $1950 Modern 6 room bungalow. Just being completed. $250 down, $25 a month. $5250 7 spacious rooms with all modern conveniences including built In buffets and bookcases, dutch kitch en, sleeping porch, large sleeping rooms, fireplace,- furnace, cement basement, garage, one block to car, view lot, a real home. Let us Bhow you this. Tell us your house wants. , R. B. DORNEY 329 Oregon bldg. Open evenings. Phone 951. n" READ THIS CAREFULLY $4000 Five acres located on the edge of Salem; less than two miles from court house; has good house'and barn, chicken house, all five acres under cultivation; one acre prune trees; another piece planted to lo ganberries. This small tract is a bar gain. $2400 cash. R. B. DORNEY 329 Oregon bldg. Open evenings. Phone 951. n" REAL ESTATE. 200 1H1WN t:i PER MONTH BUYS 116 59 BUNGALOW Am lust comnletinff nw modern fi i room bungalow in Kinswood add I x : rrastered. i roora an1 kltchen nl ..-.tertanka This cosy little home is lathed and ; has combination living and dining, two airy bedrooms, j modern bath, toilet, hot wa- 'er tang ana otner lata features. Has 1d-?Wr conneetion- close-to crane schonl, ! vnur nnnnplnn tir tit srade school. Us your opportunity to beat the high rentals ani own your own home on terms never before of fered In Salem. See ' R. B. DORNEY 329 Oregon bldg. Open, Phone 951. evenings, n HOUSMES WANTED 1 ' IF TOU WANT TO SELL YOUR HOlBEi-LIST WITH US. WE ARE MAKING A SPECIALTY OF SELLING CITY PROPERTY AND . CAN GUARANTEE QUICK RH SULT81 BRING OK MAIL YOUR LISTING. - R. B. DORNET 329 Oregon- bldg. Phone 951. A 50 ACRE FARM - 7-niiles from Salem on rock road all undep. cultivation; red soil slight ly rolling; 12 acres young Italian prunes, 35 acres oats, 14 acre straw berries; good house, barn, large new chicken- house. Price $7500. easy terms. Immediate possession. to. R. Fearson & Peed 405 Oregon bldg. Phone 43. n FOR SALE 5 J-4 acres, S acres fine prunes, balance crop, 7 room house with basement. Good barn, out build ings. All farming tools. Close in on paved road! A bargain at $4250. For Sale 6 acres. acres ( year old prunes, family orchard, berries;- 4 room house, barn, outbuildings; 1 horse, 2 pigs, 2 dozen chickens, wagon, buggy, plow, harness, all tools. On rock road, close In. All goes for $3600. HODARD & SATTEP.LEE 404 Ferry St. Pnone 1177, "Salem, Or. - 108 . Best Buys. ' 1.71 acres all in cultivation, family orchard, 3 room house, barn and oth er buildings; on good road, 3H miles out. $1750. 20 acres all In loganberries: good barn and well, 2 miles from city lim its in Kelzer bottom, on main road. A good investment for some business man. Come In and talk this over with us. 9 acres on Garden road; 6 acres in bearing prunes; 6 room house strictly modern (now building), good bam one of the finest homes on the Garden road and only 2 miles from the center of city. . 12 acres nearly all in fruit, apples, pears and prunes; 5 room house, barn and other buildings; on Portland road, best of soil and well located. $8500, terms. 6 acres 34 miles south on rock road. 2 acres cherries and tipples, bearing; 3 acres loganberries planted; some buildings. $3700. 5 acres all In logans In Kelzer bot tom, close to the school on main road. $3000, terms. 25 acres on Howell Prairie; small house and good barn; family orch ard; all the best of land, on gravel rad. $6000, terms. 40 acres 8 mies frm Salem on Mo Minnville road; all in crop; no build ings. $8000. 100 acres on paved road 7 miles from Salem; all In crop which goes with farm if Bold soon; this It! all good land. $200 per acre, 20 acres on paved road 7 miles out, Vt in cultivation and crop; balance good timber with fine stream on boundary line. $3000. 83 acres all In cultivation, close to town; 5 room bungalow, good barn 36x48, silo, granary and straw shed; well fenced with woven wire. $100 per aero. I 1 7 room house, close In on good street, strictly modern; basement; fine lot of fruit, $3600. 6 room bungalow close In on pav ed street; strictly modern, fine loca tion, $6000. 6 room house In North Salem, 3 good lots. $2250. 10 room modrn on N. Capitol, close in; good lot.' $6500 Socolofsky. 341 Stnte street. n FOR SALE . 4 loganberry tracts all in bearing, 1 20-acre tract, 4 in logans; 1 JO-acre tract, 814 In logans; 1 5 -acre tract all in logans 7 years old. Terms. 2 10-acre tracts close to Salem, all kinds of fruit, loganberries and Ital ian prunes, water system in both houses and barn. Choice for $4500. 10 acres fine 8011,. In cultivation' balance In timber and pasture, good spring; 1-3 crop goes with place; 4 room house; and family orchard, 4 miles to Salem. cash, good terms. Price $1700. Sawyer & Emmett Room 3 Bayne bldg. n SOME GOOD BUYS 4 lots, 6 fine cherry trees; 12 wal nuts, good 6 room house, barn, fine garden land, good location. Snap, $3650, easy terms, or- will rent. Fine all modern 5 .room bungalow close In, furace, nice basement, good lot, good garage, cement walks. Nice home. $.1650. For rent, 6 room modern house, garage, barn, lots of fruit, good lo cation. 40 acres close In, 17 acres bearing prunes, some loganberries, cherries, apples, fair set farm buildings. For quick sale $12,000, 1-3 cash. Choice 6 acres with buildings and fruit close In. Price $3500, easy terms Fine 35 acre prune orchard, good buildings, dryer; best buy in Marion county. $18,000. Terms. Perrine & Marsters. 1 1 1-12 Com. club bid n DIRECTORY. THE BIEDERMAN TRANSFER FOR your hauling and, moving. Phone 1608J. 129 Osteopathy DRS. WHITE and Marshall, ostso- rjtU nhonn X 3 4. ' FARM LOANS Any amount Los rates. Full repayment privileges Very prompt service. Ask about out 20-year loans at per cent Haw kins A. Roberts. 205 Oregon bldg Scavenger. 8ALEM SC A V A: : 3 E it Garbage an refuse of all kinds removed 01 monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Cess pools cleaned. Dead ani mala removed. Office phone Mali 167. Water Company. OALEil WATER COMPANY Offlct .:on.r Commercial and Trade 8ts Bills payable monthly In advance Phone 67. ' Money to Loan. On good real estate security T1IOS. K. FORD ftror Ladd A Bush Bank. Salem. Or Money to Loan. Federal Farm Loan Any amount Long time. ty, and percent Interest. City building loans. A. C. Bohrnstedt. 401 Masonle Temple, Salem. Oregos JOURNAL CLASS ADO HELL IT DillECTOiiY. Optician. Dli ALBBKT R. idlLLiiR Optonie-trist-opucian, eye thoroughly ex- ; aminea, glasses maae ana uueu- 610-1S U.-8. banH. pnone S41. Safety Razor BIade3. SAFETY razor blade sharpening ma chine, first Installed at A- H. Stew rt Repair Shop.. 147 Court 8t OAT Meal Paper, 20-inch tan, extra special, S4c double roll. Max O. Buren. 17 N. Com'L - n Stove Repairing. STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 6 9 years experience; Depot National and American fence, sizes 26 to M Inches high. Paints, oil and rarn- - Ishes, etc, loganberry and hop books. Salem Fence and Bto Works 250 Court street Phone 114 Why Sell for Less. WS will pay yoa more cash for your -.- household goods. Get our bid be fore you sell. Peoples Furniture . . and Hardware Store. 171 N. Com mercial street. Phone 7S4. Lodge Directory. TUv CHEMEKETA 1-dge No. 1 - - VJ meets every Wednesday STcnlng at 7:1 at I. O. O F. halt KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS meet at Mo Coraack hall on- every Tuesday 8. J. L. Tucker, G C; P. J. Kusta. K. R. & S. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assens bly No. 84 meets every Thursday 8 p. m. in L O. O. F. ball. P. An- dresen, M. A.; A. A. Gueffroy, so retary, Salem. Or. ' TEAM, Auto Truck and Delivery Drivers Union No. 110 meet every Wednesday evening at the' Labor Temple, 8 o'clock. ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA Oregon Grage camp No. 1360 meets every Thursday evening In McCor nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle. Mrs. Carrie E. Bunn, 643 Union Bt recorder. Flora Nelson, 733 North 20th, W. O. W. SALEM CAMP 118 MesU every Friday nlgheat t o'clock Ib McCornack hall, cor. Court and Lib erty St Visiting Woodmen welcome . C D. Ross, C C; L. 8. Geer, clerk Market Reports Grain; Wbeat No. 1 $2.00; 'teed oats 8590c; milling oats 80 90c; cheat hay $2S23; oat hay $2425; clover hay $2529; mill run $50. Butterfat: Butterfat 59c; creamery butter 62 63c. Pork, veil and muttoai Pork o ft 16 Ho; veal fancy 1819o; steers 11c; spring lambs 16 Ho; cows 7to; ewes 80; sheep, yearling 13o. Dressed pork 21a, - Eggs and poultry: Eggs cash 35c; light hens, 2628o; heavy hens 32c; old roosters 1516o; broilers 30 35c, Vegetables: Onions per pound 80; celery do. $1.75; potatoes, Yaxlms 80 Oregon 6c; strawberries (5.00; beets per sack $2; turnips per, sack $3.75; carrots per sack $2.60; parsnips per sack $3.60; spinach lOo lb.; rad ishes 40c doz.; asparagus 15c. Fruit: Oranges 15.00 7.00; lemoni $5.60 06; bananas 11a; honey extract 20c; bunch beets 45a; cabbage lo: head lettuce $1.25; carrots 45o; as paragus 18c; cauliflower $1.75 dos.; red peppers 25c lb; rhubarb 60; peas 15o lb. Retail prices: Eggs dozen 40o; creamery butter 63 65c; country but ter 55c; flour hard wheat $3.25 3.45 soft wheat (2.90. LIVESTOCK Portland, May 4 Cattle weak; receipts none; jiraln and pulp- fed steers $12.00 12.60; choice $11.00 12.00; good to choice $10.5011.00; medium to good $9.5010.50; fair to good $8.759.50; common to fair 7.50S8.50; choice cows and heifers J10.60ll.00; good to choice $9.00 I 10.26; medlu mto good $8.009.00; fair to medium $7.008.0O; canners ,$5.e06.00; bulls $6.009.O0; prime light calves 116.00 f 17.00; meaiuro light $10.00 IS. 00; heavy $7.00 10.00; Blockers and feeders $7.(09 (.50. Hogs lower; receipts 145; prime mixed $15.50 1&) 1 00; medium $14.00 16.00; rough heavy $10.00016.00; pigs 112 9 IS. Sheep steady; . receipts 125; prime lambs $15.00 16.00; light valley $14.75016.00; heavy $13.25 14.76; common to medium $10,503,13,50; yearlings $14.00(915.00; wethers $13.5014.25; ewes $812. Butter Portland, Or,, May 4. Cubes ex tra '53 54c; parchment wrapped box lots 68c; enrtons 69c; half boxes '4c more, less than boxes lo more; butterfat 661 57c f. 0. b. station; 68c Portland. . Poultry and Eggs. Portland, Or., May 4. Eggs sell ing price case count 40 41 ; buying price caso count 40c; selling price candied 42tf; selected candled In car tons 44c. Poultry: Hens 31 34c; broilers 35 roosters 16c; turkeys dressed 60 62c; geese 22 20c; ducks 40 ft 45c. Wheat $2.20; barley, feed $7375 oats $6364.60; corn No. 3 yellow $67.5068 milling price. MiUatuffs: Mill run $48049. Hay: buying price, timothy $32 f. o. b. Portland; alfalfa $34; grain $27 030; clover $30. ltk.Vlj KSTATE TRANHI H and Rannel Abramscn to An- thony and Lena Olhers, 27.100 acres Silverton $2500 Frank and Anna Tlchy to A J and Mary D Schoemaker, 29 A sec 24 in 93 3W 4500 Henry D and Martha E Brown to Gustuv and Emalia Wang erln It 1 and 2 Touts add" Woodburn ( 1026 Stanley J Ostrander to Mary R Stiff It 11 bl 4 Burlington add 3000 O L and Bertha Brubakcr to Martin Brubaker, 25 A In 73 2W .' :.;...:..H,000 Margaret Burroughs, Ralph and , Delia Burroughs to O F Franklin it 1 bl 81, Salem.!.. 1957 Eliza Kerr to A J and Bessie Van Wassenhove, 18.67. A In 43 2W 4250 Josephine Korinek to George H and Abble Bell prt see 10 In 18 1W Btayton 1250 Henry and Orpha DeHart to Mary Hicks, It 83 Harry DeSartS add Silverton M O and Edith Cooley to W W Coolcy prt It 8 J M Brown add Silverton 2500 Addle and E M Hammer to Wal ter J Geren fmlt It 84 Friends" Oregon colony 1500 C O and Sarah B Constable, August and Margaret Huckes tein, W P and Rose M Bab cock to Charles A Clark and W L Cummlngs, 128 A sit sec 21-22 In 83 3W 38,400 Clyde (1 and Mary K Thomas to Lewis N White all llts 1-2-i-i bl 16 Depot add Salem William C Boss to O Geneva Burnett prt It S bl 1 Salem........ Body Of Banker Beaten To Death Found Concealed Los Angeles, Cal., May i. Tfc body of H. J. Bobbins, a wealthy re tired banker, formerly of Omaha, was found in the rear of a vacant house in one ot the better residence sections here today. Mr. Robbins ha4 been beaten to death. A considerable sum of money, his watch and other valuables were undisturbed. . Mr Robbins lived not far from the scene of Ms death. The bedy had a rope around the neck and police Investigators said it had been dragged about thirty feet from a spot where there was some evidence of a struggle. It had been thrust between two bales of hay. The Sulgre.ce Institution in New York has issued an address urging the people of the nation to hold approprN ate ceremonies beginning June 4 la celebration of the tercentenary of the. Pilgrim Fathers. Dr. Howard Sweetser Bliss, presi dent of the Syrian Protestant Colleg-a of Beirut, .Syria, died Sunday at Saxa- nac, N. Y. There is fear that Australia may have to import wheat in 1921 owing to the bad season, says a Sydney dispatch, io the London Time HIDES and SACKS WANTED Also Junk of All Kinds Best Prices Guaranteed CALL 18 Capital Junk Co , ' The Square Deal House 171 Chemeketa, St 'Phone ttl WOODRY BUYS and SELLS EVERYTHING . Phone 510-511 270 N. Commercial St AFTER. MAY 1ST WILL BE KNOWN AS THE PAY AS YOC CO STOKE. . L.M.HUM Car ot YickSoTong Chinese Medicine and Tea, Co. Has medicine which will cure any knows disease. Opea Sundays from 10 a. m. until S p. m. 1(( South High Street lalera, Oregon. Phone 18( THOMSON'S REMNANT STORE For Genuine Bargains Beginning Wednesday W.W.E00RE"": House Furnisher BOMB OF TUB VIOTKOLA You get more for your Money at Moore's. MAGNETOS Wa have engaged one of the best men in this line on the weBt coast and have equipped a shop for magneto repairs. Also a line of parts. If your magneto needs overhauling, ship It to ut or call. W.H.Hildebrandt & Co. 279 N. Commercial St. SALEM Buy Remnants AT TUB Remnant Store 1(4 North Commercial They are trained men, they are vigorous men, they are $mart men. Their energy will make your business huiaQ You'll reach tho finest kind arm Were of all kind 0 through our Classified Alia, THE CAPITAL JOUKNAL Shipley jFMIiri1 Salem. Or. "7 19th St.