Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 03, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    fit. Angel Banker;
r-f0rc Kace 10 DC
la Slate Legislature
. " .. irv 5. In announcing
A?,V; fnr the legislature on
w " hiica'n ticket at the primary
reP Lv SI J.J.Keber. banker at
flKtM aPPls 10 e voter, of
individuals, who. a auch,
0f4ll auHHfd to Judge the issues
"Ir ment shall direct. Mr.'
"r l a republican and believea In;
Principles of the party with whom
"fZSUii "d "verythlng)
..nAmerican and believes In the,
vM of his country. He is not a
1 of nor affiliated with any par-,
faction or part of the republi
rtr nor is he pledged to .up
Jn,ot the candidate for office
'"iTwming primary election. His
a coming P efficient
JSJitiaUw a, conservative legis-
"JTUaktoB of hia candidacy Mr.
ijitocy Mr. Keber said: "I pledge
: e ptoP of Marion county that, in
' S my campaign. 1 t will not
Tpport any patricular candidate for
in preference to the other Can
ute for the ame office; that I will
promise political patronage to any
"nTthat if nominated and elected I
,hll enter the office with neither
Znl nor pledge to redeem, except
Lse which I give to the people them-selves-
reserving tha right to serve in
that capacity with whatever ' unpre
judiced independence the best inter.
e,ts of the people of Oregon and the
development and welfare of the state
shall demand. If the voters decide
that they do not desire that I be their
...jiho t will trlve my undlvldeo
support to the republican candidates
of their choice.
"I shall, as far as possible, make a
personal campaign, with the object to
establish and maintain a close rela
tionship, with the people of Marlon
county, so that I may the better know
their needs and requirements, and be
entirely comprehensive of such.
"I am firmly convinced that the
proeress, prosperity and development
ol Oregon demands that all lineB of
bufiness, with due consideration for
the absolute necessity of practicing
most rigid economy, be maintained to
the full standard.
'If nominated and elected I shall
consistently endeavor to give Oregon
tii impartial, clean, economical and
bu;inosn-like administration which
till have as it ideal, the greatest pos
sible advancement of the moral, so
cial and economic progress and pros
perity of the people, and through an
ever increasing development of its re
ioureea keep Oregon at the top in the
trust fabric of our national life." ,
worth anv one's time over good gra
velled roads that permit one to enjoy
the ride as well as the view at the
journey's end.
Salem Pianist
Gives Concert ;
At Jefferson
Jefferson, Or., May 3. Franklin B.
Laulier. plaint t and music teacher of
Salem, gave a concert in Jefferson,
Fridaj., April 30, at the Masonic hall!
An interesting feature of the program
was the explanation of each piece he
played. The piano numbers wsre inter
spersed with vocal numbers by Harry
and Gladys Jones and Lester Springer
Of Salem.
Mr. Launer Is to appear in recital In
Canby and Oregon City in -the near
future and in Salem and . Portland
sometime this summer.
dustries died as the result of accidents
during the week endiry Anril .
cording to the report of the state In-
uustnai accident commission Just out
Of the 480 accidents reported for the
week 448 were subject to the provla
ions of the workmen's compensation
act, 19 were from firms and corpora
tions that have rejected the provisions
of the act, and 15 were from public
utility corporations not subject to the
provisions of the act.
1 reached your eyes
-"' 1'RNAL, WANT AX3 BRIKG 'Kill
Three Men Fatally:
Hurt During Week
Three men employed in Oregon In-
6 Beu-ans
Hot water '
Sure Relief
See your grocer
today about the
reduced price
on Mazclc. All
size can'
can econo-
1 and get better results
10 than with butter, lard
jr or comnounHa.
The same Mazola is used
again and again no smoky
kitchen no soggy food. As
shortening you use i to Jf
less Mazola than butter
or lard. -
Cora Product Refining Co.
P. O. Bos 161 New York City
.Did it
reach your HE A
u U ill
Chapiti Outlines
j Beautiful Drive
f Into Polk County
i Onqt of, the most enjoyable drives
immorded atttoniobllists- In this sec
tinit of Oregon just now is that out
the Oak Grove road in Tolk county to
the Popcorn school house, according
to Luther J. Chupln, whoso business
tikes him over pratcically every foot
1 this aection of the valley .and the
iirounding hill country.
Automoblllsts who desire to take
thin drive nhould cross the , river
Wge at Salem, turning to the north
It the Polk county end of the bridge,
then turning to the left at the second
Mad, passing the Mountain View
Khool house and Koing on to the Pop
mm school. This, according to Mr.
C!pin s one of the highost points In
.the Polk county section and affords a
magnificent view of the Three Sisters,
Mt. Jefferson, Mr. Hood, Mary's Peak
mi. Adams. At night the lights
"'in ail thetowns in the vullev and
anj towns in Polk county are visible
m that point. At this particular
awn of the year the cherry orchurds
r in '"'I bloom adding their beauty
the scene. Altogether, Mr. Chnpln
'"a'' 11 is a drive of six miles well
. Si
Pay as You Go Plan
May 1st, 1920, the IT. G. Shipley Co., Adopted the
We advise all of our friends to be careful.' Buy
only what you need, and pay as you go until con
ditions strike a level' where commodities are on a
. conservative basis. ' '
- yThis store-will be alive to your wants and
serve you with the same quality mer
chandise at popular prices.
Sincerely Yours
U. G. Shipley Co.
Compare Camels with any
cigarette at any price!
Camels bring to you every joy you ever
looked for in a cigarette) They are so
new to your taste, so delightful in their
mellow mildness and flavor, and so re
freshing, you will marvel that so much
enjoyment could be put into a cigarette I
Camels quality is as unusual as Camels
expert blend of choice Turkish and choice
Domestic tobaccos which you will prefer
to either kind smoked straight!
And, no matter how liberally you smoke,
Camels never tire your taste 1 Your de
light will also be keen when you realize
Camels leave no unpleasant cigaretty
aftertaste nor unpleasant cigaretty odor I
Compare Camels with any cigarette in
the world at any price l
tlOctfrMtm toe 30 e(ii'l" p-mf 30l
inm ft.,., ptptcmmlctntm. W InmtV twm4
.a..:- ,. ih. thM hiMM m tMem aaaeftf at wtmu n trmwL
ft J. tUjnM, Tobacco Co, Wiastoa-Sem, M. C
jJr U - It J. lUraoM TobMce Co, Wuutoa-Sem, M. C
v NOW!
Give now. Don't wait longer for a canvasser to call. You need send no payment nowyour promise will be
Please fill out the pledge below. Give the maximum amount according to your ability to give or as you have been
r prospered this has meant thus far amounts ranging from many hundreds or thousands per month down to $50 a
month, $25 a month, $5 a month, $1 a month eveji the smallest amount will help carry on the great work of the King
dom of God, just that much further. Write your address plainly .and mail the pledge below today.
The publication of this advertisement is made possible through the co-operation of 30 denominations.
In recognition of the goodness of God, I want to assist in making possible the enlargenr.tnt of the mis
sionary, benevolent, educational and philanthropic work of the ' '
And I hereby agree to give, for one year only, May 15, 1920-May "l5, 1921, the sum of $
which I promise to pay in
Monthly installments, beginning May 15, 1920.
...Quarterly installments, beginning May 15' 1920. . '. ' .
Payment in full by check herewith.
Indicate by cross mark which method of payment you Meet)
Js'ame!. Street Address
City......: : , . State
Send pledge or make out check to (insert here name of local Interchurch World Movement treasurer, city
and state), or to
George M. Fowles, 45 West Eighteenth Street, New York City.
You've seen the interchurch advertising. In newspapers. In magazines.
. , You know that 30 great denominations are co-operating in a world plan to
make each church and each denomination render bigger, broader service for
- au manKina. ; xou Know something ot the needs that must be met
More and better hospitals
More and better Christian schools
-rMore doctors abroad
More teachers abroad
A living wage for ministers
Meeting of rural problem
An expanding program in our
ican cities
An adequate program of Evangelism
- ; for the whole world
To make the spirit of Jesus dominant
in our national and world problem
and program
You've read of this it reached your eyes, but has it reached your heart? ,
Millions of members of our churches have already responded generously! The response is growing every day,
every hour. Cut hundreds of thousands who are not connected with the churches, but are friendly to the Evangelistic
and Philanthropic program of the churches, have not been reached hence, this direct appeal,
v . If you have not been asked to give your share to this, God's work for mankind, give now and give from your heart.
v-i-J r
- . v